xt7gxd0qvc9z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7gxd0qvc9z/data/mets.xml  United States Housing Authority 1940 v.: ill.; 29-40 cm. UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Library Program libraries and the Federal Information Preservation Network. Call Number FW 3.7: 2/3 journals English Washington, D.C.: Federal Works Agency, U.S. Housing Authority: For sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Works Progress Administration Housing Publications United States Housing Authority -- Periodicals Public housing -- United States -- Periodicals Public Housing: Weekly News from American Communities Abolishing Slums and Building Low-Rent Housing July 16, 1940 text Public Housing: Weekly News from American Communities Abolishing Slums and Building Low-Rent Housing July 16, 1940 1940 2019 true xt7gxd0qvc9z section xt7gxd0qvc9z 2' ,7/3 ‘72/12, 0 .
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Federal Works Agency - John M. Carmody, Administrator Vol.2, No. 3 - July 16, 1940 U. 8. Housing Authority - Nathan Straus, Administrator

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Eéytml 2111:1356 ”01%“ e ense ousing rejects oug t
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,, b B Communitles All 0 er Co 11 r

Elyton V Village, USHA—aided project ' y V 11 t y

scheduled to open “its month in Bii'ming— From Portland, Maine, to San Diego, there is great need here at this time due to

' ham, A13": W111 provide new, comfortable Calif., and from Butte, Mont., to New ()r— the fact that additional military units have
homes for 860 famllies whose incomes are leans, La., by wire, telephone, and postal just recently been stationed here, we shall
toollow to purchase decent hous1ng “’lthout service, more than 150 requests for assist— appreciate it if you will give this request
ass1stance. ' , , L ance in the construction of defense housing your early consideration.”

Elyton Village (ff)? Whlte, tenants) 15 the projects have been received by the United A New England housing authority wires:
second 1”]th housmg project to open 1“ States Housing Authority in the past 2 “Immediate need of housing. National de—
Birmingham. The first, Slnlthfi?1(l Court, weeks. All indicate immediate need for de— fensc causing substantial local increase em—
540,-umt Negro P1299“) W935 built by‘ the fense housing facilities. ployment. Housing shortage acute and urge

‘ PV‘ A Housmg DWISIO“ and 15 now ‘opelated Projects requested vary in size from a few earinarking of $1,000,000. City cooperation
under lease agreement “nth the USHA- units to 3,000 units for a project in the State assures expedition on application. Approx-

Plans 0f the Housmg Authority Of the of \Vashington. Outside the United States, imately 240 dwelling,r units advisable first

requests have come from Hawaii and the project in long—range program.”
Housing Exhibifs 2 Vlz'gln Isllmd‘fh d _ t b In addition to the two defense housing
- zenera y, e 131013039 pi'0,|ec S may 8 )roiects in Mont romei‘ , Ala., and Pensa-
Af The :elparrateddilnlto 33111-89 divisions: Industrial, $015, Fla., for which loayn contracts already
‘mban a"~ 1-~- b2 i l>~ --ii"
V , _ ,. . . , g. ' iaye Len signeg otiu or anitional car
New York World 5 FOII' i flTypicral 0.1: the 2:122652’5. 181mg f:2]‘?‘,‘,l\l€,g markings totaling $13,500,000 have been
A F f ed . 110m: 0u1s1ng :11 011137 in "me (“if if i e made for projects in eight cities and several
re ea ur I iaxe ora ong ime an (onowsu er rom , . '2 , . ‘ " ,‘
On Pa es 2 and 3 2 a lack of housing facilities to take care both additional applications on defense housing
3 of our resident population and the influx of are “0“" being studied by USHA; UbHA
. Of This Issue l enlisted men with families. We therefore lfiinds,dhowever, are now practically 9x—
request that you give this authority an ear- iauste , and further loans await allocation
m marking of $1,500,000 to be expended under of additional money for carrying on this
Birmingham District call for the construc— the defense housing program. Inasmuch as part of the USHA program.
tion of two additional projects: Central City, g g H , , , ,
to house 906 white families, and Southtown, I , {R5 2‘ 2.“ 1 2 , 2.. ‘: ,2 it! I. Myj; 12:2,,
to house 480 Negro families. ’ ’- , :9 , ‘,_‘. w ', .~.- ,' . - t V. 5’": 75“”
- - ~ , . .JI.’ t 21"”‘7 u ¢ 2? n» (to ~ .-' ' , r WW cgififfi/ 4..

Birmingham, the largest City in Alabama, 23%,; V 35,”. . #719,135 '17}, ,dgi' - ' lg, ," five???
has grown from “a cotton field crossed by ng,jéz S“ f {f fflé‘ .. ' ’ ‘ 9'; , ‘ lflfifiwfififia
two railways” in 1870, to a thriving indus- .ig, " 3' " ' § -:‘;_T‘;’i'i"§e' "f ‘ :‘f‘ 2 «(,%W%“/: /4"""é"§>§¥§%éf@",
trial center of about 300,000 population. ,9, 3,“ " ,2 .' 2 ‘ _Ww"§,{{,»wVw
The city has extensive slum areas housing $0: _, ’ . v 2 2'; “3,2,. 5': . fflfl M
a large percentage of the population. Ac— : ~, 3 "-2“. '22! '2 "22”:M/ w”:
cording to the 1939 report of the Birming- if K 2": 5 2w 2? ’7’“ I” “21/ . .:
ham authority, 25 percent of the city’s pop- 2;; . 2:" a; ”grain, , M"u~;{§4:,5w , ‘ '
ulation iive in slums. \Vhite families living .. elf v~""_’;i "M" "Mom?"v'.;:f~"7‘f:§§"nm"fl ' ' .9 g 2
in substandard housing in Birmingham have 30'2““ 11531" _- 'y‘-,’222‘_”_27;":’;2‘.523}: " ‘ ~ ~ 27* . 'l ‘ i
an average annual income of $925, and they girl "33;, {L’,.. 2 " '_ , 'g- 3 I g g, ' ' 1

pay an average shelter rental of $13 a month. 32 I T F“; e»" l! lyllli'if‘l ,2; f ,. . ' 2 .. ._ I I
At Elyton Village, family incomes will fzgg,”’{, lint :flj} ll! lllllll 7‘ 3:: I I g ‘ . '1’}; 5"]
average about $746, and average shelter :1, 22222122233322 , ' . I . 2;...” 2,.
rents, $11.24 per month, for dwellings rang— “n” 1.2;)! ‘5' if???” IIIJH'“! ' . ,y,‘ I “ , :39: V “ if
ing in size from 2 to 6 rooms. Overcrowd— Fifi ‘ , .V , \fgi‘sgzéiie‘” l ,llului , iVV‘VVz'V: , A! " . , .9
ing will be impossible, since only one family 2. 7r. ' l in. .rfj 2 g , r . « , ,, I I V5,,
. will be permitted in a dwelling and the size . 4-2 ‘ ., . :15; ;~'§g'.g'.§‘_{ .13}: 2 J.
of dwelling will relate directly to size of xi: ~ ' . T”;,;~ ,, ;
family Wei 2 ”Whig”? 2 Ila: . . m . H 2:” .
Businessmen in Birmingham are favor— ,:‘:":“’MT” 2,," ., gm, i" “ ‘2 I l " :2“ :‘jfum ”fir” . f i a
ably impressed by the use in the construc— s¢m%w:r.i _ i" ”WW2; , 2;} ;;:,;Vr’:7.‘,fff’7”',2 ’ W, 2»

' tion of the project of locally produced mate— 1’4; ”ks-3‘). ”2“““Wgé7fié . , ‘ 1, "rm." VLV 1’23”":fi »; 2 V3,
rials. More than 1,500,000 board—feet of file}, ’""w«“?. /:23—‘i ” . a.“ ., V 5:
Birmingham lumber, selling for $45,000, is "DWMfii' fierfl}~.:l:uii“?§i"§a / "I 5'ny vs V: Y en, »
being used in the village, the Birmingham "VJ-x 5",}, .i "Egasééal f", 3235-3423323,“ 2 .7. Mi, 2 :”{:‘_‘H V
N eras—A ,ac-H erdld reports. Other items $,2$%ai,niffi 722%?«1 @534,“ ' , V 2:52.13)?" A} 2".»311937 Y.
are: 5,600,000 bricks at $73,000; 2,000 tons , * 3%" ’ ‘ ”W“ V‘w' ;, V 3.11 " “as"? WV}
0f Birmingham steel 2115 #8019005, 2’00,” yards E/yfon Village (860 units) is fire firsf of Birmingham's f/iree USHA—aided projects fo open.
of concrete at $100,000, 090,000 pieces 01 . V . . , . . . ,
tile at $93,000; and 40,000 square tile shin- H follows Smn‘hf/e/d Cour? (bur/f by PV/A Housrng Diwsron) as fire second prolecf
gles at $52,000. for #12 city. UK LEBWES

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4 WWW-...-- _ . C 4‘ r (above) where _/ .x - “7 ., ,. w; 4%,,34 4,24%“; . % 522% 44441-11 g J; :1“ 3 I If I ’
EXferior Of Home Bin/ding E27] 21* “y Govern IN \\ 33333333§fi ’wége-TZW‘WWM‘x \gg,_,/ 22’5“ .--” $27 22 gmfimywm ' 1/44' ”-,.- ..- . _ .,
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menf in Housing," 15 locafed. \f_-:::~.\\ NEW 4:442:37” C (732% 6% ,,.\ xxgfigé'f. ..4 0,43% . 4% Egg; {1 13%??? E .E’Ll: , 4 1' , V ~-
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2217235; 4 «232.7,,» 1 “xv?“ ' Mam . - , , 2-2-- ’ J" 1 "1:22,. ' . 2 3 III:
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Z ’ 1 ’ ’ T 3 ’ ’ E 3 T I 3 WEMW‘T’ZT .,1,.: ‘ 77., =- , - '3 3 “MW" 51... 1. $34-24“? 7 , ’ 4 $3”-
“ , 4...... .. n4 .. , - , E 17;. fizggféii , ":95 3-1, .252. 3‘ 3 , . , 2.7"! . E",
. ... ...M «5,, . ;%77'77§.223¢‘,11.-2.1.y 1,1,. .1 -',-§ ”, 7, 133 .;1 , . ' , 3 - . 2" ,, 3 .W.. kWh-...,” ' 1 ,',,.~'. 2 ,3, .- 1', § ,,:,.:.‘2K‘ ' "KL” MW‘ ,,-,-;,_,z,..,,..., 7 , . . ”7M .9!" g .4 ,'jg', , , 3 {W2}, 3M1. 1/22,”? ,, -,
.1,',’-1;,,. g4? 7-5,”,3721,13’13'3'_',':':,',";:,.,’,:.rf;,:,1:-3,3~,i;;:,1;~,’..3;:'.,,3t.;-t-;i-,1:;',,i'.- . - ‘ ' . - ' ' . W , 3 '3, g 4: 4 g . __ , , '3 2%. 1.3;, ‘41., ,1, «”22
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E ” ”LE/3’ ’/;33333M%f;3 233:? ” ’2;Z;fl%&é%//72/ ‘ , ' - 9 E ~ 1:1. I . 3 , 2 Q, " :4 ,3? 3...~ ' _. 2 , , ,, 1 - , ' . - 7453354 gmafiky-nfiw-QEA'" ' " , . 2:2,"; 4.2.2.
’/3’/?2’%fl%’7§3133%€2§%22%71£2ww ,{3,1'i:"‘;‘,3i3'{, ', ' , , 3 ‘, - i g ' ' ,2; . - ,« 4‘", 3‘5 _._;4, :,_..3 ,3. 3 T Pane] bays of 3 , ,' 3 , .43.,32.7’IV7'}3{,,:,;4~1§7 ‘° i' 7;
Jf’g‘ji3w27”3}::ééjfigééfiéz%%g>g%fié ,Er,;,4,1£7,"%«?~§’ " ‘ IERHS f 1/4"] 111'." ' " ’ 'v- ‘1'” ' ' ‘ ' :3 4 _ 5:3 : .1 Pg- _ " ""7“ng W; ‘2’, “ "7’2 U§7—’IA E h ,b 7‘ Qua ll- ””3725‘45 - - 3' - ~ 3 _ 2; “‘2': 11:? .,.f ,W%1W1.y, M4,, .1' h Mm” H” . 4':
”.2 [Fl 43 2 '1 . .W... - -1--"-' -- ~ ,«gj'. ~- -, : _ x I I - . .4422 3,43%}, 47.2 ,,.-mm a 3 3,?
. MUM HOMES BETTER VALUES ”3’ - f 7" ns . _ 143%! ' I -.' 1 v fig 5 3%., 4; f' of good housmg 77%..7’271319”, fixgwéi‘; z...» ”x J; 4;
-,.1. ,. . ,- ,, Top. Various unC IO .... . 42:"; :_ , < "'xf ,2; I85 , d ffec -,.' ,. "... 142.2 4.4% 3... 4. r:-:-:, 1-,,«'?'-—‘r;,.\ .. .2;
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, , ., ., .p. .227 ,.ffl sK' -.m‘i'. WW . ,, 7-33-72“ .1 .' f fhe Federal GOVefn- .‘_ ' § 5 .nm . ,,. 4’__’,"-- ‘ -,. .- ”WK ..’.;: paw = are dramaflle 8 :y ’2 . ‘3“73 3 1-32 ,3: ELEM 12- ,4./1,“ .3 _ ' W , ”I i 2’
N a E; 3’ E3: 3 33“ 7 mt {454%, mg ’ 3 I 1 éJZE o h ‘ ’2 ex Q g ’ 3 33 3 W333; five/y 11 ’ ’ «1-, ,‘ftgr . fig“!- ,,.: , . 2;). '-' ‘qr ,1, 3/ 1 r. 2
3 I r ”E ‘- EEE: ” X ’ . ’ E E E ’ fl / W3 I lng a - 3 I 3 3 E 3 T" I 3 “WM ' ' """ “W“ W:- . j ’,1'.’.,. «1: -, . ,~ “«I' ‘, 72444 .77; :3, . 43 '35 . ’ ’M- "- ', ~ , 3 ‘b- , _.' 153.4.)
12,. . 7 , , mummy-4.45.1444! 15:132....” . mznf In Ous . . g ., , . .2 -. 44,-... - ,,- 3. -. - 2.1,, .4 ,, , :2.- » ,,. § , 4 ‘
,3 12:31.7 ..4§94254}"4’1§J4"E4§Féif‘45$553444-mms {3‘ «$5: . 451,-. plained by C enfra/ ...,Mwm‘m ’ 77W“ h 3’ , . -, 5 . ,,.; “’- 3 g :5' 3 . 1"“?5‘3, .7211 132%. _ A,“ ,_ “:4."
:21 -, ,, , u . .4 , - r .~ 1 , LS . ._1 - ' _. . I ;".::2:;~:,~,.M—2W _, 1: ,, " 7":1 :3 , r <2“ .- «1;: -:.x. 3 ,~. 4 J 5,5,, : .',3 «:34. . - _ ‘1 ' ;. 2 c ) .' / , ‘ 11“,, L‘ ‘ -.,1 1/” 12a”, ,3 :Y/
munmswam mm 1’3 , .’ m AVERAGE mm m nwa 14:E494’,’4’243:43514’40,4’:39Ef5’5 ; v , j Housing Commlh‘ee s -- 3. — mam-«1M 3!, £34,543, 3‘ l ., 5",, xi $552,133: 2; -4247 Rig/1f. A hOUSIng pro,” i 3 ‘3: E; ‘ a g a 1/ 4 if:
”TI ““3“” HUIEUWES..E”Y MD ” 33’ ”a 1:3! ,’,’?».’. . ~23, ~1- , , . - a , 4 ,»,:2 , _ ,1};“~ 7;; iii, :25" z, 4;: ““3 2-,, Z' n - ' _ [ea 3 "512,; § ’i ’ z‘ 1' :",”’ . .1”; ’3; "35"} 3: 75;, ,' 1’ , 5/ ?f',i,1'”,-.-’.
3 ’ .‘3'5'.3”" ”’3’” 3m EMMA” CHEW'J” WOW“ ’H" “57"” ”2 ’ $327222; ane/ dlSPIOY- 3 1.3., "in: . .....w‘u MK I. 3, $3 ' lg .14, ‘- 3 E :_,-,3""~1" . 4 5"» 3‘43”: .. ,3 , I, eCf‘ SIH’ng CUE a . 3%, g: ,5- , ,3} E t a - '. " ‘ ““7“” - , ,
.L- . , . 1 bx . . . mm ”1 4.2.7.- ..0 :35 ,.2::2,flE.~ ., P ,x , .. .. 3mm" “ z y r.,- 2: . ,, . - (jg 2-: m, _ 1 -..---...--.- 3 .m , _ d b H715 M4,} , I V g 4 i. E EMWEN V g I I?” ’3; A” 0 E I g?
.é v, {mum mousmr....mn mum”?! - ,.x' , r47? 2 : 0-" W ,, _ 233,4,“- 3 . -- .. . . - 2 ...... ls suggesfe y 2 ; “,,.. ,4, 4, I, ,3 rag”; \ E V
”MT 333 MEWS mumswmsm’m ’ «I ’3 ”3” M T3333 I ’3 ' 3 ' J ' ”"35"” " 272“: ' . f fhe USHA "1.. .241 3 1 ~ «...; . ,3 , , ,1 . 3
”I” fl 1‘ 33’ fl 3 I ’ 3 ’ I .3 LeH In '10 rm «:1ro n 'j ' {I :55 2221M {fig sechon o 4 .7 - ,,. .:. .. 5%)}: "- 2", . ,. ' my: .
~ 3 EMT 33:33 3 0’ T I 3 I’ ‘3’ I; M I ”3%: - 72.515327“? 7 ‘N, , . 3.3m... 1. = . .2 . ,, awn-3 ' 37,1«4/2'.‘ ~ -
EEW 3’33 3 333"” 3"- 1 h I. ' m... 3 boofh, cenhai Housmg «7'77’92337 ' 22*33253-1’T3: . , ,. ...... EXh’b’f' - . M - 1 . , 7;” an” 1 1' $7,422 E :3.
’ HEEEEEYii krm TEEN-’3’ E T {IE-3‘3: 4’31"“ ’ 2nd CO m m iffee H ome ”33’3”“3”: I H 333«-‘"“.“ ,' . - 3 -13": ‘“‘ .' 1. 233,1 3_,1,, . - - '. ' ,, , £1
" ’ fixihm ’3 3’ ’ ’ 3 a» E E 3 I] 3" E {3:33 ’ 13mg“ ’ ' I 73h»;%y.wfifié,.~ ’ «"4” ,5. - - , 7 if...“ ’ -.',"=';;',=,;‘. 13;... , , E "2.4%,, 2,,,3,‘,~._w ’ 1 > '1 1“”, j- ' '-,'~’-_;‘ 15 '
a... , .4112» :.3 .1412:- "' -~ .. “ -_ . ;, of u re of all Federal “47% I . '. , ., "-....“ (\ I h 3:1 3 I 3
, 71,1. . . housing a g e n c I e 5 IS 7-2.7 .. 4 , 3%” {if} I V, V
i ~.. . . ,. _ .. . , I In Green in Hm ”€th 4 [V
available here. 2‘ H1 oms Fo m of Bow mg 7222224,,2222222
IE5? 3 ” Ab°ve' The Dance 0 Y k wifh Home Building Cem‘er In background.
’ 3’ . . r
’ ’ World's FOII‘ of 7940, In New 0 , ....2

 . . N \/"‘ . . M h.
I i " /
Dedlcdllml (131 9111011. yowds 01 Applicants In emp 1s -
At Hiiiitliiu‘lon', W Va. B . S l ,,- Ofli
_ . t? (V _ es1ege I enant e ection ce
Dedication ceremonies for '11'CC housmg
projects in”Huntington,.\\'_. Va., “'0“ held at Unprecedented interest in low—c0st public 1. A long—range program has “sold” pub—
theAdministration hhhdmghf the NT???" housing was displayed in Memphis, Tenn, lic housing to the people of Memphis. All
COiIL‘1C0u,m.pr()']1$c:0]:,fl;: (1:23:32??st Jau yr: asapplications began to be “icewal for the Opposition has been met with a frank, above—
‘18_Lelel1lOY 18- \ e . .,‘\- ~ p - Whham H' VFoote Homes, J00-apartinent board discussion of the expectations and
seiitation of National Colois and iaisuig ol pi'oiect for Negro families. .. ‘ _ ’1 . _ ’ A l _
the flag by the American Legion 001‘” More than 200 prospective tenants were practices 0f the Memphis Housing ut 1m—
Guard, under the direction of Post Com- anxiously waiting when the Tenant Selec— 1W 111 the field 0f public housing.
maiider Marion Thackston. tion Office opened at 5) o’clock on July 1. On Consequently, people in the income brack—
JOhh G. HUdSOh, Chairman of the Hunt— the first day 252 applications were taken, ets far and above the public housing range
ington, \V- Va., Housing Authority, had and more than 200 were received on the sec— 31'0 definitely in favor 0f the program and
charge of the ceremonies. Langdon Post, of ond and third days. The response indicates know that it is contributing “More Than .
USHA, the chief Sljealker’ declared that “The that more than 5,000 applications will be on Housing” to a great many families that
thought. uppermost 1" our hhhds today 15 file when the first group of 352 apartments would, under other conditions, be unable to
the national (18161158 program .- 7' - but are ready for occupancy about September 1. afford decent, safe, and sanitary homes. '
file phlnahaltgegegse 11.8 the Riltldglithf ill“ “An examination of the applications re- 2. A concentrated program of public edu—
d insiglcxia‘s‘ohi'dadiaZ? 1125);“ :tgigiono “fsahi veals that only about 0“? (“1t 0f £0111" :“h be cation timed to obtain the greatest benefit
ie v‘d h k . ‘ eligible on the baSis of income alone, J. A. and to stimulate a generous out-pouring of
“"91" a State-W] e 00 —up. Fowler, Executive Director of the Memphis , , t‘ t t Tl . _ . d' '
1 uests of honor were Mayor Sea- . '. g . H _ ‘ . piospec ive enan s. ie piogiam was 1-
Ot 191" g ~ Housmg AuthOiity, explained. A ceitain id (1 . t . _ 1 h . N . , b
monds, Colonel Long (whom Mr. Hudson percentage will naturally be eliminated V_ 'e 1_h 9 seveia 17 ases. 9‘15P3D61 _Du _'
introduced as “Mr. Huntington”), Ernest L. when other admission requirements are hCth; 1hdfl1V1du‘al ahd groupvcont‘acts, 6115?}?-
Bailey, State Coordinator for Federal PFOJ’ checked, but we are confident that there will bum?“ ”I expianatory “law,“al .011 hum”
ects, and W- S- Rosenheim, Managing Direc— be a great many more eligible families than housmg, and displays 0f motion pictures.
tor of the Chamber of Commerce. apartments when occupancy is completed,” Timing of this program was so effective
The program opened with the playing of Mr. Fowler added. that practically every eligible family knew
The Star—Spangled Banner, fOHOWEd by an Two important factors contributed to the a great deal about William H. Foote Homes
invocation by the R?“ James W- Meeks. enthusiastic out-pouring of prospective ten- long before the opening 0f the Tenant SBIGC- i '
M13 HUdSOh gave a brief history 0f the HHA: ants at William H. Foote Homes: tion Office on July 1.
and introduced the members, A. H. Frankel,
Charles W. Hutchinson, Harry Wright R. E. . .
i , , families were to rent homes in the cit of
M nd f rmer member Ceor e (x. W y
Vsliiilh’ a 0 I g orl‘ers Urge Defense Camden today, tomorrow there would not be
' , .. . . - home available within the cit limit"
Approxnnately 500 persons, prospective a n0 F 1' 5 C1 168 one . . y 7 °'
tenants and other interested townsmen, par— HOllbl D O t 39d “ “31111.1 the next 15 months] the New 3 ork '
ticipated in the ceremonies. Housing Committees of the Industrial 51,1?“ 115 ielciuiiet to elhh 03’ some 4:000
The Huntington Housing Authority has Union of Marine and Shipbuilding Workers a ,S&,}110nfa einp 031:365‘ h b , _
three projects under construction. Two of of America in a recent statement urge the in th e ew 119}: (”his ttl‘iit 31"; Elhg bmlt
these, Northcott Court and Marcum Terrace, immediate construction under the defense the e commhgély 3}“ 111 e 511 urbs are for
were scheduled to open this month. Wash— housing program of 7,500 homes for ship- the Shah? 1;,” 1 .9 mcpnre group, and Oht 0f
ington Square will probably open about a yard workers in five cities: Camden and a e ego silpyaic' “of as
month later. Kearny, N. J.; Quincy, Mass; Chester, Pa; 1 ‘ clcioig “filfigf (llehmt’ the_ new homes
Marcum Terrace is a community of homes and Bath, Maine. i903 ( 2 500.1513 u e if follows. .Camden,
for 284 families, who will pay monthly rent— In the five cities are located, respectively, M' " 2000' (3311“? _ 13, 2’000: 'Quincy,
als (including the cost of water, gas, elec- the New York Shipbuilding Corp., employ- Mass, ’00 ’ nes 91’ ‘1” 1:000, Bath,
tricity, and heat) of from $19.50 to $20.75. ing now approximately 8.000 men; the 1’ed- aine, '3 '
Maximum family incomes will range from eral Shipbuilding and Drydock Corp., with x
$012 per year for a two—person family to 7,000; the Fore River Shipyard of Bethlehem . . 7 ‘1
$1,137 for a family of six or more persons. Steel, with 8,000; the Sun Shipbuilding and Schedule Of Bld Opening D3195
At Northcott Court, rentals of the 136' Drydock Corp., with 7,000; and the Bath Local authority and mm“, lNumhcrol‘ Damon)“
dwellings will be slightly lower, ranging Iron Works, with 2,600. number units i opening
from $19.») to $17 a mohth. Maxhiiuiii in— In Camden, N J., .the report states, -the Athens (Ga.~3~17A)_.._.l 100 ‘ TifIiTO
comes Will range from $146 to $921 a year. housmg Situation is almost despeiate. Bevcriv (N 171871) i 7] 7_2__740
Rents and incomes at \Vasliington Square Scarcely a dozen houses are for rent in the l)etroit (Miclri—hlLTfl 2 150 l 7738*40 ‘
will be identical with Northcott Court. city. It can safely be said that if a dozen Hammond (Ind-40,1, ‘ ’ ,
\x } R)I 400 8—12740
. n - Iari‘is iiii‘g (Pa.~8—l, .
Weekly Lonstrucllon Report Addition)....,.....,.....l 24 l 749—40
M Montgomery(Alarfivsl, ‘ l
. . . . . ~ . Dcfcnsc)k._...,._.,..__.,‘ 424 7-25.40
- Mil \\...,. \n-i - . . ..
I tilt-:iua‘ uranium}, 1 bargain} \e“ m cm- 0. a .7 l i
. W. .7- WW-.. 72-2-1,” “-17--.- ..v...,..,,,,.,,. 22,727, M») 1,166 $31740
Number of projects under construction kW 225 l 222 l 55 Pan'tuckct (R. 1.72:1), 226 l 7725,40 V
Number of dwellings under construction 1. .. , ,,l 84,927 84,494 ‘ 24,600 Pensacola (Flar673)..._l 200 7725““)
Total estimated over-all cost 3 of new housing_,, $375,013,000 l$373,280,000 $116,313,000 Phoenix (Arixr172) ,___ 150 1 87 1740
Average over—all cost '3 of new housing per unit, $4,416 $4,418 , $4,728 Ponce (I). li.~1—-3),,.,,..,l 116 ‘ 1723“,“)
Average net construction cost3 per unit W"... i $2,762 $2,764 l $2,941 San Alli()lll()(’l‘0x.*6*3). 795 1 8722—40
“:acol'l‘cx—dO—ll..,,.,.,‘ 103 87 7w“)
1 Inclu'lc; pr lli'i‘l< which li:ivc lli‘.‘fl c'unplclc l. \\-{"S1“hgt0n<1)‘.c 7] ’“D— 310 l 8‘ 6’40
_ -’ Includes: (:1) “llllilllljlllli‘l]lll1$l‘.lll('l11!llll¥ structural costs and plumbing, llt‘nllllL‘. 21nd clccirical insliilluiion: (I!) Aln'clle “ li(*(‘llll£{ i“ . 1 21.’*:5*2l, 302 77217—10
lllut‘qllipiilcill. urcliili-i-Is' fries, localiidiniiiisirzilivccxpcnscs. financial L‘llill‘fll'stllll‘lllfd consli‘uclion, mid (fill‘lllllflvlu‘y("51)01151‘51 H
(r) loud {or pirsr-iit dcvclopiucnl; (Ill nondwcllino l21<‘llllll'.\'. 1 Their is usually ii 30-day pcriod lwlwccn liitl advertising .
?'l'lic cost of building the house. includingr structural. pliiiiihing, limiting, and clccii‘icnl costs. 11nd bid opening.
Publication is. approved by the Director, Bureau of the Budget. as required by rule 13 ol' the Joint Committee on Printing.
For sale by thc Supcrintcndent of Documents. \Yashington. D. C. Subscription price $1 domestic, foreign 81.50 per year. Single copies. 5 091115.
Material for l":‘i:i.ic Hoi‘sixi‘. should he addressed to lni'oi'mutiomil Service Division, U. S. Housing Authority, \Viishington, D. C.
, 4