xt7h18344r8j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7h18344r8j/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2002-11-06 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 06, 2002 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 06, 2002 2002 2002-11-06 2020 true xt7h18344r8j section xt7h18344r8j Peeping at leaves across the Bluegrass | a?

i”; g egg-e GRINDIN'

Nove MHZ...


2002 saga

DeCamp wins
council race
by 13 percent

Opponent: Pratt”says he will leave Kentucky,
says other gadflies will have to step up in city




Crosbie loses by slim margin




Percentage of votes
garnered by new
mayor Teresa Isaac


Percentage of votes
collected by lsaac's
Scott Crosbie.


Number oi votes
Isaac received


Number of votes
Crosbie received

For at least another two years, in-
cumbent councilman Dick DeCamp
will continue to represent the UK area
on the Lexington-Fayette Urban County
Council. DeCamp beat Lexington ac-
tivist Don Pratt by almost 13 percent of
the vote in the 3rd District. which en-
compasses much of the off-campus
housing surrounding UK.

DeCamp received 56.6 percent of the vote, with 1,666
votes. Pratt received 43.4 percent of the vote, with 1,275
votes. Two write-in votes were cast in the 3rd District.
UK DeCamp said he plans to work more closely with

“We’re right on the edge of doing some things that
will benefit the community and UK‘ he said. His plans
include “a more livable downtown” to attract college stu-
dents and a financial assistance fund for staff and facul-
ty who want to buy houses near UK.

In a statement released to the media, Pratt said he
would be leaving Kentucky.

“Other dreams of mine will now become a priority,
and I will pursue them, hopefully more successfully than
the seat of 3rd District council," Pratt said in the state-
ment. “However, those dreams will not be fulfilled in
Lexington or in Kentucky"


scorr usmitsxv | KERNEL STAFF


Alter a supporter hands her a glass. Teresa Isaac gives an impromptu toast to her victory
as mayor of Lexington Tuesday night at the Hilton hotel off Nicholasvllle Road.

Jim Gray and her family bought by her 1998 congres-

Celebration: Isaac looks ahead to hiring staff,
improving UK-city relations, buying water company

By Sara Cunningham

With her family sur-
rounding her and a crowd of
supporters chanting “T.I.,“ a
sleep-deprived Teresa Isaac
accepted her victory last
night over Scott Crosbie.
Isaac won by a little more
than 1,700 votes in the Lex-
ington mayoral race.

After loss, Crosbie unsure 0

After a teary-eyed Cros-
bie gave his concession
speech and Isaac hugged her
kids, Isaac spoke to the
nearly 500 people gathered
at the Hilton Suites of Lex-
ington Green.

She began her speech.
which lasted less than five
minutes. by thanking Cros-
bie, Mayor Pam Miller, pri-
mary mayoral candidate

Close race: In a speech broken with emotion,
Crosbie addresses Lexington’s future, blesses Isaac

By Rebecca Neal

While Scott Crosbie's
supporters anxiously
awaited vote returns, a
UK student signed a
framed campaign poster
for him.

“You'll be a great
mayor of Lexington."
Emily Morriss, a third
year law student, wrote
on the poster.

But the optimism did-
n‘t prove warranted.

In a close election.
mayoral candidate Scott
Crosbie lost the race to

Freshmanstruck by car

“He had so much left to
do." Volz said.

At Eastern High School
in Louisville. Vetter played
baseball. basketball and golf.
He was a member of the

_By Tracy KNEW!


They drove to UK togeth-
er. four freshmen from
Louisville, living together in
Kirwan Tower. working out
at the gym. enjoying their
first months of college.

But last night. only three
of this pack sat in room 507.
the TV turned low. the an-
swering machine picking up

Their friend Eric Vetter.
19. died Tuesday at UK Hos-

former vice-mayor Teresa
Isaac by a little more
than 1,700 votes.

“It was very. very
close. and we knew it
would be tight all along,"
Crosbie said in his con-
cession speech at the

Isaac won with 37.516
votes. or 51 percent. and
Crosbie received 35.743
votes. or 49 percent.

Crosbie, who was
president of UK‘s Student
Government Association
from 1991-1992. became
emotional during his con-

See CROSBIE on 8

pital. three days after he was
struck by a car as he walked
across the intersection of
University and Cooper drives
at 4:28 am. Saturday The dri-
ver. Dustin Hatton. 19. of
Lexington. was charged with
drunken driving.

All weekend. three of
Vetter's closest friends
Nick Volz. Curt Hargrove
and Ryan Carter waited at
the hospital. praying their
friend might survive.

“It just shouldn't have
happened to Vetter." said

I W Thtudnt Newspaper at th

She then thanked her sup-

“It‘s been a long, exhila-
rating campaign. and we all
shared in the victory." Isaac

It was a speech some did
not think she would get a
chance to give.

Throughout the cam-
paign, Isaac was criticized
for her personal finances,
such as her credit card debt.
child-support payments and
her continued use of a car

" ‘r ,"vCH" '. bra,
it luv-w.) smut

f future plans

sional campaign.

Still, those involved
with the Isaac campaign
stayed optimistic.

“I wouldn‘t call it mud-
slinging,“ said Vicky Rauth,
Isaac‘s aunt. “It‘s just part of
politics. and you have to ac-
cept the good with the bad
when you enter a race. But
everyone knows how hard
Teresa works.”

Isaac looked as though
she was losing steam four or

See ISAAC on B

JONN IANPLEA | xrnuttsmr

Scott Crosbie's wife, K.c., holding their youngest daughter Cate,
wipes away tears as he gives his concession speech.

Hargrove as he sat on Vet-
ter's dorm bed. A poster of
C a r m e n
E l e c t r a
hung on the
wall behind
him: foot-
ball team
magnets lit»
tered the re»

V o I 7. .
V e t t e r ‘ s
roommate. sat on his own
bed. shaking his head.



e University of Kentucky,

Latin club. Fellowship of
("hristian Athletes and Stu-
dents Against Dangerous Der

Many of his high school
friends. now scattered at dif-
ferent colleges. drove to hex
ington Sunday and Monday

"They came from every-
where." (‘arter said. "West-



He said Lexington will need “many new gadflies.”

“I will return to Lexington or to Kentucky spiritu-
ally and even physically. to support what I know should
be done and for those individuals I know to be honest
and courageous in their acts and deeds," he said.

At least one local expert was surprised by DeCamp’s

“For an incumbent with weak opposition, that's a
bad sign,” said Stephen Voss, a UK political science pro-


DeCamp said he had not anticipated how many

votes Pratt would receive.

“In politics you never know,” DeCamp said. “You
can never take any good competitor for granted.”

DeCamp said he raised about $20,000 for the race,
$15,000 of which he spent on leaflets. campaign costs,
and TV and newspaper ads. Pratt said he spent his own
money and tried not to spend more than $1,000.

“The fact that DeCamp did so poorly against an op-
ponent who had very few resources ought to make him
think twice about his strategies,” Voss said.

Voss also said he thought much of DeCamp’s opposi-
tion stemmed from his support of the Lexington Area
Party Plan, which was a contentious issue last year be
tween students and the council.

“He’ll have to find ways to make that University vote
more comfortable with him," Voss said.




Jeb Bush, Elizabeth Dole,
Katherine Harris win I 2

Students react to local, state,
national election results | 3

Fletcher, McConnell win I 3

cm. Miami of Ohio. Ken-
tucky State. It was amazing
to see.“

Vetter. they said. was
friendly to everyone. “Every-
one is put here on Earth for a
reason.“ Volz said. “His was
to make people feel good."

In his high school year-
book. Vetter listed Tupac
Shakur lyrics as his senior
quote: “Keep your friends by
your side. even closer your
foes "

As his friends talked
about him Tuesday night.


dies at UK Hospital

they found solace in memo-
ries of their high school

“In high school we hung
out every day and worked
out three times a week." Har-
grove said. “He had this pur-
ple Achieva we always
made fun of it and we
rode in that every day. just
listening to music."

The 2002 Eastern senior
class voted Vetter "prettiest
smile "

See DEATH on 0



z | ytonasw. NoiiETiisrnlsgogz' | unwary mun







at a. glance




Republican Incumbent Jeb Bush, President George W. Bush's
brother, won Florida's gubernatorial race


WASHINGTON ~ Democrats broke a 25-year Re-
publican hold on the Illinois governor‘s office and took
back Pennsylvania Tuesday as they sought to reclaim
a majority of the nation’s executive mansions. Florida
Gov. Jeb Bush defeated Democrat Bill McBride in a
high-profile victory for the GOP.

As 36 states elected governors. one incumbent was
ousted W South Carolina Gov. Jim Hodges. a one-term
Democrat. lost to former GOP Rep. Mark Sanford.

Democrats led in GOP country of Michigan and
Kansas, while Republicans. hoping to minimize the
shrinking of their ‘ 7-21 edge. held onto New York and
Massachusetts. The GOP also led in Texas.

In Illinois. Democratic Rep. Rod Blagojevich defeat-
ed Republican Jim Ryan in a race that linked Ryan to
the scandal-tainted single term of GOP Gov. George
Ryan — no relation who chose not to seek reelection.

Pennsylvania Democrat Ed Rendell. former mayor
of Philadelphia. defeated GOP Attorney General Mike

In a marquee race. Gov. Bush had extensive cam—
paign help from his brother. Early in the night, Presi-
dent Bush called to “congratulate him for a big victo-
ry.‘ White House press secretary Ari Fleischer said.

GOP businessman Mitt Romney defeated state Trea-
surer Shannon O‘Brien in heavily Democratic Massa-
chusetts to continue 12 years of Republican control.

New York Gov. George Pataki easily turned back a
challenge from Comptroller H. Carl McCall. the only
black ever elected to statewide office there.

In Maryland where there was another top contest.
Democratic Lt. Gov. Kathleen Kennedy Townsend was
seeking to become the first member of the Kennedy
family to serve as a governor. but lost to Republican
Rep. Bob Ehrlich.


“.5. House

0.5. Senate






Republican candidate Elizabeth Dole won a Senate seat in In Florida, Katherine Harris. the former secretary at state,
North Carolina. won I House seat.


WASHINGTON Republicans recaptured Senate
seats held by conservative icons in both Carolinas and
New Hampshire while Democrats kept a once-endan-
gered seat in New Jersey as the GOP fought to wrest
control of the chamber from their Democratic rivals.

Republican Rep. John Sununu was victorious in
New Hampshire and will replace the man he defeated
in a bitter GOP primary as each party refused to relin-
quish seats that the other coveted in the battle for Sen-
ate control.

In North Carolina. Republican Elizabeth Dole won
the right to succeed the retiring Sen. Jesse Helms. bat-
ting down a challenge by Democrat Erskine Bowles.
the one-time chief of staff to President Clinton.

In South Carolina. four-term GOP Rep. Lindsey
Graham will replace outgoing Sen. Strom Thurmond
after besting Democrat Alex Sanders. the former Col—
lege of Charleston president.

For their part. Democrats held the New Jersey
seat that will be relinquished by Sen. Robert Torricelli.
who abruptly ended his campaign last month after
ethics violations seemed to end his chances of being
re—elected. Returning in his place will be Frank Laut-
enberg. who retired two years ago after an 18-year Sen-
ate career.

As America decided which party would steer the
Senate for the next two years. the Democrats held con-
trol by 50-49. including a Democratic-leaning indepen~
dent. That excludes Dean Barkley. the independent
named Monday by Minnesota Gov. Jesse Ventura to re-
place Wellstone for a postelection session of Congress
that begins next week.

With Republicans holding the White House and
heading toward recapturing control of the House. the
Senate seemed to stand as the Democrats‘ lone lever of
power in Washington.

Lamar Alexander. the former education secretary
and one-time Tennessee governor. was elected to the
Senate from his state, replacing GOP Sen. Fred
Thompson. who retired.

Virginia's John Warner. a Republican power on
the Senate Armed Services Committee. won his fifth
six—year term in a race in which his popularity was un»
derlined by the failure of Democrats to even field a


WASHINGTON —— Republicans turned aside cru-
cial Democratic challenges in region after region
Tuesday and were headed toward extending their
eight-year control of the House of Representatives.

Democratic hopes of regaining the chamber
dimmed as Republicans chalked up wins or were
leading in many races earlier seen as toss-ups. Amer-
icans voted to fill all 435 House seats, but only a tenth
of them were deemed to be competitive.

Democrats needed a net gain of seven seats to re-
claim the control they lost in 1994. But as returns
rolled in. it seemed likely they would miss the mark.

Republican Rep. Shelley Moore Capito won a sec-
ond term in West Virginia. defeating Democratic
challenger Jim Humphreys, a wealthy lawyer, in what
was the most expensive congressional race in the
country, with $9 million raised and spent.

Rep. Nancy Johnson, R-Conn.. defeated Rep. Jim
Maloney. D-Conn., and Rep. Charles Pickering. R-
Miss., defeated Rep. Ronnie Shows. D-Miss.

Meanwhile. in a victory that was not a surprise,
Katherine Harris, former Florida secretary of state
and a GOP heroine for her role in the 2000 presiden-
tial election. coasted to election for a House seat in
Florida representing the Sarasota area.

House Speaker Dennis Hastert. R-Ill., and Minori-
ty Leader Dick Gephardt, D-Mo., coasted to easy re-

GOP businessman Chris Chocola was in a Indi-
ana House district. Democratic Rep. Julia Carson won
over her GOP challenger. Brose McVey. in another In-
diana race.

In a Gulf Coast Florida race. incumbent Democ-
ratic Rep. Karen Thurmond lost her seat to Republi-
can challenger Ginny Brown-Waite.

While the president‘s party traditionally loses
seats in mid-term elections. Democrats had to buck
another trend after picking up seats in three previous
congressional elections —» in 1996, 1998 and 2000. No
party has gained seats in four successive elections
since the 19305.



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Winners: Lucas, Fletcher,
McConnell, Northup
fend off challengers


Of four major US. Con-
gressional races in Kentucky,
three victors were Republi-

Republican US. Rep.
Anne Northup was re-elected
to a fourth term Tuesday.
again holding off an ambi»
tious challenger and defying
voter numbers in the mostly
Democratic 3rd District.

In complete but unoffi»
cial returns. Northup had
118.228 votes or 52 percent.
while Democrat Jack Con»
way had 110.846 or 48 per-

President Bush tele-
phoned Northup with con-
gratulations. which she

shared with a euphoric elec-
tion night Republican crowd.

Bush “told me to thank all of

you for caring about who you
elect into office," Northup

Republican Sen. Mitch
McConnell defeated Democ»
rat Lois Combs Weinberg to
win a fourth term Tuesday.
solidifying his reputation as
one of Kentucky‘s most suc-
cessful politicians.

McConnell was armed
with a bulging campaign
fund and cited his experi~
ence in drawing a contrast
with Weinberg. whose under-
funded campaign struggled
for attention.

0 mar org


McConnell. first elected
on Ronald Reagan‘s coattails
in 1984. became the first Ken»
tucky Republican elected to
four consecutive Senate

“Much has been accom-
plished but much is left to be
done.” McConnell told jubi-
lant supporters at a hotel in
his hometown of Louisville.

With nearly three—
fourths of precincts report-
ing. McConnell was close to
eclipsing the Republican
record for margin of victory
in a statewide race in Ken-


80 percent of
reporting. Mc-


Council winters
After claiming
victory In his re- M AH...
election hid. 6th Mike Scanlon, 50.4%
District Chuck Ellinqer, II. 46.3%
Congressman David Stevens, 45.3%

Ernie Fletcher

waves to a crowd 13' m
of supporters. W99 Brown Jr., 994%
His wife Glenna
is at his side. 2“ dstrict .
Jacques Wigglnton, 99.7%

3rd tistrict
i Dick DeCamp, 56.2%


«I! W
Linda Gorton, 99.9%

5th listrict
Bill Farmer Jr., 74.8%

6th tlstl‘Ict
AI Mitchell, 7i.4°/o

7th tistrict
Bill Ceqelka, 52.5%


‘ , ,. - . - .
(,onncll had 061,311 votes. or Fred Brown, 69.6%

63 percent. and Weinberg
had 329.401 votes. or 37 per-

Elsewhere. another in-
cumbent with a rigorous re-
election fight. Democratic
Rep. Ken Lucas. fended off a
fierce attempt by Republi-
cans to take back his 4th Dis-
trict seat, which the GOP
once seemed to own.

In central Kentucky‘s 6th
District. Rep. Ernie Fletcher
defeated independent Gate-
wood Galbraith of Lexington
and Libertarian Mark Gailey
of Berea. No Democrat was
on the ballot.

9th district
Jennifer Mossotti, 99.8%

10th lists-lot
Sandy Shafer. 97.5%

nth dstrict
Paul Brooks, 60.8%

12th listrict
Gloria Martin, 65.2%


Students react to election winners, losers

Watching the race: Across campus, students
wait as city, state election results are tallied

By Emily Haqedom


Krista Elliott sat cross-legged in the front row of the tele~
vision alcove in the Student Center. She said she is pleased
that Teresa Isaac is the mayor-elect.

“I am glad Teresa Isaac won.“

nior. said

Elliot. a political science ju-

Like Elliott. many students followed the election last
night. with reactions ranging from surprise to satisfaction.

“I am very happy with Teresa Isaac winning.”

said Steve

Buttes. co-chair of the UK Students of the Green Party.
“(Green Party‘s) big issue was local ownership of water. so we
were friendly to the candidate that was for local ownership.“

Despite the rain. many turned out to vote .,

students followed the race.

and many

“It was exciting to follow.“ said Stephanie Wingate. a so-
cial work junior. as she watched the results in the lobby of
Kirwan IV “It was exciting to get to vote."

Many students were taken aback that Scott Crosbie lost.

“At first. when it was close. I thought Crosbie might possi-
bly pull it off. We knew it would be close." said Kellen Baker.
the president of UK's College Republicans. “I'm disappointed


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and a little surprised. but Teresa is the mayor-elect. and we
will stand behind her and support her.”

Some students were disappointed 3rd District council
candidate Don Pratt did not defeat incumbent Dick DeCamp.
the target of a Student Government campaign against the
Lexington Area Party Plan.

“I believed Don Pratt would have been a better voice for
the students‘ concerns of the 3rd District," said Dave Newton.
the president of UK‘s College Democrats.

Still. some students were happy to see another name on
the ballot. Pratt had 43.6 percent of the vote.

“(Student Government) respected Don Pratt for offering a
choice." said SG press secretary TJ. Litafik. “It‘s hard to run
against an incumbent that has deep roots entrenched in the
district and neighborhood."

Students reacted to the US. Senate race between Republi-
can Mitch McConnell and Democrat Lois Combs Weinberg.

“I think tnat McConnell has good rapport. He is a good
representative." Baker said. “Weinberg didn't have a strong
enough platform."

Republican Ernie Fletcher’s win over independent Gate-
wood Galbraith for the 6th District congressional seat also
caused discussion.

“We would have preferred to have a better showing.“ said

Litafik. who is also a political consultant for Galbraith. “We
gave the people a choice. Unfortunately. the voice of the peo-
ple didn't rise above the noise of (Fletcher‘s) big money."



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Sarah Zopfi
Scene Editor
Phone 251>6525 l Emall'pettymrllamhotmancom

4| WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 6, 2002 | xrnrucxv «mm

It was
York, L.A.
or Philly
down in

— Pusha T. ,
member of Clipse

Robbie Clark

Their blunt lyrics tell of
life on the street and how they
used to hustle there. Their de-
but hip-hop album recently
went gold. They're also going
to be performing for Lexington
music fans tonight.

The rap duo Clipse is
bringing its Virginia based
sound of hip~hop from their al<
bum Lord Willin‘ to Varsity
Blue at 8 pm. The group Clipse.
produced by the Neptunes. is a
combination of brothers Gene
and Terrence Thorton. whose
stage names are Malice and
Pusha T.

“We write all our lyrics,"
Pusha T. said. “They [Nep-
tunes] put the music down."

In a time when new hip-
hop camps are challenging the
standard sounds of strict East
or West Coast performers,
Clipse's music takes on a differ-
ent mold to reflect their Virgin-
ian lifestyles.

“We’re coming out of Vir-
ginia," Pusha T. said. “We get
the Virginian street music
scene down.”

Coming from a region
where rap music and artists
are not normally associated
with has proved some difficult
challenges for the pair. said
Pusha T.

“It was always New York.
L.A. or Philly Nobody was
looking down in Virginia."


The rap group Clipse will perform at 8 pan. at Varsity Blue tonight.

With nobody in the music
industry paying attention to
their area. Clipse was able to
hone their own distinct style of
music, said Pusha T.

“This is our own genre.
It’s not Dirty South and it’s not
East Coast," Pusha T. said.
“Not working for a big music
label made it easy to create our

Clipse’s lyrics can be
graphic in their description of
street life and often make refer-
ences to selling drugs. The
songs are autobiographical,
said Pusha T..

“This album reflects a time
before we joined the Arista la—
bel when we had to work the

streets," Pusha T. said. “This is
a street album with street

Getting Clipse to play in
Lexington was not an easy
task, said Brandon Byrd, a UK
graduate student who coordi-
nated the group‘s stop in the

“Lexington doesn't really
have anything to offer in the
urban field."

Tonight’s concert will be
Clipse’s first time performing
in Kentucky, something the
twosome is looking forward to.

“We really appreciate the
support we‘ve received from
the South," Pusha T. said. “The
South knows how to party"






Let It Rain

By Elizabeth Va Kama

Tracy Chapman re-
leased her sixth album Let
It Rain, marking another
achievement in a 15 year

Once again, Chapman
impresses her audience
with laid-back beats, mel~
low tunes and great lyrics
from a voice that radiates
pureness along with sim-

Let It Rain features 12
songs that allow the listen-
er to relax and meditate,
letting all stresses fade
away into the background.
Listeners are invited to
clear their thoughts, chat
with a long lost friend or
just sit back.

In the title song listen-
ers can relate to times
when they have needed re-
assurance or support to
know that life can get bet-

In the track “Another
Sun," Chapman grooves to
an edgier, blues beat that
depicts her turning her
back and smugly walking
away from trouble.

A wide variety of mu-
sical instruments make
this album unique. Chap-
man does not rely on
shocking lyrics or ear-
shredding screams to get
her words and feelings

Instead she scatters
such instruments as a clar-
inet. piano, organ, violin,
ukulele, cello and acoustic
guitar throughout the mu-

Music Reviews


“You’re the One" uses
hand claps and a tam-
bourine to reassure her
prospective partner that he
is the one despite what oth-
er people may say.

In “Say Hallelujah” lis-
teners can join in the
gospel-like rhythm, clap
their hands and snap their
fingers to the beat.

Chapman’s mesmeriz-
ing voice remains clear
and understandable
throughout the album.
Lyrics are easy to under-
stand, and relate to prob-
lems or situations that lis-
teners may encounter or
think about each day. The
words Chapman croons
linger in your head hours
after listening instead of
just being forgotten.

Chapman keeps listen—

ers in an emotionally
charged album.

For those who already
love Chapman. then Let It
Rain will not be a disap-
pointment. Fans will once
again be satisfied.

For those who have
never listened to Chap
man, they will become en-
tranced by its simplistic
lyrics which create an in-
tense emotional trip and
forever remain timeless.

Grade: B+












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The and! of life


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Travis Hubbard
SportsDaiiy Editor


Phone: 257-l9l5 | Email: kernelsportseyahootom


seamen innit " i poison, noveuatee, 2002 i 5


Kings of MAC Tourne
defend soccer dynasty

Three and counting: Cats seeking
fourth straight MAC Championship

By Alex Williams



Senior captain JD. Stephenson
gathered the UK men‘s soccer team into
a huddle at practice this week.

He gave the team a pep talk to re-
mind them how important the upcom—
ing weekend is.

It‘s the last chance for the Cats as
they attempt to accomplish a feat no
other Mid-American Conference team
has done: win four straight conference
tournament championships.

And if Stephenson has anything to
do with it, the practice won't be the
team's last.

The Cats have an impressive 8-0
record in the last three conference tour-
naments and would like no more than
to earn a fourth MAC title and NCAA
tournament berth.

Coach lan Collins said the team has
battled adversity all season. and despite
its 9-8-0 regular season record still has the
talent to rewrite the record books.

“It‘s been a strange year," Collins
said. “But the beauty of this tourna
ment is that we can move