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Wham. Kentucw AHSUSt 2002
A publication or the Lexington Gav and Lesbian service OrganiZation
Volume 17 Number 8
It Takes a Village. King's Island Pride Night

An African proverb states that it takes a The sixth annual Lesbian and Gay Pride
village to raise a child. GLSO WOUid like to Night at Paramount's Kings Island will be
invite the entire GLBT community “village” Friday, August 30. Thousands of gay, les-
to join us in celebrating the forthcoming bian, bisexual, transgender, and support-
birth 0f Thomas Dysarz and Michael ive friends will come together fora night of
Meehan’s feur bundles 0f ioY- That’s right, fun, rides, food, live entertainment and cel-
as reported in the national news, two of our ebration.
own are expecting quadruplets. Their fam- The night is part of the Kings and
ily of two will soon become a family of six. Queens Weekend sponsored by the
They are expecting three boys and one girl. Cincinnati Community Center. Tickets will

Preparing for the arrival 0f four new- be sold at the GLSO Pride Center in
borns is no small t33k- To show our SUP- Lexington. Tickets are $36 and GLSO will
port and aid in this monumental task 0f receive a small percentage of this amount.
supplying the necessities for these babies, This is $5 savings off the price of tickets
GLSO is hosting a baby shower open purchased at the gate.
house on Friday, AUQUSt 2 from 6 Pm to 9 As part of the evening, there will be live
Pm at the Pride Center. Please come by entertainment including the Queen City
389 Waller Ave., Suite 100, to congratulate Rainbow Band which we enjoyed so much
the fathers and drop Off a gift. at the Pride Picnic in June. Vocal Point, the

The children are registered at Baby’s R Cincinnati Men’s Chorus, will also be per-
Us and Target. if you need directions to the forming The gates open at 5 pm. and the
Pride Center or gift ideas please feel free to park will remain open until midnight this
call the Center at 253-3233. The surrogate year. For more information see
mother is not due to give birth until later in www.kqweekend.com,
August, but multiple births often come Sponsor of the Month
early. If the dads are already busy chang-
ing diapers by August second, they may Unltarlan
not be able to attend but we will still be at f,“ Unlversallst
the Pride Center that evening celebrating 67/ \
their birth accepting gifts. 9' +1 _ ‘ i

Thomas and Michael are also thinking it} i / ChIII‘Ch
about their children's future. A college fund \kefi of Lexington
has been established. Donations to the
fund may be mailed to: Leslie Carter, c/o 3564 Clays mm Rd
Planet Salon, 2909 Richmond Road, See ad page 5