xt7h445hbd9d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7h445hbd9d/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 18720414 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1872-04-jun14. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1872-04-jun14. 1872 2011 true xt7h445hbd9d section xt7h445hbd9d 


Kentucky University, Lexington, Ky., June 14, 1872
           Morrison College

Meeting of
June 14,

Cura tor

Minutes rem d
corrected &
approve 1.
Report of
Regent adopt-
Resort of
Com . on MIed.
Curators J.
M.Bigger &
Df.Y. Little

of the Tree s.

Report of
the Peace

The Board met at 9 O'clock.
were found. present-.

he roll being called the following

     R. M. Bishop, J. B. Bowrmen, John G. Allen, Benj. Gratz,
Andrew Steele, Joseph Wasson, D. S. Goodjloe, a. W. Elley, J. S.
Woolfolk, A. H. Bowman, Joseph Smith, R. J. White, R. C. Pick-
etts, A. B. Groom, John Shackelfor&, J. P. Tarbitt, R. R. Sloar,
W. T. Withers, Enos Campbell, L. B. Wilkes, Z. M. Shirley,
Horace M,1iller, Dr. Crutcher, James Kinnaird.

     Curator B.B. Groom, asked to have his vote recorded on the
question of rescinding the resolution-
     The minrn-tes were read lna after sorme corrections were ap-
     On motion of Curator Ricketts the Report of the iegent was
a dop ted.
     Curator Givens the Chairman of the Comtee. on Medical Col-
lege made his report through Dr. Smith one of the Comtee and it
was adoptedl and is now on file-
      Curator Joseph Smith offered the following Resolution
That J. M. Bigger & D. Z. Little be declared no longer members
of this Board - by reason of absence & no explanatio:n of ab-
sence being given by either.
     Regent Bowman asked to make an explanation in regard to the
Report of the Treasurer - Granted.

/247/ Curator Sloan Secretrry of the Peace Comtee. made the
following report.
     Your Comtee. to whom were refered the Memorials of Prof.
McGarvey Curator 7ilkes & Curator Elley relating to Dr. Peter
beg leave respectfully to report.
     1. That we deem it our duty as to all these memorials to
distinguish between difficulties that are official and thcse that
are personal in their character and so distinguishing, to say
that as Curators we can take no cognizance whatever of the latter.
     2-That these difficulties have become so complicated the
personal with the official that your Committee have not time
for investigation & report in time for present sittings of the
     3. We therefore ask to be discharged as a Comtee. & recom-
mend that a Comtee. of five be apxointelJ who shall sit ad interim
to whom the complaints & grievances of all parties with the tes-
timony thereto referring be present in writing and that said
Comtee. if they deem it necessary shall call on the Presiaent to
Convent the Board of Curators in special session to receive their
report & take final action on the matter & it shall be the duty
of the President to convene the board if called on to do so by
the Comtee.



Kentucky University, Lexington, Ky., June 14, 187



offerel to
3ri. section
adop te _.

Amendment by
Curator Bow-
man adopted

Amended Re.
port adopted

Corn. recom-
mended in
report of
Peace Comr.
Motion to
elect R. A.
Sano & 'mi.

Mtotion to
elect the
two Curators
laid on the

     4. We Io earnestly recommend the speedy amiable adjust-
ment of said difficulties but if not so settled and uantil
settled. we do desire that they be so held in obeyance as not
to conflict wr: th the fa!.ithful and dutiful cooperation which is
indispensable to the success of the Institution.
     On motion of Regent Bowman the Board resolved to go into
ertive. session.
     Regent Bowman moved to amend the Report of the Comtee as
follows That until said Comtee. shall have made their re'tort
on said Difficulties /248/ it will be a violation of the secrecy
of the Executive Sessions of this Board for any member of this
Boc rd to divulge in any manner to the public any portion of the
proceedings of the same.

     Curator Withers offered the following as an amenidnent to
the third res. of the report   adopted.
     Upon the question on the amendment of Regent Bo3nman it was
adopte i.

     Upon the question of the adoption of the report as amended
it was decided to be adopte-6.
     On motion it was unanimously decided that Curator Bishop-
Sloen and Allen be a Dart of the Committee refered to in the abow
     Curators Groom and Steele were appointed by the chair as a
part of the same Comtee.
     Curator Withers offered a resolution to elect Richard Gaino
of Bourbon and Wm . Mitchell of Montgomery County Curators and
that the Board now go into an election./249/
     Curator White called for the ayes & nays upon motion to laey
the foregoing on the table.
     Ayes- R. M. Bishop, J. B. Bowman, John G. Allen, Benj. Gratz,
Joseph Wasson, D. S. Goodloe, J. S. Woolfolk, A. H. Bowman,
Joseph Smith, B. B. Groom, John Shackelford, J. P. Tarbitt, R. R.
Sloan, Enos Campbell, Z. M. Shirley, Horace Mt1iller, Dr. Crutcher,
1aas. G. Kinnaird - 18
     Neys-Andrew Steele, G. W. Elley- P. J. White, R. C. Ricketts,
W. T. dithers, L. B. Wilkes, William E. Rogers - 7

     Curator Withers moved that the Board adjourn sin die   carried
                                         R. M. Bishop
                                           Pre si dent