xt7h445hdw95 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7h445hdw95/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1980-09-08 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 08, 1980 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 08, 1980 1980 1980-09-08 2020 true xt7h445hdw95 section xt7h445hdw95 Vol- LXXIIL “0- '7 Ker 21 University of Kentucky
Monday. September 8. I980 an inde ndcnt student news a r Lexrngton. Kentucky
d —

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"otht‘ ‘>s2s\"s-\\\ 2 " ' ”s: ' " ’ “I“Eiiit
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ts» “\s‘v‘ - RePUbllca”
n0 ec Hg 3&3 fii‘i“ s. . ' ‘ ‘
‘3‘ ' ' § , organizational
s‘ .:‘ . “V‘s ‘ - ' ' , ass 2 ‘ .3
K‘s ss _ ‘ . 9 ' is“ * -- . .
‘W ‘LWW‘ “mice-m" wd “I _ ' = 7 \ ' s.
2 i2." " . “ .7 if Z By CHRIS AS! I
Regardless of the new measure. . -‘ - .3 . ; 5m, Wm“
‘\ recently adopted national regula- “We are going 10 keep up our ititen- 3. . ‘13:... 3 fi\ 3 3‘ 3 33’
(ion on minority recrurtriient. which si\ e recruiting of minority students." . 3 _ 3 33 33 “33,3 -- 3* ‘ At '[ hursday night‘s organila-
drew criticism fiorii deans of sur» he said, “l‘K will not ha\e any trou~ " ' ‘ .3 32-333352' ‘ 323, 33,3: 325*? tional meeting highlighted by the
rounding law schools. has not ble showing the ‘conerete’ action 3 ' ,.=,- °"' ‘ 3333 3,3 3.3- unscheduled appearance of Mary
seriously affected l K. according to entisioned iii the rule." 7 --;:s-;=::~:;..33333,3 3‘ ' g ‘ "“2333... 3 I‘:"'i‘"§,' louise Foust. Republican nominee
otticials. Professor (ierald Johnston. . «g...» " ‘3’ at“: . for us. Senator. the UK (‘ollege
lhe new rule. known as section recently appointed by Dean Ihomas " 33 3 3 .» ' 2. arm . Republicans planned solid support
3 l2. requires that law schools take lewis as chairman of the Recruit- sew“ ..3.;;-:3_'3:.~-Li-.=3.;:;i2"33323-323... - _3 3 3 s. forthe fallcampaigns of Presidential
"concrete" measures to pt'mide riierit (‘omniittccz said ol the mea- I i g! Candidate Ronald Reagan and 6th
‘dlllrl‘n‘le e»actiori programs lor sure. "as stated (in the (‘HF article). .5333? .33.. , _ 3 4,35‘ gsx \3 District (_‘ongrcgsmun Larry
members of minority groups it doesn‘t seem to affect the auto- ‘31,?” ‘ Hopkins.

(\dopted in August at the \nieri— norm of the law school "' Foust. who sened as State Audi-
can Bar Association‘s annual mcet- "hi the past three to four years. we . . 3 ’ [or for It) years. accused her Demo— -
ing in Honolulu. the measure was ha\e ptii more tune into it (recrurt— ' ’ "’ - , 33 33 _ cratic opponent. Sen. Wendell Ford.
made part of the ‘\ it A .s accredita» mg) as a school,"satd .lohnston “We of being an “indentured wnamrj‘
tiori standards. lia\e been more successful in getting 33 3 3 3 33 3 3 3 "An indentured senator .5 one who

>\ccor'diiig to the -\iig 35 issue of better qualified minority students " LE, 3333 .2. i 3 ’ '33. " sells himsell'tothe highest bidder, He

. l/ii- ( lirorr/i It' 0/ Higher [.(lllttllltlll. llie (lll' article said statistics , -_§‘:.,3_3_,: as "’" ‘ fwwb 5555333 "*"' * has half a million dollars to spend
the new rule was critici/ed by law .coriipilcd by the \fB ‘\. show blacks ' . $3” .33..) §§“ (for his reelection). but the man on
deans at se\ eral prestigious uriitersi- accounted for about 4.1 percent of _3 ‘ \3... ., "9’“. ..333 *‘> " "I the street is not for him." she said.
tics such as the l iii\eisit_\ ot (ills-til“ the total enrollment in the lo“) 5' “33"; “.3339 "" .-3 fig“: 1. “ .- . Foust also said. “Sen. Ford is one
and ltuke arid ('oluriibia l iiiyci‘si- \ B. ‘\ ~appio\ ed law schools last ”‘31 i >“ kmfi‘a‘fl ‘ “is...“ of the biggest spenders in Congress.
tics. ontlicgioiiridstliai itilireateiieif fall, Blacks comprise to percent of " Q g _ w. ‘ "fi‘mg m* a accordingtoasuryeybythe National
their schools’ autonomy the law school eni olhiieiit here (eigiit 3 33.1%” v ' 3" i“: 33.3 «9:. § 1 axpayers l'nion."

Howe-sci. l K \ssociaic Dean of the-1‘5 law students are black). " 33 3333 ' £9. {3% ' '4' Despite l-oust‘s appearance. the

i' i" °“ : 3: at: 3g " . 35“: - v group managed to \OlL'C its campus
. 3 w my. 3333 3 2% - 33,3" .353 strategy. 3
. Bell danCIn .3 w“? ”33.33. is...) .. 3()rgani/a3tion President lo m
. y g _ e5». 3 m .3333 wm§ 3 lram.3a business and economics run-
rate I I I It rus m. 1 “TM. 1:33:13: 3.:- 'eg_ tor. said the group‘s major objectiies
0 WE? - 3 $5 _ 5 - ”fly; Mg :g will betogaina Reaganyictory inthe
g ,3 i ,3 " :33».j"%‘& 1;:AA proposed Student (ioyernment
3 " . straw oll (an unofficial oll
‘ ' Kentucky s first touchdown of " i ' § if" a . '. f 2 expectefto be used in the UpCttllrlhng
New rUIeS keep partles lntaCt "W 1980 season was just cause i w it) at freshman elections to indicate the
for celebration b) sophomore -. .5. -- 2 3 3'52. 3 3*» w!“ - ’ relatiye strength of opposing candi-
but make for smOOthCI' week quarterback Terr} Hear) [2": . 333$ 33 3 15.333333333333333 3 fi, 3. ,‘ dates). to distribute campaign litera- _
sophomore3 tight3 en 0 “. s. ;--. : .3... "2;, : ' ‘ '. lure at football games and to cam ass
Mangas (“2'") Saturday at i" I . . door-to-door on behalf ot the two
3 3 33333 33 \ 3 33 3 'd l" 3 333 3 3 33 h 3 ( ommonwealth Stadium. X33333. 3 ~33333333333W3..3. 333333333 333 333.3333 33 candidates.
In MAR‘ 301'“ i .‘L .1 Li mi . d "l . kls d m “0 Henry rolled 0” l “In State 5 2.33 ' . ii“? i i. ,_ "-255: Ray Carmichael. state president of
"J” “W” “a” ”mum” and ” “’“d “ gm” Sititame l Iuaie for the first > . = ‘32." ,i 525:?” .2.9.1::s_._-:i:‘:3i€if'éé‘=.‘~:;;§s;i‘t‘s..s.?s:2."f‘%“ . Q " : iii. [ht Conn Re ubli -‘ ns d .5 ‘rib‘d
deal of money forthe chapters. M ore score in the ('ats' I7—ll) “m y ‘ 33.333333333333333- ‘-._3 .3 -~ . 3 .- 33333-333333"... thi m ) 3:356" “Ed 333:1 333-3353;-“3; 3
importantly. the ““19““ really See stories on pages 4 and 5. > 3'9” °<,> -:‘.333..333"E3333:: : ' i . i ( (, (a , 3e , i i i , t
WWW” ‘0” “D" ”W “N “W“ mlcrcstcd m rush stayed around aticr I “ .i .22: .. . = 3.3-. “”"PW‘ 1 h“ r‘ “4'." mm“
3 of school was. as usual. a party Bl” elc\eri. as the big crowds dissipated." . 25:51:," “33333333.? has ‘5‘ toward Reaga n; Elk." re disen-
“‘3“ W's“ l‘CIPCd ”‘1‘ WM“ “1‘“ "U” e\perinient which worked He said. if??? iftlaéém‘o’k‘.<_=~‘:5;:e. V W“ Howeycr, ( armichael “I? he did
”10"“ smoothly lhd“ ”1 l’“"“’“‘ “ l liese small controls resulted in a 5:332:23??? vea‘isf' . ‘zfig‘f‘fiwsfi is»? V I .x§ not beliey'e John Andersons candi-
years more Positiye rush We showed that yawh“ )3"? k I dacy would ha\e any eflect on the

"V\ s‘ ”11”" ”M1 “L" met “l” E‘Ml‘ l” we can goiern our ow n s3\ stem with- H V i 3323‘ is ' gfi 5i? outcomcof the election ,
dulled“- problems “”h DUNN ml“. "l” Ullllnll ”UT ”33033353.. Photos By [)aiid (mle -33.-333-33333-3:.:33.33 wfi g Eiii‘iiiiif ‘ . Referring (“7) lhursday . night 5

- tioris and alcohol Use," sand “\hls‘} l’alrti indicated the total number i i t" ~91. s. {’3.3_.3-3-:_-3:E « attendance 0‘ “0 people. 1 ram ‘u'd
Ward. |l'(' president of pledges sliotrld equal last years 5; 1' i 5. i\. ‘a=;3;3§33333..33v - he had only contacted those “hi: he

D01!” 0' \lUtls'm‘ Mls'hds'l l’alm l ast year there were 403 pledges 1:, 7f. ' ) 55‘5"“ I ‘ thought couldfiattend. ”'3 added. [3*]
said, "Most defiiiiiel\ the new rules and by the first day of classes. -\ug. 3.33...333333’,333.333. - .3‘. 33 " _' 33 33 5““33' rather hate -5 workers than ltll)
helped lhe houses all made a con- 373 Palm .md names of 300 pledges “‘=:‘I‘<"_".' 3“. " '5 *5 ‘3 ~ . . ' 33 2% ,- iii?" names.

‘Umh GNU” 1“ enforce (them) .. had been turned into his office. He .:‘::"T" i 33, ii I .352... .=- a» iii-3:". He beliesed many Democrats

0” “US 3“ and 3w- ”WW were “0 added that scseral of the larger chap— _ . 3i “z could be recriuted l" work l‘" Rea~
alcoholic beseiages sei\ed after ll 1,3,. had ”03 yet thhmmcd mc” 333° 3‘ gun. You donthayetobe3a staunch
pm “ l he cut»off nights were \et} totals. 3 i as. fig} Republican to be with us. he said.

O O 0
~ on the inside Mrm-Mester program begins anot er
fl ' 'd ariety of classes
Frustration with parking and towing is the focus of By LESLIE MK NELSON bartciidiiig Smith said. "l‘ach semester an SCH discovered free classes led to
today‘s editorial. 'liom Hraderi's column takes a sober look 'siaii “hltl lhere are also classes for those appeal is made to l esrrigton orgarii- serious problems. Smith said.
at a situation which has become e\tremely clouded. Both \\llll an interest iii (reiniaii. R‘hsldn. Iations. places of business. the t K because students felt no real ”but“.
' llahlii iisicd lspanol" If not. here intelligence and cmert action. tire~ commurut} as a whole and other tion to attend a class where they
are on page 2' is your chalice to learn Spanish or arms as artifacts, commercral art, agencies" in an effort to find qtiali— recei\ed no credit and paid no
any of N other subiects ranginglroni and natural health and healing lled teachers. she added money.
backpacking to belly dancing. lhe classes are generally small lhe instructors decide on their lhe free classes also created diffi-
9\ summary of eyents happening close to home and lhe Studeritt‘enter Board is once with no more than 15 students. salaries and charge class feesaccord- cultiesinfindingcompetentteachers.
around the world can he found on page _I in news roundup. again sponsoring its Mini—Mester according to Mabaria Smith..u\ ll ingl) leachcrs are encouraged to the instructors did not takethe com-
program for its students. faculty. engineering senior and Mini-Mester keep the costs low, Smith said lhis mittment seriously and their attend—
staff and the l esirigtori community chairperson. semester class fees range from $5 to ance also became a major problem.
, _ Mini-Mester is run by a student com- lhe ro tram is lantied iti coti- S40 and will be collected at re ristra- Smith ex lained.
A ”He“ 0' ”if first home football game Is on page 4' riiittee to proside low cost. rion- ,iurictioii‘wiih the linitersity semester 1'0" ‘0 W.‘ l"‘”“““‘“ 3‘ 1h“ 5nd “l p
“UM“ an interestlng focus 0" defensne tackle 1 'm ("’OCh credit. special interest classes. system. Registration is Sept. X—l2 classes During the l970s. students con~
featured on page 5. Smeral classes will teach skills from ltta m to 2 p m. in the Student According to Smith. a fee was not tinued to lose interest in the program
such as poise and make up. plaster (‘entei (iieat Hall and 6 pm to it always charged for these classes lhe and in l977 it collapsed. lhe system
cralt. needlepoint. counted cross pm in the (‘omplex (‘onimons program. which began in the late was renewed in the fall semester of
Don't miss the series ”I photographs on the back page stitch. ('hristmas crafts. gift wrap- (‘lasses should begiriduringthethird l9(»(ls as “Free School." was a free 3l978 bycommittecchairperson Bon-
ptng and stained glass construction. or fourth week of September. alternatiye learning experience dur- ita Black. The name was changed to
._.-._. -—— —»-——~~ ('lasses locusirig on recreation are depending on the indisidual teacher mg H llmt‘ Ol tremendous WWII and Mini-M681”. class subjects WC":
. I sailing. bridge. pocket billiards and The teachers are carefully selected. scholastic rebellion updated. and a class fee was added.
-).‘-.' , .
:35 :» L‘ 3 s t l . .
l ' "“' I F er OI'CCS any 6 vacuatlon
3.3,. en‘s»: ii“ ~» s- .\ l
' “ . “‘1 3 gs . .: ' . Al BANY. NY (AP) A fire 3
l was“: erupted ycsfiierday at a gasoline stor~ B.‘ “”9 yesterday afternoon. line or oil spread to a third. full storage tank.
_‘N‘W'W TW'W‘M ’ " W‘L'“ ""“fl age area inthe Port of Albany and set llames ““1 billowing Mild ‘11ka lhe tank in which the fire began ('orning said.
off two csplosions in a "mushroom \U“ Pt‘llrt‘d out of ont‘ '8”th \IUMRL‘ was hClIL‘\Cd to be empty by work- All three tanks belong to Mobil
ball of flame "forcingtheeyaeuation “‘"l‘V A “W ”l d second tank had men cleaning the tank. according to (‘orp Fight other oil storage tanks
« s of hundreds of residents from the hmm‘d Itself out hours earlier. Albany Mayor [irastur (‘orning II. are located nearby in two separate
WEATH [LR nearby downtown district ”"ndn‘d‘ ”l lerfighu'rV man} 0' who was at the fire \CL‘HC clusters.
l ighr persons. men of them fire- them from "‘3'8hhmln8 communi- lhe lire spread to a second nearly Mobil spokesman Bob Wiener.
Becoming fair and mild tonight with lows int'he mid 60s men. were reported iniured. ()nc t’ire- "°‘- “”3" ‘3”3 ”3‘“ 3‘3“"0 "hm” it mile empty tank. which continued to reached by telephone in 31 enany.
- man was listed in serious condition from lh‘ 5”“ ( dPW‘l blale for hours and which was the \..l.. said the fire started In | line
to around 7‘." “9‘", sunn)‘ hot and hl’mld today ind '\Ulht\rlllcs closed roads. tnclud- ”‘C C‘Pl‘m‘m‘ early yesterday scene of the explosions translerring gasoline from one tank
tomorrow “"h hlghs both day‘ In the m'd 80‘ to around on: part of Interstate 787. mm least a “”me ”CWTTCd ‘t‘V-‘rfll hull“ lhe eiacuation of nearby rest- to another. lhe fire spread to a
90. Winds light and yariahle. Probability of precipitation hall-mile radius from the port on the altc-r the fire of unknown origin (lerils. including people hung in a second tank. he said. Wiener said he
decreasing to less than 20 percent. “udmn RI.” lhe 0,33“ (luard began in a tank capable of holdingan public housing protect. was promp— was not sureilthe other tank affected
‘ closed the rum to all traffic estimated l $ million gallonsolgaso- ted by the lcar that the fire might was the tank being filled
. 2 '. o l l

Stew Massey
KENVIV‘ ’(I: l<‘{ . lt/IIUI~II1 ( hwy Ja) l-osIsett . (‘ary Willis John (la) David Maynard
51"“ ("em . Am" ( harles Illlt’I’IulIlNlt'nl Editor Sports Iii/IN! [‘I""""" "’ P-‘W’Ufl’al’hl'
Debbie McDaniel Ron Hall
Kirby Stephens ( ind) McGee John Little
Hamming! [ill/(tr IWMHHI' I-t/H'm Vicki Poole Stew Iimther
Barbara “and SJ. Robinson Donnie Ward ”I‘M ( 0er
.St'ltlttl Mali ll men AAAMIUIII Iznlellainmem Editor Anti/ant Sports [.t/Iltlf\ I’lto/o I‘t/t‘mr
Jacki Rudd l‘aul Mann '
l.t . l E t [hit lt/Ii'tlr hit/tutut‘ li/Ilor
(h I, ”I: \ CI”. Lump“. I‘i” king has my” a head- .Ioe ('ollege Student eui'ses and elaims eonspi— l’oliee. \\ ho then eateh the students at the game, Alter all. there are plaees to park and not to park
. ”hp 1..., 1 Is students. udmnmhm”. and police. rite} on the part oi toning eompanies and the ITK issue a eitation and. it the student has three or students \‘hUUld be UMH'C ”I this. Likewise.
‘ . ”mm the Imh group uhieh i”. beneiitted from parking department. tl iielsil). .I.(‘.S has mone) mote tiels'ets. ea” in a tovt truck the departmen— PUIICC *IWUM be “WIN [hill students sometimes
. 1m- pailsiiii.‘ \tttmtton is the \at'ioiis I\i\\ tttlnpufnCs to pat theliiies and a tide to piels up the ear. ()thers ml lmlls‘)» hate \alid ieasons lor parking illegaly.
”mud H“ n \\ h“ h,“ ed mm tot”, \.m m the last ha\ e been isIIU“ n to do \iithoiit the ear ior iseelss l he administrators in the parking department . .
‘ “ ‘ ' . . , ~ - .\t]tl the administrators eould help to change
IN,“ \ .l, ”I,“ because tlte\ hase no \\;t\ to get to it ot hLLdllsL are then Iaeed Wllh complaints irom students . . _ .
" "' ‘ ~ . , « » . _ . some ol the iiegatne attitudes \\ith a grace period
» . .\ t\ m I! “I.“ “N, we... “I. t}... the\ haw no HIUIIL‘} to pat the tines or both). abottt the unielenting dri\e to collect Outstanding .
~ l ‘ ‘ ‘ . ' - .. . . .- » . illl(t\\lllt.! students to tutti i’t tielsets at a reduced
' ' iUt‘ (”ML-”L. \mkpm \\ 1M. w. .... I1 sump“ ,Ioe ( ollege Student lIlIitll\ gets liis eat basis. tielsets and tots ears. I - R II I 'd I
' - - ~ .~ ‘ ‘ ‘ 'i ‘ ' - . . ‘ i. is war. Vlr'lll'tt i'tass'ii sucia r0 -
' IIII‘II‘II'L' oi th\ IIII‘III'H" 'oi t“ t' iI' ‘l' to Iiiid and titeeeeds tt‘ Park illeeiilt as beiore. itllt)\\IlI}1 llie solutions arent east rate ‘ lib . [‘l EN , k. l‘ I II I? pf
t.. . i.I.. ,tt. _ . . - . . )‘ - L'i..:i';' - .' '1 0
. ' I‘ls L it |\ ”I, “”1““ par [.th oti'sidz' ...\ ”mm “huh. Ilt’lsi Is to attittttttilatt: .iiitl limpingi that oriL‘tltt}.IlIL I I . . 05“! “U“ k L ”m Lulu” ‘ I [ 1L ms d d on
' ‘ r , , , , _ . i . , . .1. I Is has a limited amount ol parking spaee.wtth a tie“ iielset ploccsstnu L‘titiliiulcr
r he ‘e't it the “IL“stttIts IlIt'III \llt't at i. it patiie and Pill-kl“? ilkl‘slllmslll “111 i‘llsl All Jmm‘l.‘ ‘ d.‘ . . ._ *
‘ ‘ “ ‘ ' *‘ I . .. . 1, . .. . . . 1.. . *1 't I a llIL’ll demand lorthese spaces. And the possibilitV I . I . . .
.t lt.‘\\ talls to the poiiee departiiieitt. the ear is “ K's “MW” N“ ili'il ”1 Its” W L ‘ a I“ . ‘ t . ' \ov. t.iat theiiistadiiiioti oltheiie'w eomputei is
- . I I. tnat more parking space can be both during these .
ioiiiid s.tiel\ stored at .i littsztlt‘ tonipans s k NIH . . _- -, I I . almost eotnpleted. its time .ttiiiiitiistrators beganto
' . . ‘ - . , , _ .. ._ , I K IIL’lIl budget times is both unlilseh and unealled tor .
, L' “4LT Id; tiltti\t ssLIHtItt Is HUI IIIIeUIIIIIItIII .tI . s I I d d I d I put (ht; \\I)ttls llIIU ”(1“an
- s‘ "~ - , . I) Cl'l III'S'tr‘IlC’ C iU‘imore ‘S Cr'llL‘ . ~ .-
Stitdenis. elatmttig that I Is I’oliee should ht: II I] l 3‘ k LI II lln & L p ‘ -\ \ttei .ill. a grace petiod eeuld helpto initiatea
.i, : It . ,,. , .I ,. . . I. . . _ "l )" L" 5 ' "N . . t
I. lht i\II.\ sttptudltim i‘ ”It” . "Ii I" 2-” ll“ spt'tttlllti! more time lighting Llllllt.‘ and lLss iinit. ‘“ ”1‘” p” ”‘5 rut l” postme attitude among students. police and
. . - ear. the student mttsl pas at. it..lsl,tll awn: iiekets ,NHHIU “(ta-3.. pIu\ ., "em- a hat I can get ;t\\;tI\ I’ei'hiips a little understandingonthe part olstu- iidiiiiiiistiators alike an (tlllludc which could
'v . I plus a I«\\\IIIIL‘ eiiatee mth gttttis' dents. poliee and adminstratoi's Would help, (an) thhmghum ”u. ”I”
. II
I ' ' [Mugabe ’S accolades boost Carter’s outlook on hum all rights
. I' . ‘rs i em . . a a is m tie oi its roots and it s st» italihi ettiiiiiiitnieiit that Iaid a sitlld isted IlulIl-“lttg attempts in Con— strated his commitment to a tust blacks. emit-hes. unions. liberals
’ " .,... ... , . , . p . I. to m ~tv t .. i': being heatd (oiiial itioii oi skillsand leadershipin ILZI'L'\,\ to Hi tn the iaee oi the United solution in ZImhéthM‘ and }IilIIIIL‘ people. who “I“ all NF
1 ‘ I: H I». i- 'V t" l . .e / .. ’n "‘I ' I .neti [‘lICnttllls‘IlitIi Ili the btiit s /.tiiih.-.bx\e \liigabe's \ILIIII\ at the \attons satietions against the racist 'Ihen there Is the potential dairies» taiiilt respond to a peaeelul loreign
. _ ;‘.i't . , st. - t‘t' . ~ ~ I . . ' . '. . .
. ' ‘ p. \1p Rtyhyvt \1 Lit". . .. '.1_II‘t‘I\ :s \lltHIL’l's sttptm'tti. 'is poils this led bIs .t teiiiaisahle gt itip Rhodesian regime ol Ian .‘smith. He tie politicaldnidend lot .limnt) I at- poltti
‘ I l' i” . . t .. ,. l ' .. . i I" es and iitisstonatx -it stIIIIlL' tnen and \stin‘eii lhiit\ ol retitsed to baels am faction. [Cr from the American tiitestmrxnt _»\lldlt'“ \oiiii isanationally syn-
.. ... I” ..II ... IYI!.1II\II,.,,I . hm.» \t .tat. t it re . _ .
f ' . . ., .. .~, ,. » is It ‘! ‘lI.I\L .i time IL‘etli'tl at lils s _issot..ties iet- tied I’Ii I) Hisho » »\bel Mulorevsa‘s brief It 8 beena longllms' Wt“ it't.‘ I‘l’l’ dicated t-ntiiitinist. His column WI"
\iine' ml "‘.t' '7..t\ at: Mum. ‘ * “' ‘ » l
I " .., .t .. t ...,it ( ”t .» ... .t .3“ . i" :tzitevii to and insolieinent "I ileyless t-otiiI S untitzstties \Iote tCiJlmt’ “Its supported by Sens. Jesse IIICBI figure has been able I” W”? appear esei}. \londay.
' f < 2‘ ,. . . i» a“. ”In \4- \nd hldL‘ls\ and tilt slllllsllL‘\ llt'llil\ and SI Hayakawa. and trate lht‘ Cynlctsm 0t IIaiIL't‘i its
, .. _i.'.t I st‘ i- is» i. v‘ ' - ~
. _' . H .. I I "l"stil"l" “I. ,II, ,I. .. ,. ,_ . “my bx {in-1.1m, with... :jh ~ ~ I Joshua \ltnmowasthe choice ol the Robert Mugabe did last \iee's \s mm“...—
. ' - . ii , .. is,” 1- WM, ..t m an » -ls nielieeiuals and eoIIt-ee stu— . Hitttsit and the Soviet I'nion. Butthe Harlem's Crt)“d§ ehaiited .ind . .
. . ,- "III i _ .. s .. i _ 'i i "t ‘i “ ’ . - .
_ ‘~ . " . “I,“ . ,, ...mI. ..,tI. II..II_I,I,,,.,.I.., . .t,...,,. m “Wm” M I, I s pvt.“ ~ -\nieiteati poIie\ imested in the cheered lhIS Atriean \It'ltlt. as the Letters POIICY
l I e ,i s 'l.‘ \sti s i s i i t _ ,is . . . II . '
I . - .. I, I. .I,, . I li'l’“ II. hm“ I. W“, helped hnng about /:IIIb-il‘ ..~.::;«...,.._». - __. put-gin! pitteess. “thh led to the students of Houartl I iii\eisit\ and II I I A / lC )m
. . . .4 . , i ..it i. .i t on t . u ‘ . ‘ » vgigggggfg.‘ -. . _ » t. it‘ ..5‘IJW it 'I'Itt' “t: ( C5
. . II I IIII itd stltitlk"" II IIII II II independence and mIHm“ s§ ptopic oi /imbab\ie s oan demo— the sopliistteates at \evs \ tilts _ I oi- II I i l th UK
I it . . .l it. ... t i . .- s e - . i . . y » . . , . I. '\
i ‘ i . . . \‘i‘ ~ eiatie whoa-e ol ii leader and a eign l’oliev Assoeiatioii ll\lt'!lt_‘tl to “ “mm ””“m‘ “ m e
. tie tlstilttltls“ t'oitt Roht't \Ittwl‘i ...-s.»=‘-.\\\ ' ' L‘UII‘IIIIIIIIH tot publteation on the
. I - ., ~. , II, 1 II t" , . . ‘:=::'sE:§:_I}». I . gun-”11mm his eloquent message ot freedom and ‘ . .
. I \. sa s tittsk shims-h “ _ . W . .. "I . . . . .. .1 editorial and opinion page.
' V" t, ,‘MI 1 IV or. mm ,» hi! I’m“. . - ss. 5%“ » = Ihe I \ tii\estment in [imbabne non-ratia demotrae}. II sutiiu iiist I d
' - i. itiI . . . it. . t at» I, ,» I..:_' . . . s , i) . _
I . i» - ' ., ‘\i Andrew . . , * a.“ [modest indeed. compared to the possible that Mugabe has Isllillitsi a ”u” ' Pm” m an “ mmen
, - nitsstiu it. \i'ItllIktll Hut ,_ 2. “New: . I . ~ s. _ tiirtes must he iiped and triple-
. -, I . . _ . it; - ‘ ‘- N \ billion aid package uhieh eanie IMUF 10 .limm} ( All”
»I ,» \i. siiite I’It signing iii the I .ti't f3i.\_ -» -. . , spiteetl. and must include the
. . ) I., \. ‘i L.‘ I)”. ...“. \- ._. _ -\. :g: I. - out o: the I tiiiip l)a\id «words or Mugabe. W‘l‘m‘d" I-' I“ I :1. l"’~“" .
. , I ...-t. w» I s -\ .e\.\.L.t. in" ': . I “I a; . . ., . , . . \ttittt s sietattitie. address and
, , . i‘ I" III \1 IIII, .I It mm M ,,. Dung .... . ,. iiit natttt Iitliioii dollar expenditures dent s tease about shatiitIii min I h l K t d t
, . . ..i 's .t; 1“ ‘9“ s. . i“ ‘ . ’7 ., . e, 1 i ”11' It in. ‘t s u en is
’ ... \\ h. l’ I, . .I “I \ II I. I“ ,. .I \I 1 “I. _ on the .Ilttls race and thesuperpoiser patgn taeties. \oliiiiteisied that it lI“ I I l I Ii I d
. lite -i “st it t I t n it .. II. ». .» .':;. . I I {III 'l_ :I, i» .1 .
‘1 ' , p. I... \ L‘iwmi i it i' an.” _ ;;. ~‘-:. _-I ' eoinpetitttiti \\ith the Smtets linims (arter “as I’IIlll‘iIIIIL' It” ie< \ I“ ‘ 'l I” Hm “MI an
. ‘ u i' ‘- ..t i t i‘ .t ‘~ gar; --'\ ' . _ ta ii at .1 'II\ ‘I it\ -m o 'ces
‘ 4 I “w l \ it ~ \ttd 'It\l\"‘t“'ll"l II“ through tree ClL‘LIIItl.s \[I .ll 'F\-::2_:-. . *f 'F- (hii oi the limestment iii lini- election in Zimbabwe. he isoitld [I] l‘II I ‘ II ‘ \ - Lt p ) d
t . i t. . ‘ ii ' - i .. ‘ . . 4:29:33; . s‘ss _ g. . , _ . , s.) int i t ..ieii 05 ion an'
‘ ' - In: t tii~ ... v ed ‘1 ii I\\ L’Iltlp\ are the neii tit-tie: :I s: : -- » ‘ halme has altezuh come better mm Cm”) d rummd'"? "W“ I l i \ P
. ,.i .. . t .. . s .t . .. .. .., . .i . I »» > . s. ' . ( CMII It‘t'til
. - . I‘t‘\r“l“\L‘ liom a qriieial silllsllli ;, it that the Ptesideiit noes needs on 1311‘ than Itititi /imbab“eaiis studied iii ”W“ “'m ”I‘M “' ”‘0 continent 0’ limbabue mat Ill”? WW“ ”I" F
' 's 91"‘1I‘ ‘tltisllk’ politieal seette lIiLlitltsl and \tiietiea .‘ltil at. no“ \I FIN “MI the hill d'Hds‘ml \‘I ‘\IIICIIC£”I DL‘UPIV III" “’IV‘” ““1” ( tiiittihtitioiis should he deli~
. -I» ‘ =I. 5 , ,I. 5...,5 \g» _., yum. n. .; I n.- I s ititestiiieia ll: int piit .ss team to assist III the iltitelopntent oi “V“I‘ “I‘L’IIIV‘I‘ ”CW“ I” MHV‘I” denee needed to get (i‘Il ottti pitsent \eied U. Room “4 Journalism
. . - , \ attis'.it._tz. i' at its i‘ / trinihtse s adept-int. I.,e {. tl.tii \. tiniis 'I‘i‘ll‘k'l‘ ““1 7'1“ “N "'l “”d ”“mmi partililing eymetsn: and ti begin Building. I "hug" of Kentucki.
'1. . ’ . i I s :L'i‘\i".",i".‘.;":t m: , ,, n .. gsstiitialli a. IIllleJ'iItl‘ and iii 'Eli"llilt\. I‘ie~ttieitt ( attet at “""IHW‘ ”1"“ hUlld'IIls’ 1” “I‘m“ (“1d “hit-“‘3 ’3'“ l.t’\ingtoii. RIM-10506.
» fl ». .I I.\ M I ...,IRHI, I“ m 3'“ .tt iI. and“ five \Il'i Ineiitiiiitg ot his .ttliiitnistra» In the tiisi \isit ol an \iiieitea dream oi tree men and \\iiit‘:‘:t .1: .t )0, Mm} ,, mom. a eontributor
I .. c is. t. \'!.t it. i-' l- :d iLJIIt'II ll‘t i: ittii \th oit teeoid ill s .ppoit oi an Illt'\1tie"\" to that eontinent. Jlllllll) \ioi'ld oi peace and piospet I“ must ”an” I, I Is | I) belorethe
f . I I [i »_ Wis \‘ziia 3. him i..-,» . t » - ..I illtii \llIllsliC\ lliIL't'lliL'l is ill ai'insm; ilipiotiiatte ettott to (tilltl \\ii‘t the support oi \igeiia \nd .Iimm\ (artet. the taia.‘ dale At'tmi H ,H /., UNI» ,4, (“”7” ,1".
. .I .I it y ;i e i'!'.I L‘ ha" a 't‘:‘ 1' Is 't!:t'tl\ .zdiiittasii tlv It s \" a. hit it :i .tittttl} lltlL’ through a itii .t'lllliltlt'sl trade and thesupplIi oi ioi i'e»eleetiori. ma) hate heelui to “HHUWIJ
.: 'I . ' : . i it !\1 i. that» \' .' ._ \.‘tiii t"~ltiP :‘i'“:.' t’Ti "Mt-Ii «~ ." i» '21 iiuiitta't‘il piii..~s II: tes- oi] “psiuiiis he'UtIIsL‘ he had demon» inspire the support he ti.,-.is '; ‘it ____«~______________
I' . ». ' - 1- t ihtil. \, (t-tt mn Iasss ’IVC that
" l- . 4. ,. s ~ \\ ~ it t. iiottht“ ..i it. MW. ‘mu ...» at: timit-tami mat — ““"d ‘ "L“ ‘Ed' .. ‘ ‘ ‘ 1‘
' ' ‘ I‘“ ‘V ' ‘1 ‘Y' “ d ‘ H 5 i I l l I l H, t tth \ “I” \nd \Hillltllt t ueeti "I‘mli . iipeis iespeti iiiiiilitil reeognition. l‘or
.» - . I . . I I II , , _ . I, . II .I . I , . .IL.I .iiito gs II~,I e ' ’ ,
- , . li‘ii'M ...s s lsmil‘it‘ “ “ “i h‘ukl H“ \l [y i I t t' - mi ii ‘Ii‘t Ili ii om il the Rtissians \\L‘IL‘II‘ stt'i‘ iii ~Ltittt eutitipt; \st- do not teqUIre a hus-
., > . . ‘v it. -s ' I l‘ i‘.‘ I HI I‘tlll‘l .t :.'-tt'-.i, '. L'.tt.'. e q I ‘ .
. was «L .,utti.iitt. i. t... it e » ~ “~11“ tit In?“ - i i ' ib I III II III I . .ite him ll'tllll his patents i want band to tesiiii .tuainst his vote nora
I , . . , ,. . 1 . t . I I .\\it_\ 't-ixiit. oi .’ L s' CIC .. ’ ,. . ‘
' ‘ ' .: 'mes' f: .. ‘I‘Ut’e I 'iiI‘lI st. _.. .\.tit llILIIt Ila . t.. it. \,.I lit I,, .K I ‘1 II . mhu‘ him “political as\lum’ WWI“ -'.'~'~"“‘I I'l‘ t‘hlld»
_ ,. . . . . \ t,. . tm si ’i'.is ‘ "we“ ‘ ' . » -
-. 11. ‘ h \ '~ '3’ "‘"J' “ " l ‘ " '1‘ m“ m if ‘ ’ H . u . Is the i-‘metnment oi the I rated II I’M) "s ”It” ”W experience ”I
i. .. l I . _ . ., . »- t _ ,.. ”mun A It. ..\. ..... let: \ii i a nets tittuiegot to ’8 en I h I I . . . .
, ‘ ml‘ » " - " .. - ‘ - ‘ "‘ ‘ ‘ " ' " I I b t\ II int ”I II it States so preoeeupied “Illt thotietits “Ill-”Ill “P “All” Lil‘ldr‘n hd5 mdde
C . . . ., . .. io' III fisilil '_'.t I C t ' ‘ . .
‘ ’ .T ion mm, lilt’ III'\\leilI\t'Is o t .- I - ttti to no ionmtit-it ow t .,. K “ IHI'IL ‘ t '\\I thi 'ibtitll the dillerenees hctut‘x'ti out me “”ml‘h‘” authoritarian. B“!
. . I t. I I . I II ._ W. _ ,_II., I , ,_I 'IIYI‘II'I‘s11I".t)..]l\ .ii‘en s ... is — - . I I ..
i. ’ . ' l1""“" V W“ H 5" M "H . M ' H K” I “M m {m X A innit t t . \\ 'h pi It 'I s ‘It'I\ ” is \k tlit: iI » \ s't\ \sishes to soeieu and that ol the Sottctl tizon “Itch a I. Wat-old ho) says tome l
.. - it .,. . v.‘ .. to" .I.\ .l 't it,” . t‘ its . . " ‘.‘ ' ~ »- . . ... _
' I "y; (‘El H A : my!” m H ‘1 W “J; \ L “IN!” \ ‘mwu‘ m W K I " ' s t i ‘II‘ Ii -\\ ‘ll l'tli'\\\\ i" that it eannotseethesiniil.‘itiiit s'ls it “W113" » II” “Nd”! WPI) 15‘ Yes.
. I I I . . .I P's‘ it; .‘ III Hei- t.i.i~' t it t' s. t-_.i iEItIt . > ‘ ‘ . . . .
l x .‘ M“ \\ L ‘ A ”LA 1‘ \\ f1“ “its“ H I ‘ lid . . . ' lI' 'l‘ti It‘lll’ \: ol a deeistoit to he not obnotts that in Rtissti is 1i the .‘t‘“ “I“ \I‘sl I“ ‘IMV .
'V‘ ' '\ I .. ‘ "ti inst l I . '3' ‘i 1,. ‘L “‘ ‘ H L ~ . . - . - . - 4 s
V '1' I i \\ 1‘ “I k L. \l ”I \ I“ ‘ k 1 Hi i ‘I " "'sl Hestu‘it‘l \\Iitt‘li|s III lIlt lit .i i‘| \L’.tt1, «3 3 I Ittii: It i“, doing \IIIIIL‘lllllIll similar Mid ”It“ Iii“ “his“ ”WIN ”MN" "‘1 IN“ ‘ I" ”‘i‘l‘L h'm II‘IPP.‘ ‘15 he
I '1 ‘f I fl 2.. W I I twirl—3'; "- l' I ”J", K ‘ ‘ thy; math-gt. huieauetats get ,. th\ lather and th\ mother" is older ym‘s
. ' . l 1. y/ e V ’ Vflfi‘fl' ‘. ' A. H“ v‘ h It .- than the l)ee|aiatioii ot lvidt-titnd-
i . »' , . \ i “'V'mu- an $41.95!”; ’ 1 ' ‘ " ‘ .t -~
" " ' N‘ 7" W’T’l' "V MW it’lm: l\ T iii1 l‘itssthlL‘ Iltal some I? WW" I" Hi“ K'lll'”l “M" and
' - - I; . y‘é, ‘. 4mg? C‘DMKJFFQCE Ir» ' \.wp . ‘It mm, m hm “mm- p“. deserting . it seems to III" ti etiital 'lnni Braden writes is anationally
. -.-7— . J _ is" .. . ~.. . I -.
..l ' . ‘ Q‘ “q [I p'r .32! »- 5:! i eiits iii’ it-niitig \Iosetm nia\ IUIH “"PC” “ndlmud “llummfi' H“ column
‘l - ‘ ‘ -.‘i i I" ma BL“ LL). NC"; 's I out it» Ii:I\L' iallen in low \itth a Is it deseriing ol I‘ilitli‘ t ‘nfifl ' I “I" aPINK“ I""’"“"“"."-
I u . (-
-,. . I t a 3 , .m . .- »—-_.—r- ._
, ‘ ssvl. i . 1 “' " ’ .‘ E iligbt‘ikwmr:w"""“‘—f':. ’1 2E .
r . » , ’ , " i ~ . -'\‘~\£‘e)~$\‘M 4i’?3~'2r;,= . . - - -
i»: M. i 3% S-uv‘i " /’ it}? OllSh revo llthfl DUtS US$121 111 per SPEC 1V6
I. - I t . I. in" ' . :I bh‘ / ‘ -";.’E ' & - . ,1, ' 5;“ I .
- . ,- If; , WI I _ I . ,.~ «¢%¢E::"§Ilj:i ' ,gi‘fi‘ ':
' ‘ ' H") «an-r ' w} ”Le-’i’fit‘gtiwz " ‘ ’4' a" | » - ~ , the\ could 'et 'iis'u \ ttli IltI' Iliit iie niiilti l\ iiii I ith ' ’
I I ,v‘ttiwl e" .‘V‘ P’JE‘fiafl‘l“ _ ; . lttl' is tlt'ltLlUlh iron} that . l~ ‘ i. . ii A . l‘ l- - I uanians.
. . I i4»: 1 .IIa I , WI.;II‘;> #:5- ‘3/ifiug‘ ~ rumaw ‘ In.‘ , “\‘tilht‘ls oi the World. I nite" has eontrars to tiiltiiinatioii tiom hoih I lslilllllillls and (-eorgians are at
.f ‘I. , v - I_ .7; I5” ' 5' .5 :I’f/ “3'43"” ;' hetomt‘ .tti .ttiit~eommimisi slogan otir tltmed candidates lor president, least as dissatislied inside the
‘ ' ' I ~ tif’picéifgat/g" ,4' / 7' wfi’ifif - . » ~ ‘2 ' \MttIu-ts \tt-tt» supposed toeieate the the eommiiiunist bloi- ts Ht \eii had I S \ II hoideis as are the Polish
I .I 12,. v ‘ - .- i .g , ,t‘ .(5— ." ~’o . . . .
.i ' .mpfibl‘r . fiftfzgjfi‘fla':%fifmifaf” -. . , ”FM/f resolution in \1arx s e\‘e s. Aeltialh. trouble I” I‘l‘l- ”WW " “”h "1‘" “Wk" “”le
i . . ‘ - -‘ A .: ‘ 'I‘ m‘ 'de - -- , . I ' '
I V H l 50% i A I ‘92,“. _ ..t.‘ fix; "-_- ‘ llll' [cuiltittttn ClCillCd th‘ “UTKCTX eountr) Ill Illt‘ “(Hid ltlltlt‘tl in WA» Is Ihi. .l ““ch lht‘ll. [0 panlC and
. ' « e r. . ' '\“ .
. _ ‘_\ »..__ l I O! L l g; FI’iN . 1 4:” ~'.“\ inatn’t ht t haituitigthem lrom phea» tile communist pimeis and it .it is neat the R iisstans as giants about to
I ... ID ’91:" 939* ..., $3 ‘ x ‘3. stints in Russia and ( hina. \sitli the III“ l 5 5 R ( hina. Rli‘ll-mhl- MINI l’ \\ e slid [hill ”1th late 40$.
. I i firefly-tn _ 5:): a. .u- ’4? ” . tne\hitable itaiiniata ol dislocation Yugoslana and still iinpaeiiied beioie Russia had the bomb or had
. - s' O
m t t ... N . . 1'} »}/ l— 1 and m Rm...“ ease. “uh (hem. Mghanistan. shim the limits ol eon» reeo\eied lltl'll the war; and that
, . mgg‘l . 1“,”. Kym-kt. .m agrieulture tiol lust outsde Russia s teaeh giue iisa deeadeol (old War llirta-
I t I, ‘i'iJ‘agjfi' ; u.” \