xt7h707wmm8z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7h707wmm8z/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 19250612 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1925-06-may12-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1925-06-may12-ec. 1925 2011 true xt7h707wmm8z section xt7h707wmm8z Minutes of the Regular Monthly Meeting of the Executive Com- mittee of the Board of Trustees, University of Kentucky, for Tue- day, May 12, 1925. The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the Uni- veroity of Kentucky, met in the office of President MoVey at noon, Tuesday, May 12, 1925. Those present were: JudgE R. C. Stoll, and Senator H. Id. Fronan, of the Executive Committee, and Mr. Lou5'- F. hillenmeyer of the Board of Trustees. The remaining three mem- bers of the Executive Co..lrrittee being unavoidably assent on account of professional and other engagements, no quorum was present. Those present, however, resolved themselves into a committee to make recommendations upon the order of business as presented. Reading of the minutes of the previous meeting was dispensed with. The Business Agent of the University submitted fhe following report: May 12, 1925 Dr. Frank L. McVey University of Kentucky Dear Doctor MoVey: I am submitting financial report for April, 1925. On May 6, 1925, the Treasurer received $6,954.04. Each receipt seems to confirm our estimate previously made as to amount of state tax. I wish to state further that Treasurer W. A. McDowell has in his hands state warrants amounting to $17,145.59, General Fund; $28,941.31, Experiment Station Fund; $59,83O..65, Sxten- sion Division Fund. These warrants have been held in 'order that the interest thereon might accrue to benefit of the Uni- versity, to help offset interest paid on loans. It is prob- able that the greater amount will have to be sold the latter part of May. Very truly yours, D. H. Peat Business Agent 2 . EXHIBIT "B" Statement of Income and Expenditures Month of April 1925 Previously Rorted General Fund Income Federal Appropriation 42,750.00 Vocational Educa. Board 4,999.36 Geneial. Educa. Board 2,950.00 Special Agri. Appro. 16,028.26 State Tax 516,378.75 Int. on Liberty Bonds 850.00 int. or Endoxnwent Bonds 8,644.50 Chemistry Bl.ig . Fund kInt. on Bingham Tax) 8,143.43 Student Fees 83,533.89 Stu. Fees - Sum-mer Sch. 18,032.00 Stu. Fees - Veterans Bureau 420.34 Stu. Fees - Univ. H. S. 3,805.00 Stu, Fees - Univ. Exten. 10,084.29 Miscel' raneous 2, 563.31 Rentals 3, 983.00 Total 723,166.13 Current Month Fi'8 cal Year . To Date 42,750. 00 4,999.36 300.00 3,850.00 16,028.26 6,653.99 523,032.74 850.00 1,700.00 a , t34. 50 8,143.43 31.85 83,565.74 18,032.00 420.34 3,805.00 829.98 10, 914. 27 593.38 3,156.69 780.00 4,763.00 10,639.20 733,805. 33 Expenditures Instruct ion Administration Expense Addit ions & Betterments Total 356,399.81 104,379.87 25,121. 50 485,901.18 40,224.19 10,428.31 9,977.11 60,629.61 396, 624.00 114,808.18 35,098.61 546,530.79 Excess of Inc. over Expen. 237,264^95 (49,990,41) 1875274.54 Patterson Hall Income Board Room Rent - Summer School Total Expenditures Expense Additions & Betterments Total Excess of Inc. over Expen. 34,872.75 2,192,85 37 ,065.60 32,537 .61 1,370.10 33,907.71 3,157.89 General Fund Income 760,231.73 General Fund Expenditures 519,808.89 10,130.20 10,130.20 4,718.74 4.50 4,723.24 45,002.95 2,1S2.85 47,195.80 37, 256.35 1,374.60 538, 630. 95 5, 406.96 8,564.85 20,769.40 781,001.13 65,352.85 585,161.74 3. Excess of General Fund Income over Expendiutres 240,422.84 (44,583.45) 195,839.39 Excess of Expenditures over Rec. for Gen. Ledger Acct(207040.05) (171.27) (21,711.32) Excess of Rec. over Exp. for fiscal year to-date Gen.Fund 220 382.79 ( 46,255.12) 174,128.07 Excess of Rec. omer Exp. for fiscal year to date - Gen. Fund 174,128.07 Cash in Bank July 1, 1924 - Gems. Fund (105.376.62) Cash in Bank April 30, 1925 - Gen. Fund 687.45 Trust Fund Income Student Loan Fund Civilian Rehabil. Fund Total Income Student Nctes Paid Total Receipts 3,157.66 135.40 3,293.06 5,487.50 8,780.56 Expoenditures Expense 179,40 Student Notes 7,002.00 Iotes Payable 2,000.00 Total 9,181.40 Excess of Exp. over Rec. (400.84) Excess of Exp. over Rec. for fiscal year to date - Trust Fund Cash in Bank July 1, 1924 - Trust Fund Cash in Bank April 30, 1925 - Trust Fux Experiment Station Income Hatch - Federal Appro. 11,250.00 Milk & Butter - Cash Rec. 10,033.05 Beef Cattle Sales 1,547.05 Dairy Cattle Sales 265.47 Sheep Sales 1,055.25 Swine Sales 1,386.78 Poultry Sales 2,160.65 Farm Produce Sales 3!788.15 Hort icultural Sales 1,350.21 Seed Test 132.00 Pentals 3,364.00 Miscellaneous 667.53 Fertilizer Fees 19,774.12 Public Service - St. A-pro. 9,0Q00.0 H " - Misc. 142.17 Feeding Stuffs - Fees 36,422.88 Adams - Federal Appro. 11,250.00 Serum Sales 2,829.59 24.40 3,182.06 135.40 24.40 3,17.46 244.50 5,732,00 268.90 92049.46 179.40 318.00 7,320.00 2,000 .00 318.00 53,499.40 (49.10) (449.94) (449.94) 689.64 id 239.70 3,750.00 15;000.00 1,152.56 11,185.61 1,547.05 265.47 1,055.25 1,386.78 253.09 2,413.74 298.67 4,086.82 17.92 1,368.13 3.00 135.00 143.67 3,507.67 8.00 675.53 11588.00 36,362.12 9,000.00 40.00 182.17 3,958.25 40,381.13 3,750.00 15,000.00 417.05 3,246.64 4. Serum - Virus Sales 138.40 ' - Supply Sales 77.20 It - Iiscellaneous 106.58 State Appropriation 42,721.01 Creamery - License Fees 3,150.50 .1 - Testers' Licenses 1,287.50 '; - Glassware Tested 343.25 Rooinson - St. Appro. 12,520.94 Total 176 764.28 Expenditures Expense Additions & Betterments Total Excess of Exp. over Inc. Petty Cash Fund Excess of Exp. over Rec. Excess of Exp. over Rec. 204,616.03 11. 249.44 2153865.47 (39, 101.19) (800.C00 or 1.19 -",o rgs 19.75 55.40 3.50 28.50 .9-74 30,585.10 24,147.83 605.27 24; 753. 10 5 *832.00) 5,832.00 ,_ 2.. . fiscal year to date - Experiment Station Cash in Bank July 1, 1924 - Exp. Station Cash in Bank April 30, 1925 - Exp. Station Extension Division Income Federal Srmith-Lever Federal Supplementary State Smith-Lever County and Other Funds Total 152,241.30 45,100. 93 72,611.96 3,022.83 50.00 272,977.02 50.00 158.15 132.60 110.08 .42, 721 Dl 3,179.00 1,359.50 368.99 12,520.94 207,349.38 228 .763.86 11,854.71 3 4056l8.57 (33, 269.19 (8009.100 (34,069.19) 31,190.86 t2 -878-.33) 152,241.30 45,100.93 72,611.96 3,072.83 273,027.02 Expenditures Ex-enese 247,094.81 29,547,47 Excess of Exp. over Inc. 25,882.21 (29.497.47) Excess of Exp. over Inc. for fiscal year to date - Exten. Div. Cash in Bank July 1, 1924 - Exten. Div. Cash in Bank April 30, 1925 - Exten. Div. 276,642.28 (3 615.26) (3,615.26) 1 ^ 352. 61 (2,262.65) Summary General Fund Income Trust Fund Income Experiment Station Inc. Extension Division Inc. Total General Fund Expend. Trust Fund Expenditures Experiment Station Expend. Extension Division Expend. Total 760,231.73 3, 293.06 176,764.28 272,977.02 1.213t266.609 519,808.89 179.40 215,865.47 247, OR&. 81 982,948.57 20,769.40 781,001.13 24.40 3,317.46 30,585.10 207,349.38 50.00 273,027.02 51,428.90 1.264.694.99 65,352.85 585,161.74 179.40 24,753.10 240,618.57 29,547.47 276,642.28 119,_65.42 1,02,601.99 5. Excess of Inc. over Expenc. 2350,617.52 (68,224.52) 162,093.00 Excess of Expend. over Rec. for General Ledger Aoct. (24,354.55) (1,744.77) Petty Cash Fund 800.00 Excess of Rec. over Expend. for f iscal year to date- Combined Fund 206,76297 (69,969.29) Excess of Rec. over Expend. for fiscal year to date - Combined Fund Cash in Bank and on hand July 1, 1924 - Combined Fumd Cash in Bank and on hand April 30, 1925 - Combined Fund (26,099.32) 800.00 16,793. 68 (70.643.51) 66,l50.:7 Abstract of item shown on Staterment of Income and Expenditures as "Excess of Expenditures over Receipts for General Ledger Accounts $26,099.32. " Debit Accounts Receivable Insurance Paid in Advance Notes Payable Sundry Accounts Student Notes 286.41 2,000.00 30,168.06 .1 588.00 34,042.47 7,93.15 26,099.32 President MoVey reported progress on the new dormitory for women to adte. This report covered marely a statement that certain foundation and other preliminary work was progressing satisfac- torily. President MloVey reported that the Jackson Lumber Company had submitted a monthly estimate of moneys due that company in payment for work bn the new chemistry building as of IMay 15, the amount be- ing $23,672.07. This amount covered payment upon excavating, concrete, stone work, brick work, steel, cut stone, labor, lumber and hardware. Payment of the foregoing amount was recommended to be made. President MoVey submitted a bid made by the Fayette Coal and Feed Company to supply coal to the University for the forthcoming session of 1925-26. The company's bid contemplates supplying the necessary coal of the Kona-Elkhorn variety at 43.95 per ton de- livered. The Committee recommended that this bid be accepted. Credit . 7,943.15 7,943.15 6. President MoVey reported that the director of the Experiment Station had recommended that the new Experiment Station at Quick- sand, Kentucky, be formally dedicated at some satisfactory date in the future. It was the opinion of the Committee that the matter of arrangement of time, place and program for this event be left to the discretion of the President. President MoVey reported that a notice had been served upon him by the firm of George Land and Bro.,that the same had filed a lien upon property of the University on account of an unpaid charge of $148.03 for material supplied to Obie Trumbo, a subcontractor under J. T. Jackson Lumber Company, contractor for the new chemis- try building, which amount the firm declared had not been paid. The Secretary of the Board of Trustees was instructed to noti- fy Leslie B. Ingels, local representative of the Federal Surety Company of Davenport, Iowa, which appears upon the bond of the J. T. Jackson Lumber Company, that such lien had been filed, and re- questing the Surety Cormpany to take such action as it deemed neces- sary in the premises to protect the University. Thereupon the Secretary of the Board of Trustees addressed the following cornmuni- cation to Leslie B. Ingels: May 13, 1925 Mr. Leslie B. Ingels Lexington, Kentucky Dear Si.r: As local representative of the Federal Surety Company of Davenport, Iowa, which appears upon the bond of J. T. Jackson Lumber Company, now erecting Kastle Hall on the grounds of the University of Kentucky, I am instructed to notify you that notice has been served upon President MoVey of the Uni- versity that a lien has been filed against the University by George H. and Headley Land, trading as George Land and Bro., of this city, for the sum of $148.03 for material supplied to Obie Trumbo purported to have been used in the said building. This matter was presented to a committee representing the Board of Trustees at a meeting held at the University May 12, and I was instructed as Secretary of the Board to notify you of such action that you may take such steps as surety as you deem necessary. I might say in this connection also that J. Pelham Johnston is attorney for the University, and perhaps a conference with him on the matter might be well, Very truly yours, Enoch Grehan Secretary of the Board 7- MIaury Crutcher, Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds, was authorized by the Committee to l.ithhold from the second payment to the Jackson Lumber Comipany herein noted, an amount equal to the lien filed against the University by George Land- and Ero., until satisfactory settlement of the matter should have been arranged. In this connection 14r. Crutcher was also authorized to bring the matter of the lien to the attention of J. Pelham Johnston, Attornev for the University. The President reported, in connection with a former understand Ing with W. C. Wilson, acting Secretary of the Alunmi, that it iwould be necessary to elect an Alumni Secretary. It was the opin- ion of the Conmmi.ttee that such preliminary steps as might be neces- sary to effect such election should proceed. It was the opinion of the Committee that the next regular meeting of the board of Trustees should be held Saturday, May 30, and the Secretary was instructed to call such meeting. The Committee approved the following recommendations of changes, resignations, and appointments: Resignation of Miss Rama Bennett, of the Department of Home Economrics, effective at the close of the 1924-25 school term. Resignation of Mir. R. E. Tolle, inspector of feeds and ferti- lizers, effective with the close of business M4ay 2, 1925. Appoi.ntment of Mr. Thomas Baird as Assistant in Farm M'anage- ;rment in the Experiment Station at a salary of $2,200 a year, ef- fective July 1, 1925, or at such date thereafter as he may report i or duty. Appointment of Raymond H. Lickert, County Agent, Oldharm County, at a salary of $166 2/3 a month, from MTay 1, 1925 to December 31, Appointment of E. C. Tickenor, Assistant County Agent, Mercer County, at a salary of $100 a month, from April 13 to June 30, 1925. Appointment of G. W. Gardner, Assistant County Agent, Fayette Gounty, at a salary of $166 2/3 a month, from April 27 to June 30, 1925. Continuation of employi'.ent of R. V. Trosper, County Agent, Breathitt County, at a salary of $150 a month., frozm April 1, 1925, to March 31, 1926. Continuation of employment of C. C. Shade, County Agent, Jessamine County, at a salary of $200 a month, from May 1 to Octo- ber 31, 1925. 8. Continuation of employment of IN. H. Rochester, County Agent, Muhlenbdrg County, at a salary of l91 2/3 a month, from May I to DecembeT 31, 1925. Continuation of employment of K. J. Bowles, County Agent, Estill. County, at a salary of $175 a month, from April 10 to May 9, 1925. Continuation of employment of R. M. Heath, County Agent, Frank lin County, at a salary of $250 a month, from May 1, 1925 to April 30, 1926. Leave of absence on half pay granted to Professor J. Holmes Martin from October 15, 1925 to June 15, 1926. Leave of absence without pay granted to Miss Jessie Caswall, clerk in the Department of Agronomy, for approximately four months. Appointment of Mrs. Lois H. Cecil, during the absence of Miss Caswall, at a salary of $90 a month, effective April 13, 1925. .Comnittee adjourned. Enoch Grehan Secretary of the Board