xt7gth8bk82f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7gth8bk82f/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1982-09-15 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 15, 1982 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 15, 1982 1982 1982-09-15 2020 true xt7gth8bk82f section xt7gth8bk82f Fury}; .
i“ ifil Don't TAP this keg
If you're driving drunk and Lexington's
’ finest nob :ou doing it,.T. [zgn'Williami
. son can‘t ave ou re eos rom |Ol
l \‘K‘ anymore - and the acting dean of stu-
’ I , dents thinks that’s justified. The Lexinge
1 ton Traffic Alcohol Program is forcing
many students here to rethink their par-
tying behavior. For more, see page 5.
__._..“____________________ fl_fl_ l . /\.... '51
Vol. LXXXV, No. 26 Wednesday, September l5, I982 An Independent student I‘IOWSPCPOI' University Of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky
e anese DFGSI ant-elect dles II‘I explosmn
W bloody tinting between Lebanon’s I I
mm 9",, M, We... mu... ..., M...” Lebanese student sees loss of all hope
3,. irrigate. It mdmreatened the delicate ______
____________. ____._._, 1' 15"“! , created with the beh- By JEFF HINTON with the British overnment ivi Man unfavorable questions were
.93, . anese Cht'letm militias following the Statf Writer the land that beltginged to Palistil‘ig directelfi at an Israeli. One man

BEIRUT, Lebanon — President- ~>~ {97576 cml W8? hetweai the Girls- to the Jews," said Smar Arafat, a asked why Israel had used over-ag-
elect Bashlr Gemayel was killed yes- ,. tlans e"? an alliance 0‘ Moslems and ____—————— civil engineering senior. gressive action in the past. saying
terday in a bomb blast that shattered . - Palestinian guerrillas. _ . , “Taking away our land then and “another Holocaust has happened in
his Christian Phalange Party head- 'ig;:ii;;...ge;j;;¥ N0 group asserted responSibility for In the wake of the death 0t Leb- then again taking away more of our Lebanon.”
quarters in East Beirut. _45~;3§;’_;;§; the bombing. Munitions experts esti- anose President-elect Bashir Gem- land in thewar of 1949 has lead us to Another asked how long Israel

Earlier reports had said Gemayel mated 400 pounds 0‘ ““05”” were aye], a UK student from that coun- the problems that we face today." would play on the emotions of the
survived, but eight of his party mem— .. " “T. "seem? the device try called it “the biggest tragedy the He said the PLO represents the world saying “everybody in every
bers had perished and at least 50 oth- _ " Israel invaded Lebanon June 6. Lebanese people haveseento date. Palestinians and it is through them county has suffered at one time or
ers were wounded. ,-_ forcing the Palestine Liberation Orga- “The president is gone and all the that Israel ‘will have to settle the another.”

The sources said Gemayel’s body nization guerrillas to be evacuated hopes Of the Lebanese people are question of Palestinian autonomy. The same person accused both
was found in the rubble of the building 2' _' from their stronghold in Moslem West gone with him,” said Sfeir Dorian, a “Because the pLo has refused to sidfi of “exchanging propaganda
on Saissine Square a few hours after .3 . Beirut, and Israeli Prime Minister ell/ll engineering senior. recognize Israel’s right to exist and dogma" and of sidestepping the
the explosion at 4 pm. (10 am. EDT). IASHIR GEMAYEL Menachem Begin had been pressing UK students from Palestine, 15‘ there cannot be peace between mi: real issue ofapeace settlement.

It occurred as the the 34-year-old president-elect pre— _ Gemayel to formally recognize the rael and Lebanon met in heated d9“ said Levy Rabinowitz a graduate Levy answered by saying that 15-
pared to addressarally of 4000f his followers. JemShState- bate last night to discuss the recent student. ' rael would not accept an indepen-

The Phalange Party’s radio station had reported ear- Parliament elected Gemayel elected president Aug. 23 conflict in Lebanon. “We cannot deal with people who dent Palestinian state in the West
lier that Gemayel survived unscathed and walked away in a special session that was boycotted by a number of “I like to say to all foreign ar- have it in their doctrine to destroy Bank but would discms some form
from the rubble. It said cheers went up from a crowd in Moslem legislators. He was to take office Sept. 23. mics: ‘leave “5 alone,’ ,. Dorian said us. of autonomy for the Palestinians
the Christian neighborhood, church bells rang and Pha- He had survived two other attempts on his life in the at the beginning of the discmsion- “Security to us is a means for sur- when they recognize the right of Is-
langist militiamen fired their guns to celebrate the re- bloody conflicts here that pitted not only the Moslems Dorian was stayed only for the vival," he said. “We are surrounded real to exist.
port that Gemayel had survived. It even attributed a against the Christians but also involved fights between first few minutes. “1 WW” like to by enemies; only one nation in the “I think my country would be glad
quote to the preeidentelect. reporting he said. “I’m different Christian factions. stay and discuss the issuee with you. Arab world recognizes our right to to talk to the Palestinians when they
safe. ThankGodthis incident is past.” The explosion ripped down a third of the building that but the circumstances will not per- exsist," he said. accept us as friends and not as ene

The radio station went off the air several hours later housed the neighborhood Phalange Party headquarters mit." After the 10-minute opening misc," Rabinowitz said.
as reports raced through the war-ravaged city that the in the Ashafieh district of Chritsian East Beirut. Wit- The meeting continued With an statements, the floor was open to East said, “In my opinion, the
president-elect was dead. nessos at the scene had claimed they saw Gemayel opening statement from a Palastin- people in the audience. problem in the Middle East might

Lebanon’s state radio made no announcement, but a walking away fromtherubble. ian stUdeht on the history 0f the Pal- “The success of this meeting will become a little less hazy if the PLO
few minutes after 11 pm. (5 pm. EDT) it began play- According to the sources who reported Gemayel’s ectinian people and the surrounding depend on you,” said Maurice East, made a statement as to the amount
mg solemn, classmalmusnc. death, President Elias Sarkis informed Premier Shafik area. a political science professor and me- of representation they have with the

His death appeared certain to bring a new wave 11 Wazzan of the death. “The problem began back in 1917 diator of the debate. Palestinian people."

' -- a , ; From Associated Press reports
a. .
. a ..eiPl
l I“; ' Storms strike across the nation

' ;. ~ A furious snowstorm snuffed summer in the Rocky Moun-
, toins yesterday, stranding hundreds and leaving thousands
. A4,. A "'1, without power in snow up to two feet deep, while floods in

3.31s a» - Kentucky forced the evacuation of an entire town.
, “it 3 ... ’l \‘i' Rep. Carl Perkins, who toured flooded eastern Kentucky.
V g. > W estimated that l,200 and l.500 homes were damaged in five

.M ‘ counties and said he would ask President Reagan for feder-

j - we .... «a» , h \ 0| Old
M One man was missing after a canoe carrying three peo-
> ple overturned on the flood-swollen Kentucky River near
wsgfigggfilsenmw ,1,“ . . . , ,. a __ y Whitesburg. officials said.
3;,” ’ ‘ .‘ ‘ . 1- .. .- .. _ ., y y _ All l,500 residents of Jenkins were told to leave their
’ ' ' > homes and businesses after water climbed three feet above
,. “e?” the top of an earthen dam that holds the town's reservoir,
. , .1 “it“ ' City Councilman Roger Hall said. They were allowed to re-
' 1‘s turn several hours later.

it, Elsewhere, Tropical Storm Debby bore down on the Bo-
‘wg homos with 50 mph winds and forecasters sold the season's

-..}... .‘ fourth Atlantic storm was likely to strengthen.
In many areas of Wyoming and Montana, schools closed

,1 . " “*5“ sh” and traffic came to a halt as a winter storm arrived weeks

" t ., ‘fl .. * early, in one area dropping 18 inches of snow. The Wyom-
L as! " A“ ing Highway Patrol said hundreds of travelers were
MAIK CIU’I/Kernol Staff ‘rapped '
Wendell Berry, a noted author and cat, addressed members of former UK En Iish rofessor, said he su orted the rou 's efforts ' '

Students to Save Robinson Forest of :meeting last night. Berry, 0 to prevent thegminifg of University-ownecrlnfimberland,g p Democrats preparing for campaigns
. WASHINGTON — House Democrats are preparing a pre-
tu ents to ave o Inson crest see Change election economic manifesto that looks past the nation's
current woes and ignores post party calls for full employ-

I . I g I ment. Instead. the thrust will be on long-term investments

In board recommendat|on on mlnlng tlmber land in economic growth and a call to rebuild the country's trans-

portotion and water systems, according to Democratic

By JAMES EDWlN HARRIS solved Sept. 21, when the UK Board dents could not participate in such nient loophole. it doesn't protect The report. which the House Democratic Caucus plans to
ManagingEditor of Trustees will vote on the policy anendeavor. RobinsonForestinthefuture." release this weekend, stakes out a middle political ground
recommendation passed out of the In an opening statement, Phillipi Phillipi asked the 140 people gath- on which party liberals and conservatives alike can stand

*-__——_ board's Robinson Forat Committee. attacked Kentucky’s news media for ered at the meeting to write to the for the November congressional elections, said the sources,

The grass-roots student organiza- depicting the fight to ban the mining Trustees and ask for the deletion of who insisted that their names not be used.
ingTheCifllzdceathgf amtOWllt'hall "I?” m togglulast ntfihtdet: ”3;ngth asbeingover. l the phrase fgm the recommenda- "This is a consensus document that is much more centr-
. n e cl wens o a e ' ipi, presi t 0 RF, Philli isaid the reso ution passed tion, but add . “Realisticall , that - - . . - ,, -
town were faced with making a deci- termed the organization's last meet- by the gommittee “says the Univer- stands as much of a chancz as a Zhgpfxleéegflhg gzgnozgi fcinsfiéogzg him; 030::ng
$19". regarding an important issue, ing, and to listen to Wendell Berry, sity can utilize Robinson Forest for snowball onatrip through Hades? h.“ . y . '9 d b t‘ d p .
enginetedlncolonlal New England. a noted author and poet, equate the mining if it sees fit." and that part Nevertheless, the group is to gath- a s ' m econom'c p0 my e o e 'owor more conservame

Last mght. the colonial town hall forest to UK’s libraries. laboratories of the resolution — banning mining er Sept. 21 at 1:15 pm. on the lawn °PP'°°"‘°S' , .
meeting was updated as the Stu- and classrooms as an educational “under present circumstances" — in front of the Administration Build- , Dem°“°'s s”pp°"'"9 the 90"“ “meme“ mnge lr°m
dents to Save Robinson Forest as resource which should not be sold to can be interpreted to mean the Uni- ing to demonstrate for passage of a “herd Charles 3- R°ngel °l New Y°rk '° Chm'es W' 5””
sembled at the Classroom Building buy moreeducatiom. versity at some future date interim resolutiontodelete the phrase. hOlm 0t Texas, head °t the conservetive 30“ WeeVi' C00”
to discuss the final step in what has The award-winning writer also to proceed withthemining. Jim Dinkle. SGA president and a "On-
forge-3 Wilt-long fight to prevent lauded the group for ‘ftaking a “We are quite glad they didn't voting member of the Board of Although unemployment is at its highest levels since
frgmbe'lwelsfl-tiy gargantuan Forest stance'tondefend something worth open'itnpfor‘leasingimmediately." Trustees, authored the resolution, World War II. sources involved in drafting the statement

The i528ue ispscllfieduled t be defmdms. and sgld edlfiiaml‘f was PhllllPl Shld» but thephrase under “Milling 3 promise to SUPPOI‘t the said it offers no short-term, lob-creating programs and

0 re- undeservmg 0f?“ he fun ng stu- present Ctrcmtanc” ‘5 a conve- SeeROIINSON.page4 makes no reference to the full-employment goals of the
l . Democratic-sponsored Humphrey~Hawkins Act of l978.
Prlncess 6,309 was afler car craSh The report also deplores budget deficits, sources said.
MONTE CARLO, Monaco (AP) — have suffered minor injuries and phia bricklayer-turned-millionaire, of “The Philadelphia Story,“ with

Princess Grace, the former actress been treated at a hospital and re- made 11 films before she gave up O'osby and Frank Sinatra. \ /

who gave up her Oscar-winning leased. But palace spokesman acting in 1956 at the peak of her cat One of her last films. “The Swan“

movie career for a storybook mar- Georges Lucombski confirmed early reer to marry Rainier and move to in 1956. told of a beautiful young ’

riage to Prince Rainier of Monaco, today that Stephanie was admitted the tiny principality on the French woman who marricsacrownprince.

died last night of injuries suffered in to the main Monaco hospital after Riviera. She met Rainier at the Cannes WEATHER

an autoaccident. the accident “for observation“ and She won an Academy Award as film festival in 1955, and the ro-

Grace, 52, died of a cerebral hern- was still there. best actress in 1955 for “The Coun- mance flowered when he spent
orrhage. the official Monaco govern- Police quoted by the French news try Girl“ in which she starred with Christmas Day at the home of her

_ merit press service announced in a agency said that at the time of the Bing Crosby. parents.
statement fromthepalace. accident neither Grace nor Stepha- She was also a favorite of director The couple had two daughters,
“fibreglass angooulr‘iced Monday she nie was p“Ivearipg Flseatbelts. which Alfred Hitchcock. who preferred Princesses Caroline and Stephanie,
8 er a en l , ribs and arecom sory n ance. statu ueblondesforhis movies. and one son, Crown Prince Albert.

shoulder when her car :aahed off a The official statement said Sheéaqppeared in three of his films Princess Caroline was married h" :m I” ”my "”"V ""l‘ ° ’° P"“"' “W“. °'

twisting mountain road near the Grace‘s health “deteriorated during —“'1‘o Catch a Thief" with Cary briefly to Frenchman Phillipe Junot. ' u" oratorma Md‘w '"d ' M9" '" fl" '°“' .0"

- ‘ F‘renchtownot‘La'l‘m'bie. thenight"andyesterday. Grant. “Dial M For Murder" with but they divorced in isooandhndno “Met" Wt" 5' Perth! driver with c 30 percent
Her younger daughter, 17-year-old “At the end of the day all thera- Robert Cummings, and “Rear Win. children. chance of atorma and a low In the low to middle 60a.

Princess Stephanie, was also in the peutic possibilities had been exceed- dow,"withJames Stewart. Grace Patricia Kelly was born Tomorrow will be partly cloudy with a 20 percent

car, which plunged 120 feet off the ed, and her Serene Highness The Other starring roles included Nov. 12, 1929, in Philadelidlia. Her chance of thunderstorms and a high In the u r 10a

road. Princess Gracedied." “High Noon" with Gary Cooper and father. the son of an lrish immi- 9° low '0‘. pp.
Stephanie first was reported to 'l‘heblonde daughter of a Philadel- “High Society.“ a musical remake See oaacc p09. ‘

Keene 1
”Wake-- AMrOwOp'mCIm 1...“an momma-tho: Llnlt.lodoba 1.0. Venue... eel-eluted
“"“WChM News Educ! A"! Edllo' 5P0"! “"07 Special Protects Editor Photo Editor Graphics Edna!
PE RS UASION ”W """°'"" ”""""°' "W” """'"" .....
“MW'W‘WO' Ednanaliditov Illll.WldenovJv. AulitantSpomEditor SpecialhoietnAumoM Chiel Photographer Ken Alvin.
Asa-stonl Am (ducts Copy Duh
The Lexington-Fayette Urban County Po- dents — most of whom are in the 1182:e age
lice Dept.’s Traffic Alcohol Program may be group — the consumption of alco o ic ver- K4 T M t t 2
making the city’s streets safer at night, but ages is fairly common. . _ . . O Y/LE E CA THE SORRY/ K'D/ 'T DOESN T
UK students should realize they are among Many students who drink Will 31132128”)! DEANOF S I UDEN7 3 OFFICE WORK THAT WAV
the targets of the crackdown. drive their cars after imbibing, an en-
Intoxicated drivers are unquestionably a SW6 a greater percentage 0‘ them Will be AN] GE] 1 “EM 7’0 5' (1M ANYMORE"TH£ ONLY
threat to the safety of both themselves and caught by the police. _.__
others, and need to be curtailed as much as Being caught is more likely now than it ME. OUT - r— W ILLYA SELN 7 HA7 S (IO/UN A
possible. Sgt. Larry Ball, head of TAP, says has been in previous years, because police RE F T— 3 Y M
Lexington has the highest percentage of al- under the TAP program are heaVily patrol- L—ASE- ME HEN , ' 6E! ’01-} OUl IS A
cohol-related driving offenses (population- ling University-area streets such as Euclid .5 , __ .11
wise) of any city in Kentucky. and Woodland avenues. -_ 3 ; 7.5 a! g; 0L LAR S I GN " "‘
Under new rules accompanying the pro- So the now-hackneyed message of num- _:. gr; , ..’ '5." a, .
gram, no one charged with driving while in- berless public-service announcements — __i ~_ 3; . :,’ E! 53 ,,
toxicated can be released on his or her own “don’t drive drunk” — has taken on added 12’, ’1 e _ g9 ‘ :7/ E;
recognizance. This is where students suffer. meaning. Not only are drunk drivers risking .jg,‘ . 3;} 5,235} l 5,, {—3
- - - . x. ' .-_., -.
Traditionally, any student who was ar- me 3911“?!” but also an extended stay m :9, 5? i ‘ ‘ E1; ,flx . .
- ~ the City s 1811. And to add to the gallery of . .. 1' ,2 Q‘ .. I ,
rested could contact T. Lynn Williamson, , b h kn ed hr f . d d ’tl t d 3.], _. . {2- 21 /. w l .
acting dean of students, any time of the day Flee dugfiee ey Ethases’ 1‘19“ S on e Kt-{l so: :7; o «E 2‘; // \,/
or night, and he or a member of his staff “en 5 V8 drunkve‘ er. ’22}; in - lg; ? flit gar" _
would come to the detention center and veri- 0 ._'_:,-: 5:4} :3: '5';- g .; -, 'j . " ‘
fy his or her enrollment in the University. Congratulations to the Alpha phi Alpha :1;- Eight 4 5’, a; 3?. , t- ) , .
Authorities considered the verification fraternity, which finally has a home. The ‘35)“ - 2 55 5:3, 55‘ at; l 1 ‘ '
grounds for release on recognizance. fraternity last weekend officially moved into "E g". ,2 27’ 51 {'23 x 7 ~ ,
This serwce sayed many local students a house at 571 Woodland Ave. Prior to that, :43. 34 a» g; .2. ’ ' . 3 .
from family conflicts and was a particular chapter meetings were conducted in the Stu- -,-',-f 5'3 3’1: 3f :7; ,. ' - '
help for students far from home With no one dent Center. ._:-fl . 5:; g; ,-_-_. 3'4} ,3 .
else to bail themput. . . Alpha Phi Alpha was the first black frater- 52/; :72 5.; :5. ‘W , -
Williamson still prov1des these serVices for nity organized on campus, back in 1965. The 7,} . ‘ _ 32,: 7 1, E; ':: 7,; H -r._
a number of other offenses. But Umvers1ty group was admitted to the Interfratemity ,3; get; 2:72; 5.; 5:; ii: , ‘7' t: g
employeescannot be expected to. assume the Council last year, the second time it peti- gy&!3;§ :sz 5:. s; _ 3 ’,‘-,; n , _
responsibility for promissory bail notes now tioned for admission. 5 13%;); 5,5 5.; 3,. v N I. ~-” ~~ g .
required before alchohol offendors can be re- Getting a chapter house is just one more 32%;; . E' g; 5‘ , .. U - [y ,
168618131- ha h step in the process of treating all fraternities _1}£:§ ya 15,: 5,", E; [7‘ v' / :3: it
i iamson sayst t in most cases, w en in the Greek system equally.Hopefully, the iii-E i5” .5; 5-. 5’ -< 53 _-
' ' - . - ‘ ‘M _ A..— r ‘ iv;
a student 15 arrested by 10031 P011013, the next step Will be more intergration among \
charge 15 DWI- 0n 3 campus 0f 23.500 stu- the black and white fraternities. ‘ j:
Reaching legal 3 e 's a different from other birthda s
I guess it. happens to everyone at write a column, but that’s too bad. 23 years old. When I was younger, 23 heard it was. So I saved myself still don’t know if I’ll be “there” at That goal is simply to make it to
sometime in their lives: you reach a It’s my column and it was my birth- sounded so old to me. I was sure it threeyearsof worry over that one. 25—Wherever “there”is. tomorrow, with as little trouble as ‘-'
certain age and you figure out day. And, at the moment, it’s my wouldn’t take me that long to tie the I’ve gotten liquor before I turned Maybe people feel like too much is possible. 5‘:
you‘re not as far along as you personal crisis (for lack of a better knot. Well. now I’m that I’m getting 21 (which incidentally occured on a expected of them at too early of an And,tomakeitt022. "
thought you should be. hip phrase). closer to that age, I can’t see myself Sunday). The only place I have ever age. Maybe, more likely than not. Barbara Price Sallee,is a ' n ism
The feeling hit me. suddenly as .1 . anywhere neargettinghitehed. been carded was at High On Rose. I’m making excuses for having filly senior and a Kerfiel‘fid'esiftghgarts 9‘
- reached my 215! birthday, as. It _ . . _ Measuring how far you are inflife Sodrinking wasnobigdealeither. onegoal in my life. _‘ . editor. .5" “brig, ‘ ’ .-
' finally does or 0‘1““; 5:35;) 5 During ' Barbara by how old your parents were when There is another joy only asso-
PI'EVlOUS year ’t accom- they got married sounds ultra de- ciated with turning 21, at least in I
plishedmuchatall—ifanythins- pressing, right? Well, nothing can Kentucky, anyway. If I had a quar- t. h Id
Sure, I’m now another year ahead SALLEE depress a person faster than birth- ter for every time somebody asked, lrs ear women s 0"
ineollese—yeah.rah! I’masenior- _———-—————— days, and it seems like this year “Whatdoes it feel like tobe legal?”
During the past year, I have ac- It’s one of those things you think wasnoexception. lmight be able to have that nose job I
oomplished a couple of tlungs. Be- about on ocassion, “What would be The magical age, “21," was sup- I’ve always wanted. '
wise of Aetmg 1. I now can Juggle the loss if I died tomorrow?" Maybe posed to be the “birthday to end all That is about the most assinine wa c or res man
While standing on top 0f someone’s the Kernel would put out a “Barba- birthdays.” Icould begin to drink le- question I have ever heard. I don’t [.1
shouldlegéeihalso Rained to tuse the ra Price Sallee Memorial Edition." gallydrinkand get into bars. {3:1 mm (fiftieth fllboul:l “behiang -;
new compuer sysem in- But I doubt it. The people at the Afew years back, 21 tookon even ” ' ing' eg ,W t- . . .
stalled at the Kernel last spring and Kernel aren’tthat sentimental. more sigiifigance because it meant everthehellthat means. nmgwlém :3 to dwuégg l' The trputthe'wftgodhebtfi‘tog 35:10” . 1:
Ilearned howtopretendlknew how I’m betting the only thing that Icould vote. That’s down the tubes l sort of figured that one day I 5°“ 83‘ “n as ea lus ‘35 '38? e". .th m ”5‘
‘0 lalf out a Page for the summer en- would be missed would be the ciga- now because when I turned 18, the would wake up and have an epipha- newly f0?" ieedom. f, _ e1 tem titiialse'mng tt: 0:13;}! a per- .
Winner“ section of the paper. rettes that everybody bums off me lawchangedsoloouldvote. ny: “WOW! I’m a grown-up!” Well, F°9dv “Whale not "19- I? 5W, Y 30" '8 ° 11° 89 "‘8 e 98"
Allinall, that isn’t very much. at the office. As awful as this is going to sound it just doesn’t work that way. plentiful “d ‘5 also a good dlverSlon eat °f desserts but ”13’, one “m“? f
. - - . - . . . - - i - ’ - - - ud' . She feels that she’s ofthemaln dish! Whatifthe Ameri- s»:
I suppose Ithllght be more than Kind of pathetic, isnt it? This is voting wasnt the great thrill I Time magazme has an issue about “'0'.“ 8th ymgual ell famil ha d been br t
some people did. but still, It’s noth- how I put my life, so far, into per- thought it was going to be. So I the up-andcoming people under 25. eatinbge er us lamounfw— w ’ g t y , “J T's: tilt: on .
1118 t1) lwrite holine :fbout. It’s a]: spective: _ guess I found out at an earlier age So I guess if Time can me that cut- gapiomaii’itm pie 2: a .1 yeng‘g: you ivyasnfmbut holyuouu‘y inc: e one mg:
probe y even ess a reason My mom and dad got married at that turmng 21 wasnt all I had off pomt, maybe I should, too. But I travagant incrueasejow.1 ”mm piece of that roast beef, you’ll stay I
"'———'-———______——2 inyourroomallnight.” ,:
Better cafeteria procedure must '1
be found. Some ideas pop to mind.
Grog What about allowing two entrees
95‘ ? when you initially go through the
_—__—______________________ line. but no returns? This extra en-
students utilizes all or en f higher educate the ho MADDOX tree would satisfy most people and 31:3
, ev a ew, l n were ones w e m t t an end to the tr ed 0f ;:_:_‘
Favors health fee Of these sePViCS. YCt Ihl‘ead few let- receiVEd it, then the University FreShman N lghtS —-————————————— hafngpt: fill up on jello antigerad. é;
_ ' ' ters (there are some, it's true) de~ would be suffering budget problems ' But this freshman is a prime tar- Would this plan be too expensive? if»?
I am writing concerning the re- crying the socialistic nature of sup- far worse than those caused by the I would like to express my Views get for the first-year fiasco, the Then limit everyone to one dessert 3:, {-
cent deluge 0‘ letters Wes-9118 (115- port for these endeavors. recent cutbacks in state and federal in regard to the editorial on the “Freshman 10.» The “Freshman or raise prices a little ._ anything M
taste at the thought of a mandatory 3) In response to the letter writer support. “Freshman Nights” in the Sept. 7 10” is the traditional 10 pounds most forabetter meal. a “1
health fee. ' . who charges. “Many students can- A more lucid analogy might con- editionoftheKernel. college women supposedly gain dur- Finally, if none of this is accepta- gig};
_ Allow me to make a few paints in not use thehealth seeroe due to clude that if the only people who I heard not one word announcing ing their first year at school. ble for whatever silly reason, at er
its. favor and to rebut some of the specific. medical problems that only payed for nuclear bombs were the the “Freshman Nights,” although After just one month her pants least make the portions a little bis- '
opinions already expressed: _ a physlculn acquainted With their people who wanted to get blown up you refa' to them as highly publi- have grown noticeably tighter. It is ger. I got a piece of roast beef the ‘ejii
1) Contrary to popular belief, UK case histories can. treat . . . Many by them, then Ronald Reagan would cized. [did see one poster giving the 3‘5! the first siyi of the upcoming other day that was so thin I didn’t g2:
students have never possessed the students are on their parents‘ health be a far poorer man than he is dates but no other clues as to What battle she will face _ a battle that know whether to eat it or roll it up a...
_ right to vote on matters concern- medical organization health plans.” today. they were about. For all I knew. the will rival the more publicized fight and smoke it. "sea
ing’ their student fees. Its true I would ask only: Where are the If you truly believe your argu- “l"i-eshman Nights" were only a to make grades. But even with its shortcomings, this
weve be“) allowed the opportumty many? I do Mt doubt their exis- ments that those who use we symbolic welcome {0" the freshman Tell me, why must a girl balloon the cafeterias have the grills beat ET
a few, times in_ the past, . but we tence. I only feel that they make up Pall. then please. oh please, let more class. I, like most of my classmates, out during her first year in college? easily. Grill food is downright de-
mmtn “30an fight Wlth pnwlege. a far smaller 8'9“!) than the author people know so that they can stop did not intentionally try to disgrace College does something to extend a pressing. of things a person _.3%
For example, one shouldnt need would haveusbelieve. paying your way now. or blow off theprogram. girl's dress size upward two or three wouldn’t eat, it has the best choice
rerninding that the new Student Cen- In addition. it should be pointed Idon‘t tlunk additional points need Since we are new here, I feel it notches with each month bringing a around. I got a burger that looked it
her addition was financed in a large out that the health service routinely be made to see that opposition to a was up to the organizers and even few more added pounds. like someone had used it as a tram- j”
part by. the raising of the fees of prowdes (at no extra charge) care mandatory health fee is at best hyp- the Kernel to have informed us bet- Sorority girls seem especially sf- poline, I bet they dithi’t get much 1
graduating students who would in the form of shots, physical ocrltlcal. and at worst. socially irre- ter. I appreciate the effort made by fected. Or maybe it’s just easier to spring off the stale old bread. The ‘
never have the prmlege of seeing it exams, etc, that are necessary for sponsible. Mr. Betta to make in feel more a notice a green and yellow neon poor horse must have been killed in
complete. people with recumng problems such Should the health service die, part of the campus community, and blimp than a less exotically-dressed its adolescence. When I opened the
2) Atpresent, all students manda- as allergies. diabetes, etc. which it Will in time without ad- I would have enjoyed participating. one. bun,thepatty had pimplesonit. _ .
torlly fuiance, through their actmty 4). The most frequent charge equate support, I would only hope However, only after reading the bad This constant struggle to keep The grills need to change their .
fees. the purchase of student tickets against a mandatory health fee is that you think of the tradeoff that publicity the “Freshman Nights” re- weight 0“ can adversely affect food entirely. One idea is to switch
to sports events, the budget of Stu- that ‘ those who we the health serv- was made. Remember, good health ceived did I understand that it was, schoolwork and reek havoc on social to a submarine shop format. Real
. dent Government Association, and ice should pay for it.” It doesn’t — both physical and malts] — is not in fact, a structured and worthwhile life, making this first-year fiasco an subs would easily be better the
in part the buttet of Student Asso- take a great deal of acuity to see an amenity, as is a good seat in program. issueworthconsideration. brown bag sandwiches now being
elation Board and the Student Cen- that the people who mouth tlus suf- Rupp Arena. Itisanecessity. Now we have a bad name and So what cameo this blight of the served. A nice addition to this would
tarltself. . , fer fromacute myopia. have become the object of harsh and collegiate women? perhaps it's the be a fruit stand stocked with pears. .
The potnt neednt be belahored Towhlt. . Richard Neill totally unfair statements from the odd idea of dieting my girls have. plums, grapefruits, mellons. and all
that for fewer than a malonty of If the only people who paid for First yr. med student Kernel such as “Our scorn goes to Salad, low-cal dressing and water _ types of fruits and vegetablu_ This
0 you, freshmen." We are "0‘ the anti- and then to reward themselves for would provide an attractive alterna-
ATAB TREK... A eve-non 0. Gene Roeaonwrv By Padralc Shloetanl establishment rebels of the as. We being good; hot fudge sundae, pie tivetothe junk food.
ww DID you WW, 1 Ouom To ewe v0u are only ”"8 to do the he“ that andcake. These reforms, coupled with the
same IHAT REM/LA WHAT you DESERVE you 006- we “h “l l new "id 9°th Possibly it's the attitude that current exel-ciseandphysical fitness
* ”€2,343; LOU fl “CED PROF/7551'?! frishtenins place ‘My classmate studying can’t be done without the craze, should show positive results
A l ,. e ”f , ‘ and 1 would appreciate 'it It you 0' eomtant reinforcement of food. Go for the collegiate woman (and man).
3 w I . / ‘ 1N \ ' theKernel staffkept that In mind. into any {mm mlmce hall Physical flm is Way over.
;t. I, , 'M’w . andyou'ilfindtlntDomino’aPim lookedbutshouldbestrlvedforwlth
‘ i .‘ Stephen All!“ heads the list of emergency num- the same vigor as academic suc-
f d M l ’h. t ‘ Journalism freshmen hers. cess. Both take sacrifices that aren’t
'/ 1 (N \ . h ' b 7 -, The Kernel ran a front—page story Numerom theories come to mind easily made but both also contain
7 ‘ ' , ’ " ~ ” . 5 \X J a . /~.,_»f outlining the “Freshman Night!” but the most substantial is the eye- benefits that make the sacrifices
/ i \..—_z . ‘ I program on Aug. 25. Another story tem of the UK Food Services: from worthwhile.
* l‘r \ , - _J a .. about the failure of the inaugural mostly junk inthegrillstosnuninu-
— v f- \N\' ml