xt7gxd0qsd9g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7gxd0qsd9g/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 19390815  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, August 15, 1939 text The Kentucky Kernel, August 15, 1939 1939 2013 true xt7gxd0qsd9g section xt7gxd0qsd9g oesi uopy Avanaoie



Students W


The Campus
Approximately 100 members of the
Lexington Kiwanis Club and the
Sinawik, an organization made up
of wives of the Kiwanians, met at
Camp Daniel Boone at Valley View
Tuesday night for a fish fry with
the 102 Central Kentucky boys who
are their guests at t',e camp.
The group heard a talk on the
general topic of athletics by Bernie
football coach at the University of Minnesota and head of a
staff of instructors at a summer
coaching school at the University.
Introduced by Tate (Piney) Page.
Transylvania College football coach
and athletic director, Mr. Bierman
related some of his experiences in
the gridiron sport, particularly
with reference to the value of athHe
letics in character building.
emphasized the belief that athletics
do not conflict with the regular
academic activities in school but
are supplementary to them.
Dr. Jesse Adams, past president
of the Kiwanis Club, made a brief
address to the campers, in which
he stressed the opportunities of the
camp life.
President LouisM. Winges, presiding officer for fhe organization,
introduced Kenneth Bowman, assistant secretary of the Community
Y. M. C. A. and director of the
camp, who in turn presented the
15 camp leaders.
Prize totaling $25 in value were
donated by Ft. D. McMahon of Calumet arm to be awarded to winners In athletic contests at the camp
this week. Watermelons eaten during Tuesday night's picnic were
provided by W. T. Murray, fiscal
agent for Coldstream Farm.
The attendance prize, a baseball
glove furnished by Emory Lagrew,
was won by Homer Webster, camper from Payette county. The award
was presented by Mr. Bierman.

Culpepper To Be Speaker
At Commencement Dinner
Billed For Thursday Night
Annual Dinner To Be
Held At Lafayette
The Rev. Ross Culpepper, pastor
of the Clendenin tW. Va.) Methodist church will be the principal
speaker at the annual Summer
Session commencement dinner to be
held at 7 o'clock Thursday night,
August 17, at the Lafayette hotel.
Students receiving degrees at the
summer commencement will attend
the dinner as guests of the Summer
Session and the University Alumni
Doctor Adams yesterday stressed
(hat students reaeiving their degree mast call for their tickets at
his office before noon Thursday,
August 17. Others wishing to make
reservations must observe the same
Greetings to the graduates will be
delivered by Judge William Blanton
of Paris, president of the Alumni
association. Responses to the greetings will be given by Virginia
who receives her bachelor's
degree Friday, and Ford Messamore,
who receives his doctor's degree.
Vocal selections on the program
will be sung by Lowry Kohler with
Flossie Minter at the piano. Doctor
Adams will act as toastmaster.
The subject of Mr. Culpepper's
address is "The Immortality of
"Mrs. Grundy.' "
A native of Flemingsburg,
son and grandson of Methodist ministers, Mr. Culpepper received his
A. B. degree from West Virginia
Wesleyan College, his S. T. B. from
Boston. University. School, of ..The-- ,
ology, and entered the ministry at
the age of 18, having been received
into the St. Louis Conference of
the Methodist Episcopal church by
Bishop Edwin Holt Hughes of
Washington, D.
this year's summer school commencement speaker
Friday night.
Mr. Culpepper is pastor of the
first unified Methodist church in
the state of West Virginia. From
1932 to 1935 he was assistant pastor
to Dr. William L. Stidger at the
Church of All Nations in Boston.
He is a member of the Lions
Club, has served as a basketball official and has been active in the
Boy Scout movement for 15 years.
Student members of the commencement dinner committee are
Anne Wyatt and Herschel Ward,
Arts and Sciences; Mildred Brown
and Lyle Harmon. Agriculture; Paul
H. Brown and Socrates Peter Bour-bak- i.
Engineering; Loren W. ODell
and Frank Trimble, Law; Virginia
Batterton and John Waters; Educa.
tion; Harold Arnold and Marshall
Beard. Commerce, and Iva Dagley
and Ford Messamore, Graduate
Bat-terto- n,

Two of the nation's outstanding
football coaches, Bernie Bierman of
the University of Minnesota and
Burt Ingwersen of Northwestern
University, were guest speakers of

last week


at the Lafayette hotel. They were introduced by Ab Kirwan, head football coach at the University, where
the two men are headliners at the


University summer-sessio- n
"The game of football is peculiarly interesting because of its extreme uncertaint and its tenseness
of play," Coach Bierman said. He
defined football as a "hash" or
composite of all athletic sports, containing all elements, skill, teamwork and "blood." He said a football player who supplements his
play with sufficient study and other
activities in his college life, would
'emerge a finer,
He stated that the quality
of football sectionally throughout
the nation was on a par, and cited
that as afl indication of the growing interest in the sport.
Coach Ingwersen asserted football
coaches throughout the country were
watching with interest the new
University athletic staff and
a "nice football team would
be developed this fall." Coach Kir-walso introduced Bernie Shive-lathletic director at the University.

pre-Cict- ed


Five doctors, two of them from
Venezuela, are taking a field training course in health work offered
by the University in collaboration
with the Fayette county health department. Dr. Charles D. Cawood.
health officer, said yesterday.
They are L. C. Bates. Glenwood.
Minn, who will be assigned to
health work in a Kentucky county;
Price Sewell. Jackson, who will go
to Owen county; C. E. Reddick,
assistant health officer at Paducah.
who will return there, and Rafael
Kisquez and Torfiria Irasabal, both
of Venezuela, who will return to
their South American country.

Guardsmen Gather
For Big Sham War





Aug. 14

regular Army troops already in the
field turned to route marches and
minor combat exercises, 21.000 national guardsmen from eight states
poured into Northern New York today to Join the First Army maneu-


Their arrival will bring to 53.000
men the total strength of the units

encamped within a
of this old army post overlooking
Lake Champlain.
Army authorities apparently were
pleased by the speed and precision
with which the troop concentration,
greatest in the nation's peace-tim- e
history, was being executed.
Mrs. T. M. Johnson of Rockfield,
Units of the four participating
former president of the Kentucky national guard divisions
Federation of Homemakers, and R. strong began arriving
here Sunday.
W. Blackburn of Chicago, secreRail heads
tary of the American Farm Bureau bustled with in the mimic wr zone
activity as troops deFederation, were the. principal trained and were
speakers at a picnic for members the country to marched off across
scattered campsites
of Farm Bureaus.
Ciubs and cleared by advance details.
Homemakers Clubs from Fayette,
Scott, Bourbon and Jessamine counGULDAHL IS WINNER
ties Friday afternoon at the Livestock Judging Pavilion at the UniPittsburgh, August 14
versity of Kentucky.
Guldahl of Madison. N. J., won the
$10,000 Dapper
Dan tournament
today by defeating Denny Shute
and Gene Sarazen in an
New York, Aug. 14
playoff with a sparkling par 70.
Airways announced
Shute of Huntington, W. Va., was
that the "California Clipper," one second with a 74 and Sarazen,
of the company's 41' ton flying gentleman farmer from East Brook-fielboats, would leave San Francisco
Conn., was third with 75.
August 22 on the first survey flight
first money of
across the new. 8,000-miPacific $2,500, Shute took second money of
f airway to New Zealand.
$1,250 and Sarazen third of $1,000.
4-- H








Banquet Planned
For Graduates
A program for the
week activities
August 17, 3 p. m. Dr. Jesse
Adams asks that all students
receiving degrees meet in
Room 111, McVey HaU. At
that time instructions will be
given regarding the marching
and seating arrangements for
ihe commencement.
August 7, 7 p. m. Commencement
Dinner in the
Gold Room of the Lafayette
Hotel. All students receiveing
degrees in the August commencement will be guests of
the University of Kentucky
Session and the
Alumni Association, provided
that they obtain their free
tickets from the Summer Session Office by noon, August 17.
August 18,
p. m.
Faculty reception for graduates and their friends in the
Faculty Club Rooms.
August 18, 7 p. m. Commencement on Stoll Field.











Ezra Gillis Presides
At Services


Services Held On Roof
Of Women's Dorm

Guardsmen Dead;

Officials Plan Probe







Stephenson Captures
Diving Championship



(Leader Sports Editor)
If, as some loyal supporters pleasantly insist, a new day is breaking
in the University of Kentucky football picture, it still is definitely in
the breaking stage. Grey streaks
of dawn seem to be lighting the
sky, but the sun hasn't yet burst
over the horizon.
That's merely a way of saying

that the


Wildcat eleven
hardly appears a prospect for the
coming gridiron campaign.
Certainly there's no thought of a
crushing, conquering Kentucky grid
machine this year in the mind of
Albert Dennis (Ab) Kirwan, the
young man who some 18 months
ago was called back to his alma
mater and charged with buoying
the University's sinking football
fortunes. In regard to the rapidly
approaching season he is optimistic
to a reasonable degree, and definitely hopeful, but he promises no
more than a fighting team and hard
work by both coaches and players.
It might be as well be admitted
at the outset, however, that the U.

K. grid prospects for the 1939 season, while not altogether glowing,
are not in the least dismal.
Kentucky football at the time the
new staff took charge early in 1938
was surrounded by air that was
Obsomewhat dark and dreary.
viously extensive
needed. A start was made, almost
from a totally new foundation, and
since then some progress has been
accomplished. A miracle team was
not developed overnight, in the first
season, or even in the first yea?
and a half of work, but Kirwan
and his assistants are confident
they have made headway and that
they are building, if slowly, at least
They are satisfied to make progress in that manner. As the head
coaifi himself express ,jt: ,"We
feel we had better learn to crawl
before we try to walk or run."
Only One Candidate "Doubtful"
Last season, Kirwan's first as the
Wildcat skipper, he was forced to
start the campaign with virtually a
second-strin- g
team on the field. At
gridders who had
least a
figured prominently in his plans
were lost from the squad even before the first game. There were
several more early casualties, and
(Continued on page Two)

Gerald Griffin Thinks
Blues Will Beat
Some Teams


Lexington Bureaa
Lexington, Ky.. Aug. 12 The University of Kentucky Wildcats this
fall are going to be plenty tough.
They are going to be a right smart
tougher than they have been in
several seasons, and they are going
to knock the daylights out of some
football teams. But I can't tell you
how many or which ones.
Last year the Wildcats played
some good football and more that
wasn't so good and they lost seven
out of nine games. The two games
they won were against the rankest
They lost two games
kind of
they should have won easily
Washington and Lee and Xavier
and they caused even their firmest
friends to shudder when they fell
before Tennessee by the goshawful
And all the time, afscore of 46-ter the first quarter, Tennessee was
trying to hold down the score.
But the Wildcats played four fine
games during the 1938 season, losing
all four of them. They did nobly
against Vanderbilt and Clemson,
showed grand courage against Alabama, and they outplayed and out




Candidates Will Meet
Thursday To Get

Room Deposits'
To Be Refunded


Program Will Be Held
On Wednesday

The University philharmonic orchestra will present the last in a
series of weekly concerts at 7 o'clock
Wednesday night in Memorial halL
Usually held on Thursday night,
the concert has been shifted to
Wednesday night this week to avoid
conflict with the annual Summer
Session commencement dinner to be
held Thursday night at, the Lafayette hotel.
Directed this year for the first
time by Dr. Alexander Capurso, new
executive head of the music department, the orchestra has presented
four concerts during the second semester of the Session.
Doctor Capurso has directed in
the absence of Prof. Carl Lampert,
head of the music department, who
is studying at Harvard university.
The program for Thursday night's
concert has not yet been released.

Ponder Settlement

Of Danzig Question

A plan for a peaceful settlement
of the Danzig question was reported
afoot in Europe today.
In Berlin a Nazi source with unusually good offictil connections
said that Professor Carl J. Bruck-hard- t.
League of Nations commissioner for Danzig, had proposed a
reunion of Danzig to Germany with
establishment of "a direct and guaranteed connection" between East
Prussia, including Danzig, and Germany proper.
It was admitted for the first
time in Berlin that Burckhardt was
In consultation with Fuehrer Hitler
Hitler, Polish Foreign
last week.
Minister Beck and Albert Forster,
Danzig Nazi leader, all were said
to have accepted the plan as a
possible basis for discussion.
In London British official circles
observed that Burckhardt now was
"in a position to make contacts"
with both the Polish government
and the Danzig senate, and they
saw in Burckhardt s talks with Hitler a possible preliminary move to
negotiate the Danzig dispute.
In Warsaw also the view was expressed that Burckhardt had discussed with Hitler the possibility of
a "new solution," for the future of
the free city, Germany's before the
World War and now within Poland's customs administration.

Sports Scribes Eye Wildcats' '39 Grid Prospects,
See Tougher Team But No Rose Bowl Aggregation
Leader Sports Editor
Has Hope For


Bishop Hughes Of Washington
To Deliver Commencement Talk;
Adams, Piatt Also On Program




15, 1939

Graduating seniors, graduate students, their friends and relatives
will be guests of honor at a reception which the faculty and staff of
the Summer Session will give from
3 until 4:30 o'clock Thursday afternoon in the faculty club rooms.
Dean W. S. Taylor, acting president
of the University, and Mrs. Taylor
and Dr. Jesse E. Adams, director of
the Summer Session, and Mrs.
Adams will receive the guests in the
front room of the old Patterson
A profusion of garden flowers
will be used to decorate the club
The following candidates for degrees have been asked to assist at
theh reception: Helen Garone, Rox-i- e
Courteip Lextngton Leader
Arnold, Mildred Brown, Virginia
Batterton, Charlotte Wible, Mary
Louise Naive, Margaret Gooch, Wll-d- a
Knight, Lillian McNulty, Mary
Smith, Anne Wyatt, Verna L. Von
Gruenigen, Marjorie Jenkins, Jane
Mitchell, Bernice Naylor and Justine Lynn.
for the reception
are being made by Mrs. Sarah B.
Twelve men were initiated into
Holmes and her committee which is
composed of Mrs. Edwin Haines, the University chapter of Phi Delta
Miss Ronella Spickard and Miss Kappa, honorary professional eduStatie Erickson.
cation fraternity, at services held
Alpha Gamma chapter of Kappa
Wednesday afternoon in the library
Delta Pi, honorary fraternity for
of the training
men and women in education, held
had charge of
Prjk Ezra
initiation 'SerTices ToT eight Summer
the Initiation,
Fort Knox, Ky., Aug. 14 Six
night On the
Session students last
The services.fe followed by a
young Indiana national guardsmen
roof of the new women's dormi- were
dead today killed when an steak fry at Castlewood Park at
tory. Irene Reynolds was in charge. artillery shell they thought was a which the new members were guests
Following the initiation, a picnic "dud" exploded as they tinkered of honor.
supper was served with new mem- with it.
Those initiated were Thomas
Three other guardsmen suffered
bers as guests of honor.'
teacher of agriculture, Vance-borInitiated were Mrs. Nell Fritts. "flesh wounds."
North Carolina; Orlan Clare
Major Gen. Robert H. Tyndall,
Bertha V. Krisch,
commanding the 38th division, 139th Fowler, junior high school teacher.
Louisville; Frank Ogden, Winchesfield artillery, of which all nine Clarksburg, West Virginia; Joseph
ter; Mrs. Paula Henry Pepper, were members, ordered an immeFriedl, teacher, Gary, West Virginia;
Lady Julia Maxine diate military inquiry of the acciGeorgetown;
dent, which occurred late Sunday Delmas Gish, teacher. Central City
Palmale, Kenova, W. Va.; Mrs.
High, Central City; Anthony Hohn- Rollins, Pineville; Evalene on a company street of the guard
units here for annual summer horst teacher, Dixie Heights high
Salvers, Ashland, and Joe Shaw,
school, Covington; J. C. Laycock,
Shelby, North Carolina.
The general admitted the board high school. Lynch; Ralph A. Luof Inquiry had little to go on in its' cas, head
coach. Castle Heights milinvestigation because "every man
directly connected with the explo- itary Academy. Lebanon, Tennessee; Harry Winfred McClintock,
sion is dead."
high school social science teacher.
Those killed in the blast were
Letelle Stephenson, a member of
E. M.
Corp. Charles E. Handrlcks, 21, West Frankfort, Illinois;
swimthe University's "pool-lesming team, won the Kentucky Oakland City: Corp. Roy E. Maxey, Norsworthy, principal, Loyall high
diving champion- 20, Oakland City; his brother, Pri- school, Loyall; Robert B. Piper, Jr.,
men's three-metship Sunday night at Paducah, Ky. vate Paul Maxey, 19; Private Willis principal, Olmstead high school,
Stephenson garnered 431.8 points Snow Jr., 19, Evansville; Private
to 419 for Albert Otto of Paducah, John R. Jones, 22, Princeton, and Olmstead; Harry M. Sparks principal, Irvington high school, and Lee
his nearest opponent and winner of Private Arthur McCarty 19, Princeton.
Kirkpatrick, Supt. of schools, Paris.
the crown last year.





egrees At Exercises Friday


Affair Will Be Given
Thursday Aternoon
In Club Rooms










fought a superior Georgia Tech
interLouisville has a three-waest in the Wildcats this year, first,
because the coach, Ab Kirwan, is a
native of Louisville arid coached at
both Male and Manual; second, because nine outstanding candidates
for the 1939 Wildcat football team
are Falls Cities boys. and. third, because the Wildcats for the first time
in many years, will play one of their
major games at Louisville this fall.
Shepherd 3d Louisville Captain
A Louisville boy, Joe Shepherd,
Is captain of the Wildcats.
He is
the third Louisville athlete in a
row chosen to captain the Kentucky football team. Last year it
was Sherman Hinkebein and the
year before that it was Joe "Red"
Hagan. Kirwan also was captain of
the Wildcats in 1925.
Shepherd, dependable quarterback,
and Hinkebein. a fine center, both
captained Louisville Manual football
teams, while Kirwan was coaching
the Crimsons. Hagan was from St.
Other lads from the Falls Cities
who are expected to see plenty of
action in the Kentucky line-u- p
fall are Pete Vires,
guard; Bill McCubbin.
end; Jim Hardin and Alan Parr,
(Continued on Page Three)




Refunds on room deposits
of residence hall students
may be obtained from 9 a. m.
to 2 p. m. Friday if a voucher
from Miss Jeanette Scudder
is presented at the dean of
women's office. Key deposits
will be returned from 8 a. m.
to 4 p. m. Saturday in the
Boyd hall business office.
Residence halls will close
6 p. m. Saturday except for
those students who must waft
connecfor transportation
tions. The halls will reopen
at 2 p. m.. September 17, it
from the
was announced
dean of women's office.


Department To Offer
A course for graduate training in
social work will be offered at the
University with the opening of the
fall term next Saturday from the

registrar's office.
The course will include an integrated program of classroom instruction., supervised. v field-wopractice and participation in
Dr. Vivien M. Palmer is
head of the department and members of the department will consist
of Miss Ruth B. Haugen and Aaron
Paul, lecturer in public welfare adrk

Approximately 243 students
will receive degrees at the annual Summer Session commencement exercises to be
held at 7 o'clock Friday night
on Stoll Field.
Principal speaker for the
occasion will be Dr. Edwin
Holt Hughes of Washington,
D. C, senior bishop of the
Methodist church for seven
years and a widely known
clergyman and lecturer. He
will talk on "The Teacher."
Doctor Adams will preside.
Dr. Charles Lynn Piatt, dean of
the College of the Bible of Transylvania university, will deliver the invocation and benediction.
Friday night's exercises will be
the tenth consecutive Summer Session commencement to be held at
the University, and will be one of
the three such services held yearly.
Doctor Hughes was formerly president of DePauw university
Greencastle. Ind., having served in
that capacity from 1903 to 1908.
He has been president of the
board of temperance of the Methodist Episcopal church from 1932.
From April to September in
Doctor Hughes was acting president
of Boston university and in 1933 he
was acting chancellor of American
university at Washington, D. C.
Candidates lor degrees wi.'I meet
at 3 p. m. Thursday. August 17 in
Room 111, McVey hall, to receive
instructions regarding marching and
seating arrangements for the commencement. Lt. Col. Howard Donnelly, commandant of the University ROTC. has charge of the
marching and seating arrangements
for the exercises.
Students enrolled in the advanced
ROTC courses will act as ushers and
aides at the commencement.

ministration. Miss Marguerite Grimmer, research assistant in field
studies in mental hygiene for the
United States Public Health Service, will lecture in psychiatric social work. Members of other departments who will offer courses in
the graduate curriculum in social
work will be Dr. J. S. Chambers,
head of the University's Department of Hygiene and Public Health,
and Dr. Graham Dimmick. assoReno. Nevado. August 14 Harry
ciate professor of psychology and
director of the Lexington Junior Fletcher. Reno captain of detectives, said today a crippled man
League Child Guidance Service.
with part of his right ear missing
had been arrested for questioning
in the wreck of Southern Pacific
Six Fayette county farms co- streamlined train.
The suspect was arrested in, the
operated with Wayland Rhoads.
beef cattle specialist, and G. P. railroad yards at Sparks. Nev. He
Summers, marketing specialist, both gave his name as Bob La Duceur,
of the University Experiment Sta- 28, Lewis town, Mont.
Officers said he had denied any
tion, in a beef cattle tour held yesknowledge of the train wreck but
The cattle displayed and the stops Fletcher said he was to be quesmade on the tour fellow: Brownwell tioned thoroughly.
Combs, Walnut Hill pike. Herefords;
Twenty persons were killed and
R. S. Strader, Winchester pike, fat 114
injured when the $2,000,000
cattle; Spindletop farm. Iron Works streamlined train hurtled from the
pike, Angue cattle; John Buckley,
tracks in a narrow, rock - bound
Old Frankfort pike, fat cattle; J. canyon in the wilds of Nevada
Harvey Allen, Old Frankfort pike. Saturday night.
Angus cattle; S. D. Mitchell. Versailles pike. Shorthorns; ExperiWELLES WANTS SETTLEMENT
ment farm. University, short talks
by Wayland Rhoads and G. P.
Washington. Aug. 14
Welles, acting secretary of state,
The cattle tour was arranged by formally demanded today a settleBrownwell Combs, chairman; James ment of the Mexican oil controversy
W. Robinson. Ernest Hillenmeyer,
lest it result in ""a material barrier"
J. Harvey Allen and Mr. Parker.
between Mexico and the Unitad
$2 RETIRNS $1,773
Welles, after conferences
Chicago. 111., August 14 Claude Mexican Ambassador Castillo
and Donald R. Rich berg, atE. Elkins.
billiard room
proprietor in the town of Anna, torney for the American oil compress con111., who fancies
himself a handi- - panies, disclosed at his
capper and likes to back his know- ference that the state department
ledge of the horses with a wager was the author of recent compromise proposals for a board of dinow and then, found himself
to operate expropriated
richer today as the result of rectors
having wired in a $2 bet on the American oil properties in Mexico.
winniny combination of Joy Bet
He said the department was disand Merry Carolne as a new record appointed that these had been
for the payoff on a daily double turned down by both sides without
combination in North America was adequate discussion.
Najera had said earlier he beElkins has been in the habit of
wiring in his selections in with lieved a way to settlement was
those of several of his friends, with "still open."
H. E. Davis sending the wire in
Today, however, he
his name.
struck pay dirt when he tabbed the
Rio De Janeiro, Aug. 14
winning combination and backed
his opinion with a wager wired to crushed wreckage of a Pan American "baby clipper" was believed tothe track.
Asked what he was giong to do day to hold the answer to an unwith his bank roll. Eiicins who came explained crash in which 14 persons
to Anna from Cambria, 111., about were killed Sunday almost within
five or six years ago, was quick to a stone's throw of their destination
at the end of a 3,700-miflight.
reply, "bank it."

Held For Questioning

In Wreck Of Train

Na-je- ra


* oesi uopy Avanaoie







Page 1 wo


Co-E- d


football games will brighten the
scene. We saw one with a bias skirt
and roomy patch pockets. For that
studying, which is so far away in
the hazy distance now, we chose
a red plaid housecoat with yards of
skirt, a tipper front, and clever
frogs of black braid.
We dont
usually think of going to teas in
plaid, but we're even considering
that because we saw a bright blue
dress with a full dirndl skirt and a
pigskin belt. After dark, if we're
not interested in being qute so gay
and cheery, we can still wear plaid
and be sophisticated about it. A
plaid wool dinner skirt with a bustle
back sash and a plain jersey shirt




Solid colors may be more becoming to us, and if they are, we may
add the plaid touch by wearing a
plaid hat. scarf, or
bag, or all three together.
As a
last straw to the pile of plaids, we
found the classic cardigan decorated with plaid ribbon banding. A
maching tweed skirt with its quota
of the Scotch completed the outfit.

Knee Sacks

Instead of the

we've been wearing for so many
years now, we find a
sock which leaves our knees showing below our very short skirt. Our
opinion was that the idea was very
chic if we had the right kind of
knees, but if not. then beware!
As usual, we found the smart
tailored suit which will be worn
with sheer wool shirts, as well as
cotton and silk ones, and with soft,
lovely sweateis. Gored skirts have
the lead, and there will be many
combinations of plaids and solid
colors. From suits we progressed to
top coats because the top coat that
goes with the underneath suit will
make a really warm outfit for those
cool days. Tweeds are always good
especially a reversible tweed lined
The fleece coat
with gabardine.
locks like fur, and if it's reversible,
will be very practical.
The old
ciaxsic, the camel's hair coat, is still
with us. Perhaps it's the best after
Tricky Fnrs
In fur coats, the little waist is
news. The effect is that of a waist
the size of a hand-spaand is
there any girl who doesn't desire
that effect? The cleverest thing we
raw in furs wai one of Alaska seal.
The coat zipped apart at the waist
and what have we? The top turned
out to be a Jacket, while the bottom
was a cape.




will always en
ha nee the -- cute" type. Turned-u- p
nose, long
and a bow of
just the right color, either to contrast or to match the rest of her
costume, will characterize one type
of freshman.


top-kn- ot


Red and black


striped velveteen
skirt suited us

with an
for a date dress. (We do intend
to work in a few dates between
quizzes and term papers). If the
date is for a dance and we have the
right figure we might try a slipper- satin dress. This one is very dir
ferent from the customary satin
dress because it has
due to a white ruffled petticoat
which has a bustle climbing in tiers
from the waistline.
eight-gore- d

back-intere- st

We've looked and looked for all

the details in fall clothes, and we
have decided that one person simply
couldn't take advantage of as many
types, trends, and fads in fashion
as she might like. So we're definitely going to be ourselves, and if
plaids don't fit our mood, then
plaids will be out, even though they
are all the news. Our accessories
will match and we will sport one
or two of the latest fads.
We bump back to earth; we suddenly realize that the thermometer
is soaring. The electric fan must
bring the breeze we need until next
fall, when those new clothes will
freshen our spirits while they protect us from the autumn winds.

Week's Best Sellers
"Grapes of Wrath," John Steinbeck.
"The Webb and the Rock," Thomas Wolfe.
"Black NarciAis," Rumer God-de-


"Mr. Emmanuel," Louis Golding.
of Tales,"
"Next To Valour," John Jennings.

"Not Peace but the Sword," Vincent Sheean.
"Inside Asia," John Gunther.
"Days of Our Years,' Pierre Van
"Wind, Sand and Stars," Antoine
"The Hudson," Carl Carmer.
"America In
and M. Beard.

No highly touted performers
coming up from the freshman
ranks, but among the
are a number of good prospects, and
while none this far in advance ap
pears likely to crash the regular
lineup some of them doubtless will
prove useful for relief duty.
Kirwan and the other coaches
are definitely optimistic in their
views regarding the coming season.
The head man is confident he will
have "a better team," and while he
admits that with the one exception
he will rate no more than an even
chance against any of his foes, he
emphatically declares: "We're bound
to win some ball games."

Tuesday, August

They Will Grab Pencils



1939 Football



Joe Bailey. Paducah. Ky.. (Jr.







'Torn Spickard. Princeton, Ky. iSr.)
'Pete Vires, Louisville. Ky. Sr.
"Bob Palmer. Mt. Sterling, Ky. (Jr.)
"Emmet Willoughby. Winston, Oa. (Jr.)
Eddie Fritz. New Britain. Conn. (Jr.)
Sam Hulette, Ashland. Ky. (Soph.)
Jack Waters. Louisville. Ky. (Soph.)
Steve Graban, Campbell, Ohio (Soph.)
Charles Hnddleston, Benham. Ky. (Jr.)


(Continued from Page One)
as the season wore on, an unusually
heavy toll was taken by injuries.
A result was that the bulk of the
burden through the tough campaign
was borne by green sophomores.
Kentucky played good football In
spots, but succeeded in winning only three minor games and lost at
least a couple the Wildcats were
figured to win.
This season, at this somewhat
early date, the outlook is brighter.
Kirwan expects to begin practice
Sept. 1 with a squad of about 45
huskies, slightly larger than the
squad he had at the start last fall.
Only one in the whole lot is at
present listed as a doubtful quan
tity because of old injuries.
He is Dutch Ishmael, powerful
junoir fullback, who received a se
vere knee injury in the Georgia
Tech game last fall. Ishmael in
spring practice appeared to have
acquired more speed and shiftiness