xt7h707wq37n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7h707wq37n/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1979-01-23 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, January 23, 1979 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 23, 1979 1979 1979-01-23 2020 true xt7h707wq37n section xt7h707wq37n t
\ol. I.\\l. No. 89 Ker el l'niyersit) of Kentucky
. . Lesin ton,
luesdrry. January 2.1. W79 an independent student newspaper 3 Kentucky
# —
. , ;-- :8? a. .. y, 2.: 99,2. “I” 2'2.“ ;., 24.2 .. M Ma. Q“ , . . 55-... .2 ’2 . _. II I . . 5226* . .
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III \ . I I“ '35: '-fi:~- -.:~"§§33* ._. .. .,. 33‘ "=21": :2).- -1 ..,, 31““ $2.2 § ; " ' " t P ' " a S u eeze
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2, _. . 2~ ._ "=12; WV 2 '- ‘1 1 * -- 2‘2 , ..,, 5.... ("mew rm... WM Pms dist-Mm .
*W“ ‘ * 2» .. $2.. 2‘2 ~1,2222 22 :22, is .. -. ~- ' 2 .. 2." * 2* fist *2 2* »
I, KIM, _1. _ 3 12-1 .- .9522. 2:12 - - -I. - , . *5:- 325*: 2.' -:;.,.r:':'ii,'§§:~.-:; "1'. .2 s -.-II_-_,--:..-: ~- 2%“ $3 . -.‘ . y- g .32. 2&3 -.. n.“ i“ -'l."' at 25"“. Pf 'Sld '1“ ("l [I l ‘d (
1- 2. >1 ‘1‘ 11* .2, ‘ ‘ 12.1" “QR "E 122 M .11. 2‘ 1-- " 2‘ 2‘ x , ...... x .- 2-132 =.-1.* 1*.»..es-i11'11 ‘s ‘1 ‘ "r” ”g‘ “”3”” ‘0
,. , a ”~§ 2me I 2 W 2-2 3.. $222 3'5 2 . s: .. I . .9 =,1 . 1 2». ..,...Aggtsx. - ....::~ 22-2351 ~22 o 2 ,3 “if“ .. [a hlm s end S) 4l6 85 l' .
., , .2 2. . Nfii’ifit‘ 22.. if .. . , . W 1‘2 ,_ 2§2 2 2,, H.222 p -. . . or uery
* '25) 2. . 11 -- *3: “ , 22$ 1 : ,1 Wfiegq ,‘ -- 1' *- American during the next fiscal year.
3' ‘1 2 ... . ,_. ‘ . ' _ 3' ' ' ‘ - ‘="5""""i" > : 111* .. t ":2? “a .V‘ 1' ' 1 '
. , “W - -- 2.22.- , t2, 2. . »- » . -;-.. .2- s”? -s-;..:2§2s:¥s:2.g..2 ,, - lhe $532 billion proposed budget
V ’. ‘ 2:2- 5&7“ ...-:21: :5; 489‘- -. -’~‘s:...- ‘- ' - i ,2.- “5%.: -“', x: -: 2.2g, ,<~ ..sg .
W's . “‘2 , , , _ 1 ., g 21 s 3 * . ,, allots more for defense but cuts some
”N“ ...... 2 22-2. 1 K282 :s :- 1=1 .2 . 21 s, 2*" "1*" 1- " * , .
. .I , . ‘22» 2 112'" . \ . . _ ., . y ,2”, QM" s"§s‘ a .. rob programs and possibly Social
. _. “.... . 1:2 ‘2. . .o o . ,; “i"‘es; , ‘_ to _ . . .; Pt .(II » . .., ‘. .4,“ 4.223, 2‘ W“ .' .;.::',' 42. ”I , \._°F ‘- -: *::;. . . I . . I I ,. 2 ' . .
, ,, ...212 ., - . . . 2.. .. .. .. ‘ . . . 7.2 2&2‘32‘Afifiqfi’K’kEy .-'1"'§2‘M':2 :22. Security benefits. including tuition
_ -‘ v; =:;;;: °2 . .1 . V2222 . . 2. 2 ‘22» $‘ $32 “-52%: 1~ eytfi -- k” r 4‘ 5‘” ' hel for eolle re stud Vnt
2““‘ 2.." ,. .‘* “Va“fi . . '1 ‘s§“*222~2**2.22222.se2 $252“ .s*,1 .. “0.213 ,_ 2., P _ _ b - t ‘r . _
Wt". " 11 "V - ,2 was. -. , 92 2*" “1522‘s, ’ w ‘ 33““ 32"? $ {g ‘QP§°:$§V$M $2"... [)“Cr'hml‘ h” budget. “h'Ch begins
:. ,-‘ 1 ... 22%2W2 1»: ""'='-§:‘1';-3"' .. ‘fisfifi Vg\222*\3*§°> 1' 2:1? ‘32 ;; us" "*~ 2 1- {gt "’ "33“” ~ »' $2.} \ ' :3 232*‘22‘5: 2g, "6.1-- gg -‘:_ lg ”‘2 fig .- \W“&*§‘§;§ ' ()ctttbcr l- 0‘ lean and UUSICW.
231‘.- 1" 22‘ ‘21 :2 \sgfig‘ *3,» 2' $22 3g""2“1‘**:. V2.3. ' ‘ °”*. '1 "W’ .. 2 . b1i +5.2 ‘2 “'2 .- § 'h 5t ‘1‘“?“5‘; {*9 ”$32 “‘22 (arter "*“d ll“ plans ‘0 reduce lhl‘
s V », _ -'." 2 222 ’1"'j?'§'~"‘-=...'..\. V'II-II;-I-:_:2I..-:_. 1‘2”. .. .-I:: .5 -_ .“ttz- V. g)” "'2" A. . -- 2;.- - '::I s.III 32 'i C“- "..." ‘. 1 ; 2-" 21,2 . . 1 . . .. .
§ .‘ ‘Wm‘ k " “32‘22‘2 _. ‘3‘ H.127“ 2“ a“ ‘ \ “V“ ’33 , vi ' 2"?” 3&5 . .~, 5“” ‘ S1”: Plum” budget dell“! [0
" “ V Qzis?“ ‘11s 2 1- V » _ 2.2,. 41..-. ..'W“‘§l:§ $.22,_ '11f.“1- V, ’MQ _' 2 " - - 1 1. §:,5'>*'1..2f5- a? ’ 'N¥\ ..,, $32 billiott in I980 during the
. .." _ .s s 3‘ " ' $0: WV 1"*2 s 2- :' ”‘2. x 2": 2 sf‘:=1,»I1- 2.15:- - ;. ......1“ \ .-:.i::2. -. ,. :2; .2151. .. , "s. ._ . . '. . .. .
. .2 , , , _ 2 2 .2 ,. ... , it a) ”m \toRas Mmem‘m presidential campaign. lhe deftcrt
. . . . - . \soil t )
Stroke for stroke. Matt “illiams may be what may coach rs looking butterfly stroke during art afternoon practice. one ofttso-aday in which ('. dt' ”l “ hSldh'H'm m ”Md h ,
' . . . u . - - 4 - ‘ v 1 r V _ y . w . s 2
Butterfly blues f0r. The 4.0 (EPA pre-med sophomore is a “thinking swimmer swrmmers coyer 12.000 yards. the equryalent of 10 miles. lhe teams l f a U‘ 3 EL'SI'tfftn'l‘tsl t e
_ , , . . . . . . . .‘ -. .. s te ense spen ing , iron to
* i surmmrn (oaelt “\nn l‘aul. “illiams ractrced hrs ne\t home meet is against (.torgra ltf). .. . _ 1
according “ fl 1 p SIZE.‘7 billion in line “llh a
commitment to the \orth Atlantic
. l ' h I lreaty ()rgainilation.
tu ents wou e requrre to 3m c
party. particularly Sen. Fdward M.
Kennedy. l)—Mass.. haye critter/ed
na 9 proposed cuts in school lunch. jobs
and other programs. “'I he budget asks
the poor. the black. the sick. the
young. the cities and the unemployed
3‘ [)FBBIF “(0‘31“ \\ith the senate's approtal. its.» infraction \tithotit identifying ll foiiitd guilty. the student's casc lllc .ode's rules to bearadisproportionate shareof'thc
(*ir“ NH.” prnpttsul goes to l K President (tit. iridi\idiials and “am them to stop “ill be re\.ie\sed by ilte (ollege oi lit the special session. field because reductions." Kennedy said.
Stnulctgtt\ for ad mtntsttlittttn sllL‘illlllg1VPt‘tlh totlieittdr\idiialaloiie Dentist!) dean “ho “Ill Httt‘UVs‘ *1 *‘t it” *'\L‘t1Vshs‘sl‘-tled lebruary ('arter labeled the budget “indeed
' -\ mandatoit honor code Proposed ttcccl‘tiiiicc ll implemented.thehonor and UN 1“ persuadehimnottocheatoi penalty L"WPI ”1 V'Vl‘V" ”l agenda. ”1" l ”i‘V'l‘ll‘ “PM" JP“ ‘4‘” ‘0 “WWW“ 1“ the nation." Me
in ('ollege of Dentistry students “as code \yill appls to all detital students ts‘ltsttt the Incident to a class suspension or dismissal from the ill‘pfit'sL’tl a proposal to institute 1a follossing cuts one proposed by
al‘Prmedinaspecialsessionyesterdat enrolled iii the college for all ls‘f‘tt's’w‘tlhm‘t' 0‘ ”10 Student ”0th” WWI-T RCV'W‘HW'HVli”“l“ “”“l 1h" (”“1“le ( V'lll‘V" l‘” Pllhl” ('lll'lt'rl
by l'iiitersitt Senate members ' CXttttllnLtlltth1 technical procedures oi (ode ('oiiimittee dean for suspension or dismissal iniisi \dtiiiiiistiaiioa the PWPW‘] “l” h“ “NW 160-000 adult PUbllC
"‘lhe difficult part of any honor independent pi'oiects\shicharecaiiied \ct‘tised students \sillappeai before he approted by President Single-tars toruarded to the administration for ser\ice robs and 250.000 summer
codeisstudentsriiiistrepoircheuriim." out in scheduled classes. the testing the thlsls‘ltl s‘ttttttttlllfl‘ *md ml!“ be I nder the nets code. all entering ““1“” "“0 ll *ll‘l‘l'm‘tl lhs‘ center “ill youth _iobs still be eliminated.
Dr Michael \delstciri. it Board of center. clsettheie in the Medical “01ml tillllli h.‘ *1 llttitttlmotts\otcstith students \\lll sign a pledge card l“"‘“‘l" “mm" 1“ ”M” ‘m‘lml‘ l‘” BLN'W‘W‘ “'H PC ““0““ “‘1‘ cuts to
lrustees faculty member said. He Center or irt estramural locatiotis ill ls-N “til“ “I ”W ‘3 committee acknoitledtlint.‘ they ha\e read the “‘l“ *" l‘l‘PllV' *‘Vllllllll‘ll*”“l" ”1 ‘WV' ““0““th them ‘0 hm‘ young PWPIC-
commcnded students “think: to go lnder the codc's regulations. it a tlt‘itt‘il‘k‘l‘ \t‘lll‘tl H ”W ‘st‘lll l‘ honor code \chin one month of ““1 “'“li 54““"mllclll V‘FV'I‘V'U‘ ““5903” ”1“" serum “1“ PC
against society 's iiiivsi‘itten rule not to dental ‘IltdCttl hs‘wms‘ auaie of *‘7 “‘“lltl ““1 #10” l“ ”W V‘t‘lll'lllllW- ”‘9 registration \ftei all students l'..t'\‘. ll‘1’l”¥‘l"'”“1““?\""V‘l"(““”"ll “mull“d 1“ many parts 0t thecountry.
betra) each other. “lhe students httye suspects an infraction of the fiotiot stl‘t‘ 1‘ slt‘ml‘th dtttl d” reference I“ signed the cards. the eiiteringcliiss \\ltl ( 1‘4””le I“ ”HM” “”1””an IV“ ”“an “”1 PV sPSm on
gm llth amendment mm, 2mm not code. he ltas three options. speak to the the student s iiaitie \Hll bedeleied from ,5th tltree representatn C. from m, faciiity noiiiiiiatrons ioracademic area Indian affairs and construction at
snitch." \sliole class. state the nature of the records ”I the proceedings class to the \tiident Honor (ode ‘l‘l‘l‘ml' “‘lll‘ll‘ll'V'C‘ ““1 “"11”" [1111100111 parks and the “5h and ‘
- I (itmllllll'T ail \ isoiy t oiiini ittees are d tie Wildlife Sertice.
\\editesd.i\ Hc reiliiested ant faeiilt\ l1nergs budget cuts are planned ,
- Honor code riiltactioiis are limited ' ' 1 .
f l i. nieiiiheis \sishiiig to submit because of delays in burlding up a
. tIo cItILdIllltg :llt/ piagliIatItVm 1“ nominations phone the Senate Strategic Petroleum Reserye.
9 eat 90 rg Ia _ '/\:\L" L'/ l'" ' '1" "H "L "' "H" (oiirteii mine or mail in the names ('arter also said he soon \sill
W at .., V “I'm," " 1’" HHdttll also said the Ombudsman propose legislation to reduce what he
1* P. _. B) BRIAN RI('K[ZRI) amount-riot». “C“;tnlcsl to lslk‘lslltc' Dunn! Insults mUVIalsosieiirtvdtr ‘s'dts‘ft ‘ “Ninety-V1 i. *‘thlchcd end cullcdwnncccssurt benctitpatmcnts"
. .’ 1\ss|slttlll \Potts ldittit ball out to 1\ltclc‘lsttlt and let liiiti ptislt “”1" agreeing 1“”th P.‘ ”‘V‘ ““1“” ll“"“”*‘““"“ 1‘” ”h” committee “ll “th 50““ SCCUW.‘ recrpients. HV‘
l _ g It doun. but M- started \talking the code and faculty members outside the should go to M lltllll's ltuek1aniiiial said he wants to end benefits for
g1 ». ‘2’ The Kentucky \\i|dcats played ball up and our offense got sluggish." Cl‘ils‘yt‘ “I” h*‘ V‘tlsttlltilfis‘l I“ “11““ ‘V'lt'llss‘ l‘lV‘ls‘W‘l (‘ontinued on page 4
5'1 ‘ spottt. btit spirited. attd came auto a "I tell \oui one thing." Hall
. » ,.'..,e71“i"' ’2 'y . ‘ ':
.1. ;I ,I 1 ’2”. i3~b~1 “inner oter the (ieoigia continued If l was a forysaid oittftis
I~" "r f .. W31“: ' «H’f'l‘ Btiitdogs last night before another team. I'd get out on the break ctery O a '
3‘}; 1 4 t 2; 'I _.“Sgg packed house at Rupp *\rcna time If you cart get otit ahead of
,1 .:r-i-1‘.. we; -* . . . 1 .7 . ,. .1 .
“be" ”if. K _1 .5 , “uh tits “in. 1 Is broks A thin \ndsItVt‘tt .WUtsIthtntl 10 Vwrs d .Il our. “titan. srooRr.. conceding that jurors
12:. .:=.\ . .I ,, game losing streak and shoued some btiridie of points, ca US “m. deadlocked. declared a mum.” yesterday m the
, ‘2’“: .~ ' M'“ “l lh" emotion ”ll” ChilthICTl/t‘tl ll" lhe “lldk‘ill‘ hung "It despite the Inp iiiiirdei»tor-hii1e trial of millionaire ('ttllen l)a\is '
- *2 I. play earlier in the season slump and eased to the nine pornt , _ ) \ ‘s Bf“ Rl' | l I Home released the sequestered iiirors and indicated he
.:1"""'" -' I , "We just got mm or losing" dud margin of \ictory. l K successfully 1‘“ I l“ l‘ '. '\ ' "‘1‘” “ I l“ “l” "M l”“”“"” world free the Fort Worth oil heir after a bond hearing.
‘ 1.)... 1”" [Night Anderson aftertsard. “We cltided the Bulldogs ftillcourt press in "mm/Cd ("N Smdcml "'"l “mm“ ""m “"‘N‘ the end came in the ch week of the marathon murder
g" decided we better go oirt and do the final minutes and Put the gameout “”hm” ”mam!" "W” “‘mm'l‘h "'m' "l" "N "ml "' "l" Wtt‘t‘lhts‘.‘ Ill-”4m"‘l\040““dClth’ril‘mmm'lt‘d tobreak '
“fl. .. something about it." of reach front the free throys stripe. “'mc‘m‘ WM“ " tin 5-4 tutor ”"PJ‘W- ‘. '
WM . lltc (at, final eight points came on 1\ltL‘l this date. students \sishirig to \sithdiats before l).t\ls rosetoacceptthe mtstrraldecrston and said."lwant . .
w lltc‘ “"dw“ played “CH most 0' charity 1022c. K midterm. but altci the \L'Ltllltl tlirid of the \L‘Zttt'stt’l still to tftattk the iury " .
the game. but ‘lmcmd ("‘0 dr.‘ ‘PCH‘ lltc' big question in the stands and rceerse a “\\ " on their transcripts .
and experienced a scare do\yn the along pm“ to“ before the game “3‘ Students may putlllttll to \sithtliau tiom classes .ifter vvorId 1.
“”190 "What “1“ ”10“!th \yithotitChuck midterms \yitliii"\\"only rf passingthecourseanilaftettcd
. . , . .
H“ Bulking» doun Mull t” l\lck\inu"t“ by reasons beyondtheircontrol lhestutlentsileari..iil\iser, . . “ BHI" k d . h
halftime. stayed in the game behind . . _ . . . . d , . . , ll , .. , .., n“ l‘ M. A BOOBLTRAPPl-D Al T0, 0 .. pac L I\Ml
. _ , Hunk, u) l‘lcdcl\ ( oysan rust “he an in llllthl mti ta agree. sf itit ital [car . l bl . B t t “t _ t‘rday‘ rt m a
..,. the plat of 6-“) center l.a\'on Mercer . , " . up ”m“ ‘“ upon " 8"" l m 1'9 t 1‘ pp [2
' 12%;; . j .y , . .‘ _ ) u ( otsan tttttl's oycr In the DIN“ and passing statioti wagon to shreds and killing eight persons.
. and guard “alter deLls. lhe l on , . . .
- , . t 'th' M 6) 'th “I“ . I V I pumped in a team-high ..0 points. He including Ali llassan Salameh. the reputed mastermind of
B) 0'1““ WIN“ Kernel Stiff 'mtph “I 't" I" ‘ “I ”" "mum"? tallied lb of those in the first half State the I9“: Munich ()lympies massacre. officials said. I '
in econes. . .- . -
1 . . a norm Mercer. “ho is knoysn for his . . , . y , . lhe Palestine liberation ()rgani/ation said Salameh.
We Mmthitoesforalooseball . 1‘ rrtr. troyrrtsoies IASK H)R( r on tau-tits iii . . . . .. . ., .- ,_ . » .h h.
- . . . . 2- . . . -~ . dcfensne t'tlents codenamed t\bu Hassan. “as mortally intured \s ent e .
“hue (-eor Ils“alterDanrels(§) lhdt last dry spell hurt us. Hall * - ) . -. . . . . , . 1, 1
. 2 ~ . 'd W 1 d l' h b If ( _ d e ltlhllL Schools recommended yesterday that the llottl boobs—trapped car parked near h“ beastly-guarded home
- s‘tl . “ 'e .sto e us tln’ t e a ‘ontrnue on a e. . . . . , . . . . . . - ‘ ‘ ' -
looks on. * PP P g p g ( ounty school) board take immediate steps to rtmost in Heiriit's M oslem ““an was denoted by remote controlas
S asbestos lrotn l restonsbtirg High School after a consultant *\bu Hassan's station wagon passed it. .
pus es 0r SUppO’l said the situation “as one of the must he had met seen \hu Hassan. 36. was the top security guard of p”)
lhe task force. headed by state \attiral Resources attd guerrilla chicltatn Yasscr Arafat and was Chief of the gem.
. ' . . r 2. . . .. .. ‘, . - .
I I I lnHl‘Unanldl llttlLLllUn Secretaiy l llgtllc \fi tries. \Alll “TH“. 0, Al l1atah. the largest of the seyen Pl 0 factions.
ask the state Board of l1letnentar\ and Secondary l dticatiott ' _
Iscoun car 8 ava I a e agal n to make calendar adjustments so that asbestos cart be
‘ “'"m‘cd “m" l‘°""""”*‘ ”W “'th truss MILITARY (‘Hrr1r‘. man unprecedented radio ‘
. . . . _ . appeal. called on his troops yesterday '0 “overcome their
. B) J,“ K “AIS“RIGHT According to Hand fields. a “ l he big drawback (this yearlvsasthat nation sentiments" for Moslem religious leaders and defend the
. stairunier member of Student (ioternment‘s merchants did not want to pay a itmcrnmcnt left behind bythe shah. A
Student Affairs ('ommittec. meetings membership fee." he said. NORTHERN VFW JFRSH'V nd 1 n n m m m \s‘“ P010191” \‘ittlfncc flared in lhe PFOVW‘CS Armored '
' ” . . ....seco eeie e .
1 hen though student buying potter “ere schcdtilcd uith dormitory house “I eonard ('ox was the biggest help h d y n d r . 1h Id - . tr i d It . I. 1. . l ”00!“ In ““6 “Stem C”) ”0'“? UP We“ battles between »
2 ds “are robably us‘d mot yft‘ counCi's to in‘r“ . 1. 21 4 1 b1" . h‘ h‘ s , h ., d I we ays ' c "H ' rcnant m d " ““"h'l'dm pro~andanti~shahgangsinwhichf'iyepersonswerereported
‘ "dr ‘ P _- ‘ . c‘ m _' ‘ “y“ m U“ ‘m‘ ccausc ‘ (l ‘ ouncr) Fol l 6 car police launched a manhunt for art arsontst who may haw killed .
. last year to scrap icy \sindshields and explain . the card s uses " l hat started and helped to sell it to other torched the building in a personal tender“. In another mm“ blow to the embattled oyernement of "
1, open locked doors. Student information can be relayed from the stores." he said. “He offered to pay a The fire brought the deathtoll to 40 persons killed intires Prime Ministerfihah our Bakhita' the headgofthc R: ency‘ J
. . . . .. , _ , ‘ . . . t i.
‘ (ioyernmcnt has again issued the resident adtisers to the students. he membership (normally paid by 8(i) thought to have been dilibertely set in northern \ett _lersey (.mmul that supposedly .n acting intheshah‘sabscnceglalal ,
. St) " ’ “ ‘ ‘ S' , ’ i ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ _' 5..“ l ‘l - , 1
. .1 di c unt cards on campus. lhcy “ere did I and ilso helped secure lhe Main Cllle‘ ”l the pa l ‘0 CC“ “1”“ “ll“ ”“1 lehrani. resigned under pressure from amt-shah TelltIIOUS
. distributed during the past \seeIk in We decided that in order for tis to ’kll’dll ta clothing store on Main leader -\yatul|ah Khomeini 7
_ .' four dormitories and nine (ireek tackle last years problems With the Street) because his name was on the 1 . . . . . . .2 2
. 1. . houses to increase student awareness card) we had to set three criteria." card." he added. I TIME M PRIME :01 at; ‘lcl‘p'nfi Tm," m‘hd'r' ‘2?" 1
‘ - 1- - .11‘.r1 ts “I‘W‘lt‘ft‘ .
1. about the card s buying priyileges. Fields said stores seryed by the card l-yentually. the buying power card if!" ‘lomrmzzgnrm‘itrfn I“: ii I' ' u H L 2
2: 1 1 1 . e era oter .1 i 1e ie '
. (1' The buying poster cards. which gise not only had to be places “here will include 75 to “)0 l.exrngton lhe Ifiwce, mm, m‘wd‘ “mu mun ruling, m.“ haye weather It»
. *2 students special discounts at students normally shop butalsouithin merchants. l1ields said the slow permitted the substance's “w by mmmm‘ I“ ”new 2,
; Parttctt‘atms notes. “I” bedistnbutcd either walking distance or 0n bus hutldmtt WeCCVV “I“ take a few years. \‘lCllms, .\ (‘Hists‘rri 0F RAIN or rain mixed With snow is in the "13*,
. Lit | W the general l'K student population routes. "'1" like budding blocks." lhe controsersy syytrling around laetrile a deritatise of forecast beginning today and changing to SHOW 100ml“ it",
v - - »- . . . . ‘12. 4
,4, today at S(i offices. lento l5 percent Merchants were vsary of toining the Hopefully. next year s card wrll apricot pits. is a highly emotional one because of modern Highs today volt be in the mid to upper 305. lows WI" be m V
- S discounts are offered at Disc Jockey. program this year because of last include a nearby liqour store, “We'd medicrne‘s failure thus far to conquer cancer the mid to lo“ 202. f1
. . 1, lhe Missmg link. Allsports and II year's problems of late distribution likcto how Big Daddy‘s or Shopper‘s ' "
. 2 other |.cxrngton shops. and stores not accepting the cards. Choice." helds said. .3.-
It 2-,:
, it '.1..\V'
a; I};
5. 1;.-
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I \teve Hailing" lhumas t huh “In “in “with" “alter Iunis Jamie \aught loin I\Ioran 1“"
l / . . - t - ’ J ' r 1.. . Ruth \lattingl) t.“ It’ll!" \[mm Ii/IIUI Him 14.! it! I’liiiitit’ru/tlit ‘.
l I Debbie \Iclhniel . .
l K2 2] ”WK lu'hb "- “n" l'” (m “m“
l Richard \lt’lltiullil li'lliilr “chm-s lid “ll"“fllhl “mm," 1‘“ I‘m", John ( lay linda (ampbell
! \I.,i‘.t‘ l . ll .r'i l./ u i,.,.. li/Ilt '\ \ell Holds Brian Riclterd l'liuitt Hummer
l g o v t MW“ hm“, l\\I\/Al’ll \[wti [iii/rm
l editorials. 8) common 5
!______ *__._____________.___-—-——————.—__..___._.___ .. . __._. .__.._ -..__..._,_,...-.___ _________—__________—_
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Ignoring the tacts .
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I I I ‘, A. .3 ,9 ¥ , ;, . 9,9...” 4f/t 25W-_
co Id ll disaster in counties * . ., , ~ ......
imam.““MotorWimw].cltl.l1m-,cu,1din- purchasing power ol local tum-i niiienl. .tntl thusthc \\\i\-’ '4‘ <5 ' ‘\\ ,4; 1' g h %>%/ 3; /
culture have reached the Kentucky (ienei‘al WWW“ ills‘l Lil“ sll‘lill‘i \ t §_\\ \. \ S ' ‘ ‘3‘ ’4 ,4 5” ‘ , \; 5" <23?!
'\\\t‘illl‘l\ llie backwash is sure to be unfortunate, M’illlik‘blim‘ l‘iWWllil,‘ s‘l'lllilhll“ If“ ”1 [UN] 1‘ 5" :4\\\ .;‘\\\ 4. x if ‘ ‘. if. VI ,J :4/ “4% 4% 3%: l i
it now seems irle\il.ihle that the legislature \\lll tines per Ctlplltl than Zc'\ltlL"ll\ oi 4h tithe! \l;llc‘\ “ %/ iA§ ‘ ‘. §~‘ :. @4744 ’V [I ~5‘9v. _ I 1!
P1“ ~1hillllmlllil§ Plkll‘t‘ll) l.i\ i'elenue lllCl'L‘Ll\L‘\lU (Vlil‘k'klii‘k‘l‘lllb ”1"" WW.‘ WM“ ‘Vll‘ml‘ ‘1’" ~‘”m”i~' I” f, 4."? \2\§\\_\ \‘t I” [’W 4 I i " "v‘\ i i
4 percent per unit lllls would be tolerable ll will” [he \tolsl llt lllL‘ littliitt‘. St‘lltnil \\‘~lc‘ltl\ \\ill Ititl he ‘ :§,..»\\Y ‘ ~ \ “ ‘\~ 1 ‘: gill/Z 1/] \W l i
i'L‘i‘l'LWL‘llleCs were to limit themsehes to state able to keep pace \tilli lllll‘tlllill‘t il their re\triue l.\ I i \ ‘9 g. ". .. 94/ t ‘ V‘\ l “
prot‘ct't} trues limited by law, the llillltllt‘dps lxeitluelu \llltlt‘llls “ V‘- . f o 44,, ls ‘§ l
litt: the legislature. suddenly lull ol ll\ new-lollnd lace “ill '“k‘l'v‘il‘k' 5”" ”ll“? ‘2‘ i 4 ‘5“ a ’0..- ’: . \ l .:
"\t‘ll-lt‘dtlk‘l\lllp.“ has decided to hunt .-\l 1 property “WW MC “illk‘ MHHIM" 1” ll‘uil l‘ll’l‘k‘m l-t\ \\ ‘ 3‘ \1‘ , y“ ‘ l g
lt':\i‘\ in the sidlc rates. (‘olilities ill l.’l\it‘lll heiltilckx l. llil lo h.i\e g; ~ - \x; :7- ‘ 0'J} i. ._ i
lh1~ :rime would cllecllwl} littl‘lhll'lllil ”‘1' 10“?“ l4“ "ill" 4”“ ill“ l““‘l’~"l ‘l‘ll‘lil‘ ”WW ‘ W His 8 '10 UPSFX AND 1‘
Kentucmk local :Jmer'nttlents .ll‘ltl school hullll'tls counties could not. liiidei the l.i\\. :ltticnse their " AND HERE'V‘J-‘Em HE KNFFECT 8; \2L [8% l FANG" ‘ l
lllk' p;.\\fti\\t‘tl llillll \\t\llltl “title ”lb \\‘1\ all Ct‘llll'll‘lllltllh lt‘ lllL‘ll' \c'iltttll \\\lc‘lll~ “lllll'lll .1 W Wlu M f f i
t.i\.ri;_' dunes ~ttite and local goveirlrneith and WW" “1 l0”? Mill \l'iilk‘llll “Uliilfb «Hill kit'v'i‘il‘l"
school \\\'.;‘i‘.‘.\ would be required to limit their Ill“ ilil‘dll fillwlililikdlh “l ll“ ‘liilk‘
_1t, 3311:; pimp-git} '.d\ lC\L‘llilC illc‘l'k‘dW‘N. nut l iHllHlllC. .lL‘llL‘lMlil ( Ulilll\. l .1\ t'llL‘ ( t‘iil’ll't. .tlltl , .
lllc‘ltitlil‘i}; lexemie lr'tim new property. [it .1 pc‘l‘c‘t‘lli lllt‘ you‘l'lllllt'llls it! \t‘lll‘it‘ll‘. l\c‘tll1:t.\\ .llt‘ W
per \L‘.il \\ heir prom-iii it t‘eassesed, thy tll\lllt‘l\ walking .1 lltili lilic h¢_"."\_‘t‘l‘. tlel‘tit tllltl v1.1 ttlils \ll‘.
“Uiitd Hglgul‘113dltldtlllhllllc’l.l\idle’ltilcfildll‘, iltltlllt‘ l'L'\lllc‘ili\:. till lltt‘.l l‘ll!l‘t.il_\ Et\.'.':.\-ii1lt\‘
_ \\1lll‘..".'r";‘-l percent hmri would push these gil\t'lllll‘ii.‘lll\ .ntti detect: @ l 1
lhe mist ‘.\.i\ the t.i\in_e tll\llic‘l\ could liiliiilk‘mll “l ”b’i‘il‘iiifi “ill” 'wl‘i“ l .
e:rct.:‘;‘.‘.;t‘.t the in“ \loilld be through public ll‘iL‘l'k' 1‘ d lL'fJilHllll? "4‘5: 1‘ “Wk-“H ’lli " \ l “
heaniigx arid referendum“ inadequacies l‘l bt‘ttillt‘rtx's l.t\ \mle'll lilll llll\ ‘ _, is .i
, t‘\.tlii.itioii shou‘tt ltlbc' lt'..tt.- do: l‘”._' .i weld.“ —-. ll v-- 9
lit 'hew account. the legislators h.i\e tailored .i ' ” l. ’\ .
,p ‘ ~ ‘ ~ \-c'\\lttll, not tlllllllf,‘ .i we: .ii \t .,..-~; tilt.'i :rrm'. it , X l , & .1,
i.\\ ltlki‘ . _ ~ _, . , l i .1
the legislators are lacing: rapid“ .llil‘litdclllllf; /\ .\ th g
\\.:tt .tii .irzrttirt; llllltllltlll rate lltHL'llllllill'tllllltl reelection tuittipttigiix .iiid tiiiitlieliiiu intotzttalitiii Z, vie/:7: \ \\ 1 L
lllL‘tltllll‘lL‘mllgillL‘\L'l.lll‘tlillllgl'L‘\Cllllt‘lllc‘lL‘;i\C\ltl-l being led to them by the \cetttiiiel‘. itrrrilrtit,-i.ihie r’y‘ Ml l\, .woli’
,1..-” ,..,....... ., _ , , _ _ , ,_, l ‘ ~i
,t... l. rut _\..ir .l.c.itt~ ti sttad} tchlLthc in [lie the ctllltlltltilL\ lot Loieiittt. ' kw] It a
_____._____._.____-_ rt, ., , , n;
‘ claim and llht‘lttt.\ \lttik’ll t‘lil‘ Ill. ( in. its/tint it i." .“lltr "ltt"l\ ‘ , I I' ’y/ I ‘
t, paper may also chm.- lttc’tllltl'e'llxt' or . . rim.“ ’t'” .".'l rm ! A ' , ~/« ’\°~Q\‘ ‘ ‘
l Letters lett‘t‘l contributors .lx well ti\ lirt:.: "f'i'l4’-"i'» ' 'i t'J‘r' .i; «tit/tr: % fig L4” WE , .
l . 'ht‘ tilltrlber i-j ~tib:t‘wx:l‘it\ bl. 1’“ 'i"t‘/l/7i"’-' 4’ -' ‘l' “Hie "' "Vi" / " ' l
l OIIC itetiiit'ni \Klllt'h l‘ml‘M |\e't:c C ék/A l y
l p y letters to the l \llltvl. ttl‘llllitih and l '/I g/‘V’A }’ I , l
. corttrtientarics may he tlt-iiiezt-tl 0P””""‘-‘ l (Ky / . f if
i iti: Aittrlu‘ti Mme! welcomes pcmndiit w W Mm, mm...“ \h .r.:« .. ,. .. “ 1
l and encourages contributions from li-i Journalism Hutldtlte \i‘lllk’ liirtr‘. ”WU“ it” i"l' '1"! l '4 < \ / ‘ - \ V .
l the L'Kcommumtyforpublicationon “i ”5mm”... 1. “up...“ (ii-t. m imam: M» '1 , ‘ J ,/ y ”'4 y . ~’
“‘4 ill" "3“ and opinion met“ ‘stihirtisxitirts mat also be itl.t:led to «"l"5iit’»'l"i'~’i’ 1 - ‘i't‘l‘ " ’i'" ’l M l I. “x. W / // ’ \\ -
; like i and wit-tract» lditorial Editor. Kentucky kernel. (A ,- -_/ ‘ ‘ .4
‘ W" L" must "l' 'll‘fil ill‘ii' '3‘?” “4 Journalism Building. lniversitv ,,/ r ‘ . 4
‘ 49.1.31 .liti ". .«1. l'l‘c‘ \KtilL'I\ 0f Kentuck)‘ l.e\ington. Kentucky (0mmenlurit's. / \ f. \. : l
l “CA-'3 “MK“‘J‘“-il‘l’iltlh'llfimm‘i 40506. for contributions being VI .i../ "t 7‘" ’1" ’ .. “ \ .\ r’ K ]
l l lexiatlrnu\rttmtl .zit1iittt-irieii \eai mailed on campus. “u, Speed 5”" ,.,.,,,_,, v, .. I,“ ,_,,.,. . / \ / . .. _--- .- _
.tr‘m .1 .l'ttil ."~.'\ Cll‘tl‘lll'ik'k“ number is 0422', it. i. \(,,M/ 1,. “v ,p. _. it... ' X
I chi-re: « the) i:;;t.iilrr'.ei‘.'. .titd JIM/1"" WV 'v’til’“ ’H‘ [“4 t V“ ' \ l
i 7. ~ ' letters: HM, um... ,.,.., W .H “mu,“ ,. ‘ , fl \ ~
/ l l“-.' I» .,,-, u‘xc'xex'rx t‘el‘iltoetlll Vii‘i‘tlu' " Al" l’t" ' ‘ ‘ f ' «(hit «iii./.":..i.‘.riiri .' ’Jl/if’t ii ‘ WK: ( / A'
.: \.,""\\H'l_\:.i:\'t'; '.' (3.! \l,'illil..’rti,’i’ on. ., , ,, . ‘ v ', .7 <7 . _
_________________. __;’;_"_;;__’_____.___ - ,, , W,.mo-~r ,
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L ft 1‘ 1‘ h Ed '1‘
not done in lllt‘\L‘ l\\t‘ \lttllt\ \lllc‘c‘i the i.llt-ll\ lme been replaced. coherent article. I do not think he makethe comment onthestud) room. considered in H‘Pl} 10 ”ll“
Wrong TBDOI't \lann \ldlc‘s that I look ".. \lli.tl l.tt‘.<..t,l\ l.iid \l.iiili was tiltti deliberately slighted Us. but rather The Kernel is satisfied that the commentary,
photographer Md ,1 report.i Hildltt‘ill the ileum lirrrl been iiimiiig for tour \lmpl} did a poor rob ol reporting, articles on Boyd Hall were fair and (‘hrlstians care.()ncewchavcl‘ound
ol the btiildlrig."Bo§d Hal: \tltlally tear». .1.Lllitlilll.' to some l'L‘Nltlt‘llh ll (lilC\\\\t)l'l\ should not be used in balanced. The "PM“? ‘00" 9‘") the peace and l'orghcness that
i am waiting in regard to the lead Vault and lll\ li'iertd .iiil\cd .il Boyd lt.t\t’ with men tici’cloi two \L';tl\|. but .tsci‘lblni.I quotes to people, reasonable effort to get informed l‘ranklin was looking for throughout
Ni-.. ‘l “he Amrrl on ,lariurary In later than t‘\pcctetl, and glut I it... irate rimt been replaced in the .litnurary l9 article. Vlann opinions from people on both sides of l'iclds‘ column. we want to share it
and in]. Hull \lanneiinccrningthe unable to l.ike them on that tour \laiiiiaisotiutituirieananiigthal. coler's the problems Boyd Hall is the issue — students “id With everyone. Still. it is a genuine ,
. trrd .r‘ ltmd Hall and htiunng When I totally caught up \Hlll them I " the ltlllllt‘“ ll.|\c done .i tealgood having with the housing shifts. lie administrators. In the January l8 sharing and caring due to the fact that
my. tr. our“ in the-gorillng year. ldo ollered lo slit)“ them dittili’ltl but um ‘lill‘ i=1 lumping up :he \hllL‘l' lit the consulted the administration on the article. two administrators and three .lestls ('hrist cares about us. Through
~..; tibiect lll \l.tiin'~ practices ol toldthtitthet had Lille.itl\ seen llltixlttl bathroom ” Mark Scott \tllcl lllls l problem. but never got our side olthc Boyd residents were used as sources. Him we receive forgiveness and
.Iil'.‘.’\l'c‘\\ii‘il_’ people Uillsltlc ol Hoyd the hillldlllll and would be lCd‘tllll.‘ .tm itiw your: ciedi'. tor .i sltllc‘mt'lll story A thoiiroiigh reporter would There was no point ofcontention in freedom from guilt which Franklin
liar: \ln gilt'filitllh concerning us or iii soon I would hate eladi have shown about a "study" room which I net er haw emered both sides if Mr. Mann the January l9 article that required a sought. Yet. we continue to make
reacting lll\ own c'ttncltislitns I may them some areas that are particularly made Ihei'e were other errors. biil l l\ planning.’ on going much lurthcr in student source. In last semester‘s final mistakes and have problems because
iml agree with him. but it I\ his troublesome will not dwell on them Journalism, he should learn how to issue. the Kernel covered the meeting we are obyiously human.
preriigritite in say what he lccls is \lann also slates that I claim «\il ol these mistakes result lrom report accurately and gut: all sides ol between the Boyd Hall residents and Christians are not clean-cut stereo-
f'gnt llt)\\:‘\cr.lllsltlsohl\|0unitll\llc restroom \lttlltltittts hate been iriiuiiii. \limn‘wnttitlill) li‘ldit‘uct‘lll‘dlrmiles Ills slur) various administrators. Two articles types. but people with real problems
:lttr‘tirxsbilily lti rcpttit thing. Itir rill loiir years tit my residency at during lll\ lll\t'\llptllltill. or his David Morris were written at that time — one wasa who have found forgiveness. answers
narrate. liiiortiinrtel}, this was Bind Ht- implies that I am hing iiiztbilit} to hamlet them into .i President. Boyd Hall House (‘ouncil report of plans for housing changeS. and understanding byaskingChristto
Political Science and Economics the other detailing Boyd residents‘ guide our “\(35, When we Witness our
. ' “4% I 4,. Qt”) .lunior objections to theplans. . faith it is because we care about people
”4% 4 /44 $1 . , . ‘ . The Jan.l9articlesimpl_v gavemore and twantthem toyknow about this
4,4,”, 4 , 44$ “ (l. IN [OR ‘5 R I~.S P().\ St: In details of the plans.i relationship with (rod which can be
444444744444, 4 44/ ,3, 4) ,M7 i response to the above letter. Keynel theirs also. ( lll’ISI‘llVCS everyone and
.¢7WW%%4. $5 , /@4,/: : Staff Writer Paul Mann said he and Confess Franklin died for the salvation of us all.” i
it, , , . '0le 4 . ., ,.,U //;:I ‘ "ié/é ” Tom Moran. director ofphotography, F\ery christian is an. individual.
I . "' é) 1/, '1 4’” 4,, 9 did arrive at Boyd Hall later than CV"! (hr'él'fm makes ml5l3k95~ and
\‘tk " M422: "z “I” ‘g 4 ., 1/; r 7% " planned. Initially. David Morris‘ In the Monda). Dec. II (edition of CWT." (“n-“'3“ “"65- becausc ("’d '
. «% 1.47%," ’, i 4, roommate. Mark Scottescortedthem the Kernel). (iregg l‘ields wrote a cares aboutand understands uslas H8
, v ,, I'V/¢ 4/4,,4/ , ”9/; 44"” " through the fourth floor ofthe dorm. commentary about some hypocritical. (109$ eve-ryone‘cven ll lhel' d0 "0‘
\, ' .37, {3) ”Ml/$74 . ” . UM Later. Mann said.Morrisjoinedthem. preludiced. greed} and indifferent realize. It). ll Hankltn CXPCCICd ,
I: . / , ’ ., 4. 444% ~ According to Mann. Morris offered people who attempted to help his perfection and absolutlon from us. I
. W‘$/%flv «./' 1/% ~ J m“keihemroneagsmuhmalregdy- friend Franklin merctvme a Uguilt am afraid that he was greatly
‘9 /V//l/V/4II//,<’/’/////,<;-,44,p/,4ll«, ,, 4 4,3, '74,,” . 4/? shown them 0', [Old them about. problem. lhlcsc perspIC were mlcrrcd mistaken. He Can only 'rCCClVC this
”a" , ) (9:38” "‘4‘ a. 1% «4M , . "’4, ,U_ “ " '4, Mann did 5., m, mimkes did to be Christians. Even though It has from (rod. We are Willing to help
c. , 4,129,”. 44/. 4.....- ”’7/% K , ”4,, U . , ”- occur in the articles. An mm“: error been more than a month since that anyone, because we can relate With
‘)\J é N a W «4 ‘1 I , " ., was responsible for the remark article appeared. l lccl that it should “that they have been'through. if .
, 4 fit? 4/ l “ ”_%W m , 4;... ' '37:? , concerning the missing stall doors and not pass without comment. I am 3 Franklin “IN confess his mistake to
r .. K , a , \ ‘ w the remark“. . .thejanitors have done (‘hristian.butlam notangryat l‘lCldS. (Km and 88k for forgiveness In the .
,, ,, . a: " 4% , ,, 44 44 - "4 -, - » \ «a W ‘ ~\ ”/0 a real good job of mopping up the I am simply afraid that he, as well as name of Jesus Christ. we are surcthat r i
.‘ i. ,, fl ' 4/4”? - ‘ « , «N - '