xt7gxd0qvg4p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7gxd0qvg4p/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1984-09-10 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 10, 1984 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 10, 1984 1984 1984-09-10 2020 true xt7gxd0qvg4p section xt7gxd0qvg4p  

Vol. LXXXIX, No. l9


Established 1894


or 1191

University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky

Independent since 1971

Monday. September lO,l984


National trends may hinder
education, state official says


Changes in technology, demogra-
phics and social attitudes may mean
trouble for American education in
the future. said Ray Nystrand. the
secretary of the state Education and
Humanities Cabinet.

Nystrand addressed the Student
Government Association‘s Fall
Leadership Conference at Lexing-
ton's Carnahan House last night. He
said that changes in the American
population will complicate the na-
tion's educational institutions —
from the kindergarten level to high-
er education.

One such change that will affect
education is that more jobs are be-
coming available in areas where ed-
ucation is not needed. he said. Tech-
nological advances have created the

SGA, city to

Staff Writer


The word alone often is a turnoff
to many students who don‘t care
much about politics

However. there seems to be a
change of heart from students about
voting this election year. Those in-
volved in attracting unregistered
voters have noticed a change and
are pleased about it.

Don McNay of Vote Central Ken
tucky said he has seen a lot of stu-
dent interest in registering this
year. Groups such as his concen»
trate on unregistered students main-
ly because. “a large group of unre-
gistered voters tend to be college
students and minorities." he said

Students still have until 4 pm
Oct. 9 to register at The Lexmgton
voter registration office at 120 North
Upper St. The office is open is .u;
a m. to 4 p in. Monday through Fri-
If students are registered out of
town. they may either fill out an ab
sentee ballot or change their regis-
tration to a Lexington address Stu-
dents who are 18 and have lived in
Kentucky for 30 days are already el-
igible to vote,

For out-of-town students. absentee
ballots must be received by the
county clerk by 3 pm. on Election

The Student Government Associa-
tion is holding a registration drive
on campus for those people who can-
not make it downtown to register
Officers there have positive feelings
for their upcoming registration
drive. which will be held tomorrow
through Sept. 2.

Jody Hanks. SGA political affairs
director. who is in charge of the
drive. has set a goal of 2,000 He has
high hopes because. "there seems to
be a lot of interest." in the past. 300
to 600 students have registered dur-
ing the fall drive.

Hanks said. “People have a better
attitude about America, Everybody

Student Ag


Making the transition from the
classroom to the business world is a
big step. one that many students
find difficult. But Student Agencies.
8 student run corporation that al-
lows future entrepreneurs to create
and manage their own companies.
tries to make the transition as
smooth as possible.

Started in the Spring of 1&2 and

need for workers to take unskilled
jobs.he said >

“High tech is just high talk“ for a
lot of people. he said ”McDonalds
now employs more people than US.
Steel “

The most demanded job in society
by the year 1990 will be janitorial
positions. he said. He Cited a study
that said America Will need 700.000
jamtors by that year

Another trend involves the emer-
gence of minorities. he said In the
years to come. there will be an in-
crease in the amount of minority
students in the nation‘s pool of col-
lege‘age people

America‘s hispanic birth rate is 75
percent greater than the birth rate
of the nation as a whole. he said.
Other minority populations will in
crease also. he said.

The typical college~age person will

no longer have the economic advan-
tages associated with the middle
class. he said. and there may not be
enough, students to go around at
every institution in the country.

“We're going to lose some small
liberal arts colleges in this nation,"
he predicted.

A final factor that will influence
education's future is “the lack of
public regard for institutions and
events that affect other people."
Nystrand said.

These trends may not influence
Kentucky education as much as
other areas. Nystrand said. because
the state is much more stable than
others. But that is not good news.
because Kentucky is already so poor
in education. he said

“Where is Kentucky
this?" he asked his
“We're behind."

in all of

register student voters


. . There is an all out
effort on our part and
on the part of voter
registration office 10
make it as eusv as
possible/or students to
register and/or them

to vote. ”
Tim Freudenherg.
$0.4 president

appreCiates what they have and they
want to keep it " They can do that
by voting. he said

According to Tim i-‘reudenburg.
SGA premdcnt. llll students already
have registered to vote at the SGA
Hlllt‘t‘ He said he would like 500 or
more to sign up this fall

"Mam of the new voters we've
registered already are freshmen."
Freudenburg said ()verall he said.
freshmen have taken a great inter-
est in student government and poli-
tics in general Some of that may be
attributed to ['K‘s selective admis-
storLs policy he said

Much of the drive Will be concen-
trated today through Sept 13 and
Sept 17 to 20 During this time. ta»
bles Will be set up at all the cafeteri-
as. Thirty volunteers working With
Hanks will lelde into teams to visit
Greek houses. There also will be a
table set up in Ml King library
Sept 11 and 19 The drive finale will
be at the " ‘84 Free—For-All" Sept,

SGA. however. has had problems
with its voter registration drives.
Some or all of the 300 students who
registered with SGA last March
found themselves not eligible to vote
because their cards never were filed
in the voter registration office.

l-Yeudenburg said it was. “pre-
dominately a lack of communication

modeled after a similar program at
Harvard. SA’s objective is to teach
management through practical ex-

“lt's given me the ingredients to
be successful in any career." said
Bob Cundiff. a bisiness administra‘
tion senior and president of the or-
ganization, “It‘s given me experi~
ence. confidence and competence in
the business world.“

There are several ways students
get involved with SA. Students with



I. "M HAY! Ste" Artist



between the voter registration office
and SGA."

SGA is taking precautions to pre-
vent another mix-up.

The registration forms properly
filled out by the students will be
turned in to the voter registration of-
fice and a receipt will be given to

Also. SGA is keeping a permanent
file in the office with a list of every
registered student and the individual
receipts. Students can confirm their
registration in the SGA office.

A final precaution is a letter that
will be sent to every student who
registered telling them their form
has been turned and listing numbers
to call for information on voting.

"We wanted to send in the letter
and tell the student where to vote.
but the precinct lines are divided in
strange ways." F‘reudenburg said.
“Really. there is an all out effort on
our part and on the part of voter
registration office to make it as easy
as possible for students to register
and for them to vote. "

The only way to determine what
precinct students are in is to call the
voter registration office at 253-3021
or 2557563. said voter registration
superVisor Bob Duncan. There also
will be booths set up at the Lexing-
ton Mall and Fayette Mall where a
registered voter can go and find out
where to vote.

Other universities have had an in-
crease in registration “or example.
at Eastern Kentucky L'niversity on
the first day of their voter registra‘
tion drive. McNay said about 500
students registered. He expects to
see the same response at UK.

One of the main reasons for this
he said. is the interest taken by SGA
this year “Tim‘s (Freudenburgi
really interested in it.“ In the past
he felt SGA did not give voter regis-
tration top priority,

Vote Central Kentucky. the hex-
ington Jaycees. the Kentucky Coun-
cil of Churches and the Kentucky
Commission on Hunger are working
together with SGA in this drive.

an idea for a company can present it
to be evaluated. and if it seems fea-
sible. SA will finance the company's
opening. Some students begin by
managing one of the existing agen-
cies while others begin with employ-
ment in one of the agencies and
work toward advancement.

Among the wide range of existing
agencies are a photo-processing
service, a typing service. a baby-sit-
ting listing. an employment agency.
a final exams survival kit and a



Splish splash

Tau fraternity house Saturday.


Sheila Eaves. an advertising _llllll\\l’. and Rob Plcngc. d finance itiniox.
tub while Mike Cruise. an accounting sophomore. sprays his iriliL‘llli'x hvutliem ill the Phi Kappa



\l \\ I |\\Ilt k

l‘iinl lililllC soak in a

.lllt“. .1



Bus service back to normal after ‘sick-out’


Campus bus service should oper-
ate at full capacity today. despite an
unresolved contract dispute between
bus drivers and LexTRAN officials

According to Ken Dickerson. pres-
ident of Amalgamated Transit
Union. “All things considered. ev-
erything should be back to normal

On Thursday. buses were delayed
because 2'7 bus drivers called in
sick. Because of only 20minutes no-
tice given to Tom Padgett. L'K di-
rector of public safety. two buses

birthday agency which allows paren-
ts to send cakes and balloon bou-
quets to students unable to get
home. There also is a special occa-
sions agency which delivers flowers
and balloons on several holidays
throughout the year.

This year. a new bartending
course will be offered and future
plats include a student run miniae
ture golf course. a student discount
card and possibly refrigerator rent-
als. “We're working toward present-

from the College of Agriculture were
used to keep the bus service operat»
ing effectively ,

Padgett said that even with the
messages on the radio. notices post-
ed at major bus stops and residence
halls. and the running of the (‘ATS
bus with the handicap lift on it. "bus
service was affected greatly "

Thursday night. Fayette Circuit
Judge N. Mitchell Meade passed an
injunction ordering the bus drivers
back to work. which Dickerson said
was unnecessary. “The injunction
was passed at 6:45 Thursday eve~
ning." he said. "At 3 o‘clock Thurs
day afternoon. 1 had already asked

ing a bid to the UniverSity for the
refrigerator rentals in the spring.“
Cundiff said. “but such a large ini-
tial investment requires careful

Rayvon Renolds. the founder and
original president of SA. used his ex-
perience from the organization and
is now running several small compa-
mes in the Owensboro area. When
entering the business world. he said
that students often have a miscon-

' Amnesty International works to free

political prisoners around the world


In many countries today. citizens
are imprisoned for expressing politi-
cal or religion beliefs contrary to
those advocated by their govern-
ment. Amnesty International is ded-
icated to aiding in the release of
thou political prisoners or “prim-

Sarah Tarpey. president of UK’:
Amnesty chapta'. said the group’s
main goal is to make students more
pr-iaoriers are being violated. “You
do have human rights,“ she said.
"Some peqfle don't realize the-e b
a (Uidted Nations human ridita)

Mommy to the Universal Decla-

ration of Human Rights. adopted by
the United Nations in 1948. "Every-
one is entitled to all the rights and
freedoms . . . without distinction of
any kind. such as race. sex. lan-
guage. religion. political or other
opinions. property stairs. or nation-

Political prisoners are often tor-
tured and put in pison without any
type of trial. Tarpey said. ”They are
jut licked off the street and thrown

South Africa. for example. bans
their prim. she said. “Banned
prisoners basically have all their
rights takai away — taken from
their lame and not allowed to write
anytNm down," she said. "People

Amnesty helps by writing letters
to governments and prisoners. Tar-
pey said these letters can put pres-
sure on the government to free the
prisoners or improve the way
they‘re beim treated.

Tarpey stressed that the group
can only help in the process and that
the ultimate decision rests on the
nation‘s government. “Amnesty
does not take credit for the freedom

International Secretariat. an ur-
gent action network in tendon. fives
Amnesty all the information on the
‘ . The network sends letters


to all Amnesty chapters which in-
clude the reasons for the individual

Sec AMNl-STY. page 5

the drivers to return to work They
had agreed todoso "

Bill Nickens. LexTRAN superin-
tendent of transportation. said. "As
far as the ‘Sickout‘ is concerned.
things are back to normal " He re-
fused further comment

Negotiations on the dispute have
been postponed until Sept 18 Asked
if he thought the issue would be re
solved soon. Dickerson said. “It‘s
hard to say

“1 don‘t care how long we have to
wait though " he added "I ve dGCldr
ed that there Will be no contract
until the proper concesswns are
made "

encies offers experience in business management

ception of how they rate in compari
son to other applicants
"Students with top grades auto
matically think that they'll be No 1
in line for the job market." Rey
nolds said "But you‘ve got to re
member that your competing now
With those from Harvard and other
universtties as well as the 4050 year
old With an MBA
“Top grades Will maybe place you
third in line Someone who has com-
pleted a busmess internship will be
\cc Milfiffllh. page ‘



An associate professor in the College
of Architecture got an unusual start
in the world of matrir art. For the
£101"). see I AVFARE. page 3.

The Cats dismantled Kent State Sat-
11rda) For details. see SPORTS.
page 0.



Today will be mostly cloudy with I
20 percent chance of thunderstorm.
The high will be around so. There is
a 30 percent chance of thunder~
storms tonight. The low will be in
the lowertomidws.







(KWYKM mam”, I“!






Mower-The Empire sum lack $1.75 worshnm Thcatre 7:30 n_m_ Into Desk 7-1287 Concerts-All-Orcheetra Program Sammie-Series Center tor the Arts 0:00 pun. CF A Ottlce 7-4929

01"" ~99 Ill! '0' Tacit! Education Testing Program (160 TEBi Jocye Hilton ”7-3347 Workshops-Math Review Workshop $5.00 France Hall 1-4 9.1-. Peg Taylor 7-8701
Movies-Pink Floyd The Wall $1.75 Worahalt Theatre 7:30 pm. Into Dealt 7-1287



Other-1904 United Way Campaign

- . ' - Wall $1.75 Woraham Theatre 7:30pm. Into Deslt 7-1237
Training Session and Luncheon \\ orsham Theatre 10.30 am. Terry Mohle) 7 399' Mowes Pink Floyd TM
Other-Study Abroad Opportunities: Europe Free Rm. 223 sc East 4:00 p.m. Kathy Lynch 7-3139 gm?"zfiri’miifhlmfimmm 55-00 SC Gnnd Bullroom 3:00 p-In- AKA Sorority 250.4339
Lectures-Thomas D. Brewer: Lower Back Pain Free 230 SC East 4:00 pm. Council on Aging 7-8314 p om- , 00 '5' In an AW" 1-30 p.m. Sports “"0 7-4792
The E- N Strikes Back 51,75 Worsham Tm"! 7'30 m In '0 Desk 7 1287 Worship-Vt orship in the Ministry 01 Music Recital Hall 8:00 um. School of Music 7-4900
Mom ”I ' P' ' ' Sports—UK limb-ll VS- Ewen! Ky- U-IV- Fm Shivley Field 1:00 p.nt. Coach Madison 7-0029



Acadenucs-Last day to pay registration fee. housing and dining fee to mold cancellation Registar‘s Office 7-3161




. Movies-The Good, the Bad. and the Ugly $1.75 Worsham Theatre 1:30 pm. Into Ileslt 7-1237
Memes-The Good. the_Bad. and the Ugly $1.75 Worsham Theatre 7:30 pan- Intonation Desk 7-1287 Memes-Pink Floyd The wttll $1.75 Worsham Theatre 7:30 im- Into Duh 7-1287
Meetings-Cool Cats Ice Hockey Team Organizational Meeting 212 Seaton Center 6 P-m- Kathy Rose 7-3923
Meetings-Emergence Feminist Newspaper Free Rm. 109 Old S(‘ 6 p.m. 5““an ““11"", 2544946
1 s
Other- Donovan Scholars: Twenty Dynamic \ ears Free Recital Hall 3:00 pm. Council on Aging 7-8314 Movies-Pink Floyd The Wall $1.75 Worshaln Theatre 7:30 p.m. Into Deli 7-1287
Movies-The Good. the and, and the L'gly $1.75 Worsham Theatre 7:30 p.m. lnto. Deslt 7.1m Other-College of Education Testing Program Administered 10!“ "won 7-8847
Meetmgs-Reagaa/ Bush '84 Meeting Free 228 SC East 4 pm. Larry Bisig 273-9633


LOOKING AHEAD a o a campus Calendar

5...... Information

Other-Peace Corps-Tile Toughest Joh You‘ll Ever Love Free Rm. 220 SC East Noon Ms. Danrldae 7-0646



Seminars-Antony Seminar Series

”’ D" ”cm '1'“ "'0' PM MN 263”“ can" 5"” mandamus-5155 Information on this calendar of events is collected and
Sept. 19 coordinated through the Student Center Activities Office,
Aeadedca-Laat day to dropaconrae without it appearing on the student‘s transcript WHOM“ 7-31" m3/m‘ Student Center, University of Kentucky. The in-
ANW'G-m “11’ '° “1'53““! ”m" "' ”W ‘2""°'"°;, m, M . """"'"°'“°' ""“ formation is published as supplied by the on-camPUs
R'ls-Mlehael oa.a m cm ..&Iool 7-4000 . .. ..
077.2%...” Abroad Opportunities: Latin America.Asla Free Rnl. llSOldSC 4:: may $.11“ 7-0139 sponsor, “nth “"9““ pnvflege allowed for.the sake 9f

clarity of expression. For student organizations or Um-
sentao versity departments to make entries on the calendar, at
Contra-“MUM f" g" Cm" H“ 'P-"- 5"” °”“"“ 7"” Campus Calendar form must be filled out and returned
O'M‘hm' “-TW m ".5 N", p _ m, m. m, to the Student Activities Office.
. . MezFu-wflhMmhnthanypoc—lutheummv








Gary Norse
AI is EdI’O'

Matrix magic

UK professor displays his intriguing series of paintings in Center for the Arts


The Center for Contemporary Arts begins its fall sea-
son with “Matrix Paintings" by John Strickland Strick—
land. an associate professor in the College of Architec-

Strickland‘s current paintings are nonobjective geo
metric abstractions, with a systematic base off which
all shapes and directions are plotted. The idea for this
series came to him by accident.

About 1970, while waiting for his car to be repaired,

)0 v «to

O 6.


he went to a nearby cafeteria for a cup of coffee “I had
some graph paper and pencil I Just started playing
with some shapes on the graph." he said

”It so happened that these shapes formed a perfect
matrix, entirely filling the sheet (if course. now. I al~
ways start with the matrix “

The matrix is orthogonal. by which he means. a
“tilted array of equal squares equally placed " The
paintings also involve what he calls the diagram. which
is drawn upon the matrix The total effect. translated to
painting. is the emergence of "a differentiated complex
field of shapes" which Interacts With the matrix

squares. “The matrix has most often served as ostinato
to various rhythms in the field." Strickland said.

Every Strickland painting has this matrix, and the
squares remain the same size, color and distance apart.
Their color only changes from painting to painting. The
shapes. colors and tones between or beneath the matrix
are variable. It is sometimes difficult to tell which
plane is foremost. Visual ambiguities arise from the in-
teraction of the matrix and the underlying diagram.
Progressive tonalities and color juxtaposition create vi-
brancy, or a melting away of forms, or even the appear-
ance of double-funtioning shapes.

It is small wonder that Strickland strongly empa-
thins with Josef Albers and Piet Mondrian. Albers is
famous for his monumental work “The Interaction of
Color" and Mondrian is best known for his theories on
Neo-Plasticism. But Strickland's paintings allow for
multiple possibilities through radiating axes which
allow diagonal as well as vertical and‘ horizontal
movements and generation. His progressive use of
color, with the resultant interactions in the field, do at
times all to mind Albers‘ works.

“Horizon." “."Mars and the “Garden Paintings" are
some good examples of how the matrix squares appear
to become more intense or paler. depending on their
“definition against the shapes and areas between.“ The
interaction of the matrix cells and underlying shapes
can also create the illtsion of a double shape.

“Ragtime" is an excellent example. At first look. pas-
tel arrows appear to be moving in all directions. slightly
cut off at points by the white matrix. Then, focusing on
the squares, the pastel colors became overlapping rec-
tanges screened in part by the white matrix

Another fascinating painting is “African " Figure-
ground reversal is effected by the superimposition of
the reversed pattern in different colors so that the
squares change from striped entities at left to "win:
dows" through which one can see the striped patterns

The interstices appear solid rather than as spaces be»
tween the matrix. "African" really does give the Im-
pression of camouflage.

Strickland eventually moved into asymetrical tor-
mats. finding them more interesting and complex.
Space Is expanded in these paintings as shapes move
out and around the edge. Of these. “May" and "June"
were especially beautiful. Exceptionally rich in color.
they are highly accented in parts through staccato color
forms interrupting the interstice flow. One gets the im-
pression of an added dimension which is hard to define.

In the back part of the gallery. there are a group of
shaped paintings refreshing in their Simplicity and bold-

Reagan denied free tickets to J acksons show

WASHINGTON IAP ——» Presrderit
Reagan. who lobbied publicly for
Michael Jackson and his brothers to
include the capital in their much-
ballyhooed "Victory" tour, won't get
a free ticket for his successful of

In fact.



he hasn't even been in
tried to attend illt‘lF concerts here.

Last spring. when Michael Jack»
son appeared at a White House cere-
mony to recene an award. Reagan
put In a lighthearted plug for the

superstar singer and his brothers to
bring their show to Washington

But Gen. Robert Sullivan of the
promoters‘ organization said the
president and his wife. Nancy. had
not been invited to attend.

ness. “Rain Squall" consists of very Simple lines and
shapes. yet embodies the sky. the waters. the lightmng
and the land, all interlocked. Though these paintings ap
pear very different from the main body. they too are
matrix paintings. This is most easrly understood when
one looks through the various detailed notebooks which
also are on display ,

Asked what motivated him to paint. Strickland an:
swered. “I paint for pleasure I enyiy color I enjoy
drawrng. l want to do it in some purposeful way This
gives me a means of communicating It gives me a
focus for saying something to the world whether the
world is listening or not “

These paintings are intriguing to look at There is
something for everyone. and many levels at which to
experience them.

The Center for Contemporary Arts is In the E inc: Arts
Building Hours are from noon [04.JUI; Ill daily

Bl'Y '

RERNEL s2 50

memo Hill


rioHrRoes m
2:00 4:30 7:00 9:20
1:30 3:30 5:25 7:30 9:30


oeumscanrimqm Y
1:30 3:30 5:30 7:30 9:45
REVENGE or m: means (R)
1:45 3:45 5:45 7:15 10:00
2:00 4:30 7:00 9:30





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Lexington Kt 40503
off NtChOlOSy rile



II in


99" Men 8 Women
Suntonninq Bed

Kenro Produr v5






UK. Resident Minority
Srhola rship Recipients

Who have not reported to the
Vice Chancellor for Minority Af-
fairs Office, 207 Administration
Building MUST do so before
4:30 p.m. September ii in
order for their awards to be
credited to their CICCOUnlS.


loin thc Professional Medical Team
that shows _\ou the world...and take
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Here arc the requirements:

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Established 189‘ Indopondom Since 1971

Stephcnle WolInor
Managing Editor

John Vooh uhl

L". ‘U‘et

James A. Stall
Editorial Edl'Ol

Elizabeth Corns
Nt’y\s {‘11131



Lexington will need

redoubled efforts
to calm ‘wall’ area

Violence and crime are beginning to put Lexington on
the map.

-Liii Jung C.hen a chemistry graduate student was
murdered this summer in the Chemistry- -Physics Building.

coline Carmical. a professor doing research work at
L'K. was abducted by two fugitives this summer. Alton Co-
leman and his companion. Debra Brown. have been
charged in the incident

oSeven people haye been arrested by a police “sting
operation in which young boys were used to nab male pros-
titution offenders

And on Friday.
tasteful list

Larry B Vt agers. a 17-year-old high school junior. was
shot and killed in the downtown area Friday night.

The incident occurred at “The Wall." a stretch of Water
Street between Main and Vine streets. The area is infa-
mous among Lexington police. who gave it its nickname.
”The Wall“ is probably the worst trouble spot in the city.

The area is a center for male prostitution. drug sales
and Violence During the past few months. it had been
waiting to boil over. Friday night, it did.

Wagers was shot by an unidentified assailant who was
harassing people in the area. according to police. Wit-
nesses said Wagers approached the assailant who was ac-
companied bya juyenile. He was gunned down

More yiolence may be on the way. As ”The Wall” be-
comes more and more notorious. it will become more and
more dangerous

Already. the area attracts curious people. High school
students congregate by “The Wall" on weekends. As the
area attracts more people. it will provide the criminal el-
ement with more victims.

Friday night was the first time Larry Wagers went
there. but one time was all it took for tragedy to strike.

How could the tragedy have been prevented?

()ne way is simple. The area is dangerous.
should avoid it

But there is a more basic answer Lexington is Ken-
tucky s boom town As the city grows it will experience
growing pains. And the most ghastly growing pain is the
problem of crime,

It's time Lexington government stopped thinking of vio-
lent crime as a once-in—a-while kind of occurrence. That
kind of attitude will lead to further crime,

Police patrols and equipment must be beefed up, Lex-
ington must make a firm commitment to fighting crime.

But to ignore the situation would be the biggest crime of

another incident was added to this dis~



Letters policy

ters and
‘ “s Atrium. mail. telephone llllllll‘tl mi tic Ell
i .

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1 It‘iiiliillhlii All material published will nullitic

‘- 4‘ “"t the author‘s naiiic illllt’~»\ .i git-.1:
present danger C\l\l\ :u
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‘ The Wall’: Lexington ’s crime connection



Flynt, Falwell playing games in court

Larry Flynt. publisher of the infa-
mous Hustler magazine is in the
news again And no one can guess
where the story will end this time »—-—
or ifit will end

But the plot is certainly thicken-

No weeks ago Hustler magazme
., represented by attorney Allan
lsaacman ~ filed a lawsuit in feder-
al court against the Rey Jerry l-‘al-
well. leader of the Moral Majority
movement The funny thing is. Hus-
tler's suit asks damages for money
Falwell raised speCifically to fight
the pomographic magazme

It's not as complex as it sounds.
but it seems the sort of loophole that
would appeal to l-‘lynt

it all began when Hustler pub-
lished a satirical piece on l-‘alwell
Falwell. justifiably or oy'erzealously
outraged 'depending on your person—
al convictionsi sued for libel And in
order to bUild his campaign of hate
for the magazine. Falwell repro-
duced Hustler's satire and distrib-
uted it as an example for all the
world to see

And to make sure all the good peo-
ple got their money ‘24 \\ orth

But Falwell may not have reck-
oned on the l‘rothing cesspool of ar-

Campus security is no laughing

Someone tried to mug me last

i just left from \‘lSlllng a friend at
her Greg Page apartment when a
figure came running out of the dark.
jumped on my back and demanded
all my money Since I'm 64 and
weigh 215 pounds. he jumped off
again in surprise

lm sorry about that ‘ the
shadowy figure apologized. but it‘s
so dark out here that I thought you
were one of these helpless college
women "

Needless to say. i was profoundly
insulted by this attack on my gender
identity ".“Look 1 demanded. “at
least you could carry a flashlight to
see who your Victims are What if
l'd been a campus policeman walk-
ing a foot patrol',’ Where would you

He eyed me incredulously ll can
only assume this because it was so
dark i couldn't really be sure. but
the odor of his breath suddenly in-
creased and laughed. "You‘ve got



° I 'oodoo 'flgures

1 would like to make a few com-
ments on Marc ('oxs opinion of
Sept 3

Tilt' is‘nuet expanSionist
policies oyer the last 30 years '
\eed l remind you that Republicans
haye giyen us their 'strong lead—
ership in the White House for 20 of
the last .12 years. and Democrats
only 12 of the past 32 years"

2 it was Reagan who stymied the
talks in Geneya by refusng to in-
clude French and British forcm in
the discussmn There are many
other talks tincluding one on chemi-
cal warfare= where Reagan has
pulled the L’mted States out. No. l


do not want to five everytlung to the
Russians. but I do feel much safer
when we are at least discmsing

3) What voodoo economic journal
did you get your figure: from? infla-
tion was never 21 percent. The high-
est figure 1 have is 13.5 percent in
1930. Unemployment one percent
below what it was in Carter's term”
Unemployment was 5.8 percent in
1979. and still only 7.1 percent in
1900. wt 1 saw. unemployment is
currently hovering around 7.5 per-
cent. down from a high of 9 7 and 9 6
percent in 1982 and 1983

And of course homing starts are

up 47 we ve Just come out of the
worst recmSion Since the Great De
pression Finally how can you as-
sert that these are long- -run and not
temporary gains

By the way. I got my real figures
from The Economic Report of the
President. 1%4 edition. 8 very help-
ful report that comes out year