iffi 1987 ‘ MINUTES OF THE UNIVERSITY FACULTY, FEBRUARY ll, 1965 The University Faculty met in regular session at 4:00 p.m., Monday, February ll, 1965, in the Assembly Room of Lafferty Hall. President R Dickey presided. Rut Jex Vai J81 G16 1. The minutes of January 14, 1965 were approved as circularized. The list of candidates for January 25, 1965 degrees was distributed I to the University Faculty for approval and recommendation to the Board of Trustees with the addition of James Adam Pearson as a candidate for I the degree of Bachelor of Science. The Faculty approved the list as I Rm I I presented for the degrees indicated. GRADUATE SCHOOL Albert Dennis Kirwan, Dean Che CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Be Be NAME MAJOR SUBJECT ADDRESS l_ Ha Ray Arvid Field Animal Science Laramie, Wyo. Le Robert Robbins Garrigus Animal Science Lexington I Ca Terry Ray Greathouse Animal Science Hindsboro,Ill. Na Jack Gruber Microbiology Lexington [ Ar Thomas Lee Huber Animal Science Brownstown,Ind. Hughes Brantley Jenkins Physics Donalsonville, Ga. fl 1 Ali Akbar Paydarfar Sociology Lexington ffigv Potu Narasimha Rao Biological Sciences Pradesh, India I “M George C. Skelley, Jr. Animal Science Boise City, Okla. 3 Da ' Th % CANDIDATE FOR THE DEGREE OF SPECIALIST IN EDUCATION ‘ Dc 1'?" ;, Ri A; NAME ADDRESS ifi Donald Edward Jones Henderson ,1 CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF ARTS y In ,Mi, :. I ilfi NAME MAJOR SUBJECT ADDRESS 1 E %R John Earl Cleek Ancient Languages Frankfort E fi‘h1 Ronald M. Enroth Sociology Lexington ‘i‘w‘ James Lee Heizer History Louisville W Wf g3“ Billy Frank Hunt Political Science Cave City I A? Russell Joseph Jewert Political Science Beltsville, Md. ’ @ Shafig Tawfig Kazzaz Diplomacy and International 3 9 Commerce Sulainania, Iraq 1 Barney Lee Keith Ancient Languages Florence, Ala. i W Andreas Robert Prindl Diplomacy and International g B Commerce Hudson Falls, N.Y. V Winifred Ann Stuart English Lexington G Vernon Grafton Warren, Jr. Diplomacy and International . G Commerce Lexington f W Lawrence Bernard Wasserman Diplomacy and International A R Commerce Lexington g B R R J B C P H D