xt7h9w08wv49 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7h9w08wv49/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 18990614 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1899-06-dec14. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1899-06-dec14. 1899 2011 true xt7h9w08wv49 section xt7h9w08wv49 MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES,Dec. 14, 1899 - page 269 The Board met at 9 A. Msi. December 14, 1899, all members present on the preowding day were present. Ordered on motion of Mr. McElroy " That J. R. Johnson be relieved of his duties as Assistant in the department of Mechanical Engineering and appointed Assistant in the department of Mathematics to take effect at the end of this collegiate year." Mr. Marcum submitted the f'ollowing: Your committee on the minutes of the faculty beg leave to report that they have carefully read and examined the said minutes and find no objections thereto. They therefore en- dorse all the actions and recommendations of the faculty. Signed J. B. Marcum W. F. Peak W. H. Holt Report received and approved. On motion the books containing the daily records on grades of students were referred to the Committee on the minutes of the faculty for inspection and report. President Patterson submitted the following: Whereas Major M. B. Jones has been employed by the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Kentucky as Commandant of Cadets and instructor in Mathematics since Sept. 1898 dur- ing which time he has acquitted himself both as commandant and Instructor to the entire satisfaction of the Board of Trustees; and Whereas an unforseen contingency has arisen in the family relations of Major Jones which in his opinion render a change of climate and occupation necessary, for which reason his resignation has been placed in the hands of the Board; therefore, MIINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEESDec. 14, 1899 - page 270 Resolved 1st. That in accepting the resignation of Mvajor Jones, we place on record our high estimate of his character as a man and of his services as commandant and Instructor. 2nd. That we commend him to the esteem and confidence of those among whom his lot may hereafter be cast. 3rd. That a copy hereof be transmitted to Miajor Jones. On motion the foregoing resolutions were unanimously approved. President Patterson offered the following: Resolved, 1st. That the Secretary ascertain and report to the next meeting of the Board of Trustees the pecuniary interest which the A. and Mi. College, has in the Experiment Station Building and its equipment. 2nd. That as soon as practicable the Board of Trustees consider the propriety of disposing of said interest to the Experiment Station and applying the proceeds of such transfer to the erection of a building for Physics and Chemistry. On motion the foregoing resolutions were carried. The following report was offered: Your committee on finance report that they have examined the accounts of the business agent and treasurer and find them correct. We append a report showing the financial condition of the College and Experiment Station. All of these accounts are kept in a business like manner and we desire especially to commend the work of the Business Agent. He is careful and painstaking and the college can have no better officer than he. (Signed) H. Boswell A. P. Gooding R. C. Stoll, MItUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEESDec. 14, 1899 - page 271 College exclusive of Experiment Station. Received from State Taxes since July 1st, 1899 it "f U. S. Fund of 1862 " " i it it It it VI I 1390 " VI "i Students fees "t "I Rents f" other sources i i " all sources Balance on hand July lst. 1899 Total amount in Treasury since July 1st, 1899 " expended Balance in Treasury Dec. 1, 1899 (Business Agent has on hand not in bank ( checks out ( Bank should have over and above on Dec. 14 ( checks out EXPFRII'AIENT STAT ION . Received from U. S. Fund of 1887, since July 1899 Received from Fertilizers to "f Farm since July 1st, 1899 it I Interest Acct. I " i t It It Food since " " Vt $6532.60 4322.25 21375.00 1445.75 300.00 14.00 33989~. ~6 148.21 34137.90 24522.10 9615.80 500.00 9115.80 222.94 9338.74 I, 1st, Balance on hand July 1st, 1899 Total amount in Treasury since July 1899 Expended since July 1st, 1899 Balance in Treasury Dec. 1, 1899 ( Treas. has on hand Dec. 14, ( Expended from Dec. 1, to Dec. 14, 7500.00 1256 . 00 953.43 82.97 964.80 27UM8. 70) 872.31 22941.01 14883.39 8057.62 7765.81 291.81 On motion the report of the committee on Fiaance was received and approved. Mr. Stoll submitted the following: The committee on the Experiment Station would report that the present accommodations of the Station are in- sufficient for the requirements of the Station and that more room is absolutely necessary, therefore, we would recommend that the Station purchase the interest of the college in the Station building which we now estimate at MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES ,Dec.14, 1899 - page 272 $12000. to be paid out of the fertilizer fund. This would give the Station the use of all of the present building which would meet its present requirements. In all other respects the Station is in good condition - Its affairs are prosperous and good work is being done. The minutes of the Board of Control are approved. (Signed) R. C. Stoll A. P. Gooding, W. H. Holt, Report received, snd all approved except that portion relating to purchase of interest in Station building. Consideration of that question being delayed until the June meeting. Mr. Godling submitted the following: Your committee on Buildings and Grounds recommend that the interest of the college in the Station building be sold to the station for the price of $12000.00 being the interest of the college in the building; and that the proceeds off the sale be used to erect a building for Physics and Chemistry. We would recommend that this sale be effected immediately and that the new building be built as early as practicable. (Signed) A. P. Gooding, E. H. Hobson, On motion the report was received and the consideration of the purchase of the building delayed till the meeting in June 1900. MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEESDec. 14, 1899 - page 272-273 Ordered that the Secretary be instructed to purchase 150 copies of the Kentuckian, November number to be mailed at the pound rate by the editor to t'he members of the Legislature and other State officers; the price to be 20 cents per copy. Mr. Marcum submitted the following: Whereas this Board has recommended the possible purchase of the Carey Alford farm which lies near the lands of this College, and whereas said farm is to be sold in the near future at public auction and the purchaser will be required to give bond or bonds for the purchase money therefor, Hart Boswell is hereby appointed attorney in fact for this college for the purpose of executing said bond or bonds and is authorized to sign the name of this institution thereto and to do any and all things necessary to the execution of said bond or bonds. Said Boswell is also authorized to obtain surety on said sale bond or bonds and to contract with said surety for compensation for said surety ship. The said Hart Boswell is authorized as an alternative to execute Bond with security to borrow money and execute notes therefor obligating the college for payment of the same. Resolution approved and adopted. Ordered on motion that the name of Mr. R. C. Stoll be inserted in the resolution as an attorney to look into the title of land. The Secretary read a communication from E. F. Brown, who claimed that his salary for the month of January 1899 had been reduced from $50.00 to $14.30 on account of his absence caused by sickness: That he had taught a class in the Academy for Prof. W. K. Patterson, in January 1898 for about one month without pay. MINUTES OF THEi BOARD OF TRUSTEES,Dec. 14, 1899 - page 273-274 He, therefore, asserted his clai-m to $35,70 and expressed his desire to collect it from the collect. Judge Holt moved that Mir. Brown be allowed his claim of $35.70 - Second by Mr. Stoll - notion lost. The vote stood: Aye - Gooding, Hobson, Holt, McElroy, Stoll, - 5. No: - Boswell, Frazee, Marcum, Peak, Gathright, - 5. President Patterson was excused from voting. In voting no, Mr. Frazee explained his vote by saying that he was willing to pay all employes every cent to which they are justly entitled, but that Mr. Brown had submitted a claim for services rendered voluntary - and without any expectation of pay - nearly two years before, and that he had permitted three regular meetings of the Board to intervene without presenting any claim therefor. In voting Aye, Mr. Gooding explained his vote by saying that he did not like the form in which Mr. Brown had presented his claim but that he believed that something should be paid to him. Moved by Mr. Marcum seconded by Mr. Peak that $25.00 be allowed Mr. Brown for ht services in teaching a class for Prof. W. K. Patterson. Mr. Stoll moved to deduct $25. from the salary of Prof. W. K. Patterson for the same month during which Mr. Brown taught in the Academy and pay the same to MI%. Brown. Mr. Miarcum raised a point of order, chairman decided the point well taken. MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEESDec. 14, 1899 - page 274-275 Mr. McElroy, moved to lay the whole matter on the table, seconded. On a rising vote ayes, were 5, and noes three (3) and the motion to lay on the bable was carried. A motion to reconsider the motion to pay to Mr. Brown $35.70 was carried. Mr. McElroy moved that the sum of $35.70 be paid to Mr. E. F. Brown in settlement of all claims against the college - second. Motion was carried by ayes and noes as follows: Ayes - Boswell, Frazee, Gooding, Hobson, Holt, McElroy, Marcmw, Stoll, - 8. No - Patterson, Peak, - 2. Mr. Stoll offered the following: Resolved 1st - That the Executive Commnittee be given power and it is hereby given power to fill any vacancy which may occur in said committee between this time and the June meeting of the Board. 2nd. That the Board of Control of the Experiment Station be given power and it is hereby given power to fill any vacancy which may be created in said Board between this time and the June meeting of the Board. The resolutions were approved and adopted. The Committee on the minutes of the faculty submitted the following supplemental report. MIThUTES OF THE BOARD OF TFITSTEESDec. 14, 1899 - page 275-276 Your committee on the records of the f aculty beg leave to report that the records have been presented to us except those kept by Prof. Kastle and we find that such records have been kept; we have partially examined them and find that the records seem to have been properly kept by the faculty. J. B. Marcum W. H. Holt W. F. Peak Report approved. Prof. Anderson chairman of the Committee on Athletics submitted a complete report of the collections and expenditures with other data, relative to Athletics and the Athletic Association. The report was received and approved. Ordered on motion of Mir. Boswell that J. R. Johnson be allowed proportinate addintional compensation during the remainder of this year for any additional work he may be required to do in Mathematics. Ordered on motion of Mr. Stoll that instead of Mr. Mathews, resigned, Mr. Wm. R. Ramsey be placed on the Committee on Legislation. on L Ordered that Judge Holt be chairman of the committee n egislation and that the calling of the Committee be left to his discretion. Adjourned, V. E. Muncy, Secretary.