xt7gth8bk808 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7gth8bk808/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1981-10-15 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 15, 1981 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 15, 1981 1981 1981-10-15 2020 true xt7gth8bk808 section xt7gth8bk808 , {,5 . ".975 fl ”3""? , '_ ‘ T" l'. 1 . . , , 357.: r.” '_ ' ' 14‘ ,, ‘ a “3'9" Ky. :515?:‘;5‘:’Ei“’iy fir;.,-(;§_jt‘i§éfiéf ”f ‘5,
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2 weather is in store for campi- today. ' " 5,151”, I»;
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' tliglninthelowtomid7mClomtwill . ., _«
visit tonight, however, and stay a »'
thrwghtomorrowdsowstonightwill .'
heintiiesoe,andhigtntotnmowwiu .‘ ’ ‘.
beinthelow7m.’l‘herewillbea ‘1‘;
chanceof light rain tomorrow. _» ‘
. —————————————————____—_——_ ——-———————__.__________________— ., p r
= . . Vol. LXXXIV, No.44 An W snide-it newspepa' since 1971 University 0‘ Kentucky '
5 Thursday. October 15, 1981 Lexington, Kentucky 7
“ V,uf’I‘i4t'.‘."2‘B‘lr’r new» I," .. were, (”'31: 25’s,”; ‘ y ' i Wfl,.5_,.., »» j , .- 5:2557'-r'w»- =~5 5w ~ :5‘” ‘ a
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“_— ples 3051065 last week, but heels of ten years of inadequate fun. .. 5 J c w 1. 2 _ ‘
' By NANCY E.t)AVIs cancelled when Frank Ashley, his ding for this university,” Singletary ,' ' ’3' 5:
Senior Staff Writer press secretary. reminded him of an said. “It was not created last year ,~ g "' fl . i 7 l1»;
_____—_._..______ appOintment in Washington. and is not accentuated by the ' 5c, / {/‘f . 1"" g, ,l ,
His presence on campus was not economic plight ofthisstate.” iL/L— .5 :’ fl
' GOV- JOhh Y- Brown said yesterday known until 11:35am. when SA Presi- Another speaker, Edward v/ L” 5.... b" ",5
that, if necessary, he would be willing dent Britt Brockman received word Prichard, chairman of the Council on
toincrease the state’s revenue togive that Brown was in President Otis Higher Education’s Prichard Com- " ’
higher education “the support she Singletary's office. mittee, said there is “no way to deal ’
deserves.” Brown said that he came to the ral- with the problem (of funding for N0 7— .
‘ Brown asked the crowd of apprOX- ly because “we’re not going to have a higher education) except to restore .
imately 2,500 at yesterday’s Student governor who‘s afraidtol‘ace thepeo- adequate revenue. We have got to
Association—sponsored “Rally to Save ple he represents.” He went on to say restore the economic bases for all ser—
Higher Education” to “sit still for the “all 1 can give to you is my commit- vices in this state. If we don’t hang
next few months and let t5 deal with ment and what I believe and want to together, we‘ll hang separately."
| the problem.” do for higher education." - .
’ Taking a cue from Dr. Constance He asked the crowd to “gjveug a lit- He chastised the crowd for booing ‘ 5.
i Wilson. a faculty member of the tle patience and time” to rectify Brown and said “it‘s a great mistake
Board of 'l‘rmtees who addressed the budget problems and apologized for to personalize the problem." i. .
crowd earlier, he reaffirmed his the “temporary disruption” that Prichard also stated his support for '
“commitment“ to higher education higher education is currently suffer. the succession amendment. ,. »: a
5 whenhesaid, “I’m satisfied thatthis ing, “He’s going to be governor for 5,: 5
l administration would be willing to The crowd first booed Brown when several years more," he said. “M? ' :
' , ask for more revenues if that‘s what’s he walked on stage to the tune of Billy Brockman mentioned in his speech if
, l needed ”0 Sistaill higher educa- Joel’s “Stiletto,” (“She cut you once, that, as president of SA, he has the "" 1 ‘5 fi‘ , . '
,' tion)." she cut you twice, but still you power “to callaconventionofthe stu- , . 55ft» - g
‘ Wilson challenged the governor in believe, , ,") but warmed to him and dent body” and asked the crowd to 7. . W ‘ __ fl . - 1...; . -§ ' 2 , c u ‘ ‘- '
l her speech“to look to other resources even applauded when he explained pass a resolution placing “us as tint ‘ $3,“ .. ”we. .. j". 'e, :1
i in coal, tobacco, liquor and the horse hi3 reasoning behind his budget cuts. students on record as deploring the , int-”'1." ...«.‘;-«..'.5’..5~: .. . ‘ i _, ,, 2X ‘ V ‘
indlBtl'yl Education is the 0°" “It’s h0t important to he 8 popular degeneration of academic excellence " . ,5, ' ,' A ‘ " 1 I , ‘" . iii...» ‘ i, ' i ’ , . ,5
‘ nerstone of our economic develop- governor,"he said. on this campus and committing ' ”‘3. "1‘§‘3€.‘{,%%” . . . . ‘r V g ,_ _;
ment." Brockman apologized for hecklers ourselves to a course of action that if . m 'H ‘fl‘fi: 4;"...J/ . m ’ -.‘ V f g ’ 1,, p 4 d _ ‘ ‘
Brown admitted that hehascreated in the crowd, but said, “in any crowd will , , , persuade the governor and ' er." . '5. 5 ‘ 5'55:- ~, "I ,5 ’ a k _ .-
5 a “hartbhip” for higher education 01' 3,000. you‘ll have hecklers. They’d the legislature that higher education '3’ a »1. 1 ‘e 4 fl , .. , J ' :5 s '
With his budget ClltS. particularly at heckle ataprayer meeting.” in this state must notbesacriflced for ’ i it. .4 ~’ ' 5 ’1' ’ , it e 5" mil . 7- Vi
UK. The governor said that “for ten balanced budgets or even lower tax- ' 3 or p . 57., 5 ' " K ~
“It is a hardship. it is a discom- years, higher education has been the es.“ ' ’ 5k ; ‘ ”I?!” . ‘ p . 5
fort." Brown said. “buteveryonehas Stepchild of the state budget” and. It was the first time since 1977 tllat 1 5 I5 ‘ "r5 ‘ . . .t‘» 1
beenaskedtotighten their belts." 810118 With Singletary, who also a general assembly of students had . ,- ‘iii'i' ii? I " - , , ‘ i ,
Although Brown’s appearance at delivered a speech at the rally. placed been called upon to pass a resolution. ’ ‘2'; 6’5 ' ,..£“‘.:H5._«. ‘ “it" ' ""‘5' ~ ,
, therally was unannounced, it was not the blame for the current financhd Brockman said the resolution would i )m.’ , »# 13:?th ' 5 - ' . »- ' 15g 4%" ,
unexpected. He had accepted an in- dilemma on previous administra- show the legislators that "students ' 5.5,..1’53’ : 5‘2“.'.- ,. . " , .....- "-55 "
vitation totherally by SA Vice Presi- tions, have a direct impact on the . , . If 1 “C" 1':.'\"l‘ 1.”~ ‘ ‘ . c . ; d
dent Bobby Clark on KET's“The Peo- “These budget cuts came on the legislative process.” 4% . $3, ' 2‘ 11:5? 5‘ g; \ i .
- i ~ 1 ' y. ‘ ,' . .1 4
Reactions iavora e 5,55 t M i ,
. .55 5 :15.» . --
'1'" 5’“ ' ‘ 5 :‘ . ’
from many at SA rally i ~ 55. ~~~
. 5 .5‘ 55 73‘; I . 5 .\ . *rl,"
And Crosb Stills N h d Y 3 highe ed ti bud t ts that By DAVID COOPER/KernelStaff
——-——'—- y, ,asan oun r uca on ge cu
" B’deAMESl Eta?!“ HARRIS sang the gathering‘s theme song — Kentucky's colleges and universities ”0 w ”8 Tdb US .
a Keme 5 “Teach Your Children." have endured this past year, and, as
——————————————-— Collies of a drawing that appeared University President Otis Singletary Yesterday's “Rally to Save Higher Education" brought together representatives from all walks of campus life. .
in yesterday's Kernel were pointed out. for at least the past ten Rhoda Kyle. a graduate student in education and coordinator of the UK chapter oi the National Organization of
. ,5 They all came down to the 13“!“ distributed. The drawing depicted 8 years. Women. said she attended the rally brcause she“was worried how it will affect women returningtocampus."
- yesterday. to a sllshtly nostallgfilc ___________ Gov. John Y. Brown, who {lip- . I I
scene. There were parents With For photos of yesterday's SA flopped on a promise delivered on DISIIke toward south Afr'ca
: babies, professors, handleePPe‘i budget cuts rally, see page 10 KET to attend the rally, showed to
students, Greeks, senior aim, Foraloolz at an Australian take the chance to explain to the
preppies. blacks, whites, foreign university protest, see page ll crowd why there was no more candy --
....1..... . . ——————~~— .. 5 55 not a rent economuca y
It was breezy. 8 ilttie Chilly under trick-or-treater clutchinga goody bag become Kentucky's “stepchild.” The
the blue sky and fall Still- The sound labeled education while the governor crowd, surprised by his presence, in- W ; r " stated W 0‘ destroying guerrilla
system blared the Beatles' plea for held out an empty candy bowl. itially booed the governor as he took tyssuci ted Pressw ’ter '/\' '5' camps.
help. Dylan walled a familiar 196th To this setting came 2,500, thestage. a n Opposition to 500th Africa‘s white
anthem — “the times. they are 8- perhaps 3,000 peopleto“RallytoSave Undecided sophomore Carey Ken- ——-————————— ~ - supremacist policies at home and its '
angin'." Higher Education,” to protest the nison, who didn‘t know Brown would . hold on South West Africa are ametls
'_ . 0 appear, said, “If John Y. doesn‘t JOHANNESBURG, South Africa— , the few points on which all other
I S l 2 show up, I don‘t see how (the rally) A“ export me‘mPfi‘w here was A ‘ r \ African nationsareunited.
»' can be a success . . . Who’s going to asked how many African states trad- 5 ) But the southernmost countries de- ‘
notice it?" ed with South Africa in spite of ever- / \ Ii pv pend on South Africa for shipping
Be an intern at Walt Disney World. See page 4. Anne Forest, a psychology senior, louder calls for e b°YC°ti- The D "“r their exports. employing their
2 Kernelcritics choose favoritefliclu. See page 7. said she thought the then-absent “msgilquifigotfiggfim anda workers, stocking their shelve and.
l Football Coach Fran Curci hangs in there. See page 8. 3:?“ was taking the easy way Wilma" states spent at least $1.4 :2 mmfmizor road and air access
{ See“RALLY.“ page 3. billion on South African food end Even Nigeria, a champion of
l gimbim ihAfiim wring economic sanctions and rich enough
I m “an“ m m h mean one an , to o elsewhe'e, buys South African
ChIIdAbUSG "‘1‘" “d "’9 “mm“ i“‘ ' oil-item technology. spare parts and
' of mm to m. m ' tar-dependence , , , _ Kenya, Zimbabwe. Mozambique and other items via circuitous mears.
,, Only MalaWt mmtalm diplumtlc Angola, among others. South African officials said.
, _.___._— evaluation and treatment of abised and in 19794», there were 18,500 relations With the Pretoria govern- They say registeed trade with
' By JANET FISCHER children and their families. reported cases. ment, and few black countrim admit South Africa also exports troubleto black Africa increased by 54 percent
Reporter “It’s a very family-oriented ap- 'nieee numbers, however, probably tomdeButSouthAfneansraintsold neighboring states — resularly in- last year, but the real figure camot
much" said Veltltamp, the pfin. See” CHILD ABUSE .. n at commercial rates With no strings, vading .Angola. and occasionally be determined. pa. example. cargo .
. cipal investigator in thestudy. ' "3" averted famine last year in Zambia. Mozambique and Botswana, With the leaves West Africa ticketed for ,
' ‘3 With child Iste on the rise, many The money will go toward paying . Yokohama but shipg come back in a
~« » - -~ 555 55 5 55 55555 55555555555555 .1... House re acts A WA 08 sale' .. .1. 555555 555 »
epidemic proportiom" says Lane coordinator. I goodsfrom Cape Town.
Veltltamp. associate professor of Both Veltkamp and Richard Welsh, At the Organization of African Uni- 5
clinical social work. associate protessorofpsychiatry,will ty summit in Mauritius, in 1970,
. m..................... 5555555555555 Reagan pushes Senate vote 55...... 55mm .
3‘ study child abuse in Kentucky may state Department of Human ‘ labeled ‘Productot'Mauritim,“ which 7
. help both the victims and their Resources. _..._..___ Reaganreferredtothefact thatthe gave his nowstandard reply: "1"“ grows no grapes. Later, in Gabon. :
‘ » familiesoope with this problem. The mom is a contractml By JIM ADAMS sale goes through unless the Senate cautiomly optimistic.“ heats of state were oils-aged when ,
' The UKMedical Osnter was award- agreement between the department Associated Press Writer alsovotes to block it in a vote schedul- The latest Associated Press count they discovered too late that the beef i.
* ed 880,011) by the National Center for 0‘ psychiatry and the depaflmait 0f _..._..___“ edweek after next. slows 55 seniors committed or Icon in the menu was South African. In ‘ .
. Child Ahlle under the otfice of human resources The podiatry lngagaimtthesale and33committed m9, Queen Elizabeth II walked into : ~ .
- Human Development Services. The department will get paid Incoming to WASHINGTON — The Hotle over- WSW“ V0" WWW“ or locum in favor of it. includira the the Commmwealth antennas in l .
. grant is raiewable for three years. how many patient- it bundles. with I whelmingly rejected Wednesday the ‘9’ “9’“ "’k h" “m 9”"“5 ‘“ two who switched Wednesday afte- unm. Zambia. on a South African g *
. UKwesoneol eight site nationwide maximum 0f 94.453 to'be paid by proposedsalcotAWACS radar planes "6' to Senate While” header meetlngwith Reagan. redcarpet. _ , ,
' selected for federal hilldihl- MarchalJm. to Saudi Arabia, but President Howard 3“" “‘d Senate I‘m Senate Republican Leader Howard African nevethelss are deman- 5 ,,
. 5 The grant has two pupa-ea: The “We're-owls" many patients”, Reagan, lobbying tosavetllesale.ap- 'mumlmiim- Bake says he confident that by the an; that major powers press South , 5, r g
' ’ first is to develop . treatment pro- we can possibly see," Velthmp said. may converted two Senate op- leaving a ceremony in the Rose timetheSenate votestherewillbeno Africa for charge. This heavily in- 1‘ ,5 :5;
, pun at the Medical Center for the “We're wovidlng a service for the will and . Senate leader who had Garden, thepresidentsald. “lhaveto inc-e thanqsvotes againstthenle. fluences niatlmswiththeWest. '»‘ _ ‘ ' ‘1:
5 , ‘ w abuevictimsandfamilies, centering stateofKentucky." bemuncommltted. gobecktoworkandwhatllnvetogo Home qiponents called the record U.S. otfldals argue that friendly ‘ ' 5 _5 5 1’5
5, » on family evaluation and treatment; The number 0! "ported cues of "well that wag expected," the becktoworkonlsAWACS.“ ”.5 billion aims sale, which include mwill brim malts that sanc- . 5»
~ ‘ 5 .M the m is to train mental child abtneln Kentucky has lncreer ”idem said of the null Home AskedifhewouldwinlntheSenate, scvu'alothu- items in addition tothe tions camot. They seek to avoid V, 5:53-
" ' , » heelthworhers Wont Kentucky edovu'wpel'centlnrecuityears. In vote. “Weknewthat. Butittakaboth where the administration has been radarplanas.atlireattolsrnel Indto choosimbetwealblackurlca,wtdch ,7 "5 53-255}
- hunuriydetectlu. ldentiflcatlm, imam-me uncommon: mmym." cumin-aunt its dfOI‘tl. Rots-n :- firmwwsn'w see'vlml AFRICANr-uen l._.g::;ii;;§e,,5
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,3; Efforts to save hlgher educahon .
must not end with cam rallies
5 . : " ; NS “MW” . "1’ it?
. I ; Yesterday’s Student Association-sponsored member leave for a higher-paying job and ex‘hw’ o o b be ‘E' I ,fl
_ ‘ . Rally to Save Higher Education was an im- another classroom jammed to the walls. As gewaxtg, ‘ “I “W S j
‘ ‘ mense success, and all who attended have Prichard noted, the prospect that Brown’s in- (so is\ecse~e:>“°‘h$\§t . l jjgf
' “movement veetment programs will increase state “ h om CSle 7-}:
But the effort cannot end here. As President revenues m several 3'9an ‘5 positive, but they l > H 4" M > I ° ' ‘ f
. . . will not meet the immediate need. .. .
.3 Otis Singletary painted out, the rally has end- . . . I.
ed and the problem is still here. There are still “18"“ tax”, as “PM?” as. the PM?” 4 = ' >'
.- may seem, are the only immediate solution, ; .1 .
cuts to be compensated for, and the prospect . . . . .
- of future reductions remains although Gov whether they be on commodities (as Wilson a3 ., I»
John Y. Brown denied the possibility of fur- 2&3?" WWW, ”men's °' any °°m‘ 524% ”.51,
_- g3; udgsgsftut; 1:12: speech at Morel Efid This is the message the students and faculty P5151 ~
y p ' ‘ of UK and the seven other state universities / ”W‘, ,, 5;
Edward Prichard, chairman of the Council must carry to the public at large. Without ,/ ‘ “m ' 5" . ‘1‘,
_ ’ on Higher Education’s Prichard Committee, more, the state will have progressively fewer —-——‘/ —j
and Board of Trustees member Connie Wilson, and fewer educational opportunities to offer. '1'; 1 Q g
5 hit the nail on the head in their speeches: the Apparently Brown is prepared to bite the ,4? ‘ . .~
key to preserving higher education is increas- bullet. After stating that he never set out to be , _,.. . _. 3. a
. ed revenues, i.e. higher taxes. a popular governor -— only an effective one -- ” ‘ - ‘ \ \ . j
j The reductions in aid from Washington have he said “I am satisfied that this administra- ___3.» '
, only accentuated the need for more tax tion is willing to ask for more revenues if L__ K ’
dollars. Few will deny the governor’s repeated that’s what’s needed.” j;- 1 MW, . l .
3 charge that the Reagan administration has With that gaurantee, it is up to those who £55 , 9,2336% 3
1 _ simply dumped the responsibility for know first hand the true value of higher educa- ' 1 sets, gigs, Q 5 l ’
\ numerous essential services in the laps of the tion to continue the effort begun yesterday. As __-> :2“ it ' l , _
states —including education. Prichard said in a Kernel interview Tuesday, w- w @ l . g
Steps must be taken to compensate for this “instead of marching on the Lexington cam- " l .'-”
, loss as soon as possible. Every day that passes pus, and there’s nothing wrong with that, the ;
without definite action sees another faculty place to go is where you live.” ' 5 1
. e e I 1 .
i ' - Batting adillstratm red tape
. fHard-hlckfoofllallteammnmwlooktowardhndlmfuhre . l" .
, a... _ enemasmnom e..d.,......... now... u... -,..,,. - ___—
l ' ’ ”awaitedmfid‘dmmwik" . ' thrwsh the come of sandlot. tion over whether the embattled humid” . m "m .
l .. . . . . . , ingtopaymbstanhalmnsofmoney .
k . } heroes. humiliated, grimy, draped team, offer encouragement or elementary, Junior high and high coach would (mum, who fwmmmmmmalm '
indespalr. they saw” thehaven 0f merely watch them. More surpris- school compehtmn — of what im- would next be at the ship’s helm, their” lifestyle. Staff
__3; I a locker room —— a place often nigly,fewstayedtobooastheem- portanceisonegame? and whether-the teamwouldwin 'lhinkabolltit.Peopleapendmmo .
E: sought this season, a place seldom- battled coach and his squad left the So many minor triumphs, anotha- W this season. . on a car 81 m m, . suit $100 fa- éll“ .
5 ly rewardingin that respect. ’ _ field. defeats,andemotionalhighsshould The“ men can take solace, ”team ”for .’ W Spr- I I
Nodozen teenage boyswaltedln So the stadium emptied, the inoculate these men from taking m_ M ma be comfort lngsteenalbtnnhdnauseam. P '1 on '
” silence near the entrance to the cmdleadyingtofulfillindividual anylosssogreatly.0rsothetheory mmmdamthm Andl'mmeaception Why jutthe .'
'5 ' - - - - , * i .
1» Kentucky locker room in the final plans of dining, partying. or mak- goes. . _ far this senator has begun to “ta-dayxmdmfu.m‘m. “You're tlree so I
f, l seconds of Saturday’s football he the long trek home to all cor- What was Visible Saturday night change mamm_ mm The sentence m not w in ’ll get Sam” t “m'”vm_ .—
gnme.1heywei~emtsniiling—iew nets of the state. Certainly few as that team left the field was amedplaymbdnsmtedw mmw‘fmmh fig, W V"
people smile at home football would heed the words of the public deopair - deep, overwhelming. 00- felony charges, sapwood on train- “it contain flowing classic m I realized what was happening I
‘ games on this campus. They were. address announcer to watch the ly one ployel‘ looked up — the Mt. it; violations and contributilc to blended togethu' to him a futile. m m for d.” 1 never mg”. I
however, excitedastheyawalted replayotthegameatuzaoorthe along with the coaching staff, anrelatjonshipofdistmtandoon- mummmtuuightina giant-ah. 1m mfumgn -
. thechancetomeet theathletes. “Coach Fran Curci Show" the next stared down at the ground, seem- tempt with the student body, the 3].ng mind. chairin a full elm” Pt! , I
f , . . day. inglyina daze, thetronly objective “W360“ ‘3 WW ‘0 am And it wasn’t a rare sentence, gunman“: ”mew ‘
«1 This was surpnslng. Football Commonwealth seemed toempty bemgtnreach that locker room. Mumm_ either. It has M What! millions to me I t Since in .
l ‘ ‘ players do not how the status quicker than anytime in recent That was the first time 1 had Compilimawimingrecordisnot oftimea. . W thal‘tlsaildlwasgoing to ”
,awardedtobasketball 3mm“ memoryAlocalTVcameracr-ew stoodsoclosetothefieldasto WdawWCh attlfis 'l‘heaentmceread: “Amtzs— me.Slncelhadn'ttddtheUnivenity
l state where all basketball playels mtemewed a player at midfield, enable me to see the players afta- school. A; long as the mom’s Last day to withdraw from a class ”mm could havethe l l .0 5
l are stars. How many parents, out- while the other Wildcats retreated thegame. mug“, mdeaviyid imageremaim respectableandon- and be digible for a fun reflmd if someone else could “:3“; had to ”
, 1 side of Wswlle. Wage "Dir tothelockerroom. im ion. field performance is not relegated - - . ’ ’
I ' 9 “ press _ statm u dlanged from full-time to picklpthetabforlt.
l | childrentopursuefootball. Foot- Astlieteammanbersnearedthe 'l‘hefatiguewas “amt, to the Sim by off-field part-time,orlfpert-timelmnare Anotha'peraonintherqistrar’sol- .
ball play? — this town, It seems, stands, thenctse level heightened. All moved so slowly, mp. feel- disciplinary problems, thestudents my ficetddmethesamething “You told -
, has condltloned itself, or more cor- “Good game. You writ have me at last the “momma and and most of the alumni will be con. I mu rad the mm [mtil w you w it but you My
rectly been conditioned all mg" ex' anything tobeashamed 0f. wwmdMI-ofunfive m tent. . (hm m ‘80, m I Mm- a didn't," an “id to lne "we my:
aggeratlons and slurs of the pfst, t0 . Cemenon, Big Blue. Come on, ‘ Next, the silence. NM was ‘ My nalvety may be m, but the University’s administration give it to else, ”MM“ to .
refipondmuwtta-mnegatlve y. 9" Big Blue. ' saidamongplayersandcoaches or itseemsthatnextseasonwdlbethe MM it out to me in answer to . aeceptsomeofthellabilityforit." _ .
Whymmwmmmm‘ The b°ys We" “Wt "‘9 whim-“W100“ Mmewmwyswmm dilanmlwasfadns.“mtituysit ltoldthebrmthatltrledtofind
, yelled one man down to them as-he ropes separatihg them from the “Wet Perhaps “swash good Sign (ll-field record may mt imp-owe, right we". he “id to me. “In blue out Mt mm W I’d have
. .- nothing. The players and the embattled “Inc. inherit a prey-am already on the my my tuitlm and fees. 13W the my ’t‘s . l , ‘
l ‘ The ”953‘ w.” the "‘1’ “'3" MWMM- Most amt. the m- “WW“W‘Y- first weds of September twins to said. “mtit'ulllnthislittlebook' " .
l e clock ran down. Few stayed to oneasstnnes thattheloslngplayers thatdreaded “lackofguts,”onthat Then perhaps die day Will soon m am .0 i could return to “Yalcmldflnditoutintheprivacyof ‘
g. watch the final scoring driveof will be upset when ante-mg the field were 3mg with face, .0 comewhalchildrendreamofbeing achoolandmakeanattempt at conti- yourmhnm: ,. f
it; South Carolina or the last offenmye locker room but that after the head bruised and legs so mangled as to halfback. mill! myeducation. Tl'i'llll to n. in l m n that i had
at play by Kentucky. Few acted as did coach gives the customary Pep talk have troubh leavilg the area. Chm All! it o journalism junior 1 he'd been two not- ' -
a. . . . almdy W tried my bestintbe timeavallable to
t; the boys in staying to meet the their sorrow will ebb. After all, an «to “M“W'W editor 01”" K‘""'- Io-mema'able mute-s 0f study, me was melee No me “Mild liltm , '
» it — “ rhfiymwddaamtgamy Theanawerwuthelame. “It’s inthe
if nub-mummies . ' 0" financial'ai WORM etsenttoouwith our , '
I :1 l . “men-1:5;- to “page wmmmmum-umduwnduumw than] k: ltome. Willeit’sinthecallalogandigsin .
Red-u. I Mymbmmucmmmwum.m.mm Baa EducationalOpportmity “MGM."
: . billets — dOUX “xii-:wszzmwrmmvaxm- ............,,,_ em» on was my 1-» m o in...“ w, t... t...“ on. .
V 7.. Mummemnumsmm. ' picktqraomecashtoapplytomy ex- placeslnblueandwhite. ‘
Mkcrmlmmufieflwbdhhm-W.Mdm.uumluunot-u. cruciatmg ‘1»19 tuition. “'1 they Inowsmallmicrocoemoflociety,
,‘ - toldmemychanceatograboomeof mm, are people willing to pay
cu: student been hit by a car? How many fashion portray“ the” illicit acts as they have MM tliunaelvea . their lucre were close to a smwman’a mum“ sum of m for
My times. have you been hit by a somewhatoi‘agallantaldeamJ'm 13.; m "a“; m- cm lnliedee.lhsdtodecioewhethqto Mn: the, “mid, m to
' bicyclist? lwould estimate that many not going to prorumce the budget don’t gain rupect and following; by continue full-thneandeatground b0“ then-lifestyles.
‘ “midi?“mmymltwml "3°", have “mowed down" by cutsineducadmueoodorb-d.m dshoylmoometldmasvitalasthe memtwnmutemrto Some of these things have
. , appearedtntheMmdayeditlonofthe bicycliststhancars.Wlmapoupof therearerlghtandwrongmodeeby appearanceofou-campm. commandment-lama» senteticaainthemthatwlllrimflat
. ,\ Kernel was quite htlmorotn, to say students begins to shift acme the which one should m his or ha- lt. and hopeful- “My duel-hip and boring, but people more
1 g the least. What, it wasn't meant to be street, automobile drivers are opinion, In oonclmion, the m stated that afteayear. mug m we a, that we
é funny? Tarpey's 'attack on basically comm enough to yield Elevating university expenses mmuhmmgmwuwny Solbitmylip,mllowedmy wide, have to read a... mm m
_ ' automobiles and pal-lung lots w mtiltheyouphascroaaed, which is WVMmhhrdlym.d- _ toldmymothcattdfathacmded WWW“... ~f),
r , viewed from an interest“!!! mmtlnnlcansayforthe-mse mirable means by which one com- «mamhnoflandmetcuh whitewtmmflneat 'l'hemoraltotheettryhthh:Goto
perspective — what perspective I bicyclistlhavehadmytoerrtmovu- plainsabwtredncedhmthinethca- to ”the nutrients. The Kernel, in its nthentioppeddreacotm. clutch.GotoSlmdeyechod.Dogood :jg
, don't quite hm. Here is another nmtimeatlunlbavetoea. tion. These obviouly imecure in- mhfidmmymm it WI! 00'! afte- m ‘0 "I0 thing.Doyom-homework.l:atwell. ‘-
' view,ft-orntheautomobile driver’s Finally, imagine an invigorating divim should nu ma reex- stantfalltretorealiaathatthceara red-W’Iomcethatlfomdmtl’d m_ f.
’ '- yiewpoint. andrewardlmbicycleridetoachool mug ibilit ofaoodllctof toppedheotmtlreenehtoo Andreadevcytflmthollnlvonl
, ‘ - I will admit tint parking lots. in mid-wink, with sub-sen m mummmlimmm, twosidutoeveryatwy,hnotfdflll- late. “M_mmumu._ty if;
» . , 9mm unstained, cold scabs of tire-um atyouralready lumbfaee, To imp... exp...‘ on my '3: i“ m” ”£33?“ “I ‘ “Hold It. hold It." I do to the And if you're holly. when you dc
: .. asphalt. . .."aremtalwayulretty withywmlmtoletmblcy- [receedlm statement,iwillreferto and “:1! tion“ mammary bill. “Wint'a m'flgotomYa-k. -
1;: a 1 1 m.hndnymlwwevaanw7si- cletlmnghthefroaen,wliteblatket marbmadebyllnmlbelfln W m - tit-tango?" g.
‘;?:ii}*~1~‘77* I. ty. They may “ . . .bwymof er- of snow covering the earth. At this thearticlo. 'lheirstatoduoalaere "to ‘mt’q you ll pacent bitten re- Some people are here on the five— 3}»:
f,‘ tile land under their cold nrlaoe point. I will wave toyou from inside vote. and m pot-t- aunt ult- hlld,"llulaldtome. , an, um mm. i. M». a. 9.. :35;
> e a" . ~ n Mal-1mm m Pl ,
£5,3st . . ., but at the same time they [to- my warm car and «five easily and W m in mum, To get poo. ‘Wtupereanthlltlon Maid?" “wan,” PM
33%?” no: mzmm mee- for m. warmly badmi- ple union; about the cute and melt-
i“,‘§,"jl< j, ‘ “I" M W dell-Imam] effects." m
it ”Memmwm m 11.3-er m M (an?) m not will _ by Berke Breather]
,‘gfig :_ Cm m «Mo on com not Sarto-ere realistically expect to main up 2% low”
77,;,i:'*:'i’ff;;:g:§gj.: simply Decal-e there are parking Babe-M vim any leadu-a. Unless I am fir bin “MW“, m ’5
.3; ~ tote. bubecat-etbeeemareneed- mm, lad-sup doom entail "$5. W .. . I
1», 3* 6‘ anNWMMM. m“ mmmmmmom I ' L - effigy! ~- \A , 3;;
. ", ‘ flflmmlm“ usability louse Mm In /m‘~ ’ mm. ’ ’ "/ 1- l
'_ ‘ glyhvddbyfuglohm- 'l‘hoKernelnavu-ea-atoemaaa mmmwmflr . . ’ , . , ‘ "a.
,. ltydMJHyaqportabu we‘ll: mambo-touches, mam,mthaoth¢hnd,ifluk- fl / é \ ‘ .. .. Sag \ ; . 1
, muons-nonunion! layman-mammal shpmtompeofletobir— . . 3;. , ,0 ,g l
* , mama-.Mld'lhmlloc. paint. MIMI-”Wrinkle nmmmmbm ‘ H , . h . b 3
‘ h eadh't m be M bummed-out. Mm,m[mm, . \‘ #09 p r L o ‘ . I 1,,

“bm'hdudd -AadluetletI-lleeedy—who “Wimpy-flab“ 5 5,4 ~ , 4 - l Q_ ;

a . ”nub-lean. hmhmd- unweightltalthwfl I . l , '. I l ‘ if
:mkummww. , affoctthem’e vol T. J l l ; f. .
“bomb-humil- Than-mellow» m.mu ‘ ' ‘ ' ‘ ,3

. . . I ‘ . 4 r, . . ‘ .> ‘ A . ‘ . . J. ‘ , . »; ”I ‘ ‘ . l . r, ‘ . 5: ul‘fifl‘rfl‘i.§ ”if?! ‘ F3“, ‘:
‘ 1 ‘ ‘ . .r ‘ .' I ‘ e . > - _ 1 _ . a.» ‘_ . "v V j . _ '1; ”329‘}: :‘E l'. ““1325? high?

 u, --. . ,- I ~- ore? «1 w n.3,: :hi" . ‘ 3”“; ' -'

» . .. . a MIT‘C‘” 3W3: "isms? mosaizl-Hi‘gpt‘hi”M‘;‘rf“:"f"i£-l’si ‘ iii”1-5"-""-’“='«.f::'39 WW”? ‘ a I: - “2/ . ' ' - ' ‘Wf‘énr-W: .- ‘ " i ’» ‘7 '51:. M’fiafifztilfi‘ihue“ 3L ti: $3.2M 133;“ 5:13”?! ~ 3“ - 1

»r » - 4 -- 5-. trim-iv: . ‘ ..- g ' ' ' '- ~ , - = ' ‘ .- . ‘ '. , '~ .‘ .2,- ,' ."i- _ -. ' . n,-...ar”t. oit';v-::,;i --'- ‘3 s ‘ 3 »L:~s“!..- '* ‘ .eei.*va?‘-1‘,~>‘:,.v.5." w“. " - - ,

‘ ‘ . - . ' :2 , 2.5: «3.: .“yre 2:31”... ~ - - r - ' . -- ' - .. '2 . -« :n c ; ; a... an; ifirr’hfih ‘Eoiatifi’ci’: - .- " '-

. ' ~ , ' ::2,. if ’ ~ ~ ' ' , - _ . ' ' i .. »‘:::-: ' ' - ‘ . '7’. t. it vigil” = ' *5: ‘-

' . t.,:,,$$rg§}xtg“i ,‘ :' " ‘ , .‘ 3, I f - ‘ i» " ' r- . ,- " . ' “all , ,3, ,3 l“ a Chili-{ii} 31g;';‘);.;’:”+‘”"5‘~ j: 333-;3.
' ’- 1 iii x . , , , 3 ._, , . m; . m..-a.-.....-,., t“: ..» «emu - ~ 4‘ i it :5:--.-.-2.~'l‘a:.i-..r_-. in“ a. is l 14 re!

W'QWA‘fi“ ' V ' ‘ ’ ' ' ‘ ' 3313:3333, ‘

' ' nil-1.1!: 5'

{‘ THE KENTUCKY KERNEL. Thursday, October 15, 1981-3 lift:

‘ HEW-“~ ~~ \_. ._—______._ ‘31-;33.3‘3t,3‘:u-1 S .

l R I will

—— a ——
l news roundup WM ’7

“33 fl) W Engineermg' f n Bob lieu speakers. said. “I think itwas a gift}
learned from a reporter that Brown turnout. It shows student Interest . . . .535?“

l . . _. ____.“\.- _. _ . had arrived, however. and his reac- it draws attention muleproblern-" -

' ‘ Herb Steel . special ent in charge of the unscene. which was in a