xt7h18344s6x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7h18344s6x/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2008-02-26 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 26, 2008 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 26, 2008 2008 2008-02-26 2020 true xt7h18344s6x section xt7h18344s6x SKATING ON: The UK hockey team advances to national tournament
for first time in 13 years looking for first championship SPonTs, ms 3







FEBRUARY 26, 2008


1st 86 prez candidate announces run within days of deadline

By Blair _Lhomas
bthomas@kykerne|. corn

Only one candidate has announced
plans to run for Student Govemment
president with one day until the filing

50 Senate president Tyler Montell.
surrounded by red. white and blue bal—
loons and a crowd of more than 75
people singing along to Fleetwood
Mac‘s “Don‘t Stop.” formally joined
the race last night.

"If i didn‘t get into UK. i wasn‘t go-
ing to college." Montell said. “UK has al»
ways been where I knew I belonged."

Montell. a business junior from
Shelbyville. Ky.. could be the only
presidential candidate in the spring
elections. No one can file to run after

the tomorrow's deadline.

Montell said his focus will be to
"represent the students of UK whether
it be in Frankfort, in the (UK Board of
Trustees) board room or in President
(Lee) Todd's office." Along with run-
ning mate Grant Mills. a history junior,
Montell said he plans to make diversi-
ty. graduate student voices and campus
safety some of his top priorities.

”This is the student's govemment
and we want to make sure we are doing
everything possible for the students."
Montell said. “We have to embrace all
students. not just those in our circles.
and I believe that the leadership that
Grant and l haye had during our time at
U K has afforded us the ability to bring
this to campus

Montell and Mills, who was part

of 50 as a member of the freshman
representative council. also said they
plan to take the president‘s role as a
member of the Board of Trustees se-
riously and plan to restructure the SG
executive committee. which works
with UK and funds campus programs
independently of the Senate. to better
serve students.

“Our main focus is to represent stu—
dents' interests." Mills said. "We‘ve
been involved in a lot of different are—
nas on campus. and we really want to
help all different students."

Montell‘s campaign ticket lists a
few 56 veterans and several newcom-
ers to 50.

Working with former S(i President

See Montell on page 4

Tyler Montell
announced last
night that he was
running for Student
Government presi-
dent only a few days
before the filing
deadline tomorrow
He is the first candi-
date to join the race

Etuon HESS





tioning resource center.

break two weeks away.


Students enjoyed free play on al
drag show last night at the ( Eats Den as a part
of “Spring Br e..”1kout a program to get stu-
dents hyped for spring br ‘ak. \lost of the per-
formers were contacted through ()L'Tsource.
the campus homosexual. transgender and ques—
'l‘he event also fe' -
tured alternative spring br ‘ak ideas and safety
tips for students looking to travel over the

games and a

last night is a (Lift
‘Sptinit Breakout ‘

Hernando (Juneau aka Adriana funnies.
tr? il'ati show (ltll‘flll tftt iu.‘


Communications disorders sophomore Emma Feinauer far right watches performers Shane Richardson, middle aka lndi iFerrah itid Horiia ijl‘ » rat right ,
aka Adriana Fuentes wait backstage before the drag show last night during the Cats Den 3 Spring Breakout "




N li\\'S

Police investigate Blending Tower burglaries

A man unlawfully entered at least two girls' dorm
rooms in Blanding Tower over the weekend. according to
a UK Police Department news release. UK Police are in
vestigating the burglary incidents. both of which occurred
in unlocked rooms. one on early Saturday and the other
on early Sunday. The suspect. who is described as a tall.
thin white man with blond hair. fled the rooms without
taking anything when residents challenged him. according
to the release. Although police have not yet identified
him. Interim UK Police Chief Joe Monroe said all indica»
tions suggest that the suspect is a student.

UK did not send out a campus-Wide safety alert because
the incident was isolated to South Campus. Monroe said. In-
formation was posted on alert fliers in South Campus domis
and on the UK police Web site (www.uky.edu/police). Police
are encouraging students to make sure their dorm room
doors are locked when sleeping.

Senior Salute

Students graduating in May. and those who graduated
in August or December of 2007. can finalize their plans
for this year s Commencement ceremony at the UK
Alumni Association Senior Salute this week.

The Senior Salute will be at the King Alumni House.
on the comer of Rose Street and Euclid Avenue. from In
am. to 6 pm. today and Wednesday. and from l0 am. to



B Rl ltl‘ S
7 pm. Thursday and Friday.

During the Senior Salute. students can \crify there tire no
stops or holds on their graduation records. buy caps. gowns
and tassels. have their senior portraits taken for the Kentuck-
ian yearbook and buy diploma frames and class rings.

For more infomiation about Senior Salute. call (iretc licn
Bower at (859) 257 8700 orc —niai| hei at (iictchenBow
erGI uky.edu.

Diversity Dialogues

Today‘s Diversity Dialogues program will focus on what
it is like for a student to be from more than one ethnic or
racial background.

The program. titled “Breeding Between the l ines: lis—
ploring the Bi- racial and Multi— racial Experience.‘ begins
at 7 p. m in the ( enter Theater of the Student ( enter The
discussion. part of a monthly series. is sponsored by the
Student Diversity Engagement and the Office of Multicul
tural Student Affairs.

Secretary of State to speak

Kentucky Secretary of State Trey (lrayson will talk to
students tonight at the College Republicans meeting at 8 in
The Study. on the third floor of the Commons Market.
Gray/son will talk about his experience working in Frankfort
for students interesting in going into politics


Biz prof to give
final word on

Bit Digerati!
news@kykerne| com

(iordon Holbein Usually speaks to UK stuv
dents about business manage—
ment. btit today he will ex—
plore the impact of human
relationships in decision—

Holbein. a senior lecturer
in the (iatton College of
Business and liconomics.
will speak at (1 pm. in the
WT. Young Libraiy Auditori»
um as part of the Final Word
series. The series began last
semester to give professors an opportunity to
present a lecttirc of their choosing as If It w ci'c
lhclt‘ last time to .iddt‘c‘ss sltiilc‘lits.

Tonight‘s spcccli. "\Ve l'i‘cl' 'l he l we \It (fl
Touch." should not be \ci‘y far off topic lioni
HUll‘L‘lI’bS typical lectures. he said. because liii
man relationships are so Integral to the htJSHlCSs
field. Beyond that. llolbcin did not want to reyeal
much of his topic: he encouraged students to
come and find out for theinsclycs.

"The different ways we make decisions that
matter most In our liyes Is fiow I would sum tip
my speech without giying too much aw ay." he

The Final Word series is an opportunity
for students to see another side of their pro
fessoi's. said Meghan Bostic. director of en
gaging issues on the Student \ctiy itics
Board. which sponsors the series.

it allows students to hear about things that
their professors are passionate about. she said.

"This series was \ci'y popular last sciiics-
In. so we decided to bring It back this sc
Iiicster.” Bostic said. “I‘d like to see it con-
tinue and gin: cs cry professor the oppoituni
ty to speak on the topic of their choice."

.S.-\li tries to unite well known professors on
campus to bc a pait of tlic lcctttrcs. and almost all
of the professors arc e\citcd to participate in tlic
series. Bostic said. -

'l lii‘cc prolcssoi‘s. including llolbciii. liii\ c
bccii United to give spccclics this sciiicstci
Last senicstci. topics lunged from politics and
sc\ to religion. About If)“ students attended
the last lcclttt‘c. w hci'c political sciciice profcs
sor (‘liristoplict‘ Rice spoke on anarchy .iiid


Poet toiive cand rhyme 1g ainst
hip—hop. abuse of women

By Ashley Camblin

'iows (Ilkyti wnel rotn

Bridget (iray decided to end her re—

lationship \\ itli hip hop
“Dear Hip Hop

last rhy nie'“ "

(iray 's poem "\1\ letter to Hip Hop."
is iust one of many the aspiring poet has
written Her work often focuses on subiccts
of abuse and degradation of women.

Students have a chance to hear her
work In person when (‘iray performs
tonight at 7:.tii in Memorial Hall.

The topics she writes about drew the at
teiition of L'K‘s Student Activities
when she performed at the board‘s national
conference In Nashy the In February 2007

“Women‘s Place (the Violence lnr

" she wrote In It poem
“I know in the beginning I was down to
work my hips. but I was tricked Seduced
by your beat. You had the for three minutes
and forty \l\ sctonds l was suspended in
time. but when l snapped out of it I had to
ask. ‘l)Id I hear what I thought I did in that

tct\cntion and Pic-\cntioii ('ciitcii is
starting to get really big on tanipus
and her poems relate to women‘s issues
and ollicr things Women‘s l‘lacc i.ii
gets." said Bryan Kennedy. S \lf's Iiiul
tictiltural progi'atii director and Kciiicl

(iray. who began her career acting
.Iftci graduating from college. decided
to combine her two passions for [K'lli‘l'
inancc and poetry In l‘l‘lts The follow
mg year. she won the first poetry slain
slit.‘ t‘\ci’ filtered. at cording lU llc‘t \Vt‘b
site thttp: l‘Iridgctgray coin! .Slic be
came the first and only lciiiulc to be
named backto back (irand Slain
(‘hampion iii l.os Angelcs and Holly

Since then (iray has been featured on
several telcyision programs. including
llBO’s “Def Poetry .laiii " She has also
opened for acts like the Blilt‘hrli)L‘tl Peas.
Tirykah Badu and .loss Stone. and has re
leased two ('l)s of her own. “Shades of
Gray" and “Self Love."


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By Linda C. Black
to get the advantage, check the

day'srat/ng lOis the easiest on) t}

the most challenging

Aries (March 21 - April 19) today
is a 6 . Careful computation is in
(tuned, and a good eraser l non.
may he a tiny items yo i ll iia '
take away from your list Si t ornr
ties, so you can maintain hope you“
get them lat er

Taurus (April 20— May 20) int uiiv
5 ar 8 Set i an yii rfeam
Make sure they know what for red to
or:- done Provufe Constant onion.r
agemeot, this isn't going to he ifrliy
Gemini (May 21 — June 21) lliiiil‘y
is a 6 You're into the ililfiriilt
oart Your goal seems impossible
Don't lose faith and toss it out
make it into smaller chunks (it‘t
there one step at a time

~ .ii
.il ‘..i'

(Aillrsiori ( .e llit' r

Acupting all insomnia claims.
[70 l)( unis Urtw (a tuilts (ruin
i ririprts) 277 l972


Cancer (June 22 — July 22) today
is an H .illllltly held finances are
a lint torizi now this includes the
household money, loans and invest-
merits Don‘t even mention specula
non Don't risk security

Leo (July 23— Aug. 22) today is a
6 So motio'idy liar find disagree-
ment w- -tli yist aho iit everything
that's said Don‘t get into the middle
iii the (,t‘iliillili unless you must, to
keen ilit,‘ illsittt‘

Virgo (Aug. 23 — Sept. 22) today is
o. P. for 'w itii'iil a" telling the.
ilrf‘iireni i? tiny/ergo fact and fanta
‘y “ion in ii .iiso foul .i it‘W super
‘.lrili‘ ti to ;., i l ’itit. iiii Without
ir, [i'w ;i,, 1 1i} Wiyl
Libra (Sept. 23-— Oct. 22)l May. is
in Its t i iitnii itilriy o gamble
iliin! *‘v’l :‘i i. s: iiiiiuiiif lliiL- odds are
‘iiii trial y’:1.lY"(1‘l\tfl your own
feet and "it". you" M Wa'i‘h where.
you're going

Scorpio (Oct. 23 — Nov. 21) today
it / lakiiiira litt1i>risk seems
to lit‘ a .wnrflmliile endeavor lf is
'i't, though Wagons you make now

are more likely to go the other way
Better zip your lip

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 — Dec. 21)
today is a 5 , It’s good to make
long lists You're still in control,
however Situations change You
ran scratch things off without ever
achieving them they're your lists.
Capricorn (Dec. 22 — Jan. 19) To
day IS a 7 Beware of false
friends who are after your money
they may try to sell you something
you don't need Don‘t take their
word for it, do your own research
Aquarius (Jan. 20 — Feb. 18) to»
day is a 5 , Not a good time to of.
fer fancuul suggestions. Keep your
dreams to yourself, for now. Keep
working the yoh and you'll get there,

Pisces (Feb. 19 — March 20) To;
day is an 8 Expand your search,
but keep private what you‘re actual-
ly finding You don't want to encour
age a lot of competition. Hold onto
your advantage

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I’I'le DiSI-l

By Kevin O‘Leary

If you want to bc sccri on thc
ariii ot a football hci‘o on Valcn
tinc‘s night. l)al|as' always
packcd hot spot Now Ifaliano
restaurant is tlic placc to do it.
Just ask Jcsstca Simpson l‘or hcl'
t’cbruary l-l datc \\llll boyfricnd
of ncarly four iriontlis tony
Romo. shc donncd a can‘t miss
scarlct drcss and scttlcd into a
highly \rsiblc booth for krsscs.
(‘ristal arid cliocolatc~co\crcil
straw hcrrics with thc NH. quar-
terback. as imagcs of classic Ital;
ian art flickcrcd on flat~scrccn
tclc\ isions bchmd thcm.

It was a sccnc thc singcr. 27,
could ha\'c scarcely hoped for
back in NM cmbcr. whcn slic ob-
sL'I'\Ctl thc tworycar anniwrsary
of hcr otficiat split by announc
irig on ABC's The View. "I want
a man.“ But only a neck latcr.
thc lltlpclL‘ss romantic got hcr
wish arid doyc into a whirlwind
affair with the Dallas Cowboy.
27. appcaring by his sidc at
games and on gctaways from
Oahu. Hawaii. to Mcxico. Now.
Siriipsoii is so sure shc‘s found a
good thing that slic"s imcstiiig
\inually all hcr circr'gy in tlic rce
lationship and closc pals say
the two arc hcadcd for marriagc.
"I think thc_\ could go thc tllV
tancc." thcir mutual pal (and his
formcr fling) Sophia Bush tclls
lTs. “'l'hc‘_\"rc pcrfcct for cach
otlicr. ’l‘hcy‘rc both funny and
wondcrful and kind. I‘m rooting
for thcm." And Romo‘s closc
friend of thrcc ycars Micliacl
Starr. from the ham y mctal corn-
:dy show Mctal Skool. who was
ioincd on stagc by thc lo\cys



dine) pair at Wcst Hollywood's
Kc) ('lub January 38. agrccs. "I
think thcy'rc going to gct mar~
ricd.” lic tclls t's. niattcrsoltact-
I). "I wouldn‘t bc surprised."
(SIIIII‘SUIFS rcp docs not mm.
iiicnt on lici pcrsorial lifc.)

l{\cn Simpson‘s c\—liusb;md
has gncn Iiis blcssing to thc
union. "I wish licr nothing but
happincss." Nick Lactic). whosc
tlrrcc-ycar marriagc to Simpson
ciidcd in Noicriibcr‘ Zfiflfi. told
t's wlicn askcd about licr ncw
lii\ c. "If slfc's found that .. good
tor llL‘I‘.“

Need for Speed

Still. oric Simpson sourcc
worrics that four months might
bc a littlc soon to .scttlc down.
"Shc is mining fast." the pat
says of thc 'l‘ckas—born
singcr. whosc managcr-dzul. Joc.
sct hci' tip with Romo. “But .shc
always docs. Shc has a onc-
track mind." What‘s grabbed hcr
attcntion'.’ “Shc says this rela—
tionship is the best cvcr bccausc
tlicy‘rc having so riiuch fun."
that said. thc pal warns thc
srngcr to be cautious about
putting asidc licr carccr to bcs
conic a football-wileiii—training.

One reason Simpson might
bc holding so tight to her casygo-
mg man is that her prc\ious two
rclationsliips pilcd on tlic drama.
“With Nick. it was business." thc
pal says of their TV rnarriagc.
which play cd out in living rooms
on the M'I‘V hit Newlyweds:
Nick a2 .Icssica: bchind thc
sccncs. though. bick’cring. jcal—
ousy and suspicions of cheating
crodcd the union. As for her on—


Univcrsity of Kcnruck’y Bands

see bias.



Haiti )1 1r


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again. off-again romanci- with
John Mayer. who brokc hcr hcmt.
the pat says: "It was all licav)
bulls—-t and mood swings With
him." (“'l‘rust inc." Simpson told
In Style of dating [mst—divorcc. "l
liasc cricd mysclf to lep.") in
contrast. Romo is a brcath of
frcsh air. says a Donald Farson
msrdcr il-aison‘s girlfricnd is
Simpson‘s cit—assistant (.‘aCcc
Cobb. and thc two couples hayc
doubledatcd). "llc‘s suix‘rgoofy
and shc lo\ cs that. She fccls likc
shc can bc goofy too."

Multiple Romo sourccs'.
though, insist that thc Wiscon—
sin~brcd playcr ~ oncc linkcd
to (‘arric Undcrwood ,. is too
clcarhcadcd to wed on a whim.
Says one of Romo‘s pals: “He's
not in a hugc hurry." Still. Simp-
son docs seem to qualify as wife
material. “Thcy arc both from
small towns and haw similar
morals." says a fcmalc confi—
dantc of Romo.

Not that thc relationship
doesn‘t have its baggage. After
Simpson appcarcd in the luxury
box [)cccmbcr to wearing hcr
QB's No. 9 jcrscy in pink. many
blamcd her for what could bc thc
worst loss of his carccr. ("Right
now. Jessica Simpson is not a fan
favorite in this locker room or in
'l‘cxas Stadium." teammate Tcr-
rclt Owcns told reporters.) Fans
at Romo's February It) Pro-Bowl
gamc in Honolulu chanted “Scnd
Jcssica home." But with the sca-
son ovcr. jinx talk has inevitably
"died down." Dallas Morning
News columnist Tim Cowlishaw
tctls Us.


‘ seeyourseffin UK Bands!





 1 .1 th—"J‘(l


February 26,
Page 3



Matthew George
Asst Sports Editor

Phone 25771915
mgeorge@kykeinel com


Weekend wins launch UK to national tourney

31M": _Camti_o_ld
spons@—kykerne_l_. com

A trip to Florida never felt
so cml.

After a pair of big wins in
the Southeast Regional Tour-
nament this weekend. the UK
hockey team will venture to
Fort Meyers. Fla.. to compete
for its first national champi-

The Cool Cats defeated
fourthvseeded Wagner College
4-2 Friday and third«seeded
William Patterson University 3—
2 Saturday in the Southeast Re—
gional Tournament in Washing-
ton. D.C. With the wins, UK
qualified for the American Col—
legiate Hockey Association Di-
vision ll National Toumament
for the first time in l3 years.

“lt's really. really cool." said
Patrick McAdams. senior defense-
man and assistant captain. "This
weekend could have been our last
ever. We haven‘t been (to the na-
tional tournament) in forever; it‘s
pretty neat to be the first UK team
to go in so long. We had a rough
start to the season. for awhile it
seemed so far off."

The Cool Cats won just four
of their first 12 games to open the
year: one of the losses was an 8-2
whooping by William Patterson in
October. But the team rebounded
and finished the season winning
16 of its final 2l contests to earn a
No. 9 ranking in the Southeast

The top two teams of each
of the four regions (West. South-
east; Northeast and Central) au-
tomatically qualify for the na-

tional tournament at the end of

the regular season. The regional
tournaments pitted the teams
ranked 3-through-l0 in each re-
gion against each other in seed-
ed playoffs, with the top two
teams from the tourney earning
a national toumament berth.

As a nine seed. the Cool
Cats defeated Wagner in the
toumament‘s first round.

The teams were reshuffled
after the first game so the high-
est seed played the lowest seed.
matching UK up with William

After the 8—2 drumming UK
took against the Pioneers in the
regular season. the Cool Cats
were looking for payback in the
regionals. said senior goalie
Drew Matichak.

“It was revenge, we weren‘t
going let it happen again." he
said. “Everyone came out and
played their best game this time.
We knew what to expect."

Head coach Rob Docherty
echoed that sentiment.

“When we played them earli—
er we weren‘t ready." he said. “It
taught us a lesson. We had to live
with that loss. It's nice to get them
back when it really counts."

The game illustrated how
much UK has grown during the
course of the season. Dochcrty



“The depth of the team has
really shown up." he said. "At
the beginning of the season we
just weren‘t catching the
bounces. all those little things
just weren‘t going for us. we
were hitting goal posts. all that
stuff. Now we're playing patient
and gelling well together at the
right time. l‘m very proud of
them. they're enjoying it."

Though the Cool Cats are not
sure who their opponent will be in
the opening round of the ACHA
National Toumament. Docherty
said they would be ready for who—
ever it is.

“I‘ve said it before. it doesn‘t
matter who we play against. we'll

Senior delenseman Patrick McAdams winds up for a slap shot against
Kennesaw State on the weekend of Oct 19

take on anybody." he said. "We‘ve
always played well against the
top-ranked teams; we love to play
in big game situations. Rankings
don't matter at this point. well be
ready for anybody."

The team will continue to
practice every Tuesday and
Thursday and hit the gym to
keep in shape during the long
break before the lo—tcam play~
off. which starts March l2. UK
is not satisfied with just making
the toumamcnt. Matichak said.

"We can beat anybody." he
said. “We‘ve come to believe in
ourselves. we‘re not just happy
about making it this far. we
want to win it."


Patterson named SEC
Freshman of the Week for

SPORTS Barrens



and Louisiana State‘s Anthony Ran—

Volunteers with [6 points. including the

game-winning basket in their win over then-

native is




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0 llt‘illll‘y mole and female Social
\T'lllkk‘l‘i itlr llt‘t‘Ilt‘ll

0 l’.)lliI irmrirs will tie IIIrtiritIally
i t‘lli[)l‘ll\dlt‘ll II I! lllr‘ll lllllt‘

- l’.irtIi ll)«llll‘s slit Ulil l)t‘ lIt‘lwt‘rll .‘l
45 years Of Ilflt‘ lI II .Ili I’ll‘ Il studies

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