By TERENCE HUNT Associated Press WASHINGTON President Bush said last night the war against Saddam Hussein was “right on schedule.” undercutting Iraq's abili- ty to fight back. “There can be no pause now that Saddam has forced the world into war, ”Bush said. Bush delivered an upbeat assess- ment of the first week of war but echoed military planners who cau- tioned against overconfidence. Bush warned there will be “setbacks and sacrifices." The instructions to war planners, Bush said, are to "get it done quick- ly and with as little loss of life as possible." Military leaders said allied bomb- ing had destroyed Iraq’s two nucle- ar research reactors and seriously damaged factories believed to pro- duce chemical and biological weap- ons. Saddam “doesn‘t know how bad- ly he's been hit,” Defense Secretary Dick Cheney said. pointing to dis— ruption of Iraq’s communication systems. The Pentagon warned, however. that Iraq' 3 military machine re- mains strong despite intense allied attacks. “We're dealing with an en- emy that is resourceful, an enemy that knows how to work around problems, an enemy that is ingeni- ous," said Gen. Colin Powell. chair- man of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. U.S. armored cavalrymen skir- mished with Iraqis in the first fire- fight along the northern border, where fieets of tanks maneuvered and dug in on the desert floor yes— terday for the land war just over the horizon. The Americans captured six Ira- qis and suffered two slight casual- ties, the U.S. command said. It de~ nied a Baghdad claim that the Iraqis See WAR, Back page 1 tion members tied yell 'Ontltetree's . .'-:'+. " : ribbons) me we day. madam effectonalotofpeoplebeeamet _ wouldsaythatalmoaallpeople 'supportttierroops. andmosisup- . day. unmcdiately after the attack while Socially Cemented Stu-__ dents members mt! red ribbons onIraqstarted. “The bill was rushed through on. emergency stems. and we wanted people to see them (the said. "I thinkitshadaposinve ponthe militaryactionf’ Middleton and 56A Senator at Large Ashley Boyd placed the ribbons around campus that night. “It 3 pretty much a done effort. We just want people to remem» her” the soldiers in the gulf re- See SGA, Back page TESTING THE WATER In the midst of a winter afternoon, some ducks take a swim at the pond located at the Retention Basin. Like yest “Cl-MEL (‘l FVENGFR '~ " erday. temperatures are expected to be around 30 degrees today. Woods takes over as Cats Win 81-65 By BARRY REEVES Assistant Sports Editor Sean Woods did his best impres- sion of Isiah Thomas last night, zip- ping his way through Florida's de- fense and leading eighth-ranked UK to its lOth straight victory last night at Rupp Arena. Woods, a point guard from India- napolis, scored 11 straight points during a crucial first-half mn that lifted the Wildcats to an eight-point lead. And his consistent second-half play kept the upstart Gators from getting any closer than five points the rest of the way. UK TODAY University of Cincinnati Classical Guitar Ensemble will be performing in the Otis A. Singietary Center for the ArtsRecital Hall at 8 pm. Robinson Forest shows trou— ble of re- gion. _ g a Story. Page &Mfia 3 Sports ............................... 2 Outlook ............................. 3 Classifieds ........................ 5 W “I thought we did a good job of pressuring them on the perimeter.“ Florida coach Lon Kruger said. “ .. but Woods just killed us. We knew he was a great pcnctrator, and he showed it tonight." Woods‘ first-half scoring outburst was accomplished in a span of just 2:29. impressing a crowd of 24,055 fans at Rupp Arena and pleasing head coach Rick Pitino. “Sean just did a tremendous job penetrating again tonight," Pitino said. Florida was hanging tough in the first half before Woods took over. The 6-foot-3 junior scored on a lay- up. two driving 5-foot bank shots and was 5-for-5 from the line and kept the Gators guessing. “All I was doing was taking what the defense was giving me." said Woods. who also had six assists and four steals. “They came up on me real tight and I tried to go by them." UK forward John Pprhrey said: “Again tonight. you saw that Sean Woods is the one who makes us go. He is a very big key to our basket- ball team.” Florida held Kentucky to just 5- for-24 shooting (20.8 percent) from three-point range. but the Cats had a big edge. 52-37, in rebounding. “They just worked harder on the boards than we did," Kruger said. “I thought they were just quicker than we were. They wanted it more than we did." Craig Brown led Florida with a career-high 18 points. and Dwayne Davis added 12. Stacey Poole chipped in 10 points. UK center Reggie Hanson scored 10 points and pulled down a game- high 15 rebounds, including 12 in the first half. Jctl' Brassow had 15 points, 10 rebounds in carom high) and four steals. Pclphrcy had 14 points for the Winners. “With our style of play. shooting is not the most important variable." said Pitino, whose team improved to 15-2 overall and 7-0 in the South- eastern Conference. “If we play good. hard defense and get on the boards. we’ll have a good chance of winning the bailgame." One of Pitino’s biggest concerns heading into the game was Ken- tucky‘s post defense. and the fact that Florida‘s two big men — Davis and Livingston Chatman — aver- aged 29.2 points a game. See CATS, Page 2 U.S.S.R. seizes another building By JOHN DANISZEWSKI Associated Press VILNIUS. U.S.S.R. —— Soviet soldiers seized the central paper and dye warehouse in the Lithuanian capital yesterday. despite a pledge by President Mikhail S. Gorbachev to restore peace in the Baltic repub lics. “This is simply an attempt to hamper the press in Lithuania and certainly will increase the tension,” Lithuanian President Vytautas Landsbergis told a news conference. Landsbergis said a telegram ap- proved by the republic's parliament was sent to Gorbachev saying the Soviet leader should order the with- drawal of all Soviet troops occupy- ing buildings in Lithuania. Gorbachev told the nation Tues- day that his main task was to achieve calm in the Baltics. But he also called on the republics to abide by the Soviet constitution. The Lithuanian parliament‘s press office said two civilians who claimed to represent the Lithuanian Communist Party announced they were taking control when they ar- rived at the warehouse with soldiers at 1 pm. yesterday. About 20 Interior Ministry sol- diers with automatic weapons drove up in five jeeps and took up posi- tions throughout the warehouse. There were just a few workers in the warehouse. who offered no re- sistance. said Lithuanian govern- ment spokesman Audrius Azubalis. He said the building had about 37 tons of paper inside, but he added that the seizure was unlikely to have a serious effect on news because most independent publications have their own supplies. The SOviet military already con- trols Press House the main printing plant in Vilnius. A unit of the so- called “black beret" troops of the Soviet Interior Ministry last week- end seized a similar plant in the Lat- vian capital Riga Nikolai Gribanov a member of the Lithuanian Communist Party 3 Central Committee. later said the armed forces of the Soviet Interior See U.S.S.R. , Back page By KYLE FOSTER Contributing Writer Cindu'a Johnson 5 past 4 1’2 years- at UK have been filled with salad bars and meatless ta- cos because she could not find nutritional meals on campus to fit her vegetarian diet. Johnson, a fifth year architec- ture major. said she ate meals that probably were not as low in calories 0r fat as she would have liked ,. But this semester she said she is “a lot happier" with the selec- tions offered by UK Food Ser~ vices. UK Food Services has added a vegetarian line to its already pop. ular Lite Line. said Robin Gibbs. assistant manager of Student Center Food Services. The Lite Line, implemented in the fall of 1989. is comprised of Insofar. low calorie, low-cholesterol me~ nus created by Gibbs and her staff. , Gibbs said the vegetarian line was incorporated into the health line menus Jan. 7 because of re» quests from 400 vegetarian Stu. dents on campus. A menu listing tat, calorie, cholesterol. and sodium counts is posted next to die Lite and vege- Court. “Everybody is becoming just a little bit more aware of what they're taking in," Gibbs said. Gibbs um recipes out of Food Services offers vegetarian selections cookbooks from Campbell‘s to Southern Living and she is “will- ing to try any recipes that vege- tarians and/or healrlwonscious eaters have.“ she said. Cassie Dewriing, a dietetics major, makes up the menus. She takes into account fat content in stead of calories to create flavor- ful. nutritious meals that will fit into a low-fat arid/or vegetarian diet. “Fat grams are more important than calorie counting.” Downing said. Gibbs said a common miscon~ ception among dieters is that counting fat grams is nOt impor‘ tant. “Fat is hard to burn." she said. Gibbs also said that on 3 nor— mal low-fat diet, 30 grams of fat 3 day is the limit. “A normal on. tree such 3 tinkey md dressing or meatloaf contains 30 grams of fat.” she said. But with Downing‘s menu " creatiorts.apersoncancoiisume less than 12 grams of fat in an entire meal Nutritional difference charts comparing the Vegetarian/Lite entrees and the regular entrees will be posted with the means so that students can see the differ» ences. Downing said. the following menus. served on the same day. by calo- n‘es, cholesterol. found sodtu‘ m: A vegetarian meal of pasta pri See FOOD. Beat page INSIDE: BRASSOW SPARKS UK TO VICTORY