xt7h445hc60b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7h445hc60b/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 19850510 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen. Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, May 10, 1985, no. 455 text The Green Bean, May 10, 1985, no. 455 1985 2014 true xt7h445hc60b section xt7h445hc60b L lDUVERSHY`OF KENTUCKYIJBRARHE’NEWSLETTER * 5-10-85 No. U55 CALENDAR I ` May 10 UK CLIS Awards Day ‘ Library Faculty Meeting 8:30 am, Peal Gallery A May 16 Is the Library Going Soft? . _ May 17 Management Communication in - g · I S · Special Libraries Strategies for Career Success May 20 Introduction to Microcomputer A Database Management Next "Green Bean" issue: Friday, May 2U, 1985 g Deadline for inclusion: Monday, May 20, 1985 A — . A Production Staff: Cecil Madison, Sandy Hardwick, , Rob Aken (editor) - PUBLISHED WEEKLY AT THE MARGARET I. KING LIBRARY, UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY, LEXINGTON, KY. 40506-0039 ,/ C'"M'““_“I"_"`“`““”"I treats: t ‘ y INFORUM Is the Library Going Soft? The explosion of computer software programs provides the library unlimited opportunities to improve services and processes. Possible applications: Computer Assisted Instruction Interlibrary Loan Online Cataloging Budget Control Word Processing Database Management Please join us for a round-table discussion, Thursday, May 16, 11:30 a.m., in the third floor staff room. Bring your lunches! Sponsored by the Staff Development Committee. (Michelle Gardner) Toni Carbo Bearman to Speak at UK CLIS Awards Day l Dr. Toni Carbo Bearman, Executive Director of the National Commission on Libraries and Information Science, will be the featured speaker at the annual awards banquet Friday, May 10, 1985, at 6 p.m. at Spindletop Hall, She will speak on "Opportunities for Excellence: Leadership Challenges for the Information Profession." j The UK College of Library and Information Science, the College of Library and Information Science Alumni Association, and Upsilon Chapter of Beta Phi Mu extend a special invitation to all graduates, alumni members, and friends to attend this enjoyable and informative event. ‘ In addition to the featured speaker, the program will include A initiation of new members into Beta Phi Mu and presentation of two major awards: the College's Outstanding Alumnus Award and the Melody Trosper Award. Make your plans now to attend this annual event. It's a great opportunity to renew past acquaintances, meet new friends and colleagues, and find out about all the exciting things occurring in the CLIS. I Reference SA Receives Melody Trosper Award Joanne Goode, Student Assistant in King Reference, has been p awarded the Melody Trosper Award. The award is given to the outstanding student of the year by the UK College of Library and Information Science. W i 1 2 ·I ¥ l KLA Express — Lexington to Paducah §‘ There has been some interest in a KLA Express bus originating in l Lexington for Paducah on October 9. If you are interested, I please contact Karlheinz Boewe in the Medical Center Library or Jennie Boyarski, P.0. Box 7380, Paducah, KY M2002-7380. The A cost for a round trip ticket would be $32.00. A $10.00 deposit . would be required by August 25. (Jennie Boyarski) TRAINING AT UK p Supervisor's Guide to Unemployment Policy May 30 and Procedure 8:30 am - noon This seminar outlines University of Kentucky obligations for unemployment compensation under State and Federal regulations and is designed specifically for department chairpersons, supervisors, and_ managers. Emoline Whitehead (Manager of Unemployment Compensation) will review University procedures, preparation for hearings, and ways the University can prevent unfair unemployment compensation and/or fraud. Supervisory Skills for University Secretaries June M-5 This two day seminar will review important skills necessary for g successful supervision: communication, motivation, understanding E the workforce of the l980s, MBO, time management, decision making I and problem solving, and special issues for women in supervision. I 8:30 am to M:00 each day. g . i Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) June 6-7 & 13-IM 1 I These two day sessions will last from 8 am to l2 noon each E morning. Eight hours of self—paced instruction and successful ; ` completion of skills and written tests are necessary to receive _ Red Cross certification. It is recommended that you be in E reasonably good physical condition in order to take this course; g it requires a good deal of physical activity to perform CPR E correctly. § . { Enrollment Information j Please call 7-l85l, Human Resources Development, to reserve { space. Staff attendance is at the convenience of the department g and shall be approved prior to enrollment (Personnel Policy #50). I i I i i 7 I L .l. lM-io _. .m“_ 2 "'""'"" "fLT'.'Z,,.;.,_) M , · r--· r—-A -» . ., ,_ . _ Q, . 3 A NEW BOOKS Genaway, David C. Integrated Online Library Systems: Princi- ples Planning and Implementation. White Plains: Knowledge Industry Publications, 19BU. ZZ/678.9/.GH5/198H) SPEC Kits ` "Cooperative Collection Development" (SPEC Kit #111) contains ll documents illustrating cooperative activities, including guidelines, plans, task force reports, worksheets, and program descriptions. SPEC Kit #112, "Automation and Reorganization of Technical and Public Services," includes 1M documents, including SPEC survey results, program descriptions, organization charts, recommendations, and job descriptions. THE UK LIBRARY SYSTEM The following is another in a series of descriptive articles concerning various aspects of the UK Library System. Engineering Library The Engineering Library had its beginnings as an office collection during F. Paul Anderson's tenure as Dean of the College of Engineering between 1891 and 193M. From these meager beginnings it grew into a branch library housed in two rooms of the present Civil Engineering wing of the Engineering Quadrangle. In 1967 this collection of approximately 25,000 volumes was moved to its current location on the 3rd floor of Anderson Hall, the newly built seven—story engineering building. In 1972, the library expanded into four adjacent classrooms, adding 2,500 sq. ft. to the library, which now takes up the entire 3rd floor of Anderson Hall. In 198M the collection consisted of M8,000 volumes and 600 current periodical subscriptions. It consists primarily of materials representing the traditional fields of engineering plus publications in engineering mechanics, nuclear engineering, biomedical engineering, materials science, transportation, energy conversion, coal technology, mining, and the environmental sciences. The library also maintains a microfiche collection of over M0,000 reports issued by NTIS covering such fields as air pollution, water pollution, noise pollution, and solid waste disposal. Since 1978, the library has been collecting NTIS reports in these additional areas of energy: coal, hydrogen, nuclear, and solar. ~ I I I A One of the most heavily used collections, the Standards Collection, consists of lO5 linear feet of volunteer standards recommended by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). The library also provides Computer Literature Searching in the field of Engineering and related sciences. For information about any of the collections or special services of this library, contact Russ Powell at 257~8358. _ SEMINARS AND CONFERENCES Strategies for Career Success May 17 (Free mini—conference) 8:30 am — l2:30 pm University of Kentucky Academic Support Services and Career Planning and Placement Center are pleased to offer a free mini- conference which addresses several aspects of careers. Whether_ you are searching for your ideal situation in the workplace or interested in successfully maintaining your present job,. knowing I when to move on or make a career transition, this conference is { designed for you. · Location: 230 New Student Centerv A E See Rob Aken for registration forms or call 257~3383. E - American Library Association July 6-ll I Annual Conference _ { The l0Mth Annual Conference of the ALA will meet in Chicago this year with the theme "Forging Coalitions for the Public Good." I Preceeding the main conference, ACRL will be offering a number of { Continuing Professional Education Courses. Q i Courses include: { - Librarians as Supervisors * — Managing Student Workers in Academic Libraries i — Job Training: Developing Training Plans for Your Staff i — Principles of Strategic Planning in the Library { § Environment i - An Introduction to Maps in Libraries: Maps as Q Information Tools ; — Teaching Methods for the Bibliographic Instruction I Librarian I — How to Teach Science Reference Materials: A Workshop Q for Librarians Who Serve the Undergraduate § - Creative Approaches to Video for Bibliographic ? Instruction Y - Writing the Journal Article and Getting It Published E See Rob Aken for details and registration forms. Q e é I .. .. it i._. .i.illi.. .,., L can ir 5 Managerial Seminars July l7-26 The School of Business Administration at Miami University (in Ohio) is offering three managerial seminars for library administrators: - Strengthening Your Communication Skills ($2U5) I n I — Middle Management ($M95) · - Advanced Management ($U95) See Rob Aken for details and registration forms. PROFESSIONAL OPPORTUNITIES · (For more information, see the Reference Department.) _ California ·, _ Engineering/Information and Computer Science Librarian, University of California, Irvine. Salary: $2l,O2U—$30,l56. Deadline: July 3l. · Medical Reference Librarian, University of California, Irvine. U , Salary: $2l,O2U-$30,156. Deadline: June 30. Curator, Archive for New Poetry (half-time position), University· of California, San Diego. Salary: $lO,5l2—$l8,U98. Deadline: June lU. , Colorado Retrospective Conversion Cataloger, Colorado State University. Salary: $18,700 minimum. Deadline: May I5. Florida 0 Assistant Head for Monographic Acquisitions, University of Florida. Salary: $lU,O62-$25,000. Deadline: June 3. Georgia Assistant Director for Public Services, Georgia Institute of Technology. Salary: $M0,000 minimum. Deadline: June 3. ;} 6 Illinois ‘ Africana Monographic Cataloger, Northwestern University. Salary: $20,000-$2M,000. Deadline: July 31. Support Services Librarian, Northwestern University. Salary: · $22,000-$27,000. Deadline: May 31. Indiana Russian and East European Cataloger, Indiana University. Salary: $lN,700 minimum. Deadline: May 15. Visiting Archives of Traditional Music Librarian, Indiana University. Salary: $lU,700 minimum. Deadline: May 20. Associate Director for Public Services and Collection Development, Purdue University. Salary: $A0,000 minimum. Deadline: August l5. _ Assistant Director for Technical Services, Purdue University. Salary: $35,000 minimum. Deadline: August 15. Kansas Music Librarian, University of Kansas. Salary: $20,000-$27,000. Deadline: June 20. Kentucky Micrographics Manager, Kentucky Department for Libraries and Archives. Salary: $22,272-$35,688. Deadline: not specified. Maryland Humanities Bibliographer, Johns Hopkins University. Salary: not specified. Deadline: May 31. Nebraska Chairperson, General Services Division, University of Nebraska- Lincoln. Salary: $22,000 minimum. Deadline: May 15. >K-. W ` W" ''``` -ZLI;liT`,' H . 7 1 New Jersey `· Information Services Librarian, Rutgers University. Salary: _ $2N,l92 minimum. Deadline: June 15. 2 New York Director, New York State Library. Salary: $M5,888-$55,259. " Deadline: May 2M. North Carolina Assistant Head of Monographic Cataloging, North Carolina State University. Salary: $23,000 (negotiable). Deadline: June 30. Ohio Interlibrary Loan Librarian, Ohio State University. Salary: $17,6UO-$19,800. Deadline: May 31. Rhode Island Assistant Systems Librarian, Brown University. Salary: $18,89H- $2H,192. Deadline: June 10. Head, Acquisitions Librarian, Brown University. Salary: _ $25,863-$33,632. Deadline: June 15. Texas Director of Libraries, University of Texas at El Paso. Salary: not specified. Deadline: May 2M. _ Washington Reference Librarian, University of Washington. Salary: $19,000 minimum. Deadline: May 31. _ Head, Chemistry-Pharmacy Library, University of Washington. Salary: $22,500 minimum. Deadline: May 31. Science Reference/Bibliographic Instruction Librarian, University of Washington. Salary: $21,600 minimum. Deadline: May 31. \ "\ `