xt7gxd0qvj2m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7gxd0qvj2m/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2000-04-03 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 03, 2000 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 03, 2000 2000 2000-04-03 2020 true xt7gxd0qvj2m section xt7gxd0qvj2m LEFT OF CENTER

Just for fun

How to deal
with stress

Use your Mastercard to
pay your Visa and



Take me out

The goods on
the new

season I 4...}



When someone says
“have a nice day".
tell them you have
other plans.

Make a list of things to
do that you have
already done.

Dance naked in front of
your pets.

Put your toddler's
clothes on backwards
and send him to pre-
school as if nothing
is wrong.

Leaf through “National
Geographic" and
draw underwear on
the natives.

Buy a subscription to
“Sleazoid Weekly”
and send it to your
boss's wife.

Pay your electric bill in

Drive to work in reverse.

Tell you boss to “blow it
out your mule" and
let him figure it out.

Start a nasty rumor and
see if you recognize
it when it comes
back to you.

Stare at people through
the tines of a fork
and pretend they're
in jail.

Make up a language and
ask people for
directions in it.

Replace the filling of a
Twinkie with ketchup
and put it back in he

Bill your doctor for time
spent in his waiting

00 your assignments in
binary code.

Find out what a frog in
the blender really
looks like.

Make a list of things to
do that you have
already done.

Retaliate for tax woes
by filling out tax
forms in Roman

Tape pictures of your
boss on watermelons
and launch them
from high places.

Drive to work in reverse.

Relaxing by mentally
reflecting on your
favorite episode of
the ”Flintstones"
during an important
finance meeting.

Sit naked on a shelled
hard-boiled egg.

Make a tape recording of
a lion roaring and
play it while
frolicking with your
kitten in front of the

Ask your neighbor if
anything got broken
in last nights earth

Ride up the escalator
facing backwards.

Phone the minister of
finance and demand a
tax increase.

Send a letter of
resignation from your
boss to your boss's

Phone your dentist and
tell him you've
changed your mind,
you want that
wisdom tooth back.

Tell your husband/wife
he/she was adopted.


Cormlled by: Ron Norton



5.1 4.7

Jump in a puddle.
You'll definitely have the


VOL. 3105 ISSUE #129


News tips?

Call: 2574915 or write:



Plan aims to strengthen success

Reaching out: Group presented plan to Board of Trustees
to improve undergraduate retention, graduation rates

By Chris Markus

A group created by UK President
Charles Wethington and headed by Phillip
Kraemer. dean of undergraduate studies.
has recently presented a plan to the UK
Board of Trustees designed to improve the
undergraduate experience.

After a year of trouble-shooting. the
group presented their findings and recom-
mendations to the board on March 7.

Kraemer said the plan. which is titled
the “Swift Report." was well received by
the board.

The group‘s findings focus on improv-
ing student retention and graduation

The report also outlines ideas on how
to involve undergraduates in research
work more often.

Additional proposals concerned with
enhancing undergraduate living/learning
communities have also been proposed.

The group hopes the communities will
successfully link the academic and resi-
dential aspects of undergraduate life.

UK‘s retention and graduation rates
currently rank at the bottom of the list of
its benchmark schools.

Right now. UK‘s graduation rate is 53
percent. a number that falls far short of the
73 percent benchmark average.

Kraenier believes his proposals will
boost UK's rate to 55.7 percent within the
next six years by stoppitig the problem at
an early stage.

“If you get students hooked on this
right away. they'll continue to stay iii-
volved." he said.

Kraemer feels that the academic prob
lenis that many undergraduates encounter
stem from the student‘s inability to make
the transition from high school to college.

The report compiled by Kraeiiier's
group suggests the implementation of an
"aggressive’ recovery program in an effort
to assist students who are in academic

Kraemer‘s group also wants to add


more sections of UK 101 so that incoming
freshmen will have an easier time register-
ing for the class. which Kraemer said is a
valuable tool iii student retention

The “Swift Report" is designed to
strengthen undergraduate success by
means of student involvement.

Kraemer also expressed the value of
having undergraduates involved in re-
search work at the university.

”When you include the undergradu
ates in research activity it's not just throw-
ing information at them and having them
regurgitate it back. it‘s a real learning ex
perience." Kraenier said.

And that. he said. is good for the l‘ni-

"This will be taking a big step forward
in the University's goal of becoming a Top-
20 (public) research institution." he said.

omputers give children ‘head start’

By Lamln Swann

Two possible future UK students were
given a head start in the world of comput-
ers and technology at Lexington's Center
for Training and Employment on Friday.

When Devin Byrd and Austin Beavers
were presented new computers for their
Head Start program at the center. they
probably did not realize they were helping
close the digital divide.

“Computers. like the ones donated to-
day. will help children who would not be
exposed otherwise.“ said Congressmen
Ernie Fletcher. “Because of the New Mil»
lennium Classrooms Act. the act will help
decrease the digital divide in America. es-
pecially in low income families."

Fletcher. R-Ky.. and J .C. Watts Jr.. R-
Okla.. presented two computers to the cen-
ter‘s Head Start program, donated by the
computer manufacturer. Gateway.

Gateway was able to present the com-
puters in part of the New Millennium
Classrooms Act. presented by both the
House and Senate, to allow corporations
receive tax credits when donating com-
puters to schools and public libraries.

Fletcher. who interacted with the
children while using an educational com-
puter program, said the children might
know more about the computers than he.

"It‘s seems the digital divide is with
me." joked Fletcher. of Kentucky's sixth
congressional district.

Fletcher and Watts support the Com-
monwealth Postsecondary Education Pre-
paid Tuition Trust Fund. signed last week
by Governor Patton for prepayment of tu-
ition that could assist present and future
UK students in the rising costs of tuition.

“When Congress comes back from re-
cess. one ofthe issues in the Senate will be
the Education Savings and School Excel-
lence Act.“ Fletcher said.

The act will allow individuals with ed-
ucational savings accounts to contribute
up to $1500. where the current maximum
limit to contribute is $500.

“These acts will help people across
the nation. especially my state of Okla-
homa and Ernie‘s state of Kentucky to
succeed in education.“ Watts said.

The Center for Training and Employ-
ment (CTE) works with those who have
experienced significant barriers to acquir-
ing and maintaining gainful employment.
It also offers programs such as job pre-
paredness and placement. building main-
tenance and automated office skills. in a
self-paced environment.

“Students at CTE are in a simulated
work environment.“ said Aaron Cox, di-

See START on 2

Techno kids



Senator Ernie Fletcher, R-lty., plays with Devin Byrd (left), age 4, and Austin Beavers (right), age
6, on one of two computers donated to the Head Start daycare center by Gateway computers.



Anti-sweatshop protests to escalate

What's the big deal?

Why does the Leftist Student Union, along
with many other student groups across
the country. think that the Workers Rights
Consortium is a better monitoring organi-
zation than the Fair Labor Association?

They base their argument on three points.
said Susan Roth. LSU member:

The FLA calls for corporate monitoring.
Roth explained that this means that repre-
sentatives from the corporation goes into
the corporation’s factories and reports
back to the FLA on its conditions.
Essentially. it's a system whereby the fox
is watching over the chicken shack.

The FLA requires corporations to disclose
only 10 to 12 percent of its factory's loca-
tions. The corporation can choose the fac.
tories that are monitored, when they are
monitored and who monitors them. Roth

The FLA does not require its corporations
to pay workers living wage. One of the
for workers to be able earn enough money
to rise out of poverty.

0n the web:



A little help: Rep. Kathy Stein to join students in
persuading Wethington to help end sweatshop labor

By Tracy Nershow

Tulane students staged a sit-in.
Purdue students went on a hunger
strike and Syracuse students bared
it all for the antissweatshop cam~

Now it is UK‘s time to turn up
the heat.

Though they began their anti-
sweatshop campaign last year. mem-
bers of the UK Leftist Student Union
(LSU) have recently increased pres—
sure on the administration to with-
draw from the Fair Labor Associa—
tion and join the Workers Rights

The students think the FLA is
an inefficient monitoring system.
With Tuesday being the National
Student Labor Day of Action. this
week is the pinnacle of their attack.
the students said.

“This is a very important
protest because it falls on a national
day of action and it also coincides
with the Board of Trustees meeting.
Clearly President Wethington has
ignored this issue. so we hope that
the Board would address it." said
Luke Boyett. a history and sociology

The LSU has a full day of events
planned for the day. including a ral-
ly in the free speech area at noon

and a candle light vigil on the Ad-
ministration Lawn at 6 TNT].

Tomorrow‘s rally is the first iii a
string of protests next week. Boyett
said. each of which will begin at
noon in the free speech area.

The rallies will employ a diverse
network of support. from keynote
speaker Kathy Stein. a representa-
tive in the Kentucky House. to reli-
gious leaders and students from area

Meanwhile. students on about
200 campuses across the country
will demand their universities join
the WRC.

At Tulane last Wednesday.
members of Tulane United Students
Against Sweatshops staged a sit-iii
and refused to leave Gibson Hall un-
til Tulane President Steve (‘owen
agreed to withdraw frotii the FLA.

Boyett hopes UK students won't
have to go that far.

“At Tulane. they have thrown
down the gauntlet." he said, “They
have pretty much taken the
strongest tactic. and that makes
sense for their campaign. But it
doesn‘t herei'Hopefully at UK it will
not necessitate that. We are stepping
up the pressure in other ways."

One of those ways was a “sweat
shop strip-down" skit performed by
LSU members last week in front of
the White Hall (‘lassroom Building.

Two students stripped off layers of
IFKlogo clothes and delivered. bare-
ly dressed. a letter to the President's
office requesting UK to withdraw
frotn the FLA and join WRC.

President Wcthiiigton had Dean
of Students David Stockhaiii request
a meeting with the students. The
meeting is planned for today.

Susan Roth. a biotechnology
sophomore and LSU member. said
tomorrow is the optimal time to get

“If you ever wanted to support
our campaign now is the time to do
it. We are hoping for the rally on
Tuesday to be the most visible point
ofour campaign yet." Roth said.


Anti-Sweatshop Rally
Noon, Tuesday April 4
Free Speech Area

Anti-Sweatshop Candlelight Vigil
6 pm, Tuesday April 4
Administration Lawn

Rallies will be held Tuesday through
Friday at noon in the Free Speech Area

"Something to Hide"
A film about sweatshop labor
6 pm. Monday April 3
Student Center Theater
A 25-minute discussion and question
session will follow



The Student Newspaper at the University of Kentucky, Lei





 2 I Mountiirizttstzooo ,I, twee-an i ”


The Low-down

I have a
belly. A
tiny little
bit of a
pooch. It’s
the one
thing I
want to

- Nicole m.
assessing her
body. in the May
issue of Women's
Sports and

Thrashers beat Islanders 5-4

A'l‘l.AN'I‘A Donald Audette scored on a
third-period breakaway as the Atlanta Thrashers
beat the New York Islanders 5-4 yesterday. snap-
ping a 17 game winless streak at home. Audette
took a pass from Ray Ferraro at the New York
blue line anti skated uncontested before zipping a
shot past Kevin Weekes. It was Audette‘s 17th
goal and fifth since being acquired from lios An
geles on March 13. Ferraro had a goal anti two as-
sists for the expansion ’l‘hrashers. who were 0-15-
2 at Philips Arena since beating Philadelphia on
Jan. 14.

Microsoft ruling expected soon

WASHINGTON People close to the Mi-
crosoft suit said that talks between the computer
giant anti government lawyers failed Saturday af
ter the company insisted on its own proposal to
settle the antitrust lawsuit anti not because of
disputes between state and federal officials. This
sends the case back to 17.8. District Judge
Thomas Penfield Jackson in Washington. who
last fall issued a finding of fact that Microsoft
used its monopoly powers to thwart competition
A decision on the lawsuit is expected any day.

Ugandans mourn mass cult deaths

KANUNGU. Uganda 'I‘housands of towns-
people gathered on a hilltop soccer held Sunday
to mourn the mass murder of neighbors they
barely knew. Dignitaries joined residents of Ka—
nungu and nearby villages to deplore the deaths
of 924 members of a reclusive Christian (looms
day sect who authorities say were murdered by
their leaders. A March 17 blaze inside in the
chapel of the sect‘s secretive compound in Ka-
nungu burned 53o sect members alive. Authori-
ties initially termed the deaths a mass suicide.
but the discovery ofthe bodies ofsix slain men in
a compound latrine soon shifted that assessment
to murder.

Elian's father criticized by relatives

WASHINGTON Elian's Miami relatives
continued their fight to keep the 6-year-old
refugee in the United States yesterday by alleg-
ing that his Cuban father was unfit to care for
him. The White House responded that there is no
evidence of the sort. and the father‘s lawyer said
the "outrageous" allegations were a sign the Mia-
mi relatives are getting desperate. The CS Jus-
tice has given the relatives until Tuesday to sign
such a promise and has threatened to revoke the
boy's permission to be in this country if they do

Actress Malle
Berry was
charged Friday
with the misde-
meanor of leav-
ing an accident
scene, rather
than a hit-and-
run felony, in
connection with
a Feb. 23 crash
in which she
and the other
driver were
both injured.

Mary Tyler
Moore could be
headed back to
series TV after
all. Sguashing
about a series
revival of “The
Mary Tyler
Moore Show,"
the veteran
thesp is instead
set to star in
"Good as
Gold," a half-
hour comedy
pilot that's
being put
together at
Television for



not agree. That deadline has been extended al-

Hundreds protest Confederate Flag

CHARLESTON. S.(‘. More than 600 people
set out yesterday on a five-day. 120-mile protest
march to Columbia to urge state lawmakers to
move the Confederate Flag from the Statehouse
dome. The marchers will walk only during day-
light hours and plan to arrive in Columbia for a
rally on Thursday. when pro—flag supporters
have also scheduled a Statehouse rally. The Na
tional Association for the Advancement of Col<
ored People has called for a tourism boycott of
the state. saying the Confederate flag above the
Statehouse in Columbia is a racist emblem. Flag
defenders say it is a symbol of Southern heritage
and honors Confederate war dead,

Russia criticizes Chechnya blunder

GOISKOYH. Russia Russia's defense min-
ister on Sunday sharply criticized the military
command in Chechnya for an operation that left
at least 43 Russian servicemen dead after an am
bush by Chechen rebels. Defense Minister Igor
Sergeyev. who was observing military maneu—
vers in Tajikistan. said there will be an inquiry
to determine who is to blame for the ambush and
to what extent. lnterfax news agency reported.
The ambush was the latest in a series of attacks
that inflicted heavy losses on the Russians.

‘Brockovich' retains top spot

LOS ANGELES Julia Roberts "Erin
Brockovich" remained the nation's top movie for
the third straight weekend. according to studio
estimates yesterday. The legal drama took in
$14.2 million to hold otfthe debut of the animated
buddy flick "The Road to El Dorado." The heavi-
Iy hyped "El Dorado” grossed a soft $12.5 million
to finish in second place. Erin Ih‘ockovich." the
story of a reaHife single mother who led a court
battle over polluted water. has grossed $76.2 mil-
lion in 17 days. It is poised to become Roberts‘
third straight $100 million movie.

Suns Beat Timberwolves 87-86

MINNEAPOLIS Kevin Johnson returned
from a two-year retirement and played the entire
fourth quarter yesterday as the Phoenix Suns.
getting 23 points from Rodney Rogers and 22
from Penny Hardaway. rallied past Minnesota
87-86. Rogers hit two foul shots with 16.6 seconds
left for the final margin as Phoenix won for the
ninth time in 11 games. Hardaway also had nine
assists and seven rebounds. Malik Sealy had 19
points. Wally Szczerbiak added 18 anti Kevin
Garnett had 14 points and 12% rebounds for the
Timberwolves. who blew a double-digit lead for
the ninth time.

Compiled from wire reports




M» wme - gen-44,...» man wsmwsm . "v.

mm -__..__,__-_ .


Mount Usu continues to erupt

h- .






Continued from page 1

rector of the center.

“Students would use skills
appropriate in a regular office
at the CTR."

Watts. who delivered the
Republican response after
President Clinton‘s State ofthe

linion Address in 1997. was
pleased with the center's stic-
cess and programs it offers.
"When I was elected to
come to Washington (in 1994). I
toured the country visiting fa<
cilities that offer programs
CTE has. but (1 have) never
seen a facility like CTE offer
this many programs under one
umbrella." Watts said.



An article in 'I‘hursday‘s Kentucky Kernel entitled “Club
aims to educate others on environment" should have said Tom
Gregory manages the campus recycling program. Green
Thumb endorses the program and campaigns to improve it. but
has no direct role in the program.

To report an error call The Kentucky Kernel at 257-1915




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the Kentucky Kernel:
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Are Campaign Donations
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1 Senator Mitch Mcconnell
l Sa 5 Yes.

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Senator {\‘lcl‘onnell's talk and the followup discussion on election
campaign funding reform are part of a First Amendment Celebration
hosted by the School of Journalism and ’I‘elecommunications with
funding from the Scripps Howard Foundation.











UK forestry students
help plan reforestation

Nealy 1,000 volunteers planted 33,000 tree

Biertsty Macoermotl

There was more going on
Saturday at Lexington's Mas
terson Station Park than the
creation of sortie additional
shade along a branch of North
Elkhorn Creek.

Nearly 1.000 volunteers
came together at the park to
help plant 33.000 tree seedlings
to aid in an ecological restora-
tion along the stream that runs
throughout the park. The pro-
gram. entitled “Reforest the
Bluegrass 2000." is a project ini-
tiated by Lexington Urban
County Government‘s Divisions of
Engineering and Planning.

The program was a collabo~
rative project that UK forestry
students and Charles Rhoades.
who specializes in restoration
ecology. helped organize along
with the support of community
organizations and businesses.

The “Reforest the Blue-
grass" program has sparked in-
terest across the country in
other cities. according to Fayette
County urban forester Dave

“These are big events that
are citizengenerated." Swenk
said. “They depend on the vol—
unteers in order to make these
projects successful."

The seedlings. a majority of
which were donated by the Na-
tional Tree Trust. were planted
to develop zones along the
creek that would absorb harm-
ful runoff that would otherwise
enter the water. The future
trees will provide shade and be


seedlings at Masterson Station Park Saturday

enjoyed by future generations.
said several volunteers who
turned out that spring morning

“I‘ll look forward to coming
back and laying under these
trees in 10 years.“ said Vicki
Woods. a Boy Scout mother
who brought her son Jeremy
Woods and his friend .losh

Woods said the program
was a good educational oppor-
tunity for the Boys Scouts to go
into the community and volun-
teer. “The Boys Scouts have to
do 12 service hours to obtain
their ‘Service to America‘
badge.” she said.

Elizabeth Buckner. a Les-
ington resident and student at
Lexington Community College.
said she would encourage oth
ers to volunteer and give some
thing back to the community.

“It‘s fun and you get to meet
new people while bettering the en-
viromnent.“ Buckner said.

While planting the
seedlings is a good community
effort. the program is designed
to restore and preserve quality

The Masterson Station site
for this year‘s program. which
was also done last year at Cold
Stream Park in Lexington. was
chosen because federal regula-
tors said it was Fayette Coun-
ty's most needed stream for wa»
ter quality improvements. Even
though only 10 to 20 percent of
the seedlings planted will sur—
vive. those that do will help the
stream flourish in the future.
said Darryl Bennett. a volun-
teer who works at Lexington's

I'll look
forward to
coming back
and laying
under these
trees in 10

- Vicki Woods.
Boy Scout mother

Division of Engineering.

"The closer the trees are
planted together the better the
survival rate." Bennett said.
"Volunteers will provide Lotto
to 5.000 new trees along the
creek. Last year. we received
the Governor's linvironmental
Excellence Award and this year
it looks like we have done much

(the volunteer said he had
n't decided to come out until
the day before when he heard a
representative of the project on
the radio describing the bene
fits of participation.

"Driving to work the other
day I heard someone say it
would be nice to come back in
50 years and show your gratui-
children what you helped be a
part of." said Lexington resi-
dent Tom Law. "So T thought I‘d
come out and be a part of it."

Fair attracts

School representatives interviewed aspiring
teachers for national positions on Thursday

By Mark Boxley

Representatives from ap-
proximately 125 school systems
scattered across the United
States staked out Thursday the
third floor of the Student Cen-
ter. ready to snatch up a valu-
able resource: aspiring teachers.

The school representatives
were attending a career fair put
on by the Kentucky Teachers
Network. hoping to find much-
needed teachers to fill positions
at schools from as far away as

“Our teacher to student ra-
tio has just been changed from
1 to 25 to 1 to 15 so were looking
to fill several new teaching po-
sitions.” said Larry Prather.
principal of an elementary
school in Cherokee County.

Prather said the job market
looks very good for students
looking for teaching jobs.

A] Kennedy. the associate
director for certified personnel
for Fayette County. said
Fayette County wants to fill 200


new teaching positions this year.

“We expect to employ sev—
eral of the people we interview
today." Kennedy said.

The career fair presented a
winning situation for both the
students and the schools - stu-
dents searching for teaching pt)»
sitions met prospective employ-
ers and the school systems got
to know prospective employees.

Students from UK. EKU.
Morehead and Kentucky State
University attended the fair.
which ran from 3 to 7 pm. in
the Grand and Small Ballrooms
of the Student Center. Five hun-
dred students attended the fair.
said Diane Kohler. senior asso-
ciate director of the UK Career
Center. The center helped coor-
dinate the fair.

“The recruiters that we’ve
talked to seem very excited
about our students." Kohler

Some schools just took re-
sumes. but others actually in
terviewed students for teaching

When asked about the suc-
cess rate of the fair. Kohler

-".' ' V7 .

sounded more than optimistic.
“If you are a qualified. good
student. I could almost say that
your chances of finding a job
would be around 100 percent."
Kohler said.
Jason Chapman. a TFK mu

sic education senior. was
searching for a job among the
clusters of tables.

“T just want to get an idea
of what‘s open and where."
Chapman said. “There are a lot
of schools that need teachers
right now."

Austin King. a UK physical
education senior. had nothing
but good things to say about the
career fair.

“lt greatly increases the
chance of getting a job." she
said. “You get to meet prospee
tive employers in a one on one
atmosphere. This is a stepping
stone to future endeavors."

Nursing program improves ranking

Movin' on up: Dean credits strong faculty,
innovative program and dedicated students

By Tracy Kersha!

US. News and World Re-
port ranked the UK College of
Nursing master's program 36th
among 69 graduate nursing pro-
grams. The program was
ranked 48th last year by the

The rankings are listed in
the “America‘s Best Graduate
School‘s“ issue. which hit the
stands yesterday.

US. News determines the
rankings by sending surveys to
deans. faculty and administra-
tors of accredited graduate pro
grams. More than 300 nursing
masters programs were eligible
to be ranked this year.

“To be ranked 36th in a


large field of 317 master‘s pro-
grams in nursing eligible for a
ranking is an outstanding trib-
ute for our college. the Medical
Center and UK." said Carolyn
A. Williams. dean of UK College
of Nursing.

The masters program be.
gan in 1971. It was one of the
first in the nation to offer a
nurse practitioner and a mid-
wifery tract. In 1987. UK began
offering a doctor of philosophy
in nursing. it was one of the
first in the region and remains
the only program of its kind in
Kentucky. Dean Williams said
this ranking means that the
program is highly competitive
on a national view.

“If you look at the rankings
and Sake away the private

schools. then we would be 25th
among public universities." she

Despite the jump in rank-
ings. Williams is not compla
cent. “That is good. but we want
to get better." she said.

Williams said the strong
faculty in the program attrib
uted to the rise.

“()ur faculty is very strong.
They are viewed as leaders and
are productively engaged in the
program. They have been rec-
ognized nationally for their
leadership nationally." she

The program. Williams
said. is ahead of the field in de-
veloping critical care nurses. a
type of nurse who is going to be
engaged in key decision making
in critical situations. Williams
said she has noticed that doc-
tors are giving nurses more re-

“We have to have a nurse
that is more educated." she said.





_ we go «a -t;;_._~o~oArM3' ?°°° ' ’






ce, politics and
the first Amendment





Joe Creason Lecture Series


editorial board member,
The Chicago Tribune

8 pm. Monday, April 10

Concert Hall, Singletary Center
for the Arts

This lecture series. which is open to the public. was made


Esp..- p





Campus Ca en I or

April 3 - April 9. 2000

The tempo» (tzlendor is produced by the Olltre at Student Attivrties. Registered Student Or and UK Depts. (on submit tnlormotron Tor FREE
.nlm ttlll Willi PRIOR to the MONDAY tnlormotion is to appear at http://wwoiy.

(all 2570867 lot more inlormotion






"Trend. 69pm Blnier lounge 8. 4-Bpm keenelund
'lng TOT 6915 Holmes lounge 8 (ommons Ballroom
'Muth. 6 9 Holmes (lustroom

'Amnesty International, 7 30pm, Rm 728 Student (tr
'Grote Bible Study 7 300m II3 Stud (tr
'SAB (outer! (ornm 4pm, 703 Stud (tr

'Ar(hite(ture 530 Pente Hnll

'Kempo Sell delense (Tub 6 30pm, Alumni Gym lolt
'UK Water Slo Team 8pm, 3( downstairs lobby

"Spirit Dunre at Metro 6 30pm, (all 254 9790







Orientation for Internships ond Shodowrng 7-3 pm III S(
‘Maxrmrze Your Test Stores Worlrshop

'Moth I09 3350 8. ”344 50 703 Frame Hull
'Tng TOT 6 9 ISpm Holmes lounge 8. (ommons Ballroom
'Spomrh 5-], Holmes lounge 8 4-8, Huggrn (omputer lob
'History l08 8I09, 24 Holmes lounge
’Histmy I04 BIOS 6 8pm 306 (ommons
'Phyms 79pm Holmeslounge
'Matlrb 10pm (ommons 308A


'Alpho PTTI Omega 730pm 359 Studenthr
'TNT 730pm BaptistStud Union

'leltirt Student Union 630 778 Stud (tr

'Movie luIlMetoIlotlrel 730pm Worshom Theatre

'Rugby Prottire. S 7. (lull Sports Field





'llAP I ISO Truzce Hull


‘Hrrtory 10!! Till)? 68pm Holmes lounge

'an l0l 69l5pm Holmes (lurxroom 8. (ommons Ballroom
'5 onrrh. ST Holmes (Iassroom B 4 3C 7 30, 306 (ommons
‘(Tiemrstry 7 TOpm Hoggrn (omputer lob

’Moth 69pm Hoggmlounge

‘Phyur'. BTOpm (ommonsllollroom


Dinner at the Dorms with the Hillel," Jewrsh Student Orq 6T5 Blaier

'Toblc lruntois. 3 5pm Mugit Beans (ale ISH Station)

'UKNOW. 7pm, Rm ITS Student (tr

'Pre Phyvrrol Therapy Astor 78pm 705 S(

'Iellowshrp ol (hrrrtron Athletes 9pm (ST Bldg

'RHA Tom in Biologirol Srierrres


‘Kempo Sell delenxe (Tub 830prn Alumni Gym lolt
‘Toe Boxrn 5pm Baptist Stud Union

"UK BaseboTlvs Tenn Teth 4pm, Hogan Treld

'WRFl llve Remote 8 Bonds 6 30 9pm S( Gomeroom

'00” Doubles Tom (reel Goll (ourse l7 2 Tee times







'Moth 109 3 3 50 8 03:4 4 50, 203 Fruzee Hull
'(hemrstry T-TOpm, Holmes lounge B7-9pm Noggin
'Math. 6T0. Holmes (Iossroom 8H m. (ommons 308A
'History I04 BIDS, 4‘5 45, Holmes (T



ossroom 8. 6‘8 pm. 306 (omrnorrs

'Sponish erpm, Noggin (omputer lab 8 4 8. (ommons 3088

'Hrstory 108&T09. 7-4, (ommons Ballroom
‘Frenth 4 7 Keenelond

"Thursday Night live, 8pm. (hrrstton Student fellowship
'lreshmnn lotus 730pm, Baptist Stud Union
'Devotron ondlunth l2pm. Baptist Stud Union St
'(ompus (rusode For (host, 7 30. Worshom Th
'Ultlombdo 730pm 73|S(

'lternpo Sell delense (Tub 630pm Alumni Gym lolt
'Tae Kwon Do (Tub 5'6 30pm Alum Gym Basement le‘l
'Rugby Prutttte 57, (Tub Sports held

'60” Doubles Tales (reelr Golf (curve I? 2Tee Times

'Koruolre Right 7~l0prn Student(enterGomeroom






'KEA Springlven TOII