xt7gxd0qsd6q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7gxd0qsd6q/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 19470718  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, July 18, 1947 text The Kentucky Kernel, July 18, 1947 1947 2013 true xt7gxd0qsd6q section xt7gxd0qsd6q The Kentucky Kernel

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Griffenhagen Report Recommends 1 83 Changes
Basketball And Football
Tilts Scheduled Tonight
Freshmen To Play

Intra-Squa- d

A Raklovitsless

freshman squad of

Discharges Required
For Military Credit

1 11"!



Survey Ordered By Governor Willis
Criticizes Every Phase Of Activity



Jones Leads East;
Tarry Pilots West

Kentucky Athletics
Called Professional


Griffenhagen and Associates bit
to the quick this week when the
independent Chicago
in public administration and finance
declared that athletics at Kentucky,
"as in other universities, has become
professionalized, though it is still
considered amateur."
Sports Must Be Amateur
The University was sharply advised to put its sports program on
am amateur standing. Football and
basketball for the fun of playing
rather than for the fun of spectators
would be better educationally and
in terms of ultimate welfare of the
University, the report stated.
"From an educational standpoint,
football and basketball are no more
necessary for the welfare of higher
education than are horse racing,
rodeos and bull fights for the welfare of the college of agriculture.
"The University of Kentucky and
other state universities, as soon as
possible, should return intercollegiate athletics to its amateur standfault-finde-

Vets Must Apply
For Paid Leaves


According to a recent V..V. Directive, veterans who wish leave
of absence must apply for it
thirty (30) days prior to date
Therefore, any
of withdrawal.
veteran who wishes to be paid
leave of absence during the interim August 30, through September 24. and did not apply
for it at the time of preparing
should report
V.A. Form
to Room 204, Administration
building, prior to July 30, 1947,
Dr. Lyle K. Henry, assistant personnel director, announced this

Coach Earle Jones and his East
high school team will tangle
with McCoy Tarry's West
vdesire credit for
Students who
vbasketeers tonight at 7 p. m. in UK's
military service must bring- their
Alumni gym. Both squads, consistto the registrar's
ing of ten cagers each, have many of
Seniors who expect to be gradthe state's outstanding players of
uated in August, and who plan
last season.
to use military credit toward the
eleven-inc- h
On the West,
completion of requirements must
bring their discharges to the
W. C. Mobberly is expected to pace
Registrar's office before tomorCoach Tarry's aggregation. Mobberly,
row, July 19.
from Central City, was selected on
James E. Lawson, Loyall, and Edward Benton, Ashland, I'K students
cage squad during the
attending the six weeks of advanced ROTC training at Ft. Meade,
Maryland, are shown above being issued clothes by Set. Patrick Mcpast season.
Carthy and SSgt. Robert Cox. They are attending the camp in pret,
Guard Roy Pate,
paration for appointment as second lieutenants in the ROTC upon
speed demon from Lone Oak, is
their graduation from college.
slated for much action at the guard
post, as is Leon Fowler who starred
with Wickliffe high last season. The
Fowler hails from
t'K Has Bowl Plans
Kentucky, whose basketball club
the same town as UK's stellar capwon 34 and lost three last season,
tain. Ken Rollins.
A debate club, organized to disand whose football team won seven
Four Letter Man
Charles C. Boggs, Dwarf, arts
cuss problems relating to world govand dropped three, has football plans sciences junior, representing and
Sherman Robinson, Male, is anthe
this University
ernment, is being formed this sum other
that are aimed at bowl-bihoopster and will be
student body at an inyear.
mer by students and professors in a forward. The
conference to be
terested in the project.
The UK Athletic Association. Inc., ternational student
star at Male and
was a four-lettarAarhus.
formed in 1945 to separate inter- held in Europe Denmark, has conAs yet the program is still hi Its served as captain for the Louisville
enroute to the
collegiate sports from the school's rived in
formative stages, the group has five last season.
physical education courses, handles ference, according to word received
stated. Those students and faculty Ray Gish, Bremen, a rangy center
The registrar's office has anbox office receipts and pays the here.
working on it are Dr. Amry starred in the recent Kentucky- members
Dispatches from Le Harve. France,
following registration
salaries thereby getting
UK students will be admitted to Vandenbosch, Professor John Kuiper, Tennessee court contest will prob schedule the
this month, tell of the
for the second term of
around the $5,000 Kentucky con- dated earlythat port of the former
Dr. J. B. Shannon, Professor Clement ably start at the pivot position tothe game by presenting registration
summer school. There will be no
stitutional salary limit, the report arrival at troopship "S. S. Marine
Harry Palmer,
Col. G. T. MacKenzie, command
William night
slips from the summer
all classification tak- ant of the University Reserve Offi stated.
Townspeeople will be charged $1.00 Toombs. Robert Smith. Jim Wilber,
Tiger" carrying 620 students and
Charley Lampley is a high scoring
Coaches' Salaries Out Of Line
per person, and high school students and temporary chairman John Ang- guard who will see plenty of action ing place in shouldmen's gymnasium. cer Training Corps, announced this
teachers from the United States, inreport for clasNo student
at the "The principal coaches receive cluding the UK representative.
can go for $.50.
in the fracas this evening. He aver- sification until he has registered and week that have ROTC units as "ex
been rated
salaries considerably higher than the
To Begin This Month
Selection of Boggs. who is a vetAlthough the chief mentor wasn't
aged about 14 points last year for paid his fees. Miss Maples Moores,
cellent" by the war department.
salaries of professors, and one re eran, to represent University stutoo pleased with the Cats' concludEvery major question concerning Sharp high.
assistant registrar, said.
A report of the annual government ceives a salary higher than the dents at the European conference
ing full force scrimmage last Satur a world organization will be disEast Squad
Miss Moores emphasized that all
uni- and subsequent study tours of the
the president of
day, the assistants have been put cussed. The particular subject will
will be students must register and classify Inspection by local military units salary of whose salary Is the
Leading the East
$9,500 a continent was made by the UK Stufive army officers was versity,"
ting the pressure on in practice be announced a month in advance of the
hardwood ace, Hal even though they are enrolled iq last May
received from headquarters of the year. Which coaches' salary is higher dent Government association last
and the individual groups are show speaking dates, Mr. Anggelis stated. Moberly a
three-inc- h
was not stated.
second army in Baltimore, Md.
May from among 19 applicants.
InR signs of smoother team work, he Active meetings will begin the lat- from Madison high of Richmond. full quarter courses.
Col. MacKenzie said that the UK
Along with student representatives
ter part of this month.
"Athletics Is primarily an' enter
Another Madison eager. Bill Kersey,
units have received a rating of "ex- tainment rather than an educational of other American colleges and uniThere is the usual present Bryant
Objectives of the group are to in will be at the guard post. The bespecexAU final examinations,
cellent" for the past 14 years.
Inspired spirit in the small squad, form themselves and to create an in- tacled Ed Humston, of Lawrence-burenterprise, and should be entirely versities scheduled to attend a two
subsequently the scrap should shape terest in public affairs.
the report con- weeks conference on international
and Corbin high's Curt Selvy, cept the Law college, will be
up into a furious fight and keen
itudent welfare and cultural cooper
held at the last regular class
One guest student will appear with a forward, were both placed on the
competition between the crew of
"The University is more alert in ation, the University student sailed
second team last season.
the formal debaters at every meetsession. Miss Maples Moores,
attracting the best athletes to its from this country in late June. The
ing. After constructive and rebuttal Humston, a guard, made the 1946
assistant registrar, announced
campus than in attracting the best ship was provided by the
Tactics To Be Tried
cage team, and is exspeeches have been made by the
division of the state departthis week.
Veterans Administration has an- young minds."
Both batches of boys intend to participants, the floor will be thrown pected to lead the offense attack
try their team tactics from the Tee. open to discussion for anyone wish along with Moberly and Lafayette's
A maximum of 75 sports scholar- ment.
nounced that the reinstatement
privileges now in effect for national ships is allowed each member of
Attends Orientation Course
The staff has been striving since ing to comment.
Lew Sharp. The husky Sharp was
service life insurance will be extend the Southeastern conference, more
spring to supercede the single wing
Aboard ship, in preparation for his
Examination Schedule Given
The subject chosen for the open- one of Lafayette's high scorers and
used last season with the tricky ing
July 25, Friday, 8 am. Classifica- ed to January 1, 1948.
than the number of scholarships for duties abroad. Boggs studied the
session will be "What Is a World will be at the pivot position.
Most of the fast,
tests and physical examinations Until this announcement was promising students granted at Ken- French and Czech languages, saw
Government and To What Extent Also on the East squad are two tion new students. All new students,
documentary films about countries
fancy footwork at the quarter back Do We Have One
veterans who tucky.
made. World War
In The UN To- players who were placed on the for
spot will fall to three troupers, Don
to be visited, attended orientation
nominations. except those entering the graduate had let ther wartime NSLI term
third team
Frampton, and John Koerber from
lectures and conferences, and acschool, should report to Memorial policies lapse for a period of more
Negotiations with a local radio They are Carl Eagle, a forward from hall.
Og-dPennsylvania, and Mountaineer
quainted himself with fellow Amerthan three months had only until
studio to broadcast portions of the Harlan, and Eddie Leforge, a guard
ican students.
July 25, 26, Friday and Saturday-Registra- tion August 1 to reinstate them withou
form the champion Maysville quinFollowing the two weeks' conferThis group of yearlings represent debates are under way.
and classification of all having to take a physical examina
tet. Ed DeCoursey, Wayland, and
which he will
the last freshman enrollment that
Plans to establish a central trailer ence on Aarhus at of "ReconstrucBrooksville, were students according to the following tion.
Charlie Stapleton,
will be eligible for four years of
the problem
VA said the deadline was extended park for the married University work
(Continued on Page Two)
Univerto give every former policyholder student veterans and their families tion Activities in War-tor- n
on Page Two)
Friday Forenoon
more time to take advantage of who own house trailers have been sities.." he will tour Poland and
8:00 8:50 T through Z
picking up his government insur- temporarily abandoned, according to possibly other parts of the continent
9:50 N through S
ance by simply certifying that he an announcement made Saturday to observe European conditions and
10:0010:50 K through M
is in as good health as he was at by Darrell B. Hancock, president of report on them to the students and
11:0011:50 F through J
the time of lapse and executing the the University student veterans club. to the people of the state. He intends
Recently enacted legislation has
(Continued on Page Two)
required application.
Hancock said that "insurmount to make a photographic record of
made it possible for nurses, physical
able difficulties" had been encoun his activities.
World War II veterans Who expect therapists and dieticians to apply
tered which made it impossible to
Legislation increasing subsistence
to enter college for the first time now for commissions in the officers allowances for married student vetcarry out plans formed last May
this fail under educational provisions reserve corps. Col. G.
to occupy a site on South Broadway
T. MacKenzie, erans, with and without children,
of the G. I. Bill should make appli
leased from the Lexington Trots
both the
military department head and Army has been approved byhouse comcation to the Veterans Administra-tioBreeders association. He declined to
United States senate and
public relations officer for this area, mittees on veterans' affairs and will
as soon as possible.
elaborate on specific reasons for the
VA branch office officials in Co- said today.
Pat Burnett, former Kernel editor
failure of the project designed to
be voted on by the two houses at an
lumbus. Ohio, this week cited three
care for approximately 25 student and a senior journalism student at
Applications for reserve commis- early date. Rep. W. Howes Meade
Important steps to be followed by sions in the army nurse corps and
Delta Pi Epsilon. national honorveteran families, now living in their the University was Injured Monday
reported last week in a letary graduate fraternity for men and
veterans who plan to enter school the newly-creatown trailers at various points in the morning when she fainted and fell
women's medical ter to University officials.
down a flight of stairs at her home
women in business education, will
for the first time since their re- - specialist corps from nurses and
lease from service:
specialists who served honorably state-wid- e
The group had already incorpor- here.
tour of Kentucky colleges tomorrow. Chapt6r at the Unlversity
1. The veteran should go to his during World War
Her condition was described as
ated as the Lexington Trailerite as
II will be given
to gain
nearest VA office, educational in- preference in the filling of appoint- and duniversities last March problems
sociation and elected officers for the improved yesterday. However she
Officers of Nu chapter are Z. S.
first-haninformation on
stitution or one of the various ser- ments to the reserve vacancies. Col. facing the student veteran, said Dickerson, Jr., president; David C.
The music department presented proposed "Trailer City" to be oper will be confined to her home for
vice organizations and obtain VA MacKenzie added. An age limit of
the recording of
on a cooperative basis.
further that the Senate commitee McMurty, vice president; Dora Mc- - by Verdi between 6the opera "Aida" ated officials had allotted a Univer several Burnett is employed this sumsurplus
form 1950. which is the application 45 has been set. Applications may had reported on a bill raising thejCowanand 8 o'clock last sity
for education and training under be made at all army posts and re- government allowance to single vet- Hortense Smith, treasurer; Lucile night in the Carnegie room of the army quonset hut for use as a wash mer as a reporter on the Lexington
room and shower.
the GJ. Bill. VA or the other cruiting stations.
Grissim, historian; Mary Virginia Student Union building.
erans taking academic training.
agencies will assist him in filling
Moore, historian; and Dr. Ruth E.
The room' is open to anyone inapplication.
out this
Thomas, assistant professor of com- terested in listening to records. Sum2. The application, together with
merce, faculty sponsor.
mer hours are from 12:30 to 4 f
K certified or photostatic copy of
Other charter members of the o'clock every weekday afternoon and
the veteran's discharge paper, should
chapter are Margaret Gregory. Don-ett- e 6 until 8 on Thursday night, Mrs.
be sent to the VA regional office
Davis. Harry Howell, Martha Lewis H. Mills, director of the room,
having jurisdiction over the terriannounced.
Hill, and Marshall Beard.
tory in which the veteran resides.
New shelves have been built in the
Installation of the chapter and in
Thirty-nin- e
"Literacy alone cannot bring
mining and civil en-- 't
In Ohio. Michigan and Kentucky,
itiation of charter members, to be record library room and several new peace in this world of ours .. We approached.
these offices are located in Detroit, gineering students are in their final
they graduate. Only juniors and held at 4 p. m. tomorrow in the Stu- albums have been added, Mrs. Mills must use knowledge that makes us Toward this goal. UNESCO was
Cleveland. Cincinnati and Louis week of a
field trip inj
ville. If married, the veteran should Breathitt county where they have seniors are eligible to make the dent Union, will be conducted by Dr. stated.
literate to construct in the minds formed. From the beginning this
county clerk or court been putting classroom theory into trip. Civil engineers are divided in- Earl S. Dickerson, national presiof man a program of common ac- organization has been working in
also submit a
to parties to do leveling, triangu-latio- dent of Delta Pi Epsilon. and Dr.
copy of his marriage certificate in actual practice.
tion. Dr. Ruth McMurray. U. S. the
fields of activity to
surveying, map- James M. Thompson, both of Eastern
order to claim additional subsistence
State Department liaison officer to serve the cause of world peace and
There are four mining and 35
Illinois State Teachers College, and
allowance for a dependent. The re- civil engineering students "on lo- ping, route surveying, plane-tabl- e
United Nations Educational, understanding through education,
and hydrographic sur- Mr. Harmon Wilson,
gional office will process the appli- cation" at a University-owne- d
Scientific and Cultural Organiza- science and culture, she added.
plot mapping,
cation and determine the amount on Buckhorn creek, midway between veying. Mining engineers are learn- Publishing Company, Cincinnati.
First Lieutenant Gayle Shields, a tion, declared Wednesday in an
At present UNESCO has 31 memof education and training to which Jackson and Hazard, Kentucky near ing how to dig coal from a seam and
After the installation and initia- former student of the University, address before members of League
the veteran is entitled. If qual- Noble. Ky., The 15,000 acres, site they also practice surveying tim- tion ceremonies, Nu chapter will has recently assumed his duties as College being held on the campus. ber states, according As the State
a specialDepartment official.
ified, the veteran will receive a. cer- of a former CCC camp, was given to ber and abandoned mines.
honor new members, national offi- pilot, ground forces, with the 56th
Explaining the founding, organ- ized agency of the United Nations,
cers and guests with a dinner at engineer combat battalion, Philip- ization and world program
the University about twenty years
The schedule calls for a
tificate of eligibility.
day with the Student Union. Dean and Mrs. pine scouts at the Philippine com- UNESCO to the approximately 50 the organization is designed to col3. The veteran should present the ago by Mr. E. O. Robinson. The
evenings set aside to study notes William S. Taylor, college of educa- bat headquarters, stationed at Camp college members from more than laborate in the work of advancing
certificate of eligibility to the school
the mutual knowledge and undertion, and Dean and Mrs. Edward O'Donnell. Tarlac, Philippines.
or training establishment at the time Dacx to
in IS37. me property made during the day's work.
16 states, in the third day of a
standing of peoples; to give fresh
A graduate of Louisville Male high
of his enrollment. The institution is now a substation of the UniverBefore the war the trek to "Rob- Wiest, college of commerce, will be
session at the University, Dr. impulse to popular education and to
will complete the certificate and re- sity experiment station.
inson Tract." as the site is called, guests of the chapter at the dinner. school, Lt. Shields attended service McMurray said:
the spread of culture; and to mainRobert E. Shaver, associate pro- was an annual affair. It has just
turn it to the appropriate VA reDelta Pi Epsilon's national mem- schools including the field artillery
"In the final count, in the last tain, increase and diffuse knowgional office, which may then auth- fessor of engineering, is in charge been resumed this summer. The en- bership requirements state that stu- school and the officers candidate
determination, we must trust our ledge by encouraging
orize payment of subsistence allow- of the party. His assistants are John gineers live at a camp of seven bar- dents with a college average of 85 school. He took his basic flying
as among the nations in all branches
D. Dearinger, and Stanley F. Adams, racks, mess hall, kitchen, and recrepercent in this case, approximately trainin from the army air force power to be men. As men
ance to the veteran.
as men who think. of intellectual activity.
thinking men
Veterans unable to attend larger graduate-assistana 2.2 standing who are working on ground training division.
in engineering. ation hall.
Six Weeks "In the Field"
universities because of crowded conAccording to college of engineer- a graduate degree in the departLt. Shields wears four overseas believe and have the will to act Three Elements of I'NESCO Listed
ditions are advised by VA to check
ing professors, the picturesque ter- ment of business education are eli- bars, American defense. American we can agree together on the end
The structure of UNESCO has
All civil and mining engineering rain of the "Robinson Tract" is gible for membership, the depart- theater ribbons and the victory med- of peace. Agreeing on that end, we three essential elements, she exthe possibilities of enrollment in
colleges where vacancies may students are required to attend one suitable for virtually every type of ment announced. The local chapter al world war II, occupation and air should be able to agree that there plained. The (Jeneral conference.
Jje. available.
six week session "in the field" before engineering work.
will set uo additional standards.
Continued on Page Three)
are steps by which the end can be


former high school

all-sta- rs


exhibit their talents at 8:30 tonight
on Stoll field for the maestro. Paul
Bryant, In a Blue and Whit game.
Richard Raklovits. Chicago freshman, as yet has not reported back
to the University for practice since
he went home last month to participate in his high school graduation exercises. (See Sports Side
Show on page 2).
tilt the third
this year will culminate the summer session, and will furnsh the
"Bear" an opportunity to see his
latest crop of hopefuls under pressure. The small squad has been going through daily drills for more
than a month.
Bear Witl Watch
Bryant will take his usual unsettled seat in the stands where he
can expertly eye the pigskin performance, and focus on the finer
points of the players.
Coaches Carnay Leslie, Mike
and Ermal Allen will ride
the reins on the Blue bunch, while
Coaches Frank Moseley. Joe Atkinson, and Bill McCubbin will wheel
the White aggregation. McCubbin
has Just recently been added to the
coaching staff as an assistant for
the fall festivities.


All-St- ar

All-St- ar





All-Sta- te

Debate Club
Being Formed
John Anggelis
Is Chairman



six-in- ch

Two Days Allowed


For Registration

Bal-itsar- is.

All-Sta- te

Registrar's Office


Releases Schedule



UK Delegate

In Europe

Boggs To Return

In Late August


ROTC Unils


All-Sta- rs

all-sta- te



NSLI Reinstatement
Deadline Extended




All-Sta- te

Veterans Drop Plan
For Trailer Park


Veterans Advised
To Apply Quickly

Nurses May Apply
For Commissions
In Reserve Corps

For GI Schooling"

Subsistence Increase
Approved By Both
House Committees

New Business Honorar
To Be Installed Here

Pat Burnett Injured
In Fall At Home

(R.-K- y.


Recordings Presented
By Music Department


Literacy Alone Cannot Bring
World Peace' McMurray

Mining And Civil Engineers
Hearing End Of Field Trip
six-we- ek







Former UK Student
Is In Philippines


two-wee- ks

Board Of Trustees
Cut Is Advised
One hundred eighty-thre- e
for changes in
procedure at the University were set
forth this week in the 246 closely
typed pages of the Griffenhagen
The $19,200 survey ordered by Gov.
Willis last year contains criticisms
of everything from the board of
trustees to more pay for janitors.
The Chicago firm of Griffenhasen
and Associates does not deal in
personalities, but seems to discuss
virtually every phase of the University's activities.
Governor's Power Should Be Curbed
The governor's power to remove a
trustee at his pleasure, and thus
"gain control of the board at any
time" should be abolished, the report
says. It recommends that "provision
should be made for removal by court
As for the board itself, the report
states that "the board of trustees
should be a policy forming and approval body and leave administration
of the University to its chosen administrative officers, requiring only
that the institution be administered
in conformity with adepted policies."
Board of Trustees Too Large
It further states that the board of
trustees should be reduced from 15
to nine members, eliminating
members and those representing special groups such as agriculture
and alumni. All trustees should be
appointed by the governor for
terms, subject to confirmation
by the state Senate. Two members'
terms should begin every other year.
The University's growth was considered in a statement that forecast
a possible 8.500 students by next
September. While the report advised
against overexpansion while building
costs were high, it pointed out, that
President H. L. Donovan has said
that there are adequate facilities for
only 4.000 students and has asked for
a $10,000,000 building fund between,
now and 1955. The Griffenhaeen
report scheduled for immediate con'
struction a service building, two
men's dormitories, a women's dormitory, a fine arts building, a dairy
center, expansion of heating plant,
and repairs to existing buildings.
This would include replacement cf
old wooden buildings, some described
as dangerous in case of fire, renova
tion jof others, and building of new
Organizational Changes
changes in departments, faculty,
classification of stenographers and
labor, and general financial adminis10-y-


Among the recommendations and
criticisms are statements that the
state should support no medical
school, unless it is a part of the University; in hiring professional personnel the head of the department in
which they are to serve should help
the dean of his college select them
(this applies to all classes of professors and instructors!; there should
be no overlapping of salary schedules
under which some pofe&sional employees now get more than some
others of higher ranks. Merit, rather
than length of service, should continue to be given most weight in
deermining rank and salary.
A more comprehensive audit of
the business affairs of the University
was recommended. Salary increases
ranging from a tcp of $6,240 tor full
professors to $3.3fK as the lushest
pay for instructors with the necessary constitutional changes to allow
this were advocated. When economic
conditions change, salaries are to be
revised up or down accordingly.
The Griffenhagen report was dated
last April 2, but the governor's executive secretary stated it was received
last June 30.

UK Troupers Need
Men And Women
For Tumbling Acts
The UK Troupers are in need of
both boys and girls that are ini crested in tumbling whether thev hav2
had experience or not. according to
Bernard M. Johnson, faculty adviser for the group. Mr. Johnson is
interested in enlarging the tumblinc;
groups. They work out on Tuesday
and Thursday at 2 p. m. in the men's
There will be no shows this summer but plans have been made to
have one the first cr second week of
the fall quarter. Mr. Johnson said.
Other students that have any
specialty acts and are interested i:i
the trouper show should contact Mr.
Johnson at the physical education
office for information concerning
the trouper show.
The Troupers elected officers recently: Those selected were Joe
Wyatt, engineering college, president; Bettye Cockrell. education,
and buir-.:"manager; Jay Cummins, educi'ioii
college, secretary and treasurer.

* Ta?e Two


T Or Not T? That's The Question.
Kaklovits Or Not? That's Another.






he deciding factor of wlicthc-- t
is sj i iii" their offensive frrom the fast moving T,
or wlit (In i k will s(iil lja(k to the slower and Kssihly easier
to liainlle siii 'l win" or the Notre Dame lxx for their hicl
oil use.
When I'liil ("uidiin 31.1di1.1trd last year, it left the Cats withont
an oiiisiaiidint; led li.ill to (iiinish the drive for the single wing.
Jack Parkinson, Wildcat guard,
So Head CokIi Paid 111 ant decided to give the T a try.
will play in his first came since
his recent discharge from the
io I'liv Miini. wliile iliey have develojed some gocxi
Army Air Force tcnight in the
;niil Molahl will st ic k with the
seaion this
cage tame.
IK intra-squa- d
Parkinson made the Helm
son, ihiy Mill don't h.ne an onisianding quarterback that stands
basketball team in
lund .'i ixl shonKleis alMiv1 the rest.
1M46, prior to his military service. He is a senior and hails
Tims in toniln's game should one of these new freshman hacks
from Yorfctown, Ind.
get hoi ami sei thai tail link sxt on fire then the coaching stall
nii'uhi sir- hi io change ihe ollense when fall practice starts.
Ilowewi. we think it will take an exceptional and possibly
(Continued from Page One)
sensational I.m k Id discovcrv to cause the coaches to change,
not able to play on Jones' outfit
lxiaiise while, as we said thev don't have anv outstanding quarte- Lew Sharp and Joe Hall, of Cynthi-- .
rly k. both Jim Il.ilili and George RIanda are responding to the ana, were elected to replace them.
T-- t real im
it splendidly. And then some of these freshmen quar- Piloting. Jones EastTarry be Earle
tet backs nie no sl.nkets at handing off that ball.
Jones, who was nominated Kentucky's cage
his Maysville high school unexpectoitistnixling freshman back from Chicago, re-- I edly captured the State championDick Rak!oiis.
oiied io th- l'iii isitv of Kentucky June 14, according to the ship in Louisville last winter. Opposing Jones will be the colorful McCoy
"P.i .11." and eii:n!!ed in stniuuer school, thus making him eligible Tarry, coach of Brewer high school.
to pl.iv ball at I K tliis fall. Now if that is the case, Raklovits will The Brewers were defeated in the
State finals by Maysville, but finished
not be i ligibh to plav arsitv ball anywhere but Kentucky this year. the 1946-4- 7 season with an outstandIn it ilie oiiili leiiunctl to his home town, to participate in ing
t'K Varsity Plays At S P.M.
his big!) school gi
ion exercises, and as yet hasn't returned.
Wildcat cagers are
Tail RmIiy. Com ier Journal sjtorts editor, rejmrted in a recent expected varsity action In the initial
to see
column thai he would probably play ball on the Illinois grid team basketball game which will start at
6 p.m. This contest
il he
i played football.
He implieed, however, that the Chicago-a- Cat stars against the will pit seven
UK freshman
hoopsters, plus Alex Groza, Ralph
might sign a pro baseball contract soon.
As Ruhv minted out, it couldn't le money that induced Rak-loii- s Beard, Jim Line and Dale Barnstable of the varsity. Captain Ken
io go io Illinois, lneause Illinois is a memler of the Big Roll