xt7h445hdr7s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7h445hdr7s/data/mets.xml Mississippi Mississippi Historical Records Survey 1942 Prepared by The Mississippi Historical Records Survey, Service division, Work projects Administration; Other contributors include: United States, Work Projects Administration, Service Division; Preliminary Edition, xxii, 152 pages, maps, 27 cm; Reproduced from type-written; UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries; Call number FW 4.14:M 69i/6/prelim.ed books English Jackson, Mississippi: Board of Supervisors, Adams County This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Mississippi Works Progress Administration Publications State and County Boundaries of Mississippi, Preliminary Edition text State and County Boundaries of Mississippi, Preliminary Edition 1942 1942 2015 true xt7h445hdr7s section xt7h445hdr7s I   I  aix • ‘ nnluuvmml ru  `    I I V I   I - _ ` II ‘ _ I
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  P1·climin;=.ry Edition
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  P1‘0pc.rcd by
  The Mississippi His’c;>ricc.l Rcccrds Survey
  ·< Service Division
yi  Vicrk Projects Jidminisizrrfcicn
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  >1= »¢= »•= =•= ·•<
    The Mississippi IIis’ccricc.l Records Survey
    Jziclzscn, Mississippi
  Juiy 1942

 »   ‘¤
wom PROJECTS mmmiswmmiom   ; h
i- 1:
F. H. Dryden, Acting Coxmissioner —     b
Florence Kerr, Assistant Commissioner     'k
_ Q. Edward Getlin, State 1,_dministrotor   f
‘ Jerome Sago, Director, Service Division     6
‘     5
D     ¤
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Mississippi Department of Archives and History  }   1
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E? ·
it , The Historical Records Survey was organized as a Nation-wide
gig project of the WPA to inventory State, county, and municipal records,
EQ2 early American imprints, church records, and manuscripts in collec-
tig tions. In Mississippi the Historical Records Survey has operated as
_g; a unit of the Statewide Records Project in the Service Division, and
f}, has been sponsored by the Mississippi Department of Archives and His-
ig tory and some seventy county boards of supervisors. The Survey is
Tgg being discontinued in order that its personnel may be diverted to ae- I
gt tivities which have a direct and unqualified relation to the war efs
gg fort. However, this volume is being published since practically all
Fg data had been compiled for publication previous to the redirection
pp of the activities of the project. i
§§ The preparation of inventories of county archives by the Survey
lé included the writing of a historical sketch of each county, of admin-
pd istrative histories or essays which traced the development, analyzed
git the structure, and described the functions in each county_of each of __
o fi its agencies, and of an essay on the governmental organization and reo-
QQ ords system. To understand adequately the territorial background of
,1Q each county and in many instances, the peculiarities of a county's t
IQQ records, it was necessary to institute a systematic search of all Gon-
lqg stitutions and Legislative Acts for all provisions relating to State
ei  ·Vop and county boundaries. In 1940 and 1941, A. C. Anderson and Edward
yg Lindsey, project employees, working in the State Law Library and in
QQ the Mississippi Department of Archives and History, listed many of
it the statute laws contained in both published and unpublished source
it materials. The typewritten copies of these laws were made available
IQQ to the editorial staff of the project for use in preparing historical
/ pgp sketches and administrative histories and in verifying records de-
ie} scriptiens. ‘ i
EQ · Historical Records Survey projects throughout the Nation were _
$3 authorized to publish compilations of the State and county boundary
&§ laws of the various States, and in 1941 a beginning was made toward
tri preparing a publication of Mississippi laws collected by the Survey.
{gl The unavailability of editorial personnel prevented the completion
Qty of the work at that time. In March 1942 all Historical Records Sur-
iii vey field work was discontinued, permitting supervisory personnel
Hi to utilize the remaining time for issuing publications which had
l§§ neared completion and for which supplies and materials had been pur-
wg chased in 1941.
L  A 4
Qi Andrew Brown, Assistant State Supervisor, edited the collected
E; data, supplemented the State boundary laws, prepared the maps, and
,* wrote the Introduction. Audio Patterson assisted in reviewing the
Q county boundary laws, and together with Nonabelle Goodwin, road
ii proof on the original copy and on the stencils, Mary Joe Tracy, Anna
E, Dupuy, and Marjorie Whitley typed the copy and cut the stencils.
\ L
T; The arrangement of this source book follows that of the Louisiana
i Historical Records Survey which was approved by the Washington office
E of the Survey.

 Q " » ,· ". " ·¤._ ( ,
i` — iv — .f . ·
Preface _ - V V; Q
It is realized that the abstracts appearing in this volume are "’" QQ
not inclusive. To give complete information on county boundaries it ·' it
would be necessary to include a compilation of the law concerning ,_ i· if
all court districts, Congressional districts, sixteenth section school » Q;
lands, Chickasaw school fund lands, and the locating and changing of _ gf
county sites. It is intended that this volume, in conformance with ·g §§
the general publication policy of the Survey, serve in a progressive ` ¥· §§
bibliography open and subject to change, and that comments, correc- __ ` ig
tions, and additions will make it possible at some future time, to ,`i ;§ S
~ compile a comprehensive, near—definitivo edition of this work. __°° ' §§
The Survey acknowledges with sincere appreciation, the assistancc" - * tz
given it in this undertaking by Mrs. Julia Starnes, State Librarian, 1 jp
and by Dr. William D. McCain, Director of the Mississippi Department ~‘“' §§
of Archives and History, in making the published and unpublished `· }§
source materials in their custody available to the Survey. John C. gi
L. Andreassen, Regional Supervisor of the Historical Records Survey ti
program, gave the Survey invaluable advice and criticism during his p' §§
· visits to its office. The cover was printed as a co—sponsor's_con+ ’ ‘ g§
tribution by the Ripley (Miss.), Southern Sentinel. ‘ ‘ ~‘ §§
——_-—— —_-”_ ‘ A “ °   é;
The general regulations and procedures of the Service Division ` ig
of the Work Projects Administration which are applicable to all proj—__ Tg
ect units in the 48 States, have been followed in Mississippi. The _? S
WPA administrative officials have always given the Survey their cor4·V ” i
dial support and assistance. ‘" _ ‘ Q;
gu »
The publications of the Survey are distributed without cost to - iy
State and local public officials and libraries in Mississippi, and to ;_
a limited number of libraries and governmental agencies outside the _ A ‘ t,
State. A list of these publications appears on page 152 of this vol- i" ` ii
une. Approximately 1,900 publications have been released by tho Sur- " gi
vey throughout the Nation, ` ‘·· gf
A · State Supervisor v‘ E;
Statewide Records Project ‘ gg
9 Bridges Building 5;
Jackson, Mississippi ‘ . .. Q
p Juiy iosz ‘ ·‘ ‘  

 __ lap ·“ » ‘ · INTRODUCTION‘ -
ll l I ‘ · -4 ·. . . .
Ԥg? This Vclume is designed to present in condensed form all the laws af-
, FQ fecting the boundaries of the State of Mississippi, the counties in the
5 _ _ lj State, and the judicial districts within the counties which have been at
_“ yfi any time divided into two districts. A
pill Those parts of the laws, proclamations, and treaties which have defined
`jg or altered the boundaries of the Territory and the State; those_parts of
_ Q gl Territorial proclamations and laws, and State laws, relating to the bounda-
‘ V tj ries of the counties; and those State laws defining the boundaries of judi-
v;_ ‘ gy cial districts within counties, have been included, For convenient reference
A fj "the book has been divided into four parts; State Boundary Laws, County Bounds
Q} ary Laws, Laws Relating to Judicial Districts, and the Index.· The entries in
=;§ each section of the body of the book are arranged in chronological order, and
ij each entry is divided into four parts: (1) a reference to the source or au-
_ sj thority; (2), the date of the act; (B), the title of the act, or a supplied
_ / _ §g title indicated by brackets; and (4), a transcription of those parts of the
V p' QQ act showing the boundaries of the State, county or district.
x l
gii The entries are numbered consecutively in one series; those relating to
;fQ State Boundaries, 1 to 52 inclusive; to county boundaries, 33 to 219; to
V i E -judicial district boundaries, 220 to 252. . ·
A yl In the compilation of laws affecting the boundaries of the State the
Qi; ’ primary source has been the United States Statutes at Large; but for instrur
‘ EQQ ments antedating the adoption of the Federal Constitution a number of other
_ rf? sources, which are listed in the Bibliography, have been utilized. In com-
._, _ L15 `N piling county and judicial district boundary laws all available Territorial
_ Ji Laws and records, and all State laws, as well as all Codes from Turnor's
y it and Toulminlsg Digests to the Code of 1930, have been searched. However,
H li? the boundaries of counties as shown in the various Codes have not bee tran-
ii " scribed except in some early instances where the Code was the only, or the
Jil best, authority. Though the Code descriptions would have been intersting ·
A lll and of some value, their inclusion would have entailed more additional work
, ll? than time and circumstances permitted, particularly since the Codes are
_ l}§ 'more readily available to most students than the laws themselves.
” li I 'In one instance the Constitution of the State is the authority for the
gf change of name of a county; Jones County, whose name had been changed to Davis
_ if in 1865, again became Jones through a provision of tho Constitution of 1869.
i (entry 150). .
ti ( . , I ,
Ȥ 1. Harry Toulmin (comp.), Statutes 2f_the_Mississippi Territory, Revised
E ‘ and Digested by the Authority-of the General Assembly, Natchez, Miss,
`{ l807T?~hEYeinaftEr-referred to_Es Tou1min's Digest.
E 2. Edward Turner (comp.), Statutes ef_the Mississippi Territory, Digested
Q by Authority of the General Assembly, Natchez, Miss., 1816; hereinafter
pi referred to as_Turncr's Digest.

1. The United States and Foreign Nations w
Historically, the area embraced in the present State of Mississippi gy '»
is divided into two parts divided by the 31st parallel of north latitude. Q;
The portion between the 31st parallel and the present Mississippi- V ?’
Tennessee boundary line on the 35th parallel is part of the land granted q,
by the charter of Carolina in 1665 (entry 1), and that of Georgia (entry `VQ
2). The Georgia grant overlapped South Carolina except for a strip at »‘§ -
the north edge; this being due to the fact that the 85th parallel was the pi
boundary_of South Carolina (note to entry 1), while the north line of - 3Q
n Georgia was defined as-a line drawn due west from the head of the Savannah Q Q
i River. This line, when surveyed, was found to be twelve to fourteen miles »Q§
south of the 35th parallel, and title to the land north of the Georgia , §§
line thus remained in South Carolina. I ‘ QQ; »
The treaty of 1785 with Great Britian (entry 4) fixed the boundaries 5%
of the United States as the Mississippi River on the west, and the Blst lit i·
parallel on the south. Spain, recognized this boundary in 1795 (entry 9). Zi
In the meantime, South Carolina had ceded her claims to the U ited States '§
_ in 1787 (entry 8), but the much more valuable Georgia claims were recog— jg
A nized in the Ordinance creating the Mississippi Territory in 1798 (entry ti
10), and were not finally extinguished until 1802 (entry 12). ii
The Ordinance creating the Mississippi Territory bounded it by the §
Blst parallel on the south, the Mississippi River on the west, the Chatta» Q
I hooehee River on the east, and a line drawn due east from the mouth of the Q
Yazoo River to the Chattahoochee on the north. In 1804, after the Georgia ;$
claims had been settled, Congress annexed the land between the original §§
northern boundary and the State of Tennessee to the Territory (entry 18). E?
Before 1803 the United States claimed no title to the land south of tt
the Blst parallel. .The Louisiana Purchase of that year (entry 14), how- IQ
over, was bounded only vaguely, with the result that both Spain and the (F
United States claimed the southern lands lying west of the Perdido River. Qs
The United States occupied the territory in 1810 (entry 20), and annexed EQ
it to the Lnssissippi Territory in 1812 (entry 21), though Spain did not it
A formally relinquish title_unti1 1819 (entry 25). , V Q}
A After the second addition in 1812, the Mississippi Territory inc1ud— Qi
ed exactly the present area of the states of Alabama and Mississippi. In §t
1817 it was divided along the present Alabama — Mississippi State line, @3
the western portion admitted to the Union as the State of Mississippi (ea- , tl
try 24), and the eastern part formed into the Alabama Territory. ` *Q
_ . 2. Thg United States and thg Indian Tribes g
In 1785 the present State of Mississippi was occupied by the Choctaw 4,
and Chickasaw Nations of Indians except for the areas around Natchez and E
east of the Buokatunna,jChickasawhay, and Pascagoula Rivers. The Choctaws ,
had never claimed the Natchez district, and had ceded the lands in the ‘ .Q
eastern part of the State to the English by the Treaty of Mobile in 1765 ·
(entry 3). ... ·

     A vii -
Q_ In 1786 the United States,_by the treaties of Hopewell, defined the
E; boundaries of the Chickasaw and Choctaw Nations (entries 6 and 7). All
L ppg ‘, of northern Mississippi was included in the Chickasaw territoryg and the
;, {ii remainder of the State except the two regions referred to above, in the
.3; Choctaw lands. Fifteen years later, by the Treaty of Fort Adams (entry
_ Xg ~11) with the Choctaws, the Uhitedéstates was ceded the Natchez district;
1 it) this despite the fact that it had not been claimed by the Choetaws and
v T5; had boon exempted from their 1ands_by the Treaty of Hopewell. This docu-
jj l ;mcnt is of interest, however, as indicating the boundaries of the Natchez
ie {pp district, and showinglthat a line had been surveyed and marked on its
» pi eastern edge. It_a1so cleared the indefinite terms of the Treaty of Mo-
iah ·;Q bile, by which the*Choctaws had ceded "as far west as the Choctaw Nation
Les j‘ has a right to grant", no definite boundary being given. V
ip ’ The Convention of Fort Confederation_(entry 15) and the Treaty of Hoe
EQ Buckintoopa (entry 15) confirmed to the United States the cession made to
3S Qf the English at Mobile. Soon thereafter, in 1805, the Choctaws by the Treaty
tf .- of Mount Dexter ceded the lands between this eession and the Natchez dis-
9)- gd triet (entry 19). This was tho_1ast Indian treaty affecting Mississipgd
35 stg until 1821, when the United States acquired, at Doak*s Stand, a large part
· {Qi .of the Choctaw lands in_the western part of the State (entry 26). The re-
! Ei maining*Choctaw lands werefceded by the Treaty of Dancing Rabbit in 1851 `
 P <¤¤*¤w 27)- * I s " I `_
lp; Except for a small tract lying in the present counties of Monroe and
b¤· $5 Lowndes, which had been acquired in 1816 (entry 22), all of northeast Mis-
the it sissippi remained in the hands of the Chickasaws until 1855, when the
Sia ii} Treaty of Pontotoc Greek (entry 28) ceded these lands to the United States
> gy; and finalky ended Indian rule in Mississippi. _ s
Q   ’ ` 4 4 I
[Q} The boundaries of the lands ceded by'the various Indian Treaties are
f if} shown on the map on page xv. _
gk-   — ‘— " __ ii. comm aounnmir mrs
' . 2 ,. - ·
t l§§ “(I_ - 1. The ngygngi Distript and thi County pf Bourbon. "
! `§ ‘ r - ¢· ‘ ‘ `
Y? A - `· The first county formed within the present limits of Mississippi
ir hi was the County of Bourbon, created by the Legislature of Georgia in 1785.
In tw Because the Spanish were at that_time in actual possession of Natchez,
Qi the county was never actually organized; but its creation shows the
°1"_ hi seriousness with which Georgia took her claims to the western lands.
gl The County-of Bourbon was bounded by the Mississippi River on the
gi west, the 51st parallel on the south, and a line drawn from that line "as
gg far west as the present settlements extend" to the Yazoo River,on the east.
IW @1 It thus includes, without naming it, the old Natchez District of the Eng-
1 it lish, and follows its approximate boundaries. It has been stated avove
”WS {E that the eastern line of the district had been`marked, and a search was
` 2i made of the published and unpublished materials in the Department of nr-
5 {E chives and History for a description of its course. This search was un-
, § successful, but the line is referred to in so many later documents that it
é *can be drawn·with reasonable certainty as shown on the map on page xv.

 — viii —
2, Territorial Counties ·
The first counties formed in the Mississippi Territory were Adams and j, V
Pickering, which were_created by proclamation in 1799 (entry 33). The gg
next year Washington County (entry 34) was created, embracing the width t§
of the Territory between the Pearl and the Chattahoochee Rivers. From this gf
· vast county, covering approximately 2,600 square miles, 18 counties in Mgss- §Y
‘ ississippi and 20 in Alabama have since been formed in whole or in part, §Q
The remnant of the original Washington County is now in Alabama, and is QQ
_ ‘ not to be confused with Washington County, Mississippi, as it exists today. §Q
» . ‘ · ~ · - av
_ In addition to Washington, the present Alabama counties of Mobile and gg
A ,C1arke are included in this volume; Clarke (entry 51), because its creation st
A first cut down the huge area of Washington to manageable size; and Mobile gg
(entry 50), because the present Mississippi counties of Jackson and Hancock §g
1 have been formed from it, _ A g?
Q The map on page xvii'shows the counties as they existed in 1816, at és
A, _the close of the Territorial period. In addition to Adams and Pickering, ?§ ·
°_ which had been re-named Jefferson in 1802 (entry 36), the Territorial Qi
Counties were Wilkinson (entry`35), Claiborne (entry 37), Amite (entry 42), gt
, 4, Wayne (entry 43), Franklin (entry 44),.Warren (entry 45), Marion and Greene ET
`H (entry 49g, Jackson and Hancock (entry 52), lawrence (entry 53), and Pike Q.
(entry 54 , ~ ‘ i . » · _ -, ; Q;
The boundaries of these counties were often indefinite and sometimes ig
__ - overlapping, and were frequently changed;‘ The alterations are explained jg
largely by the—fact that the original boundaries ran on natural courses or
which were but imperfectly known; and later, as the region was surveyed, ?%
changes were made to clear up indefinite descriptions, and to fit the county C;
lines into the surveys, - . [Q
" ' 3, TIE Indian Cession Counties » ' , [  
o · . §§
These may be grouped into (1), the counties formed from the lands ac- it
quired by the Treaty of Deak's Stand in 1821; (2), those acquired by the §§
Treaty of Dancing Rabbit in `l831{"and (3), those acquired by the Treaty of §;
Pontotoc Creek in 1833, In addition, Monroe County was formed from the ti
original Chickasaw`Cession`of 1816 (entry 61), and Lowndes County (entry it
. 92) was later formed from Monroe._ C. QQ
e Shortly after the Treaty of Doak's Stand the entire area acquired thera·f§
` by was formed into Hinds County. Copiah and Yazoe Counties were formed >§
from Hinds in 1823 (entry·7l), and Rankin (entry 83) in 1828, In turn (Q
` Simpson County was formed from Copiah (entry 74), and Washington (entry 79), it
, Madison (entry 82), and Holmes (entry 103) Counties from Yazoo Q
' _` The lands acquired at Dancing Rabbit were divided into 16 counties wi
Y on Dec, 23, 1833 (entry 106); those acquired it Pontotoc Creek into ten gi 4
counties on Feb, 9, 1836, This last Act also formedQBo1ivar and Cochoma *2 ·
Counties from the Choctaw lands (entry 107). A §
3, Thomas McAdory Owen, History of_Alabama, vol, II,.p, 138. ` · I.

 1 y — iz; —
  The map on page awiii shows the counties existing in 1824, and that 011
and tig page xix those existing in 1835, before the division of the Chickasaw ces-
ég ‘ sion. After this act, in 1836, only five additional counties were formed
h   bqgfgre the Civil Will`- g TYIGSQ WOTG llcwton (entry 109), Harrison, (entry 115),
this gi Issaquena (entry 120), Sunflower (entry 123), and Calhoun (entry 156). The
M%sS_ %Ȥ map on page xx shows the counties as they were in 1860.
;° ié 4. Qhg Reconstruction Counties
OdQy° N, The orgy of county—creating which followed the Constitution of 1869 is
and ri too well—hnown to require any comment. One fact worthy of note, however,
ation é§_ is that with the exception of Lincoln (entry 151) and Pearl (entry l52),
119 Eg which was abolished in 1878 (entry 186) all the counties formed during this
ncock pg period lie in the northern third of the State. They are Lee (entry 147),
5.; Alcorn and Prentiss (entry 152), Grenada (entry 153), Union (entry 155),
ii Benton (entry 156), Leflore (entry 157), Colfax (entry 159), Montgomery (en—
at §§ try 160), Tate (entry 167), Sumner (entry 171), Sharkey (entry 178), and
ng. pé I Quitman (entry 184). The name of Colfax was later changed to Clay (entry
gi 180), and that of Sumner to Webster (entry 191). ' _
riigé $*4 Many of the laws organizing these counties were loosely-drawn, and
ikg gi the Code of 1871 contains many errors in boundaries. Much legislation was i
[gi necessary during the 1870*s and early 1880*s to correct the mistakes made
iii duing the resconstruction period.
mes sti .
gd fa 5. Counties Formed Since 1890. _ '
3. hi he Mississippi Constitution prior to that of 1890 placed any restric-
county  &j tionsron the creation or altering of counties by the Legislature. That in-
(tj strument, however, providos.* .
&{i "He new county shall be formed unless a majority of_the'qua1ifiod
Qi electors voting in each part of the counties proposed to be dis-
&0_ §;§ menbered and embraced in the new county, shall separately vote _
hg Ki therefor; nor shall the boundary of any judicial district in a
_gy Of Qii county be changed unless, at an election held for that purpose,
_G jj; two—thirds of those voting assent thereto. The elections pro—
.yy al? vided for in this and the section next preceding [governing the -
fi removal of county site7 shall not be held in any county ofterner
hi that once in four years. he new county shall contain less than
_thCr6,l€i four hundred square miles; nor shall any existing county be re—
,5 (@3 duced below that size."
ty 7g), ig The last county to be formed before this provision went into effect
§§ was Pearl River,·organized in 1890 (entry 201). Counties formed under its
§” provisions_ are Lamar (entry 206), Jefferson Davis (entry 208), Forrest
,8 ti (entry 209), George (entry 213), Walthall (entries 215, 215A), Stone (en-
,n ig L. tries 216, 217), and Humphrqrs (entry 218). po new counties have been
,ma ga 2, _;f0rmed since the creation of Hunphreys in 1918. , .
  § i
. li 4. Const. 1890, Art. 14, sec. 260.

 With the exception of Humphreys, all counties formed since 1890 are
‘ located in the southern third of the State. As those created during the ? J
‘ reconstruction period are in the northern third, it is noteworthy that '·
the counties in the central third have never been substantially altered, §¤
The present counties in Mississippi are shown on the map on page xxi. fi
, The division. of counties into°judicial districts for the purpose of gt
, ‘ holding courts falls, in Mississippi, into two periods; the first covering gg
. the years before the Constitution of 1890 went-into effect, the second the tg
_ period during which the provisions of that instrument have governed. {E
, A `The first county to be divided into districts was Hinds (entry 22C), gi
' `_ ‘ , where a second judicial district was formed in 1858, primarily to take care ?t
of the City of Jackson. Two other counties +VTishomingo (entry 221) and Qt
Lawrence (entry 224) — were sohdivided·before the Civil War. Two districts tg
, __ are still maintained in Hinds County, but the formation of Alcorn County gg
( from Tishomingo; and of Lincoln from Lawrence, (entries 152, 151) eliminated gg
the second districts from the original counties. "- §§
V ' - \ - `_ '  
Chickasaw County was divided in 1867 (entry 226); Yalobusha in 1873 §§
(entry 228); Carroll the same year (entry 229); Panola in 1880 (entries §§
251, 232), and Marion in 1888 (entry 234)Z All these still maintain two t§
( districts except Marion, from the `-·. second district of which Lamar County ig
was formed in 1904 (entry 206). °‘ '. "- ‘- 4 jg
Counties divided under the provisions of the Constitution of 1890 ig
are Coahoma (entry 235), Perry (entry 236), Choctaw (entry 237), Bolivar p§
(entry 239), Tallahatchie_(entries 240, 242),‘Jonesi(entry 243), and Jas- tg
per (entry 244). Elections have been held on the subject of dividing tk
other counties, but failed to carry. Of the counties divided during §@
this period, Coahema (entry 282) and Choctaw (entry 251) have combined ig
the two districts by popular vote; and in 1906 Forrest County was formed §§
from the second district of Perry (entry 209). gi
’ I I   il
nt the present time nine Mississippi counties are divided into two Q;
districts — Bolivar, Carroll; Chickasaw, Hinds, Jasper, Jones, Panola, ti
Tallahatchie, and Yalobusha. " A §Q
,_ iv. nninc  
. I The arrangement of the Index is alphabetical by name of subject, and f
chronological thereunder. A11·references in index are to entry numbers, »;
not pages, and no explanation is necessary except in regard to entries 66 at
and 142. ° l V »{
Entry 66 covers the Act of June 29, 1822, defining the boundary lines _)
of the several counties of the State. It is to some extent a re—enactment °
and correction of older laws, evidently passed in order to be incorporated .
in Poindexter's 1824 Cede.· " · • · ‘

 `y — xi — t
,G Qi The act covered by entry ld2 was evidently passed for the purpose of
O {E being included in the Code ef 1857. It includes all boundary laws passed
if · from and including the 1822 act mentioned above, to Feb. 27, 1856, the
§€ date the Act was apnroved. Though it is almost entirely a repetition ef
*7 ·  H · . ' ° . . · . . l` .
_ rtg laws already listed, it is included because it brings together in one act
`jg all the ceunty boundary laws passed.up to that time. As this is a long
.v. is Act, it is indexed not enl bv the entr number 142) but b the section
nt],. ‘,    ) 1 _ _ _ '" _ _ _
1,3 ef the act, WH1Ch.lS shown in parentheses axter tne entry numccr.
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 s- xii ..
~ - . . . @5
t In the earlier records many references are made to the ii
“Line of Demarcation," with two exceptions, this means the Blst Eé
parallel, the former boundary between the U ited States and the §§
Spanish colony of West Florida. In entry ll, however, the term §§
refers to the east boundary of the Natchez District; and in on- EQ
try 15 to the west boundary of the lands ceded by the Choctaws ¥§ ·
to the English by the Treaty of Mobile. gi
, As the counties formed in 1833 and later were surveyed be- gi
fore their creation, any references to Indian boundaries after fg
that year are self-explanatory. However, references prior to fd
that time to the ”Choctaw Boundary Line" always refer to the gf
north line of the lands ceded by the Treaty of Mount Dexter. ji
The eastern line of the Natchez district is referred to if
in early acts by a number of different names — Indian Boundary ij
Indian Lino, Indian Boundary Line. Old Choctaw Boundary Lino, %@
or Old Indian Boundary Line. See entries 38, 41, 46, 48, GO, ag
66, and 70, in which these terms are used. j;§

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