xt7h707wq52t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7h707wq52t/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1992-10-15 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 15, 1992 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 15, 1992 1992 1992-10-15 2020 true xt7h707wq52t section xt7h707wq52t l

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Vol. XCV No. 36

Established 1894

University of Kentucky, Lexington. Kentucky

Independent since 1971

Kentucky Kernel

Thursday, October 15. 1992




Students gather at capitol to protest budget cuts

Turnout lower than anticipated


By Dave Lavender
Arts Editor


I~'RA.\'I\'I$()RI. Ky, Student
leaders described yesterday ~s high-
er education rally as a success
despite the tact that ortly abottt 5m
Kentucky college students showed

At least llllltl sttidettts lrom
Kentucky's etgltt state universities
were expected to gatlter on the
steps ot. the capitol to tell (ioy
Brereton Jottes they oppose illTUlCT
budget cuts to higher education.

“I tltittk we made the showittg
we ltad to." said I’cte Noy‘ctttbet‘.
l'K‘s Student (ioyerntttent .\ssocr
atioit president

"I tltittk it's dilt'icult to get a lot
or students to come out aitd take
art afternoon oil or school, btit I
think tltis is a
crowd "

Although .\‘oyetttbet was
pleased with the turnout. at least

Jones hears
cheers, boos
from crowd



By Gregory A. Hall
Editor in Chief


IRANKI‘URI. Ky 7 Students
front tire eight state llIll\‘L‘r\l[IL‘\
cltcered ( ioy. Brereton Jones at the
steps oi the capitol yesterday when
he told them Itiglter education is
otie ol’ his priorities.

IIowey'er. tltey booed wltett he
told them he could not promise
liiglter education will be eyeinpt it
there is attotlter budget cttt.

Instead. the governor promised
the crowd ot' about Still tltat he
would look elsewltere itt state goo
ertttttettt for money before etrtting
higher education budgets again

"I will do everything in ttty pow-
er to see tltat we do not hate to
tttake l'ttrther ctits iit our educa-
tion." Jones said. "I do want yotr to
understand. however. that I canttot
make a firm commitment because
none oi tis knows what the name
will bring."

the state released l‘igtrres Ities~
day sltowiitg that state revenues
still are SJI million beltittd where

one t'ally participant said it e\em-
pittied student apathy

“lhe pritnary reason (people
tlltilld show up) is it didn‘t lit tttto
their schedules." said Jacob ( men.
a l'K political science sophomore
"\pathy is so pt'cyalettt around
here People don‘t care."

Noyember Itad hoped to bring
stilt I'K students to the rally. arid
S( M chartered two buses to driye
the cotttittgettt to liranktort.

But as the buses pulled from the
Student (‘enter parking lot yester-
day. only 27 people had signed tip
to go I ater estimates l‘rotn .\'(i»\
said arotrttd Illll people trortt l'Is'
.lllL'lltlL'tl lllt‘ I'll”)

I'Is’s Ieytngtoit t‘arttptrs is
home to more thatt .‘Ja‘ltltl stti

literally also was to be accoiit
partied by a walk to [lie \.l]‘ll\‘l
liottt Kentucky \tate l'niyetstty t
couple or miles lioitt the state

house Iloweyet. tlte match was

cancelled because the student pres
idents did ttot obtattt a parade per
tttit trottt tlte city

Some people at the t'ally said ”It
low ttirtiottt will weaken sttidents'
yotces when Jones agatit is laced
with tittestioit ol btidget cuts tor
higher education.

“ I he number who showed is
definitely going to littit us.” said
liatttt (it'ay. an undeclared l'k'
tresltittati trortt I'ddyytlle. lsy
"Ntitttbers oyercortte everything
the more that show up. the more
.tttcttttott you get IItc tttorc attcit
tion yoti get. the itioic consideri
ttoii yoti get loi‘ yyhat yottre ll\lll"
to aecortiphsh "

.\Iat r\rttold. \(i \'s tyetrtttr.
director said he tltotiglit "rttote
students should take .tti interest lIt
their tttttttc "

.\Ialt Hall. .I l'ls history and po
lttital sttetrte stritktit .l‘fltctl

See RALLY Hack has;




fleas 't .

they were a year ago. Iloyycyet'.
lottes said he wants to wait att-
otlter ttiotttlt betoie making a deer-
sron on whether attother httdget cttt
is necessary.

Recent state reyenue sltor‘tlalls
caused two cttts. arid I'K had to
slash about $20 million tioiti its
budget as a result.

Jones ril'l'irmed his better iii the
rrttportatice ol Ittglter education.
whiclt the eigltt trniyersity strtdettt
body presidents said they wattted
to ltear.

“'I‘here's no question about it
that education is the key to our ltt-
titre." he said. “We hate to be will-

(It‘. “w" "‘
~ . £3":
‘53 kg . ll __

If ’ ' V 3
WT Emilio” i. 53%;“



‘. cull“ ‘Wv‘lti‘m ‘ y-
: my . s 5» g.
a mum. ”MN 4 ,
. . Intuit, 3‘ s‘
r A .
”if" 9

mg to make the proper iiiytstnierit
rtt education at cyety leycl \rid
you hate a goycrnot startditi-.' lit
tote you that is .ts strongly
mitted to that as you are ”


Joites also [‘Ilillllsul that. it isvs
sible. Ire would increase high-tr ed
ncatton‘s share or [lit slalc ippto
pi‘tatiott between I‘NJ .titd I‘No

“I gtye yott my word that it is
my personal commitment. that lit
lore I lcaye olliee that we will do
eyet‘ythmg within our power to set-
tltat the tttottey that
higher education will be increasing:

See JONES Back Page

etilltcs ltilri









ABOVE: Gov. Brereton Jones
addresses a crowd of about
500 Kentucky college stu-
dents who gathered tn Frank-
fort. Ky.. yesterday.

FAR LEFT:Students from the
state's eight public universi-
ties hold signs and shout
during the rally. held to show
students' displeasure with re-
cent budget cuts in higher
education and their concern
about future cuts.

LEFT: Steve Miller. an adver—
tising and sociology senior
from Western Kentucky Uni-
versity. poses as Uncle Sam
on the steps of the capitol.


UK literary
seeks works


Staff reports

JAR. a yearly literary maga/ine

pttbltslted by the UK Ilotiors Pro-

gram. is accepting submissions titttil

lite ntaga/ine. now iii its ltltlt
year. ol't’ei‘s writers. photogmphers
and artists a chance to display their
works itt ait atttltology to be distrib~
uted tit April.

Ryan Kelly. .JAR editor and a ge~
ography senior. said although the
tnaga/iite is sponsored by the lion-
ors Program. two-thirds of the work
comes from students attd people iii
the community.

Honors Program students whose
work is accepted are eligible for the
Barrett literary Prize. which carries
a cash award

JAR seeks sltort stories. poems.
essays. photography and drawings.
Kelly said. Written works should be

All etttries innst include a separ-
ate coy'er sheet with name. local ad-
dress and telephone number.

.S'tibnrty‘y‘tony‘ y/lrmld be taken to
[15/ Patterson Office lower or
"int/ed to: .IAR Marianne: Hon/try
Program; [/5] Patterson (It/ice
'I‘oiy'er: (i’flll't’l'ylh‘ of Kentucky:




Sonic Youth concert began and
ended on sour notes —— but what
do you expect from this band?
Review, Page 2.


Tennis players Mike Hopkinson
and Mahyar Goodarz will repre-
sent UK in Volvo All-American
tournament. Story, Page 3.
Revenge is on the minds of the
members of the men's soccer
team. Story. Page 3.

Ticket distribution continues for
the Georgia and Mississippi
State football games. Story,
Page 3.


Wesley Foundation may have
good intentions, but the organiza-
tion cannot convert UK‘s tradi-
tionally rowdy hockey fans, Edito-
rial, Page 4.

Just as myths about Columbus
should be dispelled, so, too,
should those about American In-
dians. Column, Page 4.


Mostly cloudy, breezy and mild
today with a 30 percent chance
of thundershowers; high between
75 and 80. Breezy and mild to-
night with a 50 percent chance of
thundershowers; low between 55
and 60. Occasional thundershow-
ers tomorrow; high between 70
and 75.


New program to promote volunteerism





Diversions .................................. 2

Sports .......

Viewpoint ................................... 4

Classifieds ................................. 5

By Charity Beck
Contributing Writer


More than Milli) Kcnttitky to!
Iege students ctirreritly yoltiirteet tor
coitiiiitinity sct'ylt‘e ot'gaiii/arions
but the state is working to wet .ts


itiatty as ~2.llllll inyolycd thioti-'Ii .i

new prograitt called “(atnptis

Sctye "

Some or the students who already
yoltinteci are plaiittttg [tees .yhile
others are picking tip garbage or
sery mg hot meals to the hotttclcss

But all are gaining the eypettetice

ltsttssnt‘s Iii silt. \t‘\lyl\ s pitiIi

leitis said \ll[|l|.lI|I'\ |\‘l‘l.llil to
the tlt.rttt.lliii tot lit. I .~iir- tori

’I .tri it the} irtst waiit l-w vo the

:tiotititarits lot .t charuip want
to empower tli. with [lit
skills to work with th. l‘lllt .iiatat y
and lit able to handle the pit-bkiiis
world ”


when they \lllkl lh.‘ ital

(iattrty said ol llrt yohrrtlttt pro

IR is tct|lleslltl‘.' .tll \lsiilio
grant liont tlte ls'enttitkt (oiintil

on Higher that would Itind strident
protects loi‘ (anipiis\etyt (iaiitty

United Way fall festival
today at Student Center


By Li-Chang Su
Contributing Writer


l'K's ITnitcd Way hind-raising
catttpaigtt will present a Variety ol
activities on the Student ( ‘citter pat-
to today as part of its I'aII I'estiyal

lltc l’estiy'al. w lttclt rtitis t‘t'om II
am. to I p.m.. will tttclttdc a rattle
and auction. Iiyc iii/I music. a bake
sale. and chocolate cake aitd pnmp-
ktti pie recipe contests

Byron Robertson. cliairtttan oi
l‘estiy'al committee. said rattle prtI-
es include art books. tree dititters at
local restatirtmts attd tttore.

At |2zl5 pin \anotts items will
he tltlcttotted to tile highest bidders.

Robertson said

\‘omc ol the items tip lt‘l bid are
a ltattdctaltcd rocking horse, tillllr
ptiter soltware arid Iootball arid bas-
k‘t‘lhltll tickets

An eyening on the towtt tri-
chtdtng an overnight stay at lloli
day Ititi. dinner tot two .it a la ltieic
arid Kentucky Ilteatit lttkcts
also will be .lllylltillt'rl

Iyyo l "K i;t// groups will present
concerts. attd siy agencies that re
ceiye tttnds [tom the l'iirted \kay
are setting tip information booths to
introduce their otgant/ations. Rob-
ertson said

See UNITED Back Page

said lhil» 'Irrt. etatil~ will lit ‘ir.
.Ii and iii l‘llLI l\.tiliitk. toll, .s
and ll|||\\lslll\" also .ttt totiiptttrii'
she said Ihi. \t'llllyll s decision is
. \Py’ylyrl Ill \r'yt‘ltll‘tl
tatttptis\er\e also is awarding
eight \I ”Mr tottipttitrye grants to
iiidryidttal \Illllt llls
lo apply stridcttts tttttst write
proposals tot 'ytilllllly't'l pioietts and
submit them to ( i.lllll\ by \lt»iiday
\\|lltllll‘.' students will lie awarded
the grants to torttplete proposed
liltilct‘ls, she said

”lie-sides ittsl ||I.ll\lll“ the stndcrtts

lcel good. it looks “lt‘al on a testi

IIlt "Marin. llil
lliiiipii»\.i . .-.ii‘ i. 'i'li.|l' di
rtttI‘. tItroii'f; lli. \liid.:it \i-Iiiii
it.t ( ttitti rim. ill l' llitid .i:
\Itlrotrj‘li the \.trt.r lIItlIll‘t‘I

ship has .tlIItt st ilt‘lll‘lttl \Illy c its IIl

option (iatiil. ~.tlil \iiii.iil tit.iti
lyeiship is lll‘l tlly'll"l| ta» lllyyl
cointtiiiiat. ti.-.ds \lit said ( artt

ptis\ei\t is tlt\l"llyrl to .tirsw.t tlir»
problem but adtkd that it also acts
with 'stl‘slyt

sttrdttils' ttlll

students ltlkiilmtl

leaititite ‘ i~t llslll"

.I\ ll\ tires to e IIlI.tI|\ .



Presidential candidates
prepare for next debate


By David Espo
Assocrated Press


President littsh and Hill ('Iin-
tott prepped pttyately yesterday
tor tltctr second showdown in a
catttpatgtt growing tcstier by the
day licketitiatcs llan I‘llldyly'
arid .‘\I (tore sparicd at .i dis
lance. as it locked in a debate
without end

“I thttik this adtttinisttatioti is
unraveling." said ( tore. the No .‘
tttatt on the Democratic ticket
“(ieorgc Iltish is iii a political



conltrtnattott by the adritttttstta
ttott that it had seatthcd tltiotigh

embassy tiles oyetseas tot \'iet
naiti-cta tntottiiatton on ( ‘littton

[TIIIIILLH llL‘ \ tilllt‘lltlt‘tl.

With the (it il' lagging iii the
See ELECTION. Back Page








Sonic Youth meshes mosh, trash, slash and slam in live show


By John Abbott
Staff Critic


Sonic Youth's show at Bogart‘s
on Tuesday began on a sour note -_
and ended on a sour note.

in fact, most of the show was
nothing but sour notes and ear-
bending chords. Then again, this is
Sonic Youth we're talking about —
a band that has built a career out of
making guitars whine, bleed and
beg for mercy. No one would ex-



stst Kim Gordon taking lead vocals
on the languid “Shoot.“ but the
crowd wasn‘t quiet for long. The
second that guitarists Lee Ranaldo
and Thurston Moore screeched out
the opening chords of the magnifi-


pect anything 1““ cent “100‘,“ the mosh pit erupted

The set started slowly. Willi bas- in full force.








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it's not your typical mosh song
— it's not very fast at all — but it
m0tors along with a thumping,
breathless lurch that makes you
want to slam into people. The band
followed it up with Gordon's seeth-
ing ultra—feminist rant “Kool
Thing." and after that, the place
never really settled down.

Sonic Youth relied almost exclu-
sively on material from its latest re-
lease, 0170'.

I felt a little cheated. Sure, there's
something to be said for showcasing
yottr latest stuff, but this was going
too far. I was disappointed that the
band members completely ignored
their fine 1087 release Daydream
Natimt. and only pulled one song,
the standout ”Kool Thing" from
their previous album (fun.

If Dirty didn‘t have so much
choice stuff on it, I‘d have been

really annoyed.

A really good live set will make
you want to rush out and buy the al-
bum afterwards, and Sonic Youth
did that for me. The first time I
heard the new album, I didn‘t like it
very much — with the exception of
gems like “100%"and “Nic Fit,“
the songs were much too long and
contained dead spots that ruined the
thrashy power of the music.

As i bounced around the place.
being elbowed in the face and
pushed in the back again and again.
I realized what these spots were. I
mistook them for lapses. bttt they
w ere actually cleverly placed niosh-
ing breaks. during which you could
breathe a couple times before slant-
ming around again.

it‘s difficult to appreciate this
when you‘re Just spinning a CD at
home — but when you've just

spent three minutes using yourself
as a pinball. that little break is a

Three or four times during the
show, Moore would flick on a radio
to a random station and let some
mindless pop song play for a few
seconds as he and Gordon punctuat-
ed it with crushing squalls of feed-

At one point, he stepped up to the
microphone and screamed: “McDo-
nalds sucks!"

Whal'.’ Was be making some nia-
jL‘SlfC political staternent'.’

“Don't eat there?"

Some cutting comment on the
cytl capitalist structure of Attiertca.
as typified by big business} A dec-
laration of integrity.’

“Well. unless you're hungry

No. l Lhtnk he Just likes Wendy 's





“axis" 0 F F




Sherman’s Aftey y. .' “3


berV/‘NS A. .E V 4ft;



JVIC‘C Hugo. E new :c take
advantage 0‘ the nary adovtb
0‘ wisdom you o‘trr aoocnoc
:0 .16 wear on Let‘s


W'c arrf


Hey! I nae 'caatng
"saucy" Yoi. intermixed
a w‘tty retort trovr






Jrctr ”age. a: re 10m!” '.'.
anaerorana mg as :. you're
cappocca to o“:r
5 i'roatwt ;‘ adwcc


La": you as: am so
on the streets

lit? .10!" Kidiqé’

“age Aa‘wcc From Hugo






Loris: toue?




Vojrc 54000660 to say "I've
occr trc'e lmow wrat 10.1.75
90th trroagn " Vac (row. say
something src‘ourta

Vro‘oum. so? It: . r rrmco
0‘ heartacnc. broom. .
bed to Search ‘5' my

963cc 9y chatting my
)35 am or nu mg '5

76‘5va urge a

car a“ peer


Vania. Unit now 390‘!
a reassurance rug?


5mm 1"" reading
“If and .o :- "
Now ac." me











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Ranaldo and Moore both had
their customary "So what?" atti-
tudes, and Gordon simply smoul-
dered on stage. Though all of her
songs tend to be a little heavy on
male—bashing. she hit the mark on
songs like “Drunken Butterfly" A!
wherein some natneless sex-starved
male chants. “I love youY/l love
youl/l love youY/NVhat's your
name?" in try trig to seduce her. and
"Swimsuit Issue," where she has to
remind her overly friendly employ
er. "Don't touch my breasts/fin tiist
working at the desk "

[)rttiittner Steve Shelley looked.
as usual. out of I‘lac c I'm still con
\ittced that hos secretly .f shoplift
ttig yuppie and has to pl.i\ this ct;
to tsork off his sentence [zitltci
that. or the other three kidnapped
littti frotit sotiie tttcc, sedate town tit
Nebraska and forced htttt to play
drums for them.

I think he‘s a brilliant drutiitner
_ one of the most inventive drum-
mers in music today — but he Just
looks too clean-cut to be providing
the backbeat for the three era/ed
distortion merchants that he‘s up on
stage with. Then again, you might
not expect a guy named Thurston to
ionure his guitar like that. either.

Strange, very strange.

To end the show, Moore handed
his guitar over to another guy.
wrapped both hands ftnnly around
the microphone and launched into a
howling version of the dizxytngly
fast “Nic Fit." At this point the
mosh pit turntxi absolutely lethal. If
I had fallen down during this song.
I know I'd have been stomped to








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Kentucky Kernel. Thursday. October 15. 1992 - 3


Goodarz, Hopkinson to represent UK in Volvo tournament

UK ’s top doubles combination

plans to attack singles bracket


By Brant Welch
Senior Staff Writer


l'K tennis pliners Mike Hopkin-
son ;utd Mahytr (toodarl are work—
lily litu‘d ttot to sueeumb to the pres-
sures of the \‘olxo :\ll~:\tllcrlc;ut
tournattient this weekend tit Austin.

the tournament. which begins to-
da}, mil teature some of the best
eollege tennis talettt trom about (ill
tini\ erstttes aeross the eottntr)

“lhts is a really strong l'teld."
satd l‘K tennis eoaeh Dennis lam-
er_\ “'l his tournament is eonstdered


for next two
home games

Staff reports



Student ttekets tor the (ICUr‘
:jl.l and Mississippi State tool
ball flames ate still .i\atlable at
the \l‘elllt‘tldl (’oltsettm tieket

llistttlttittoti lot the (let :4
(teot‘eia fldlllL‘ and the (let. 1l
\‘ttsstssippt \tate game began
yestet'da} atid eotttiiiues toda)
atid tomorton trom ‘l am to 4
p Ill

Beginning Monday Director
ot \dintittstiatne Seniees
Rodney \tiles said. tlte I’K
ttekei tlllltk‘ \Hll begin selling:
student ttekets to the pttblte.
\‘iiles ttiged students to get
tiekets as soon as possible or
risk being: lelt utthotit them

He said tielsets to the (ieor~
jgia gamer espeeiall}. would
\e‘il ltl\l

\tiles said that the game is
ahead} a sellout

Students must present \‘ttll-
dated [Us and aeti\it_\' eards to
reeetxe one tieket to each of
the games - attd may bring
the H) atid aetixtt} eartl of art-
otliet student to reeen'e one ad»
dittoiial tieket

tittest tiekets are tl\'ttll:lhle‘
l\‘}lllllllilfj toda) l’t'tees are Sl-l
tot eitd /otte seals and 813 tor
stadititti seats

llisttil‘utioii tor the \"ander-
hilt loothall game Not: 7 at
(‘ottttnottiielath “I” begin
\Vedtiesda). l let, ZN at the eolt—








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to be the national Clittlllpltlllsllip ot
the tall “

llopkinson and (ioodarl. the
only tuo l'K pla_\ers eompettng.‘ iii
the tottntament. agreed.

“Some ot' the best plan-rs IIi the
eotmtr) are here." said ”ilpkllhtllli
a business administration ttttiiot'
trom lndianapolts. lnd, “But I
don‘t think Mahytr or m) sell \H“
be tnttmidated."

llopktnson aiid (ioodat'l tlllilll'
tied tor the tournament beeaiise
the) are the Nth-ranked doubles
teattt iii the eottntr). Hi this tall
lieeattse the) haxe qtialtt‘ied tot tlte

titatti draw tn the doubles tourna-
ment. the) are both eligible to pla)
tn the quali-

tor troin Melbourne .\ttstt.tlta
"lle's played agiunst this type eotii
ttetttton be


tying rounds
ot the singles

which starts

\sho eompet-
ed tn the
last )ear. said
he thinks that
llopkittson. '
“ho is next
to the totirna- HOPKINSON
itient_ \ttll ttot be at‘t'eeted b) the
toe! ol eompetttton

"He‘s prett) aware ot’ uhat the
Met ot eomtrtition is going: to be
like." satd (toodat'l. a (ierman lllll’





title Ht
kttous \\i1.ll
hL‘ llih ltl th'
to \\Ill "

And \\ heii
it eoiiies time
lot the doti
bles matehes
(‘oaeh l-mets
also lenous
\that both
plan-rs \\ill





misc . \ltl [it
“I“ play
”1011' .l:“.'tt'\

”lhe} \ll” lime to be \et\ a"
L‘tessne.” l'tttet} satd ”lhe\ il.l'\\‘

to be Lt).‘f_‘le\\l\e tn their illtt\e‘llleltl\

Soccer team thinking revenge


By Chris Tipton
Contributing Writer



lhat‘s \\ hat utll be oti the ttttitds
ot the \thdeats soeeei' teatti \\llL‘ll it
takes on Western Ke‘tlllle‘k) this .th
tet’itoon at (age l‘ield

today‘s mateh should eotittntie
\\ hat has uroun into a bitter lllasldlc
ti\.ihs hetueeti the too ttaiits last
\e'dt. the lltlltoppets steatittolled a
jittllllfl \\ tldeat teatn It H til “we. hit;
(tlt‘t‘ll. K\

"\onie ol the thin-Ls tn the papet
doun thete. \\e leel xtete .t llllh l‘tl
artoeant." l'K eoaeh \aitt \\iN'l\ti
said “\\ e \te‘tett" pleased \\tih the
“at atothing \tent douii thete. and
it's ereated a prett} intense t'l\.tll\ "

llte (Itts are tn the middle ot a
\t‘t'_\ important “Ck‘N uliteh lul'
ttiies three hard games. illehltiltlfl

Sillltl.l_\.s Z-ll loss to \‘oitth t'atolitia
and \aliiid.t}\ tllt‘L‘ltllg \Hlll Nott’e

”\Ve it} take our games Ill t\\o— oi
thtee~mateh segments (ll eoutse.
\Vestein Kentuek} and \'otre Ilame
ts one ol those” \\ooteii satd "\\ e
have to \Hll both ot these patties
eomtn: tip tlits “eek ”

\\ooleti \xoitld like to see a lot ot

the satiie attitude that uas pre sent iii
the l \t j'.tiiie \.lll\ out to todas s
lll.l[\ll Hoe iiiiptoxeiitettt in said he
hopes the le'illll ‘.\ill iiiait 1‘ iii ot
lt'll\t\e exetiitioti

"\\e had the hall heltttid lilellt til
the \l‘lll’el\ all game loin: last time.”
he said "\\'hen that happtits we
litetl to get people lit the l\o\ aid
the itttis at the ball so he eati eieate
opptutttiiities "

Hit the IlL'lClth side \\ooteii
hopes to get beltei pla\ .ttotittd the
\\ildt.its j_'o;t|






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"\Ve \\ete _L‘t\lll}_' tip goals on set
play lll otit detetistxe thitd.” \\oo
teit satd " that happens \xlieti \\e at
lo“ the ball to get through oitt titid
tield attd get numbers tip on its ”

Wooten ts taeed “tilt the tasls ot
eoti\ettttig_‘ the p|a_\ets‘ \e'llfltfltll at
tittide into inteiistt} that utll help
the team

"\\ e'\e had a lot ol eaiites
.lf.‘:llll\l [‘lt‘lh good teams hen te

teittlu htit otii ittttitsit. ilil\ it in
tlieie' he said "i date sat. that :ii
'iixs \\i|| he lt.l\l\ to p|.t\ .e‘aiitsl
\\\\l\t|l Ke'llltlth- iiist ioi lt‘.\ll"t

tioitt what happened last 'si'.tt




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to go alone \\llll the it 'ood shut»-

llopkitisoii tettetated his loathe s

"\\e ham to ti. to ls lllt‘lt a-'
gltexsn e at Pt‘dtlllll‘,‘ the int .ttid sit
ting: tip the othet ptaset' he said
"\ometimes m ilix
“fill that "

llopkitisoit and iti‘t‘tiill/ ti‘v‘
must keep on top et ”h slitlt
points ol tlteti game

"We h.i\ e to return \\\ ll tiid st tut
“Gill” llopktnsoti satd ' lhost _II\ “’1‘ Ml“
out strengths" (“Ml-W \Hi' "\\~

lltlpklllsttll satd the\ eatiiiot look
past an_\one ltl this totttiiaittent

"\Ve ha\ e to take it one "ante .11 .t
time." he said
oiii lttst lttaltlt ‘.\e triti
l‘lllltl .iiid fjdlll eonlide il\ t lioiit ll "

lhotiggh the\ .tie llt

\lll‘llt\ matehes
'l Ihitil. ‘.\t \.lll lh'lil late uell tll

said Non Il.l\\ to ill‘PI-hhll it the

th_ sitt;'h s loiiiiiaiin tit “
satin ~.\.i\ as ton do the doubles

i tait ttoiie”antimitatiitii
lint tti s-tttti

do not
Hill .I thatiipioiiship llt tillli‘l the
\lllj..'|t‘ oi doubles totiiiihiie itt Iliat iI

(titthlh/ s.tltl [ital it Hit.

‘Alll not llli .tll ei'lill‘le it tailine
Nintess \it‘\ sit t test on ‘.\lttil|ll_'.'
oii hon \‘.t oiiistlu‘s."
hist true to go
out and _‘.,‘l\i it out best shot It \te
don t ‘»\lll the whole Illlll“ l‘lll phi)
\\t It oxetitll it tan still bent ltl its “
"\tiuess lllll‘Ks ott lllltl» \tlii that ;‘l.i»lll" will this
it he ‘.\lit week toiild lit lp iii. in lie \t spirit}:
ili'.\ trill tettlx litip them tittalit;
lot the \t \ \ twittt tllve ill ||| \iax ”

iiittix s titl

titan hes

\t'llts wt ul
\itsttii lx

eiiise tlte\ rllx' .i \llitlttl tittlll‘lt\

li.l||l. the\ are hot outlooiiiiv‘ the


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Editorial Board
(Etc-gory A. Hall, lzditot iit ('liiet
Joe Braun. lalttoiial lutlttot

Kentucky Kernel
l,slablished iii 18‘“
Independent since l‘)‘l

lerty \ oigt. l ditotial ('artootiisi
\lary \latlden. \iaiiaging l rlitoi
llale ( ireet. ltxecutiye lzditor
Iyrone Beason. .\ews l-dilor
Brian lent. Senior Stall Writer
Laura (illlll


Wesley Foundation saved
Cool Cats, can ’t convert

rowdy UK hockey fans

Many people at UK think of Cool Cats hockey as a raucous mid-
night ritual.

Earlier this semester. that ritual seemed end