xt7gqn5z9177 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7gqn5z9177/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1983-04-08 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 8, 1983 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 8, 1983 1983 1983-04-08 2020 true xt7gqn5z9177 section xt7gqn5z9177 %
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. wh 9, " . Ovid.s O p”. holtz ”'Strar g s " ., ‘ . 3:34;» ”a; WW»; '5»... . mgfof ester -. . fore
Wacfic a Plan pr'mor' .du . a 0nd Sch '0" 8 - . uc ' ‘ ' 4 L": K; g a a ‘” .~ ‘el‘sm~ a res “e h' the
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‘ ”One‘ mwic' Peru,“ 'om A 0 Wash 9‘ DU 55 * ‘ ‘3 " ~ urCh s refeNan rom th e“
'5." 'n. or '0 A PPOIO —————_— er ' their C ‘ ‘ m. ‘ "COM, ahead aid» W Ce [0 e tn].
aid “"30, °" 03 "um" pw'ach‘ - re ' *ak; abilin “hm,“ “ ’ 0 and Sta 9 have de fundln .
r“ Socia, 9. 30- '0 to B, . ”9 an 95 at g “m. ,_ r wnh rt 3. Clde g-
H."'isen cou°g°- e d”" fold John I y BECKYMC v I unlo examinationhe "(’nsit , N s fun(1ing(~).uz “Osmium“ r011”;j to £0
’9'... MOrri"'th° adm. r financ‘oi _—_—:aff wnterElGH r "9 *Or "‘9” Suof the has: h beHarI-lé 58 d la] amoufitrtlu‘;
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Y ‘ . ’5' 59 H , X 910 We . av er
°b|igmi°bmdmg a'd $uch | h. '00", , Andre m_______ Sch§0“as edito er 1 “05:, re if“ “I'm dribble {0r ugnancmg h:
(m m": :zyvmm «imam "e! e - y Mme
‘ ." Q' r n ~a' — ‘-c" S "15- ‘w' y a ‘ 0 ’
w.m 3 «- mm. mzmgwo cafizjgvhomiimnsm and boo 51:3 g madey mam mgh dlto moréi’, em
now Sin entuck ‘3‘ lastei was 59 P°‘ Gmfin zonng hiSse : range a per' and paper‘Sa rs Ham ”“OHSIh 3’ 355m: ’a‘d
w. a M in Eye? its indeypeKernel'S 1031181“ to belgctai gimmer ‘Ker‘n saId -.?K;1ryear nd Black gerws "1:25 editor He “(J Cha:g:ald as (”artisan helpd-nce 0t
. ' ‘ ' r _ - . ) .
s ”.900?“ Boy. m Op L ndEnce {mm edltOT-incor-ne {heard-winnin 81 a news Ope to ma e55 'm Lon- with thwas a 1982 the Space "for Organ“ there W11]
our" ‘3 at " Pro 33mg”: 20 s the UniWarts":3f 653“” g "“1““in ' w("thyk ef‘he 5:3" Chitgésm'e- He: Scrippssg‘immer financ‘a' Wm“ maxim?“ m I”
’ s is . an of 355.," J 91%,; ' ucceeds _ ly {in ‘ e'u See' 0 its Was e-d at. a h' Totef ' oward (3 531d ; luauOn 59 C ang‘, " 39
~ Soc Wuf. N "1. Surf- . R00 0h“ Gri .uguslzz Bill St . 5‘3“ m ' a Louis ~ 1f 11‘; - schooll- ltor lgh SCh or the W don-t j ‘but 3- Como "3 Lho
r010 ’ Oncy In ,0 Can elected ffln _ . elden Hi ember . que na‘ 1n S _ “era“, of the I 00] new 3g ‘ “an! t 5 Of r 5 ‘ 'd ‘
Boys fy 10m. ' 30 0". "ad a ' i, tio a1"or ‘ a Journ . ‘ 5 ~ 3 ' SlnCe 198 “Ve and -telden '- magaz‘ mTOSpec spaper >pac9 “ 0 haVe Xghr lh)‘ r
and ‘ We" ' ha.- . ’ much nfrom . 0f the ahsm - . 1, is Kern edno“ . a Jour _xne. l. a h . Ha to Char A We
'0": J °"‘°r h“ be ""‘9 l “I w alfleldo K"rnel' Junlor 3» Currem ‘3' dr "Mm "aIISm '91 (a ”*5 a1< 3" Mr
ul rock hm min° t' ant to fthree 5 sum ‘ Was-$5133‘ - 1." the W w‘) ef- said .. 59mg, ln 3 5° ann0 ”‘3
No.» my ‘ C.|.b 9'0” 'h. ' r 10" of th keep th Candida mel" edj - ‘ year 1 ] mak - I think and 19 men mlnlmu unCed l
"to "'"On p’ "Om “Kb 59m - e Ker e aWard “5- ' ‘bui for e 3 ve , JOhn 8‘83 3 I ‘0 St' m am pans In
Who." '7 O . h. h "1. th' edno . nel 85m . -w1n - now 1. Ty good and A. semes an [h 011m ()0
» on "ark and cap. Ink "men: .. bllsh "“18 u- - -. ‘ m o te ‘“* ‘ [er 8n 9 Pro 0' Pq
A I Odo On er'nd .d ”30 ' like the KEr lef‘ Op ed by th adl' g ne'SuCke Elm ne-‘it 3 I.und-r‘a ds Jeq betOro u.lp‘
WP 039., of me. or y” In”. pl no “he Del Can Pmann we pre_ « M I r). servlm Ismg' my:
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0". '3 M 'n if and C0 g ca Id he -3“ 3. w 1 Sum Ida . er
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"cod ' “8 'h. wh-~ “'smon w’ ' lor. He 5 cu"rem. activ. 33’ ‘ (heal ' wIth H 9‘ needf u ems
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Vib ' 9h. 0'" fr we}. r! also anaSing - was or the K ws 4'“ - 3 ~ ' ... ' i Card (11 [3 St equ'pm .m
ration “Och 0'“ are 0 of edi was ed' edl‘or Promoted erne] 3 3:, ‘- . “5 g -" mg rector . Udem A 9m
and "m :. .k'whOrfoy’ “ill ouind 'h‘ in: tion. "°F-inchiefl::er that yfi’aassis- ” ° .3. ’ ‘helfglrrfitmg 8"}:an 355m };”‘"‘ies
“'03“ " Nu m "I. "0’“ ' the1982 r“ He . .4 0n paI . 00mmmm‘ng need adWs
"“"o of "'0 “I" ‘ 3°“ 1 Summ . « - . m‘ngm 9“ qu 5- Wh .
mw‘m' Whtt gr°"P trogitfi'won Int er ‘ V , quiirirr‘s same 2:985 Concentralii.
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“y" .,‘.'r$ mCin .roon.f Way dOCi.i°n '0 SW1” PrOI‘ECMlLLlO\ re" I AND 1 03:: {nany org]; rema‘ng t 1”
h.“ '° on? 'ook forku' A' formmrw'm V“ "“ - ts Assisém aduj W, i "W O'PMAN Studsmspace "rfialmn’: “film 5“Or:
can ” .f'o' ward ‘V "’3 - [5." N a ()rg, Ore [15(- m
”ha '" us , '0 ho . 30°C}. 1 3,,7 Schoo Panmn e t ”d man. dmza‘m are 0w, f‘
”Wm £99". a. “"39 m em'Lfi'e'gauon ,0, " ~ the «in? intergfggd; mg F I' O a saw- hyggtd menTSWy €31,133“
‘ °3 m 5' Kad by Siwc ”"3 Sto 7" [0° “ ‘ 9""? 3nd '" this ‘.‘-"9tte pp H n“ n‘Qu b
/_ aba u“ Project;yE:?5 also 5 Her moks f a lot of teaxret;gn 0f Zednlls Characte ear to . ITQ
3- This ' 0r 14'!" Out 3,0 0r \'o are u ts Can '5 m h n,
. ‘ '~ ‘ Writ. weekend 1 “me the" u'd' ung adul ~ ”Sh ' rela'e' er book
» . § - . , ;. ‘ 31's Yhe . “Rh! ' 51st tb a . e lee] 0 s that V
9 .. Wen Comer f|fth a Prom- - 805s C 9' Lou W Th “min 3 5 a need ~‘0un
. ’ ‘ - ' . - ‘ and 1 ”"99 .1 “"1181 . 'SPd La ‘ m. and ' Lou 9 \‘o 515 .VOun to g S
‘ g A ». . ' ' 1': lng t0 ' esserk “I“ f wome In a "d Gue ‘In the . ung K“ g me pr9$e xhe a'
. t 3 y anrg‘éTifilnmfiitE‘ authiargur: hm: Stunter 5:595?“ We” Sts m "w an: w “3:12;“ 1 Waiting “02:9? 1:? 3):“ ‘0 "1158;?” M d d
' '~ ’ .-. ~ 0"“ amh "me? on erenCedir 0mm- ammo COnfo ( “‘1' discus” H’ster , mac (h-re 15 pr‘marm- ‘ .c --°" 0" “c. 'n 230 St “Orkshn .
-~ we; m 230 5 Ors- WI“ 9 0f the em" ut mv ran“, “1‘ Shers da}_ t k Chlldr 1955 Int ' blaL‘k ~ 8am.“ “d?!“ v p ‘1‘ h
'3- ‘.I“: ’ w for Childéenexper'ences m go‘ng Regan-V ref-am IHUmen by 3% m “:33de “(Pm)- 3‘ ~ and the “:1?!” Ad
: ‘3 -- . v' 9r Additiog'm today qmre frOm and what I In writing 0 talk m “Hung er said 9 while i for g d"10n g p m In . (1‘ (VI!
:m“ ' ' Pann‘i She a] “Tlters " think Ch' books -\I life ‘ ‘5 SOmeth maln.‘ ‘ klar m ' ‘ ’ndra : 2‘30 Stud
m . "In H not Pun-So ”'01 t‘haHunter Saldndre" re- not al\~';l.nce I wa lng ‘ hax at“ mume W“me $.23] andem Wmor
90“? and a 50m 9 Prob] ‘ altho 1”? Is )3 som S a Chxld 9 “We , "Th ”95m . n 5 EX R0!» .
m M”. pal-In W 9 “T: ems . “8" h ‘ more e eas 1 3 3- - but an - 9 W I“ 91' penme "d
mm . hI... M OMEN' dren ‘5 l erg find “T.“T'tlng hes 9 does $01M"? to mellCal '\‘ She 53 n do“ “8“" {00“an ‘ m] :i"' ~hanta} The.
5“ ' m 'n ”I. ' J adults more diffwu‘lt'nlghabooksrfobooks. drnumer hgscpllne "an "0w ”mad "My “firmly“z ”it’d 0n my” “Ur guilt" '
M‘ all " r en‘ - .'Se n . ' sa 3 5 ‘ \ . ,
”'0'... n 9.1..." My 0. ”w? (h “k ONFERENC: so [20:29“ “ng the n “Titingc'wr Incluseb‘nke. mgrmitedlgégjne " “35 fofifniflar. CUES?!“rahonshllppmit; :1
m m... I ' and and I . 1 sh ‘ SC 9rvay , " “)1: Into 9 L "(’r H 9f to T S Or an ' ~¢‘r\~m ‘
m an 50'- wln. ' ”O'- mowé‘zmra es an in: . I h°°' Officl- "° and -"'°a|chm Ch‘ a mom “"d'md. w" other WW- (3. "“‘urrm . d ""9 or t '2 "
hmwflmn 9m . bu h "un' Panninng writer 3:""8 perso rt? ch'ldregls and “he:1e am‘udfte '5 ”d and The: p'c‘ul'e hlch “as 0”“ htlmer *dd {H ”m” M he p”
' ' .. » - . - God ‘ mad 0 d « l l Inn 3 ' 50 .,
J... for ten Who Sam ‘5 not n -- “0‘5. H S books a people w g of ““H‘Oys Bl 9 3‘ ““rk ~ be» m 2.30 ~
«I... Young has “T. Well the var, “mar 53 re mak, “0 Se. “53 fhg ”rows-M .ShOp 0 3" and . Nude,"
—,_ —>_u . m year s COnfaduhsy w "th “Ver freely w) Subjxts KI, She also!“ editors H)” for ”19 “n “Vrltln bklar “1“
‘ :rho haw. siren“. was Chm" 8fl books that maTltten abourh'ch could“!d It '3 . . “man WT: tmm 'm
as!" tended _ Ruse 0r lh' 3V3 ny adul for Once ‘ A ‘ 9r '
an ' In many '5 'lablet ts a Youn » be ‘-_150 s
peep“ "Here" In 3:, pa“ hample ' Hume, :Y ”“8 ma: "raidgtopeoph" (’"ffln‘ :eak'ng go“
‘ Her ”Den. "“8 for v9 ex- '"fl'a‘ure af'd "“ny per)?! make t"why 0pm: and 15:! 8‘ 8 - ' ‘ i
' I“ is in . young and teach 0r Childr 9 ln (.0 nomaph-vnn ”Natur ”'kno“ l3 S“San 1: \
“fins {0 books Crs. tl’V ten, like 1' mm of ‘er {Or "‘9 m the R9. (wturpn femlmq 'i m: .
' young Pam" . ' 0 «user C‘EFarnans urmm Arts “Hal "a“ arfd p0}
rok n said Hun ”dren' wnh Lh ~ whose - [K (.9 1 :
I - ‘ I I for chug?“ be “Ned s tho,- “ewv‘cmmlzgyrrks are n
bee. ' as 'Gph . “man 0“ of , (“new ‘
use a x a “0 "ed
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8".“ l8 Ea'th “of her 1/
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Illl 500M01- Androu Wan John OIIMn Mldov ”Hm Llnl I. I'd-b. 1.0. VIM...“ Dun “Mord 1
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1.“ “win mm. urban Prko “It" It" I. mm Jr. Bin '40th" lublo mm... u... v... Nook (mi. Agh ‘ ;
Mmmguqmflu, Emmi-alto ti AssmlOntArt! Ediioi AnulantSportn Editor spumiprmu" A“...°ni (hinghoioqvaphcv i v... ii“ .. . .- ~
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‘ .
0f Star Wars defense plan ll we «agree
. . a YER 395va : ’

Despite various arguments ~ some credi- As well. once America has total invulnera- , /,I / ;
ble and some hysterical to the contrary. bility. what is to stop us from annihilating 'gfaid HQ; ;
President Ronald Reagan is not a fool the SOVlPl threat once and for all'.’ g 0225 4U 4 t‘

Thirty~three short minutes after the House Reagan puts it Simply ~ “The United v z' '4», i ll :1 y .
voted to cut his proposed 10 percent increase States does not start fights.‘ - ; ‘ \ 4 _= d U
in the Pentagon's budget. Reagan was Unfortunately, the lines are often hard to y "*- Pk "_ i; -. ll' 3' =....-‘\ J y/ . J}. - .
broadcasting his counterpoint from the Oval draw when deCiding just who “started“ the . 3”“! CL E5” . ‘lw I’M “all ‘ I,‘ " 4/ .1
tiffice fight. Was Reagan's speech to the evangeli- - ‘ . . . _‘ m: "Fla-i “hall. ‘ ' ll ,, . . -§/ .. .

Like the actor he is. he was well-rehears- cals. in which he called the USSR. “an evil .W E“ Em” 51E?!“ fi'lta will H m “flu" > ' \‘T "
eil And. like the strategist he is. he had empire.” sufficient fighting words‘.’ ,; . ~ . '- AWM Wi't'w 'i ,, \t s u t
saiivvnmt lines And. when the missiles are flying. it will 5 .., ‘i _ . // ‘ ,f . l

Much of Reagan's speech was a stoic de- be totallyirrelevantwho is at fault. ',/.__ 05" . ’ : j”; . .A I
tense of the proposed budget. but in c0nclu~ It is important to note that the call for an . V’ ,J / .03" m ~. h , é} . Q l
sion he shared "a vision of the future which expensive “Star Wars" system was inserted ' s. i ' . : _ '- g {h‘ — .. . l

. .. . - . '-. . a c ' . _ ,:
offers hope into a speech that was vehemently defending .: A, . aw y .y a \ I ‘3 ; .3 -,. g

.. . . . .. = 3' ,' . ..

His “vision was that of a “Star Wars de- a budget that had already been cut. I, _.- ‘ 4 ‘. , \- ~ . ,- ’ x\_ . I : s3 3
ieiise. including satellites and land bases When the complex considerations of the . g ' ,1, ’ Q ' ,i g. l
etiiiipped with lasers capable of detonating militarization of space are considered. it is ff ’ Q i L “m” - l

l s " . ' t
enemy missiles en route even more noteworthy. M w ‘. ‘ [I («2 \

Ilis "hope” was a purely defensive um- Of all the plans Reagan may have in mind. 5-“ ' _ 3'
brella that would protect America without the prospect of a purely defensive system 20 'g V ‘ Q, I" '3 , \ cw ’ g I; _ t i
threatening the world years down the road must be the least likely. ' 3 ~ . 5: i ” \ \Q » m g‘ 1

But is this possible" It is a simple grass-roots fact that the people ,. - 5' , q ~\'\‘ ’ / ‘ is . i ‘ .3 l

. . , . . . - ~, ‘ l 4 ' - L .0 . r‘ l i

Reagan admits the system could hardly be want peace with security. While budding ‘2 * , , ”3 ~ - . ,» ,1 V as .1 i 3 .
constructed before the year 2000. but fails to more bombs to achieve that may not Sit well 'é; ‘ a. , : f ‘ - é .' i l
:ioteits more dangerous aspects with them, they can openly embrace a hope ‘ . . . I ‘5' i, \ \‘ "ll - ‘ —- , 3 l

And. if such lasers could take out missiles fora sense of safety at last. ’ t l ‘45 \ i, 1 ' . ’ . ‘
in flight. why not while they're still sitting on .After decades of livmg With the pOSSibility ~ . " " ’ c , §
the launching pad“ of a one-hour Armageddon. only a fool would 7*- 4 ;_ 0:3; :9

Such a defensive system will inevitably not realize the political attractiveness of ,, “mama, - “ #1“ %
produce offensive technology. even it it does such a hope. And Reagan. whatever he may :3
not become offensive itself be. is not a fool. 51



I f;

’ 3 GA Senate sho WS lack of concern or orelgn students ‘




Surprised disgusted and mad ty decision-making. because the out- that bill. despite the fact that the same old reason is beyond any- forefront of this university But mi :5.
This was my immediate reaction to come or any t‘niverSity deCiSion Senate had overwhelmingly passed body‘s comprehension. Therefore. tional students were completely dis- mature student senators have failed 5::
a vote by the Student Government would undoubtedly bear a direct im— it Just two weeks prior to the SGA we feel the main reason for reject» regarded when some sore losers to notice this. The 151' became offi- }
\s‘slx‘ttltltln Senate April 4 against ii pact on international students as campaign. was the fact that the mo- mg it was purely political. espeCIally could not accept their defeat but de- eially recognized on campus only ’3'
bill calling tor a constitutionai well as every other student here We tion to table it was made by John because an amendment passed once cided to disrupt order before they this semester Yet. in this short :
amendment concerning internation saw the need to have better commu- Miller. himself a minority group lS traditionally passed the second depart the SGA Senate. time. [SC established excellent con- if
a; students nication with American students on member He is in fact the only mi- time by acclamation. In fact. this Yet. what those who changed their tacts with many campus groups and $1

Briefly. the bill called for the di this campus and with SGA. there- nority student in the SGA Senate. In- occurred during the April 4 Senate votes to stop passage of the amend— SGA members. We were approached 3%
rector ot the international >ludt'nb tori-.we introduced the bill stead of promoting the interests of meeting on other amendment bills, ment bill failed to see. probably be- by planners for the Little Kentucky E: .
department of SHA to be approved other minority groups. Miller chose The problem here. as I have said. cause of their short-sightedness and Derby and asked to participate in P
by both the StiA and the Internation~ to interrupt such progress is political. This year. when the IS(‘ political immaturity. was that such their activities. We have been also f
a. students t'ouncil It was spot: The reason Miller gave. which ap- chose to become more involved in an amendment would benefit SGA approached by offcampus groups .

“It‘d h} JaL‘k l)ulworth. d WWW peared in the Kernel April .3. was campus affairs. we elected to en- as much as the international stu- who are asking us for more partici
candidatetor StiA vice president GHQ“ that the amendment would he the dorse the Hardcastle-Dulworth pres— dents We do not need such an pation in thecommunity

tiniy 'vto weeks ago, in its March OPINION hands of the SGA preSident, He com- idential-vice-pre5idential ticket for amendment for our own sake. ()ur This bill was an additional at- ';

2‘; meeting the Senate voted almost plained the SGA president wouldn‘t SGA, IS(‘ endorsed Hardcastle and sole purpose from the proposed con- tempt to guarantee our full and ac .
unanimously in tayor of this amend be able to choose the president of Dulworth purely on their issues plat« stitutional amendment was to stay tive partICipation on this campus in i .1
filo-'1! And. dy‘L‘<>rdlf1tl 1” Tllt‘ MN ——.———————————— the international students depart- form as explained in my letter of en- in line with an SGA goal. which is to the years ahead Yet. some meme
.onstitiition. any amendment has in ment solely on his personal prefer» dorsement to the Kernel March 30 maintain communication between bers of the SGA Senate did not seem "2
be passed in two consecutive Senate But the MA Senate. in its ugly encc This is ridiculous and despica- Dulworth also worked with ISC dur- SGA and allstudent organizations. to come to their deCision fully iware 3
meetings betore it becomes ettec and appalling political maneuvering. ble because this same reason came mg last semester to wm recognition By the amendment. we were hop- of the consequences of that lli'\g_-.1()n %
t refused to support our bill This will up almost two months ago when the for us in the SGA and to sponsor this ing to keep SGA and L‘K‘s student or fully aware of the issues them f;

The bill was an attempt by :nter undoubtedly have negative repercus bill was first introduced in the Sen- bill body fully informed of our activities selves. aé‘
national students to get more in sions on campus for years to cotne ate Because of their anger at Dul- At the same time. we would be Their vote on April 4 was a clear
y'oiyed :-"- campus Affairs through instead of attempting to serve the The International Student ('ounCil. worth over his SGA campaign. 50m? aware of activities by other groups indication of theirlack of concern »
.s‘tiA We the Internationai Students interests of the student body. as it is at that time. worked with members disgruntled mt‘le‘FS 0f the current and then be more able to participate 7l
l‘oiincii. a coalition of II internation there to do. the S(i.—\ Senate elected of the SGA Senate to reach a com~ Senate chose to make our bill 21 MP in them Maher Abukhater is president of g
a. sfuden? organizations on campus todoexactly the opp0site promise. which was approved at the get of abuse merely because of The ISC. in a very short time. has the International Student (‘ouncil r
saw the urgency tor more input by What surprised and disgusted me Senate‘s March 21 meeting To have Jack's sponsorship And for this rea~ been successful at bringing interna- and president of the Palestine Stu .4
.n‘errationa; students into tniyersi most about the indirect killing of decided to reject the bill for the son only. the interests of 500 interna- tional students far more into the dentAssoctation '

l l l l l l
FInIn ra e-wa tchers ma be dlfflcult uncons tltutlona ~
I ‘ .

\merica s recent spectator rape in ihi-ii ”.5”..in legislatures re— said I-‘leck. who has served in the Ciary committee. gave her hope of fear of prosecutions won‘t necessary This isn‘t a pleasmg judgment to y,
incidents have led some state lf‘ElS quiriiig Wllnesses of a rape to report Rhode Island legislature for seven obtaining more rape convictions and ly speed the pursuit of justice. Those those of us who see New Bedford as ‘I
iators to a seemingly iogicai conciu- l' within :4 hours or face up to one years forestalling more NewBedfords. “who come forward due to some re- a dangerously. and positively conta- :
sion There ought to be a law that year in iail or a fine of up to $1.000 Fleck modeled her proposal after Yet the lack of precedent suggests quirement of the law don‘t always giously. bad example. Only two ,
makes witnesses at least partly cut 334-. in Rhoda Islandi Gray‘s bill a two_*"l‘ "of“ I"‘ll It Just doesn t make any sense to two convictions since its enactment. authorities Even when a criminal act can incite
l‘f’~“’”‘¢"“”' and ‘Il‘mii bt‘llnt‘d.‘ have nothing on the law books to ad- She adds that her own conversations Moreover. some witnesses are bet- a cheering crowd. the law should Maxwell Glen and Cody Shearer
Fleck a Rhodc Island s‘ti'e senator lift-3s that type of situation that al- With law enforcement offiCials. as a ter observers than others Witnesses defer to those whose obligations are are Pulitzer Prize wmnmx outlonol
hray and r let‘k haw sponsored tiilis legedly took place in New Bedford. member of the state senate's Judi- who come to the fore simply out of less than clear. columnists. ,.
m "
ihp Plastic Fangs. Vale of Tears. metal and commercialized clones ('ongratulations on 'i ob w _____—'————- I
. i ell
The (‘hinese The Synthetics on that invade Rupp Arena every done' J Letters POllCY
March 24 The Psychedelic Furs on month ithere are. of course. excep» Mm . 1... W MWM. , . n, ,,..,... ,.. , . m... ,. ... .. . .. .. . . ,
This Is a letter of thanks to those April 1 and those groups greatly an llOnS‘ iicr‘ivwvmholn'vn . it . my "way w w m _. -
members hr the Student Actiy'ities tICipated to perform The English Those responsible have done an ('hris(‘asey ”m“ ‘“°"‘"""“ """1 "”’ ‘i' “" ‘“ """' ‘ "°"“‘
‘ Board tnd t‘oncert (‘ommittee re Beat April it and Adam Ant. April outstanding job when choosing l'ndecidedI-‘reshman "3::‘j'immhtg’ujfltn Tn." “""" W“ "” """"“ " " ‘ “
sponsmlt for the presentation oi the 2;; groups to perform and we look for- .50....” "' ' ””5 ‘ "‘ '
great rew talents that have per These bands provide a fresh and ward to an equally good selection (if Editor's note This Mia, ”is“ was A m... n aw . ., it may ., t it. W, M' .. «we we . qi' ~ . ,. - ....
formed in concert at [K namely welcome change from the heavy musicalgroupsinthc future signed by threeotherstudcnts ""f T'" "“L" ““W’ ""M b ’ V‘. ”W WW M .. V
a“... noun or runs into hunt ”um or; one """'“
BLNM COUNTY by Berke Breathed
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“xx"w «é. .’WAlT’ ’ « /, ;' 1M NowmeNt/Kt now :u mam
w - Mi v 8!"). '3 “V 23': . 5%”): Hflp%l [r (f, Haj “lot dJ‘?" Mama} “9 ‘73 ALL. W) (U7 ma", CL. iliN l
v ,1..,‘ vs, 1.. j _i -,-, . 1 . v; " ' t4. 5. , . ’ i. ‘ {MM 7W" I‘ve Hf LOMW M? 30" V V'MV ,«V'LJ‘N THAT’S ‘l WC -
sou. s, ; i 41... -. ILL Wovm A. m.» N w fig, (0 w m BOW/WV, , [M ow .2 0w mm Aim ’ /
mauve: wwh- M‘" ‘ eff/06ml. f 1 W: “new {1 “0' final] ,
- - . f“ m atom 1*“ 5 WM! \ cadmium , IMMORAL.
l ,. . l l , g
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fly (T .r ’ I'v‘ ‘ 1‘, - .7 ~$ It i ‘ ,- ”V “(AWN/1» > "W: ’1‘;
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l i Faun your "mum:
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KateClinton/Whysecrack Records 'PV/ ’02 Agitlumhlo l x ,, lt ‘ ‘ 3;;- it 2% b
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