xt7h707wq48s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7h707wq48s/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1988-09-15 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 15, 1988 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 15, 1988 1988 1988-09-15 2020 true xt7h707wq48s section xt7h707wq48s Kentucky Kernel

Vol. XClt. No. 26

Established 1894

University of Kernucky. Lexington. Kentucky

Independent since 1971 Thursday. September 15. 1938


Scalia tells audience of need to respect U.S. Constitution

Editorial Editor

Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia
said last night that the US. Constitution
must be “discussed and venerated" so the
founding f'athers‘ original intent is kept ln‘

Addressing about 1,000 people at the Sin—
gletary Center for the Arts as the sixth
Judge Mac Swinford lecturer, Scalia
praised the authors of the Constitution for
creating a document that has outlasted all
other modern forms of government.

“If anyone really wants to evoke the
deep meaning of the United States . , . then
it should he the Constitution of the l.'nited
States," he said. “We have been living
under this Constitution for more than a
century longer than when Italy was noth-
ing more than Just a geographical refer

As far as government goes. Scalia said
"we are the world's experts. "

Much of Scalia‘s speech focused on the
significance of the original draft of" the

constitution and how it has shaped the na-
tion k including the Bill of Rights.

Although he acknowledged the impor-
tance of the Bill of Rights, Scalia, the third
Supreme Court judge appointed by Presi-
dent Ronald Reagan, said, “We should
realize what it represents 15 the fruit and
not the roots of our tree.“

Scalia, who is regarded as a conserva-
tive that believes in judicial restraint, said
while the Supreme Court should not yield
to the "whims of society," Supreme Court
Justices will reflect what society believes
in “good or bad.“

“The judges of the Court are not dis-
patched from Mars, they are selected from
society where the opinions pervade." he

if a “public view persists the same for
20. 30. 40 years" then that view likely will
be the majority on the Supreme Court. he

“They don't always change for the bet-
ter." Scalia said. "They don't always
change for more individual freedoms,"

Although Scalia would not comment spe-
cifically on any issues he expects the Su~

preme Court to reView when it next con»
venes, he said the issue of sentencing
guidelines might be one of them.

“I pretty much take them as they come
I don't go prowling around for an issue,”
he said. ”It's a risky business to try to pre-
dict what the big issues of the future will

"It‘s very hard to tell today what the sig
nificant issues of the future will be. which
is why appointing judges to the Supreme
(‘ourt is somewhat of a crapshoot , "

Wednesday, Justice Harry Blackmuii
told a group of first-year law students at
the L'niversity of Arkansas Little Rock
that he would expect the 1973 Roe vs.
Wade decision to come up again during the
(Yourt‘s next session.

The historic decision overturned a 'l‘ex'ns
law and made abortions legal.

With only four liberal members of the
bench and five conservatives. Rlackiiiun
said the Court could very well oyei'turii ‘he

St'alia. however. declined to t'ttfitltii'it'
the statement by his colleague

\ccfl \l l\ "


Mark Beaty. RFL program director

Hy .\ll(‘ll:\l‘2li.l(lf\‘ES
Contributing Writer

Those attending last night‘s speech by
L'S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin
Scalia at the (his Singletary (‘enter for
the Arts were surprised to find more
than «to demonstrators outside the build
ing protesting what they see as the ("Oil
servative packing of the Supreme

The demonstrators were carrying
signs calling for “.\'o Supreme l'ourt
Oppression.” "The Supreme l‘ourt
Killed the First Amendment. and
"Just Say ,\'o To Them Taking ttui'
Rights "

t‘hris Bush. a member of Socially
Concerned Students. said that the dem
onstration was held for "conscious-
ness "

"This is to tell people that you are not
voting for Just a president. but some-


dents who gathered last night to protest a speech by

UK. student group protests speech
by conservative member of court




ior . .
bib )9“
51"“ can-


speaks to stu-


that you are not voting
for just a president.
but something more.
the Supreme Court."

Chris Bush,


thing more. the Supreme Court." Rush

Three of the (‘ourt's most liberal
members. Justices William .I Brennan
.ll‘.. 'l‘hurgood Marshall. and Byron R
\Vhite are all in their 70s and close to

The demonstrators were there. \altl
\daiii iioldbcrg. .iii S('S member. to

W65“ - "


Supreme COurt Justice Antonin Scalia About an reo-
ple protested the speech

‘ try and make people :‘i-ali/c ‘tttit
would happen if we had an all l"itl.\t‘l’\ ..
'iye Supreme lourt It would in» it. _'
on lust about everything

The group of protesters
mostly of St‘S members, but other man
iiizations also ioined iii the protest

line group of Eastern Kentucky 1 t'.
versity students drove to it‘Vllitlllltl ca
hecially for the rally

"l‘m not as much for liukakis in i it:
against Bush." said Paul l‘resler i ii;
scared that the balance in the court v. ill
be shifted to the far right on important
issues such as reprtxluctive rights. cm:
ronniental concerns are corporations
requu'ed to clean up their iiiess .i ill
the death penalty

Mark Reaty'. Radio Free l.c.\ingtoii
program director. was there to protest
the (‘hlld Protection and tttisccnity .\ct
a bill that would allow individuals a,


\cc I’Rllll-‘HRS l L'L


Kentuckians flee killer hurricane Gilbert

Associated Press

(‘()\'IN(ET()N. Ky. Hurricane Gilbert
broke up a convention of Kentucky Real
tors in MeXIco, forcing them to find shelter
about 350 miles inland from their hotel in

“Everyone is safe. as far as we can
tell." .lim Sewell. past president of the
Kentucky Association of Realtors. \altl
yesterday afternoon

Sewcll \ulti that the Realtors were
moved by bus to Merida and that one of
the tour agencies which handled the trip
had talked twice yesterday with some delei

There were 350 Realtors. spouses and
guests attending the convention.

“We don‘t know how many got out by
bus. The agency is supposed to give me a
manifest later," Sewell said from his
Frankfort office.

He said that early 'hiesday evening lllt'
Realtors met with evacuation officials ltl
(‘ancun “and apparently had a plane char
tcred to fly them out. But the Mexu'aii goy
ernment grounded all flights because oi
the hurricane. ”

(iilbert. which has killed at least it pco
ple. battered the resorts of the Yucatan
Peninsula yesterday \i'ith too iiipfi winds
and torrential rains The storm was m

\‘t‘ "l RR“ \\I.. i’JL‘i' ‘

F'ANLA. W t t1

Supreme Court Just 3.9

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Today: Mostly sunny, mild
Tomorrow: same






Volleyball team wins home

opener. See Page 3.



A day at the University is captured
through pictures. See Page 5.






 2 — Kentucky Kernel, Thuredey. September 15, 1988


Mandela exhibit points out problems
caused by South African government

Contributing Writer

Nelson Mandela‘s story of per,
sonal strife and struggle Will be
told in a photo exhibit sponsored by
the Martin Luther King .lr t‘ultu

The exhibit begins today arid will
run until Oct 1?) A special recep
tion Will be held tonight beginning
at 7 pm at which Neo Mnumzana.
chief representative to the African
National Congress iANCt and t'nit-
ed Nations Observer Miss‘ion.
which is a branch of the L'nited Na
lions promoting the exhibit and
world peace. will speak about Mari
dela s 25 years in prison and the
hardships he has endured in the
name of freedom

Nelson Mandela was sentenced to
life Imprisonment in 1964 tor his
militant aCthltleS against thi-
South African government South
Africa adopted a policy (ll apart
held in 1947 Apartheid is described
as political and economical
discrimination against noll
Europeans in South Africa niainiy
the black population

Big Audio Dynamite ‘Tightens Up,

Contributing Critic

Big Audio Dynamite
CBS/ Columbia Records

“And now tor our ieature preset:
tation .

Remember when disco clashed
With punk. creating a hardedged

The ANC was established to
bring an end to discrimination by
non violent means. In 1961 the
A.\'("s militant group. Spear of the
Nation tt’mkhnto we Sizwei. was
established to accomplish liber
ation by other means. Mandela was
first imprisoned in 1962 He was
sentenced to five years hard labor
and then acquitted

(in Ll raid by the white South At
Heart government in 1963. the
Spear of the Nation was found to be
storing ammunitions. possibly for
the overthrow of the government
Mandela and five of his comrades

5’ Record
_————= Review


yet definitely playable
Vaguely" Does the name
Clash" ring any bells" Well. The
Clash. or rather Mick Jones met
reggae and dance club music and
had a child. Big Audio Dynamite
lB A I)

Their newest. Tighten L'p \‘iil' kin
will certainly fulfill even the most
demanding expectations of quality
and radical talent

For a brief history. when Mick
Jones. vocalist and guitarist for the
intamous Clash ithe ones who
couldn't dectde if they should stay
or it they should got chose to split
and yom up with former ('lash
soundman Don lietts he began




Editor in Chief
Executive Editor
Associate EditOr
Editorial Editor
Arts EditOr
Sports Editor
Photo Editor


Advertising Director
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rates are $30 per year

man St.


The Kentucky Kernel

The Kentucky Kernet :3 published on class days during the academ-c
year and weekly during the summer session
Third—class postage paid at Lexington. KY 4051 t. Mailed SUDSClelC'T

The Kernel is printed at Standard Pubhsnmg and Printing. 534 Buck
ShepherdSVilie, KY 40165

Correspondence shOuld be addressed to the Kentucky Kernel, Room
035 Journalism Building. Universty of Kentucky. Lexmgton. KY
40506-0042 Phone (606) 2572871

Jay Blanton
Thomas J. Sullivan
Jim White

C A Duane Boniter
Rob Seng

Tom Spalding
Randal Williamson

Mike Agin
Linda Collins
Jeff KuerZi
Scott Ward










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were sentenced to life imprison-
ment on June 11, 1964. The struggle
for freedom had begun.

Peter Davis. a noted film direc~
tor. has put together the Mandela
exhibit. “Nelson Mandela: 25
Years in Prison“ toured Europe
before coming to the United States.
The exhibit consists of 21 panels
that depict Mandela’s life in prison.
All of the panels were shot in black
and white. excluding a color shot of
Mandela's daughter, Zindzi, deliv-
ering her father‘s statement as to
why he would not accept a conditio-
rial pardon from prison in 1985.

Frank Walker. a coordinator at
the Martin Luther King Jr. Cultu-
ral Center. is hoping the Mandela
exhibit will have some importance
for all of the students on UK‘s cam-

“Mandela's story is important to
all students.“ Walker said. “The
lesson Mandela's imprisonment
teaches is so very important to ev-
eryone The timeliness of this ex»
hibit is also something to be consid-
ered The South African
government is talking of releasing
him because of his illness ”

B All) The talent of the band in-
cludes Leo “~-Ezee kill Williams
on bass. Greg Roberts on percus-
.\l()ll. and Don Donovan on key"

ripening with a ballad aimed to-
ward swirling throngs of happily
Jeering adolescents and sounding a
lot like Chiefs Of Relief (which fea-
tures ex-Sex Pistols drummer Paul
Cook 77 could punk-gone-pop be a
trend“ BAD declares its
evening‘s objectives Swearing
they need to “rock non-stop all
night long.” the boys of B AD
then proceed to do so “You
asked me to make a record of my
vmce. well, here it is "

B A1) plays as though inspired
by such talents as Squeeze, a little
Ministry trecord inserts and dub—
iivers galore make every song a
unique experience”. and a little
tiak Ridge Boys. as in “The Battle
of All Saints Road ” B.A.D.'s sound
is diverse while retaining a certain


Nelson Mandela is now in a hos
pital in South Africa being treated
for tuberculosis.

Chester Grundy, of Minority Stu-
dent Affairs, also believes in the
exhibit‘s importance due to Mande-
la being a celebrated symbol of op-

“I hope the exhibit will raise the
social awareness of the students on
campus." Grundy said. “There
needs to be greater public aware-
ness of the crisis in South Africa. I
believe it is time for an enlightened
point of view. The situation in
South Africa is something we will
all have to face in our generation.
We will have to take a stand and
end up on the right side,"

This exhibit is a celebration as
well as education. Nelson Mandela
has dedicated his life to the achiev—
ment of freedom.

In Nelson Mandela's words,
“Only through hardship. sacrifice
and militant action can freedom be
won. The struggle is my life. I will
continue fighting for freedom until
the end of my days. "

Rob Sena
Arts Editor



' .n: tn.
No.2 rots ion/iris ' >
'm whites of t"? ,
'wcause the rid/0n , .
Ail/be Africans This ”El-re"
white man fear Him 3;,

‘. 1- (it. glzr'”

Watched by the min 1
do not dare to senior». i. ~ .
to death

instead all but one in \U"'~~

6 says it

ALAN HAVE/Kernel Sta"

Panels such as this one are part of a new exhibit focusing on Net-
son Mandela that point out apartheid’s oppression of freedom.

resulting in best vinyl effort yet

binding style. which may perhaps
be the upbeat tempo or maybe the
smooth transitions between songs.
Several songs curtail rather than
address serious and straightfor»
ward issues. One example is “2000
Shoes." depicting Emelda Marcos
materialistic infraction upon

taste. The background tap-dancing
accompaniment really brings out
the irony of the song.

“Funny Names” is also worth
noticing. as it questions discrimina—
tion and bigotry —~- “Under this
skin say we're all the same.’ How
come when 1 turn my back you call

me. [m not like you/Don‘t mean
we can't get along/And be friends.

Even sex manages to find a
place in “Hip. Neck & Thigh” as a
woman proclaims ”God I love it
when you‘re domineering" mo of-

Phillipino human rights and good


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me funny names'VYou‘re not like

[6 mmwr/M we '

tense please. it‘s in the song i.

by Berke Breathed


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 Kentucky Kernel, Thuredey. September 15, 1988 — 3



Tom Speldlng
Sports Editor


holds off
Ohio State

Staff Writer

Behind the offensive leadership
of senior Lisa Bokovoy, the UK
women‘s volleyball team held off a
late charge by a pesky Ohio State
team to defeat the Buckeyes, 3—1,

Wednesday night‘s victory was
the 21st home victory in a row for
the ninth-ranked Wildcats at Me-
morial ("olisetim

After cruising in games one and
too by scores of 15712 and 15-8. the
(‘ats found trouble in game three.

“(live Ohio St credit." said UK
coach Kathy I)eBoer after the
game “They put a ton of pressure
on you beeausc they dig so well.
They don‘t make mistakes but we
made millions of mistakes in game

l'K had the lead only briefly in
the early parts of game three. The
closest they could get was within
two points at 9-7

Behind some fine hitting by
Linda Mangus. the Buckeyes went
on to wm the game. 15—7

With the score tied EH) in game
tour. l'K junior \‘eronica (‘obb an-
swered a Buckeye return with a
fierce kill to put the (‘ats ahead at
lth With Bokovoy and senior Kim
Thompson taking charge. lfK went
on to win the game. 15-12. and the

Bukovoy and Thompson led Ken-
tucky with 17 kills apiece. Thomp-
son also led [K on defense with 13
digs but she also had 12 offensive
error.s I)eBoer said at times she
tried to beat the Buckeyes alone

UK volleyball player Lisa Bokovoy dinks the ball
past two Ohio State defenders East night at Me-



"Kim was very erratic in
third game.“ DeBoer said
tried to do too much She
pressinga little bit “

Bokovoy had some big hits and
made some crucial blocks iii the
last two games to help push [K to

"She had a couple of critical
blocks in the fourth game.’ “07
Boer said. "We knew it we \lltrlt‘fl
going to her we would he success
ful She doesn‘t make many mi.»
takes "

(‘obb had nine kills tor the tirits
while Katrina Atrhat‘t was tough on
defense with 14 digs

Mangus led the tthio St attack

with Jo kills Holly it'lieary and
l,isa Vitali chipped in ‘.\i'h to kills

With the Wildcats down early Iii
'he i-iiirth game lteBoer called
Zane Hill to regroup her siiiiail

i looked at the seniors and told
7nem -oti‘\e got 'o 'iit i‘ «he
~,iid ’ \nd it happened "

(K pushed its record to .1 mi,
the season while tihio st tell to 1‘


t-‘ollowing the match l)eBoer was
rumored liy ,-\thlettc.s ltii‘ector t litt
Hagan tor zet-ording lier :Iooth ii
t'i-er -.ictor\ weekend
l’tit‘due .s'lie ‘.-_’l\'t'll .i
and presented \\ ith a cake

last over



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morial Coliseum The Wildcats tinned their memo
to 5-1 wtth a 3-1 Victory over Ohio Sum

UK’s tennis teams


Staff reports

'lhe t K men's and women's ten
his teams it ere both ranked among'
the nation's best in the VolvoTer.
his: Preseason t'oaches Poll which
Hims- oiit Tuesday

I‘K coach Dennis limery's iiii-n‘s
squad received 1‘s highest ixer
preseason ranking W hen =' ‘.-..,is
\oted :!.at the N) 6; position. ‘Ahilt'
women‘s mach .l-ihn lieiineeh s
team ‘«.\:t\ placed tit the \‘n v piisr
’ion in the nation

Both limen and ltineen were out
rat tone and would not he l‘tu’lt‘l’lt‘tl

stanioril ted as 'I.e i...
twins ti p team Hi the “timer s poll
lt‘lfi. ‘ttlll'll‘ttlt 'iiiri
‘aiiiitherii tiititoi'nisi t‘t‘tiittl‘l‘iim’ tl .-

v.i.;is \.
mi: Honda
ieiir'Jia wis racked \‘~ t- v tin"
omens makings u‘ll‘i .‘..’“/’tl‘iil
“ate 1 ’r‘; l'epperdine and ‘t‘r‘éahir
at state rounding out the Tar 1»
118-,- \“\\
dropped ‘
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Top 20

[K All American s‘iinizi Hahn led
'he may with a preseason rankiniy
vii .\o J. while freshman Jane
'izites of ()akvtlle Ontario (:inada
holds down the M; 4‘) position in
'heuomen‘s‘ singles poll

Hahn along w‘h threetiice to
\H‘ performer t‘hi‘is Karges :ize
‘tll‘rt‘rtllk‘ the nation's
i‘ inked doubles diio

‘ill Americans Mario ltincon and
l‘iil‘l‘ Benson let! the \t i\ tn‘ "ii-
Itec's' Nam 24' the \o 1. mt! "1
sztigles positions respectuwl‘

the surprise uas freshman loot:
turning fresh ii“ ll; l s
iiier, .hinior l) iii-tiles t'tmnimnstitti

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4 — Kentucky Kernel. Thursday. September 15. 1908

Patience paid off for
golfer Cindy Mueller

Contributing Writer

Senior Cindy Mueller entered the
Ohio Lady Buckeye (‘roll Tourna
ment last Friday having never won
a collegiate event But after shoot
ing a 220 for three rounds and com
mg away with a two shot victory
that soon changed

“l was coming off a great sum
mer i had that feeling that I was
going to Win it.” Mueller said its
wonderful when yoiiye spcn‘ til
years of your life golfing

For Mueller. who captured the
trophy just ahead of Sun tireen oi
()hIoState the wait was worth it

‘ 1 practice everyday ’ she said

"I can‘t eu'ti remember the
day that I haven't been on a golf
course It s likt all lltr hard work
Is starting ttipay ott

Mueller who is from Belfry-lit
lll captured the tournament lo.
hirdieing the Hit; hole \ihili- titer-"i
pari‘ed. giiing he: a oneslio! ad
vantage .s'he kept the shut imrl no


lilt‘t‘ :Iiii’i-isttli; .t ‘Iv '\\,. «'4‘ ‘li-
final holc
She .\.I~ long Incrduc h. \lili .I

lournaiiII-nt .H college and 5K
coat‘lt Bettie liou l‘jyans l‘ l
her first Iollcgialc am. .Inu: l'Ii
glad tha' it happened '

Evans felt the victory more that
anything migh' iuinp star' Her ‘
good final season

"It got her over the hump
Plums said ’1! will lit a great cor
tidcnce hUilder tor her She could
very \teéi ltt' new
.-\ll~;\merican ‘

Mueller. captain of the l'h’ \Hllii
en's: golf team, s'arted Litlitilll.‘ .i'
the early ageoi five

'My mom used to play 3!. Ea


dies league." Mueller said. “She
would take me along because I
didn‘t have a babysitter. i would
play the pinball machines. After a
while. i started to play some of the
holes with my mother She would
give me a quarter as incentive for
every hole that i would play with
her “

Mueller took that Incentive and
slzll'tt‘ti to take the sport more
seriously ller dad was there to
tone things up

‘My Dad built my entire game."
Mueller said

Besides her family. Mueller also
attributes her success to Terry
lloiiser. whom she started taking
lessons from three years ago

"He really has helped me refine
my swing." she said "it takes my
game otie step further "

She also recognizes Evans as a
tug part of her career

“Mrs Evans has helped me men-
tall\ and physically. l have
changed a lot since l‘ve met her
.s'hc is like a coach. mother and
best friend i owe a lot of my sue
cess to her," Mueller said.

Mueller's success throughout her
career is due to her natural swing-
mg ahility.she said

"she hzts the hall very well ishe
probably has one of the best swings
In collegiate golf.” Evans said.

She putts very well She misses
very few putts from «fleet and in "

With finishes of 51h. 5th and sec»
ond \Iueller has just missed get
one more honors But forget titles
What Mueller adds to the team is
iust as important as a trophy her
fellow golfers said

"She is very important to the
team," said sophomore Jayne
imhr \luellers best friend “She

White carrying big load

contributing Writer

1 is short
stop Bill}
White hopes a
sprained ankle
he suffered
two weeks ago
wont hamper
him from
helping lead
the [K base-
ball teair. to a
successful tall



Last year the l'lx' hasetrali ‘ean.
had a sensational season tintslxzng
fourth in the Southeastern t Ul‘ilt‘!’
ence. and went to the \'t7\\ ‘our‘


nament tor the first time since

A key player from last years .53
23 club was White And for l"l\' to
make a return appearance, it will
take a fully healed White But he s

not worried about the injury

White. a junior from St Xancr
High School in Lomsyille, has al
ways enjoyed baseball more than
other sports

"Baseball always seemed to lit
the " White said 'l've always had
confidence I could do well and that
l'was a good player ”

\s lead-off hitter for [K last
year he was first-team all-Slit" He
had a $37 batting average with
toiir home runs and 30 Hill‘s last
season White led the conference in



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save SAWS/Kern; 00""qu

UK golfer Cindy Mueller practices her swing at Spring Lake Coun-
try Club Tuesday Mueller a senior. is from Belleville Ill

wants to lead the team like Kate
Rogerson did last year it is some
thing that she wants ‘

And as [K takes to the field for
this weekend's Lady Tar Heel Clas-
sic in (‘hapel llill. .\' t”. the burden

of not winning a collegiate tournav
ment will be the farthest from her

“i just go out there and play my
best each time out." she said, “and
let the chips fall where they may "

as UK gears for fall

runs scored with 74 and was second
in stolen bases with 21

“i feel if [ keep trying and going
I can always get better White

in addition to the Slit honors.
White also established some on
pressivc l'h' records His 24.3 at
bats and 74 runs scored are both
single-season school records He
also had 82 hits and 44 walks.
which are second on the all~time


White is a good defenSIve short
stop with a strong throwing arm
He and second baseman \‘ince (‘as
taldo w ere a strong force in turning
double plays last season

espeCIally after l'K compiled an
undefeated record in 15 fall games.

“i am confident about the team
and the starters coming back." he
said. ['K plays only home games
and only teams from Kentucky
The NCAA does not allow travel in
the fall season

Kentucky opens its fall campaign
this Tuesday against Marshall l'ni-
versity at Shively Field Game
time is 3 p m

This summer White played sum~
iner baseball in Alaska. He played
shortstop and was a lead»off hitter

White has enjoyed his two years
at l'K and looks forward to this



Darrington close to
complete recovery

Contributing Writer

After lead-
ing his team
and his con-
ference in
pass recep
tions last
year, Charlie
was ready to
lead the Wild-
cats Into a omnma'rou
tough season
and earn himself some honors.

But that goal was sidetracked
nore than two weeks ago when a
eammate stepped on his left foot.
:ausing a hairline fracture and
forcing Darringto