Henrietta Alice Metcalf Performing Arts Photographic Collection


The Henrietta Alice Metcalf Performing Arts Photographic Collection (dated 1880-1955; 1 cubic foot; 261 items) comprises images of actors and actresses from the early 20th century.

Descriptive Summary

Henrietta Alice Metcalf Performing Arts Photographic Collection
1.0 Cubic feet
Performing arts.
Theater--20th Century
Collection is arranged alphabetically.
Finding Aid Author
Finding aid prepared by Staff, Anna Scott, Jason Flahardy; machine-readable finding aid created by:Jason Flahardy
Preferred Citation
1997AV035: [identification of item], Henrietta Alice Metcalf Performing Arts Photographic Collection, 1880-1955, University of Kentucky Special Collections.
University of Kentucky

Collection Overview

Biography / History
Henrietta Alice McCrea was born into a wealthy Chicago family in 1888. She was taken to Paris, France, at an early age and spoke French as her native tongue. She was married twice: first to the landscape painter Willard Lloyd Metcalf (1858-1925) and for a short time to the author Marcus Aurelius Goodrich (1897-1991). Both marriages ended in divorce, but she reverted to Metcalf's name for the rest of her life. She and Willard Metcalf had two children, Addison and Rosalind. Additionally, in 1952, she took in a boy named Jacobus Arnoldus who inherited a portion of her estate.
She was an avid fan of theater and actors and amassed a large collection of autographed photographs and other memorabilia. Metcalf also translated French works into English: Alexandre Dumas' play Camille and Anatole France's story Our Lady's Juggler.
In 1928 she began an affair with Thelma Wood, the lover of the novelist Djuna Barnes. This prompted Barnes to satirize Metcalf in her novel, Nightwood. Metcalf appears as the character Jenny Petherbridge. Metcalf and Wood's relationship lasted until 1943, and they did not part on the best of terms.
Metcalf died in 1981. Addison Metcalf went on to found The Henrietta Alice Metcalf Memorial Scholarship at The American Academy of Dramatic Arts in his mother's honor due to her life time love of the theater.
Note: Metcalf often spelled her first name in the French style: Henriette. Henrietta Alice Metcalf, Henriette Alice Metcalf, Henriette McCrea Metcalf, Henrietta McCrea Metcalf, Henrietta Metcalf, and Henriette Metcalf are all forms used during her lifetime and subsequently.
Scope and Content
The Henrietta Alice Metcalf Performing Arts Photographic Collection (dated 1880-1955; 1 cubic foot; 261 items) comprises images of actors and actresses from the early 20th century. Many of the photographs have been autographed by the performers, several with personal notes to the collection's creator or family.

Restrictions on Access and Use

Conditions Governing Access
Collection is open to researchers by appointment.
Use Restrictions
Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact Special Collections.

Contents of the Collection

Maude Adams; autographed: "Sincerely. Maude Adams, 1905" ; Photographer: Sarony, New York, 1905

  • Box 1, Item 1
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Silver Print / Cabinet Card

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Viola Allen; autographed: "Viola Allen, 1905" ; Photographer: Sarony, New York, 1905

  • Box 1, Item 2
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Silver Print/ Cabinet Card

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Viola Allen; autographed: "Viola Allen, 1905" ; Photographer: Sarony, New York, 1905

  • Box 1, Item 3
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Silver Print/ Cabinet Card

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Mary Anderson; Photographer: Rockwood, New York, undated

  • Box 1, Item 4
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Album Print/ Cabinet Card

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Mary Anderson; Photographer: W & D Downey; London [MISSING], undated

  • Box 1, Item 5
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Albumen Print/ Cabinet Card

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Margaret Anglin; autographed: "Mary Anglin" ; Photographer: Sarony; New York, undated

  • Box 1, Item 6
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Bromide Print/ Cabinet Card

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Edwin Arden; autographed: "Edwin Arden" ; Photographer: Falk; New York, undated

  • Box 1, Item 7
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Albumen Print/ Cabinet Card

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Julia Arthur; no photographer or place given, undated

  • Box 1, Item 8
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Albumen Print/ Cabinet Card

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Julia Arthur; no photographer or place given, undated

  • Box 1, Item 9
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Albumen Print/ Cabinet Card

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Lena Ashwell; autographed: "Lena Ashwell" ; Photographer: The London Stereoscopic Company; London, undated

  • Box 1, Item 10
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Albumen Print/ Cabinet Card

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Lena Ashwell; autographed: "Lena Ashwell" ; Photographer: Berger; Paris, undated

  • Box 1, Item 11
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Silver Print/ clipped

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Regina Badet; "Regina Badet-Orphie" noted on back; Photographer: Boyer; Paris, undated

  • Box 1, Item 12
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Silver Print/ Cabinet Card

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Regina Badet; "R. Badet-Orphie." noted on back; Photographer: Reutlinger; Paris, undated

  • Box 1, Item 13
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Albumen Print/ Cabinet Card

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Wilson Barrett; Photographer: Barraud; London, undated

  • Box 1, Item 14
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Albumen Print/ Cabinet Card

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Ethel Barrymore; no photographer or place given, undated

  • Box 1, Item 15
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Silver Print

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Ethel Barrymore; autographed: "Ethel Barrymore, 1902" ; Photographer: Sarony; New York, 1902

  • Box 1, Item 16
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Silver Print/ Cabinet Card

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Ethel Barrymore; autographed; Photographer: Sarony; New York, undated

  • Box 1, Item 17
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Silver Print/ Cabinet Card

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Georgia Drew Barrymore; Photographer: Falk; New York, undated

  • Box 1, Item 18
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Albumen Print/ Cabinet Card

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Maurice Barrymore; Photographer: Gehrig; Chicago, undated

  • Box 1, Item 19
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Albumen Print/ Cabinet Card

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Julia Bartet; Photographer: Reutlinger; Paris, undated

  • Box 1, Item 20
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Albumen Print/ Cabinet Card

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Sarah Bernhardt; Photographer: Sarony; New York, 1880

  • Box 1, Item 21
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Albumen Print/ Cabinet Card

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Sarah Bernhardt; "MacBeth" ; Photographer: P. Nadar; Paris, undated

  • Box 1, Item 22
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Albumen Print/ Cabinet Card

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Sarah Bernhardt; "Dame aux Camelias" ; Photographer: The Falk Studios; Sydney, undated

  • Box 1, Item 23
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Albumen Print/ Cabinet Card

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Sarah Bernhardt and Mrs. Patrick Campbell; Photographer: W. & D. Downey; London, undated

  • Box 1, Item 24
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Albumen Print/ Cabinet Card

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Sarah Bernhardt; autographed; Photographer: Aime DuPont; New York, undated

  • Box 1, Item 25
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Albumen Print/ Cabinet Card

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Sarah Bernhardt; Photographer: Sarony; New York, 1880

  • Box 1, Item 26
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Albumen Print/ Cabinet Card

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Sarah Bernhardt; Photographer: Sarony; New York, 1880

  • Box 1, Item 27
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Albumen Print/ Cabinet Card

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Sarah Bernhardt; Photographer: Charles L. Ritzmann; New York, [n.d.]

  • Box 1, Item 28
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Silver Print/ Cabinet Card

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Sarah Bernhardt and Julia Bartet; Photographer: A. Bert; Paris, undated

  • Box 1, Item 29
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Silver Print/ Cabinet Card

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Sarah Bernhardt; "La Chauve-Paris" ; Photographer: 3 Place de la Madeleine; Paris, undated

  • Box 1, Item 30
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Albumen Print/ Cabinet Card

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Sarah Bernhardt; Photographer: Sarony; New York, 1880

  • Box 1, Item 31
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Albumen Print/ Cabinet Card

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Sarah Bernhardt; Photographer: Sarony; New York, 1880

  • Box 1, Item 32
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Albumen Print/ Cabinet Card

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Sarah Bernhardt and niece (Pooh St. Martin); Photographer: W. & D. Downey; London, undated

  • Box 1, Item 33
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Albumen Print/ Cabinet Card

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Guy Bates; Photographer, no place or date given, undated

  • Box 1, Item 34
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Silver Print

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Eugene Blair; Photographer: Falk; New York, undated

  • Box 1, Item 35
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Albumen Print/ Cabinet Card

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Agnes Booth; Photographer: Falk; New York, undated

  • Box 1, Item 36
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Albumen Print/ Cabinet Card

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Edwin Booth; Photographer: Rockwood; New York, undated

  • Box 1, Item 37
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Albumen Print/ Cabinet Card

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Mme. Boucicault; autographed; Photographer: Conly; Boston, undated

  • Box 1, Item 38
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Albumen Print/ Cabinet Card

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The Boucicaults, H. & A.; autographed; Photographer: Falk; New York, undated

  • Box 1, Item 39
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Albumen Print/ Cabinet Card

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Rosa Bruck; Photographer: Reutlinger; Paris, undated

  • Box 1, Item 40
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Albumen Print/ Cabinet Card

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Frances Hodgson Burnett; Photographer: Elliott & Fry; London, undated

  • Box 1, Item 41
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Albumen Print/ Cabinet Card

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Marie Burroughs; Photographer: Sarony; New York, undated

  • Box 1, Item 42
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Albumen Print/ Cabinet Card

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Emma Calve; Photographer: Aime DuPont; New York, undated

  • Box 1, Item 43
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Albumen Print/ Cabinet Card

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Emma Calve; autographed on verso: "Por ma chere Henriette aff. Emma Calve, 1905" ; Photographer: Aime DuPont; New York, 1905

  • Box 1, Item 44
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Albumen Print/ Cabinet Card

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Mrs. Patrick (Stella) Campbell; autographed; Photographer: Sarony; New York, undated

  • Box 1, Item 45
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Silver Print/ Cabinet Card

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Mrs. Patrick Campbell; Photographer: London Stereoscopic Co., undated

  • Box 1, Item 46
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Albumen Print/ Cabinet Card

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Carduielle; Photographer: Sarony; New York, undated

  • Box 1, Item 47
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Albumen Print/ Cabinet Card

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Leslie Carter; Photographer: Sarony; New York, undated

  • Box 1, Item 48
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Albumen Print/ Cabinet Card

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Mrs. Leslie Carter; "Mrs. Carter as Du Barry" ; Photographer: Sarony; New York, undated

  • Box 1, Item 49
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Silver Print/ Cabinet Card

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Kate Castleton; Photographer: Gehrig; Chicago, undated

  • Box 1, Item 50
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Albumen Print/ Cabinet Card

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Pauline Chase as Peter Pan; Photographer: Alfred Ellis & Walery; London, undated

  • Box 1, Item 51
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Silver Print/ Cabinet Card

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Lady Randolph Churchill; Photographer: Nadar; Paris, undated

  • Box 1, Item 52
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Albumen Print/ Cabinet Card

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Samuel Langhorne Clemens (Mark Twain); Photographer: Falk; New York, undated

  • Box 1, Item 53
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Albumen Print/Cabinet Card

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Charles Coghlan; Photographer: Falk; New York, undated

  • Box 1, Item 54
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Albumen Print/ Cabinet Card

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Aini Coquelin (Benoit); Photographer: van Bosch-Boyer succ.; Paris, undated

  • Box 1, Item 55
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Albumen print/ Cabinet Card

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Aini Coquelin (Benoit); Photographer: C. Gerschel, sp. Paris, undated

  • Box 1, Item 56
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Albumen Print/ Cabinet Card

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Lotta Crabtree; Photographer: St. James Studio; London, undated

  • Box 1, Item 57
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Albumen Print/ Cabinet Card

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Lotta Crabtree; Photographer: Sarony; New York, undated

  • Box 1, Item 58
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Albumen Print/ Cabinet Card

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William Crane; Photographer: Falk; New York, undated

  • Box 1, Item 59
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Albumen Print/ Cabinet Card

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Amelita Galli-Curci; handwritten note on back; Photographer: Victor G.; New York, undated

  • Box 1, Item 60
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Silver Print

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Dejsoix; Photographer: van Bosch, Boyer succr.; Paris, undated

  • Box 1, Item 61
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Albumen Print/ Cabinet Card

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Demarsy; Photographer: Nadar; Paris, undated

  • Box 1, Item 62
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Albumen Print/ Cabinet Card

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De Max, "De Max, Le roi de Rome" ; Photographer: Paul Berger; Paris, [n.d.]

  • Box 1, Item 63
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Silver Print/ Cabinet Card

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Drina Dewolf and child; Photographer: Sarony; New York, undated

  • Box 1, Item 64
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Silver Print/ Cabinet Card

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Henry E. Dixey; Photographer: Gehrig; Chicago, undated

  • Box 1, Item 65
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Albumen Print/ Cabinet Card

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Henry E. Dixey; Photographer: Falk; New York, undated

  • Box 1, Item 66
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Albumen Print/ Cabinet Card

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Eleanor Duse; Photographer: Otto Mayer; Dresden, 1896

  • Box 1, Item 67
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Albumen Print/ Cabinet Card

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Eleanor Duse; Photographer: Otto Mayer; Dresden, 1896

  • Box 1, Item 68
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Albumen Print/ Cabinet Card

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Eleanor Duse; Photographer: Sciutto; Genoa, undated

  • Box 1, Item 69
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Albumen Print/ Cabinet Card

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Claire Eames; Photographer: Benque & Co.; Paris, undated

  • Box 1, Item 70
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Albumen Print/Cabinet Card

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Fernanda Elisca; Photographer: White; New York, undated

  • Box 1, Item 71
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Silver Print/Cabinet Card

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Maxine Elliott as "Portia"; Photographer: Burr McIntosh Studio; New York, 1901

  • Box 1, Item 72
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Silver Print/Cabinet Card

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Maxine Elliott; autographed; Photographer: Burr McIntosh Studio; New York, undated

  • Box 1, Item 73
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Bromide Print/Cabinet Card

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Maxine Elliott; autographed; Photographer: Morrison; Chicago, undated

  • Box 1, Item 74
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Albumen Print/Cabinet Card

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Della Fox; Photographer: Sarony; New York, undated

  • Box 1, Item 75
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Albumen Print/Cabinet Card

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Mrs. G.H. Gilbert; Photographer: Sarony; New York, undated

  • Box 1, Item 76
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Albumen Print/Cabinet Card

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John Gilbert; Photographer: Anderson; New York, undated

  • Box 1, Item 77
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Albumen Print/Cabinet Card

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Mlle. Gilberte; Photographer: Chalot; Paris, undated

  • Box 1, Item 78
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Albumen Print/Cabinet Card

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William Gillette; Photographer: Sarony; New York, undated

  • Box 1, Item 79
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Silver Print/Cabinet Card

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Nat C. Goodwin; Photographer: Morrison; Chicago, undated

  • Box 1, Item 80
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Albumen Print/Cabinet Card

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Nat Goodwin; Photographer: Falk; New York, undated

  • Box 1, Item 81
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Albumen Print/Cabinet Card

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Katherine Grey, "Celia Pryse in 'The Royal Box', Season '98-'00"; autographed; no photographer or place given, undated

  • Box 1, Item 82
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Albumen Print/Cabinet Card

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Jane Hading, signed - "M. H.A. McCrea, Jane Hading, 1909"; Photographer: Reutlinger; Paris, 1909

  • Box 1, Item 83
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Albumen Print/Cabiniet Card

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Jane Hading - "Saw in Deputy Le - at Vaudeville"; Photographer: van Bosch - Boyer succ.r; Paris, undated

  • Box 1, Item 84
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Albumen Print/Cabinet Card

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Pauline Hall; Photographer: Falk; New York, undated

  • Box 1, Item 85
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Albumen Print/Cabinet Card

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Pauline Hall as "Venus"; Photographer: Falk; New York, undated

  • Box 1, Item 86
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Albumen Print/Cabinet Card

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Virginia Harned, "Virginia Harned Sothern"; autographed; no photographer or place given, undated

  • Box 1, Item 87
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Silver Print

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Virginia Harned; Purchased from Charles Ritzman; New York, undated

  • Box 1, Item 88
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Silver Print/Cabinet Card

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Virginia Harned; Photographer: Sarony; New York, undated

  • Box 1, Item 89
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Silver Print/Cabinet Card

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Virginia Harned, autographed; Photographer: Sarony; New York, undated

  • Box 1, Item 90
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Albumen Print/Cabinet Card

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Edna Wallace Hopper; Photographer: Schloss; New York, undated

  • Box 1, Item 91
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Albumen Print/Cabinet Card

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Marie Jansen; Photographer: Falk; New York, undated

  • Box 1, Item 92
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Albumen Print/Cabinet Card

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Sarah Jewett; Photographer: H. Rocher; Chicago, undated

  • Box 1, Item 93
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Albumen Print/Cabinet Card

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Alma Judie; Photographer: Walery; London, undated

  • Box 1, Item 94
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Albumen Print/Cabinet Card

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Josepphy (Joseffy?); Photographer: Falk; New York, undated

  • Box 1, Item 95
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Albumen Print/Cabinet Card

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Marchioness of Kildare and an unidentified female; Photographer: Lafayette; Dublin, undated

  • Box 1, Item 96
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Albumen Print/Cabinet Card

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Marchioness of Kildare; Photographer: Lafayette; Dublin, undated

  • Box 1, Item 97
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Albumen Print/Cabinet Card

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Marchioness of Kildare; Photographer: Alex Bassano; London, undated

  • Box 1, Item 98
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Albumen Print/Cabinet Card

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Edith Kingden; Photographer: Gehrig; Chicago, undated

  • Box 1, Item 99
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POP or DOP/Cabinet Card

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Edith Kingden; Photographer: Gehrig; Chicago, undated

  • Box 1, Item 100
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POP or DOP/Cabinet Card

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Edith Kingden; Photographer: Gehrig; Chicago, undated

  • Box 1, Item 101
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POP or DOP/Cabinet Card

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Edith Kingden; Photographer: Conly; Boston, undated

  • Box 1, Item 102
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Albumen Print/Cabinet Card

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Lille Langtry, Jan. 1903; Photographer: Burr McIntosh Studio; New York, 1903 January

  • Box 1, Item 103
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Silver Print/Cabinet Card

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Lille Langtry; Photographer: Sarony; New York, undated

  • Box 1, Item 104
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Albumen Print

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Lille Langtry; Photographer: W. & D. Downey; London, undated

  • Box 1, Item 105
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Albumen Print/Cabinet Card

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Jane Laurel; Photographer: Sarony; New York, undated

  • Box 1, Item 106
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Silver Print/Cabinet Card

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Eve Lavalliere; Photographer: Felix; Paris, undated

  • Box 1, Item 107
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Silver Print/Cabinet Card

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Eve Lavalliere, autographed; Photographer: Reutlinger; Paris, undated

  • Box 1, Item 108
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Albumen Print/Cabinet Card

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Lillie Lehman; Photographer: J.C. Schaarwachter; Berlin, undated

  • Box 1, Item 109
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Albumen Print/Cabinet Card

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Elsie Leslie; Photographer: Sarony; New York, undated

  • Box 1, Item 110
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Albumen Print/Cabinet Card

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Jeffreys Lewis; Photographer: Falk; New York, undated

  • Box 1, Item 111
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Albumen Print/Cabinet Card

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Letty Lind; Photographer: W. & D. Downey; London, undated

  • Box 1, Item 112
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Albumen Print/Cabinet Card

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Letty Lind; Photographer: C. F. Conly, 1889; Boston, 1889

  • Box 1, Item 113
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Albumen Print/Cabinet Card

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Cecilia Loftus; no photographer or date given, undated

  • Box 1, Item 114
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Silver Print/Cabinet Card

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Cecilia Loftus, autographed; no photographer or place given, undated

  • Box 1, Item 115
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Bromide Print/Cabinet Card

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Mabel Love; Photographer: W. & D. Downey; London, undated

  • Box 1, Item 116
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Albumen Print/Cabinet Card

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Mary Mannering; Photographer: Aime DuPont; New York, undated

  • Box 1, Item 117
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Albumen Print/Cabinet Card

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Mary Mannering, "Sincerely Mary Mannering Hackett" ; Photographer: Burr McIntosh Studio; New York, undated

  • Box 1, Item 118
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Silver Print/Cabinet Card

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Mary Mannering Hackett; Photographer: Burr McIntosh Studio; New York, undated

  • Box 1, Item 119
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Silver Print/Cabinet Card

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Robert B. Mantell; Photographer: Sarony; New York, undated

  • Box 1, Item 120
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Albumen Print/Cabinet Card

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Julia Marlowe; Photographer: Sands & Brady; Providence, undated

  • Box 1, Item 121
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Silver Print/Cabinet Card

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Julia Marlowe; autographed; no photographer or place given, undated

  • Box 1, Item 122
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Silver Print/Cabinet Card

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Mlle. Martens; Photographer: Chalot; Paris, undated

  • Box 1, Item 123
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Albumen Print/Cabinet Card

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Sadie Martinot; Photographer: Sarony; New York, undated

  • Box 1, Item 124
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Albumen Print/Cabinet Card

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Margaret Mather; Photographer: Sarony; New York, undated

  • Box 1, Item 125
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Albumen Print/Cabinet Card

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Margaret Mather; Photographer: Falk; New York, undated

  • Box 2, Item 126
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Albumen Print/Cabinet Card

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Edna May; Photographer: Burr McIntosh Studio; New York, undated

  • Box 2, Item 127
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Silver Print/Cabinet Card

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Olive May, "From Laurette to 'the future Playwright' Henriett"; Photographer: Moffitt; Chicago, undated

  • Box 2, Item 128
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Silver Print/Cabinet Card

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Olive May, "Olive May, born Chicago (married Henry Guy Carleton), First appearance with John Drew in 'Butterflies'."; Photographer: Sarony; New York, undated

  • Box 2, Item 129
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Albumen Print/Cabinet Card

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Henry Miller; autographed; Photographer: Sarony; New York, undated

  • Box 2, Item 130
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Albumen Print/Cabinet Card

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Jesse Milward; Photographer: Max Platz; Chicago, undated

  • Box 2, Item 131
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Albumen Print/Cabinet Card

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Helena Modjeska; Photographer: Falk; New York, undated

  • Box 2, Item 132
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Albumen Print/Cabinet Card

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Daisy Murdoch; Photographer: Falk; New York, undated

  • Box 2, Item 133
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Albumen Print/Cabinet Card

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Alla Nazimova (Mlle. Nasimoff); Photographer: Sarony; New York, undated

  • Box 2, Item 134
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Silver Print/Cabinet Card

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Alla Nazimova (Mlle. Nasimoff); no photographer or place given, undated

  • Box 2, Item 135
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Printing Out Paper (Chloride)/Cabinet Card

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Alla Nazimova; no photographer or place given, undated

  • Box 2, Item 136
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Bromide Print/Cabinet Card

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Olga Nethersole; Photographer: Reutlinger; Paris, undated

  • Box 2, Item 137
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Albumen Print/Cabinet Card

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Olga Nethersole; Photographer: Sarony; New York, undated

  • Box 2, Item 138
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Albumen Print/Cabinet Card

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Olga Nethersole; Photographer: Aime DuPont; New York, undated

  • Box 2, Item 139
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Albumen Print/Cabinet Card

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Olga Nethersole; autographed; Photographer: Endean & Enwright; Cleveland, undated

  • Box 2, Item 140
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Albumen Print/Cabinet Card

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Olga Nethersole; autographed; Photographer: Ye Rose Studio; Providence, undated

  • Box 2, Item 141
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Silver Print/Cabinet Card

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Olga Nethersole; autographed; Photographer: Reutlinger, Paris, undated

  • Box 2, Item 142
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Albumen Print/Cabinet Card

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Christine Nilsson; Photographer: Sarony; New York, undated

  • Box 2, Item 143
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Albumen Print/Cabinet Card

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Christine Nilsson; Photographer: Benque; Paris, undated

  • Box 2, Item 144
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Albumen Print/Cabinet Card

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Mlle. Nordica; Photographer: Falk; New York, undated

  • Box 2, Item 145
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Albumen Print/Cabinet Card

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Adelina Patti; Photographer: Mora; New York, undated

  • Box 2, Item 146
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Albumen Print/Cabinet Card

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Frederick Paulding; Photographer: Falk; New York, undated

  • Box 2, Item 147
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Albumen Print/Cabinet Card

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Pol. Plancon, "Sang with Abby's Companion, 1894"; Photographer: Falk; New York, 1894

  • Box 2, Item 148
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Printing Out Paper/ Cabinet Card

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Mrs. James Brown Potter; Photographer: Falk; New York, undated

  • Box 2, Item 149
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Albumen Print/Cabinet Card

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Mrs. James Brown Potter; Photographer: W & D Downey; London, undated

  • Box 2, Item 150
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Albumen Print/Cabinet Card

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Mrs. James Brown Potter; Photographer: Kingsbury & Notcutt; London, undated

  • Box 2, Item 151
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Albumen Print/Cabinet Card

To top

Ada Rehan; Photographer: Sarony; New York, undated

  • Box 2, Item 152
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Albumen Print/Cabinet Card

To top

Gabrielle Rejane; Photographer: Reutlinger; Paris, undated

  • Box 2, Item 153
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Albumen Print/Cabinet Card

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Gabrielle Rejane; Photographer: Sarony; New York, undated

  • Box 2, Item 154
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Silver Print of painting/ Cabinet Card

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Melle Rejane, "Saw in 'Ma Cousin' at Variete." ; Photographer: Chalot; Paris, undated

  • Box 2, Item 155
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Albumen Print/Cabinet Card

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Adelaide Ristori (1821-1906); Photographer: Sarony; New York, undated

  • Box 2, Item 156
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Albumen Print/Cabinet Card

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Eleanor Robson, autographed "Unruly Mary Ann" ; photographer unidentified (Purchased from Charles Ritzmann, New York), undated

  • Box 2, Item 157
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Silver Print/Cabinet Card

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Stuart Robson; Photographer: Falk; New York, undated

  • Box 2, Item 158
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Albumen Print/Cabinet Card

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Kate Rorke; Photographer: Falk; New York, undated

  • Box 2, Item 159
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Albumen Print/Cabinet Card

To top

Annie Russell; Photographer: Anderson; New York, undated

  • Box 2, Item 160
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Albumen Print/Cabinet Card

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Lillian Russell; Photographer: Falk; New York, undated

  • Box 2, Item 161
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To top

Lillian Russell; Photographer: Sarony; New York, undated

  • Box 2, Item 162
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Albumen Print/Cabinet Card

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Lillian Russell; Photographer: Falk; New York, undated

  • Box 2, Item 163
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Albumen Print/Cabinet Card

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Lillian Russell; Photographer: Falk (copyright 1890); New York, 1890

  • Box 2, Item 164
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Albumen Print/Cabinet Card

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Alexander Salvini; Photographer: Max Platz; Chicago, undated

  • Box 2, Item 165
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Albumen Print/Cabinet Card

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Alexander Salvini; Photographer: Max Platz; Chicago, undated

  • Box 2, Item 166
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Albumen Print/Cabinet Card

To top

Alexander Salvini; Photographer: Max Platz; Chicago, undated

  • Box 2, Item 167
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Albumen Print/Cabinet Card

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Sanderson; Photographer: Benque & Co.; Paris, undated

  • Box 2, Item 168
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Albumen Print/Cabinet Card

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Sanderson; Photographer: Benque & Co.; Paris, undated

  • Box 2, Item 169
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Albumen Print/Cabinet Card

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Savary; Photographer: W & D Downey; London, undated

  • Box 2, Item 170
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Chloride Print/Cabinet Card

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Savary, "Died in 1890"; Photographer: Chalot; Paris, undated

  • Box 2, Item 171
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Albumen Print/Cabinet Card

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Otis Skinner; Photographer: Falk; New York, undated

  • Box 2, Item 172
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Albumen Print/Cabinet Card

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Rose Stahl; Photographer: White; New York, undated

  • Box 2, Item 173
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Silver Print

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E. H. Sothern, "E. H. Sothern in 'If I were King'"; Photographer: Marceau; New York, undated

  • Box 2, Item 174
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Silver Print/Cabinet Card

To top

Fay Templeton; Photographer: Mora; New York, undated

  • Box 2, Item 175
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Albumen Print/Cabinet Card

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Terriss; Photographer: Sarony; New York, undated

  • Box 2, Item 176
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Albumen Print/Cabinet Card

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Ellen Terry; Photographer: Sarony; New York, undated

  • Box 2, Item 177
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Albumen Print

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Ellen Terry (1847-1928), "Miss Ellen Terry as 'Beatrice' 'Much Ado About Nothing.'"; Photographer: Window & Grove; London, undated

  • Box 2, Item 178
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Albumen Print/Cabinet Card

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Ellen Terry; autographed with inscription: "With Apologies for keeping it so long = E.T., 20 April, 1907"; Photographer: Lallie Charles; London, 1907

  • Box 2, Item 179
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Bromide Print/Cabinet Card

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Ellen Terry; "Portia"; Photographer: Window & Grove; London, undated

  • Box 2, Item 180
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Albumen Print/Cabinet Card

To top

Ellen Terry; no photographer or place given, undated

  • Box 2, Item 181
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Albumen Print/Cabinet Card

To top

Fred Terry (son of Ellen Terry); Photographer: London Stereoscopic Company; London, undated

  • Box 2, Item 182
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Albumen Print/Cabinet Card

To top

Grace Thorue; Photographer: Gehrig; Chicago, undated

  • Box 2, Item 183
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Albumen Print/Cabinet Card

To top

C. Thorue; Photographer: Rockwood; New York, undated

  • Box 2, Item 184
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Albumen Print/Cabinet Card

To top

Unidentified Female; Photographer: Barraud; London, undated

  • Box 2, Item 185
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Albumen Print/Cabinet Card

To top

Unidentified Female; Photographer: Barraud; London, undated

  • Box 2, Item 186
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Albumen Print/Cabinet Card

To top

Neve Vanbrafk; autographed; Photographer: The Dover Street Studios, undated

  • Box 2, Item 187
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Bromide Print

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Ventura; Photographer: Boissonnas et Taponier; Paris, undated

  • Box 2, Item 188
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Silver Print/Cabinet Card

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Marie Wainwright; Photographer: Falk; New York, undated

  • Box 2, Item 189
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Albumen Print/Cabinet Card

To top

David Warfield (in "The Music Master"); autographed; Photographer: Otto Sarony; New York, undated

  • Box 2, Item 190
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Silver Print/Cabinet Card

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E.S. Willard; Photographer: Morrison; Chicago, undated

  • Box 2, Item 191
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Albumen Print/Cabinet Card

To top

E.S. Willard; no photographer or place given, undated

  • Box 2, Item 192
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Silver Print

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Francis Wilson; Photographer: Falk; New York, undated

  • Box 2, Item 193
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Albumen Print/Cabinet Card

To top

Lena Ashwell, autographed; Photographer: Dover Street Studios; London, undated

  • Box 2, Item 194
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Silver Print

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Lionel Barrymore; signed "For Addison Metcalf. Best Wishes. Lionel Barrymore, Sept. 24, 1951"; no photographer or place given, 1951

  • Box 2, Item 195
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Silver Print

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Sarah Bernhardt; on back, Feb 18, 190_ Henry Edward Warner to Harry describing photo; [MISSING], undated

  • Box 2, Item 196
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Sarah Bernhardt; [MISSING], 1917

  • Box 2, Item 197
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Copy from a signed photograph

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Lina Cavalieri and son; no photographer or place given, undated

  • Box 2, Item 198
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Albumen Print

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Lina Cavalieri and son; no photographer or place given, undated

  • Box 2, Item 199
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Albumen Print

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Lina Cavalieri and son; no photographer or place given, undated

  • Box 2, Item 200
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Copy Negative

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Lina Cavalieri, "A ma chere petite Henriette tres affectueirsement, Lina Cavalieri: New York, 1908"; Photographer: Reutlinger; Paris, 1908

  • Box 2, Item 201
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Bromide/ POP DOP

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Mme. Chiang Kai-Shek; no photographer or place given, undated

  • Box 2, Item 202
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Silver Print

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Felise Dinak; no photographer or place given, undated

  • Box 2, Item 203
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Ruth Draper, signed "To Addison Metcalf, Ruth Draper 1955" ; no photographer or place given, 1955

  • Box 2, Item 204
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Silver Print

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Yvonne Galli; Photographer: P. Apers; Paris, undated

  • Box 2, Item 205
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Silver Print

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Eve Gallienne in performance; no photographer or place given, undated

  • Box 2, Item 206a-t
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Silver Print

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Anne Harding; no photographer or place given, undated

  • Box 2, Item 207
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Platinum Tone/ Silver Print

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"Richard B. Harrison in 'The Green Pastures' by Marc Connelly at Mansfield Theatre"; Photographer: Campbell; New York, undated

  • Box 2, Item 208
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Silver Print

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Helen Hayes, "To Addison fondly-since so long, Helen Hayes 1945"; Photographer: Marcus Blechman, 1945

  • Box 2, Item 209
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Silver Print

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Helen Hayes in "Victoria Regina"; Photographer: Vandamm Studio; New York, undated

  • Box 2, Item 210
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Silver Print

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Henry Arthur Jones, "faithfully yours, Henry Arthur Jones"; Photographer: The Dover Street Studios; London, undated

  • Box 2, Item 211
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Platinum Tone/Silver Print

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Pauline Lord; on back "Pauline Lord, Born Aug. 8"; no photographer or place given, undated

  • Box 2, Item 212
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Silver Print

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Charles MacArthur, "Charles MacArthur, co-author of Jed Harris' new play 'The Front Page' Times Square Theatre"; Photographer: Nikolas Muray; New York, undated

  • Box 2, Item 213
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Silver Print

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Henrietta A. Metcalf (1888-1981); no photographer or place given, undated

  • Box 2, Item 214
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Color Print

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Frank Morgan, signed "To Henrietta with every kind wish from Frank"; Photographer: Juley Made; New York, undated

  • Box 2, Item 215
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Olga Nethersole, "To Henrietta McRae in appreciation of her maiden effort-her first play, Olga Nethersol"; Photographer: S. Langmer, undated

  • Box 2, Item 216
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Silver Print

To top

Nance O'Neil, "Sincerely Nance O'Neil 'Odette', 'The Lilly'"; Photographer: White; New York, undated

  • Box 2, Item 217
Scope and Contents note

Silver Print

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Edward Sheldon, "To Henrietta McCrea, her friend Edward Sheldon May 1910"; Photographer: Koehne; Chicago, 1910

  • Box 2, Item 218
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Silver Print

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Hubert Beerbohm Tree, 1908; autographed; Photographer: C. Vandyk; London, 1908

  • Box 2, Item 219
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Silver Print

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Maria Valente; no photographer or place given, undated

  • Box 2, Item 220
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Silver Print

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Carmel (Snow) White; no photographer or place given, undated

  • Box 2, Item 221
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Silver Print

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Hope Williams, "born Aug. 11"; Photographer: Vandamm; New York, undated

  • Box 2, Item 222
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Silver Print

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Charles Wyndam, "Yours Truly, Chas Wyndham"; Photographer: Dover Street Studios; London, undated

  • Box 2, Item 223
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Silver Print

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Unidentified female and animals, "with our very true love to Henrietta from Midge, Kitty, James, Kisses, Winkie and Constance"; Photographer: Sasha; London, undated

  • Box 2, Item 224
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Silver Print

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Uta of Schauenburg stone statue; Photographer: Walter Hege, [1924]

  • Box 2, Item 225
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Silver Print

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Unidentified male, "for Henrietta, Raymond"; no photographer or place given, undated

  • Box 2, Item 226
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Silver Print

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Unidentified ballerina; Photographer: Vizzavona; Paris, undated

  • Box 2, Item 227
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Silver Print/Glossy

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Unidentified female head cutout; Photographer: Muray; New York, undated

  • Box 2, Item 228
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Silver Print

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Unidentified child; no photographer or place given, undated

  • Box 2, Item 229
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Silver Print

To top

Unidentified female; no photographer or place given, undated

  • Box 2, Item 230
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Silver Print

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Unidentified female, "Frances"; Photographer: Mishkin; New York, undated

  • Box 2, Item 231
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Silver Print

To top

Unidentified male, "To my dear Henrietta from Arthur, New York, Sept. 1925"; Photographer: Muray Studios; New York, 1925

  • Box 2, Item 232
Scope and Contents note

Silver Print

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Eugene O'Neil; Family and Friends; including H. Metcalf holding Shane O'Neill, Eugene O'Neill, Josephine Victor, unidentified man, Abnes Bolton, Frank Shay, unidentified female; no photographer or place given, [n.d.]

  • Box 2, Item 233
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Silver Print

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Eugene O'Neill; no photographer or place given, undated

  • Box 2, Item 234
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Silver Print

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Eugene O'Neill; no photographer or place given, undated

  • Box 2, Item 235
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Silver Print

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Eugene O'Neill; no photographer or place given, undated

  • Box 2, Item 236
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Silver Print

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Helen Ware, Josephine Victor, Henrietta Metcalf; no photographer or place given, 1923

  • Box 2, Item 237
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Silver Print

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Helen Ware, Josephine Victor, Henrietta Metcalf; no photographer or place given, 1923

  • Box 2, Item 238
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Silver Print

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Eugene O'Neill, Shane O'Neill, Agnes Bolton; no photographer or place given, undated

  • Box 2, Item 239
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Silver Print

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Eugene O'Neill, Shane O'Neill, Agnes Bolton; no photographer or place given, undated

  • Box 2, Item 240
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Silver Print

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Shane O'Neill and Agnes Bolton; no photographer or place given, undated

  • Box 2, Item 241
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Silver Print

To top

Shane O'Neill and Agnes Bolton; no photographer or place given, undated

  • Box 2, Item 242
Scope and Contents note

Silver Print

To top

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You may come across language in UK Libraries Special Collections Research Center collections and online resources that you find harmful or offensive. SCRC collects materials from different cultures and time periods to preserve and make available the historical record. These materials document the time period when they were created and the view of their creator. As a result, some may demonstrate racist and offensive views that do not reflect the values of UK Libraries.

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UK Libraries Special Collections Research Center is open Monday to Friday, 9:00am to 4:00pm. Appointments are encouraged but not required. Schedule an appointment here.

Researchers must have an SCRC Researcher Account to request materials. View account set-up and use instructions here.

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You may come across language in UK Libraries Special Collections Research Center collections and online resources that you find harmful or offensive. SCRC collects materials from different cultures and time periods to preserve and make available the historical record. These materials document the time period when they were created and the view of their creator. As a result, some may demonstrate racist and offensive views that do not reflect the values of UK Libraries.

If you find description with problematic language that you think SCRC should review, please contact us at SCRC@uky.edu.