xt7h445hf050 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7h445hf050/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2004-10-14 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 14, 2004 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 14, 2004 2004 2004-10-14 2020 true xt7h445hf050 section xt7h445hf050 Thursday

October 14, 2004


T H E K E N T U C K Y Men's soccer team looks
to strike back Friday
Page 3
www.kykernel.com ‘ ’ “ '
newsroom: 257-1915 The Grand offers
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First issue free. Subsequent issues 25 cents.

faculty." he said.

This space went largely
unused. and now 10 or
more classrooms will be
created. providing the stu-
dents and faculty of UK
with much needed class
space, Yanarella said.

"It is my understanding
that this renovation would
only require some minor
refurbishing." he said.
“Therefore. we hope to
have students using these
new classrooms by spring."

UK has sustained en-

“1 continue to be impressed
with the dedication and efforts of
the university community to re-
spond to the growing number of
challenges placed upon them." he

“Especially in light of the pres-
sures on our facilities. our faculty.
and our staff to serve these stu-
dents well and maintain the out-
standing education for which the
university is known.

“That's why I believe this deci-
sion to renovate the 18th floor of
Patterson Office Tower is better ef-
ficiency in the university‘s use of
its total resources to address our
teaching mission."

By Troy Lyle
mt krNiuckt KERNEL

The top floor of the Patterson
Office Tower may be converted into
classrooms next semester.

Patterson‘s 18th floor is current-
ly used for administrative and de~
partmental meetings by organiza—
tions such as the board of trustees.
It was during one of those meetings

UK President Lee Todd decided top floor We ”“9”“ ‘° W“ “'“h 0"“
schedule that will make

. '_ space
me to this deCision. rooms to be assigned for
year seminars. upper diVision “.5 a decision that

concern me."
that President Lee Todd envisioned been used for instructional space. Yanarella said he backs
“The need for instructional To expedite this conversion learn that the president was willing had to sustain a record level of

Witt. the associate provost for en-
. . . rollment management, ”
could be partitioned for seminar courses The need for
_ . g the 18th floor available
tinues to concern me." he said in a for teaching needs.
. . . . . . . remains a
indllvtidifglfll‘tgiiii: $311333?an “we?” begmnmg 1“ - -
‘ ’ the spring semester.” he pnonty that
ggiuirses and graduate seminars. he Senate Council Chair-
‘ man and political sci-
Lee Todd
. . . ~ . . , ._ d't' . z i . rollment rowth for three
how this floor could be better uti- :gfitllfgfiyilfléflig”2nl {1:213:13 3:: wholeheartedly UK ”mm straight gyears. during
Spat?e remains a priority that 0011' process‘ Todd has asked Provost to open this space for students and state education cuts. Todd said.
6 US. troops killed

to develop a process and
recent statement. “That's what led “I intend for these
tion as small classrooms for first- said.
continues to
These rooms. which have never
ence professor Ernest
lized. said. “I was pleased to which the institution has
Ramadan anxiety

E-mail tlylerakykernelcom








Republican Tom Buford (left). libertarian Mark Gailey (middle) and Constitutional party member Stacy Abner (right) debated at the Radisson
downtown last night in their race for Kentucky's 6th District US. Congressional seat.

US. House candidates debate

By Obbie Todd
IHE ktiiuckv KERNEL

Three candidates for the
6th Congressional seat ad-
dressed rising tuition costs
and other issues at a debate
at the Radisson Hotel last

Republican State Sen.
Tom Buford of
Nicholasvillc. (‘onstitution-
al Party candidate Stacy Ab-
ner of Berea and Libertari—
an Mark (‘yailey of Berea
were present at the debate.
Democratic incumbent Ben
Chandler did not attend.

Buford. who said tuition
was $145 a semester when he
attended UK. said he plans
to stabilize tuition rates by
improving the local econo-

“The best
ahead." he said.

(iailey said tuition costs
are not the government‘s re»

“Private and alternative

S't‘éll‘S (“‘9

resources must be utilized."
he said.

Universities need to
spend their money more
wisely. Abner said. He said
there was no excuse for ath-
letic coaches to make hun-
dreds of thousands while tu-
ition continues to increase.

“Rather than paying
coaches 8300.000 a year. and
you all know who I mean.
let's give it to those who
need it the students." he

Each candidate was giv-
en the opportunity to identi-
fy his most important issue.
Abner said he was con-
cerned about the erosion of
Constitutional rights. Bu-
ford said the government
needs to spend more money
on education. (‘iailey said
economic issues were key.

The candidates also ex-
pressed differing views on
the state of the economy
and tax cuts. Buford said he
would support cutting taxes

for families making between
825.000 and 880.000. He said
the tax cuts would stimulate
the economy as people
would have more money to
spend in the local economy.

“Tax cuts work." he said.
"It causes problems with the
deficit but also creates jobs.“

(‘iailey said he was skep—
tical of “trickle-down" eco
nomic policies similar to

"Big government is inef-
ficient. It doesn‘t allow the
money to trickle down." he
said. “It‘s intercepted by fat

Abner said he would
make sure states kept more
tax revenue instead of the
federal government.

The three also addressed
the growing health care
problem. ()ailey said provid-
ing health care is not the
government's responsibility.

“Health care isn't a
right. it's a scarce resource."
he said.

Abner. an emergency
medical technician. said in-
dividuals , not the govern-
ment need to take respon-
sibility for their own well

“People shouldn't go out
to McDonald‘s and eat 15 Big
Macs." he said.

Buford said frivolous
malpractice lawsuits and ir—
responsible Americans were
partly to blame for the waste
of health care funds.

"Losing physicians be-
cause of malpractice suits
costs us money.“ he said.

However. he said ram-
pant health problems such
as obesity and diabetes
make health care a vital
part of society.

The student‘organized
debate was sponsored by
The Kentucky Kernel and
WRFli-I'M and was moderat
ed by Steve Ivey. the Kernel‘s
managing editor.

news»: I»;_\'A'emcl.c0m

Mr.and Miss Black UK crowned at ceremony

8y Dariush Shafa

Poems. pride. singing
and soul all filled Memorial
Hall at the 17th Annual Mr.
and Miss Black UK Pageant
last night.

Four female and four
male contestants took the
stage. showing off fashions.
talents and their ability to
think on their
feet before a
crowd of more
than 100 last

“The focus of
this pageant is to
demonstrate to
others the impor-
tance of black
heritage and cul-
ture. considering
the fact that only
50 years ago
blacks were admitted to this
campus." said Dominique
Wales. a pre-communication
freshman and one of the

The pageant was started
in 1983 by Delta Sigma Beta's
Mu Epsilon chapter. and the
Black Student Union took
over the pageant in 1987.

‘ i.


”This is some-
thing I have for
the rest of my

Albert Shumake IV

(‘ontestants said that
pride was something that
drove them to compete.

“It makes me proud to be
black and in our pageant."
said contestant Keith Nail-
ing. an elementary educa-
tion freshman. "It shows our
potential and shows what all
we have and puts us in a
good. positive light for young
black people."

Some of the
younger com-
petitors said
they also felt
that taking a
part in the
pageant was a
good way to get
involved in the

"It has given
me a chance to
get involved and
meet people on
campus.“ Wales said. “I now
feel like I'm an active mem
her on campus."

After two hours filled
with singing. poems. mono
logues. questions and an-
swers and trendy clothes. mu-
sic education senior Albert
Shumake IV and architrctuw

Ir Black UI

Accounting freshman Chris Tooley and merchandising junior Alexis Taylor
receive runner-up awards in last night Mr. and Miss Black UK pageant.

sophomore (‘harneice
McKenzie were crowned as
Mr. and Miss Black UK. Run-
ners-up were accounting
freshman (‘hris Tooley and
merchandising junior Alexis
Taylor. Best talent winners
were (‘hris Tooley and Wales.

Shumake also said the
memories of this pageant

would be in his mind for
years to come.

“This is something I have
for the rest of my life." Shu-
make said. “Just represent-
ing the black community the
best I can."

dshafaia kykernelmm



builds in Iraqi cities


BAGHDAD. Iraq _. Six
US. soldiers were reported
killed in attacks here and in
the northern city of Mosul
as anxiety mounted over a
feared wave of insurgent vio
lence during the sacred Mus-
lim month of Ramadan.
which begins later this week.

A pair of roadside bombs
in Baghdad killed four US.
soldiers and a car bomb at-
tack on a convoy in Mosul
killed two and injured five.
the military announced
Wednesday. The names of the
dead soldiers were withheld
pending family notification.
In all. 1.081 US. troops have
been killed since the U.S.~Ied
invasion in March 2003. ac-
cording to the Department of
Defense; 940 of the deaths
have occurred since Presi-
dent Bush declared an end to
major combat operations.

Fearing an upsurge in vi-
olence. US. troops and the in-
terim Iraqi government have
boosted efforts to establish
control over insurgent
strongholds before Ramadan.
Last year. the month was
marred by a series of bloody

A combined force of 800
US. soldiers and Iraqi securi-
ty forces launched simultane-
ous raids Wednesday morn-
ing near Baqubah. about 9;)
miles northeast of the capi-

“We're expecting a bit of
an increase in activity in Ra»
madan, So we‘re just trying
to clean the area out as a pre
ventive measure." said (‘apt
Marshall Jackson.
spokesman for the Army‘s
1st Infantry Division. respon
sible for the Baqubah region

In a speech Wednesday
before the Iraqi National
Council. interim Iraqi Prime
Minister Ayad Allawi issued
an ultimatum to the town of
Fallujah. He threatened a
largescale military offensive
unless residents handed over
militant leader Abu Musab
Zarqawi. who has claimed re-
sponsibility for a series of
beheadings and has long
been suspected of operating
from the town.

“We have asked I‘allujah
residents to turn over Zar-
qawi and his group. If they
don't do it, we are ready for
major operations.“ Allawi

The military and political
push for control comes as
residents are bracing for an-
other violent Ramadan _.
which will begin either Fri-
day or Saturday: depending
on when the new crescent
moon is sighted.

()ne of the centerpieces
of the Muslim calendar. Ra-
madan is typically marked
by public celebration and re-
ligious introspection. Obser-
vant Muslims abstain from
eating. drinking. smoking
and sexual relations from
dawn until sunseteach day of

the month. Many read the en-
tire Quran or attend lengthy
evening prayers at mosques.

In Iraq. Ramadan nights
are marked by lavish meals
among families at home or in
restaurants that stay open all
night. But this year. fears of
insurgent and criminal vio-
lence are creating conditions
for a de facto curfew that is
likely to leave the streets of
the capital empty after dark.

“Me and my friends every
year would gather at a video
game parlor and spend the
whole night there until dawn
prayers." said Amir Sabah. a
26-year-old carparts dealer
“This year. we can‘t stay
away from our homes long.
because of the security situa-

In the days leading up to
Ramadan. insurgents have
shown no signs of letting up.
Islamic militants posted a
video on the Internet on
Wednesday showing the be-
heading of two Iraqis ac-
cused by their captors of be-
ing Iraqi government intelli-
gence agents. Associated
Press reported.

The two men had identi
fied themselves as Fadhel
Ibrahim and Firas Ismail
and said they were govern—
ment intelligence officers
kidnapped Sept. 28 on Haifa
Street an insurgent strong-
hold in Baghdad.

Last year. Ramadan
brought a bloody escalation
in Iraq's then less-en-
trenched insurgency; as a se-
ries of coordinated car bomb
attacks rattled Baghdad.

"We are of course aware
of the precedent from last
year and the intensification
of attacks. but we maintain
at all times the highest state
of alert." a US. embassy offi-
cial speaking on condition of
anonymity said.

This year. extra police pa-
trols will be deployed in
high-traffic public areas and
around police stations and
major religious shrines. said
Brig. Raad Yas. head of the
Baghdad police's major-
crimes division.

Members of radical Shi-
ite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr's
Mahdi Army militia contin-
ued to turn over heavy
weapons Wednesday as part
of a fledgling peace agree-

“In return we are pre-
pared to carry out our
promises by releasing prison-
ers and stopping military op
erations in Sadr City." Yas
said. “but that does require
that the other side keep its

Fallujah remains outside
government control. with
US. troops remaining on its
outskirts while launching
regular airstrikes on suspect-
ed insurgent safe houses.
Allawi‘s ultimatum to the
city came as negotiations
continued between the gov-
ernment and Fallujah repre-





PAS: 2 I Thursday,

AUSTIN. Texas The US. Supreme
Court’s decision to hear a challenge to a
Ten Commandments monument that
sits on the Texas Capitol groimds repre-
sents the completion of one man's re-
markable odyssey:

Plaintiff Thomas Van Orden is
homeless, lives in the woods here, car-
ries all of his possessions in a duffel
bag with a broken zipper and typically
eats every other day to save money. For
the last three years. he has pieced to-
gether his case at a borrowed desk in
the basement of a public library

Three years ago. he sued the state in
federal court. His suit contends that a
monolith inscribed with the Ten t‘otn-
mandments beginning with “l atn the
Lord thy God" violates the First
Amendment’s ban on “establishment of
religion." In 2002. a federal judge ruled
that the monument has a “valid secular
purpose." and last year the 5th US. (it‘-
cuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans
agreed. The Supreme Court accepted
Van Orden‘s appeal on Tuesday: it will
be heard in February

“This really shows that the ‘system‘
takes the ‘little people‘ seriously." said
Doug Laycock. a University of Texas
law professor. Laycock is an expert on
the Ten Commandments issue and an
acquaintance of Van ()rden‘s.

“That's going to be dwarfed by the
strong feelings about the case on both

sides." he said. “But it's important."

Attempts to reach Van Orden on
Tuesday were unsuccessful He does not
have a telephone. was not at the Texas
State Law Library desk that librarians
have ceded to his studies and has never
revealed where he sleeps l.aycock and
other acquaintances. who are in Inter-
mittent contact with him. said they also
had been unable to reach him. They
weren't sure whether he'd been informed
that he‘s headed to the Supreme Court.

Van Orden. 60. has asked Erwin
t‘hemerinsky. a prominent Duke Uni-
versity constitutional scholar. to handle
oral arguments before the Supreme
Court. Hut (‘hemerinsky said \‘an Or
den would be there with him and that it
was \'an Orden's skilled legal argument
that pushed the case to the fore.

“l have tremendous admiration for
Thomas \'an ()rden for caring enough
about this issue to bring the lawsuit.
and to decide that he wanted to pursue
it in front of the Supreme Court."
(‘hemerinsky said.

A native of Tyler and a 1969 gradu-
ate of the Southern Methodist Universi-
ty law school. Van Orden was consid-
ered a talented municipal and defense
lawyer through the 1970s and 1980s.

in 1989. by then living and practicing
in Austin. he began to suffer from a psy-
chological condition a fear of liumilia»
tion that forced him to curtail social and


Homeless Lawyer Propels Ten Commandments Case

professional interaction. Married with
tWo children. he lost touch with his fami-
ly and divorced. His career fell apart and
by the late 19905 he was homeless.

He began visiting libraries to re-
search his condition. and to teach him
self to recover. Each day. he would pass
the Ten Commandments monument
while walking to a cafeteria to get hot
water for instant coffee that he carries in
his bag. He said he began to feel that the
monument. which is in a prominent posi-
tion near the state Capitol's main en-
trance. promotes Judaism and Christian»
ity at the exclusion of other religions.

Last year Van Orden prepared for
his appearance before the Court of Ap-
peals by delivering arguments in a
classroom with University of Texas law
students sitting as a mock jury.

“He was really no different from the
lawyers who come here to do research."
said Tony Estrada. director of the state
law library.

“He didn‘t ask for help." Estrada
said. "He was pretty independent. He
could do it all himself."

In the interviews last year. Van ()r-
den said he had long had a dream that
he would sleep in the bushes the night
before appearing before the Supreme

“How about that?" he said. “Only in

Pennsylvania Court Keeps Nader on being“

By Susannah Rosenblatt
W Losinours min

A Pennsylvania court struck a blow
to Ralph Nader's presidential campaign
on Wednesday. blocking him from the
ballot there due to fraudulent signa.

The campaign‘s 51.000 submitted sig»
natures included names such as “Mick-
ey Mouse" and “Fred Flintstone” ac»
cording to Commonwealth (‘ourt Presi-
dent Judge James (‘yardner (‘olins‘ 1.3»
page ruling.

Nader needed 25.697 valid names to
qualify for Pennsylvania's ballot; (‘olins
ruled that fewer than 19.000 of the cam-
paign‘s signatures were legitimate.

“1 am compelled to emphasize that
this signature-gathering process was
the most deceitful and fraudulent exer-
cise ever perpetrated upon this (‘ourt.”
Colin wrote in a ruling prodticed after
at least 11 judges in four courtrooms
pored over the signatures for about two


The Nader campaign. which has
fought 21 states in court over ballot ac-
cess. dismissed the court’s decision as

"Obviously he doesn't care very
much for voter intent.“ said Nader
spokesman Kevin Zeese of (‘olins “This
is a partisan judge trying to undermine
a guy who has a history of credibility."

Zeese complained that the judge dis-
counted more than 7.000 signatures of
registered voters who had changed ad-
dresses or individuals who registered to
vote after they signed the petition.
which would have given the campaign
enough authorized signatures.

The campaign plans to file an appeal
Thursday to the Pennsylvania Supreme
t‘ourt. The Bush and Kerry campaigns
said the court's decision would have lit-
tle strategic impact on their battle for
Pennsylvania‘s 21 electoral votes. “Very
little will change." said Busht‘heney '04
spokesman Kevin Madden.

A Nader-less ballot will allow vot~

ers to focus on the major candidates and
avoid "any sideshow." said Tony Podes-
ta. Kerry‘s campaign manager in Penn-

Though Democrats nationwide have
sought to keep Nader off the ballot in
other states. fearing he would subtract
votes from Kerry. Podesta said he does-
n't think Nader “ever had that much
traction here in Pennsylvania."

Pennsylvania delayed sending out
many absentee ballots to wait for the
Nader court ruling. but some ballots in-
clude his name.

As a result. the Department of Jus-
tice sued the state this week. claiming
the state must mail corrected ballots
without Nader‘s name. and extend the
voting deadline to Nov. 17 because over-
seas voters would not have enough time
to cast ballots by Nov. 2.

State officials plan to challenge the
lawsuit. and contend they will allow vot-
ers abroad to fax ballots or mail them








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Oct. 14, 2004

Krystal Ball

Staff picks for the weekend of

Oct. 16,2004 ,

Sara Cunningham 131-111

last week: 6-1

South Carolina 45, UK 7
Purdue 35. Wisconsin 14
Virginia 21, Florida St. 14
Southern Miss 34, Alabama 13
Maryland 21, N.C. St. 20
Auburn 42, Arkansas 35
Miami 35, Louisville 21

Leslie Wilhite (31-11)

last week: 4-3

South Carolina 27, UK 7
Purdue 24, Wisconsin 13
Florida St. 21, Virginia 20
Alabama 24, Southern Miss 17
N.C. St. 30, Maryland 14
Auburn 27, Arkansas 24
Miami 34, Louisville to

Tim Wiseman (30-12)
last week: 5-2

South Carolina 24, UK 14
Purdue 28 Wisconsin 17
Virginia 17, Florida St. 14
Southern Miss 27, Alabama 12
N.C. St. 21, Maryland 18
Auburn 42. Arkansas 24
Miami 35, Louisville 31

Ben Roberts (30-12)

last week: 4-3

South Carolina 33, UK 3
Purdue 27, Wisconsin 17
Virginia 28, Florida, St. 22
Southern Miss 17, Alabama 16
Maryland 23, N.C. St. 17
Auburn 30, Arkansas 13
Miami 28, Louisville 24

Jeff Patterson 130-12)

last week: 4-3

Tennessee 31, Ole Miss 13
Purdue 17, Wisconsin 13
Virginia 20, Florida St. 17
Southern Miss 13, Alabama 12
N.C. St. 26, Maryland 23
Auburn 41, Arkansas 13
Louisville 27, Miami 21

Derek Poore (29-13)

last week: 5-2

South Carolina 38, UK 10
Purdue 23 Wisconsin 16
Florida St. 19, Virginia 16
Alabama 28, Southern Miss 24
N.C. St. 20, Maryland 17
Auburn 48, Arkansas 21

Miami 41, Louisville 17

Steve lvey 129-13)
last week: 4-3

South Carolina 38, UK 10
Purdue 28, Wisconsin 24
Virginia 19, Florida St. 17
Southern Miss 28. Alabama 20
Maryland 21, N.C. St. 14
Auburn 42, Arkansas 21

Miami 24, Louisville 12

Josh Sullivan (29-13)
last week: 4-3

South Carolina 35, UK 27
Purdue 28, Wisconsin 17
Virginia 17, Florida St. 10
Southern Miss 21, Alabama 10
Maryland 27, NC. St. 14
Auburn 42, Arkansas 0

Miami 63, Louisville 2

Adam Sichko 123-191
last week: 3-4

UK 31, South Carolina 28
Purdue 38, Wisconsin 31
Virginia 24, Florida St. 21
Southern Miss 28, Alabama 14
N.C. St. 21, Maryland 20
Auburn 35, Arkansas 10
Miami 49, Louisville 17

Lindsey Keith (23-19)
last week: 3-4

South Carolina 14, UK 3
Purdue 28, Wisconsin 24
Florida St. 24, Virginia 18
Alabama 34, Southern Miss 21
N.C. St. 28, Maryland 24
Auburn 21, Arkansas 10
Louisville 14, Miami 10



Tim Wiseman
Sports Editor

Phone: 257-1915 I E-rnarl: sportstlikyiiemelcorn

Northern lili-
nois' Jose
Alvarado in
NIU’s 1-0 win

sum Loom
1 sun


UK ready to strike back

By Chris Fisher


After Sunday’s loss to
Northern Illinois University.
UK coach Ian Collins said he
felt like his team had been
punched in the face.

Collins and his team have a
chance to get off the mat this
weekend as they host Bowling
Green and Alabama A&M at
the UK Soccer Complex.

“Sunday I was not a very
happy human being." he said.
"Nobody enjoyed Sunday. I
hated to coach it. I think
everybody was really disap-
pointed. players and coaches
alike. Guys really understand
that we gave away an opportu-
nity to move forward.“

As of late. the Cats have
been through the wringer

Last Wednesday. the Cats
battled in a double-overtime
draw with No. 2 and defending
national champion Indiana.
only to follow that with a dis
appointing loss to NIU that
snapped their nine-game Mid-
American Conference win

The UK coach said he
couldn‘t see Sunday‘s perfor-
mance coming. but he said
he's confident his team will
bounce back.

“Our guys have trained
great." Collins said. “Some-
times when you have a bad
week of practice. you can see
things coming at you down the
pike. I couldn't see it. I thought
Sunday we were ready. We just
have to get back on the right
track. The only way we know
how to come back is to fight
back. We have to move on. and
I think everybody's responded

Sophomore forward Antho-
ny Peters said Sunday‘s game
wasn‘t a tactical problem and
feels like the (Tats are ready to
move on.

“I think everybody's shak-
en off the Northern Illinois
debacle.” Peters said. ”Obvir
ously. everybody was disap-
pointed with the way we came
out. It wasn't fair to us and the
work our coaches put in. It
wasn’t fair to our fans. But
now I think everybody has
their head on straight."

Last week, senior forward
Jamal Shteiwi said he felt like
the Cats had turned the corner
and were starting to come to-
gether as a team. Peters said
he agreed with his teammate
that Sunday was nothing more
than a hiccup.

“I definitely think that in
those three games Michi-
gan. Indiana and Buffalo , , we
started to take a step in the
right direction.“ he said. “The
Northern Illinois game was a
veer off the path. but I do
think that we‘re coming to-

After UK played a conserv~
ative. defensive style against
IU and in Sunday's disappoint-
ing loss. Collins said the Cats
will key on playing aggressive.
attacking soccer this weekend.

“We're going to open it up
and play." he said, "We are re-
ally focusing on playing attrac-
tive soccer this weekend. We
want to give the fans good soc~

Despite the recent setback.
Collins said he‘s satisfied with
where his team is at this point
in the season.

“I think we're capable of“

playing with anybody in the
country and I think we‘ve
proven that." he said. “I feel
good about where we‘re at in
practice. and I think we‘ll re»
bound well. I feel good that
we'll show up on Friday night
and have something to yell

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Oct. 14, 2004


Crystal Little
Features Editor

Phone: 2574915
-InaIl: cllttletllltyliernelcom





Jolunw run I snrr

Manuel Bowling of Lexington plays darts at The Grand last night. Located on Grand Avenue the bar includes pool tables, foosball tables and a movie-

theater experience

The Grand offers hidden alternative

Every season. Lexington seems to
sprout a new bar. but it‘s :1 question of
time as to whether they last the ne\t

In that time. the particulai bat de
pends on advertising and word of-
mouth to bring in patrons to generate

Apparently. either
no one is talking or
people are stuck in go»
ing to the same places
because the
campus downtown
area has a vacant new
bar with potential

The bar in ques-
tion is The Grand.
which opened earlier
in the summer. locatr
ed on Grand Avenue
just behind (‘ommon

The owner of Merrika's also owns
The Grand. Although you‘ll find the
same extensive beer menu. iukebov
darts. pool and iiradegimes. the deroi
is livelier than itsrousin. Roth tlir inc 1
tioii and 86 rum and ( oke pItrhri on
Thursdays can make It a great alterna-
tive if the line at your Usual bar makes
it a hassle to get iii

The bar itself. a decent sI/e. stands
in a small portion of the right corner in
comparison to the rest oi the large
room. The room is split between an up;
stairs where sturdy barstoois and tables
seat patrons. and :1 downstaLrs that
house the pool anrl fooshall table.

Meanwhile. a liigrscreen 'I‘\' protects
a movie it was Fight (‘luii the night 1


ruuinrs {alumni


was there but the volume is muted.
Movies posters and special mov1e dis-
plays adorn the walls. making for a
movie theater experience. Patrons can
also bring in their own I)\'I)s to he

This movietheater feel is the key to
describing the atmosphere: Bars are tair
lorinade for carousing with new people.
but The Grand gives a feeling of a
friendly locale that you and your
friends can come to have fun With an
assortment of games (Ms. PacMan
my new weaknessi. you can spend
hours jumping from one activity to an-
other with your crew. If they were to
bring in a ping-pong table. they might
even have the makings for a fr