xt7gxd0qsr3g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7gxd0qsr3g/data/mets.xml The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. 2005 bulletins English The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletins Frontier Nursing Service, Vol. 81, No. 2, Fall/December 2005 text Frontier Nursing Service, Vol. 81, No. 2, Fall/December 2005 2005 2014 true xt7gxd0qsr3g section xt7gxd0qsr3g , FRONTIER NURSING SERVICE Volume 81 Numbcr2 Fall/Dcccmbcr 2005 E S , 2 ..`· 0VI» 5 qnvol U s Q \ IY is} $5; q THE x »=·s¤·»~· $#.,3**; K H ve ` I I _v__ , yu; _ » / -: ‘ fn _ ni v·· ;,··¢-gw N · ··>-· 6$5Q3?°¥;’??*?* is I " >#‘ EY I"' ly? U ` I ~-~I- . Y’ `, · -~> I A V g .5 J·v. I ,,n· I I v I E "‘*—»» I ?"" ‘ “ S * I ._ 1 ii " I — E, , esi r _ I 1 ~ I:;V.V ;V;;,·;;:e1 ;». ‘ · ~ »——- ·~~A:..» I ¢f· =·· ‘~A=i ‘ - — I- = I2 ’*V ’-.— ‘ ¤ ..V.. ~ T · ~ ;’ `'‘- R" rri _4,>. 4;.. *2*-. :_i;...._,, M A =·A .=V: " = - · :V’ -· .‘·- m m I _ , V.V»,;.· .»s·~§:§~¥2»$餷.;_;~_ ~$~i§.=z¢’*§,_-,_.ev· = _· ,`“ _· ':£€\>_ Yr` Z: ' _·g~ '•·’ `?"_ V ` ‘ ~ 0 V /3;,.; _§>&’§<%§§;;&¤<$;,‘§Lgj:2z‘>=§—*52;.,, "“"“ ’ “’ I '#__ "’- »·=.i_; » "°‘ -‘ " ·" , 1 -2-- -_; ,,,»~»~·‘·=.»}$y)_ · _, ‘’’ ` Tr E The Warm Holiday Spirit Lives on at The Big House US ISSN 0016-2116 · TABLE OF CONTENTS The Joumey "Building Bridges" - W W Hall, Jr 1 · Field Notes - Barb Gibson 2 l Beyond the Mountains - Barb Gibson 6 l Former Courier News - Barb Gibson 8 FSMFN News - 2005 Graduation Ceremony - Dr Susan Stone 10 ’ FSMFN News - Scholarship Recipients - Dr Julie Marfell 15 1 Old Staff News — Barb Gibson 18 Life as a Clinician in Eastem Kentucky - Angela Mitchell 19 I In Memoriam , 21 U Urgent Needs 28 1 Cover: The tradition continues with employees and friends of FNS en- joying the holiday season at The Big House at Wendover Qahoto taken I by Marietta Maggarcb. i 1 1 Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletin is published at the end of each quarter. Subscription Price $5.00 a year for Donors/$15.00 for Insti- tutions. Periodicals postage paid at Wendover, Kentucky 41775 and at _ additional mailing ofiices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to FNS, I Inc. 132 FNS Drive, Wendover, Kentucky, 606-672-2317. Copyright FNS/ 1 Inc. 2000 All Rights Reserved. The Frontier Nursing Service does not L share it’s donor mailing list. ' I 1 QUARTERLY BULLETIN 1 The Journey - "Building Bridges" ’ W W Hall, Jn, President & CEO ·, In order to share the success we have seen , I during the past year we had to build bridges. ~ I These bridges have promoted growth and ».- T, I development with our neighbors, businesses, I, I foundations and friends. In addition, we ,;’__,h I have taken this focus nationally by select- I ; ing the Boston, Washington, D.C. and Blue- I grass committees as three very strong I I I supporters with a passion for our mission. W W Hull, Jn These committees have been generous in providing assistance I and valuable input. I We have also remembered the past. Much of our focus in . healthcare is driven by the lessons of Mary Breckinridge, our founder, and as outlined in her biography, Wide Neighborhoods. I While the people, transportation, equipment and technology may change, the challenges we face are timeless. Our clinic nurses have undertaken numerous projects on site and in our schools to I assist children and the results are truly inspirational. The staff at I MBHC continue to focus on the primary needs of our patients I and the appearance of our facility. I I The role ofthe Frontier School of Midwifery and Family Nursing as an integral part of the FNS enhances our efforts to renew friendships through local and national recognition. Many ideas that drive our focus to excel are generated through the hard work of the staff, faculty and students. I As we look to the future we appreciate the input we receive from I our Board, donors, providers and friends. We are experiencing a I sense of unity and purpose which will ensure our continued suc- ’* cess as we improve the health of those we serve. Wishing you I Happy Holidays. P 2 FRONTIER NURSING SERVICE ` j Field Notes by Barb Gibson, Assistant to CEO ` October 22, staff at the Community Health Center (CHC) . and volunteers from the Big Creek Fire Department hosted p a Pig Roast at the Center. Elmer Sparks Jr., Fire Department i Volunteer, prepared the food. Over 200 people joined in the fes- j tivities. — is i %"‘-._ .. E vv};.:.§_vT in ( l ` i '·. ‘ ________ A. e u ni _, ‘ ti ¢I‘f` i e. ... . —-— ', e __ _ _,:t .-..a.... V A ll " Vin- ' __/ Adll _ on ·’.‘ » · 1 ‘ E Jl ,e ei Q . . { Elmer Sparks, Jr., C00k Our S0th Celebration events came to a close during the week- end of October 14th and 15th with special performances at the Community Center in Hyden, by the Hallelujah Singers from Beaufort, South Carolina. The Board of Governors held their Q quarterly meeting at Wendover and the Frontier School of Mid- E wifery and Family Nursing held their annual graduation ceremo- nies at the Community Center graduating a total of 71 nurse- midwives and nurse practitioners. The Hallelujah Singers performed i at graduation also. September 15th, FNS sponsored a performance at the Nixon Center by Bluegrass legend Ralph Stanley. A large number of j FNS friends and Ralph Stanley fans attended the event. Local j non-profit organizations where invited tolset up food booths free i l _ QUARTERLY BULLETIN 3 i of charge. Everyone enjoyed wonderful Southem cooked food ` including barbeque, soup beans and com bread, chicken and dump- lings and desserts. . . · p VH all ; _. , ... Q * 2 “ . ¤ . L { ¤ I · li el V. Q f, i, E · r,i:, .` # a ’ *4 ·ll' V ;{ S ?¥§~ :"<‘E¢ [ >· _ { ii? . , ” . T X { ·~· I in J V e ·»ra Y ; iiie ri S 1 * V A ` ¥ i a --bv} '> I- .·»· · V l ’i `( I _ ag , »$ _ ;v if, 1, it- ,_ » ‘--= » ` ‘ Hallelujah Singers —pe1formanee I Hallelujah Singers (Dean Osborne, guitar, and Barb Gibson, drums, were honored to play music with the Singers) E As part of 80th celebrations a collaboration was formed among the 4-H, Frontier Nursing Service, Leslie County Elementary Schools and County of Leslie Lifting Youth (COLLY) to improve Q wellness of students of Leslie County. The program was imple- mented in the fourth and fifth grades with a goal to walk from Hyden to the Western end of Kentucky, a distance of 340 . miles. FNS provided schools with classroom sets of pedometers A for the students to measure walking distances. Competition among students was encouraged and students were rewarded for miles ¤ I 4 FRONT IER NURSING SERVICE V walked. Another part of the program included lessons from FNS X nurse practitioners on body systems and diseases, safety at home and drug and alcohol abuse. Dakota Lewis, a ten year old fifth grader wrote a letter expressing her appreciation for the "Walk . Kentucky Program”. The following are excerpts from her letter: "I love walking as much as any other child but it is especially important for me because I have high cholesterol. Walking at school can help me get plenty of exercise, lower my cholesterol, and help prevent heart attacks from coming to me in my teen years. Brian Overbee, FNP who works for FNS, came to our school and taught us a lesson in Mrs. Mitchell’s class. He also went walking with us. As we walk we get charms to go on our necklace or bracelets. Everyone loves getting the charms. We all love walking - it is a fun activity to do." George Wooton, former Leslie County Judge Executive and long time supporter of FNS, recently celebrated his 90th birthday. A celebration was held for him at his farm just above Wendover. During September, ladies from the Beta Sigma Phi Sorority of Hazard, Kentucky, came for lunch and a tour of Wendover. Ev- eryone enjoyed the delicious southem cooking and historic pre- sentation by Wendover staff member, Michael Claussen. During October, a group of travel writers stayed overnight at Wendover. Several articles have been written about FNS as a result of press tours. We invite you to come and experience for yourself our rich heritage at the Historic Headquarters of FNS at Wendover. Nancy and Frank Benton of Fort Thomas, Kentucky, recently I spent the night at Wendover. Mrs. Benton worked for FNS in j 1948 as Secretary for Agnes Lewis. L;. QUARTERLY BULLETIN 5 l During October, Dr. Julie Marfell, Chair of Family Practice, gave r a presentation on FNS for the Perry County Chapter ofthe Daugh- ters of the Revolutionary War at Margaret Rader’s Cabin in Rockhouse. Guests at Wendover from September 1 - December 1, included 236 ovemight guests; luncheons and dinners were served to 716 guests; 176 people attended functions at The Livery; 84 attended meetings held at Wendover. Total number of visitors was 1,212. October 4, 2005, Mary Breckinridge Home Health started pro- viding patients with an additional service in the home setting called The Home Community Based Waiver Service Program (HCBWS). The I-ICBWS Program provides homemaking, house- keeping, personal care and respite care. The Program is designed to aide patients and their families in providing care in the home to patients who may otherwise qualify for nursing home placement. We are hopeful that this Program will bring further opportunities to the patients and their families that we serve. Congratulations to Betty Lashon and Julia Dixon from Mary Breckinridge Home Health Department, for winning t`irst place in the annual Halloween Dress-up Contest sponsored by Mary Breckinridge Hospital on October 31, 2005. Correction In the last Quarterly Bulletin, page 6, photo caption is incorrect. The person pictured with Dr. Susan Stone is Elsie Wilson, former Dean , , ofthe Frontier School of Midwifery & Family Nursing. i;. 6 FRONTIER NURSING SERVICE ` Beyond the Mountains _ by Barb Gibson, Assistant to CEO During October, Frank Baker, Chief Information Officer, and John Hoskins, Computer Technician, attended a conference in Irvin, Texas to learn basic training for the new NEC phone systems recently installed in the hospital, Wendover and clinics. The new phone system has the capabilities of making calls to and from the clinics by dialing a four digit extension number. . September 26-28, Kevin Cook, Mary Breckinridge Healthcare Operating Room Head Nurse, attended a sur- gery conference at Quorum Health Resources (QHR) in Brentwood, Tennessee. November 2-4, Kevin Cook, and Kermit Creech, RN, House Supervisor at Mary Breckinridge, attended a state wide Trauma Symposium in Louisville, Kentucky. ' September 9, 10, 2005, Dr. Susan Stone, FSMFN President and Dean, and Nena Harris, FSMFN student, attended the Midwifery Education Summit in Arlington, Virginia. The meet- y ing was called by the American College of Nurse-Midwives (ACNM) Board of Directors in response to growing concems that the future supply of Certified Nurse-Midwives and Certified Midwives will not meet the expanding need for women’s health and obstetric care in the US, particularly for vulnerable popula- tions. September 29, 30, 2005, the FSMFN Administrative Team (Su- san Stone, President and Dean, Carol Panicucci, Coordinator of Graduate Education, Julie Marfell, Chair of Family Nursing and Susan Ulrich, Chair of Midwifery and Women’s Health) attended the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) DNP Regional Conference in St. Louis, MO. The meeting was held to leam and discuss the national movement toward the Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP). ' . QUARTERLY BULLETIN 7 October 12, 2005, Dr. Susan Stone attended the Master of Public ` Health Meeting held by the University of Kentucky Center for Rural Health in Hazard, KY. The purpose of the meeting was to explore the possibility of offering a Master of Public Health de- gree through innovative strategies designed to make the educa- tion available to the people of Southeastern KY. October 22-25, 2005, Dr. Susan Stone attended the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) Fall Semian- nual Meeting in Washington, DC. This meeting is a way for Deans of nursing schools to come together and share ideas and discuss issues to improve education in their settings. November 5-6, 2005, Dr. Susan Stone attended her iirst meet- ing as a member of the Governing Board of the American College of Nurse-Midwives (ACNM) Division of Accredi- tation (DOA) in Chicago, IL. The DOA is the official accrediting body ofthe ACNM. The ACNM is the only national organization of certified nurse-midwives (CNMs) and certified midwives (CMS) in the United States. The DOA Goveming Board is responsible for the administration ofthe DOA’s activities, formulation of policy, and the development ofthe criteria used in determining accredita- T tion status. October 3-6, Edith Hensley, Mary Breckinridge Healthcare Emergency Room Manager and Kevin Cook, RN, attended Kentucky Hospital’s First Receiver’s Training in Lexington, Kentucky. V September 14, our annual Bluegrass Committee Luncheon was held at the Louisville Boat Club in Louisville, Kentucky. Ap- proximately 45 FNS friends attended the Luncheon. Special thanks to Marjorie Vogt, Chairman ofthe Committee, Betty Christie and others who helped coordinate the event. 8 FRONTIER NURSING SERVICE ` Former Courier News by Barb Gibson, Assistant to CEO 'F Luke McDonald (‘00) San Diego, Califomia, wrote recently that g his four years at Tulane Medical School in New Orleans have come to an end. Luke wrote that his personal highlight of medical school was a three month adventure to Africa with Luther, a class- mate of his. They spent the first months in rural southwestem Uganda at a mission hospital where they treated malaria, malnu- trition and a myraid of other diseases. During the trip they visited Kenya and Tanzania and had the opportunity to climb Mt. Kilimanjaro all the way to the peak, 5,895 meters, the tallest peak I in Africa. Now Luke is packing up and heading for Balboa Naval V Hospital in San Diego to complete an Orthopaedic General Sur- gery Intemship. Following that Luke hopes to spend a few years as a Navy Flight Surgeon sewing with the Marine Corps before retuming to San Diego to complete an Orthopaedic Surgery Resi- dency. I ‘ 1 -7CD'NGRA_`llJLATlON5?· _ t I V v_ ¤~_ vnu im; Now AT ` A T 4 ;. . ..·‘ “ V " ·$¤- UHURU PEAK, ;`_`i.;N,Z_£\NlA$5_B5£1i“l’All5LQ V ’ . Z”`i»-iiéiiif riiaiééi tr ,t_.- 1; _:’_. 1 , ‘·-—{ _-.’‘ e , T ·r~e¤rzL¤*s rucuzst Faris;-erin me Muurgmm s· . {mu; or womb; LARQ3E5T•VDLC/ih" if watcomrzfasfngg 4,5*,;: it Q , 5 {J "' ‘ ` ,` I · t` ’ (Q gl \ l __ `AL , ,. ,,? Luke McDonald — atop Mt. Kilimanjaro, A jiica ’s tallest peak QUARTERLY BULLETIN 9 Mrs. Edgar B. (Salbw Taylor) Butleg Bloomfield, Connecticut, '· wrote the following: "Congratulations on the outstanding Quar- terly Bulletin. It brought back many memories of my time with , you as a Courier in the winter of 1936. I distinctly remember the i day a cow at the outpost center went dry and I was called upon to lead a cow from Wendover to an outpost center. I struggled this beautiful winter day yanking and pulling on the lead rope behind my horse and me. Fortunately, I met a nice man along the trail who cut me a tall slender branch of a tree and put the cow in front of us and told me to keep teasing the cow onward with the long switch. We reached the oupost center after hours where the nurse- midwife, others and I rejoiced that the cow still gave milk". Anna Carey (‘03), Anna arrived at Wendover as a Courier dur- ing 2003. She came to us from New York and loved Hyden so much that she decided to stay. Anna works as the Director of a newly formed organization called County of Leslie Lifting Youth designed to help youth (COLLY). COLLY recently acquired funds to bring a mobile dental unit to Leslie County Public Schools. In addition, Anna volunteers her free time in many different areas and recently became partners with FNS Board Member, Rhonda Brashear in opening a restaurant, Kudzoo Comer, near the car wash in Hyden. · `~.· EP? ‘ g rt r·t . ‘ . Q . __._ . g. _ . .,,, It . » >” I ` " ~\ ` IQ * V, . j; . I T Anna Carey and Cleo 10 FRONTIER NURSING SERVICE s Frontier School of Midwifery and Family Nursing Update - Dr Susan Stone, President and Dean 2005 Graduation Ceremony On October 15, 2005, the FSMFN held the annual graduation cer- emony. It was a spectacular Fall day in Hyden, Kentucky. The sun was shining through the beautiful fall leaves, the air was warm and the excitement was everywhere. The entire faculty was in attendance as well as the FSMFN Board of Directors. The num- ber of graduates able to attend the ceremony this year was small; only 18 out of a total of 71 graduates were in attendance. But, when you added in all of their proud family members, we had a crowd of over 200 in the Community Center. There were many tears and memorable comments from the family and friends as the graduates slowly marched into the auditorium to Pomp and Circumstance. "I see her, I see her." "Isn’t she beautiful?" Marion McCartney CNM Director of Professional Services at the American College of Nurse Midwives (ACNM gave the graduation speech. Below is the full text of that speech: Thank you for inviting me to speak and congratulations to all of you. Did you ever think you would get here? Congratulations to your families and friends who I know supported this endeavor (it’s really not over) as well as the faculty and staff ofthe Frontier School of Midwifery and Family Nursing, the Board of Directors, the whole FNS. It really is a group effort and I can appreciate the effort that you all have put forward to arrive at this day. When I asked my husband, Jack, what he thought I should talk about he said "ab0ut IO minutes" so I will take his good advice and be brief. As a new graduate in 1974, I had very concrete goals. I wanted clinical experience with other people around to help me, espe- cially for sewing up thetears, shoulder dystocia, post partum hem- orrhage and inserting IUDs! QUARTERLY BULLETIN l l Great Doctor Jim Brew believed that midwives were best for women and, even more radically, that healthy women could de- liver as safely at home as in the hospital. He was a blessing and he was gutsy. There are physicians who want to help you suc- ceed. They have done so much to move midwifery forward often in the face of great personal pressure from their colleagues. Charlie Mahan is one of those physicians who has always promoted nurse- midwifery. We all need to remember those doctors when we com- plain about the ones who aren’t so helpful. I have one clinical pearl and some political pearls to pass along. The clinical pearl is called Stop, Look and Listen (before you cross the street use your eyes use your ears and then use your feet) It works for midwives and nurse practitioners. You will make fewer mistakes if you Stop, Look and Listen. Stop - before you engage the patient; pause and redirect all your attention to the person on the other side of the door. Stop that chatter in your head (write it down if you need to and do it later). Make it a habit. Your attention is for this woman, this family right now. Look — make eye contact- what do you see? What impression do you get? Take it all in. Is she cautious, afraid, relaxed, tense, an- gry, disconnected, in pain? Is she alone or with someone and what can you leam from that person. How is she dressed, what is the body language? If there are children present, how do they relate to each other. It is important. And sometimes how a person looks and what they say are contradictory. Listen - no matter how important the information is that you would like to give her, it is secondary to the information she has for you. Ask her what she would like to talk about and give her a minute to get it together. Don’t worry about the chart, focus on her. Every- one has concems and even if you do not get one right away, she will be pleased that you asked and eventually she will tell you l2 FRONTIER NURSING SERVICE ‘ what is on her mind. Then she will be more free to listen to what is on your mind. When dealing with health problems, about 80% ’ of the time people know what is wrong with them. Some think I they shouldn’t say anything because that’s your job. So if you J want to make the correct diagnosis, ask the person what she thinks is wrong. Listen - maybe they won’t have the technical words but they have a good idea and they know they need help. So listen for the answer. You will be considered a brilliant diagnostician. Stop Look and Listen for the answer - it is simple and it works. Now the political pearls: I actually live in Washington D.C. which is a federal city and not part of any state. And you may not realize that, although we can vote for President of the United States, we do not have any voting representation in the US Congress. No Senators represent us (you all have two) and we have non-voting Congresswoman (Eleanor Holmes Norton) in the House of Rep- resentatives. We pay both federal income tax . When you can’t vote you realize what you have lost. I have a sticker on my car "No taxation without representation"A half a million people living in our nation’s capitol are disenfranchised. That fires my interest in politics. We also have the highest infant mortality rate in the country - worse than some 3“’ world countries. I think there is a connection. I know that healthcare policy and politics play an enormous role in how midwives practice. It defined my scope of practice and it will define yours. I predict that one day soon you will look up from your clinical practice and ask "What, where, why, how and who is making clinical practice difficult for me and the women and fami- lies I am trying to serve‘?? Who made the rules goveming billing, contracts, credentialing, productivity, scope of practice, licensing, malpractice insurance, and other barriers to providing the kind of care you are envisioning today. On that fine day you will begin I your lifelong learning in the field of policy, politics and financing of healthcare. Knowledge is power and being connected politically at the local level can have enormous advantages for you and the families you serve. QUARTERLY BULLETIN 13 S0 after a year of emersion in your clinical practices, I think some , of you will dive into the political scene where you live and others p will stand around the edges trying to sort out what is happening. This is a good thing. Register to vote. Make your office or your ~! website a place where your families can register to vote. Join with other groups to make changes. Get involved in the local chap- ter, the Board of Nursing and other like minded groups of nurse practitioners. Beyond that . . . question candidates for office. Do they support nurse—midwives and nurse practitioners? Do they support healthcare for the uninsured? If yes, send them money. Volunteer to work on their campaigns. If they win you have an ally in the state legislature. You all are so good at communicating with people you will be wonderful in the political mix as well. People will respect your expertise as a healthcare provider. They will believe you because you are a nurse (and people believe that nurses are overworked and underpaid). When they realize that you are a nurse-practitio- ner or a nurse-midwife and you care for the underserved, you are the voice of experience, reality and reason.Kitty Ernst and Ruth Lubic have been exemplar leaders for us. If they can do this and work the political system, so can we. There are a lot of nurses who are state legislators. In New Hamp- shire, Charlotte Houde-Quimby is nurse-midwife, State Repre- sentative. She and a college friend of mine, Eileen Flockhardt were both elected in 2004. Eileen called me recently to tell me how impressive Charlotte was speaking in support of making "Plan B" available in New Hampshire! This saves the State money and it is safe. So we have Eileen who had a midwife attended birth (me) and Charlotte speaking out for midwives in New Hampshire. _, We have only 49 states left! Then we can get some sensible health { care legislation passed, like health insurance that covers all Ameri- cans. In 2004, over 45.8 million people were uninsured in the US. In the next l0 years if each midwifery education program (there are 42) graduated two midwives and two nurse practitioners, who 14 FRONTIER NURSING SERVICE · won state legislative seats we could make our voices heard across the country. We could talk about the cost of healthcare and the ” consequences of having such a huge number of uninsured people. Here are the consequences for having so many uninsured people in the US. A new study by Families USA says that by the end of M 2005, nearly 48 million people will be uninsured. That now ex- ceeds the cumulative population of 24 States and the District of ` Columbia. That is a national disgrace! We know that people without insurance wait longer to get care if sick, and come in through the ER door where they pay about 1/3 of their bill out of pocket. Who pays the rest of the bill? The remaining sum (almost $ 43 billion for 2005) is primarily paid by two sources: roughly 1/3 by government programs and two thirds is paid by people with health insurance through higher premiums: all of us.To get more personal, in Kentucky by the end of 2005, the total cost for the uninsured after their out of pocket contribu- tions will be $679 million dollars. The cost for a family policy will be $1,086 HIGHER in 2005 to cover the costs for the uninsured. More people become uninsured in Kentucky each year. By the end of 2005, 601,000 Kentuckians will be uninsured. By 2010, that number will climb to 668,000. These are very troubling numbers that need to be addressed. This will not go away. We need to bring everyone into the healthcare system and we need to provide appropriate evidenced-based care to the United States population. We can do better for less costs. We spend more per capita on healthcare than any other country in the world and we remain at about 16‘*‘ in infant mortality among developed countries. We must do better. Nurse-midwives and nurse practitioners get outcomes equal to physician outcomes, they cost less to educate and employ and use fewer unnecessary costly resources, saving money for the system. State legislators need to > understand these issues. Healthcare costs are driving the deci- sions on state and federal programs. You can educate legislators and create new opportunities for yourselves and for the families you serve. You are truly tomorrow’s leaders. Go for it. QUARTERLY BULLETIN 15 L Frontier School of Midwifery and Family Nursing -. Scholarship Recipients by Dr: Julie Marfell, Chairperson of Family Nursing A The FSMFN Scholarship Committee announced this years winners of awards and scholarships at graduation. The schol- arshzp winners are chosen by a student application process that is judged by the Committee based on established criteria for each of the scholarships and awards. The following is a list of this years recipients. Kitty Ernst Leadership Award — Nena Harris, CNEP student, North Carolina. Nena is a family nurse practitioner as well and is currently finishing both the CNEP program and a PhD at the Uni- versity ofNo1th Carolina. X ` ZV. .p4· L ”l l it » . ..a_ · E~. » eir · ·—\ ef a gz Q . . _ ‘_· , Dr; Susan Stone and Nena Harris - student Kate Ireland Scholarship - Mary Alice DeCoursey, CNEP stu- dent, New Orleans, LA. Mary Alice intends to return to New Orleans and work with underserved women. 16 FRONTIER NURSING SERVICE · Alumni Scholarship - Deni Llovet, CNEP student, Montana. Deni is also a graduate of the CFNP program and received her MSN * from Case Westem Reserve. She intends to continue to live and work in Westem Montana. _ Filomena Vagueiro, CNEP student, Connecticut. Filomena is also a nurse practitioner and plans to work nationally and internation- ally for better health status for women and children. Mardi Perry Scholarship - Julie Paul, CNEP student, New Hampshire. Julie plans on developing a birth center in her com- munity. Betty Lou Johnson Scholarship - Brenda LaPage, CFNP stu- dent, New York. Brenda is a graduate of the CNEP program and plans to continue to live and work in her rural community and strive to improve access to healthcare for families. Daughters of Colonial Wars - Brooke Flinders, CNEP student, Ohio. Brooke intends on staying in her community and being the first CNM in her area. Berea Appalachian Scholarship - Carrie Lee Hall, CNEP stu- dent, Kentucky. Carrie plans to stay in Eastem Kentucky and delivery matemity care to women. Carolyn Hare, CFNP student, Kentucky. Carolyn is from Russell County and intends to work with elderly clients and their families. Kim Meyers, CFNP student, Kentucky. Kim is also from Russell County and intends on continuing to provide care in her home community upon graduation. ( Lisa Scherrer Scholarship - Raquel Jones, CNEP student, Idaho. Raquel intends on practicing with Hispanic Women in Idaho and p Texas. ' QUARTERLY BULLETIN l7 A Margaret Ferguson Scholarship - Lisa Wyatt, CNEP student, ¤ Pennsylvania. Lisa intends to open a Women’s Health Center for Amish and Mennonite women. `.` Lisa Stout, CNEP student, Oklahoma. Lisa intends on providing midwifery services to Native American women. Nancy B. Taylor Scholarship — Michelle Nail Nofsinger, CFNP student, Montana. Michelle plans to continue intemational work in Southeast Asia and also to complete the CNEP program. Gwen Beatty, CNEP student, Massachusetts. Gwen plans to con- tinue work in Africa. Kerry Dixon, CNEP student, Minnesota. Kerry plans to continue work in China. Alice Adams Scholarship - Shanna Thomas, CNEP student, Oklahoma. Shanna intends on continuing to provide care to women in her community. WEBSITES Frontier Nursing Service - www.frontiemursing.org FSMFN Community Based Nurse Midwifery Education Program (CNEP) - www.midwives.org FSMFN Community Based Nurse Practitioner Program (CFNP) - www.frontierfnp.org ( d 18 FRONTIER NURSING SERVICE i Old Staff News U Meta Klosterman McGuire, Chattanooga, Tennessee, died July 7, 2005. Ms. McGuire was Mrs. Breckinridge’s private secretary tr in the early l940’s. Ms. McGuire told friends that her time at FNS was the best time of her life. , » a.,, . 1 1 *.-.» ~ 1 I ` ”“W,,,~,..\,s.».·N »i.xr->—¤»\-‘·-- -=»»-··» lil",. “’ r E 3 , to \ I l i (gh / ` I " ‘ i i I ¤ rt. . ‘‘` o ‘" . ly. I i f ·· ” A \_ {'_/{4: I gym S H a ’Y§;" e ._ .. "' · ‘<_S_‘—. ,___ , " fy Meta Klosterman McGuire, Mrs. Breckinridge ’s Secretary in 1942 — in the Upper Shey Room at Wendover Elisabeth (Boardman) Lloyd, Belmont, Massachusetts, died September 18, 2005. Mrs. Lloyd served as a Courier at FNS in the 1930’s. Mary "Chris" Banigan, Fresno, California, passed away March 19, 2004. "Chris" was a 1976 graduate ofthe Frontier School of Midwifery & Family Nursing and a staff member. 1 ( QUARTERLY BULLETIN 19 Life of a Clinician in Eastern Kentucky " by Angela Mitchell, ND, MSN APRM BC H Angela “Angie" Mitchell is the Family Nurse Practitioner at A the Kate Ireland Healthcare Center in Manchester; Kentucky N At the end of this summer a wonderful . opportunity found its way to the FNS. ' V . The Clay County Board of Education yr. was looking for an organization to part- ner with to help meet the healthcare - needs of children living in Clay County. Without much time we hit the ground _ running to develop our goals and to Y" i:` if hire staff. We have begun providing Angela Mitchell basic healthcare through three school nurses, one full-time at the high school, one full-time at the middle school, and one full-time I nurse covering eight elementary schools. I have received so many positive comments from community mem- bers about the difference these three women are making for the students. These nurses are taking care of students’ daily health complaints such as sore t