xt7h18344n3z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7h18344n3z/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1971-03-22 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 22, 1971 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 22, 1971 1971 1971-03-22 2020 true xt7h18344n3z section xt7h18344n3z R 4:31" , '.
Mundiw: March 22. l97| UNIVERSITY or KENTI'CKY. LFXINGTUN \ ..i i \u r3. 3?": 3. ,
___—____________.__.____ ...__
0 i {:37 " '
Irustees re ect : 3 .. ‘
J ' "I 35%, ('f.
d .
4 .’ ',‘ '
co 6 resolution 1
< ;:_5I":5555-5 :5.
BY JEAN RENAKER prompted (lov. louie l“- \unn "
Managing Editor to remark later that i would 5:21 ”335’.“ . r1, :.‘:’.3"3'3‘¢' C
:\ proposal to offer charities hope as a lllt‘nil)o"r oftiie student .1 : " I" ‘ .. " h '. x, 43. if“: ,I
in the student code to a campus» bodv and il\ its representative. .5", . h!“ ,3, x 33 ~ \ $3: , " i :-
wide. referendum before approval you'd be down in x‘3thcns. but i 3;: ' "1:“ wag ‘3," as?" _ swap W 362“" ‘ f 6233‘» L 5. ' i 3'
5 by the Board of lrnstees was: guess you'll be offin the lil‘riiry 3. ‘R 3‘ ‘\g' * h. 1, is m s..-
V ' rejected illilcsday by the Board or over in the science building.“ . "" '-.V '3 ' ,1 3;.3 ““ -- .3 ... “'1‘ '- "Z
The proposal. submitted by 'lhe latter remark of Bright‘s ~33... .. ’3 ,3 , . '. 'V '-‘ 5‘. ,, ‘.'_; 7i g
5f" president 5’39"? Bright. died prompted trustee 'ioinniy Bell 3”” “if" “T - .. «2,35: - ’1 fl" ‘ :33 /_ _ 1
for l‘dL‘k Of‘d WYL‘OlKl it) suggest that 8 “,de l)t’ C(tl‘l’ (5 ‘fi . 3 5 5 “h“;fim” 3 . 5 a‘“' :5 V: 11,551.-
()fthat fact. Bright said ”The ducted of the I.‘i‘ill(lltl’)il\ esi5st~ " T" ‘5 5 ‘33 $35? thici;
fact that the motion went 1111— mg in the biology school lhe 3. _ 3’35"”? ' ghw , 3:35;; ,’-'; -'. ‘;
seconded is not so much :1 dis— sug§z€stion was not discussed 3' . 3’ H" l 1' ... 3 “3‘“ ,. Tat-.33, *.
credit to the resolution as it is (.ov \nnn instead called for .t -‘ "3 41 I 3.. ”WWW if, ‘. .3
to those who refused to second it motion to adjourn. ‘ . ' 5 3 The 33 ‘ w” " ' I ‘ .3 i . 3&3; t“ 33,
” The failure of our Trustees Bright also commented that ‘ ‘ l \3 , _ . “£3333 ..3:.3, 3; _ ._' “-. »,
to es en consider the resolution he felt that it is "important .- - .-_ ...,‘warga _ ..
is indicative of the very widegnli that the student be given a ma— .5 {“517 1' 5 $3.31“, “ {flip - ' 1
what we at tually practice. “e forming Wildcat (Iountry into a " 3' '- fi»{’§;§g¢§3§‘a§,a: I“
are expected to believe in de- genuine academic community." wt” » 3.- 3. 5 '-=:'_3. " - 3 ‘35,, ‘ ‘; .
mocracy. 5but wherli we r5nodestly He added that ”it ismyheart- 33:” - ‘ 5 ., " . 5‘ 3 -‘ ' ' Wt?” ' ...,5 ; 5,5
su est t e actua im ementa- ,- ~ 3 ' ” ' ‘ ' " ‘ .-
no?“ this fundamentariconcept, giiidgfii‘blddfris tiTifletgittlirtiidibhsfihl Everyone at last Tuesday's board of trustees changes in the student rode to a (Tilli[)'i5s~~\l(l" 1
no one listens." meeting seems happy—except SC presrdcnt Steve referendum “as reiected b; the Board 3:34 xiv-t ot
Bright's resolution had spe- Continued on Page 3. Col. 1 Bright. And rightly so. His proposal to offer asecond. 3.1} if
cifically asked that ”any code 2,3,};
of student conduct or other mles ; ,3"
and regulations affecting the stu- . . g 1 H 3
dents of the University shall not Futu re of K8 rnel f d0 ub t -.~ .1
become operative until after ap- 1/ n a "Cl ng l n 1' ~“_ 5 _.___
proval of the student body has 5;: 5’ . 5
- been indicated in a campus-wide By JANE BROWN be how soon this support will to silence us ever since he came ever. and would depend “r; tho“:- 5.35»; i? 7"
referendum. 5 Assistanthianaging Editor end. to - om“, Two 35.93” 320 Km, .triri.t(1tt:rirtr;t3__v fri: ; -. ,3 ,: 5:153 r
Extending democracy The Lh administration. The amount of support ex. didn't have enough support Wri- ...-1" '3‘:
Reading from prepared re- under the prodding Of the Board eluding administrative salaries among the Board of 'l‘rustmgx The Kernel ‘.\'5l:i'.i 133.3 3'» 3 5'
marks, Bright said he made the 0f Trustees, appears to be m the equaisgqggg‘) 3333311., ‘ W to accomplish this. hint e then WWHHHL' “‘"h A?” “"95 E ' ‘7' ‘5
proposal in an attempt to extend process 0f ending the” financral ‘ I he has packed the Board with longer in» :‘iililt't t. = 55.- .--_,5..5,...,.
democracy throughout the L‘ni— support 0f the lsentucky kernel. The Kernel staff has been his ”w" mm m that h:» I. ”3, h," {hp Rwy: ;,i s7, in; . . '5
versity. The Board Of Trustees, at considering plans for becoming a position to command support riunsur im- irinunivnr. . 3: 1.?
He called attention to Bema- the" meeting 0" March 16v 5re- financially independent of the on nearly any issue he pleases " \. .... 5 ~. . . 1 , 5 3.1 .. ~
dette Devlin's observation that quested that the administration University for some time. but ' _ , _ “9‘ “‘_‘""‘"‘“1"‘ ,' 7 "" V‘ " '2‘”
Kentuckians are more concemed present a report on all campus usually had been approaching Some say the administration the university wt ‘52: 3 77:31 .':' . .5.,',;, .' .
about basketball than education. publications at the next Board the question with a phase-out COUhl COth’lVeale h“ ‘h'fr‘l'd!’ th‘“ if. the "film” "" 1', ' ..3';
He alsocalledattention toaseries meeting. Dh AM” “0”“ \ice concept rather than immediate ing the case- and that there 13\ come independent :7 .‘WHU -
of articles in the Kernel concem- President for Administration. cuhofi a probability that a 3—year pins: lmlilet retriain the gin... 3‘13 U 55 .-
ing conditions in the biology said in 5a meeting last lhursday 5 5 5 5 out could be instituted. etpenence ”.mh :‘ 5'n' 5.: ~ .555“,
department. that this included a report on Prank boots, kernel lzditor (105,)“ commentin" 0,5 the (l; lh?‘ 39“ 5‘, l‘ 5 ’ 15‘ - 3,535.5,
The first of these remarks how tne kernel Will be financed commented. lhe lsentuckylxi r» ‘ossi'rilitly ...], l ‘1, r' .. 3’33 the tern»; .i. 'M» -* , ' ,3 I ',5
inthe future. nel staff has felt for some time p ‘ J ‘ ’ ‘3“ ( ‘ r (H h id)“ time. ‘-
.,,,,,,,~,,,,N,_._,.,,- Earlier in the week. the Stu— that it was desirable for all con- that “if” heme. can “in“? h; d “mm. ,3, ....q; 3; 53'-
dent Coalition had requested cemed to end ['niversity finan» success 1 l ,hltfhnfffil “huh": held 't‘miqim it; _ .5 , .,
Wt'alhm' that they be allowed to present cial support. l approached l)r 3:2: ‘llr‘s't5"5,5,5,“,r):‘tgl:ly‘5'xl5 be diSC‘d‘Vflh 'I 5 3. 4.3M ,. . 1::355 ‘ -
to the Trustees their case for Morris and l’resident Singlctary , . ,' ,l 5,, , , dent pubhwhmh, “.53. . ., h. ..g: ,
Forecast for Lexington and Vi' withdrawal of the Kernel sub- on this matter last semester. but versity ‘l‘hh‘m M "l 3'”M A“ reticy‘: .x [:3"u.r' v 5555,55; . :3 ,l .
cinity: Considerably cloudy and sidy. They were asked to reserve they did not seem interested in the admnnstrutroh “ ill mill. m Tinned“ 2"};..3\ H t i : : .
0001" today and tonight. Fair their arguments until after the our proposal at the time \o“. through thy ‘wm‘ym gen‘e (.nh h, 51...; .i , . ' , - _,’. 5
and colder 1095‘“)? High tem— administration's study had been however, they are demanding If the Kernel \st'lt‘ to i-iiu. prove if»; d_»{n.5.',:.51.r5,._ . _ U 3,23 ’53:?
perature today 50, low tonight reported. that we prepare for this change independent of th: ' viixersitx posziis l".:‘., 1-3 ‘ 5. - if... City)“ .3
30 and high tomorrow in th" Morris also said the onlyal- in a matter of days I .iiii covi- it uonld prolmhlx rvri..i~n in H3;- not he“, , 4,, on“; ,3,‘ :3 .. .. ‘f-j. 2" .- ‘ "
upper 30’s' Precipitation prOb' temative he sees is to end the vinced that this is a political (\ffit,es itnt)\v’ii‘eii;i'es iiidu‘r-iilr' ter lljr find: 3“. 3‘ '| 3" h'.’
abilities 20 percent tOdBY. 10 financial support the university m0ve on the part of the \nnn continue use of the iuzessrs ii- presc'i‘itz"i ‘ i " 4: '1 " 5 I
percent tonight and tomorrow. gives to the Kernel. The only administration to kill the Keniel. the basement. lt \soiildpi;-ih.i‘-i‘i-. Vite l'r:»\r.';3_:i3,‘ t. i 3,33; . '3".
”-----MN-----,-N-. question at this time seems to Covemor Nunii has been trying be on a Subscriptiiin mm. inns- {gm Him /, m3, ,3“, lg]
" .,' ' 5 ,I
”.33.; :3. ~ g .3 .. ~- 33 i «3 -» 3 . . ;:~" .
3 25:, r ‘ stag ' , -‘ 5: ‘5 3.255.534: ‘3 ‘ ' 3, '~ " s. :t‘ a, ‘ , 5 ‘ t ) n 3 t I )t s ' 3'- 3' :' 3 _‘
.3. - - of . 3.3 55,, .3»? 3. 33,. .1 ,t: o u s [I] i t a I in g .
,3»...- . =3 - .. ,1? . j- set 0 i L at ( i 3
‘ -. .3 3 I a «it» ,. . » . . . ..
‘ 5 555;." ‘5; .3:.3‘. 5 5 "_ ,W‘ h. a", g .» 3, -- _\ N ‘. 5 ’ :w' 153'; Student Government Presi3 total tlht‘liil‘dill lil\t‘liit'iit, liut :El‘ 1, it ’ -','
. 5...: ‘6‘" ' _ 5. ' _: kfi‘k ‘9, £33.. » 5 ' g: ,5 .3, ._.f‘ .. '33; dent Steve Bright and four other rusting regulations “tent (3 .in 5,5 5' .‘ 5_ »
5! ‘Q .._ _ _, _ - ‘ ¢ ii ‘5 5 a 2 .»_:~!{ 53.33.) 5 _-'_ 5 £35545; 5.5». UK students filed suit in US. dents out ot kll} .iiid munij 355; 5, . 5 3,.5
3352;: ‘ . , " e3 .5‘ g f. "555 '1‘ a... g 3‘ 73.7539: District Court last \seek asking elections \shile tillii\\llifi r‘liiti‘ ’5 a, 3‘
I 53,9” 353' . ' ' a ,5 no T 3 ‘ “"13" f"; ;'5 it - I that state and county officials to exercise the fr.nitlnse ‘ I f,
:‘ a" ' “2,, .; 5_ ; ‘. .. _ ”t 55 g; '1’ l i be fOICE‘d to allow college stu— The presumption that stir ' ', .‘5 "- ‘ -,=
5555 3;? 5 .,w555:2-g5 ‘ 55 5 a»? - ’5 5j ’.‘,1;,55‘-3. 5 dents to register and vote in the dents are not residents mt nn. 51f ~1??
I - 55 l 5" -‘ r . 5 thtlvn 5,, Citliles in which they areattending versity towns is not ”rational 5 ,~ ~3 ' -.
i , 3 : 3 i 3 » . CO 9119- since it cannot be denionstiutml ' ;
,3" _ , . ;\ 5 . ‘55 The Suit will be heard on that students are more transient ‘ H, ' . ‘
‘ — lav“, 321.333»... i ’s 2‘5 “ MarCli 26 at 1 [Lil]. In tlit‘ l.t‘.\- than other groups. ' Q '
~ . ‘ ‘F§|§%TW"§WWAh _ ._‘r ““3"" Fedfl‘dl B‘Illdlllfl- The ruiuirenients "« on» 3., t -’ ,
5 w 4', 333‘ \%W%¢:»éahixhggi “ . Nth violated travene” the Supreme ( :(illi t d: it - . it ' i
, 3“?“ A '5 The “Ht maintains lllklt tllt' trine of ”one man one \tlft' " I _
5 §;§:M3§att: *3 '.- current interpretatioii ottlie voter since studi nts .tlt‘ counted in the 3 " ‘ ‘ 1
me‘” ' registration ltl\\',\lllf\t‘llillt‘i\} \io census oi IllllH‘lsll} twurix tor . ,3. . T ,
' ’ ; I‘ll” lh“ ch .‘\lllt'll(llllt‘ni it" purposesof[tuippriitninnient .ind . i' l '5 .-
5. 3J5 ”A . the folio“ my: reasons n'pi‘esentnt Ion but 5”, ,5, 3: 5: 5 .
' NM. ,J’ 5 ,‘y ...“... A“ 55 .. hlll'lt‘hl‘ 4” ‘llliilt‘l ”Hi l‘” .lll()\\t‘tll()\1lit‘lllt'lt ‘. ; _5~ .'
fit“, 55 55 3m. 5,5 3 My“ ‘W’Mh 1/, \llt‘t'lill irt‘dllllt‘lli \\ llllt‘ illt' (Tnnunnn (THUKP aid 3
" .. 3* V presumption tor .ill other titilens Bowl“ Bright. leiiititts m ‘5
T i o " ” is that their residence shall lie the ‘31,!“ “3“,,“ .Irt'ldne l)cl.ino ' , '
In memonam 1123111..l’liif‘Lul‘i'W" ”m" "‘m l‘i'”i“i”‘ “‘"l tili‘r““"‘ ”““‘ i i i
I ‘ “ ' iati-svs; ' 3. '
President Nixon delivered the graveside eulogy for 6.000 attended the burial service. Students do not have the “mm; thcmhhh”h,,l\m;n:h\htn‘, " ‘
civil rights leader Whitney M. Young, Jr. at ”degree of disinterest” required iiding financial M“, “113' ”“1, .5 '
Greenwood Cemetery Wednesday. Approximately (Kernel photos by Dave Herman) undet anreme Court rulings tor (bummed on page 3, (‘01. 1 ~ ‘

‘l——Tlll“. l\l7.\Tl'(7K‘.' KERNEI.. Hominy. .‘viuuli ‘22. l97l __ .
Mansfield bemoans Withdrawals I
_ . ’ o o o .
00 (an strate ' crrtlcrzed
. . . . . , . lli rh

. _ \\ .\I\llIl\(. l(l\ i -\Il>i __\en- . The .\Ilontana Democrat said can Call it a failure or not“. ) I. “dz!“

‘ aIte Majority Leader \lIike \lans- it iS evrdent that South \ iet- Mansfield said of the Laotian Frunl A, I‘Ppln‘ls *. R951)“

. field says the South \ ictnamese namese forces have hastened operation. ”but it appears that . Ameri

. operation in Laos may have their pullback from Laos, after h ' hd ..1 h g b 8 he s— .

_ . tewrt rawa 3. en a , . . . . .'. ._ he“,
brought more .\orth \ ietnamese disrupting only temporarily the tened. You can't arrive at a \\ Ablll\(.l().\-—'l he l‘ood and DmilI Administration ‘5 .- l‘ “
forces closer to the South with- enemy supply lines of the Ho judgement until all the facts considering emergency removal of contaminated intravenous -I inesf

' . out providing much breathing (Thi Minh Trail. are in." fluids from hospitals after finding its earlierwarninghas failed sent a
_ , space for continuing L ..\ troop Failure? 9 th \v. t . . to stem a near-epidemic of infections claiming at least nine ' DIr
' withdrawals. ”I d ' k . .h . h ‘ 0“ . 1e namese “mtg were lives. This disclosure by FDA officials Sunday coincided with sion s
0“ t no“ W (t er 3")“ reported in weekend retreat from ' ‘
Laos an allegation by consumer advocate lialph \aderthat the gov- recent
. ‘lf they're coming back of emment was shockingly irresponsible in not banning the con— have
. . ‘ 7 c. , . . . , , taminated Abbott Laboratories product two weeks ago when moil
J (1V its i ecom m ends eher own. where they ea the pea d.m..ii 1.,
ing a price for it. Mansfield ‘ ld
‘ o told reporters . . . ”There seems SAI(‘()\' Th ~ - . . -. . . - a‘ res
. . . . — e Lnited States dispatched waves of aircraft ,
. . ‘ , y - _ . . (lei t. ,
- ‘V (I‘VE )l'lce (‘Olltl'OIS to be .no. dOUbt ”W a With- into Laos Sunday in an effort to save wrthdrawrng South .1}
. (I! " - ~ drawal is in progress ,_ . - - - "“"N
, / ‘ 'I Vietnamese forces from being wrped out. Other Amencan Jets us w
i ‘ VFW ' ' e ' ' f . t 1. Mansfield was jorned by “9' bombed missile sites in North Vietnam. An American armored , ~ PId‘ .
' ‘ ‘ . “)m.‘ H“ l T. 56.)” resentatives O Eltf‘3g“;‘e"; 0" publican Sen. George Aiken, 0f column moving up to reinforce the border guard should the u. ure
' ~ Jacob lxI. Javrts, RA)" ~m_ bor‘Iand the pud 1; .almuofixl rate; Vermont, in doubting that the enemy try to cross the frontier in force was reported locked . ‘llsse'l‘
‘ ' (11“th film“) ”W ‘lmin If“? m, .b-UCk up an .(ea. Wk”. 0C8 withdrawal Of South Vietnamese in combat. It had been sent to relieve another LXS. amiored be ex
' “"1“” “"“Hmuw ”l (Swarm? Edwin)!” “)ng W.” (in ”m— tl'OOPS is being carried OUT 35 unit which had been hit heavily Withmortarand grenade fire. l Ways.
4 _ \\lll urge the adoption otrisigiiii- tiviition and interest in increas- planned. I Spe
. . ' “““t M'" "1 ‘l‘l’k‘l’lgw """.t"”l\ :“gfil‘f’ prpfltthtivity Of the coun- 'Hit-and-run’ \'lli.\'Tl;\.\‘l-l. Laos—American dependents streamed into ; "lends:
, ‘. . ‘0 helPI ‘teiblllzt’ t x nation s r}. _a l _ . ”It was a hit-and-runventure Vientiane Sunday as the LS. limbassy ordered nonessential a ) Ad
‘ ‘ ecor}omet, . . l .- t. . On a large scale," Aiken said of personnel flown out of Luang l’rabang after a moming rocket pus. o
' fiewaiiaSI.IIlheadtISIeHinorgeIinter- BOI'PH considers the mention “It took them attack on the royal capital s airport. luuropean embassies Respon
'. ' that ‘full L“ age and wide [2‘6 7 several (1.“\ longer to get in did not order their citizens out but toldthem they could leave the 1m
.~ '- r. e cn- . . 'fh 'hd ' "
, . - . , . , - 1 . there than therd lanned on. 1 t ey “”5 e - Slit-51!.ts
- ' tiffIZti‘birtandegfgbflfi tfheCheoCrk (IIIOtd ( “1 Olllllf’nt and they're coiningp out rather At least six Laotians were killed in the rocketing of Luang , De
. . .e cc 1— - . , . - . e. , , -. . - .
‘ ' omv. BILRLA. ':\l’t — The Berea faster than they (1 planned to l’rabang airport. which was accompanied by attacks on four pusoi
, ' 1 ' "‘But lwould advocate awage Eollege Faculty and :‘ihdrzliirlitiiitra— doI,t Kelli}? tihtehenerny in hot pur- nearby posrtions. sultati
~ ‘ . ‘ . -' ‘ . - . ~. . ion ‘ommittee is sc e u to SUI In em. a . . . ' '
, - and price board “huh “Cum "(1 l h h , k Aiken said the \orth \'i t- BELFAST, \orthem lreland—llritain dispatched more rung “
, . have the power to have a mod- consr er a proposa t e rstvyee » 9 . . . . , . . . emerge
. . . ‘ i5.” efi- 't . , . 1 - . in April to reserve at least 25 namese probably are more con- troops to \orthem lrelandIon Sunday following i nme \hms- V ('r
' . ' . . ”I . “ flip?“ 33,1651”; PS“) percent ofits admissionsfor black fident as a result of the Laotian ter James Chichester-(Ilark s resignation. and a big explosion ‘ '
, , .. intireafels 0' 3:1 ‘u s antia C ar- students. L fighting than they were before. rocked downtOWn Belfast. Britain, in dispatching the troop
, - . ‘L 3?; l‘CII‘fi‘II' . .1 l . l .1- .. l The recommendation came The South Vietnamese Anny. reinforcements, warned the militant Protestants that civil
. I ’ d n::lli‘(”it‘ll‘:l(‘:gt\'kl'li(li(l“prllt't‘utlotl‘l- from a {om-CONS? program that he said, didn’t ”cover itself with rights reforms demanded by the province's Roman Catholic BO
, _ - "015 board was the he). to sta- is required \foIr freshdmeIn ctalleg ggryfuleggctly, Iqut itt Shay It): minonty must continue. ,
»- - we ->- . . - , ssues an a ues. a minis er cause m ac 11 Y 5 ' . .
~ I' Elglzmg ”(‘19 @910”? (lf‘wltelth‘ by 21 teachers and .21 studeht isfigd that North Vietnam was CAIRO—lugypt. dependent on the Soviet Lnion for its
' tari‘cont a 3“": ra :‘ml “belt: “9‘ assistants. worried for fear that South Viet- war weapons. is counting on the L‘nited States to persuade 5 CO I
,I . they'ehgy': sprkggnotptsbagfiuhe Berea President Dr. Willis nam would undertaketo gonorth the israelis to get out of occupied Egyptian territory. in- .. (‘ontin
....w. . , many countries . D. Weatherford reportedly has of the border after we left, or formed sources said Sunday. lygyptian offiCials are described .
D . th‘ . t '. . gaid he will mpgmt the pro- possibly before. , . as convmced only “ashington can persuade or pressure fa” Ian-
« ’ “(HERVE ..\:I 1? elnhle“ flolf posal to the school's board of “1 doubt if they’re worrying the Israelis into committing themselves to a withdrawal ' consrdei
.m..._.._.-._ _ _ r.‘ or; _ tivyj _ t . . . . . I . . 1 . l . . '1 ' t-
ween-I lavits said that in addition to trustees ifthe faculty committee quite so mus3h 35they were two from all of the Sinai lenmsuia occupied in the 1961 war. $22:th
,- ' , wage and price controls he be- adol’t“ ’l' months ago. he 531d " the nee
. . iieved other measures could also Kentuck
‘ . . betaken to assure .-\mericanbus- b K 0 of the '
, ..n......r.... ury r0 (3 0 out tale deaths unlrkel men an
I . They included govemment in matt
' . . machinery to guarantee loans . . ‘ ’
I to keep important businesses my (’jt”)LL',\1BL’S_ ()i‘ju .Mn- . The “ashington l’ostreportcd spokesman said Sunday no (hc merits Iwere accompanied by a :22: I;
‘ . -_ : vent and localproduttiyitycoun~ ()hio officials declined to com- Sunday that “W lllStlU‘ DOWN" cision had been reached but i-‘CT‘dlKl JlIlrlI' TOW)” I‘Vlllt'll “Unfil- etting
- . , cils. mcnt Sunday ,,,, a report that merit s Civil Rights l)i\ ision had would add nothing further. ‘dtt‘d \Iiitloii‘dl (iiirirdsnicn in- rgiot reall
. ' ' . The local productivity coun» llit‘_lli\iit't Department probably R’Umulll'ndt‘d M51111“ a lmh'idl The olticcs of both (Loy. john “Jth‘d I“ the shootingIand con— ”A s
, _ , ,_ cils uould be comprised of up \Kili not with-i .i tedcrul grand grand jury inyestigution oi the .l (Lilliput und Atty. (‘My “‘11. dernneId thekentStateLniversit} a com
‘ ' -. I . .. --———————-—-—.II 3’7""? anwtigati ~: .ygI gt“ 9...“: four-day disorders at the school ~l:.ii:; I}. Brunt: said they could. adrmmstrationI tor laxitinii deal- chosen
- , . . y ' snootin; {it‘iilih .ti hent Stat-x that Lliiiiiicil the ll\t':~ oi loiii \lH- not comment on the reports t-c- Hill \IHUI filllfll‘m (“\tl” MIHUI and fac
. . , .. F‘GHT CANCER [mu-ism during (llvinlt'x . LN dents durinLr .1confrontation \\ itn unite All} thing the) mid might Alter the grand jury llit‘i.Il<‘)L~Ih represen
w ' .‘ . ' :" WITHA \lJl .\.it;or.ul (ill.ll(l\llit'li. .it‘tcct the cases oi those liitllt'lt'i‘: expcrts and lml’llk' 9““““ proved :
. . I‘ Stati- K'iilk'lrll\ Milil the) (lit. The~ l’ost mid the decision last ,Vl'e“ I“) a stair grand Jury around the tountry uigui that u would
i I ’ CHECKUP AND CHECK not mm: to tilt‘Illltiitt‘ Mist" “(mid become final when it we The 23 charged in tin dis 19(1ch ilrzfnd it”) he (HUM 1“ woefully
‘ A . against 2.3 persons indnted l’} signed by Atty. (lcn, John .‘\'. orders \\t‘l't' students or form” iuither piobethe incidents. docume
I . g. state grand _ll|I.\- Mitchell. A Justice Department students and faculty. The ”“htt— The Post quoted justice De The
_. , I ' “'"‘—"'"""- partinent officials as suyinguny accepto
.IV , l l l . - . . . . . v .. .- .W .. ,. ....,.... .. r. .. l.... l . ..r .. . .... ........ . -.v.- .....1.. ...t. .... Vi~..4-....i.ii.. , . . L'rllllillul “Liti()ll k‘gzilll§t N‘ltl()‘l‘ll from 1‘
- .. f .. 25:;«j'rir (kmnlenwn ill\01\cdintheshoot Phelps. .
‘I I , slain would have to establish ‘ Tork) f'
. . . \\‘ ' ' » .: I c. . , V their ”intent” to violate demon- . bond {0
‘ l l ' ' t . I » I strators‘ civil rights. i communI
. I‘ “ AS “‘9 M. U K P t5: ’ Demo . The spokesmen reportedly image‘s:
.v ‘. ' +1 ' I I ' h l I l I I
t ' 53-. «0‘ 'SS 0 o agean :I ,. More], $6,. *5: srud prosecution of om or two lution c
, . «. , . A d0" ~77, 23 a les ...¥:*-".:§i: guardsmen in the shootings ball tea
.' . ~-', Iv . I . Sun . , 41 9 Se 2 would be ”scapegoating . They their eE
. . .. It” _‘\ A‘“ MarCh 27, ‘97] . I - or", 3 390/,» 4 also ruled out civil actionagainst son exp
. . . 5“ >9! " I.;f' ,, 0 a s the guardsmen. because guard h -’ .
it??? . . ._ ,,,, 3 . 55553;? . . t eir acc
I , t 9"“. I Memorial Colrseum — 8 p,m. . :57 ,49'1'] I procedures which were involved
. . I. I 1200 ‘e‘ . .. 8°hn- 2, 3 £ (:39 in the incident have been (‘Om
. 43:52:35 . . 3:3. ,._-; I gags; t '
. , , . j ‘ Ce“ .3. , Tickets $1.00 per person ,, 4 e 4 c, 4 ’3’“ (haj‘ged- __ "
. . . . t; _ “’69“ \ 001“ I pi,“ lyplfl‘ rd,” 5355'" 3% It was a panic situation, .
. ' - fig“ 5 d 30‘ l . , ’ ' ' Available at Central Information Desk? ”st-ma 8 7 M 3 dzgartment SPOIlfCSTanI W3? 10 a]
. - . 4 ‘0“ . _ l, " ~ . '0 ,3 IIIIIg'I-i: iii quot as saying, ant a 0t 0 I
, . “it“: G I . and Room 203 m Student Center :3! #9,,” .2152” e things were bad and wrong But Continue
. a . v; git-’15:: :;.':‘:'}::e.' ;.: 1.231": -: ', ":-.;’*v"'.§:'.f:1:i:;.?'__.’:- '35:}.1 .;. t0 proseCUte one 0] (“/0 SUldier“ tance -
-‘ “ " ' * “ ' '* " ‘* in that type of situation would "f‘ "“3""
, ». = ‘ a} > be an awful hard thing to do." ”‘ Wasl
. iti’ ' . .. c if??? L . ’3 0f Healt
I xii-315' . 33:3: d (It
_ . H“ 5‘“? '\ 9““ «i. 4 fuck ,. CONSOLE $75 i2. Balesl
. de‘ In?“ .00 9' ”'17 y D e: the com
. EH \‘eo . a0" 0‘ 6- F90]- ]2 9'6 “’23,; Just received 5 deluxe solid l' . l
' 3;; ‘fl ‘otfifi9 a“ o‘“ . . " "i'iileiflf52§I;-:zg~;..... Uri" T’) y state nationally advertised is; ‘12:;
I I I KI“ 66““;1 S ‘e-mto‘" I J: I" c9 ”PO 5:153" a:- stereo consoles in beautiful iirl-ssing
_ . if“ éeo" 3‘01 mo I , . 4‘th once C0,, .-:?§rE-3 hand rubbed walnut finish. hm,“
':-'. W;.;.-- .- 3. - , , - . A. ; .;.-.; _.. 2121:? 355:3: ‘ ~
. , g 3% 3-535" iii-.5335 and 4-speaker audio system. tion prot-
., 1 2?; it, :15??? $75 each. Monthly terms with '1”
, . xx .. 223in u -':r:r?- . ‘
gag STUDENT CENTER BOARD “mm M be inspected a. month t
-..;:g 2:; United F ‘ ht C en ~rzil\
-» ROOM 203 STUDENT CENTER of res Safes, 2'23 e1; . Y“
7535533: .1, » x ord Circle (Cardinal Valley “L'
f- 258-8868 . , Showing Center), us. 60, Lex- “Mm“
IIsIII II II I II I I II II I I I I I I §;'_..:;:;;;;;:;:.;‘2.2» :e.u:;:_.33:23:.1:55:35;:;:;:;:-:_3;-:-:::;'.:Z:i:32:1}:112-';g:2:1;}:§;2:§;::511'3';.§:'e:;:g.’;:§:3zi:3:e:1'i":;:r?$11715:3:1:3:3:?;l:‘;:2:3;§:§:3:2:§:§:§:{:T';:;:E:'-:§:I,{z3:ng1;:er:§:§:§;§:§:§:§:§:§:§:§55355:} p m. . Sun. l -6 l(X‘ill ”lee
”*er ‘ conimwr
. ' and the It

 ‘ I _.

. __.__ 'riii‘. M-‘.\'Ti'(;kv kriniii- \[HlltlilL with 2:. l0?! ‘s ,' ,. .'

‘ C ' ' 13'" f ' - .,

ommlssmn ro oses cam us 1 0 r1 rhts >

~ P P P s

' Th“ Carnegie CUHUHlSSiUn 0” “Hull-"Clll(ll"ldl procedures. The(Ioiiiiiiissioii‘s report says the report says. “A campus as rights and responsibilities .ili[)lI\ "‘ , .' ' I. .I .

; Higher Education has proposed ()ne ofthe difficulties indeal— that dissent “11'“ at the tounda» a \\li(ile_ a system as a whole. ing equally to far lill§ students I, . _ s ."' »-

1 adoption of ”Bills of Rights and ing with ”campus unrest," the m,“ of a “mu-”11%" and that or higher edntation as a \shole, adnnnistiatois stattant‘itinstees » AI :II '.

3 Responsibilities" for members of (Joniiiiissioii reports, is that the ”organized dissent and ”up.“ should not he penalized." “loo otten in the past the 'I. ' ‘ I’.‘ .‘

American colleges and iiniversi- American public seems to show activity within the 1&th arehasic The Commission talls upon (IMHHHHHHH MM “lM'llU “5"!“ , ' ,"l
n is ties, and suggested new guide— limited tolerance for mass pro- rights which must in. protected the callipllses to reform tlieiii- lms has. set {tiles tor t}... we _. .- ‘. j
()us linesfor campus responses todis- test activities, even when they on the campuses—as they should selves and to develop their own dents but not tor tlii-iiisel\ es » l ‘. I‘ I‘ ‘ If
filed : sentand disniption. arewithin the bounds ofthelaw. be for all citizens everywhere." rules and procedures to protect trustees lune set rules in: tin . I’ e. , ,
ine ' Dr. Clark Kerr, the Commis- The Commission report distiu- Reaction [0 instances of co— dissent and prevent and mutrol tariiln but not for themselves I' .j':"',

' ith I sion's chairman, said that. in guishes between dissent and dis- gram, and violence should “be disruption. ‘s'v'e believe the time is .ippropir IY-I-‘ ' "_.'.I‘
OV- recent years. American campuses rnption and proposes that re- undertaken only with reference The Commission recommends ate for certain rights and respoie "t . »- . '. " Z .,
‘on— have been in ”the greatest tur- spouses to events on a campus to those specific individuals and that iiieiiihers of each campus sihilities to he applied equally “I II If -. ‘
'hen moil in all of their history." be based on this distinction. groups who engage in them.” endeavor to agree on a hill ot to all members of a campus. .1." I‘ "g 'I II ,' .
. The Commission's report is I_____I___—___________________________________ ‘v -II
addressed principally to the stu- . ' 'C- I' q
raft dents, faculties, tnistees, and ad- l -' \_ "’ .. 'l ’3 "
'lltthI ininistrators of the nation's cain- l : " 4% ‘:I. -.
1:65 I puses, and recommends pro- - %b\ .., . _II'.II .I , ‘35.,"
the cedures designed to assure that "s T? ' I =‘ . ' ‘_
ked dissent and protest on campuses ' -. ”:/_ 1 .‘3 , —~
)red be expressed in constructive ' I l 5" I ' i‘ '
fire. ways. 5 3: ‘ . '

,I Specifically, the report reconi- E ‘ — _ . . - " _ - '-
jnm , mends: .I v. Q .~ , '
itial ) Adoption, campus by cam- 5 I' 2",} 7 I , jI

ket pus, of ”A Bill of Rights and ; yi .- l'.
sies Responsibilities for Members of l l on“ 3 7 ”I -
ave the Institution.” A model bill is g l T I .. .. | -'
suggested. 7 x \ / l i . .~ '.
3112 ) Development by each cam- E \I / II x . ‘ ' -I
IOUI' pus of effective measures for con- /' l ,' j I‘ ~ _" II
sultation and contingency plau- \‘II / I f .. ; t ' 1
niiig in the event of disruptive . ‘ / I .IuI‘ . '~.
ore emergencies. \. // I III* II
22):; ) Creation by each campus of ‘\ /// ,II ' f ‘ .‘ rI »
9°." :4. //
w.” . fl i". /
OllC Board rejects I I/ III "' Il ' /'I .3 . s
' 'I‘ '/ . II/ / : l i777: ; I3. I ;.
its d 5 / ' / I .- . I.
ade . co e proposal t / A .. .. _ ..
blald- Continued from Page 1 l I / / l \ fl l -, i. ‘ ‘
ure fair and unjust. It is drawn in l ., ‘ X" ._ '. " . . . » .
wal consideration of political senti— l I' / t A , \z /{/I.“ I f r .-
'ar. ment throughout the (Iommon- I.I ‘ i / / ‘ 'y ”\5 I / H . *I'r. . .
‘1 wealth. not in consideration of . I: 'I -' ,9 I: I7; . “Q. K l .-_. ,‘ .
" the needs of the L'niversity of l J" ‘ is \ / IAI ' 5 ' I. ‘, II
Kentucky. It exists in violation ’I " t I! 0. b q .1 l .t 1. f I.
of the inalienable right of free - v. 3 . I'mg‘ , "If" / .' . I; ;~ ..
men and women to have a voice -, . '. . 0‘ ‘ l If ' ; , 'I I j_
in matters of policy that affect ‘ "U ' ' ' , .' I I ,I 'T,
. them. All indications are t at I x; ’ ; I IgI
xliherl there is virtually no hope of it I /. .l: I; l . , II W' " . . .-' .I I
,II in- getting any better. but that is I \ / I I I I, H : I 0‘ I .. -. (III; I I
(1 con- notIIreally the issue . . . . “ \_ I/ I/ l , I / I ~11 III 'I I I- . 'i‘ .
I .~ A student code produced by \ / ; , . i / 1 ~ l .3. I a '. I. II. III
“In“; a committee of legitimately “\ I,“ I l \I l / '2 'I II \I m ‘\.\ // 7. , .
”‘93" chosen student representatives \ ‘~ 5‘; l \ t ' ‘ ' 0, I i/ _" l:
””‘w' and faculty and administrative V //T:7 . M , I l M ‘I ‘ / Q I- -‘ ~ 2 .'
‘l‘fldl representatives, or a code ap- ( l I .\\\ x} I! I .. l \7 t / a "a .r I I t ' ' f
“t“l‘ proved by a student referendum \ l ,l . \\\ .‘ I! I l I , / . ~> I: f. 1
that A would have the legitimacy so s, l \\_i lI v, \ M / l , ‘. . ,‘ In -: .
led to woefully lacking in the present 0 l \ ll\.l‘. l \‘y .t-.’ E I . , I a x . . I . ;
document." 2 / ts W ‘I \ l/\ i j I‘ -‘ . , . .II ‘
~e De» The Board, in other business. :I I ‘ . 1‘st \ \\\\ / t 2‘ I -. I, ~, .I I .
ig any accepted a bid of $12,125,000 '- i V \. '.II I \-\\ >2. ‘t _ I I . _I .I I II
tional from Lehman Brothers, Inc.; l l \I \\ . l t . / '. . I . I 1' ‘I
51mm. Phelps, Fenn and (30.; and Bear, / , l‘\ H ~ l l ‘I. \I , . lI . I ' . . '. ‘I . .' .
We“. Steams and Co. (all of New I // \Ii \ /l .I /I 1'. ‘t X l . '0 I '3, I.
ablish . York) for the sale of Series A l ,/ ~ ‘ l \l I' i I \_ I ' g.
emon— I bond for improvements at the \1 I \ l ill \\ I It. ‘ x . II I . ,.. I
f. community colleges. The rate of X \l. I l \ . l .I i ‘ I ‘I . I . . . .. “. .
'l interest is 6.17 percent. I ‘\ / \\‘ l \\ ; ' ‘1’ \I l I , . . ~. , I‘ . I-
rted) t The Board 21150 passed a reso- / t \‘ ‘~ I l . I X I? I '.’ , II . ., . ,II
.r two lution commending the basket- I \ l . I ' I l ~. ii ,.I I ; I
tings ball team and coaching staff for . \ I l l \ t 'I 'I ~ I I I I-
They - - _ / \I . x I ' l .- . _ i _ I
. their efl'orts during the past sea l . \ -. I . . I I
“‘"St son, expressing "deep pride" in I I l ‘ l ‘ t l I ,~ . I, :
guard their accomplishments. I \ ‘l ' \ .I . II I ', .' I . . ..
'0le l \ II.I I ‘_ I
‘ W ' I I
been (..ommon (iause .3 II «I. ff“ 5/ .. \ . I. "'2'. J.
H ~' ’ .-v , o — .' . -
* I . ~d - q -I - li/éi‘sviit‘i‘ 2-") are :\Ie.l‘i{=.1srz.l. ' 9 ,. . ~
10:1} 0 J] in cur fill,” .IaiI 1W". 93 . fl" =',i-,‘7'.'ll II a _ @J". II I, ._ .'
But Continued from Page 1 '4'” i u - - .- - ““ "“NM .. mg I I .I _-
ldiers tance is Common Cause, . I , I
'Ollld a national reform lobby based 0 ? a O 'I p ' I . .. I ,.
do." in Washington and headed by O . . w. R k' or a ram rys O I . I I II . '
John Gardner, former secretary . , I' I
zIernedltl' mumm’" “”1 “‘l Up, up and away—it's kite flying time snack. a complete meal. carry-out. . 'I . I 'I
OthcrcomPIhIIinItIsII I and your kite is free at Jerry's! Like and drive-in serviceL/\ ’ : g .
‘g ' eCount' ,3 er' Iiaries . . . . . , z k . .
E. Bldg; Jr. said he welcomed eating. kite flying is a family affair Afterward. . .GO FLY \\ k/ I II
cud Eh“ “I‘m” ‘f‘?“‘“I‘:“““l ":i"lI’I'9" at Jerry's. 80 drop in at the Jerry's YOUR K/TE/ r ‘ , , ' 1
. 1215 )('(,‘ll 0" K‘ \l)() “5 ‘4 III
.sIecI Wu with more mg students t-s— Restaurant nearest you and ask for T . me I . .
iu - 4 , , , _ - , » . I. ._cI, ,
ish. tiff§§§11fi,‘I‘,,,‘,‘,‘,,‘”‘ in MN” ”' your free kite—get one for each rnem . nea’ (“gar \. x» I .
ble Btiesler said current regi’Istra- ber of you r fa m i ly a nd ma [(9 It a Jerrys ’5 a ’ ,I~ ' I I v.
em. tioii irocedures areiii accorr aiice . .. . 5 .
rms withl an opinion released last famlly affalrl somethlng fOt’ GVGFy- Fam[./y ” l '
. at month by the state Attorney " '9 , r l ’it rr VS: A lfk o RESTAUR : ~ .
l23 Ceneralisoffice. I one I» the U 8 k Je y QU ( 3F‘Faln ANTS .c. I .
lley Bright acknowledged that l k i 1308 HARRODSBURG ROAD 357 SOUTH LIMESTONE STREET
ex- students have hecoinc more iii- I l
,3 i““’-‘“‘“ "3 “mm“ "‘ ““3 ”‘ ”W . 1949 NICHOLASVILLE ROAD ”27 WINCHESTER ROAD l .
local elections because of recent 2 I ,
controversies between students I '76 NEW CIRCLE ROAD . .
and the local authorities. ‘.__________________.__————_' ..____________..______ _ m .. . , l , .

 ‘ ‘I would hope as a mem ber of the
' ’d b d ' Ath b t I
' ‘ ’11 b ' h l ' r y °
p t b a, 4 , o 55.;
._.. ‘5 Oil 9 0 In 9 l a] 0’ CUB, l’l
o/ :51: ‘
I I I . .1 ° 9 9 13f}