xt7gqn5z929z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7gqn5z929z/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1994-03-21 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 21, 1994 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 21, 1994 1994 1994-03-21 2020 true xt7gqn5z929z section xt7gqn5z929z  

MM. «man-m... w~w~ct ..

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MAR 21 l994


ndependemstnca tort -; g ’ Mondatharch 21.; 19.94


Marquette burns Cats in 2nd round

UK ’s Florida beach party
ends with 75 -63 defeat


By Ty Halpln
Sports Editor


Florida sun, thousands of UK fans
and a high seed in the NCAA
Tournament awaited the No. 7
Wildcats when they arrived here.
They didn't see it coming.
Marquette swept the Cats out of
the tournament yesterday 75-63 at
the Thunderdome. The Warriors
had not only the key to UK’s press,

but also Damon Key, a 6-foot-8
senior. Key unlocked the interior of
the Wildcats' zone, scoring 25
points and grabbing six rebounds.

Marquette sunned itself and the
crowd of 25,830 in the glow of 51
percent shooting.

“That was our best game this
year," Marquette coach Kevin
O'Neill said.

And it couldn't have come at a
better time. On the flipside, UK‘s
game was partly cloudy. Rays of
sunlight poked through only

momentarily as the Cats shot just
31.6 percent.

UK forward Rodrick Rhodes was
disappointed, but he put
things into perspective.

“It happened at an
unfortunate time, but that’s
the game of basketball." he
said. “Marquette simply
outplayed us."

The Cats may have spent
a bit too much time on the
beach, judging from their
performance in the first half.
UK came out cold, shooting
28.6 percent from the field
and Marquette built a 39-24 lead at
the break.

Meanwhile, the Warriors were


I I It!!!”

sunburning the Thunderdome's
nets. The Warriors looked more
like the NBA’s Golden State
variety in shooting 57.7
percent in the first stanza.

Rushed shots were the
norm for UK. The Cats were
an uncharacteristic l-of-ll
from three point—range.

“We didn't have a bad
shooting night; we just
didn‘t take the right shots,"
senior point guard Travis
Ford said.

UK coach Rick Pitino
said the Cats weren‘t patient
enough in their half-court offense.

“We didn't take our time and
make the extra pass," he said. “That

was why we didn't shoot well."

To punctuate the chaotic opening
half, the Wildcats were completely
disorganized as time ran out. The
Cats could only manage a Jeff
Brassow desperation three-pointer
from 40 feet that came up well

The Cats, as expected, were
energized to start the second half.
After a Marquette three-pointer,
UK went on a l5-point run to cut
the Warrior lead to 42-39 with
14:08 left to play.

“I thought we were going to win
it,” said guard Tony Delk, who
scored 12 points in the run.

Pitino also thought the Cats were

The game was lost. the UK coach
said, when he subbed for an
exhausted first team.

“When the second team went in,
they backed off,“ Pitino said. “I
thought we were ready to take the
lead, but we allowed Marquette to

“We knew we were capable of
coming back,” forward Jared
Prickett said. “l guess it just wasn't
meant to be."

The Warriors blanketed UK's
inside game with what seemed like
a 30 SPF sunscreen. Rhodes didn’t
score a point. and Andre Riddick,
who scorched Tennessee State for

See CATS. Back Page





. 1 u s.‘ - smut; ,a 174%st that I» -'~I\<;51:;.£~.§. -6.“

Festival of Life

Olmos to speak cons1der1ng

Media group



By Joe Goodbey
Contributing Writer


“Celebrating Diversity: A
Festival of Life,” a weeklong event
designed to foster multi-cultural
understanding, will begin tonight
with a speech by “Miami Vice” star
Edward James Olmos at Memorial

Olmos played Lt. Castillo in the
19803 TV police drama and won
critical acclaim for his portrayal of
high school calculus
teacher Jaime
Escalante in the movie
“Stand and Deliver.” _

The Hispanic actor j
also is scheduled to
have an informal ;
meeting with students ,
in Worsham Theatre "
at 3 this afternoon.

This year's festival
committee decided to
bring Olmos to UK
because he is a good
representation of
diversity, organizers

He was one of the first public
figures to take to the streets in Los
Angeles following the Rodney
King riots, giving his time to help
clean up fire-bombed

“We are not a committee that is
unwilling to try different
programs,” said Terry Allen,
festival committee chairman.

Each year an assessment is done
to allow the committee to decide
upon what works and what new
ideas can be implemented for the
following festival, Allen said.

i There currently are 27 members
i on the festival committee,

representing nine ethnic groups.
. Committee members range from
l faculty and staff to students and
members of the Lexington

The festivals started in 1989 with
an endowment that was established
by UK and an anonymous donor.

. " Although the endowment helps





with the event‘s cost. the festival
also relies heavily on volunteers.

Allen said 200 to 300 volunteers
will be needed, adding: “It takes
tremendous commitment.“

The festival has flourished from
a one-day event in 1989 to a
weeklong festival that this year
continues through Saturday.

In addition to Olmos'

presentation. the festival will
include various exhibits throughout
the week.

It ends with a
cultural workshop that
will be held at
Spindletop Hall on

" Saturday.
One of the
highlights of the
festival will be a

European Pastry Cafe,
which will be open
from 10 am. to 4 pm.
today through Friday
in 245 Student Center.

Di'shes from
Austria. France,
Germany and Hungary
will be available.
Students also can sample an
international buffet on Tuesday and
Thursday from 11 am. to 2 pm. in
the Student Center Small Ballroom.

A Taste of Diversity will have
dishes ranging from baklava to
fried rice, as well as sample foods
from Asia, Europe, Australia and
many other nations.

A Night of Student
Entertainment is scheduled for 7
pm. Wednesday at Memorial Hall.
Students may sample traditional
music, dance and fashions from
around the world.

Tickets are are $3 in advance and
$4 at the door.

Olmos' speech will begin at 7:30
pm. Tickets purchased in advance
are $4 for the general public and
$2 for students; $5 at the door.

Anyone interested in registering
for the cross-cultural workshop
should call 257-1655 for more



Kentucky native and aaptring country music star Jon Brennan
shared hie experiencee on an MTV show with members or UK'e

Feilowehlp of Christian Athletee.

.m ._ . H x l

H... , . .,.


I? KIM W. Min
Std! Writer

The Houae'State Government
a bill fiat wmld have required
the to appohit memben
for Kentucky’s first “news
email." .

Themove effectively kills the
most recent effort to form a
government body that would
hear oornplu‘nts about the state's
news media

But the Kentucky Press
W's executive d'u'ector,
David T. Thornwon. already is
developing suggestions for a


I had in Febnwy 19%. when a
resolution came through the
House of Representatives to
begin to study the (state news
council) ism.” Thompson said.
In February of this year, the
KPA went on record to oppose
Kenmcky news council. it also
opposed any legislation that
would set up such a council.
ifapproved. the council would
have operated from UX’s School


of Journalism and
Telecommunications. and
ultimately become a self-
Many say they see both
advantages and disadvantages to
the creation of a med'n council for
. “i don't know that there’s an
easy answer.” said Robert


Lexington Campus. “These are
very difficult issues because you
press to high startdards, and. on the
other hand, want to protect the First
Amendment right.

“And my guess is the

,will strugglcwwith this for quite

me time.”- '

The Kentucky news council
tuition is not new.

David Hawpe, editor in chief of
The Courier-Journal in Louisville.
said he has personally pushed for a
state news council for more than a
decade, although he said the idea
“was not popular 10 years ago and
is not popular now.”

Hawpe called the demise of the
bill “a missed opportunity in the
UK School of Journalism to
develop a center in media ethics.”

Hawpc said he is very pleased,
however, that Thompson plans to
pursue the creation of an
ombudsman with the members of
the KPA. The position would serve
some of the functions of a news
council, such as hearing citizens’

Thompson said the KPA's 25-
membcr board will discuss the
ombudsman option at its April 22

“As to when we’ll develop a plan
and make it available, I don’t know
right now.” he said.

When Thompson became the
KPA's executive director in
September 1983, the association's
membership was embroiled in

, heated discussions regarding the

feasibility of organizing a state
news council.

At its winter convention in 1985,
the KPA board voted 9-3 against
the idea of a state news council.
Thompson said he wondered even
then whether “there was something
else we can come up with which
would be acceptable to the (KPA)

the legislature (that) if we don’t

See MEDIA, Back Page

Council plan
deeply splits
state’s press


By Kathy W. Latitln
Staff Writer


If the state House of
Representatives had approved a
measure last week calling for the
formation of a “news council,"
Kentuckians soon would have
had a government agency to hear
their complaints about the state’s
news media.

A state news council also
would have conducted research
and seminars on news media
ethics, and would have been run
by a member of UK’s School of
Journalism and Tele-
communications faculty.

The media would not have
been required to participate, and
decisions of the council hearings
would not have been binding on
the news media. However,
rulings by the news council

See NEWS, Back Page



Clinic helps children, students


By Shannon J. Haniey
Staff Writer


Ten-year-old Chad Richmond
said he was a little scared at first

But Chad, a student at
Breckinridge Elementary, eased up
after UK dental student Darren
Flowers finished filling one of his
teeth at free dental clinic Saturday.

“It really didn‘t hurt at all," Chad
said, smiling.

And that's exactly what clinic

organizers were aiming for.

“We really attempt to provide a
relaxed atmosphere,” said Daniel
Seaver, director of Students Affairs
for the College of Dentistry. “It’s
imponant to put the patients at ease
and provide them with dental care
that they might not otherwise

This weekend's free clinic,
which treated dozens of needy
children like Chad, is one of about
six that UK’s chapter of the

American Student Dental
Association sponsors each year.

Dr. Jim Timmons, an instructor
in the College of Dentistry, said
the clinic allows dental students
to “handle kids in a real—life

“The clinic provides students
with a sense of accomplishment,"
Timmons said.

Sheila Porter, a fourth-year
dental student, said the clinics are
great because they allow students

‘Real World’ star talks
about life in Hollywood


By Stephen D. Trlmble
Assistant News Editor


Last summer. Jon Brennan
appeared on MTV‘s “The Real
World,“ a series that details
relationships between divergent
roommates thrown together for the
benefit of TV cameras.

The show was an opportunity for
Brennan, a Kentucky native and
aspiring country music star, to get
lots of nationwide exposure.

But for Brennan, who calls
himself a country-singing
Christian, as opposed to a Christian
country singer, the experience was
only hardship.

Still, the Kentucky native said he
thought MTV was the place he
needed to be — where God needed
him to be.

Brennan said during a recent
meeting of UK’s Fellowship of
Christian Athletes. ”It just sort of
fell together for me.”

So there Brennan was in early
February of last year, moving to
Los Angeles, living in a Hollywood
townhouse with five other
roommates, mingling with country
music stars — all at MTV's
expense —- and feeling absolutely

After learning of his religious
convictions, Brennan‘s roommates
remained a safe distance from
rousing his conversation on
religious topics.

He surprised everyone in the
house. not to mention his
producers, when he objected to one
of his roommate's decisions to
have an abortion.

much," Brennan said of his shon-
time roommates. “They got real
mad at me when I started counting
the days to when 1 would be

But looking back, Brennan told
the UK audience, the ordeal was
worth going through.

He said he gets letters daily from
parents and teenagers all over the
world who seek his advice on
dealing with peer pressure and
offer congratulations for
maintaining his beliefs in a not-so-
friendly environment.

“It was a hard thing to do
because really i could‘ve done
anything i wanted to. l was in L.A.,
away from my parents. The
cameras were there. but I really
could have done anything."

But, he said, looking intently at

See JON, Back Page

the opportunity to work with

“It‘s a way for us to give
something back to the community,"
she said.

Dr. Debbie Ray, an instructor in
the College of Dentistry, agreed.

Ray, who now has her own
general practice, participated in
similar clinics while she was a
student at UK.

“It was a wonderful opportunity

See DENTAL. Back Page

floating Men the whit
debut album. Review.
Page 3.


O‘Big 009' Robinson who
Purdue Boilermakers. M,
Page 4.

0An 80 percent of showers

and thunderstorms today.
diminishing late this

afternoon; high in the

mid-60s. .
Continued clearing tom; 77' ,
low between 35 and 4G;
oSunny tomorrow; ’ ‘
the lower 60s.









"1 never pmsued the MTV spot,” "They didn‘t like me all that
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liason for public’s gripes

















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2 - Moe Kernel, Io . M 21. 1004
A I A | A '
-EXHlBIT: Matissa'sfiecret;
Ii | I 'I E Z . .
Tuesday-Sunday 12:oo-s:oo ac
p.m._ UK Art Museum, Sin-
gletary Center for the Arts,
CALL 257- 5716 (thru 4/10)
‘ l ansfl880- 1950, King Cultu- t
i ral Center. Mon-Fri 10:00 *» The Fl
\ i a.m.-6:00 pm (thru 3/31) Construction closes part of McVey Hall Tall S/
\ -EXHIBIT:_Ceieittating.tlto . , . _ Meridi
WW3!) Construction that began last week essentially wrll close the north end of McVey Hall through about the end of
W Apfil- BY 9"-
m M.l. King Library, Peal Because of the closing, the (‘omputing Center‘s Data Center has been moved temporarily to 73 McVey Hall. on ASSism'
Gallery (thru 03/31) the south end of the building. Drowr
-UK Women's Forum: "A Cel- The Data Center will be open from 7 am. to 5 pm. Monday through Friday. and lost
ebration of Women", 1130 After 5 pm. during the week. printouts may be picked up in 72 McVey Hall by calling 257-2231 or 257-3089 and socit
a.m.-1;oo p.m., Student Cen- about an hour iii advance. music it:
ter, Grand Ballroom (Reser~ The Data (‘ enter will close at 7 a. in. on Saturdays and will reopen at 7 a. m. on Mondays. Printouts and other ”Ck and
’ vat‘lons should have been Data (‘ enter services will not be available during those hours. Paper will be available for the laser printers in III the '805-
made by 3/14 for the $6.95 McVey Hall durilig the hours the l)ata(‘ enter will be closed With '
luncheon) 19.905' h
" "”W‘m'” 0' Tuesday, 03/22 LCC seeks nominations for outstanding alumnus meme“
IBIHEBBIIINE -College of Fine Arts so". or
"wally Edward James Olmos presents Faculty Recital: Lexington Community College is looking for an “Alumnus of the Year." heading 1
MondayI March 21 7; 30 RM Gordon Cole, flute, with Alan As part of its celebration of Community College Month in April, LCC is taking nominations for an alumnus that
(zU/IlvlmW/flWI/l Memorlal H’a" Hersh, piano, 8:00 pm, Sin- represents the positive qualities of its graduates.
gletary Center for the Arts_ Nominations may be made by faculty, staff. students or members of the community. Nominees must be
Recital Hall. FREE graduates of L(‘(T or Lexington Technical Institute (LCC‘s predecessor) who are making a contributions in their
-UK Women's Studies and field and to the community.
.5 UK Women's Forum present: The deadline for nominations is April. The recipient will be honored at LCC’s graduation ceremony May 6.
C ”Daughters of the Dust”, (dis-
(5 — cussion and poetry reading Conference on open adoption slated for today
to follow) 7:00 pm, Student
Monday, 03/21 p.m. mass service, CALL 276- Center, Rm. 338, F REE. A conference on open adoption, in which birth parents maintain contact after legal adoption of their child, will IMIIGI
-Catholic Newman Center 4010 CALL 257—6856 be today from 9 am. to 4 pm. at the Hilary J. Boone Faculty Center. or the (
Daily Mass Services: 12:10 -Holy Communion: St Augus- -Center Theatre Discussion The conference will cover both traditional and open adoption practices, as well as the developmental and Extreme‘
pm, 320 Rose Lane, Call line's Chapel, 10:30 am. a Series: W 7:00 psychological consequences of adoption. Legal procedures in Kentucky also will be discussed. Many
255 8566 5:30 pm, CALL 254.3725 p.m., Center Theatre, Stu- The workshop is designed for social workers. family counselors and mental health practitioners. venturin
-UK Judo Club: 5:30-6:00 -Aikido Classes: Alumni Gym dent Center, CALL 257-8867 Registration is $35 for UK (‘ollege of Social Work alumni and $45 for non-alumni. For infomiation, call LC. territory
pm, Alumni Gym Loft. CALL Loft. 1:00 pm, CALL 269-4305 Thursday, 03/24 Wolfe at 257-6651. attach ll
255-2625 -SAB MOVIE: The Fugitive, MTV mc
-Aikido Classes: 8300 pm, $2, Student Center, Wors- music ‘15}
Alumni Gym Lott, CALL 269- ham Theatre, 730 g, 10;oo THE KEMUCKY KER NEL: Health plan acousticl
\ , 4305 pm, CALL 257-8867 ’ True. t
\\ Tuesday, 03/22 * College Of Fine Arts WE VOTE FOR A TWO~WEE K not baCked bands the
Catholic Newman Center: presents Faculty Recital: "An k ci‘mte, sf:
Student Night (0N2): 320 Evenin of Art Son , ' Ste- ‘ _ e ec "c'
R059 Ln, 730 Pm. CALL SPORTS phen Kigng, baritoneg, and Cliff S PRlNG BRE/\ K by Kentuc y EXIT;
2558557 Jackson. iano, 8:00 .m, '
WedneSdal/t 03/23 Singletarprenter tor tphe lawmakers overloade
-Holy Communion: St. Au- Monday, 03/21 Arts, Recital Hall. FREE Ta" 8"
gustine's Chapel, 12:00 & -lntramural Softball Officials Frlday, 03/25 “mam“ Pm” ”glues, ‘0'
530, pm. CALLh254-3726 Clinic: 6:00 pm, Seaton Cen- -SAB MOVIE; lug Elloiliye Campus Downs LOUISVILLE, Ky. _ fall;: :38
‘A'ktdO Classes. 8-00 p.01. ter, CALL 257-5584 $2, Student Center. Wors- ( "ndommmms Kentucky’s lawmakers in “altemati
Alumni Gym Loft, CALL 269~ Tuesday, 03/22 ham Theatre, 7:30 8r 10:00 It l nhersit) of Kentucky Washington aren‘t lining up to brand of
4305 'DOUb'e E“m‘"a“°” stoma” pm, CALL 257—8867 support President Clinton‘s health entire rt
5U: chfimcn'iug;:3&:308ALL Tournament play begins ~Lexington Philharmonic Or- . Don’t miss out on the care reform plan. . emotiona
20934305 - chestrat. All Orchestra, 8.00 newest and most exclusive student location! In fact. the president's plan to listener iii
‘ . . . p.m., Singletary Center for overhaul the nation’s health-care The tnt
\ -Co|lege Republican Spring the Arts, Concert Hall, Tick- campus Downs system appears to have almost no Holmes!
\ Speaker Series Presents: ets are $25, $22, $18, and . , support among Bluegrass State and drm
Terry Carmack, Chairman 15; discounts are available ' Condominiums, nOl apartments representatives in the nation‘s gained at
:eputéliczn Fiaéty (if Kg, 8:00 (free for first 120 UK students - Full size washer & dryer in each unit. capital. with two
.m., U en en 9’ m, - - .ition 0 th to osal to ex~Little
230, FREE — $82: ihiifrdtflciizigtféizlf Dishwashers, mICTOWHVGS, 610' regizzogmployers toehglp gay their popular 3
Thursday, 03/24 Tuesday 03,22 233-4226 ° Secunly system workers‘ insurance premiums is area.
.g'iltristgin shtudlerlit Fellowship Kentucky Wildcats Baseball . Just a few minutes walk from campus bipartisan. Republicans and ShO‘f! tht
" urs ay ig t ive" Praise . _ . . . . Democrats also will fight the a ows
Program: 7:30 pm, on the ysnMarshall. 3'00 p.m., LeXlng- SsaitéraagvféB/Zlig Fl IQllilte . The WlSdom and prestige Ol m9 nOl rental proposed insurance-purchasing listener
corner of Woodland and 00- Thursday, 03,24 $2, Student Center, Wors- ' New and ready In August 94 P0018 0' alliances that 3“ btlt the tolletCOt
lumbla, CALL 233.0313 . ~Men's NCAA's UK Swimming ham Theatre, 730 & 10:00 269 7 380 largest employers would be forced upbeat f
.Campus Crusade for Christ; and Diving' All Day Minneap- p.m., CALL 257-8867 " tOJOm- _ _
7330 pm, Student Center. olis Minn. lthru 03/é6) The only exception is Sen.
Small Ballroom, FREE Friday 03/25 Wendell Ford, a member of the
Department of Behavioral -KentuCk Wildcats Baseball SPECIAL Senate Democratic leadership. Ford
Science/UK College of Medi- 0, My , 7,00 0 doe? ”(gt Sybscnbe t0 the
cine Graduate Student lnter- llosrd :MSSS. ' p.m.. Xi ——_—— my! 010/79 ”6:“de 5 came proposal, but he
national Lecture: 3:00 pm, -UK‘Gymnasties at SEC ' ' . . . ‘ indicated he is still open to its key
Chandler Medical Center, Championship: 800 p m Au- America s #1 Growth Retailer is looking for Data Frocesslng components. ‘
MN 463, CALL 257—4547 burn Ala ' ‘ ' " and Computer Selence professionals. We are a chain of over Though the state s lawmakers
-Co-ed Community Service Saturday 03/26 840 company owned retail auto parts stores operating in 24 vowed SUPPER forlémlversal health
Fraternity Meeting: 7:00 pm, Kentucky, Wildcats Baseball Monday, 03/21-03/25 states with annual sales of $1.2 billion. figfgfig;elsgvfa‘t waredtlllrllmo:
Student 09'"er Rm. 228, vs Ole Miss: 2:00 pm. Ox- "W590“ We understand the value of technology and our 25% growth than the Clinton byill‘envisions g
CALL 2782456 ford. Miss. . sored by Cosmopoman C'Ub rate is creating numerous openings for Applications “1 don't think it will pass muster
Friday, 03/25 , , »UK Women's Tennis Team vs and International Hospitality Developers on Mainframe. Mini and PC platforms. AutoZone up here," Democratic Rep. Scotty
-Peal Gallery 39"953 Qan'e' Mississippi: 11;oo a.m., Boone Program: 10300 a.m.-4:00 develops applications using MVS, CICS, DBZ. UNIX, TCP/IP. Baesler of Lexington said of the
gifsnié':gn'1:":ot:°'3: Tennis Center pm, Student _Center. Rm- INFORMIX, PowerBuilder and ORACLE. Clinton proposal. “And it doesn't
King Lizrary'North FREE Sunday, 03027 24: Omefg‘gxme lfunch- ()ur development environment includes: pass muster in WV district."
Department of Biochemistry -Kentucky Wildcats Baseball 3 specia. . 0'09 .0 MVS "The People In western Kentuclfy
. . vs Ole Miss: 2.00 pm, Oxv lche Lorraine, Spinach ‘ _ . . . want us to move cautiously." said
. Dissertation Defense: ford Miss. Quiche. or Chicken 3, Broc- - COBOL. CICS. 082 applications in atypical Rep. Tom Barlow, D-Paducah. .
"Changes in Nucleotide Inter- ’ coli Quiche; all proceeds Mainframe computing environment. “People are very worried. and I am ff
active Proteins in Control benefit international students - Exciting new Mainframe development utilizing C. TCP/IP too. that we could end up with a l
I. Versus lschemic Rat Brain", at UK, CALL 257.6685 and CICS Sockets huge bureaucracy." ';
2:00 pm, UK Medical Cen- Sunday. 03,27 UNIX Rep. Harold Rogers, R-Somerset, :-
E ngN 563 -RENT-A-GREEK: 2:00-6:00 . Data Base applications said both the. alliances arid ‘
r; . urday, 03/26 _ pm. The UniverSIty of Ken- . Expert System Development mandated benefits. were dead in :3 7. .
.: -Alkido Classes: 4:00 pm, tucky's Greek Community . Distributed Processin Congress. Rogers said some kind of '_
. g . . . . .. :
Alumni Gym Lott, CALL 269- and the Greek Activities , Tcpm, Network a “cam,“ health bl" Is likely to pass this year. 1 :
4305 Monday, 03/21 Steering Committee are pp . ‘ but added: “It‘s a muddled picture ~:’
-Catholic Newman Center -TlCKETS ON SALE!!! Tick- making your annual Spring Client/Server now. “5 unclear what Wt" Y mm
Weekend Mass Service: 320 ets for Next Stage Series: Phil- cleaning easier. For only ' Data Base Server Development emerge. . ODlscou
Rose Lane, to Glass (4/10) are on sale at $30.00 rent two University of ’ TCP/IP Development Congresf taccs a range 0‘ Plans: '. . 3 had"
6:00 pm, CALL 255-8566 TicketMaster; general public. Kentucky Greek students to ° smellile communica‘lons from a b'" by "hm“ "0““ 1 'EW'" I
Sunday. 03127 students, faculty. and adminis- do all of your Spring clean- Add your COBOL and C experience to ours and help us ?em°c'§‘? f” “ 33V°"'"'°T"' 0“”
Catholic Newman Center "am"; CALL 257‘8427 "‘9. TO sign Up 10' Rent-A- continue our rapid growth. Contact your Placement Office or emf: singhle-Ea yer system like 5 ot-lostcl
Weekend Mass Services: -EXHl8lT:.Maine.Maderm‘sm Greek, please call 257-7220 send your resume to; “a s' w '° “° K‘“‘“°"?‘“' '1 2"""
320 Rose Lane. 9:00 8. 11:30 selections from the Ogunquit during the week of 3/21 -3/25 ssuftfimfim 0:: by conservative '55 '3' lack?
am, 5:00 at 8:30 pm, CALL Museum of American Art; UK from 9:00 a.m.-4:00 pm. All AutoZone. lnc. Jed“: :opuhe'lcan: '0 P" I" i 21' n
255-8566 Art Museum, Singletary Center proceeds go towards the Allyson Brogan' DCP" 8022 workers p OWIncomc .= NOWOPt?
Catholic Newman Center tor the Arts, Tuesday-Sunday Greek Activities Steering FOB” 2198 if Kentucky communal, m an 7;? ,
Spaghetti Dinner- All You 12:oo-s:oo p.rn., CALL 257- Committee’s Scholarship Memphis. TN 38 till gum what will cmmfly an”: Cw
Can Eat: 32. after the 5:00 5716 (thru 03/27) Fund. is likely to be somewhere in the .. 4096.401
‘— middle. -.
V ‘ l t’ l i ~ :— ' «-








Floating Men rise

acoustic-driven debut


The Floating Men
Tall Shadows
Meridian Records

By Brian Manley
Assistant Arts Editor

Drowned in a sea of feedback
and lost behind a wall of distortion
and society-driven angst. acoustic
music nearly became a rarity on
rock and pop radio near the close of
the ‘803.

With the approach of the mid-
l990s, however. acoustic guitar-
oriented music has entered some
sort of revitalization period,
heading back to the mainstream of
the music industry.

So much so, in
fact, that the
listening public is
beginning to
realize there is
more to the
acoustic sound
4 than the onslaught








Nominated for Best Picture. ‘In The Name Of The Father' stars Emma Thompson and Best Actor

nominee Daniel Day-Lewis.

Oscars seeklless gab

Show producer
attempts toning
speeches down


By John Horn
Associated Press


beforehand," Robbins said about
the statements on America‘s
treatment of HIV-positive Haitians
he and Sarandon made.

Gere lectured on human rights
violations in Tibet. None of the
three were invited back.

A year earlier. politics played a
supporting role to director Jonathan

(Crystal) did it. Johnny Carson did
it and Bob Hope did it. They were
all very political."

Winners are asked to keep their
acceptance speeches under 45
seconds, and Cates hopes most
winners head for the wings after 30

The Academy placed a time limit

IMIm BM. 3; I dalgnv ‘ H Demme’s rambling. seemingly on winners‘ speeches after Greer

or the occasiona’l’ :glshning of L05 ANGEL!” ‘_ Long- endless address on his “Silence of Garson took the Coconut Grove
winded Academy Award speeches th [A ~ . - ~ .

Extreme‘s “More Than Words." e “mm W‘“ stage after wrnnmg for best 8001388

Many bands now are even
venturing into that non-electric
territory voluntarily. opting not to
attach that success—magnifying
MTV moniker and simply to write
music designed specifically for the
acoustic guitar.

True, there isn't an overload of
bands that are willing to base their
entire sound a six-string without
electricity, but the Floating Men
have written such an amazing debut
that it deserves to be heard by the
overloaded ears of the masses.

Tall Shadows fuses elements of
blues, folk, a minute bit of country
(the guys are from Nashville, after
all) and that always undefinable
“altemative” aspect into their own
brand of acoustic rock, leading the
entire fray with soul and an
emotional insight that brings the
listener into the music.

The trio of guitarist/vocalist Jeff
Holmes, bassist/vocalist Scot Evans
and drummer Jeff Bishop has
gained a rather large fan base, what
with two thirds of the band being
ex~Little Saints members, another
popular group from the Nashville

Of the 13 tracks on Tall
Shadows, few do not draw the
listener into an emotional

rollercoaster, racing from the
upbeat foot-tapping tempo of

in the








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Nashville's The Floating Men will be performing acoustic tunes
taken from their debut CD at Lynagh's on March 30.

“Swallowed By The Night" to the
nearly tear-jerking fall of “A Date
With A Vampire." (No, this has
nothing to do with Anne Rice.)

Holmes‘ vocals are incredibly
adaptable to any emotion and can
project his feelings through some
of the simplest of verses. coupled
with guitar melodies that seem as
though they should have been
written decades ago.

From the opening catch of
“Where The Miracles Fly," the
album spawns quite a few tunes
that should rack the Floating Men
much more airplay than they
probably will ever receive. Nearly
every track leaves anyone within
earshot singing the catchy choruses
to him- or herself.

Holmes' Nashville influences
peek through every now and again
as his voice takes on an almost
southern drawl at times, especially
in “World of Shadows," a
bittersweet account of being
trapped in the wrong relationship,
and the album's closing ballad,

One point that lifts the album
even further is the band's foresight
not to create a sleepy debut by
relying on the popularity of slow
tempo ballads throughout. The
Floating Men are indeed an
acoustic rock band, and many of
these songs do move at a quick

The best example is the album‘s
diamond, “Friday Afternoon," an
amazingly well-written romp that
examines the insanity one goes
through while agonizingly waiting
all day for that elusive phone call
from a prospective date.

The only lctdowns on the entire
CD come from a few tracks that,
while still ear-catching. don't
develop to their full potential. The
Chris Isaak-like vocals of “So Be
It" and the anti-drug message of
“Hey Maria" seem to stand in one
place, not leading to any musical
climaxes or points.

The Floating Men will perform
at Lynagh's with Lexington 's own
Rostulara on March 30.






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have become as much of an Oscar
fixture as frightful evening gowns.
so the producer of Monday night’s
Oscar show wants to put a cork in
the annual celebrity gabfest.

From indulgent thank-you lists to
political scoldings on Tibet and
Haiti by award presenters. recent
Oscar shows have been
distinguished as much by moving
mouths as moving pictures.

This year, Steven Spielberg‘s
“Schindler‘s List." with a leading
12 nominations, is considered the
heavy favorite.

Other favorites include Holly
Hunter as best actress for “The
Piano" and Tom Hanks as best
actor for “Philadelphia." The show.
broadcast by ABC. begins at 6 pm.
local time.

With little apparent suspense in
the top categories. the real drama
could be what Hollywood
celebrities do —— and do not — say.

There were not many run-on
acceptance speeches in the 1993
awards ceremony, but presenters
Richard (iere. Susan Sarandon and
Tim Robbins made up for it with
two surprise partisan statements.

“We had worked it out

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