xt7gth8bk88z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7gth8bk88z/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1988-03-08 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 08, 1988 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 08, 1988 1988 1988-03-08 2020 true xt7gth8bk88z section xt7gth8bk88z 58-













The Vienna Choir Boys are coming to





Chapman is named to the All-
SEC team. SEE PAGE 4.


Today Partly sunny 8. warm
Tomorrow: Chance of rain





Kentucky Kernel

Vorxct No. 124


We! Kentucky. Lem, Kentucky

UK radio station ends
quest, starts broadcast

News Editor

About 50 people jammed into the
lobby of the WRFI, studios at 2 pm.
yesterday to hear:

“We are on air with inaugural

The monitors in the lobby
crackled, but the crowd cheered

With those words, Mark Beaty.
programming director, and Kakic
Urch, music director, opened the
airwaves to WRP‘I.. 88.1 FM. from
Studio A.

(in Oct. 1, I985, Urch _. in a Ken—
tucky Kernel column ~~ quoted Lou
Reed, a rock 'n‘ roll pioneer, as say
ing “Everyone should have two ra-
dios. in case one breaks."

In that column. headlined “Radio
Free Lexington: what UK needs,"
Urch asked students whether they
were "tired of hearing Top 40
ground out till the needle falls
through the other side. "

With overwhelming support in
favor of the idea, RFI. was cori-
ceived. Yesterday, more than two
years later. WRFI. was born.

After thanking the numerous peo-
ple who helped RFL become a reali-
ty. Beaty and Urch cued up the first

“We like to answer a question that
we‘ve been asked way too much la-
tely," Beaty said. “That Erik Reece
(Kernel Arts Editor) answered
wrong today," Urch added.

The station then played Big Audio
Dynamite’s “t."mon Every Beat-

Urch said that RFL had originally
intended to play “Rock and Roll,“
by the Velvet Underground, as their
first song. Reece stated that in a
Kernel staff report yesterday.

RFI. decided to change the song
because Reece reported it, Urch

But Urch said that the Big Audio
Dynamite song had better applica-
tion “after we thought about it.“

Nonetheless, despite the premier
song choice, RFL reached their

General Manager Scott Ferguson
said he couldn‘t be happier.

“I‘m gonna feel ecstatic when I
walk out that door .. . I know it's
gonna be on forever." Ferguson

Ferguson said that the station is a
positive reflection of what students
can do.

“Students have done all the
work," Ferguson said. “Sometimes
the administration thinks that stu-
dents are apathetic I think that

RFL has proven to students that the
administration is workable."

“It just shows what a group of stu—
dents with a lot of ambition can do,"
said Scott Kuhn, news director.

Jack Kirk, production director, is
one of those students.

“I just came down here (to UK
from Indianapolis) and I was kind of
distraught that there wasn‘t a (stu-
dent run) radio station," Kirk said.

Kirk, who has worked in radio sta-
tions. on and off, since he was in
high schml. said that RFL provides
students with an opportunity to get
ha ndson experience.

“You can make your own deci-
sions here and watch it work," Kirk

And while “it's not going to be the
smoothest sound at first," Kirk said
that he wants WRFL to sound pro—
fessional. “There are going to be
some problems but hopefully they'll
be minimal and we'll work those

Kirk says he hopes the students
will bear with RI-‘L through the first
few weeks.

But minor technical problems
aren‘t the only thing that students
are going to have to bear, Kirk said.
Every student isn't going to like
every song.

“I don‘t have everything on that I

Tom Flanigan, a DJ, made his debut on WRFL
yesterday. Radio Free Lexington ended its two

like, but you don't want it to have."
Kirk said

“If I played everything that I like.
there wouldn't be any slow stuff."
Kirk said “ 1 just hope that peo-

independent since 1971

ple will listen to the station and likt
it It they hear some songs lhty llkt‘
and some the} don‘t like. ucll that's
the way it is man that 's radio,"
Kirk said that llt' hopes \tiideim



Green thumb


McConnell relays
Senate experiences

Staff Writer

US. Senator Mitch McConnell said
last night that he believes George
Bush. Michael Dukakis and Jesse
Jackson will all do well in the Ken«
tucky presidential primary election

Speaking to around 50 people at
Sigma Pi fraternity house, McCon-
nell. R-Ky.. said that Bush should do
well in the state and in the entire
South in today‘s primary elections.
The Kentucky primary is part of the
Super Tuesday presidential prima-
ria, which includes several other
Southern states

“Bush should benefit a lot from
the Super Needay primaries." Mc-
Connell said, though he did not pre-

dict an overall winner in the elec-

McConnell went on to discuss his
work in the Senate Foreign Rela-
tions and Agriculture committees,
and the importance of the recently
signed INF treaty, which removed
intermediate range nuclear weapons
from Europe.

"In case you think you want a nu-
clear free world, let me tell you, you
don‘t," McConnell said. “There
hasn‘t been a war in Europe for 45
years, and the reason for that is nu
clear deterrents."

While McConnell claimed that nu-
clear deterrents are necessary, he
admitted that both the United States
and the Soviet Union have more
than enough weapons to destroy
each other.


“Even though it is a scary pros-
pect and we never want a war like
that. they do go a long way to keep-
ing the peace,“ be said.

McConnell also focused on issues
of state importance, especially his
work with the Senate Agriculture
committee. Mien asked if President


Doug Bait, a senior lab technician, waters the plants yesterday in one of the College otAgronomy's greenhouses on Washington Avenue.

ALAN NAWSE Kernel stair


Tuesday. March 8. 1988

ALAN NAWSE Kernel Staff

year quest for airtime when the station hit the
airwaves at 2 p m yesterday

"\till likt’ it all They‘re not gonna
hear commercials, thex‘rc not

gonna hear otinoxmus l).ls ‘:
l'aiil \lilcs, RH. sports director.
\ct’ RAIN”. l’agc -'

Dee Smith
from team

\I’ and Stall reports

1 lll‘.'t‘l'.\‘ll_\ of Kentucky flanker
ltcc Smith has been temporarily
sllsth'lttlctl lrom the toothall team
pending the outcome ol drug
charges. ('oach .lcrry ('laihorne said

Smith. a sophomore. was arrested
in t‘inciiinati on Feb 23 and charged
\Hlll Into counts ot aggravated traf-
licking and preparation to distribute

Smith. 31). met “1”] ('laiborne in
the lt)t)ll).’lll ot’ticcs at common»
\tcalth Stadium yesterday. after
uhich he was placed on suspension
pending further judicial action

"We Wlll wait tor the complete re-
sults of the judicial prtx'ecdings he
tore any further action. it any. is
taken." t‘laihorne said ‘l'ntil then.
l)cc \Hll remain in school and con-
tinue \torking toward his degree."

Smith waived a preliminary hear-
ing Friday and his case was re~
t‘crrcd to a Hamilton (‘ounty ()hio,
grind jury int‘incinnati

Smith. a junior to be from Padu
call. \ias arrested on mo charges of
drug ti‘atticking ”h bond was re’
diiccd to 323.001) from $130.01!) Fri~
day Today was his lirst day back in

Smith declined to comment when
reached b_\ phone last night

The in loot t1. titlpound Smith, of
l’adiicah. had 23 pass receptions for
42o yards and four touchdowns for
the Wildcats last season He also led
Kentucky in punt and kickoff re»

Crank calls disturbing for students

Contributing Writer

Crank phone calls can be an an—
noying and scary part of life on the

Melissa Helton. an undecided
freshman. and her roommate have
been receiving crank phone calls
since last semester from an anony-
mous ma le caller.

“One night he called me three
times and called me the next morn-
ing and apologized.“ Helton said.

Helton said the caller uses explicit
and obscene language. Because the
calls have become more frequent,
Helton has reported them to the p0

“I think it‘s somebody that just
picked a name out of the book be-
cause he calls at random times."

Based on the severity of the com-
plaint. UK police can put a tele-
phone trap on the line to determine

the origin of the calls. t'K Police
('hief W H. Mc(‘omas. Jr. said

A trap is a computcrdrivcn de
vice that gives the time and place of
all incoming calls. Mc(‘omas said
the recipient writes the time of the
crank call down so that it can be
easily pinpointed from the other

Mc(‘omas said the police depart-
ment is successful in finding and ar
resting callers. but their success de-
pends upon the calls being reported
Those instances that are reported in-
dicatc that crank calls are a com
mon occurrence, he said.

Many crank calls people receive
stem from their relationships Wllh
others, McComas said. For instance.
a boy who has been rejected by a
girl may want to harrass her, he

“If you were in a previous situa-
tion and you get phone calls then
you should call us,“ he said. “If they
are continuous and threatening to

your .vell being then you should call
us "

Last month. a l'K secretary re—
ceived a crank phone call after an
episode with a supposed student in
her office She said the student he»
came agitated when she answered a
phone call before waiting on him.
About half an hour later he called.

The caller said "I‘ve slashed your
tires you white-haired. white—trash
hitch." according to the secretary
\\ ho reported the call to campus po

ller tires were not slashed. but the
call scared her enough to take pre-
cautions such as removing her name
plate from her desk.

“I think the boy is ready to blow
up and I don't want to be the end re-

Mc(‘omas said crank calls are a
common occurrance throughout
Lexington. on. or offcampus.

“Our most serious case involved a



 2 — Kentucky Kernel. Tuesday, March 8. 1988



UK Artist Series to again host
solid cast in upcoming season

Staff reports

The Smgletary t‘enter for the Arts
has announced the Ix-rtormers who
will participate In the ltitttirttti l'llt
\'(‘l'.\l|)' :\l'tl,\'l Series

The formal announcement will be
made 'l‘hursday night by Lee liuvisis
at .'l gala reception before the last
concert of the '89-'88 Artist Series
l.ii\isis l.\ the pianist for the (‘ham
her Music Society of Lincoln t‘enter.
\\ ho w Ill be Ix-rtorming ’l‘hursday

'l‘he ‘tttt-‘ttii Artist Series will fea-
ture live ix'rtormances. among them
a French t‘tmadian orchestra and a
iill\\l.‘ltl pianist

Pianist l’eler Serkin and \ilililli\t
Young l‘ck Kiln will open the series
on (Ict 2" lioth are renowned solo
isls New York iiiagaline called Ser
km “the finest pianist this country
has ~\et produced ” Sei’kin is the son
of tamed pianist Rudolf Scrkin Kim
is a native of Korea and |.\ eelehrat
mg the 2.3m anniversary of his debut
this year

The t‘leielaiul Quartet will appear
on Nm 1.”) ft is known for the ex

ceptional instruments its members
play: The matched set of Stradiva-
rious string instruments were once
owned by 19th century violin virtuo-
so Nicolo Paganini. The musicians
were the first classical artists to
perform on the Grammy Awards
and their recordings have won seve—
ral "Best of Year“ awards from
Time magazine.

The Vienna (‘hoir Boys, founded
by Imperial decree in I498 by Em-
peror Maximilian I, will perform
Dec 7 Haydn and Schubert were
both Vienna (‘hoir Boys. The group
continues its five—century tradition
with a program of sacred songs, cos!
tumed operettas and folk music The
Boston Globe called the ehoir‘s
sound "angelic."

The Montreal Symphony Ui‘chesA
tra. conducted by ('harles Dutoit,
will be joined by ltumaniaii pianist
ltadu l.upu on Jan. 27, 1989 for the
Series' fourth performance. The or
chestra was called “the finest
French orchestra today” by En
glaiid's Gramophone magazine.
l'nder the direction of Duloit~ the or»



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chestra has won 18 international
awards. Pianist Lupu studied at the
Moscow (‘onserva tory.

Russian pianist Bella Davidovieh
will close the season on March 9.
She is one of the few women musi-
cians ever admitted to the inner cir—
cle of Soviet cultural life. At 21, she
won first prize in the Chopin Compe-
tition in Warsaw. She emigrated to
the United States in '78 and became
an American citizen in ’84.

Erik Rom
Arts Editor

Friday is
deadline for
Still Life


Staff reports

"‘5 time to put the finishing
touches on your manuscripts.

Friday is the last day for mak-
ing submissions to Still Life. the
literary supplement to the Ken-
tucky Kernel.

UK students and faculty are en-
couraged to submit their prose
and poetry (20 pages and under)
and artwork, which will be pub-
lished in the second annual edi-
tion of Still Life.

Selections will be made by the
Still Life editorial staff consisting
of Kernel editors, members of the
English department and profes-

. sors from the English depart-

The Vienna Choir Boys, a group that has been in existence since
1498, will pertorm the third concert of the 1 988-89 Artist Series.

ment‘s writing program.
Photocopies are acceptable as
manuscripts will not be returned.
Manuscripts should be typed,
double spaced.
Still Life will appear in the
April 6 edition of the Kernel



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 Low turnout expected on Super Tuesday

Associated Press

FRANKFORT — Supporters of the
two acknowledged leaders in Ken-
tucky's presidential primaries said
yesterday there may be only five
candidates who emerge with dele-
gates to their credit today.

Gov. Wallace Wilkinson, who leads
the campaign of Tennessee Sen. Al-
bert Gore, predicted an easy win for
his candidate on the Democratic

“Gore’s going to carry Kentucky
and quite handsomely, I think," Wil-
kinson said.

Similarly, US. Rep. Harold Rog-
ers, a chief supporter of George
Bush, forecasted a big win for the
vice president in the GOP primary.

“I think he‘s going to win. If we
work hard, it could be a significant
win," Rogers said in a telephone in-
terview from his Somerset office.

Candidates have to receive at
least 15 percent of the popular vote
in their primary to capture any of
the 55 Democratic and 38 Republi-
can delegates up for grabs. Once
that threshold is passed, delegates
will be apportioned according to the

percentage of vote received. An allo-
cated delegate is bound to vote for
that candidate on the first ballot at
the national nominating convention.

Wilkinson said only four Demo-
crats have any shot at delegates.
Gore and Massachusetts Gov. Mi-
chael Dukakis will finish first and
second, respectively, Wilkinson said.
Missouri Congressman Richard Ge-
phardt and the Rev. Jesse Jackson
will have to fight to reach the magic

”Gore will qualify. Dukakis will
qualify. There’s just a question
mark beside Gephardt and Jack-
son.“ Wilkinson said in an interview.

Wilkinson said it was unlikely that
either Illinois Sen. Paul Simon or
former Colorado Sen. Gary Hart
would pull enough votes to reach the
threshold for delegates.

Rogers said only three Republi-
cans were likely to get delegates but
declined to name his picks from
among Kansas Sen. Robert Dole.
New York Rep. Jack Kemp and for—
mer television evangelist Pat Rob—

Most other Republicans concede
Dole will get enough of the vote to
win some delegates, but identifying

Robertson supporters has been diffi-
cult for many mainstream GOP

“Robertson has an organization
that’s spotty," Rogers said.

Kemp has been unable to put to-
gether much of a campaign in Ken-

Turnout could be the deciding fac—
tor in some cases, and there is near-
universal agreement only a small
number of people will cast ballots

“I would say something under 18
percent," said Secretary of State
Bremer Ehrler.

Among the 1.3 million eligible
Democrats, Ehrler predicted that
perhaps 250,000 would go to the
polls. Possibly 100.000 of the 549,631
eligible Republicans will vote. Ehrl-
er said.

In 1980, the last time Kentucky
had a presidential primary. there
were 250,922 Democrats and 105.060
Republicans who voted, or 21.4 per-
cent of those eligible.

Democrats will actually have to
candidates to choose from on the
ballot, including one who has with-
drawn from the race and others who
are political non-entities in Ken-

tucky. Republicans can choose
among seven candidates, two who
are not running and one who runs all
the time — perennial candidate Har-
old Stassen.

Voters can also vote for an uncom-
mitted delegation.

The actual delegates from Ken-
tucky who will attend the Democrat-
ic convention in Atlanta in July and
the GOP convention in New Orleans
in August will be selected during a
lengthy process that differs by

Of the 55 Democratic delegates, 36
will be chosen at congressional dis
trict caucuses in April. The remin-
ing 19 will be selected in June at the
meeting of the party‘s state central
executive committee.

Seven other Democratic delegates
will include members of the party‘s
national committee. state party offi—
cers and other officials.

Republican delegates go through a
longer process that begins at county
conventions on March 19 and ends at
the state convention on April 16.

Iran and Iraq launch new missile attacks

Associated Press

NICOSIA. Cyprus —- Iraq and Iran
unleashed a new round of missile at-
tacks on each other’s most heavily
populated cities yesterday and sent
warplanes on bombing sorties
against provincial towns in a lethal
duel that has killed hundreds of ci<

The official Iraqi News Agency
said Iraq fired three missiles into
Iran‘s capital. Tehran. a city of 6

Iran's state-run Islamic Republic
News Agency said Revolutionary
Guards fired four missiles into "niil-
itary centers" in Iraq's capital.
Baghdad. in retaliation for "these
inhuman acts" and shot a missile at
the northern city of Mosul for the
first time.


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Both sides reported that their bor-
der towns were pounded by sus-
tained artillery fire and air raids.
killing scores of people Iraqi lead»
ers claimed Iran was preparing to
launch a ground offensive along the

It was the eighth straight day of
missile exchanges between the Per
sian Gulf rivals.

Iraq confirmed that two missiles
crashed into residential sections of
Baghdad. a city of 5 million. killing
or wounding “many civilians. in-
cluding women and children."

It made no reference to the report
ed missile strike on Mosul

IRNA said 30 civilians were killed
and more than 100 people. mainly
women and children. were wounded



in the recent Iraqi missiles attacks
on residential areas of Tehran It re-
ported the first missile demolished a
clinic. a school and several houses.

The reports were monitored in

Iraq says it has fired 41 projectiles
into the Iranian capital since the
strikes began Feb. 29. The Iranians
have reported firing 22 missiles on
Baghdad in that period. but the Ira-
qis only have acknowledged 18 hits.

In Baghdad. Iraqi Labor Minister
Baker Mahmoud Rasoul said Iran
ignited the ”war of the cities to pave
the way for its new tgroundr ottcir

Iraqi Vice President Taha Muhied~
din Maarouf. also addressing the
gathering yesterday in Baghdad of
Arab labor ministers, vowed Iraqr



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forces would “deal devastating

blows” to the attackers.

The missile exchange is the fier-
cest since the gulf war began in Sep-
tember 1980. and the first time that
Tehran. 290 miles from the Iraqi
border. has been hit bv missiles.

It is believed to be the first time
that two warring nations blasted
each other‘s capitals with salvoes of
long-range surface-to-surface mis-

Iran has reported at least 122 ci-
vilians killed and more than 300
wounded iii the missile blitz. and

more than 100 killed and 500
wounded in air raids in the last
week . The I raqis have reported

heavy civilian casualties, but
iio exact figures



Kentucky Kernel, Tuesday. March 8, 1988 - 3


Continued from Page I

Reagan was gomg to “stiff" the
farmer, McConnell said that Ken‘
tucky agriculture should be hav-
ing a good year. and that the
Reagan administration is not get-
ting the credit it deserves

"American agriculture is back.
and the Reagan administration
pumped a lot of money into it to
bring it back," McConnell said.
He added that $26 billion was
spent on farm programs last
year. more than any other ad-


OMcConnelI speaks

ministration had ever spent.

Relaxed trade restrictions in
several Asian countries. includ—
ing Japan and Korea. are open-
ing new markets for Kentucky
agricultural products. especially
tobacco, McConnell said. He
added that although competition
between the I'nited States and
the countries it formerly export.
cd to is getting tougher. the Rea-
gan administration is committed
to supporting the American tarm-



Air Force boss vows
division readiness

Associated Press

WASHINGTON 4» The Air Force‘s
top officer says he never dreamed
the Reagan administration's mili-
tary build—up would be derailed so
quickly. but he intends to maintain
readiness even as his service

Gen. Larry D. Welch also said
yesterday the Air Force couldn't at
ford to develop the new Midgetman
nuclear missile fawred by many
congressional leaders

He also he would press for salary
bonuses for pilots and make it easier
for young pilots to stay III the cock;
pit and would shut down at least
three Air Force bases ll congress let

The four»star general added the
public shouldn't be too concerned by
press reports of delays in flight test-
ing the new "Stealth” bomber. and
said he intends to repair strained 1-...
lations with Congress with a new
openness about the onset of cone
tracting problems,

Welch was interviewed by The :\s
sociated Press on the (‘\(‘ of con
gressional hearings on the Air
Force's fiscal 1989 budget That bud

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get blueprint designed to comply
with a deficitreduction plan. cuts
.\II' Force spending LtllllIOI‘Il) by $10
trillion compared with what the ser\
ice wanted and eliminates more
than giroooactrveduty Jul) slots

The .‘r'jvcarold \\elch said it al
ready was clear when he took over
the Air Force In July lotto that mili-
tar} ~penrlrng was going to be

"But ‘35- thought at the worst. we
would ‘M-lcli added
"We HUNT t‘\[)t'tl(‘ti .1 real (lccline
\\e certainly expecting
that 10:1,] through 1089, there
would l't' a it perteitt rnei‘all def
chnv :rzr'i-ai llll}1l1‘,~,‘liU\‘.f't‘ '

wt r-i Htl ,
w t'Z‘f‘ trot


The only wax in ripe with such
cuts \M-lch continued. 2\ to reduce
the si/r- of the :orce lithi-rwise. too
Iittle llltllit.‘_\ is spread too thrill} to
lItuLlli‘rlLiil. combat I't‘thllIit'.\>. liesaid

Antone the programs taking a
large cn' is the )Iirigetnian missile.
Ll one ‘i\i;l'lit’llli nuclear missile that
would bo- rieptmcd on a truck-like
launcher to iinike it more sui'viva
bie. The \tI' I-Vtri-e would like to kill
the program outright, but requested
enough money to keep research
going nntti .i new adinniistration
makes a tinni‘ tlt‘l'.>§tll‘:





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 4 — Kentucky Kernel, Tuesday, March 8. 1988



21 -8


1. Temple (42)
2. Purdue (1)
3. Arizona (4)
4. Oklahoma
5. Pittsburgh


8. Duke

Cool Cats to
take ice show

Stall reports



. 992, .
see. _
1 79

The l'K hocke) heads north to-
night tor an 11:00 pm. showdown

against the t'nn-uuiati Bearcats at fiomhhgtnm
141: Unit in Bowl in Port Wright, 11.". C. State
‘ 12. Bradley

13. Syracuse

14. Wyoming

15. laws

16. Loyoia, Cal.

17. BYU

18. Georgia Tech

1 9. lllinois 20-9 1.42

20. Xavier 24-3 141

Others receiving votes: Kansas State .100:Southonm-

odist 55; Georgatwon 52; Depwl 45; Solon Hd 32: Florida
21; Vanderbilt 16; Texas-El Paso 14; Kansas 13; Rhoda island
13; Indiana 12; Arkansas-Little Rock 9; Auburn 9: m 9:
North Carolina A&T 8; Baylor 6; Lwlwlh 3; Utah 2: W
2: Boise State 1;Southwest MlssowlStato 1


l'K vull then head to St. Louis,
Mo . to be part ol on ice hockey dou-
bleheader on ’l‘hursday

Kentuck) mil meet Washington
t'nn'ersil} 111 the first match at the
t‘heckerilome Following the college
hockey National Hockey League
teams 8: Louis and Pittsburgh will
lace off

The t‘ool this. 11-?) 2_ are coming
oil a sweep ot archrival Georgia last
weekend l'K defeated the Bulldogs
4-.1 111 both gulllt‘s.

Fans llllt’f‘t‘xlt'd in joining the (‘ool
t'uts on their road trip to St. Louis
should call the hockey hot-line at








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Todd Jones
Sports Editor

Jim White
Assrstant Sports EditOr

Chapman named to All-SEC team

Staff reports

Kentucky sophomore guard Rex
Chapman was named to the Asso-
ciated Press All-Southeastern Con-
ference first team yesterday.

UK senior forward Winston Ben-
nett was named to the second team
and senior guard Ed Davender was
chosen for the third team.

“It‘s a great honor to be named to
something like that because there‘s
so many good players in this
league,“ Chapman said, ”Right
now. I‘m not concerned with individ-
ual things, but it‘s nice."

Chapman, named to the All-SEC
freshman team last season, aver-
aged 2.9 rebounds and 2.9 assists for
Kentucky, who finished 22-5 overall
and won the SEC regular season
title with a 13—5 record.

“In our league, there's so many
players worthy of making (All-
SEC)," UK coach Eddie Sutton said.
“Just to make the Top 15 is a great

Chapman, who led the Wildcats
with an 18.1 scoring average. was
chosen along with guard Vernon

Maxwell of Florida, forwards Dyron
Nix of Tennessee and Chris Morris
of Auburn and Vanderbilt center
Will Perdue.

“1 think I‘ve had a lot better sea-
son (this yearl," Chapman said. “I
feel more comfortable this season.

“It means a lot to me. It makes
you feel good that other coaches and
players have respect for you."

Bennett was named to the second
team along with LSU forward Ricky
Blanton, Alabama forward Michael
Ansley, Georgia guard Willie Ander-
son and Mississippi guard Roderick
Barnes. .

Bennett overcame a knee injury
that sidelined him for all of last year
to average 14.9 points a game. He
averaged 7.9 rebounds and dished
out 1.8 assists.
