xt7gxd0qvg33 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7gxd0qvg33/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1983-09-23 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 23, 1983 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 23, 1983 1983 1983-09-23 2020 true xt7gxd0qvg33 section xt7gxd0qvg33 _._ -__.__. .-. . ._. -
vol. LXXXVI, No.33 An independent student newspaper serving the University at Kentucky since t894 t1 .1.). \doli'e-"ru .‘l .1 1
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El . Candidate talks to 150 at campus forum
I ' d ° 1 b B '
2 3 mprovements in e ucation cost y , ut needed , unning say 5
._. _#_ By JOHN VOSKL'HL “If we‘re going to follow the great mary and secondary educational tract quality teachers." Bunning and every om- of MR; .2 .u- 1km ' .m
" Assistant News Editor recommendations of the Prichard systems are now “last among the 50 said dress these lSSUQ'S no.1
Committee. it‘s going to be expen- states in the number of people With He also called for the standardna- the speech was Siluiuunl in mi
I Jim Blinning. Republican guber- sive." he said. "We must stop the aneighthgradeeducation." tion of tests at schools through the dents for Jim Hunn.ii,,; .1 ti'fihlt‘n‘l
natorial candidate. told about l50 duplication of effort in all eight of “Ithinkit‘sadisgrace.”hesaid 12th grade “We've got to put ac- student organiultinii sun..- I h m ‘
' students and faculty gathered in the our state institutions." He said education is his chief con- countability into our educational students got together anti: our org. ’
Student Center Theater yesterday The attempt to maintain duplicate oern. “You have to make it the most system." Bunmng said nization and made llll' mam-1i ’
that it will cost $80 million to $100 facilities at all the institutions is ex- important." Bunning said. because He also said teachers should be re- said Larry llisig prl-siilciit of m.- »
million to get Kentucky‘s educatio- pensive and useless. he said. adding it attracts industry to the state, sponslble for ultimately passmg or group "It was .i emu-mine ct
nalsystemonits feet. the money saved could be used to “There are two things that indus- failinga student fort "
“Are you willing to do that?” he provide unique. quality facilitifi at trial leaders ask about when they . limit. a (‘oiilmunimlmm iiiiiior
said “Because if you're not. it will each university. consider moving into a state: the ed- Bunninges‘aidmhe wolulttienot‘zupwrt said Students for Jim lluiiiiiiig this \ ’
notbedone.“hesaid. Bunning also said he does not ucational system and health care.“ an, “mm" me” ”x ”"5? two priorities 'Tllr llrsl Is to iitilu- \
. . .. . revenue for education 1 think it s _ g .
Bunnlng frequently referred to the favor a suggested merger of the UK he said. If you tell them that you re ., sure we carry the \Itt(' hen- .it the \
. . . . . unworkable. and I think it s an un- . _ ,
report of the Kentucky CounCil of and UniverSity of LouisVille dental last among 50 states. they say. fair tax "he said lniversity. he said nil- second i~ \
Higher Education's Prichard Com- schools. UK has one of the 10 finest ‘We'll gotoTennossee.‘ " to serve as a resermii oi mlnnlwn ‘
mittee, which recommended elimi- dental schoolsinthestate. he said. He called for an 8 percent salary “The four years i have spent as a for state and count} “dilllulgtl pr.» '
hating duplication of educational "i don’t think you improve the increase for elementary and second state senator have convmced me )ecls "
programs at the state universities quality of education by doing away ary school teachers. “Pay the teach- that this IS the year for these prob— Bisig announced before the speech
and upgrading the quality of those withaqualityinstitution.“hesaid. ersafair wage.“hesaid. lems." he said “What Will happen that the organization recently ri-gi.
remaining. Buniiing also said Kentucky‘s pri- ”We have to have incentives to at- to the quality of the lives of each tered its tooth memtier .IHi HI \\I\i.
O 0
Professor says Salvadorlan conflict
I o o o o o o
o Similiar, not identical, to Vietnam
‘» ' BySTEPHANII-IWAI.I.Nl-IR —_.——'___—W”'—" 'l'lli' lllllll‘flt‘t' in \ii-tii.iii .l.‘
Senior Staff Writer “Viemam is a ghostly minim-N on. .1111 a. rim... i'
'3 ‘ . ) 7 . ' gf‘illlnii hr \Altl l' l \ll‘. .til‘ -I
.1: The values and problems of El prese’ne 1” "1‘ 6 “"12 conic-x triilii .i lil\p.|llli i'llllulo‘
1", ‘” ' Salvador should be studied on their roo’ns . . . l’l‘efnu," [g Hi-rf’lt‘ig \dill ltir ulltsitil' \iitii-ui'
~ 3. ) ,. 1: own terms if there are to be any so , , Klvvlt tn ".1..-h 1‘ nut in. 11.”...- .1....
7 lutions. according to George Her- asden! ()ppff’SSHHI n.iiii hml ltN' iilllslth' suppvt' .1.
, - . ring,professorofhistory - . , ' ,. . \Hllll \‘wtiiuni H Nihiithlf tin» tl...i
“\ ~ . The analogies and differences of (”Id I, 50"“ “n" S lurk \ of \ii .iiugial (‘iilm .ind ”w \1. 1i
1 . Vietnam and the United States‘ pre» ()ut, ’ ' t mun
, , _ c sent involvement in the conflict in ‘liii- ll-wl ui lilll'ihll‘» wt th.» 11... 1i.
“.1 .1 ' y El Salvador were outlined in Her1 H Nihillllli hm iii-«i. low-1 - 1.1.
5, '_ .f‘" ., 1. ring's lecture entitled ‘On the Viet» George [ferring thrill-ginning ilcrliiig \dltl
q .1115. 5. nam Analogy." . .. -, 'l'lii- lirlfllnx of tiir u.” .ilw Ili'lt't
1' , “.1 a “I find myself joining in the cry professor Ufhlhlnry ho- \iiltl \lt‘llliilll ‘»\.f\ .i ii.il:vit...: ‘
1. ,V‘ *3 ‘no more Vietnam,’ " Herring said. rf‘\t)llltlt|fl iiitm-iin-iit H \...u 1
‘5'”- “However. history does not usually # diir l\ :i rclii‘tmnan regiiiii-
, 1 - . repeat itself." lng rooms Vietnam is li \llf‘lil op Herring mitt gnu-rniiwrit ltl‘nii .
, Herring said the Reagan adminls- preSSlon and it Mimi-titties links lllt‘fll ditto-n uri'illl‘. !fl tiii- two 1 1w
tration has repeatedly stated there out " trim The \nlltli twinninmr tlu‘t
' 1 _ , ‘ is no comparison between Vietnam It IS almost impossible to discuM lunatic-i \llpiNll’l than H \Il‘. .iiui
Jig: ' . " ', andEl Salvador. El Salvador and not mention Vii-t rim-e.
. ’ ' “In 181 when the quick victory nam. Herring said “The Vietnam 'rlach historical \ltlh’lllufl .1.
g 1 “I; ‘ ( didn‘t happen. the administration style guerrilla warfare. the compo unique mid m- t'fllll «tum supr-tti
" . ’ tried to distance itself from Viet- risons arealltooclear rial t-niiirxirisms, tic \illll the ..i
_ ' 1 nam," Herring said. And evidence “The two wars in small. tropical, “loan-s inhibit (llM'lb‘tlltn of H \tl
' suggests the Reagan administration underdeveloped counlnes and large unitir and ('entral Aim-Hm llll thmi
A . g was influenced by Vietnam due to scale support from the l‘ S Her twin meritsmutiny-”liar. n1”...
.' . ~ ~ ' the public‘s awareness of the Salva- ring said “They are fighting a 911i .3 In t'ilt'll t‘mw txild rlM'iUfiI
5’ ' f. don'an situation. he said. war indifferently and With Indet'lslu- lll.lt(‘hHl ti) (‘Hlllltflb iM‘lIUtl '2.“ ll
1 . .1 . 5’ “The American public believes in results " iiim- llw l' s has made thi- (Mllt'tll'il‘
Q1 ' .. . " the comparison and is reluctant to Herring also Sighted many differ .. test of thmr l-mnniliu ”min;
21. ‘ is“. §‘>'1-» j. 80 [he Sarne way"' he said. “Viet- ences between the Vietnam and Sill \ultl
1%.; 1% go. ,. f .. nam is a ghostly presence in meet» vadorian disturbances "the analogue mm tl‘ wit 1111.1...
'1 , ”MW . 15‘» .1." ' k 1 g. fi ll\‘l‘ for the tippimtinn tn rclx m.
. a J l. .. r " 1 '1. ‘ w t l.“ - ht- \a’ilfl “Vietnam has .ilrI-aitti tini-
I, if ' §\-..‘ . pic-",1; Ship 1 fi; ‘ warehouse to be destroyed period ilnfl ii is (lililt'llll fut tiil‘ u.
f “Lil ”it .1; E 95.} "'1 - . ‘ " . we iii light «if this that it rm: tuip
l “or“: 1 ll?! 1‘ q l ' ..,, ‘1‘ ' ~ . b‘ll f k penagmn ‘
[-1112 y a. 1. .1., gr goes up In I OWS O smo e
. . 3;11.'it. '11... WW w‘ _ _ .....___._...___.._- ,_
L. _ b .55. is 1 ‘s- _, 1‘.” ,_ ]
RI('K|€I.KI\§ itemeismi By SCOTT WILHOIT He said that by the time he ar ! }
Wendy Nicholas. a junior and member of Zeta Tau Alpha. has a “ball" during the Wildcat NewsEditor citfid'ntmafnd 1.1.151? Tfilufi . , 'NS'DE
Roar last night at E.S. Goodbarn. See SPECTRUM. page 5 for the Homecoming queen finalists A fire sent clouds of billowing tried domg was to keep the “.1.. [mm
and contest W'm‘eT51 brown smoke above a tobacco ware- spreading to other buildings near
. a . house on the corner of Broadway here."Rob'insmsaid hula Sea-m James Van not
Tlme changes rearrange Homecomlng plans andAnglianaAvenueyosterday. Alan Stein. owner and manager of eel-d lo Proud-i In.“ for re
According to Charles Robinson. 808 South tavern next to the wan- mm he and: about the min
_ Lexington-Fayette Urban County house. said he was watching work damask”).
From Staff reports dietop Hall instead of a class re- open from 6:30 to 8 pm. after the fire chief‘_ the two-alarm fire men “torch" steel beams prmr u, *
~ , ceptlon and dinner. The 1948 Class same. erupted at about 4 pm. while demo the fire "We had just been over
Homecoming fans Will have to Reunion Will have a luncheon at The Andy Williams Homecom- lition crews were razing the Central there and we noticed how hot the '0‘.” I" W to or“ TV;
rearrange their 50’“?de because "00" at the King Alumni “0‘59. ing Concert has been changed Warehouse Inc..at 7538. Broadway. beems seemed to be getting." Stein a“ One» w" by 9' w l
of several time changes in events and the 1953 Class Reunion will from 8 to 8'30 p m in the Concert He said there were no reports of said 5°" 0‘ Pam. 70' “I" III!
fortheweekend. have a luncheon atnoon at the liauofuieCenterfor theArts. injuries "We kept on watching and then we Mame-It 1
The main event —— UK vs. Tu- King Alumni House instead Of an The fire which 5 read smoke for 53“., a whole k" 0‘ smoke.“ he ”“1
lane —has been scheduled for a anniversary brunch. The Lady Kats Volleyhau game v. p unde Stein sud at no hm. during the
kick-off time of 3-47 ' The Pawns lots will open at against the University of the Pa- ”"9”“ M“ was ”My“ ' blaze did he have to evacuate his WEATHER
. p.m. instead 12.15 in around Commonwealth 1,» ha ha edf . control in about 30 minuta after
oftheoriginally plannedl:30p.m. ' . p. ' “ Cl "2. s c ".8 mm 7'30 to 8 firefighters an-ived restaurant
. Stadium. ' . pm. in MemorialColiseum. “No. this is the best promotion we
Other changes include ' the Food Services Will have speCial The Homecoming concert fea- An abandon house adjacent to the have had all week.” Slemsald 1.., oil g. ”d and
Alumni Band. which Will register hours for the weekend. The Con» tunng The Original Nitty Gritty warehousealsowas gutted. Mounted police and safety officers. “ be to the rm ‘0. ,' “M
at 10 am. in the Center for the mons Cafeteria Will open for Dirt Band and Leon Redbone has "The whole block had been sched- estimated that about an people '° ‘3“ W 7
Arts. Rehearsals begin at 10:30 brunch from 10 am. to 2 pm. Sat- been moved from Memorial Col- uled for destruction." Robinsm said. gathered to watch the fire burn “In T” will u M 'l‘” b‘"
a.m.in22FineArts Building. urday and the Student Center iseum to the Grand Ballroom of accountingforthelackofinjuries Rush hour traffic was backed up hlhtumwuolowwdoi. Samoa)
The 1938 Class Reunion will Grill will open from 8 to a p.m. the Student Center. It will be at it “Apparently, they were cutting along Broadway as firefighter-.1 shlft- """“" “W ""' W“ "‘
have a luncheon at noon in Spin- The Student Center Cafeteria will p.m.today. some steel. and something in there ed mm up remnants m m- mmfiwbwm.
ignited." he said. warehouse
O O O O 0
LT] student processes first-rate data in national competition
By PAULJOSEPH exam was given preference over technically and scientifically “i didn‘t do as well as I could .
- Reporter someone else who had the same oriented.‘ have. even though I did do pretty . 1 1* 1f-1W-——1 1 11
number of correct answers." Mcll- Mcilvain learned about PBL wellat Nationals."Moore said. “ " .
The whole time Karen Goeing Mc- vain finished in under 30 minutes. throng} a fellow classmate who Mcnvgin said her inter-at in data l. , ..
ilvain was in San Francisco. win- although an hour was the alotted turned out to be the faculty adviser mung began while she was in l
nins the National Data Proclgssifi I time. for the group. and she joined PBL the Air Force in North Carolina. She . 1. . 7.5., .1
competition of Phi Beta m . - 1 when there was on opem'ng. The 1.11 ind sane time to fill so she stalled ~ 35:; _ ' ' ‘ '1" 7:14.13; — :1
she was only nervous after the test pgflig'xfirfig‘flg main-n: chapter of PBL helped spomor her in a college course. ”There was I " ’ m -4; " ‘ "M‘ .- ,
-— when the ‘09 10 contestants were that “you don‘t get from being in a tripto San Francisco. college offering classes for $5 on 53‘ 7., Q ' '
' ' «i _ t A;
announced. glee club sorority or fraternity We As the state winner. Mcilvain was hour. and that eat of planted the . , ~ 111.11., y. .1 *1 .
She didn't want to be among have these kindsofcom 11 ‘ eligible to compete nationally and Iternel."sheuid. ice-l“ . -1 1 M.
. . petitions and .. _ r . ._. m .. ,7...”
them. not at first.anyway1 0“" preparation fora cam, was sponsored by PBL. i was very i d tlmght about psychology. but ‘ g-W-e _ 1 1. .
“When they were announcing 100‘ ' frank with them.“ she said. “i really to do anything you need on g. 3.39;“ if"? 'f. *' 93
through sixth places." she said. “I ”we get them to plan things in a couldn‘taffordit." MA. and there w” on "y tint 9 ' : fig“. ,1 .. _. e
01008“. '1 know We done better professional way —not students just According to Mcilvain. 81300 was both of II tMcllvain and her inn . any» ‘ ?‘
than that — please don't call my scribbling notes on the backs of pa- raised through raffle. loo-l buoi- band. Terry) coidd go." She rod ‘ 1.1... _ ”.441.“ 4"
name.‘ " pers. They have speakers come in. nee; caitritxit'iom and state only ultu in December but wants tostay ' ” ' -. ‘
Mcllvain. a. a sophomore It lex- and have parties. but all with the m,tolielppayformru1p. in W. “Terry has the mac ,. . . .
ington Technical Institute. had to idea of how to be a leader and how At the state level. Debaah Moore yuan 'li odiool; l'd rather (we) not ' $7.. ‘
wait until first place was announced to talk to people in the community." of Gem-gown. Ky. - who attend bcanated. ,1- ,2»; ‘ a.
toheerhername. Oliveruid. indieeorreopmding secretary” "i dirt everyme would like to '1‘" 1 1 ”i
Mcllvain. from Louisville. scored Mcflvaln said data processing is —wasawinner. m ta [3“, um [‘11 like to work m 4
higheetonan objective tatadminio- "similar to computer science. but “In my canpedtion. six letters fora large (ht. prove-in; dinp n- ‘ . .. ; '
teredtozscompetitorsatthePBL macgeoredtothebuinmmdof mdmtedtomeotvorm mdmttypeitil."dn , ,1‘_
(a college business society) annual computm. Data procellim lo M." she said. “i had to troll. laid. «4
cmventiaiheldJulys-o. gearedtobminsueportsondcom- scribeallsixlem.hundiem “Tin eunpetitiai has dam m
she said. "hie rim to turn in the while computer science is more to inert piuictmtion. van-aid.
I . ‘

 2 - THI KINTUCKY KIINII. "HOV. Member 23. I.” . . l _
,. ”/9 Watt submits an apo ogy
BES-TYPE Do You have 0900* 7 ‘ . ,
. ' l
than your WW“... ...... g , “mo .cfi/ for embarrasmg remark .
Wont free medication #5; Associated Pm. 'l‘hecalls tor Watt's resignation came -
follomng Watt's speech Wednesday to a
. C C . . . . . . . . . . . . . °"",'°b‘”°"‘?_ , WASHING'I‘ON-Asfive SenateRe— businasyoupinwhichhesaidacoal-
We re conducting a a . - _ - ~ - - - _
. . “NY and wo," .‘ ! publicam called for James Watt 31 recig leasing agswybcomnnssion he appomt ‘
. _ r‘ 9 nation, the interior secretary apoogized ed inclu a lack. a woman, “two
. looking for subiocts. \ \\" to President Reagan yesterday for refer- Jews andacripple."
. HOT FUDGE SUNDAE SALE C3“: Ms. L0“ \- ring tomembers “NEW commis— Sen. Warren Rudman, R-N.H., called
. Gregory, PA-C ‘9‘. ‘1'“ atonas a black, a woman, two Jews and Watt “an embarassment to the [resident (
. ~. D t f “4.1 acripple. . ,, who appointed him, an embarassment to l
> / C e[3 . 0 a“ I have made a mistake, Watt wrote the party to which I roudl belon and I
. / S 7 . Medicine , Reaganinanunsought letter. p y .. 8
. / \\ I, M d' I C .. _ White Home spokesman Larry Speakes an embarassment to the country. I
. . O 23; 51228 enter -' said Watt had not ofteredtoresign. Sen. Slade Gorton, R-Wash., told the (
g \ ' - A On Capitol Hill, Watt was denounced Senate he agreed with Rudman’s call for i
. Wfié’t’y” \ . \ ‘AL-L-x on the Senate floor in the strongest out- Watt’s resignation. l
. / wwwfie : l. . burst yet from members of his own Sen. Lowell Weicker, R-Conn., charged )
.. ...-*5“. ’ party. that Watt’s comments “are part of a
. \\ _ /.;,’ . One Republican said Watt’s comments panorama not of error but of bigotry and (
‘ W WW, WW I showed a “panorama . . . of bigotry and hate." l
@ ill} T3 W 3” {53:7 Pa, & Linda 5 hate.” Another said Watt was an emba- Democrats joined in the litany. 1
l .j 9 6‘; rassment to Reagan and a third called on Minority Leader Robert C. Byrd. D-
l\ I g 233% . K I "G TUT DE Ll Reagan to find someone who could better W.Va., accused Watt of “an unbelievable :
. J a 9:33; é] . Homecoming spade" servethe country. insensitivityto the feelings of people." t
@3 W S ' t h th h
o owe s amper e searc :
. Sept. 23 24 & 25 O oSubSandwtch f 6b] k b 9 ‘1 S ‘
Re I P i s ' s 1 50 L s 1 90 ’ '“°"" W“ or ac OX’ ° ' says l
u or r C95. "1
. 9 ' ' ' 9' ' . .COkO Associated Press ’Cockell said there were no signs of So— E
.. 2 5° womnmwss swam—sovi- 3333333”333.3333:w"3“8‘8" F
31 ¢ OFF - s ' ...bee .. en 3“ s
. ’ . the flight recorder of the downed South coqrgtgiulr‘igc‘aéggmAiil 8313;101:1333??? was r.
~ , '. - Korean airliner — a search the Ameri- - ~
a. “SKIN-ROBBINS ; ,:. . From 5 P. m- F“ ° r Sept. 23 cans say is “like trying to locate a pencil :férigmxymiosggffiigégggfig Sign;
. ICE CREAM STORE . till 7 p.m. 501., Sept. 24 ilnoottlhfe dtosert at night from an altitude of ry. All 269 people aboard including 61 1
, ' . NEW! -Try our "BRATS! " The Soviet fleet has interfered with the Afilelcannjeysirae Zigih is concentrated (
& Cur-Inn. Momma-k. End-id. Ink-view. Tun-o University P 020 Shopping Center U-S- “Hallo" by forcing Ships ‘0 change on finding and retrieving the so-called l
M, m,-Iduw. . course '0 avoid COHlSlOU, Rear Adm. Wil- “black bOX" in-{light recordin S stem
. . liam A. Cockell Jr., commander of the whose records might shed ugh? 0: wh [
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . search, told reporters who were flown to Flight 007 was off course and what hap3i l
$3£§erett by US. Navy helicopter yes- penedinthe last minutes. E
.. .. w... .....W ...... ...... . ”233:3”... "33°33: .
. ' hundred feet of a S°Vi9t ship earlier in aircraft," and added that thtfa American '1
, the week, according to one U.S._officer search ships "hope to have enough con-
who asked‘not to be 93'“ng Sowet 5311' tacts with the pinger (sonar device) to f
“yelled We are friends m ignglish,7to get a location and follow that up with C
whtich a US. sailor replied, No were other equipment.“ f
no . l
“You DON’T WANNA GET V5———57 .
. ’ l
C Q ‘ <
' J
You KNOW WHAT I MEAN?” ‘2'},ARA’S ‘ l
O 9 , i
. - . (
' Q . Corky Carroll . K't h i
:, S ‘ l
i, f _ ' i .. Cham ion th th I, t
; . . a; p more an 2 es
#5" ‘ " l L
t 8 . ‘ pizza m town
. ,. .2 as . - . . a
. é g ‘ . n rees
.. j ; "‘{Ti x.» l, -‘ . ‘ All lintrees are served with either a Baked Potato. French Fries
° ‘ ,. ‘3’ ‘ vi ’ \‘ " ‘ = x V . or Clara's Chips. Crisp Green Salad. and HotGarlic Bread Slice
9’“ . ‘t » . 3 1;; a,“ I ‘i I ‘1 Your creation from our Salad Bar with entrees add ‘52 (ill
5 ' 9‘ . Q . :3 x. : g ‘ ‘ .
e , t ,, 5 fl; ., .g .V ,_-::_: .. The Filet _...._______$6.20 .
‘ w N ‘\ i W _ l ‘ ‘ s . ..." a ‘ . J 7’ 202 of the leanest. long grained
’ a... .9 , ., . * . ' k W‘ . ‘ 1r 5 , piereiof beef in the steer
! I ... fl " 32 if" ,, "I Only one question—how would you like it cooked) '
l a»: I F " a
J I 3 A ‘ -
' “1.1,," ’ 9"“ \“ #4 ' «r ' '1‘ NoY- Style Strip ___ ___ .6025
1.3» ». . 9 l l ' E Roz. US. Choice custom broiled treat.
.. :9‘ 7 __ $qu , . i ‘ l
' TM '3 . , . 'e ‘~/ I Hamburger Steak ___3.50
\ I ~ ‘« "333 l g I. ‘ t ? i The flavor of beef at its best. grilled to perfection.
= 9 -> r \- ~ c. = .
. .7 73‘ . . M >05: , r ., _ l
e.” - §X \ 3 ‘ . ' ‘3 CUbed Steak u Minimum». \l'l‘ .- ___—3080
' g ., ‘ ‘ ,- ' W" \ ‘ \ r The little guy on our menu.
" ‘ m . , ‘ ‘ p j lightlu floured and cooked to a tee
.... it *-{”R £35,! ‘ » ‘<‘ Pork Chops 6.75
W: $ ' \ “an“ ; . ; Two 802. center cuts—char broiled
“...... ‘ . N it ‘ . , . i Bar-B-Q Chicken 5.20
‘ ”(2" ... ' ' i 13 g . . Two boneless breasts—a hint of terivaki.
‘ 3 .‘ ST t'
PW .. ., , ,, Golden Fried Cod 4.25
. 4% it} ‘ F.» "‘\ = *3 ‘ fin“: Two tilets—tender and delicious.
l j '_~~ ’ (Dining Room Only)
.. ., illlllllr
--i “ - ;'--=_= Iifiu‘“\\
’_ if; refil‘ 31:: ‘13:: ll. \
.._.,,. it (res-fight.
. il,ste".',.~ta{.'mr
..V; a l l I -\\j-U-\~
‘ _ m’.“ . x
...... ~ "Lanai"
l 1/ l "’ L A IN
\ Chevy Chase Place
. I" A BEER. AND [E55, . f» PLENTY or FREE PARKING ‘\ ‘
‘ ‘ ' ' . Phone 266-1194 - '
. l i

 ms itssnuou Ill-nu mooy. Ions-uh: 18.19.8-8
. “ow m
. Son“. 00k!
0-- w
K . We Who-Now
n cam %
ay to a
a coal- . _._-—_._.... . ,. __-. _. -_ _ . ._ _._. _ - . _-. ”_-_- -__._...-.---
W W 1d tW - ~
I “two 1 ca armup [U 9,“ -
~ - ~ K 18 d f E
esident (.ame. Tulane Green Wave ys. UK Wildcats A erne 0 a r O x pe lots
neat to Place: Commonwealth Stadium 0 . 6
ng and Kickoff: 3:47 pm. “I g
Records: Tulane 2-1; UK 3-0 9
old the Coaches: Tulane — Wally English is in his ini- ( 4
call for t'al ear as a colle iate head coach.
1le 3’_ Jerry Clagiborne is 3-10-1 in his second Mk“! “WM" "I- Wusfl “W“ “"“Wu "“0”" Mn" 3"" “Mk- n-mi Indium
harged . 4 8 a“ Sports Editor ‘\\\l\l.u11 \pum [ an.” \(‘llli‘1\l.|l'“"l(' it‘llult‘s \unidn: l" \ltnli-‘l‘ \lmu‘n M , \ in“ Ar:
t of a yearatUKandl 1- 6-60ver . Km. Iotfixpem 2745-1 39”“ 3M“ 3M“ 3.,“ i
Ty 811d ggenszijgg‘lze _ pro set week or Sept. 24 on mu ow w.» ._:._ __._.____._- M.-. -_.m_ I
_ f l
Defense: Tulane — 50 Tulooc at UK [I i it I it I h 1 il I it {
Td' D UK -— wide [8(3le six Akron 3‘ E353”! K)" Eastern Kenlueln lantern krntuth '\hii‘il l.i\'r:II ken! i. i \ l.|\'l'" kn i \ ltivr“ k ‘ ‘. l I
ievable - ~ . __ . Alabama II Vanderbilt Alabama Alabama Mahariu \..i".i:li.| \ Il‘ll'“) \ l-“J” I .
g." Injunes' 4 TUIanc. pose i. Arkansas at Ole Miss Arkamas Arkansas Minn.“ \‘tmlu‘ \’h.|?l\.|'- Via-.241 i
tackle VIC Birch Slammed 4-». l '4 Auburn at Tennessee Auburn Auburn «alum» \ lI-In -- \litnm MM
1 ankle. queSIlonablc ‘ z 4‘ West Virginia at Boston College West Virginia I‘A\\XUH t wilt-gr \\ (\l \ ”guns liuxim. i I‘llk'flr \\ cu \ wan... iL-v it 4-4.“: I
' UK — defensive guard 2 Cincinnati at Louisville Loumille ( inciniiaii \ llkllllldll l a. um: t llhiiillill \ Horn: I
Chris Dorazio; sprained Georgia Tech at Clemson (‘lcmslin ( lcmwn t lenimii l irnnmx I lI-mwxv ‘ 3""i‘~“ l
‘ knee out Wayne Florida at Mississippi State Honda Honda Hamlin \im \\.;‘. \z i 1......“ if. - IL.
, ' Smith South Carolina at Georgia Georgia ( .eorgm \ nevi gm I In” 51.: Imam: ' 'fW ru-
Weather Force's" sunny’ Ohio State at Iowa Iowa ()hiu \lJlt' Ohm \lmc URI. \' « thin \I l "1.» \' l
so{ So- mld 10 upper 605 Washington at LSU 1 51 Washington l\l |\l i \I m l
stening Favorite: UK by 2 Pittsburgh at Maryland Maryland Pillsbuigh \llinlalill l‘thunp mom _.i xii- mm:
3 signs Series Record: Tied at 6-6, with Tulane winning 333mg: MimilFlaJ :0:el)asflk‘ :11”. lztlillc :EIC lz-llllt' ::u l:.imr 3.;sz i‘um :rzl::mr l
gte us the last meeting in New Orleans 24-22 as time m e m a ' c “M“ ‘ "“ " ‘ "“ “ r' "“ " “" " ‘ '
let 'was had expired.
S”?- { Probable starting lineups _4__ _4 .44-.-- ‘4
tierrlto r----—----------1
1mg 61 “JEAN? l | I m 'i' Haw-:1. ( ‘l,.-i XXI/716118 —]
ntrated OFFENSE DEFENSE I Two FREE ITEMS I _._.—mm-w . 4.-....
walled FL 81 Craig Harrison LE 34 Earl Jenkins I I .- , m. .~ ‘ v 7 Fiat???” . . 4.
system LT 76 Don Maggs LT 54 Harvey Cox ' | BUY 4 ‘ . LIB * if '3 ”‘3‘ '4 i“ 4 \ Y ‘
)lti :hy LG 68 Ken Mackey NC 69 Vic Perez Two tree Items on any KERNEL I I! h . E '4 i. “‘3" .
3 ap- 0C 58 Frank Roberts RT 80 Clinton Wenzel I go li’qpognlgérpgzlfa One I CLASSIFIEDS' .‘ , ' 4
ionable RG 74 Randy Saffy RE 99 Eddie Neal I g Exp'res 9/27/03 I . 4 44:4; 4 4: 1‘ ;‘ . f
i of the RT 77 Jim Boyle LB 41 Band Jackson I i :4 v. I FRIDAXH s 4‘ s» . _ 4 .
lerican TE 89 Mark Savini LB 98 Darryl Tipton I E O E 5:33 goat‘geuvery I D I . 5 .34“ - .. . .
ti; coil— FL 3 Wayne Smith CB 13 Gerald Broussard I O a @Lexmgmn ,Ocatlon I v r I” .. a??? Vf . .
i) in? QB 9 50" EngliSh SS 14 Tree Songy L” J BbY “ 4 .4 .. a ._' :- 1 K . .
FB 38 Elton Veals FS 27 Curt Baham --------------- KERNEI. . A h. "- .5. 4 _' » '
:1? :2 $ka Jones CB 22 Ponald Ray “mm“ ux Hillol Kick on sum CLASS” "D5! 0°" ' ”‘1'. r‘ . i .. .
, ony Wood P 16 Jim Barkey Picnic A? The Lflk u '7’: 11E . .»; I‘M »- -'
e . ' '. .
. UK Sunday, Sept. 25 3:00-6:00p.m. The u ‘ ' ‘\ ‘ w I s 4
at 2001 Lakeside Dr. . '33 ‘- .“ I‘ ' ‘ '
a 3:3:ng Wh't ESEEPS‘SE B 11 Como loin tho fun! BUY . u . ‘ * l, ' ' .
wet I e tacey urre 'Homburgers Mae, old friends KERN EL . f? V “ ‘ 5 i K .
. LT 51 Bob Shurtleff LT 79 Jeff Smith :gg'f’ws and CL ASSIFIFIW $1.39“ ' ' a! ‘
‘ LG 71 Donald Portis LG 43 Glenn Amerson .w:,e,m,,on Make new friends! ‘ l ‘ k ' *1 M . 14W“; , ’ 4‘
C 63 Jerry Klein RG 70 Keith Martin 'Swimming and Conooing ’ 4 w vim gi'. “ _
« - 'Volleyball — 2’14"? 5” ., . a Z ' -
RC] 61 Ron BOJaIad RT 48 cal“ JaCOOS ll you hood a ride or want moro mlo call Dav-d Nowbu'g 755 6300 o' , . . A H WUWR'Qa- ' -
RT 64 Don Corbin RE 2 Brian Williams Lovy Robinowitx278-1206 Rom day Sun cu 2nd 369 m I A 4 ' 5' ~15 i: it . -
‘ SE 20 Rick Massie LB 59 John Grimsley " ' ’ .
. . WR 8 Joe Phillips LB 49 Kevin McClelland : ._
31341123“? 1843““ $822??? 31:“ CNEMAHATRS ("um . N ' Co H UK
““ °c a“ a 5%— 35W . °" "‘9 0""
K ' Chm Caudell P 26 Paul Calhoun “mun” "Aucryfgm is.;.:fléis.:e..: .. , C H A M B E R S
i m—lui MARRODSBURO ID. I [All mm 4 803 SOU'I’H
ERS ml "‘53:?" cn‘sml: : Bonus Double Feature E Fu'ulmg JOHN C. HOLMES
"”93." = F mumm- Tootsie %' . 2 , pr“. Aflarnoon
LexingtonsPromior' P z ,4 RETURN OF ‘30 5309430 / y
. (. l, ’ THE JEDI mum” ”ll-m l "
"1' ‘ $1234” "as“? :2 SLRVIVORS 1 4 0
a.» . - ' 4 , HAPPY HOUR
1,?" a. Y0 UR CAI . 4 , , 4 Focturing
' ‘ ‘ '5 DEAD 772'666'2 uicnousvuu urw (that am. i agiw . W 1 o ‘ Dru"
Its New Years Evo. Vou‘vo boon rzbbhod twice. Yorr'girl iri'oknd is locving 2 '7'I"I m chained "m." .- NIGHT MARES .
on ou'vo ust as! our '0 ...on i o onl ono oi to to to is o 5: 4 . - ,
E'g‘zgfzzl'g'lfsgwlf‘z “:2." y way I i. ,II strippggyohxlsry no z “1.15:? year s sleeper. ‘ an d
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to: man-«om snows II. J" 83‘1“!” g "“1100" ‘ :
1.....ira'112m3'3ittfx£11313"....... In“! 3351' . "2:232:23. W ' Ask About Shalom Discount $ 1 .25 Pl'Cher‘
i:303:305:307:309:30‘é 1:45 3:45 5:457:45 9:45 . Call "'0'". M TIM” 3 'I' 7
.4 4 ‘ . , f 4 .7 ) money "Milli” lE 863 so H In
~' ' i - ‘ 5; a easy Mon! 4 ,
/ "J"//////// ' .‘\ :: Mm? 12‘03‘05107109140 803 80 Broadway d339178
_ l l” '4 /// ;:: Wam-MWWKWWWWWWM .
4 "4; , ; MOVIES at MIDNIGHT
_ ' It ‘7‘ : "#2“: ’ \ "‘" Fri. 8 Sci. Soc Either Movie For $2.50 .
r’ . \ ‘ i ' rmowrnovuooumn mm” ‘
4' . , .. * i LETTHEREO _
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SATURDAY anuncu ill-1:30 and, Michelob '
- HOMECOMlNG :1 Book s Old
. . i h I L Li Light or Dork Mllwouk .
Classical Mu'k 8 10 Sunday Morning Church SerVIce Natural LIghf M C O O .
. PJ‘n. in the 3 99 ‘2 k 2 59 69h 4.25 6ph 3o” mph
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557 S. milestone 2534]!“ Student Center 1'2“. mm" 4 201' com 1201 NR l201. com
All Ioor Forum-n Sumo Prico Worm or Coldl
Governor Julion Carrol will
r Where can ou et ‘ ho tho guost spookor of this 90' marke" 3 Mum U.” 750ml
y g inrordonomlnorionol sorvico. 90° Eorly'l’imos 4.” 750ml
. . . a report copied? . . . your fins?“ ”aptomb‘go N25. 53o Kahlua 5,99 m".
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' ? . . . h 0?
Pr'med ‘3 ”539°“ P 0‘ EVERYONE mvmm Andro White, Pink or Cold Duck 2.59 750ml
Bluo Nun 3.” 750ml
. This will bo o church sonico- A'deQ" M00090." Win“ 3.” 1.5 In
no, . ”I'"“I authoring. (Chablis, Rhino, Burgundy or Roso)
I at Villa Spinolli 2
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1 T111235 foe 1flosld— thewhczflea“SSS to defegtcgilmpions :31. “1°53 tha S 0 ‘ fiY’LS/ ‘. A“
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ha and S a In dis - ,Tul ma coursw ‘? mtr ‘Co W
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