xt7h9w09065f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7h9w09065f/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 200708 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, August 2007 text GLSO News, August 2007 2007 2019 true xt7h9w09065f section xt7h9w09065f 7 Gaga“ The GLSO NEWS “ Les 1an 59”“ Au ust 2007 Organization g A Publication of the Lexington Gay and Lesbian Services Organization Volume 22 Number8 luuuuuul Court of lg" August Events Pribe Night at King’s Islanb The Imperial Court of Kentucky is The Gay and Lesbian Community excited to announce two upcoming events Center of Greater Cincinnati has for August. The first event is a Summer scheduled their annual Pride Night for BBQ Fundraiser at Mia’s Restaurant. The Friday, September 21. GLSO is selling entire community is invited to meet and tickets at the Pride Center for $42.99. At greet our new monarchs, Emperor 26 Brad the gate the price will be $44.95. We have Shepherd and Empress 26 Lawren the tickets NOW so come by 389 Waller LaMoore, and enjoy an evening of food, Ave. GLSO makes a few dollars for each fun and frolic. The event is scheduled for ticket we sell. Call if you need directions Sun,Aug. 5. Doors open at 5pm with food and to be sure someone is here. 859 served at 6pm. There will be live 253-3233. entertainment, including a short drag Tickets are only being sold through show.A$10donation is requested. the Cincinnati Gay Lesbian Center, and The second event for August is the their chosen outlets. Straight people are annual Julie Vaughn Memorial Closet Ball, welcome, but they will know that they are which will be held atBIuegrass Connection attending a GLBT event. So it is a great on Wed.,,August 15th. Doors will open at place to be your fabulous self without 8:30 pm and the pageant will begin at 9:30 concern about the reaction ofthe "straight pm. Cover is a $5 donation and narrow" folks. .The pageant is open to either male or The Parking lot will open at 5 pm; the female contestants, who have previously park itselfwill open at6and stay open until not performed in drag for an audience. Midnight. The profits will benefit the Prospective contestants cannot have Cincinnati Community Center. There is participated in any pageant, talent moreinformationincluding group sales at: night/amateur night, or performed on www.glbtcentercincinnati.com stage for tips. Contestants must have www,pkipridenight.com. reached their 21st birthday prior to W , . August 15th, and be a legal resident ofthe 5 ”WE.” state of Kentucky. Interested applicants J _ Spof‘soro (Timon ,_ should contact Empress Lawren at IUlnlllilnflllrllcfllllil lUlIiIIIVBII’SEIIIIISQI lawrenlamoore@insightbb.com for a ‘ 'CllilllJlll'illllil Dir complete application and rules. A new ,. Lg Closet Ball Queen or King will be crowned g i a IL'EXIIMQI'DM ; that evening. Reign 26 of the Imperial Court of V . .' $039, 2033:3233; Kentucky is also pleased to announce that z.- continued on next page I, 1% Third Annual llll Gall camn 0|” ‘0 GAY AND The Third Annual KY Gay Camp OUT ,g L E S B I A N will be held on Aug 24-26, at Sloydia, a $3,. SERVICES private 14 acre retreat nestled on the banks “ of the Little South Fork of the Cumberland _ ORGANIZATION River in south Wayne County, Ky. Sloydia is Lexmgton, Kentucky approximately 20 miles south of Monticello. . The facilities available for campers PUbIIShes the GLSO News Monthly include shady, level sites for tents and a V0,- 22 ”0-7 limited number of sites with electricity for small trailers or R.Vs. There are outhouses, ‘ P'O' B°_X 1172 LeX., KY 40588 a swimming hole in the river, a stage for www.IexmgtongIso@yahoo.com performances with lighting and electricity, a _ — fully equipped weightlifting gym, and access . . to a rusticwood-burning hot tub. Pr'de Center Office Manager Campers will have an opportunity to Bill Chandler hike to the top of 1900 foot Eartheart 859 253_3233 Mountain. Evening entertainment may Include smgers and musrcrans, drag and . fantasy shows, group campfires, and News EdltCrS anything you would like to add to this mix. Mary Crone ' JaCkle CObem Some areas of the property are clothing Sarah Phillips optional. This is out-in-the—woods, primitive _ camping, so come prepared for a unique ImnBI‘lal 00"” I" "V... continued experience! There is no cell phone service they are now on MySpace at: available anywhere on or near the property. WWW m: {space com, You will need to bring in your own supplies of . . ' ' food, drinking water, camping and cooking Wm erlalcourtofkentuck ', _ gear. A limited amount of well water will be Our board ofldlrectors and reigning available. A donation of $5 per person per monarchs can easrly be contacted through day is requested to coverexpenses this website. Information on all upcoming See the web site at www sloyd com events and fundraising efforts will also be then click over to the "Visit Sloydia" page: availableon that site. in September, the You can also call 606-348-0788 between Entertainer of the Year fundraising series noon and 10 pm for more information The will begin, along with othertraditionalcourt KY Gay Camp is jointly hosted by; the events. , , members of Lake Cumberland Area Pride, Finally, Reign 25 final disbursements and Sloydia were made at the end of June and over ' $22,000 was donated to local charities, ' with the primary charity, Moveable Feast, Kentucky Ram receiving $15,000 in funds for this year. Bod Lotion Jersonall made I) The Board of Directors and membership of y I y y the Court would like to thank the Clancy MCClanaban community for their continued support and H 859 278-7203 challenge them to help Reign 26 reach C 859 576-2186 even higherfundraising goals. Page 2 ‘ C ' N ,T ammunlty QWS *3 Karaoke Ni Ms is g Bluegrass Women's Network id Tuesday Night is Karaoke Tunes— iS days in the Gilded Cage Showroom of Bluegrass Women's Network is a , the Bar Complex, hosted by Bill social group for women of all ages. We '3 "Melater" Chandler. This event is a have gone camping, shared dinner at local a weekly fund_raiser for the GLSO pride restaurants, and gone to the comedy Club W Center. You can help make itasuccess together. Debby and Lynn are building a ;, simply by coming out and singing a list ofwomen interested in receiving emails )r song orsupporting those who do. about events. Contactthem at: a Audience members are invited to W- S sing their favorite songs; bring your 0W“ or use one (”the SW98 0“ the CDS lexinqlon lvons leather/levi Club 0 we Will have there. Friends and other 1 audience members will be encouraged The Lexington Lyons Wt" meet AUQUSt Y to tip. The tips will go to help support 13 at the Pride Center, at 7 pm. The Lyons :i the GLSO Pride Center. are a group of friends who come together to j celebrate strength, unity, and diversity for '. Bluegrass Fairness Update those who enjoy the Leather/Levi Lifestyle. 3 For info visit http://wwwlexlyonsorg. Bluegrass Fairness, a re—born a equality group for GLBT peeple, has been Dress and Gender Alliance 3 drumming up visibility and publicity.The _ 3 group had successful booths at Diversity _ The Lexmgton Dress and Gender . Day on June 30”. and at the 4m of July Alliance meets on the first Saturday of f festivities. They also had a well-decorated each month at a private location. Lex DGA l float in the 4'h of July parade that met with '5 a peer support group for artygne who 5 huge cheers from gay people and allies. transcends gender norms. This Includes , Already, we have more than 150 transsexuals, intersexuals, cross people signed up for the new mailing list dressers, drag kings, drag queens, gender , and hopeto get hundreds more. We have queers, and people who are unsure what ‘ sent our first legislative alert to ask their gender identity might be. This IS nota ‘ supporters call their legislators in therapy group but we offer conversation . opposition to the special session called by and support. . Gov. Ernie Fletcher. n n Bluegrass Fairness also took a public LG BT a nd Red neCk ? stance against the confirmation of Dr. There is an e-group started by Patrick James Holsinger as the COUhtFY'S next BuckforGLBT individuals, theirfriends and surgeon general. The Herald-Leader families,who areinvolvedin orinterestedin quoted Chairperson Paul Brown: experiencing working class, blue collar, and “Holsinger continually projects that he rural lifestyles including, but not limited to, WOUtd serve all Americans equally, bUt those commonly referred to as "Redneck." When YOU t00k atlhis track record, it seems If there is interest we will plan activities. to reflect something else. The country as a http:l/groups.ttahoo.comlgroupl , LesbigaytransRednecks/members continued on page 8 ——————____.____.______ ' Page 3 GLSO Board Re ort ifn P _ 1" ‘g UU Interweave it has been suggested that I write a k,/ monthly column to let people know what Gender Neutral Bathrooms? and how GLSO is doing. The board meeting will be after the completion of the During my recent attendance at a newsletter this month so this is a short national U.U. GeneralAssembly, ltalked to initial report. several people about gender neutral Pride Month was a SUCCESS - bathrooms. That is, bathrooms that are including the firSt Pride Prom for high markedforuse byindividuals ofanygender school .youth (see page'6), a fabulous identity. These bathrooms are particularly _ coronation, and a fun picnic. GLSO made useful for transsexual people who are about $400 on the ptcnicm part because Of transitioning and for anyone who's gender the “new”? donations ff°m many 0f you. expression may cause confusion for others. Fundraismg is not the primary goal of that For example, I know a number of event, and we w'" be planning a fund lesbians who are habitually mistaken for raiserforthefallt men. In addition, there are trans people GLSO '8 m ”.99“ 0f new board who see themselves inthe middle ofgender members._lfyou are interested, attend our and plan to stay there. Providing a gender ne’ftneetm on Aug. 27‘ We. ask that neutral bathroom is welcoming to these indiwduals attend two consecutive Ward individuals and helps educated people who meeting and fl" cm a short application. attend orrentourchurch facilities. We have lots of ideas and need a larger Inten/veave will be meeting after the board and active volunteers to make them worship service to have lunch on Sunday a reality. Here are a few 0f the activities August 26 at about noon at the Good Foods You °°”'d he") ”3 “.“th: . . Cafe. (NOTE: This is earlier than stated in Volunteer RecrUItment&Coordination the ad, i forgot the service was still at 10 GrantWriting . . am.) Over lunch we will discuss and NewsletterAdvertismg possibly write a proposal for a gender ; SOC'aIAth'eS Coordinator neutral bathroom. to present to the U.u.t “ Fundraismg . . Board of Directors. You do not have to be a - For more information, contact Mary church member to join us for our Crone afterAug. 14at266-5904. Interweave get togethers. a . when Fred Phelps came to Lexington and Nable ’ MCDa-nlel was an advisorforthe Gay StraightAlliance Gay Marriage in Herald—Leader for Youth for several years. Christopher is a registered nurse who Jamie McDaniel and Christopher works at the UK Medical Center and at Noble were legally married at Toronto City Georgetown Community Hospital. And as Hall in Ontario, Canada on June 15, 2007. the paper said" The couple honeymooned And their wedding was announced in the in Hawaii." (ljust love that they printed the Herald Leader on July 1 . Way to go guys! details.) Jamie has been a GLBT activist in Congratulations and thanks for being Lexington for many years. He works with willing to be so public! It would be great if Soulforce as aweb designer and has lead several of us sent emails to the Herald the local Soulforce group for many years. Leader thanking them for including this He helped organize our community protest announcement. Page 4 " - am 'M-E ? IUiniiilteiiriiaiini IUiniiiveirseilliisit lClIlIIIJIII’iDlIlI a pit lLexiiiriieitcoini r: 3564 Clays Mill Rd ire 'r‘ir “ 1:; Interweave Lunch ' \ (r: g , , . , GLBT People and Friends 3% ' _ i ,. '4 Sunday August 26 Or 5 ‘. , . - ile - Good Foods Cafe 12:40. er er Discussion: Gender Neutral :5 Bathroom at Church? '5 Sunday Worship in August: 10 am :2 Sept 9 - return to 11 am service % o '3 , lUiniiiiLaiirii.aiini IUiniiiveirsailliisit ASSDiCliifllllliiDIlll ‘.t lDiresiiidleiniil Wiilllliiaiinrii {3. SlilllllklfiDll’illl a 1 One of our Nation's Ir 0 o 0 Most Influentlal Black Spmtual Leaders. e W we, Rev. Sinkford was chosen for it 1: j; Mix Beliefnet.com for his work in -' z . _ . support of marriage equality for . 3 ‘ '0 " same-sex couples and for his = t i i prophetic leadership in iii 1 I. l .f % opposition to the Iraq war. . Page 5 GLS© Pnde Center 389 Waller Ave. 859 253=323§i @lpoll W to 3 M0 =' Fl“ W _ 2 Salt» Re ular Activities ’ll 0 H . g Gay g‘lerllgi'iTAttlANCE For Youth ' _. if I I ‘ ' 7 The GLSO Gay Straight Alliance for Youth EVOII'yWodimlesdiay Night has been meeting for over six years. We have 7 to 9) had students attend from all the high schools in MARWQHWMQ Lexington and from many schools in ‘ 3 surrounding towns. Many Of the youth that Eexmgfian Eyesight attend have been involved in starting GSAs in D . . their home schools. _ ana '8 now the coordinator Of This yearthe youth produced the first Pride InSIght and. “mum love people to Prom it was held at the Unitarian Church and attend and Q'SCUSS how the group can everyone had a great time. (more pictures next be responsive to your needs. We w'” month) in the fall the advisors and youth are meet on the first Friday m9ht3°f each planning tO start a leadership and activism month for potluck and a mOVIe, ' that group for interested teens. Many Of them are W'” beAug 3th's month. already activists and are ready to reach out tO We will also plan an"|nsight more young people. Out"activity for the fourth Saturday Of . each month. That will be Aug. 25 this Prlde Prom June 2007 month. Meet at the Pride Center at WE DID 1TH noon and we will then decide what tO ' ' do. Activities may include hiking, bowling, or attending a reading group T ’_ atJoseph-Beth. If you have questions 3 " 3 3. or suggestions for other activities , call \ {3‘ 3:3,; 3 A Dana at 859-230—2428. "t w ,3' :1" -. ‘ o" ‘ "' ‘ ' ' ""W‘ . J' ., in" .. ,. , . . i-iyiAe. ._.ii‘._,i:_ _ W. . .1, .;‘\‘=.‘3:.4.ti it . I :4 J Steven Thornton imperial Flowers and Gifts; . 3 Good Foods 000p .3333 3 a‘séw Davina Warner m” Ma - ‘ 2'] 1‘?” I" AW‘ Corl Woods :3 .3 . >31. . . ~' - ~‘ 333233333 Aaron Hutson - fi $333333 Shirley Dennis 33.3 Mr. and Mrs Carmago ? AW ‘ ‘ William Blankenship 3 A ii GSA Advisers Page 6 VJ '~.. .I , D . . .iLO , . . . .r" . a, «(TM ., . ~' * _. gr nanny. ~,e ., D , ' :7 " ""“"““—"“ V.w‘*. ' 9;: ' r". ,3;..“” “ ,~ 5.2 th " 'jf.’ ’ fir/wig“ ~ 22:; .....:.. :.:.;...;.......:. g. r' . ' / 'v'“ ~ “*- i" ”*4 «m i‘ a ' 3' 11' . "r ie ’2} f y}... . ,, ‘\ 1d ”at. ‘ .- . ' '- .xt s ' ‘ ‘ .. ’. 1.“ _ ‘ 'I 'r re t-cf / ,1 I a, . , \- I K m / *1 / I \, re A 7 “5“ ‘ 9&7. I \x 3 04 x. . 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THE IMPERIAL COURT OF KY 7 ’1.2':;é.‘f;:‘,~.=1,-.i‘,'fii",v . _ Bluegrass Fairness continued from pg 3 Getting The Love You Want having someone in that position who doesn't Couples Workshops value everyone equally.” V\fith the November elections coming Jessica C. Bollinger, LCSW, MSW, up, Bluegrass Fairness has made a is a licensed clinical social worker. She commitment to send legislative alerts and to works with individuals, couples and let people know who the progressive, pro- families. She is also a Certified Imago fairness candidates are. Relationship Therapist. She helps clients We met With members 0f Dunbar High discover the patterns that affect their scnoelt's Tfiay-Straight Alliance (GS/’0' fulfillment and connection with recen Y- eY are creating a memoria themselves and loved ones. She can be garden in honor oftwo oftheir members who reached at 552- 6533 _ have died in the past year. Bluegrass The goal of Imago Relationship Fairness looks fon/vard to collaborating with Therapy is to help individuals and them on this project and others. We are couples repair the wounded or injured $30353?“er wort: ngant” tn; ,GSAS aspects of their lives, learn to ro 0” e Ct 3 you _'s an communicate with compassion and untapped reserve ofenergy and fresh ideas. clarity, and reclaim their ability to express Plerase check out our new websrte: loveand' - th - l' . . Joyin eirives. W' lthasauser-friendly format Jessie offers Imago “Getting The that Will be updated frequently. Our next Love You Want” weekend workshops for event will be a booth at the Woodland Arts . FairinAugust. We need volunteersforthate couples .that WI” enhance good booth - call 859 951—4450. Come to the Fair TetattonSh'pS or heat a re'at'énsit'p that 'S and pay usavisit. in trouble. Most people don t think tWIce On September 7m we will host a Meet about taking lessons tobecome better at and Greet for everyone to get to know the what they care about. golf, computer, officers and members of the steering mu5ic, and so forth. RetattOnSh'pS committee. This will be an opportunity for deserve and need that same k'nd 0t people to express issues, concerns, and energyand commitment. . . support. Information onthe specificlocation The workshops include brief andtimewillbeavailablesoon. lectures, movie clips, music and Other volunteer opportunities include Opportunities for private reflection and helping create bracelets forsale and working sharing With your partner. Couples Wt” on phone trees to call supporters in the event learn new communication skills including of legislative updates. For more information, how to have “Intentional Dialogues”. go to www.bgfair.org or call 859-951-4450, These dialogues are particularly helpful in dealing with conflicts that arise in any _ relationship. You can turn conflicts into 224%? "Keep the love you find. opportunities for healing and growth. . are?“ Qt??? Getlhelove you want!” You are never required to share 3%? ' personal information with the group. Your ' _ _ work with your partner will involve pairing JESSlca Bollinger LCSW off from the group at various intervals Imago Relationship Therapist during the weekend. Share with the group EMDR Trauma Work only that which feels comfortable. , _ , Upcoming Workshops . Couples, Family, lndrvrdual August 3_ 5 September 21_ 23 imagoconnection.com 552-6533 October 124 4 November 941 Page 8 and Scott Ackermom Real Estate Service With lSW, :2: Pnorlsssuounusm tago c, :1, a lents : fig RESULTS 32 their W W“ INTEGRITY K n be )1 WILLIAMS? ‘Ship ' Illsnlcntlon and ”f: Mobile: 859 338-8483 E““"'s"‘s"" and Fax: 859 269-0065 ress E-mail: SACker4224@aol.Com Serving Lexington & @ Th [-3 All of Central Kentucky W e sf ‘ . 2‘ Goodr Call me vv1th all your Real Lstate Needs atis Nice 3r at Jter, hips ....,,, KEITH DONIPHAN ELSTON 1 0f ..-,_ ATTORNEY AT LAW 2?; 34 ‘ OFFICE: 8592252348 and " CELL: 5022205555 will ling , EMAIL: ELSTONLAW@WINDSTREAM.NET as”. . ' \l ‘1 ii in t K; Eli PRINCIPAL OFFICE IN LEXINGTON any ntO FAMILY LAW FOR OUR FAMILIES . are DOMESTIC PARTNER AGREEMENTS, SEPARATION 9W AGREEMENTS. ADOPTlON. DIVORCE, CHILD CUSTODY. mg VlSlTATlON, CHILD SUPPORT. SAFER SCHOOLS. DOMESTIC :J‘: VIOLENCE. ELDER LAW. 8: ESTATE PLANNING Member, Kentucky Bar Association; Fayette County Bar Association; Louisville Bar Association; American Bar Association. Section on Family Law & Committee on Alternative Families. & National Lesbian & Gay Law Association. Page 9 GLSO Newslefler c¢|endqr To schedule events at the Pride Center, call Bill at 253-3233 7' A" GUST 2 oo 1 mm us on the web at: www.webspawner.com/users/glsoqxnet * Sunday Monday Tuesda Wednesday Thursday Friday Suiul‘dflv Weekly Adiviiies: _ _ 7p Lexington insight Center Open 103-2p 7p GLSO Discussmn Potluck & Movie @ the LexDGA Call for Place Mondays: grzug-ligsbian AA Pride Center 8pm ' GOV/ Lesbian AA 02H to); place 948-3434 Discussion/Speaker(Call for Location] 278—7103 Tuesdays: _ _ . m ,7. * ' * * ~ ' " ‘ ‘ ,, " ' " *~-~—~Wm~— ~ ~~~ mew“: r~w~~-—m-~~e-~~-——~ 7pm - GSA (Gay Straight 10:30 a St. Mychal's p GSA (call for place Center Open 10a-2p Amoncel 10a UU Church 66-5904) 7p GLSO Discussion 7p Games Night PC 9pm ‘ Karaoke Tunesday @ SoulForce ( Jamie 230-5625 Group-PC The Bar Complex 5p Imperial Court Summer 8p Gay/Lesbian AA BBQ Fundraiser at Mia’s. 9p Karaoke Tunesday Call for place 948-3434 Wednesdays: @ The Bar Complex 7 GLSO D' . AWeekly Benefit for pm ' 'SCFUSS'O“ Group The Pride Center 8pm ' GOV/ Lesbian AA (CG/l u____— for LOCOfiOm 278'7103 . ' ' enter 1 - 10:30 a St. Mychal's 7p Lexmgton Lyons_pC $665232?" for place époiliSSCDiscussmn C Open 0a 2p Fridays: 10a UU Church . 8p Gay/Lesbian AA 8pm - GOV/Lesbian AA SfJulForce ( J_am|e 230-5525 9p Karaoke Tunesday Call for place 948-3434 [Ca/I for Location] 278-7403 6-00!) 'mPer'a' CW” Mtg- @ The Bar Complex 9:30p Annual Julie Vaughn Memorial Closet Ball A Weekly Benefit for Bluegrass Connection?2 Saturdays: The Pride Center Newsletter Dead-line 10:30 a St. Mychal's 7p GSA (call for place 7p GLSO Discussion “mu?” 1°“? 1 0:00 am - UU Church tsOaHL:JU 0h(u3ch _ 230 5525 266-5904) Group-PC (2)0 thxmgton lfilght- Worship Services. ou orce amie - 8p Gay/Lesbian AA u new mont y , _ 9P KaraOke Tune‘c’day Call for place 948-3434 outing) the group 10'30 MOSS’ 81" Mychal The @ The Bar Complex intends to seek Martyr. . AWeekly Benefit for entertainment outside 6pm - SisterSound Rehearsal The Pride Center The Center. Call Dana @ Londeowme P'eSbV- ., A. ,. _.. . ,, . ._ , . fordetails 230-2428 ChUlCh. 10:30 a St. Mychal's . 7p GSA (call for place . . Bl-weekly: 10a uu Church 7.30p GLSO Board Mtg. 255.5904) £$£L§SCD'5°"55'°" opm - The Imperial Court éiiir‘lt’fll'i‘ilin‘iilealf‘slé'; 9P Karaoke Tunesday 8p Gay/LesbianAA SOU'Force "CO” Jamie 230‘ 6:00p Imperial Court Mtg. @ The Bar Complex Call for place 948-3434 5625 A Weekly Benefit for _ The Pride Center 1" Fr'duys 8‘ 4'“ Saturdays , 7 we ~ -~~» , ., ~ -—» , . , ~~ www - 73,, 7pm - Lexington Insight MGIII'IIIY Adivilies: More information about many of the events are in this newsletter. You may want to call or Mondays: Sal'urelay: email the group to confirm the date and time, please see the directory for phone listings. 7:30pm ‘ GLSO Board Mfg. (4th MO”) 7pm -LeXDGA IST SOT' Pride Center may be abbreviated - PC Call for Place may be abbreviated- Call 7pm - LeXlngton Lyons [2nd Mon.) GLSO Page 10 GLSO Page ii _ - amount the insurance company will pay. long-Term (are IMIII'MCE. The BASICS The lifetime benefit is typically calculated PI'OVitled bl] Molina ”as by multiplying the daily (or monthly) benefit Financial Advisor, UBS Financial Services Inc. bythfi, gigsfibfizitcefm care costs are less 859635-8118 mohua.das@ubs.com than the maximum daily (or monthly) Long-term care, while not inevitable, benefit, you may receive benefits for a isapossibility for millions ofAmericans. In longer period of time than the benefit fact, the American Society on Aging period. But you will never receive more estimates that Americans Who are age 65 than the lifetime benefit. Most policies and older have a 70% chance 0t requiring impose an established waiting period, longterm care. called the elimination period, before any » Long-term care can be very benefitsare paid. expensive. A recent survey revealed that What does long-term care insurance the average annual national cost for cover? nursing home care is over $70,000. Although some basic policies cover Depending on where you live and What only nursing home costs, long-term care type 0t facility you choose, the COSt may policies generally cover costs for skilled even be higher. Home healthcare, too, can nursing care, intermediate care and prove to be a significant drain on custodial care. resources. The national average cost of You can typically receive this care at an home healthcare is over $52,000 annually. assisted-living facility, adult-care center or The question becomes how do you at home. Coverage can vary greatly from pay for long-term care When you need it- insurer to insurer and policy to policy. Each One answer may be long—term care policy has its own eligibility requirements, insurance. Long-term care insurance can restrictions, and determination of benefits provide you with the ability to meet a and cost. consrderableportion ofthese costs overan How much does long-term care extended period oftlme. insurance cost? HOW does long-term care insurance The actual cost of the premiums you work? pay depends on several factors, including: Typically, a long-term care insurance Youragewhen applying forthe policy policy provides benefits it you require Yourstate ofhealth when applying forthe assistance for an extreme cognitive policy impairment such as Alzheimer's disease, Thelength ofthe benefit period andthe and if you can not perform a specified elimination period number ((usually at least two) of what long- The types of services offered termcare policies refer to as activities of The Maximum Daily or Monthly Benefit daily living, such as bathing and dressing. Other policy features such as inflation Most policies pay a maximum daily (or protection monthly) benefit for a specified number Of The features and the options of the policy years, known as the benefit period. This can usually be customized to fit both your maximum daily (or monthly) benefit is needsandyourbudget. simply the maximum amount the insurance Whatabout inflation protection? company Wi” pay per day (or month) for Long—term care costs continue to rise nursing home or other long-term care To t t If t | t rt' || ' costs. pro ec yourse a eas pa la .y, you . . . may generally choose from a variety of Long—term care polrcres also include a . . . . lifetime benefit or the maximum total Inflation protection options that offer Continued on page 14 Page 12 :7 . .~‘ “.5. I "I. y», ,, u, ” ‘22 2.22 i F man P12. 11mg for “ , “b 31:13.;51'1.:~.§:’L f»; r . . 8’. 2. “/22 D “ .» , 3- .221 omestlc Pa ers V” 2 Similar GoalsBcrcnt Challcucs. ,- ‘2 f £7, . l W ’ ‘ Domestic partners may share similar goals with married individuals, yet they face unique challenges when it comes to financial planning. We will help you develop a plan that’s appropriate to yOUir needs—one that takes into account not only where you want to go, but also how you want to get there. For information, call Mohua “Mou” Das Financial Advisor 859-335-8118 888-390-6900 mohua.das@ubs.com 307 South Ashland Avenue, Lexington, KY 40502 www.ubs.com/fa/mohuadas You & Us 31% UBS ©2007 UBS Financial Services Inc. All Rights Reserved. Member SIPC. Page 1 3 increased coverage over time. The options long-term care policy you consider is vary by policy. coordinated with your investment, What about Medicare, Medicaid and retirementand estate planning strategies. othermedical insurance? . _ lmportantConsiderations: Some consumers dec'd‘? against Insurance products are made available purchasmg long-term care insurance by UBS Financial Services Insurance because. they mistakenly believe that their Agency Inc. and by other insurance- medicalinsurance or Medicare or Medicaid licensed subsidiaries of UBS Financial w'" cover them. Unfortunately, these Services Inc. through third—party insurance assumptions are. generally .nOt true. companies unaffiliated with UBS Financial . Traditional medical insurance typically does Services Inc. ‘ notcoveriong-term care expenses. . UBS Financial Services Inc. does not Medicare may cover medically offer tax or legal advice. You must consult necessary care at home or at a Sh'lled your tax advisor and attorney regarding nursing faCIlity ona part-time or intermittent your specific situation. The premiums ba3is but, generally, Medicare covers these initially listed on long-term care policies are eXpehses only after a reqUIred minimum not guaranteed and may change over the hospital stay of three days and coverage for lifetime ofthe policy. an extended period is limited. M e d i c a i d _ _ , , , . . provides certaintypes of coverage only after The information contained in this article 'IS people have depleted most oftheirassets. based on sources believed reliable, but its Your Financial Advisor can work with 309%?" cannot b? guaranteed. _Th’s you to help you decide whether long-term article is for informational and educational care insurance is appropriate for your purposes only and ShOUId not be. relied individual situation. You should work closely upon as the bas’s fora purchase de0i3ion. with your Financial Advisor, as well as your legal and tax advisors, to make certain any _____—————-———— Between the WOfle spiritual seekers, they are often heterocentric in outlook and seldom Alternative Spiritual Gathering for address issues specific to the needs of Bisexual ant Queer Men these men- The Green Faerie Grove is pleased to VWh this in mind, the BTW Men's announce that registration is now open for Gathering was designed T0 PFOVide a safe the sixth annual Between the Worlds (BTW) place for men who love men to explore Men's Gathering, which will be held in alternative spiritual practices and paths, to southeastern Ohio on September 11-16, empower themselves, and to plant the 2007.The setting isaprivate campgroundin seeds 0f spiritual renewal within the gay the lushly-forested hills of southeastern community. BTW offers rituals,workshops, Ohio. The cost to attend currently ranges drumming, dancing, performances, a from $85 to $100. Scholarships are marketplace, and safe space for queer available. Registration closesAugust17th. men to learn, workship, network and Queer men have, for many years now, explore. sought spiritual alternatives to mainstream For more information please see: religious paths that have historically http://www.betweentheworldsorg. or condemned their very existence. While New BTW c/o The Green Faerie Grove Age, Pagan, and Earth-centered paths and 3000 B EastMain Street, #240 gatherings generally welcome queer Columbus, Ohio43209 __________——————— Page 14 Buying or Selling a Home? PAMELA R. DAVENPORT, REALTOR s "“ ‘ ' _ / ’ I , I If G [3 REAL ESTATE 147 s. Broadway Street Cell 859-3513630 Georgetown, KY- 40324 E-mail pbr57@insightbb.com Office (502) 868-5959 www.ckre.com Taking Care of ALL Our Family's Needs n '7‘— -11 I‘ll" 'l 1 I ,1 (A .7 r1 :4 La.” :__._ r_7. (Mil TODAY: 859 272-348! MUN - FR] 9 1'0 6 ‘9 1,2, &3 bedroom Floor Plans 00 2 Pools with large Sun Decks SAT ,0 T0 5 .3. Oversized Patios and Balconies *9 24 hour Maintenance ates Creek Village Apartments «as 2 Tennis Courts 3051 Kirklevington Drive w state of the art Tanning Bed . w 24 hour on-site Laundry Facility Lexmgton’ Ky' 40517 at washer-dryer connections available Page 15 . . . given mea greater depth of self knowledge The Posmve V‘eW -- knowing that l have explored my own BM Dr. $140111 anb Dr. Skim?“ identity and not simply inherited one from society and the media.” Part 7: Persona‘ i”55"“