xt7h707wq517 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7h707wq517/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1992-02-03 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 03, 1992 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 03, 1992 1992 1992-02-03 2020 true xt7h707wq517 section xt7h707wq517  

‘ Kentucky Kernel

Vol. XCIV, No. 254

Established 1894

UK student
pleads guilty
to murders

Associated Press

BALTIMORE — A University of Kentucky student has pleaded guilty
to reduced charges in the shooting deaths of his father and stepmother. af-
ter a tape he made detailing his involvement in the slayings was played in


Jayarit N. Katz, 21, pleaded guilty Friday to two counts each of second-
degree murder and use of a handgun in a violent crime.

Montgomery County Circuit Court Judge Vincent Ferretti .lr. set sentenc-

ing for April 27.

Katz shot Dr. Norman N.K. Katz, SO. and Dr. Michelle R. Filling-KaIZ.
36. on Aug. 11, 1991. at their home in Burtonsville, Md., a Washington


The couple were discovered by Norman Katz‘s former wife and his I7-
year-old son. who went to the house after Jayant Katz failed to appear at

his mother's Baltimore house.

Police detective James B. Drewery testified that a tape recording was
found in the elder Katz‘s car. which his son was driving when he was ar-
rested later the same day. Drewery said the son had driven around in the
rain composing poetry referring to how he had committed the slayings.

The tape was played by State‘s Attomey Bob Dean to establish Katz‘s


“I kind of looked at it in an artistic sense." Katz said on the tape, refer-
ring to the murders. “I am an artist. I enjoy making art. I guess ljust have

some problems."

Katz talked of how upset his mother and brother would be. He also said

he intended to kill himself.

After painstaking questioning by Ferretti. Katz said he understood he
was giving up his right to ajury trial. He then entered his guilty pleas.

Katz said he did not get along with his father and stepmother but moved
to Louisville. Ky.. in late 1989 where his father. Dr. Norman N. Katz. was
working at the University of Louisville Medical School. His father wanted

to “keep an eye on me." Kati said.

Katz later transferred to UK‘s architecture school. and his father stopped

paying for Jay to see a psychiatrist.

The father moved back to Maryland and began working as a pediatric
ophthalmologist in Waldorf. His wife worked in genetics at the National

Institutes of Health in Bethesda.

Kat! could be sentenced to five to 100 years in prison, his attonieys said.
He had been charged with first-degree premeditated murder and faced a
maximum sentence of life in prison without parole.

Spike Lee takes on Ivy League as Harvard cinema professor

Associated Press

CAMBRIDGE. Mass. — Spike
Lee. known for films such as “Jun-
gle Fever" and “Do The Right
Thing.“ became Professor Lee on
Friday. teaching a subject with
which he has some familiarity: Atri-
can-Americrui cinema.

“To be honest. I‘m not really
fazed here at Harvard." the outspok-

en director told reporters after the
class. “I think it‘s an honor just for
me to teach young students in film
Brit they're going to have to
work. they're going to have to
write papers. see films. No back-
.sliding. no skating in this class.”

Ice. whose films are known for
tackling touchy issues of race rela-
tions. accepted the one-semester
position teaching the film interpre-

University of Kentucky. Lexington. Kentucky

Independent since 1971




Kim Deal. bass player for the Pixies. howls to “Where is My Mind" last night in the Student Center
Ballroom, The alternative rock band performed before an excited campus crowd.

FORREST PAYNE] Kernel Santa bc' '



taliori course last year at the request
of African-Arriericari Studies |>e-
partmerit (‘Iiairmari Henry I tillls
(iatcs Jr.

The class was limited to (it) slll~
dents and had been scheduled for an
average-sized lecture hall in the
philosophy building.

Brit this is “shopping week" at
Harvard. which means students can
sit in on classes to try them out. and

the draw was so big for fees intro-
ductory lecture that the class was
moved. to a theater

Students waited I” line for more
than an hour at the 1.3titi—scat Sand»
cr‘s lhcatcr' ll;tr\ar‘d officials said
(stilt people were turned away

Hundreds of i'cportcrs had asked
to sit in on the first class. said Peter
(\istrt. a llar'iard spokesman Rut
adrriittrrricc was str'ictl) lrmrlcd to

students. and I cc asked them not to
discuss the class “till the media

Ice will scr'ccrr lrlrris on Wednes~
days ~ including "Boy ‘.\" the
Hood." “Sounder” and his own
“She's (iotta Have It" and lcc-
[tire on Fridays .-\rid. rust like other
professors. lic‘ll hold otlrcc hours

”I‘m sure he‘ll bc .r liard grader."
said Alisha ,lamcs. l.\, .m ccorrorn—
rcs major. “l wouldn‘t \\.tlll to write

Monday, February 3, 1992

500 gather
to sample
food, dress

Contributing Writer

Approximately 500 people
crowded into Trinity Baptist
Church Saturday night to sarriple
some traditional African culture as
presented by the UK African Stu-
dents Association.

“We tAfricari students) are often
faced with questions about what we
eat zurd wear ‘over there.‘ " said Af-
rican Students Association presi-
dent l)etedr l.i.sulo.

The evening‘s festivities bcgzm
with traditional African dishes.

Maury participants had to wait in
line for about rut hour because the
crowd was so large. But the long
wait to sample dishes like chicken
curry from South Africa raid bieg-
nets from Zaire didn't dampen one
students palate.

“It was worth the wait" said Su-
san Baribel, an undeclared fresh-

ASA also treated the audience to
after-dinner skits depicting \'£lfl0Us
aspects of African life.

The presentations included a
fashion show of typical casual and
fonnal wear from Morocco to
South Africa. ASA members mod-
eled the clothing.

The progrzun included traditional
dancers. at re-cr'eatiori ot a typical
day at the market. and a bedtime
story as told b} an authentic Alri-
can story teller.

'l‘lic night‘s actiittres concluded
with a drawing for two colorful Af-
r'icari costumes and more dancing.
with the audience filling the stage
to participate

a papcr' tor hrrri llc sccms pr’ctty Ill-

l cc “ill appear l‘r'rday. March o
at S pm, in Memorial (‘olrscrrm
l'rckcts for students. faculty and
staff go on srtlc toda} .tl I“ am at
the Student (‘critcr l'rckctrirastcr for
S3. l‘ickcts for the gcricral public
are 55. and will be a\.trl.rblc l‘liurs-
da) at all other l'ickctriiastcr’ Iocrr~

Several University students try hands at making music videos

Contributing Writer

Music. stardom and coffee lured
UK students to a “Make Your Own
Video" promotion at the student
center Friday.

Students were able to choose their
favorite song and create a video of
themselves at no charge.

Folgers Coffee. which sponsored
the event. also gave out free mugs
and coffee.

Dan laritz. an engineering senior.
and Carolyn Mellot. a biology jun-
ior. jzunmed on the guitar and piano
to “Love Shack" by the B-52‘s.

“It was fun. Just like MTV but
better." Lantz said.

Robert Vertress. a graduate stu-
dent at UK. brought his own music.
His video was made to the song
“I‘m Too Sexy,“ by Right Said

The crowd went wild as he tore
off his shin and strutted his stuff.

“I have a great time making a fool
of myself. I'm good at it," he said.

The event was organized by UK
American Marketing Association
and (‘ampus Dimensions. a national
marketing organization.

The video promotion is intended


“I have a great time
making a fool of
myself. I’m good at it,”

Robert Vertress,
UK graduate student

to gairi support for Folgers Coffee
among college students. said (‘ol-
leeri Richmari. promotional coordi-
nator for Campus Dimensions.

Over the last thirty years coffee
consumption by young adults has
decreased drastically. she said.

In l062 the percentage of college
students who drank coffee was 8|
percent. Since then it has dropped
60 percent.

Folgers promoted its product at
Miarrii University in Oxford. Ohio
earlier this year. and Richrnan said
the campaign produced “terrific“ re-

'lIierc has been a 78 percent in-
creasc in cup-a-day coffee drinkers.
she said,


Mechanical engineering freshmen Rhea Enrrquez and Chris Shandersky and undeclared freshman Ingrid Btssmeyer performed their own

version 'Love Shack‘ by the B-52's.









Three-point shots sink Cats as they fall to
Louisiana State Tigers 74-53.

Story, Page 4.



Tickets for Spike Lee’s speech 90 on sale
at the Student Center Ticketmaster at 10
am. Lee will appear Friday, March 6 at
Memorial Coliseum. Tickets are $3.

Residence hall
blood drive
begins today.
Story, Page 10.

Diversions ..................... 3
Spons ............................ 4
Viewpoint ...................... 8
Classifieds ..................... 9




 2 - My Kernel, Holiday, February 3, 1002


am - us Calendar



on the Calendar 1 Campus Calendar Form must be filled out at



BoardRoomzoarzoesmmCemer.WtyolKonmcky. mmmumewuwwmmmw. ForSudentOgenlzdone orUnlverdty Demubmm
theSmdonrActiviiieeOllioe. Subrniuionofphotogrmororephicsiuncoureoedl WzEmmrmmmmmmwMem ”valvular!




Monday 2/3

- SAB Movie: 'Beauty and the Beast‘ (USA
1962); lree; St. Center. Center Theater;
7:30pm; call 7-8867

. Exhibit: Louis Zoeller Bickett, Joseph
Haske, Thelma Mathias, Mauren McQuil-
lan, and Marianne Stikas; The Galbreath
Gallery; thru 2/29

- Exhibit: An American Sampler: Children's
Books from the Kerlan Collection of the
University of Minnesota; UK Art Museum;
thru 2/16

- Exhibit: Portraits from the Golden Age of
Jazz; The Headley Whitney Museum; thru

- Exhibit: 'Coming to America: Selections
from the Permanent Collection by Immi-
grant Artists'; UK Art Museum; thru 3/22

Tuesday 2/4

- Luncheon Lecture: Ron Penn-'The Big
Band Era'; $15 (reservations required);
Headley-Whitney Museum; noon; call 255-

- Performance: UK Symphonic Winds; free;
SCFA Concert Hall; 8pm; call 7-4929




Wednesday 2/5

- SAB Movie: “Other People's Money'; $2
for students; St. Center Worsham Theater;
7:15 and 10pm; call 7-8867

- Performance: Classical Guitar, Frank
Koonle; free; SCFA Recital Hall; 8pm; call

Thursday 2/6

~ SAB Movie: 'Other People's Money'; $2
for students; St. Center Worsham Theater;
7:15 and 10pm; call 7-8867

Frlday 2/7

- SAB Movie: 'Other People's Money'; $2
for students; St. Center Worsham Theater;
7:15 and 10pm; call 7-8867

- Exhibit: Gallery Series-Jazz Piano, Orville
Hammond; free; M.|. King Library-North,
Peal Gallery; noon

Saturday 2/8

- SAB Movie: 'Other People's Money'; $2
for students; 81. Center Worsham Theater;
7:15 and 10pm; call 7-8867

Sunday 2/9

- SAB Movie: 'Other People's Money'; $2
for students: St. Center Worsham Theater:
4pm; call 7-8867

- Performance: Cheryl Skinner Trio; $3 for
show, $15 for Jazzfest series; Headley—
Whitney Museum; 3pm; call 255-6653






Monday 2/3

0 Meeting: UK Lacrosse Club Meeting;
free; Seaton Center, room 213; 8pm; call

Wednesday 2/5

. Lecture: Darryl VanLeer, An exhilirating
lecture on theideologies of Malcolm X.
sponsored by SAB Contemporary Affairs;
Iree; Memorial Hall; 8pm; call 7-8867

9 Seminar: Dr. Linda Magid, VP for Re-
search and Grad. Studies. 'A Surfactant
Chemist’s Toolbox‘; free; UK Med Center,
room MN263; 4pm

- Meeting: RHA Association; free; Patter-
son Hall; 7pm

Thursday 2/6

- Seminar: Dr. Allen Moore, UK Dept of En-
tomology, 'Sexual Selection and the Evolu-
tion of Social Behavior‘; UK Med Center,
room MN563; 2:50pm; call 3-6032

- Seminar: ACS Meeting: David A Tirrell,
Univ. of Massachusetts, 'Artificial Proteins;
A New Class of Materials'; free; Chem-
Phys Bldg, room 137; 8pm

- Meeting: GLUE-meeting and elections;
free; St. Crieter, room 228; 7:30pm; call 7-

Frlday 2/7



Steve McCarthy

,Qaphrc Artist

FRIDAY 1) 00-1? 50 RM 1mm !





Monday 2/3

- Volunteer: UK Student Center, many op-
portunrtres availablel; call 257-8785 to find
out how you can help!

- Program: Newman Center Winter Even-
ings Program, 'Humanae Vitae: Basic Fam-
ily Values-What Are They Now?'; free;
Newman Center; 7:30pm; call 255-8566


- SAB Movie: 'Beauty and the Beast'


- Luncheon Lecture: Ron Penn-”The Big
Band Era‘
~Brown Bag Theatre: Art Videos

- UK Basketball: Widcals vs South Carolina


- Performance: Classical Guitar
1 - SAB Movie: 'Other People's Money'



Feburary 5, 8pm Memorial Hall






Tuesday 2/5

- Comedy: Comedy Night at Donovan Oak
Room; $4.95 (includes meal); Donovan
Hall Cafeteria; 5-7:30pm; call 7-3816

- Fellowship: Tuesday Evening Fellowship,

United Campus Ministry; free; Koinonia
House, 412 Rose Street; 8pm; call 255-

- Benefit: New Morning Coffee House Ben-

efit; $2.50; Lynaughs; 9:30pm-1 am; call

Wednesday 2/5

- ODK Brunch: Deadline for reservations
(Brunch on 2/15 at Hyatt Regency, 10am-

12pm); $12.50; bring to room 203 Old Stu-

dent Center



- SAB Movie: 'Other People's Money'


- SAB Movie: 'Other People's Money'
- Exhibit: Gallery Series-Jazz Piano
- UK Basketball: Wildcats vs Georgia

Friday 2/7

Saturday 2/8
- Training Program: Lexington Rape Crisis
Center volunteers; call 253-2615 or 252-
- Performance: 'Ponable Sandcastle', by
the Paranoix Poor Theatre Co.; $3; Brook-
yas Chili King; 9:30pm; call 8-8988 ( bring
blanket to sit on)



- SAB Movie: 'Other People's Money'
. Hockey: CoolCats

- SAB Movie: ‘Other People's Money
- Performance: Cheryl Skinner Trio









Tuesday 1/28

- Weekly meetings: Chess Club; free; St.
Center; 5:30-10pm; call 887-2574

- Weekly meetings: Catholic Newman Cen-
ter Open Student Meeting; free; Newman
Center, Apt. 8; 11am: call 255-8566

. Weekly meetings: UK Ballroom Dance
Society: $5 per semester; Barker Hall,
dance studio; 7-9pm; call 277-0664

- Weekly meetings: 'Totally Tuesday!’ Free
dinner, worship, and fellowship, United
Methodist Student Center; free; 508 Go-
lumbia Ave; dinner-6:45pm, worship-
7:30pm; call 254-0250

- Weekly meetings: UK Ultimate Frisbee;
free; Seaton Center Gym; 10pm-midnight;
call 8-2686

- Weekly Meetings: Society for Creative
Anachronism; free; Old St. Center, room
117; 7-9pm; call 255-2100, ext. 562

Wednesday 1/29

- Weekly meetings: Canterbury Fellowship,
Holy Communion; St. Augustine's Chapel;
5:30pm; call 254-3726

- Weekly meetings: Encounter; free; New
St. Center, room 205; 7pm; call 276-2362
- Weekly meetings: S.A.V.E. meeting; free;
Old St. Center, room 309; 7pm

- Weekly Meetings: Writer's Bloc Meeting;
free; Old St. Center, room 117; 5-7pm; call

Thursday 1/30

- Weekly meetings: Canterbury Club-
Episcopal Student Fellowship; St. Augus-
tine's Chapel; 6:30-7:30pm; call 254-3726
- Weekly meetings: Catholic Newman Cen-
ter Night; Newman Center; 7:30-8:30pm;
call 255-8566

- Weekly meetings: Bible Study, United
Methodist Student Center; free; 508 C0-
lumbia Ave.; 8pm; call 254-0250

- Weekly meetings: UK Ultimate Frisbee;
free; Seaton Center Gym; 10pm-midnight;
call 8-2686

- Weekly meetings: Thursday Nite Live';
free; 502 Columbia Av.-UK; 7:30pm; call

Saturday 2/1
- Weekly meetings: Catholic Sunday Mass;
free; Newman Center; 6pm; call 255-8566

Sunday 2/2

- Weekly meetings: Canterbury Fellowship.
Holy Communion; free; St. Augustine's
Chapel; 10:30am and 5:30pm; call 254-

- Weekly meetings: Catholic Sunday Mass;
free; Newman Center; 9 and 11:30am, 5
and 8:30pm; call 255-8566

- Weekly meetings: Spaghetti Dinner, All-
U-Can-Eat; $23; Newman Center; 6pm;
call 255-8566

- Weekly meetings: University Praise Ser-
vice; free; 502 Columbia Av.~UK; 11am;
call 233-0313


Contemporary Center

.50 donofion


Tuesday 12:15
Friday 1:00

l07 Fine Arts Burldrng



Tuesday 2/4
. UK Basketball: Widcats vs South Caroli-
na; at South Carolina; 7:30pm




Friday 2/7

- UK Basketball: Wildcats vs Georgia;
Rupp Arena; 9:30

- Hockey: CoolCats vs Georgia Bulldogs;
$4; Lexington lce Center; 11:30pm

Saturday 2/1
. Hockey: CoolCats $4; Lexington lce Cen-
ter; 11:30pm









L Ai

free; St.
man Cen-




. ay !' Free

08 Co-



r, room

. Chapel;


9; New
.ting; tree;

-7pm; call


. Augus-
man Cen-

08 Co-


: Lrve’;
m; call

ay Mass;

I 254-

ay Mass;
ram, 5

er, All-

ise Ser-


Kentuelry Kernel, Monday, February 3. 1992 - 3




10 years later, Letterman still has best talk show

Occasionally, a comedian ap-
pears on the scene with a sense of
humor such that you think he or she
was created with you in mind. Tun-
ing in to a new morning talk show
in the summer of 1980, 1 found
such a person.

He was a former weatherman
frotn Indiana, I later found out. Uti-
like the other moming talk show
hosts of the time, who interviewed
hornernakers and gave cooking
detnonstrations, this guy was a little
different. A perennial “guest"
claimed to be a former FBI agent
with photographic “evidence“ that
placed Joe Garagiola at the scene of
every major intemational incident.
The host would pull out a mini-TV
iii the middle of the show to update
you on “The Price is Right." He
wanted to have a “(.‘ancellation
Sweepstakes“ in which viewers
could write iii and guess when the
show would leave the air. (The net-
work wouldn't let him do the lat-

It looked like a standard talk
show. but the whole show had a
warped, oddball sense of humor
that seemed out of place at 10 in the
moming. I loved it. Most early
tnoming viewers hated it. It was

just the wrong time slot.

So the morning show was a fail-
ure. lasting 18 weeks. In February
of I982. a retooled version of the
comedian‘s show premiered. But
this version wasn't on in the rnoni~
itig. Essentially, the same show was
put in the right place.

And “Late Night with David Let-

tIIII llll l II'IHII

It? I. .III.

terman“ was boni.

Ten years later. Letterman and
company can look back on their
program with the knowledge that
it‘s one of the funniest. tnost origi-
nal comedy programs ever broad-
casted. Its refusal to do things the
“normal" way made it seem like a
breath of fresh air in a usually
stale industry. Thursday. little in
and see the best of the show's first
10 years.

You can expect to see David Let-
termzui‘s leap onto the wall of vel-
cro. his parade of new gift items
(including, let‘s hope. the rabid dog
sliaving-cTeam dispenser. the lixxon
Valdez leaking gravy boat and the
tabletop dishwasher), some past ex-
amples of viewer mail, a few items
dropped from a six-story tower.
clips of lany “Bud" Meltnan and
possibly Chris Elliott and some of
the best guest stars of past years.

'l‘here's little point iii encourag-
ing you to watch the show. Most
Lettermaniacs just need to know

when and where it's on. Lettennan
haters wouldn't watch anyway. But
for the fan. the anniversary show is
a don't-miss program. The best of
Letterman makes for great televi-
sion. To me, these anniversary
shows are the funniest things on tel-
evision all year.

lri past columns, I’ve written that
the Letterman show isn‘t quite what
it used to be. I still Lhitik that. Let-
terrnzui and his statf just don‘t al-
ways seem to put the effort into the
program that they used to. Most of
the running gags I mentioned above
— the new gift items, the NBC
Bookmobile, etc. -— are rarely seen.
'l‘hat's a shame.

But a bad Letterrntui show is still
light years ahead of a good Arsenio,
a good Dennis Miller or almost any
other talk show on the air. liven Jay
Leno. whose brillitutt monologues
still work beautifully. has trouble
with any of the other comedy bits
he attempts on “The Tonight

Letterman. with his tremendous

following of the college—age crowd
of the 1980s and '90s. probably will
be considered the biggest comedic
influence over this generation. (If
you disagree. I‘d like to know who
else has had a comparable influence
over the past decade.) Many corne-
dians of today, including Letter-
mtur. Steve Martin, Robin Williams
and others. mention l‘)5()s and ‘60s
comics like Steve Allen, Jonathan
Winters. Johnny (‘arson and Bob
turd Ray as mentors. Look for l)a-
vid Letterman's nrune to be tossed
about iii the future with the same
degree of frequency.

Still, it's hard to imagine the pro—
gram lasting much longer - maybe
two or three tnorc years. tops. ()n
the air. Lettermtut seems less inter-
ested turd more crabby. Some will
say that‘s just part of his cynical.
stu‘castic style. But lately. the cyni-
cistn seems less like a comedy act
turd more like genuine drudgery.
I‘ve seen I ettcrrnan reruns on the A
(it IS network. 'I‘hosc shows 7 somc
of which are eight or nine years old

—— show a David Lettcrrnrut who
just seems a lot happier to be there.
That. plus the presence of tnore
socko comedy material. makes fora
better program.

The show is still lunny turd the
anniversary show is sure to be hilar—
ious. But I would rather the pro—
grrun go off the air while it‘s sllll
very good thtut to have it continue
on. declining frotn year to year.
What else could Letterman do'.’ At
one point. many years ago. there
was talk of Letterman pr‘txlucing
sitcoms. Ilc signed a contract sc\er'-

al years ago with 'l‘ouchstone Pic-
tures in case he ever decides to
make the plunge into the movie

Letterman has taken the TV talk
show/variety show ittto new areas.
It would be great if tltc funniest
man lll America could have that
same impact on the rest of show

Senior XIII/I ll'rtlt'l' Toby (jib/M l\
(I I'A’ cut/flurry Hill] It Kernel col-



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Q— Kontuclty Kernel. Monday. February 3. 1902

A55istant Sports Editor

Sometimes you can win for [Us-

The UK gvtnnastics team discov-
ered that I: lay night. with some
mixed emotions.

UK compiled a school record
teiun score. but still lost NISS-
18055 to defending national cham~
pion Alabama this weekend at Me-
morial (‘oliseuni

But the team‘s actual perfor—
mance under the intense pressure of
competing with last year‘s national
championship program meant more
to sophomore Michelle ()gden than
the final result.

The little mark in the loss column
paled in comparison to what the
team accomplished. it may have
even earned some much due respect
from a Sli(‘ bigwig.

“We were re. y thrilled with the
score." ()gden said. ".lust to per-
fonn that well against a team like
Alabama, the defending champion.
shows that we are able to compete
well at the highest level. And possi-
bly win at that level.

“it was a really tough meet."

Alabama (5-0. 2-0 Southeastern
Conference) continued its stretch of
impressive team efforts with a score
191.85 in besting the Wildcats.

UK (4-3. l-l Sli(‘l set three
school records and tied another in
the meet. including a tetun record
48 on the uneven parallel b2 '

Junior Amie Winn .surp ssed a
personal hiin scoring ”.85 in the
floor exerc e. lier previous best
was 9.8.

Winn also tied her own record of
0.70 on the uneven parallel bars.

“We set a lot of records." (iina
llatterick said. "But Alabama is a
real good team. That was the high-
est we‘ve ever scored. We could
have scored a lot more. We had a
few misses."

For UK to perform at Alabama‘s
level. llattenck said. the team
would have to be perfect.

"Basically. you have to be hitting

O’Neal, LSU
dominate UK

on perimeter
in 74-53 win

Assocrated Press

BATON R()U(ili. La. —— UK
lived by the three-point shot all
season but died with it on Sun

Louisizuta State beat 14th-
ranked UK 743% Sunday. hit-
ting three—point shots to build a
lead that forced [K to quit pack-
ing it back on Shaquille ()‘Ncal
and thereby opening up l.Si"s
inside gtune.

“The first half. I had at least
two guys on me. btit Justin tAIr
dersonl and Mike (llanscnl and
(Tlarcnce 1(‘easarl were hitting
well from outside." ( )‘Neal said,

“We got a lfl~point lead. and
they had to play as straight up."

()‘Neal finished with 20
points. 20 rebounds and six
blocked shots it)! IS" ilk-l
overall. o-l Southeastern (‘on-
fercnce. l

Jamal Mashbuin led l "K ( l5-5
overall . 5-3 SH ‘l with 30 points
and II rebounds.

fifteen of i 'K‘s first l7 points
came on three-point shots. but
ISU hit seven three-pointers
during that stretch. and it was
27-]7 with 4:18 to go in the last
half. it was 34-23 at intermis—

UK hit only eight of 44 trom
the three-point line tor the game.
LSU hit seven of I}. but didn‘t
even attempt one from long
range after the first two minutes
of the second half,

“For some reason. we don‘t
shoot well her " said UK coach
Rick I’itino. “We've never shot
well in this building.

“We got wide open threes all

Gymnastics team loses 191.85-189.55 to Tide

Three school records fall
as Cats prove their point


Above; Junior Amie Winn flies
above the balance beam. Winn
tied for first in the All-Around
competition Friday night.

all of your routines." she said.

Ogden echoed that sentiment in
her assessment of her own perfor—
mance. She said she did well. but
could've done better.

“i was really pleased with my bar
routine." ()gden said. “it was my
personal high for me. I had a fall
off the beam. but i think I can get
back in the gym zutd work on that.
Then i can stick it next time."

Another motivating factor was
that Lil—15 fans turned otit for the

“'1 he crowd was inst great." ()g—
den said.

Winn and Alabzuna's Shea
Mcl‘all tied for first place in the
/\ilw\t‘otind with scores of 38.35.

UK returns to action Friday when
it plays host to Ohio State and Sii(‘
toc l-lorida at Memorial Coliseum.

,. . j

Sophomore Suzanne Gutierrez finished first in the balance beam competition Friday night against Ala-
bama boosting the Cats to a school-record 48.00 team score on the beam.

GREG EWKernol Staff

Jamal Mashburn fights for a rebound against an Eastern Kentucky player Mashburn had more trou-
ble with LSU's Shaqurlle O'Neal. who grabbed 20 rebounds as the Tigers won 74-53 yesterday.

night We‘ve never been so wide
open the whole year."

LSU coach Dale Brown said his
defense should receive some of the
credit for l iK's poor shooting

UK cut it to 4-8-37 on a three-
point shot by Heron lieldhaus‘ with

llzgtl to go iii the second half. but
that was as close as they would

()‘Neal made a move around and
over Mashburn. then slammed
hotne a dunk from .lamic llrandon.
and it was back out to i I do

I SU‘s lead grew to 2|. (sit-47.
on a pair of free throws by (‘ea-

(‘easar had consecutive steals.
and Richie liarmer fouled him

See LSU, Page 5

UK tennis
teams earn

Contributing Writer

Sunday afternoon. as thousands
tuned into the nationally televised
UK-LSU basketball matclmp. a
much smaller number of sports fans
tumcd out at the Hillary J. Boone
Tennis Center to witness Wildcat

Those fans saw the UK men‘s
tennis team down Vanderbilt and
the women's team defeat South

Behind several great singles pcr-
formances. the UK men had no
problem in handing the Vanderbilt
Commodores their third straight de-
feat. convening five of its six sin-
gles matches into victories in a
meet that was over before the dou-
bles teams even took the court.

John Yancey captured the tezun‘s
first win 6-4. 6-4 and Scott Hulse
also added his 6-1. 7-5 win over
Micheal Pritchard.

David Culley brushed off Mi-
cheal Fox 6—3, 6-2 and. with the aid
of some heavy hitting. Mahyar
Goodarz took his match 6-3. 6-4.

Finally. sophomore Jason Yeagar
used great ball placement to frus-
trate Jim “Ozzie" ()sbome winning
6-3. 6-3.

Earlier. the women‘s team moved
to 2-0 on the 3 ‘ason as they battled
it out with a scrappy South (‘arolina
learn in a 5-4 dazzler.

In the singles category Susan
Klingenberg. Norma Sangestry. and
Nicky Wangsgard each had wins.
Antoinette (‘rreeh‘s intensity in ad-
dition to Klingenbcrg‘s hard serves
equaled a 6-3. l-6. 6-3 win.

That wasn't enough. though. The
meet went to the wire. It took a 4-6.
6-3. 6-4 win by the doubles learn of
Lora Suthle and Susan Bani in the
final match to give UK the victory.

The women‘s team hosts North
(‘arolina February l4. while the
men's team travels to Louisville
next Sunday.

tries to deal
with guilty

When all is well in a sport.
the leader is a genius. When
everything goes to hell. the
guy in charge is the idiot.

With this understanding. I
take full blame for the UK
gymnastics team‘s I‘)l.85-
189.55 loss to Alabama Fri-
day night.

If you are cor l. worry
not. i was too.

Let me try to explain it to
you in the terms that l have
attempted to explain it to my-
self over turd over again ——
with a little help from gym-
nastics coach Leah Little.

Friday, Little's team faced
defending NCAA champion
Alabama. and the coach was
pushing for a big student

You may have seen the fli-
ers taped on windows. doors
and bulletin boards across
campus. Willi this and other
advertising in place, all was
peachy-keen Thursday night.

But on Friday moniing,
with Alabama‘s team bus
nearing Lexington and the
meet only hours off. Little re-
ceived the first omen of im-
pending disaster.

The UK student newspaper
and its heathen sports writers.
whose main interest in cover-
ing UK sports is to get free
courtside seats at Rupp Arena
and snack on cold (but free)
chili dogs and stale (again.
free) popconi in the press
room. had failed to advertise
her event in print.

She was doomed.

in her anger. she and her
media relations representative
called the newspaper to ex
press their combined rave —
three other UK sports had
been covered above theirs. iii-
cluding both basketball teams
and the (‘ool (‘ats hockey

Every Kentuckizm with a
heartbeat follows UK men's
basketball, the women‘s tezun
draws decent crowds raid the
Cool (‘ats. who also possess a
huge following. are the No. 1
college hockey team in the

The guy iii charge ex-
plained that space limitations
cause such a prioriti7ation.
apologi7ed for the omission
and promised to run a story
about the meet in Monday‘s

Little's response: “'l‘hat's
beside the point. That won‘t
put people in the seats.“

A-hah. It's all my fault.

The reasoning behind the
gymnastics team‘s third-
straight loss had nothing to
do with a near-perfect perfor-
mance by one of the coun-
try‘s best programs. Nor did
it have anything to do with
her athletes‘ miscues during
the meet.

As she had pointed out. the
blame li