xt7gqn5z6j5s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7gqn5z6j5s/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1957032 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1957-03-apr2. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1957-03-apr2. 1957 2011 true xt7gqn5z6j5s section xt7gqn5z6j5s Minutes of the Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky, April 2, 1957. The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met in the President' s Office at 10:00 a.m. ,CST, Tuesday, April 2, 1957, with the following members present: Governor A. B. Chandler, Chairman; R. P. Hobson, Dr. Ralph J. Angelucci, Carl Dernpewolfe, Ben Butler, Robert C. Stilz, Robert R. Martin, Dr. Daniel C. Elkin, Louis Cox, Dr. Harry Denham, Harper Gatton and J. Stephen Watkins. Absent: Mrs. Paul G. Blazer, Wood Hannah, Sr. and W. F. Foster. President Frank G. Dickey and Secretary Frank D. Peterson met with the Board. A, Approval of Minutes, The minutes of the Board of Trustees of December 11, 1956; and the minutes of the Executive Committee of January 22 and March 11, 1957, were approved as published. B. Treasurer' s Report. Vice President Peterson made the Treasurer' s Report for the period July 1, 1956, through February 28, 1957. This consisted of balance sheet and sup- porting statements. The report follows: UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY LEXINGTON April 2, 1957 Dr. Frank G. Dickey, President University of Kentucky Lexington, Kentucky Dear Doctor Dickey: I submit herewith the balance sheet and its relating fi- nancial statements of operations of the University of Kentucky for the eight-months period ended February 28, 1957. The income realized for general fund purposes totaled $9,577,677. 87 for the period, which is 84. 03% of the budget estimate of $11, 397, 539. 64. The expenditures and encumbrances outstanding for the same period amounted to $7, 115, 364. 35, or 63.40% of the departmental appropriations. On November 21, 1956, a temporary investment of $500, 000 was made in U. S. Treasury Notes from available restricted fund monies. These notes matured on March 15, 19 57, realizing an additional income of $4,447. 5 1. Then or March 14, 1957, the University again invested temporarily $500, 000 of inactive restricted fund monies in U. S. Treasury Notes at the interest rate of 3-1/4%, maturing June 24, 1957, and yielding approximately $4, 000. Respectfully submitted, Frank D. Peterson Vice President Business Administration University of Kentucky BALANCE SHEET February 28, 1957 ASSETS Current Funds General: Ca'sh in Bank Petty Cash Fund State Allotments: Current Year Revolving Funds Inventories Deferred Charges Unrealized Income Total General Restricted: C~ash in Bank Petty Cash Advances Due from Other Funds Inve stments Total Restricted Total Current Funds Plant Funds Unexpended: Cash in Bank State Allotments Revolving Funds Unrealized Income Division of Agricultural Experiment Agricultural Extension Colleges Station Division Total $ 26,413.91 $ 180,718.95 $ 752,741.56 $ 959,874.42 40,000.00 10,000.00 50,000.00 526,620.54 250,635.43 318,367.84 1,095,623.81 836,362.58 598,223.10 1,434,585.68 294,988.31 294,988.31 52,666.20 52,666.20 1,440,854.86 379,006.91 1,819,861.77 $ 3,217,906.40 $ 1,418,584.39 $ 1,071,109.40 $ 5,707,600.19 $ 729,913.56 $ 154,001.07 $ 143,241.68 $ 1,027,156.31 5,225.95 2,600,00 3 695.00 11,520.95 67,940.49 67,940.49 1,613,095.46 15,027.00 1,628,122.46 $ 2,416,175.46 $ 171,628,07 $ 146,936.68 $ 2,734,740.21 $7 5,634,081.86 $ 1,590,212.46 $ 1,Z18,046.08 $ 8,442,340.40 $ 906,225.48 $ $ $ 906,225.48 287,262.83 287,262.83 419,273.59 88,146.82 507,420.41 158,27 1.30 158,27 1.30 Total Unexpended $ 1,771,033.20 $ 88,146.82 $ $ 1,859,180.02 Investment in Plant: Construction Authorized Fixed Assets Total Invested Total Plant Funds Other Funds Cash in Bank Notes Receivable Investments $ 2,800,000.00 $ $ $ 2,800,000.00 34145,521.12 4,149,270.31 38,294,791.43 36,945 521.12 $ 4,149,270.31 $ $ 41,094,791.43 $ -38,7 1,554.32 $ 4,237,417.13 $ $ 42,953,971,45 L oan Endowment Agency $ 12,918.75 $ 2,5787W73 $ - 72T723 00$ 62,582.98 47,058.72 47,058.72 75,500.00 204,587.04 16,369.57 296,456.61 Total Other Funds $ Grand Total = 109,639.97 $ 207,165.77 $ 89, 292.57 $ 406,09 8.31 .$ 51,80,4T10.16 * Overdraft University of Kentucky BALANCE SHEET February 28, 19 57 LIABILITIES Current Funds Grene ral: Petty Cash Liability Res. for Encumbrances: Current Year Prior Year Reserve for Inventories Reserve for Fire Losses Other Liabilities Unappropriated Surplus Appropriation Balance Total General Restricted: Outstanding Checks Fund Balance Total Restricted Total CurrentFundc Plant Funds Unexpended: Res, for Encumbrances: Current Year Prior Year Due to Other Funds Appropriation Balance Total Unexpended Investment in Plant: Bonds Payagle Other Liabilities Net Invested in Plant Total Invested Total Plant Funds Other Funds Pr'Tncipal Balances Expendable Balances Total Other Funds Grand Total D ivision of Agricultural Experiment Agricultural Extension C olleges Station D ivis ion Total $ 40)000.00 $ 10,000.00 $ $ 50,000,00 452,756.46 :84,600.42 26,480,91 663,837.79 24,931.96 7,502.56 32,434.52 294,988.31 294,988.31 85,712.717 85,7 12.17 52,666.20 52,666,20 94,326.63 326,265.64 420,592.27 2,172,524.67 890,215e77 1,044,628.49 4,107,368.93 $ 3,217,906.40 $ i,4 .18,584.39 $ 1,071,109.40 $ 5,707,600.19 $ 6,421,55 $ $ $ 6,421,55 2,409,753.91 I171,628.07 146,936,68 2,728,3 18,66 $ 2,416,175.46 $ 171,628.07 $ 146,936.68 $ 2,734,740,21 s$ 5,634,081.86 $ i,590,212,4b $ 1,218,546.08 $ 8-,442,346.40 $ 97,350,00 $ 58,056,48 $ $ 155,406,48 11,262.60 28,379.33 39,641.93 6 7,940,49 67,940.49 1,594,480..1 1,711.01 1,5964191,12 $ 1,771,033,20 $ 88,146,82 $ $ 1,859,180l02 $ 7,463,000,00 $ $ $ 7,463,000.00 200,000.00 200,000,00 29,482,521.12 3,949,270.31 33,431,791.43 $ 36,94 5,521r12 $ 4,149,270.31 $ $ 41,094,791.43 $ 38,7i1b6,554.32 $ 4,237,3 7,713 $ $ 4T7Tp 9Tr Loan Endowment Agency $ TT399.81 $ 202,724.05 $ $ 276,123.86 36,240.16 4,44 1.,72 89,292.57 129,974.45 $ 109,639.97 $ 207,165.77 $ 89,292.57 $ 406,098.31 __. , - . - -- - --- -5-2- - T o .l6 University of Kentucky STATEMENT OF UNREALIZED INCOME For the Current Fiscal Period which began July 1, 1956 and ended February 28, 1957 General Fund Division of Colleges EducahobnaI- inand General: State Appropriations Federal Grants (through the State) Student Fees Endowment Income Sales, Services and Rentals Returned Checks Subtotal Auxiliary Enterprises Total Division of Colleges Agricultural Experiment Station Educational and General: ta'teAppropriations Federal Grants (direct) Sales and Services Total Agr. Experiment Station Agricultural Extension Division EducationalfaTndGeneral: State Appropriations Federal Grants (direct) Total Agr. Extension Division Total General Fund Budget Estimate Realized to Date Unrealized Balance $ 4,963,300.00 $ 4,174,300.00 $ 789,000.00 135,860.10 105,163.14 30,696.96 984,500.00 598,488.17 386,01.1.83 9,644.50 9,200.00 444.50 20,000.00 11,946.62 8,053.38 613.45* 613.45 $ 6,113,304.60 $ A,898,484.48 $ 1,214,820.12 80. 13% 497,272.00 271,237.26 226,034.74 54.557o $ 6,610,576.60 $ 5,1-69,7Z1.74 $ 1,440,854.86 78. 20% $ 808,000.00 $ 708,000.00 $ 100,000.00 802,141.00 632,604.00 169,537.00 560,000.00 450,530.09 109,469.91 $ 2,170,141.00 $ 1,791,134.09 $ 379,006.91 82. 54 /0 $ 828,000.00 $ 828,000.00 $ 1,788,822.04 1,788,822.04 $ 2,616,822.04 $ 2,616,822.04 $ 2I0 0 AT $11,397,539.64 $ 9,75777677. 87 $ 1,819,861.77 84.07/o Plant Fund Division of Colleges W e-bService Income $ 292,006.00 $ 133,734.70 _5..u. * Negative figure $ 158,27 1.30 ... ... - . . University of Kentucky STATEMENT OF DEPARTMENTAL APPROPRIATIONS For the Current Fiscal Period which began July 1, 1956 and ended February 28, 1957 Division of Colleges Administration and General: General Adrn. Offices Student Services Staff Welfare General Institutional Sv. Subtotal Departmental Appropriation Appropriation Expenditures Encumbrances Balance $ 165,784.23 $ 121,478.12 $ 1,528.25 $ 42,777.86 245,433.97 159,737.87 2,892.52 82,803.58 71,000.00 46,790.41 24,209.59 120,860.71 o 5,781e82 21,048.78 34,030.11 $ 603,078.91 $ 393,788.22 $ 25,469.55 $ 183,821.14 69. 5Z /o Instructional and Research: College of -- - Agriculture & Home Ec Arts and Sciences Commerce Education Enginee ring Law Medicine Pharmacy Graduate School Organized Act. Rel Educ. Re search Libraries Adult & Extension Educ. Subtotal Other Expenses: Vpe r. and Maint. Plant Auxiliary Enterprises Working Capital Clearing Accounts Subtotal Total Div. of Colleges Agr. Experiment Station Agr. Extension Division Combined Totals 344 ,543,74 1,864,027,61 251,731.28 443,539.31 472,816.68 98,254.06 103,300.00 103,300.00 15,793.00 35,224,00 20,000,00 323,785.23 Z59,430.42 $ 208,247.17 1 ,196,9 54.86 164,587.11 256,661,42 278,47 5.26 6 1,3 83 .80 49,218.06 58,681.98 10,0267 72 21,060.29 4,235.46 216,171,52 171,382.77 $ 4,239.54 17,132.76 705,77 7,200,50 5,063.3 1 1,600,03 3,329.05 8,281,37 253.25 3,247,05 2,315,82 4,120.56 7,077,30 $ 132,057.03 649,939.99 86,438.40 179,677.39 189,278.11 35,270.23 50,752.89 36,336,6 5 5,513,03 10,916.66 13,448.72 103,493.15 80,970.3 5 $ 4,335,745.33 $ 2,697,086.42 $ 64,566.31 $ 1,574,092.60 63.695, $ 1,031,542.00 $ 540,023,57 $ 94,649.46 $ 396,868.97 379,005.99 218,246.99 27,028.61 133,730.39 75,000.00 54,130,53* 110,943.53 18,187.00 4,076.43 130,099,00 134,175,43* $ 1,485,547.99 $ 708,216.46 $ 362,720.60 $ 414,610.93 72.0909% $ 6,424,372.23 $ 3,799,091.10 $ 452,756c46 $ 2,172,524.67 66.18% 2,172,472.25 1,097,656,06 7'L84,600.42 890,215.77 -59.i02% 2,625,888,80 1,554,779,40 26,480.91 1,044,628.49 $1 1,222,733.28 $ 6,451,526.56 1ae3,837.79 $ 4,107,368,93 6 3 .4 u'ro * Negative figure University of Kentucky STATEMENT OF PLANT FUND APPROPRIATIONS For the Current Fiscal Period which began July 1, 1956 and ended February 28, 1957 Division of Colleges Constr uction: Holmes Hall Holmes Hall and Pharm. Bldg. Steam Lines Phi Delta Theta Frat. Shawneetown Apartments Six Sorority Dormitories Medical School Total Construction Departmental Appropriation $ Z,031.49 $ 38,000.00 148,398.97 904,53 0.48 Expenditures Encumbrances $ 675.00 1,317.94 4,050.00 46,100.00 A ppropriation Balance $ 2,031.49 8, 100.00* 147,723.97 1,317.94* 900,480.48 300,000.00 49,419.23 51,250.00 199,330.77 $ 1,392,960.94 $ 55,462.17 $ 97,350.00 $ 1,240,148.77 10.977% Retirement of Indebtedness 1st W. P.A. Bond Issue $ 2nd W.P.A. Bond Issue Dorm. Rev. Bond Issue Audit- Field H. Issue Lib. & Serv.Bldg.Issue Stad. Add. Issue Dorm Rev. Issue (456 Rose) Jour, Bldg. Bond Issue Dorm Rev. Issue (476 Rose) Stud. Dorms, U. K. Stud. Dorm.-Kappa Sigma Stud, Dorm. Lambda Chi Stud. Dorm.-Phi. Sigma K. Stud. Dorm.-Pi Kappa A. Dorm Rev. Bond 1952 Dorm Rev. Bond 1954 Dorm Rev. Bond 1955 Cooperstown Apts. Lib. & Serv. Bldg. Res. Total Retirement of Indebtedness $ Total-Division of Colleges $ Agr. Experiment Station Construction Combined Totals $ 36, 708.97 19,2 56.65 24,449.25 61,9 10.63 45,069.42 21,084.71 4,301.65 15,355.75 4,029.43 19,662.94 9,359.51 11,43 1.28 9,359.50 11,050.03 99,051.00 58,764.50 119,638.00 34,007.54 $ 1,882.92 19,149.91 3,242.50 60,568,60 5,255.00 3,018,75 3,393.75 13,186.25 2,977.50 3,853.76 1,926.88 1,926.87 1,926.87 1,926.87 10,676.25 $ 34,826.05 106.74 21,206.75 1,342.03 39,814.42 18,065.96 907.90 2,169.50 1,051.93 15,809.18 7,432.63 9,504.41 7,432.63 9, 123,16 99,051.00 48,088.25 47,306.25 72,331.75 34,007,54 604,490,76 $ 182,218.93 $ $ 422,271.83 30.14 uo 1,997,451.70 $ 237,681.10 $ 97,350.00 $ 1,662,420.60 16.77% 95,323.77 35,556.28 58,056.48 1,711.01 98.21% 2,092,775.47 $ 273,237.38 $ 155,406.48 $ 1,664,131.16 20.48% * Negative Figure $ University of Kentucky STATEMENT OF OTHER FUND TRANSACTIONS For the Current Fiscal Period which began July 1, 1956 and ended February 28, 1957 Restricted Funds: Division of Coileges Agr. Exp. Station Agr. Exten. Div. Subtotal Loan Fund: Principal Expendable Subtotal Endowment Funds: Principal Expendable Subtotal Agency Funds: Balances Combined Totals Balance Disburse - Balance July 1, 1956 Receipts ments Feb. 28, 1957 $ 1,429,830.77 $ 3,265,325.5Z $ 2,285,402.38 $ 2,409,753.91 164,146.78 20Z,206.79 194,725.50 171,628.07 136,305.48 122,015.78 111,384.58 146,936.68 $ 1,730,283.03 $ 3,589,548.09 $ 2,591,512.46 $ 2,728,318.66 $ 73,399.81 $ $ $ 73,399.81 34,912.99 1,336.51 9.34 36,240.16 $ 108,312.80 $ 1,336.51 $ 9.34 $ 109,639.97 $ 202,724.05 $ $ $ 202,724.05 4,214.76 276.96 50.00 4,441.72 $ 206,938.81 $ 276.96 $ 50.00 $ 207,165.77 $ 92,840.93 $ 557,595.65 $ 561,144.01 $ 89,292.57 $ 2,138,375.57 $ 4,148,757.21 $ 3,152,715.81 $ 3,134,416.97 9 Each section of the Financial Report was explained in detail. Members of the Board being advised, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the report was authorized received and made of record. C. Investment of Temporary Funds. The Treasurer reported that the University had temporary funds aggregat- ing in excess of $500, 000, which could be invested in U.S. Treasury Notes. He recommended that this sum be invested in government securities maturing June 24, 1957, and yielding an interest rate of approximately 3. 2. Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the recommendation was approved and the sum of $500, 000 was authorized invested in government bonds due to mature June 24, 1957. The Treasurer also recommended the investment of $20, 000 of group funds in voted Boyd County revenue bonds due in 1970-71, These bonds bear an interest rate of 3-3/4 and are purchased to yield approximately 3. 6. The Board discussed the investment, and upon motion duly made, seconded and unanimously carried, authorized $20, 000 invested in Boyd County voted obli- gations. D. Student Organization Bonds Mature. The Treasurer, as custodian of investments of student organizations, re- ported that the following securities had matured and had been withdrawn from the lock box and submitted for payment, The proceeds as received will be deposit- ed to the credit of the various organizations. The schedule of maturing bonds- investments held by the Custodian is as follows: Name of Fund Amount Bond Serial Number Student Government Association Lances Junior Menv s Honorary Lances Junior Men, s Honorary Lances Junior Men, s Honorary SuKy Circle SuKy Circle SuKy Circle SuKy Circle Scovell Chapter of Scovell Chapter of Scovell Chapter of Alpha Zeta Alpha Zeta Alpha Zeta $ 500. 00 $ 100. 00 25. 00 25, 00 $ 15 0. 00 $ 1900 00 100, 00 100. 00 500. 00 $ 800 00 $ 25. 00 25. 00 25. 00 $ 75, 00 D3 1870 iF C546743F Q245160F Q245161F C 136173 1G C 1361730G C 1361729G D758609G Q383782F Q383783F Q383781F Kentucky Chapter Society of Sigma Xi Kentucky Chapter Society of Sigma Xi Alpha Kappa Chapter of Epsilon Sigma Phi Fraternity Lamp and Cross Lamp and Cross Combined Total $ 100. 00 100. 00 $ 200.00 $ 500.00 $ 100. 00 100. 00 $ 200. 00 $2,425.00 C565267F C565268F D317846F C1362537G C 1362538G Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the action of the Treasurer was approved. E. Investment of Restricted Funds Matured. The Treasurer reported that the following investments of Restricted Funds have matured and securities have been submitted for collection. COLLEGE RESTRICTED: Army Enlisted Specialists Branch - Acct. 3404 U.S. Treasury Bonds, Serial Nos. X412G70G X41207 1G X412072G X412073G Group Investments - Acct. 3410 U. S. Treasury Notes, Serial Nos. 28139 14464 28200 28025 28026 X412074G X4120(?5G X412076G V3012 1OG $ 10, 000. 00 10,000.00 10, 000. 00 10,000.00 $100,000.00 100, 000. 00 100, 000.00 100, 000.00 100, 000. 00 $ 10,000.00 10,000.30 10, 000. 00 5 000. 00 $ 40,000.00 $500, 000. 00 $ 35,000.00 Total Restricted Funds $575,000.00 10 Group Investments - Acct. 3410 U.S. Treasury Bonds, Serial Nos. STUDENT LOAN FUND: Student Loan Fund Investments - Acct. 6503 U. S. Treasury Bonds, Serial Nos. X509139G X509 140G Total Student Loan Fund ENDOWMENT FUND: Peabody Endowment Fund Investment - Acct. 8002B U.S. Treasury Bonds, Serial Nos. X509132G X509 133G X509 134G X509 135G Total Endowment Fund $ 10, 000. 00 10, 000.00 $ 20,000.00 $ 10, 000. 00 10, 000. 00 10, 000.00 10, 000. 00 $ 40,000.00 Members of the Board being advised, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the action of the Treasurer was ratified and approved, and the list of the securities, naming the organizations to which funds belong, was author- ized made of record in these minutes. F. Agreement between University of Kentucky and Thomas Poe Cooper Foundation for the Care of Pure Bred Cattle. Vice President Peterson presented Memorandum of Agreement between the Thomas Poe Cooper Foundation and the University of Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station for the Experiment Station to supervise, care for, feed and sell such herds of animals as may be owned by the Thomas Poe Cooper Founda- tion. It is further understood that the Experiment Station may show the animals or the herds in its own name and may use the animals and the herds in any proper way designed to further its live stock improvement program. The Experiment Station is to retain 25% from the sale of any such animals so assigned by the Thomas Poe Cooper Foundation as compensation for its services to the herds or animals prior to the sale. The contract was read in its entirety. Members of the Board being advised, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, approved and authorized execution of the contract on behalf of the University. 11 12 G. Budget Adjustments President Dickey reported that the Southeastern Section of the American Physical Society would hold its annual meeting on the University campus on April 4, 5 and 6. He reported that some 250 or more physicists from all parts of the country would attend, and recommended that $90. 00 be appropriated from the Haggin Fund to entertain the group while on the campus. Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the sum of $90. 00 was authorized appropriated, and the Comptroller was authorized to make the necessary budget appropriation from the Haggin Fund. President Dickey reported that the College of Engineering had worked out, in cooperation with IBM, a toolmakers, apprentice course. The Depart- ment of Mathematics will help in instructing the apprentices. The President recommended that $450. 00 be added to the Department of Mathematics ac- count No. 600 and that the sum of $450. 00 be taken from account 980 of the College of Engineering. Members being advised, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the Board concurred in the recommendation and authorized the necessary budget adjustments. H. Mrs. Ernst Jokl Employed. President Dickey stated that the College of Arts and Sciences Department of Physical Education had recently assumed supervision of the Rehabilitation Center, which is headed by Dr. Ernst Jokl. Mrs. Erica Jokl, the wife of Doc- tor Jokl, is employed as a physical therapist. President Dickey recommended that Mrs. Jokl be permitted to continue in her employment as a physical thera- pist. Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the Board of Trustees concurred in the recommendation of the President. I. Grants to Foreign Students Dr. A. E. Bigge, Foreign Student Adviser, recommended that awards be made for the school year 1957-58, to foreign nationals as indicated: HAGGIN $600. 00 PLUS FREE TUITION FELLOWSHIP TO: Mr. Eric Ericsson, Sweden Miss Chizuko Shimizu, Japan FREE FEE SCHOLARSHIPS TO: Mr, Herbert Willy Kramer, Germany Mr, C. S. Philip, India Mr. Yoshiki Shigihara, Japan 13 FREE FEE SCHOLARSHIPS (continued) Mr. Han Chang Yang, China Mr. B. K. Shivalingappa, India Mr. K. D. Gangrade, India Miss Aicha Rim, Korea Mr. Lien Shu Wu, China Mr. Yu' ing Chu, China Mr. Soo Bock Choi, Korea. In case some of the above may be unable to accept the award indicated, the following are recommended: ALTERNATES: Mr. Lin-chuan Lee, China Mr. Hans-Peter Doster, Germany. It is the wish and the recommendation of the Committee that it be accepted as logical procedure that a resignation of one of the major award recipients automatically qualifies the next in line to that position, since awards were made in order of merit. Since it has been the policy of the University to grant free fees to the girl student who is chosen by Panhellenic for their resident award, we recommend that Miss Aydogdu Ayhan, Turkey, be granted a Free Fee Scholarship for the academic year 1957-58. Doctor Bigge also requested free fee scholarship for Yosoon Cho for the summer session 1957. Members of the Board heard the recommendations and, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the requests were granted and the persons named were authorized given the fellowships and scholarships as recommended. J. W. A. Price to Serve as Consultant. President Dickey reported request of Professor W. A. Price, head of the Department of Entomology and Botany, concurred in by Frank J. Welch, Dean and Director, to serve as a consultant for certain legitimate and important in- terests in the solution of various pest problems. He explained that such ser- vices as Professor Price is able to render are not readily obtainable. and that the performance of these services would not interfere with his regular duties. Compensation would be nominal and, at the same time, the service of Doctor Price would be beneficial to the pest control program. President Dickey recommended that the request be approved, and upon motion, duly made, seconded and carried, Professor W, A. Price was authorized to serve as a consultant in the capacity referred to above. K. Memorandum of Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Indonesia and the University. The University of Kentucky at the present time has a contract with the ICA known as ICA-W-194. It is desirable to clarify the University' s status and the relationship between the Indonesian Government and the University of Kentucky. Hence this Memorandum of Agreement is presented to accomplish two main objectives: (1) to formalize the contractual relationship between the University of Kentucky and the Indonesian Government contemplated in our contract with ICA, and (2) to improve the administration of currency funds furnished by the Indonesian Government. President Dickey explained that the Agreement, he thinks, does accom- plish these objectives. It does not involve funds either to decrease or increase the original contract. He recommended that the Agreement be approved and authorized executed, Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the Memorandum of Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Indonesia and the Uni- versity was approved and authorized executed. L. Acceptance of 89.39 Acres-. Veterans Hospital. President Dickey reported that the University was in receipt of a deed transferring 89. 39 acres of government-owned land to the University of Ken- tucky. He stated that this land is located on the Leestown Pike adjacent to the U.S. Veterans Hospital. He further stated that the deed of transfer was made pursuant to an application of the University for transfer of surplus land which would be used as a farm for poultry research. He recommended that the transfer of property be accepted and the necessary transfer authorized, and that the Vice Chairman of the Board of Trustees be authorized to sign such documents as may be required to perfect legal transfer of property. Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the Board authorized acceptance of the land and concurred in the recommendation of the President, M. Transfer of Student Health Service. President Dickey made the following statement concerning the recommenda- tion to transfer the Student Health Service to the Medical Center. As a result of a number of studies of organizational patterns in other major institutions of Lie nation, we have concluded that the Student Health Service should be placed under the jurisdiction of the Medical Center as soon as such transfer is practical. This matter has been discussed with both Dr. Willard and Dr. Chamber- lain and with the personnel of the Health Service. It is our recom- mendation that the Student Health Service be transferred to the 15 Medical Center effective July 1, 1957; however, in the intervening months it is understood that Dr. Willard and Dr. CI-arberlain will work closely together in determining the policies which will guide the Student Health Service in the next fiscal year. In making this change, I should like to commend Dr. Chamber- lain upon the very effective manner in which he has guided the Health Service in his administrative role. I should also like to express our gratitude to all of the personnel connected with the Student Health Service for the great contributions which they have made and are making to the University community. Many of these services have been rendered with a very small staff and a meager budget. The fact that they have worked so efficiently and so effectively is a real compliment to the loyalty and the ability of the persons connected with the Student Health Service. Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the recommendation of President Dickey was approved and the Student Health Service was transferred to the Medical Center. N. Members of the Board of Trustees to Meet with Medical Center Staff. President Dickey announced that Dean Willard and the Medical Center staff would like to. meet the members of the Board of Trustees and make a report upon work of the staff and progress being made toward the establishment of the Medical Center. President Dickey stated that he felt that members of the Board would enjoy having a progress report and that it would also give them an opportunity to meet and know the members of the staff thus far employed. Members of the Board discussed a suitable date and it was generally agreed and approved that there would be an informal meeting of the Board of Trustees on April 22, 1957, at 10: 00 a m. in the Office of the President. 0, Dean Stahr Resigns. President Dickey read a letter from Elvis J. Stahr, Jr. , Dean and Pro- fessor of Law, and Provost of the University, tendering his resignation. Pres- ident Dickey stated that Dean Stahr? s leaving the University was a great loss. Members of the Board expressed their regret of receiving Dean Stahrt s resigna- tion and upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the following resolution was authorized spread upon these minutes, Resolution: The resignation of Elvis J. Stahr, Jr. , is a distinct loss to the teaching and administrative branches of the Universi- ty. 16 Dean Stahr on numerous occasions has had opportunities to go to other institutions or government work but refused to do so due to his intense loyalty to Kentucky. He has rendered valiant and outstanding service to the University for nearly ten years and to the administration for more than eight years. The Board extends to Dean Stahr its commendation and appreciation, on behalf of the Univ