xt7h707wq95s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7h707wq95s/data/mets.xml United States. Department of the Army United States United States. Department of the Army 1986 recipes D 101.11:10-412/985 English For sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws U.S. Military Recipe Collection Cooking for military personnel Armed Forces Recipe Service, Vegetables, 1986 text image 1 v. (various pagings), col. ill, 13 x 21 cm. Call Number: D 101.11:10-412/985 Armed Forces Recipe Service, Vegetables, 1986 1986 1986 2022 true xt7h707wq95s section xt7h707wq95s O. VEGETABLES Q—G. VEGETABLES No. 1(1) GUIDELINES FOR HEATING CANNED VEGETABLES YIELD: 100 Portions EACH PORTION: 1/2 Cup (See Note 6) INGREDIENTS WEIGHTS MEASURES METHOD Asparagus, spears 31 lb 11 oz 35—No. 300 . Pour off half the liquid. and stalks or cut cn . Place vegetables and remaining spears liquid in steam—jacketed kettle or Beans, green or wax 25 lb 4 oz 4—No. 10 stock pot. cn . Simmer about 10 minutes, stir- Beets .............. 26 lb ..... 4—No. 10 ring gently. DO NOT ALLOW TO cn BOIL. Cabbage, red, sweet 26 lb ..... 4—No. 10 . Place in serving pans. and sour cn Carrots ............ 26 lb 4 oz 4—No. 10 on Corn, whole kernel 26 lb 8 oz 4—No. 10 en Okra .............. 27 lb 2 oz 28—No. 303 cn INGREDIENTS WEIGHTS MEASURES METHOD Onions ............ 25 lb 4 oz 4—No. 10 on 26 lb 4 oz 4—No. 10 on Potatoes, sweet . . . . 22 lb 8 oz 21—No. 3 vac on, or lS—No. 21/2 cn Potatoes, White, 25 lb 8 oz 4—No. 10 Whole cn Spinach ........... 24 lb 8 oz 4—No. 10 cn Butter or margarine, 1 lb ...... 2 cups . . . 5. Pour an equal amount of butter or melted (optional) margarine over vegetables in each pan. Garnish as desired. (CONTINUED) Q—G. VEGETABLES No. 1(2) GUIDELINES FOR HEATING CANNED VEGETABLES Prepare vegetables in small batches to prevent mushy, broken, or discolored vegeta- bles because of overcooking. . Leftover liquid may be used in making soups, sauces, and gravies. Refrigerate until ready to use. . To heat in steamer, place vegetables and liquid in pans. See Guidelines for Steam Cooking Vegetables (Recipe No. Q—G—G). Follow Step 5. . For other size cans, See Recipe No. A—5. . To heat vacuum packed corn, add 2 cups water. . One—No. 8 scoop may be used. See Recipe No. A—4. GUIDELINES FOR HEATING CANNED VEGETABLES (Seasoned) YIELD: 100 Portions EACH PORTION: 1/2 Cup (See Note 6) INGREDIENTS WEIGHTS MEASURES METHOD Beans, lima ........ 26 lb 4 oz 4—No. 10 . Place vegetables and liquid in cn steam—jacketed kettle or stock Beans, White, in 27 lb 8 oz 4—No. 10 pot. tomato sauce with cn . Add seasonings as desired. Heat pork to a simmer; simmer about 10 Corn, cream style . . 26 lb 8 oz 4—No. 10 minutes stirring occasionally. DO cn NOT ALLOW TO BOIL. Peas, blackeye ..... 26 lb 8 oz 4—No. 10 cn Sauerkraut 24 lb 12 4—No. 10 oz cn Tomatoes .......... 25 lb 8 oz 4—No. 10 en (CONTINUED) Q—G. VEGETABLES No. 1(3) GUIDELINES FOR HEATING CANNED VEGETABLES (Seasoned) In Step 2, vegetables may be seasoned with: 1 lb (2 cups) bacon fat, butter, or mar— garine, 1 lb (3 cups) diced bacon, cooked until crisp; l to 2 tsp black pepper. . In Step 2, black-eye peas may be seasoned with 1 lb (3 cups) diced raw bacon. Simmer 45 minutes. . For additional seasoning variations, see Recipe No. Q—G—4. . To heat in steamer, place vegetables and liquid in pans. See Guidelines for Steam Cooking Vegetables (Recipe No. Q—G——6). . For other size cans, see Recipe No. A—5. . One—No. 8 scoop may be used. See Recipe No. A—4. Q—G. VEGETABLES No. 2(1) GUIDELINES FOR COOKING FRESH VEGETABLES YIELD: 100 Portions EACH PORTION: See PertiOn Size Below VEGETABLE AS PUR- CHASED (A.P.) EDIBLE PORTION (E.P.) LBS AMOUNT OF WATER COOK- ING TIME MINUTES (APPROX) PORTION SIZE Asparagus ................. Broccoli Carrots, sliced ............. Cauliflower ................ Corn-on-the—cob (100 ears) . . Greens, collard ............ Greens, kale ............... 37 lb 13 oz 25 lb 10 oz 25 lb ..... 24 lb 6 oz 24 lb ..... 55 lb ..... 27 lb ..... 28 lb 3 oz 20 ....... 20 ....... 11/2ga1... 3gal 3gal Zgal 3gal tocover.. Zgal 2qt ...... 10 to 20 10 to 15 10 25 12 5 to 10 20 to 30 10 to 12 4 to 5 spears 2 to 3 spears 3 oz wedge 1/2 cup 3 to 4 flowerets l ear 1/2 cup 1/2 cup YIELD: 100 Portions EACH PORTION: See Portion Size Below VEGETABLE AS PUR- CHASED (A.P.) EDIBLE PORTION (E. P.) LBS AMOUNT OF WATER COOK- ING TIME MINUTES (APPROX) PORTION SIZE Onions .................... Parsnips ................... Potatoes, sweet ............ Potatoes, White ............ Rutabagas ................. Spinach ................... Squash, summer ........... Squash, fall and Winter ..... Turnips .................... 22 lb 3 oz 23 lb 10 oz 28 lb 12 oz 43 lb ..... 23 lb 10 oz 19 lb 10 oz 25 lb 3 oz 23 lb ..... 24 lb 10 oz 20 ....... 20 ....... 3 gal . . . . to cover . . to cover . . to cover . . Zgal 2qt ...... 2cups 3qt....... Zgal 15 to 20 20 25 to 30 20 to 25 20 to 30 3 to 10 20 15 to 20 20 to 30 1/2 cup 3 to 4 pieces 2 to 3 pieces 1 potato or 2 to 3 pieces 1/2 cup 1/2 cup 1/2 cup 1/2 cup 1/2 cup (CONTINUED) Q—G. VEGETABLES No. 2(2) GUIDELINES FOR COOKING FRESH VEGETABLES METHOD . Bring water to a boil in steam-jacketed kettle or stock pot. 2. Add 1 tsp salt. . Add vegetables (E.P. ); bring water back to a boil. Cover; cook for the indicated time or until vegetable is just tender. . Drain; reserving 2 cups of cooking liquid for use in Step 5; place vegetables in serving pans. . Garnish as desired. OPTIONAL: (Melt 1 lb (2 cups) butter or margarine, combine with reserved cooking liquid; pour an equal amount over vegetables in each pan.) NOTE: 1. See Recipe No. A—7 for conversion factor of A.P. (As Purchased) to ER (Edible Portion). . Cut vegetables into bite size pieces. Cooking time will vary according to the thickness (size) of pieces. . Vegetables should be cooked in prescribed amounts of water to ensure the maximum amount of nutrients are retained. . Schedule completion of cooking of fresh vegetables as near serving time as possible, never more than 20 minutes before serving. (OVER) . Cook asparagus, broccoli, cauliflower, collards, kale, spinach, and squash in quan— tities no larger than 50 portion batches. . To cook in steamer, place vegetables in pans. See Guidelines for Steam Cooking Vegetables (Recipe No. Q—G—B). Follow Step 5. . Leftover liquid may be used in making soups, sauces, and gravies. . One—No. 8 scoop may be used to portion some vegetables e.g. carrots, onions, rutabagas, spinach, squash and turnips. See Recipe No. A—4. Q-G. VEGETABLES No. 3(1) GUIDELINES FOR COOKING FROZEN VEGETABLES YIELD: 100 Portions EACH PORTION: About 1/2 Cup (See Notes 5 and 8) VEGETABLES APPROX. AMT. OF WATER APPROX. COOKING TIME METHOD Asparagus ...... Beans, green, wax or French style Beans, lima ..... Broccoli Brussels sprouts Carrots, slices . . to cover . . to cover . . to cover . . to cover . . to cover . . lgal ... 8 to 10 min 5 to 10 mm 12 to 18 min 7 to 9 min 8 to 10 min 10 to 15 mm . Place vegetables in steam-jacketed . Add hot water to just cover or as . Add 1 tsp salt. . Bring to a boil; cover. . Reduce heat; cook gently for the kettle or stock pot. indicated. indicated time or until vegetable is just tender. CH-l VEGETABLES l ‘ APPROX. AMT. OF WATER APPROX. COOKING TIME METHOD Cauliflower ....... Corn—on—the—cob (100 ears) Corn, Whole kernel Greens, collard, mustard or turnip Okra ............. Peas ............. Peas and carrots . . Spinach .......... Squash, summer . . . Succotash ........ Vegetables, mixed . '1 18 lb . . . 201b 32—37 lb. 18lb.... 18lb.... 181b.... 18lb... 1811).... 181b.... 201b.... 181b.... to cover . to cover . lgal.... 1gal.... lgal.... .tocover. to cover 2 cups . lgal.... . to cover . 4 to 8 min 5 to 10 min 4 to 8 min 30 to 40 min 3 to 5 min 6 to 8 min .6t08min 1/2gal 4 to 6 min 10 to 12 min 12 to 18 min 7 to 8 min 6. Drain; reserving 2 cups of cooking liquid for use in Step 7. Place vegetables in serving pan. (CONTINUED) Q—G. VEGETABLES No. 3(2) GUIDELINES FOR COOKING FROZEN VEGETABLES VEGETABLES LB APPROX. AMT. OF WATER APPROX. COOKING METHOD Butter or margarine, melted (optional) Cooking liquid . . 2cups 2 cups . 7. Combine melted butter or margarine and cooking liquid. Pour an equal amount over cooked vegetables. Garnish as desired. NOTE: 1. Vegetables should be cooked in prescribed amounts of water to ensure the maximum amounts of nutrients are retained. 2. Cooking time refers to time after water has returned to second boil. 3. Use progressive cooking for vegetables. Calculate cooking time; schedule preparation for quantity needed at 30 minute intervals; usually no more than a 50 portion batch should be cooked at a time. . Tap vegetable packages lightly to break up solid blocks. Partially thaw spinach and other leaty green vegetables. (OVER) . To prevent breaking up, asparagus, broccoli, Brussels sprouts and cauliflower should be placed in a Wire basket for immersion in boiling water. Serve 4 to 5 spears asparagus, 2 to 3 broccoli spears, 4 to 6 Brussels sprouts (depending on size) or 3 to 4 cauliflower flowerets per serving. . To cook in steamer, place vegetables in pans. See Guidelines for Steam Cooking Vegetables (Recipe No. Q—G—B). Proceed with Step 7. . Lima beans require 2 cups additional cooking liquid When held on steam table. . One—No. 8 scoop may be used for some vegetables e.g. carrots, beans, corn, peas. See Recipe No. A—4. Q-G VEGETABLES No. 5 GUIDELINES FOR HEATING DEHYDRATED, COMPRESSED VEGETABLES YIELD: 100 Portions EACH PORTION: 1/2 Cup INGREDIENTS WEIGHTS MEASURES APPROX. AMT. OF WATER APPROX. REHYDRA- TION TIME METHOD Beans, green, dehydrated, compressed Carrots, dehydrated, diced, compressed Peas, dehydrated, sweet (green), compressed llb202 Z-No 21/2 cn Z-No. 21/2 cn 4-No. 21/2 on 31/2 gal . .. 31/2gal... 4gal,.... 10 min. 10-13 min. 5-7 min. . Add vegetables to . Add 1 tbsp salt for . Stir peas; simmer . Turn off heat. . Drain, reserving 2 boiling water. each gallon of water. other vegetables until discs break apart. Let stand to rehydrate. cups of cooking liquid for use in Step 6. Place in serving pans. (OVER) APPROX. APPROX. AMT. OF REHYDRA- INGREDIENTS WEIGHTS MEASURES WATER TION TIME METHOD Vegetables, mixed, 3 lb ...... 3-No. 21/2 5—10 min. . Pour an equal dehydrated, on amount of butter or compressed margarine over vege- Butter or margarine, 1 lb ...... 2 cups . . . tables in each pan. melted (optional) Garnish as desired. NOTE: One-No. 8 scoop may be used. See Recipe No. A-4. Q—G. VEGETABLES No. 6(1) GUIDELINES FOR STEAM COOKING VEGETABLES Canned Vegetables Place vegetables not more than 2 inches deep in shallow perforated or solid steamer or steam table pans. Add enough liquid for serving. At 5 lb pressure, heat 3 to 5 minutes; at 15 lb pressure, heat 3 to 4 minutes. Fresh and Frozen Vegetables For fresh vegetables, fill steamer pans not more than 4 inches deep. For uniform cooking of frozen vegetables, place vegetables no more than 2 inches deep in shallow pans. Use steam table pans if available. Follow manufac— turer’s directions for cooking times or the guidelines below. In some cases, it may be necessary to establish your own cooking time; note time on appropriate recipe card. Approximate Cooking Time (Minutes) 15 lb pressure (high speed Vegetable Directions for Cooking 5 lb pressure Asparagus, fresh Place whole stalks in single layers in a 6—8 solid pan, or place stalks flat 2 inches deep in perforated pan. Asparagus frozen, Partially thaw. Arrange in single layers in 5—8 cuts and tips shallow solid pan or perforated pan. NOTE: See Guidelines For Steam Cookers Recipe No. A—Zl. CH-l Vegetable Beans, green or wax, frozen Beans, lima, frozen Broccoli, frozen Brussels sprouts, frozen Cabbage, wedges, fresh (3 ounces each) Carrots, fresh, cut in 2 inch length-wise strips Carrots, slices, frozen Cauliflower, fresh, flowerets Cauliflower, frozen, flowerets Directions for Cooking Break frozen blocks into pieces. Place in shallow perforated pan or shallow solid pan filled 2/3 full. Place loose frozen beans in perforated pan or shallow solid pan. Place partially thawed in shallow solid pan or perforated pan. Place partially thawed sprouts in shallow solid pan or perforated pan. Place in shallow solid pan or perforated pan. Place in shallow solid pan filled 1/2 full or perforated pan. Place in shallow solid pan filled 1/2 full or perforated pan. Place in shallow solid pan or perforated pan. Partially thaw. Break blocks in pieces. Place in shallow solid pan or perforated pan. Approximate Cooking Time 5 lb pressure 20—30 20—25 8—10 5—10 8—15 (Minutes) 15 lb pressure (high speed 8—10 3—3 1/2 (CONTINUED) Q—G. VEGETABLES No. 6(2) GUIDELINES F OR STEAM COOKING VEGETABLES Approximate Cooking Time (Minutes) 15 lb pressure (high speed Vegetable Directions for Cooking 5 lb pressure type) Corn, fresh, on—the- Place in perforated pan. 10—12 8—10 cob Corn, frozen, on-the- Place in perforated pan. 7—9 cob Corn, frozen, whole Place in shallow solid pan. kernel Okra, frozen Place in shallow solid pan. 2—3 Onions, dry, whole Place in perforated pan. 10—20 Parsnips, fresh, Place in perforated pan. 10—20 quartered Peas, frozen Place in shallow solid pan. 11/2—21/2 Peas and carrots, Place in shallow solid pan. 11/2—21/2 frozen Potatoes, sweet, fresh, Place in perforated pan. 20—30 whole, unpeeled Potatoes, white, fresh, Place in perforated pan. 20—30 halves or quarters CH—l (OVER) Vegetable Rutabagas, fresh, cut in 1/2 inch dices or slices Spinach, frozen Squash, fresh, summer Squash, frozen, summer Squash, fresh, fall and winter, cut in 2 inch pieces Turnips, fresh, white, cut in 1/8 inch slices Directions for Cooking Place in shallow solid pan or perforated pan. Partially thaw and divide into 3 to 4 blocks. Place in shallow solid pan. Place in shallow solid pan. Place in shallow solid pan. Place in shallow solid pan or perforated pan. Place in shallow solid pan 1/2 full or perforated pan. Approximate Cooking Time 5 lb pressure 25———30 5—10 8~—12 8—12 20—25 15—20 (Minutes) 15 lb pressure (high speed type) 15——20 Q. VEGETABLES No. 0(1) Canned Vegetables. Guidelines for Heating ..... Dehydrated, Compressed Vegetables, Guidelines for Heating Fresh Vegetables, Guidelines for Cooking ................ Frozen Vegetables, Guidelines for Cooking ................ Steam Cooking Vegetables. Guidelines for Asparagus, Canned, Creamed Asparagus, Frozen Au Gratin Creamed CH—Z Q—G—Z Q—G—3 Beans, Canned, Green Herbed Parisienne ................. with Corn Beans, Canned, Kidney Italian Style ............. Ranch Style Beans, Canned, Pinto Italian Style . . . , ......... Ranch Style Refried with Cheese Beans, Canned, Refried with Cheese .................... Beans, Canned, White, with Pork .................. Beans, Dry (Kidney, Lima, Pinto, or White) Baked Boston Baked Italian—Style ............. Savory Ranch Style Refried with Cheese Retried Savory Style Beans Simmered Dry ............. without Bacon Spanish Style Lima Beans . . Beans, Green, Dehydrated, Compressed Green Beans with Corn Beans, Frozen, Green or Wax Green Beans Creole Beans, Frozen, Green or Wax— Continued Green Beans Nicoise ....... Q—7—3 Green Beans Southern Style .................... Q—7—4 Green Beans with Corn . . . . Q—39 Green Beans with Mushrooms .............. Q—7—2 Lyonnaise Green or Wax Beets Harvard Hot Spiced In Orange-Lemon Sauce . . . . Broccoli Parmesan Polonaise (CONTINUED) Q. VEGETABLES No. 0(2) Broccoli—Continued Tempura Fried ............. Brussels Sprouts Parmesan Polonaise Sprouts Superba ........... Cabbage, Canned, Red with Sweet and Sour Sauce Cabbage, Dehydrated. Compressed Bavarian Buttered ................... Chinese Fried Piquant with Bacon Cabbage, Fresh Calico ..................... Fried ...................... CH—Z Cabbage, Fresh—Continued Chinese with Bacon with Precooked Bacon . . . . Cabbage, Fresh, Red with Sweet and Sour Sauce Carrots Amandine and Celery Amandine ...... Ginger Glazed ............. Lyonnaise ................. Normandie Tempura Fried ............. Cauliflower Au Gratin Curried with Peas French Fried ............... Cauliflower—Continued Parmesan Polonaise Tempura Fried ............. Corn, Cream Style Fritters Pancake Mix Pudding ................... Scalloped Southern Style .' ............ Corn, On-the-Cob Deep Fried Corn, Whole Kernel and Tomatoes, Baked Calico ..................... Mexican ................... O’Brien .................... Pudding ................... Q—27—2 Q—27—1 Q—ZZ—l Corn—Continued Scalloped (Canned) ........ Frozen Eggplant French Fried ............... Parmesan Canned Pizza Sauce Ratatouille (Eggplant and Zucchini) Tempura Fried ............. Greens, Fresh (Collards or Kale) Southern Style ............. With Ham Hocks (Pork Hocks) ................. with Ham Hocks (Smoked, Cured, Pork Hocks) . . . Sweet Sour ( Card No. Q—23—1 Q—28 Q—29—2 Q—29—3 Q—29—4 CONTINUED) Q. VEGETABLES No. 0(3) Greens, Frozen (Collards, Mustard or Turnip)—Continued Southern Style ............. Mushrooms Sautéed and Onions .............. Okra and Tomato Gumbo ........ French Fried ............... Southern Fried ............. Q—29—l Q-30—l Q—31 Q—ZO—l Q—32 Onion Bing Mix (Dehydrated Potatoes, Onion Flavored) French Fried Onion Rings . . . Onions, Dry Au Gratin Baked With Tomatoes . Creamed Onions (Canned) ..... CH—Z Q—35—3 Q—33—2 Q—34 Q—33 Q—33—l Onions, Dry—Continued French Fried Onion Rings . . Frozen Tempura Fried ........... Fried ...................... Spanish ................... Onions, Dehydrated, Smothered ................. Parsnips Peas, Canned with Mushrooms Peas, Dehydrated, Compressed With Mushrooms Peas, Frozen Creamed With Carrots ............... With Celery ................ Peas Frozen—Continued with Mushrooms with Onions Potatoes, Sweet Candied ................... Glazed Brandied with Blended Syrup ...... Marshmallow .............. Mashed Scalloped and Apples ...... and Apples (Canned) . . and Pineapple (Canned) . . . Southern Style ............. Potatoes, White, Dehydrated, Diced Hashed Brown Potatoes . . . Potatoes, White, Dehydrated, Diced—Continued Scalloped Potatoes, White, Dehydrated, Sliced Au Gratin German Griddle Cakes Hashed Brown Lyonnaise ................. O’Brien .................... Scalloped and Onions .............. Potatoes, White, Fresh Au Gratin with Soup, Condensed, Cream of Mushroom Quick Baked Halves Q-55—2 Q—Sl—l Q—19 Q—54 Q—54—l Q—54—2 Q-55—l Q—55 Q—51 Q—51—2 Q—44 Q—44—l (CONTINUED) Q. VEGETABLES No. 0(4) Card No. Potatoes, White, Fresh—Continued Potatoes, White, Fresh—Continued Baked—Continued Grilled Patties ............. Q—48—1 with Broccoli and Cheese Hashed Brown Q—46 Sauce Topping Q_83_4 Home Fried ................ Q—47 with Cheese Sauce Lyonnaise ................. Q-46—3 Topping ............... Q—83—3 Mashed Q—48 With Chili Topping ------- Q—83 O'Brien .................... Q—49 with Chili Con Game With On the Half Shell Q—78——1 Beans Topping Q—83—1 Oven Browned ............. Q-50 With Chili Con Carne With Oven—G10 ................. Q—50—3 Beans (Dehydrated) . . . . Q-83—2 Paprika Q_77_1 With Hamburger Stroganofi Parsley .................... Q—77 Topping ............... Q-83—5 Rissole Q—52 Cottage Fried .............. Q-46—l Alternate Method Double Baked Q-78 Scalloped Franconia Q—50—1 and Onions .............. French Baked .............. Q-50—2 Supreme French Fried ............... Q—45 CH — 2 (OVER) Potatoes, White, Frozen, Diced O'Brien .................... Potatoes, White, Frozen, French Fries French Fried ............... Oven Method ............ Shoestring ................. Oven Method Potatoes, White, Frozen, Shredded Hashed Brown Potatoes, White, Instant, Granules Duchess ................... Golden Potato Balls ........ Grilled Potato Cakes ....... Mashed Card No. Q-49—l Q—45—l Q—45—2 Q—45—3 Q—46—2 ~ Q—57—1 Q—56 Q—57—2 Potatoes, White, Shredded (Hash Brown), Dehydrated Hashed Brown Potato Mix French Fries Rutabagas and Bacon ................. Q—74—l Mashed and Potatoes Sauerkraut Braised .................... Q—68 German Q—59 with Tomatoes ............. Q—79 Spinach Tangy ..................... Q — 85 (CONTINUED) Q. VEGETABLES No. 0(5) Card No. Squash Baked Acorn ............... Q—61—1 Baked Hubbard Creole Summer Fried Summer Louisiana Style, Smothered ............... Q — 64 Succotash, Seasoned ......... Q — 65 Sweet Peppers Tempura Fried ............. Q - 86 — 4 Tomatoes Chilled (Canned) Deep Fat Fried French Fried ............... Stewed .................... Q — 73 with Croutons Q—73—2 Turnips and Bacon ........... Q—74 CH-Z Vegetable Combos ........... Beans, Green, French Style, Lima, and Carrots Beans, Green, French Style, Carrots, and Celery ...... Broccoli, Corn, and Carrots .................. Brussels Sprouts, Corn, and Carrots .................. Cauliflower, Peas, and Carrots .................. Corn, Beans, and Carrots . Peas, Corn, and Celery Vegetable Stir Fry Zucchini Tempura Fried ............. CREAMED ASPARAGUS Q. VEGETABLES N o. 1 YIELD: 100 Portions EACH PORTION: 1/2 Cup or 4 to 5 Spears INGREDIENTS WEIGHTS MEASURES METHOD Asparagus, cuts and tips, frozen Salt .............. Water, boiling . . . . . Add asparagus to salted water. . Bring to a boil; boil gently, UNCOVERED, 8 minutes or until just tender. Drain; reserve liquid for use in Step 3. Milk, nonfat, dry . . Water and reserved liquid, warm . Reconstitute milk; heat to just below boiling. DO NOT BOIL. Butter or margarine, melted Flour, Wheat, general purpose, sifted . Blend butter or margarine and flour together; stir until smooth. . Add flour mixture to milk, stirring constantly. Simmer 5 minutes or until thickened. Salt .............. . Taste; season With salt as needed. . Pour sauce over asparagus. (OVER) NOTE: In Step 1, frozen asparagus spears may be used. VARIATIONS . ASPARAGUS AU GRATIN: Follow Steps 1 through 4. In Step 5, add 1 lb 8 oz (1% qt) ground Cheddar cheese to sauce. After sauce is thickened, stir to melt cheese. Follow Steps 6 and 7. . ASPARAGUS, CBEAMED (CANNED): Omit Steps 1 and 2. Use 36 1b 4 oz (40—No. 303 on) canned asparagus. Follow Steps 3 through 5. Omit Step 6. Heat asparagus. Follow Step 7. Q. VEGETABLES No. 2 BAKED BEANS (Canned Beans) YIELD: 100 Portions (1 Pan) EACH PORTION: 1/2 Cup (See Note 5) PAN SIZE: 18 by 24-inch Roasting Pan TEMPERATURE: 350°E Oven INGREDIENTS WEIGHTS MEASURES METHOD Bacon, raw, chopped llb8oz . 71/2 cups . . Place bacon in roasting pan. Onions, dry, 1 lb 5 oz . 1 qt ...... Brown. DO NOT DRAIN. chopped . Add onions to bacon; cook until tender Beans, White, 22 lb 14 oz 21/2 gal . Add beans, catsup, brown sugar, canned With pork (31/3—No. and mustard to bacon—onion mix- in tomato sauce 10 cn) ture. Catsup, tomato . . . . 1 lb 7 oz . 21/2 cups . . Bake, uncovered, l to 2 hours or Sugar, brown ...... 1 lb 11 oz 41/2 cups . until browned. Mustard, prepared . 1/2 cup . . . In Step 2, 1 1b 7 oz dry onions A.P. Will yield 1 lb 5 oz chopped onions. . In Step 2, 21/2 oz (2/3 cup plus 3 tbsp) dehydrated onions may be used. See Recipe No. A—l I. . In Step 3, 73/4—No. 3 cyl cn canned White beans with pork in tomato sauce may be used. . Other sizes and types of pans may be used. See Recipe No. A—25. . One—No. 8 scoop may be used. See Recipe No. A—4. VARIATIONS . BAKED BEANS (KIDNEY BEANS, CANNED): Follow Steps 1 and 2. In Step 3, use 24 1b 12 oz (3% —No. 10 cn) canned kidney beans. Follow Step 4. . BAKED BEANS (PINTO BEANS, CANNED): Follow Steps 1 and 2. In Step 3, use 25 1b (ZS—No. 300 or 303 cn) canned pinto beans. Follow Step 4. Q. VEGETABLES No. 3 BOSTON BAKED BEANS YIELD: 100 Portions (1 Pan) EACH PORTION: 1/2 Cup (33/4 Ounces) PAN SIZE: 18 by 24-inch Roasting Pan TEMPERATURE: 350°F. Oven INGREDIENTS WEIGHTS MEASURES METHOD Beans, kidney, 11/4 gal . Pick over beans, removing dis- pinto or White, colored beans and foreign matter. dry Wash beans thoroughly. Water, cold ........ 21/2 gal . . . . Cover with water; bring to a boil; boil 2 minutes; turn off heat. . Cover; let soak 1 hour. Water, hot ......... variable . . . . Bring beans to a boil; add more water to cover beans, if nece- ssary. Simmer 11/2 hours or until beans are just tender. INGREDIENTS WEIGHTS MEASURES METHOD .. 21/3 tbsp .. . Combine salt, brown sugar, Sugar, brown ...... 23/4 cups . . mustard flour, molasses, vinegar, Mustard flour ...... 5 tbsp and bacon. Add to beans; mix Molasses 2 cups . . . well. Vinegar 1/4 cup . Pour bean mixture into lightly Bacon, raw, 3 cups . . . greased pan; cover. Bake 2 to 3 chopped hours or until tender. Remove cover; bake about 15 minutes. Stir. Bake additional 15 minutes. (Extra hot water may be added to keep beans moist if necessray). Alternate Method: Follow Step 1. Omit Steps 2 and 3. Cover beans with cool water; soak overnight. Follow Steps 4 through 6. . In Step 6, if convection oven is used, bake covered at 325°F. about 2 hours. Uncover; bake about 10 minutes on low fan; stir; bake additional 5 minutes. . One—No. 8 scoop may be used. See Recipe No. A—4. . Other sizes and types of pans may be used. See Recipe No. A-—25. VARIATION l. SAVORY BAKED BEANS: Follow Steps 1 through 4. In Step 5, add 101/2 oz (2 cups) chopped dry onions (12 oz AP.) and 3 qt (l-No. 10 cn) canned tomato catsup. Follow Step 6. ITALIAN—STYLE BAKED BEANS Q. VEGETABLES No. 4(1) YIELD: 100 Portions (1 Pan) EACH PORTION: 1/2 Cup PAN SIZE: 18 by 24—inch Roasting Pan TEMPERATURE: 350°F. Oven INGREDIENTS WEIGHTS MEASURES METHOD Beans, kidney, lima, 1% gal . Pick over beans, removing dis- pinto, or White, (variable) colored beans and foreign matter. dry Wash beans thoroughly. Water, cold ....... 5 gal . . . . . Cover with water; add salt; bring to a Salt .............. 6 tbsp . . . boil; boil 2 minutes; turn off heat. . Cover; let soak 1 hour. Water, hot ........ variable . . Bring beans to a boil; add more water to cover beans if necessary. Simmer 11/2 hours or until beans are just tender. . Drain beans; reserve liquid for use in Step 7, and beans for use in Step 8. (OVER) INGREDIENTS WEIGHTS V MEASURES METHOD Onions, dry, chopped Celery, fresh, finely diced Garlic, dry, minced Salad oil ......... llb4oz. llb8oz. 3% cups . 41/2 cups . 5 tsp (5 cloves) 1 cup . . . . 6. Sauté onions, celery, and garlic in salad oil or shortening 10 minutes or until tender. (CONTINUED) ITALIAN—STYLE BAKED BEANS Q.VEGETABLES No. 4(2) INGREDIENTS WEIGHTS MEASURES METHOD Parsley, fresh, chopped Thyme, ground . . . . Oregano, ground . . Salt .............. Pepper, black ..... Sugar, granulated . Tomato paste, canned Bean liquid and water lcup.... 1/2 tsp.... ltsp 3tbsp ltsp ltbsp 101/2 cups (3—No. 21/2 on) lgal 7. Add parsley, thyme, oregano, salt, pepper, sugar, tomato paste, and liquids to onion mixture; bring to a boil; reduce heat; simmer 10 minutes. 8. Place beans in roasting pan; add sauce; mix carefully. 9. Cover; bake 1 hour. Cheese, grated, Parmesan 11/2 cups . lO. Sprinkle cheese over beans. (OVER) Alternate Method: Follow Step 1. Omit Steps 2 and 3. Cover beans with cool water; soak overnight. Follow Steps 4 and 5. . In Step 6, 1% tsp dehydrated garlic may be used. See Recipe Card A—l']. 3. In Step 6, 21/2 oz (% cup plus 3 tbsp) dehydrated onions may be used. See Recipe Card A—l l. . In Step 6, 1 lb 6 oz dry onions A.P. will yield 1 lb 4 oz chopped onions. . In Step 6, 2 lb 1 oz fresh celery A.P. will yield 1 lb 8 oz finely diced celery. . In Step 7, 1 tsp dehydrated parsley may be used. . In Step 7, 3—36 oz cn canned tomato juice concentrate may be used for tomato paste. See Recipe Card A—13. . Other sizes and types of pans may be used. See Recipe Card A—25. VARIATIONS l. ITALIAN-STYLE BAKED BEANS (KIDNEY BEANS, CANNED): Omit Steps 1 through 4. In Step 5, use 20 lb 10 oz (3—No. lO cn) canned kidney beans. Follow Steps 6 through 8. In Step 9, increase baking time to 2 hours, or bake until beans are tender. Follow Step 10. . ITALIAN—STYLE BAKED BEANS (PINTO BEANS, CANNED): Omit Steps 1 through 4. In Step 5, use 20 lb 10 oz (21—No. 303 cn) canned pinto beans. Follow Steps 6 through 8. In Step 9, increase baking time to 2 hours, or bake until beans are tender. Follow Step 10. Q. VEGETABLES No. 5 SIMMERED DRY BEANS (Kidney, Lima. Pinto, and White) YIELD: 100 Portions EACH PORTION: 23/3 Cup INGREDIENTS WEIGHTS MEASURES METHOD Beans, kidney, lima, 11/4 gal . Pick over beans, removing dis- pinto, or White, (variable) colored beans and foreign mat— dry ter. Wash beans thoroughly. Water, cold 5 gal ..... . Cover with water; bring to a boil in steam-jacketed kettle; boil 2 minutes; turn off heat. . Cover; let soak 1 hour. Bacon, raw, thawed, . Add bacon, salt, and pepper to chopped beans. Pepper, black ...... INGREDIENTS WEIGHTS MEASURES METHOD Water, hot variable . . Bring to a boil; add more water if necessary to cover beans; cover. Simmer 11/2 hours or until beans are just tender. (Extra hot water may be added, it necessary, to keep beans covered.) NOTE: 1. Alternate Method: Follow Step 1. Omit Steps 2 and 3. Cover beans with cool water; soak overnight. Follow Steps 4 and 5. 2. One—No. 6 scoop may be used. See Recipe No. A—4. VARIATIONS . SAVORY STYLE BEANS: Follow Steps 1 through 3. Omit Step 4. Add 1 lb 4 oz (33/4 cups) dry, chopped onions (1 lb 8 oz A.P.); 1 lb 8 oz (41/2 cups) chopped, fresh celery (2 lb 1 oz A.P.); 2 tsp dehydrated garlic; 2 tsp ground cumin; and 2 tsp black pepper. In Step 5, simmer 2 hours or until beans are tender. . SIMMERED DRY BEANS (WITHOUT BACON): Follow Steps 1 through 3. In Step 4, omit bacon. Follow Step 5. Q. VEGETABLES No. 6 SPANISH STYLE LIMA BEANS YIELD: 100 Portions EACH PORTION: 1/2 Cup (4 Ounces) INGREDIENTS WEIGHTS MEASURES METHOD Beans, lima, dry . . . 11/4 gal . . . . Pick over beans, removing dis— Water, cold ........ 5 gal . . . . colored beans and foreign matter. 6 tbsp . . . Wash beans thoroughly. . Cover with water; add salt. Bring to a boil in steam-jacketed kettle; boil 2 minutes; turn off heat. . Cover; let soak 1 hour. Water, hot variable . . Bring beans to a boil, it neces- sary, add more water to cover beans. Simmer 30 minutes. INGREDIENTS WEIGHTS MEASURES METHOD Onions, dry, finely 1 lb ...... 3 cups ... . Add onions, tomatoes, sugar. chopped mustard flour, cloves, and pep- Tomatoes, canned, 81b 6 oz . 3 qt (I—No. per; simmer 60 minutes or until crushed 10 cn) beans are just tender. Sugar, granulated . . 21/4 cups . Mustard, flour 2 tbsp . . . Cloves, ground . . . . 1/2 tsp . . . . Pepper, black ...... 1 tsp ..... NOTE: 1. Alternate Method: Follow Step 1. Omit Steps 2 and 3. Cover beans with cool water; soak overnight. Follow Steps 4 and 5. . In Step I, 8 1b pinto or White dry beans may be used for lima beans. . In Step 5, 2 oz (2/3 cup) dehydrated onions may be used. See Recipe No. A—ll. . In Step 5, 1 lb 2 oz dry onions AP. Will yield 1 lb finely chopped onions. . One—No. 8 scoop may be used. See Recipe No. A—4. Q. VEGETABLES No. 7 LYONNAISE GREEN OR WAX BEANS YIELD: 100 Portions EACH PORTION: 1/2 Cup (3 Ounces) INGREDIENTS WEIGHTS MEASURES METHOD Onions, dry, sliced . . i . Sauté onions in butter or mar- Butter or margarine . . . . . . garine until tender. Set aside for use in Step 4. Beans, green or . . . . . Add beans to salted water. wax, froz