xt7h9w09098v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7h9w09098v/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1977-03-30 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 30, 1977 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 30, 1977 1977 1977-03-30 2020 true xt7h9w09098v section xt7h9w09098v Vol. LXVIII. Number 134 K

Wednesday. March 30. 1977

Protests new policy

Senate votes to
distribute petitions

lty KIM \‘l'llll'tiN
Kernel Staff Writer

The Student Senate voted tonight
to distribute petitions enabling
students to protest a recent
l'niversity Senate action reducing
the length of time thata student may
drop a class.

"The student body is quite upset
about this." said lion Prather.
senator~atlarge “This (petition)
will give them a voice of adverse
opinion to the faculty."

t‘athy \i'elch. an A 8; S senator
present at the t'niversity Senate
n-tcting. said "The faculty felt
students shopped around rfor
classesr too much. They thought
students should put forth specific
reasons why people need to drop a
class.“ a sentiment which became
stronger during the rrrecting, she

Marion \iade. A a S senator.
suggested another alternative SG
might have is to request that Pete
Malpass. graduate school senator.
Ithe only senator who voted for the
changer request a reconsideration of

the action,

In other action the Senate voted to
amend the ('onstitution so that the
\ice president shall preside as
chairperson at senate meetings. The
legislation requires the president to
still attend meetings and hold his
other executive responsibilities such
as veto powers.

(tther proposals for such an
amendment have been defeated in
the past. said Mark Benson. Home
t'lconomics senator. Benson
proposed a similar amendment. His
legislation. however proposed that
the senate members elect the

.Jim Newberry. senator—at-large.
argued that students should be able
to vote directly for the chairperson.
"It provides for direct student input
of the student body.“ he said. The
\ice president is going to have a
bias. At least this individual will be
selected directly by the student

The Senate also passed a bill ap-
propriating $50 to advertise the
Legislative (‘andidates Forum. The
\oung Democrats and (‘ollege

Republicans are the primary
organizations conducting the forum.
t‘andidates for the Kentucky
llouse of Representatives will
participate in a question and answer


an independent student newspaper}

format on canrpaign issues. “We

have almost 100 per cent par-
ticipation from the candidates for
the ttouse...in every legislative
district in Fayette (‘ounty." said
.lim Lobb. president of the Young
lterriocr'a ts.

The two organizations are also
working with candidates for the
Senate to participate. The forum will
be held at the (‘ommons Lounge
April M. 7:30 pm.

In (ther action the Senate voted to
appropriate $50 for advertising
campus voter registration for the
Lexington May prirrrary. The drive
is primarily directed toward the
primary. [\‘ewberry said. “but SG
likes to do this each semester as a
general service.“

According to Newberry, Frank
Harri s dean of students. worked out
an agreement with ('harles Baesler,
lr'ayette ('ounty clerk. so that all on-
campus voter registration activities
will be conducted through SG.

Author believes divorce

is becoming accepted

Society‘s acceptance of divorce
has changed immensely in recent
years. according to the author of the
best-seller (reative Divorce. who is
the director ot‘ a national divorce
courseling center.

Much of America now considers
marriage a relationship, sometimes
temporary. in which people can
grow and develop. said author Mel
Krantzler in an address yesterday
before the Southeastern Council on
Family Relations tSCFRt.

Only seven years ago, when he
himself was divorced. society held
the “monstrous notion“ of marriage
as a straightjacket of obligations, a
validation of manhood and
womanhood. ()nly instant
remarriage could remove the
stigma of divorce, he added.

The conference itself was an
example of how views have
changed. said Krantzler. Several
years ago such a meeting might
have been attended by three per-
sons, he told an audience of about
150. Krantzler added that he was
more impressed with the SCFR

conference, held at the Campbell
House hotel, than any other.

in California. said Krantzler,
marriage reconciliation courts
distributed pamphlets which said
that “every divorce statistic means
people have failed themselves, each
other. their children. their Creator
and society."

“Creative divorce,“ said Krant-
zler. uses separation as a chance for
a new start, to enhance the lives of
both persons. By using the jolt and
the pain of divorce, those involved
can re-cvaluate who they are and
what they want from life.

Speaking to an audience which
included marriage counselors and
advisers, Krantzler cautioned
agairst an elitist attitude where
professionals tcll clients how they
should feel and what they should do.

People are up to the task of han-
dling their problems once you
provide them the support for doing
so.“ Krantzler said he found most
clients “to be enormously sensitive
to the emotional undertones" with
their counselor.

“The empathic connection is very


important.“ he said. stressing that
clients must be considered in-
telligent, healthy and normal.

Krantzler said his own counseling
program is founded on the sup-
portive principle, with group
meetings talking over problems.
Based in California, he
acknowledged that the “Cloud
(Tuckoo Land“ surroundings can
develop fads and irrational ideas,
but is a necessary price for an en-
vironment where new theories can
be tested.

It came as a great surprise, said
Krantzler, that churches have
recently emerged as strong backers
of his ideas. Although he had written
them off ea rly. “if you level with the
parishioners of a church, (the
concept) will be eagerly accepted."

Ministers have begun to support
“creative divorces" because it
doesn‘t condemn those who have
them. he said. The clergy's divorce
rate is now as high as that of the
general population, he added, and
congregations now support divorced
ministers where before they would
have thrown them out.



Pebble beach

Sunbatlrers really need a blanket or something to
separate theru from the gravel at “lilanding lieach."
where scores of \ ita rrrirr I) fans. oglers and skin cancer

yesterday were.

buffs relax on sunny spring days. .\lso present



MAR 3 01977

University of KentuckV

University ofKentuchy
Lexington. Kentucky

I ——Jemne Wehnes

from bottom. freshmen Mindy

liamment. (‘ommunicationsz Laura Elder. Arts &
Science and Iluth (‘ox. Home Economics.

Design society can help
students become pros

l'._\ til.l\'|.\t‘l.0l'li
Kernel Reporter

Some students wonder what life is
like on the outside world. ()thers
wonder what kind of job they'll get
when and if they get out of college.
For interior design majors. though.
the Ann-rican Society of Interior
liesign iASll) t. can help solve those

ASH). according to 17K.chapter
president (‘harlene Elam. helps
' interior design majors see what
kinds of areas they may enter after
1‘5”) lS

part of a national
with graduate and

urnlergraduatc chapters. The un-
dergraduate chapters are open to
majors in interior design. The UK
chapter has been on campus for
about two years and has 89 mem-

lturing its twoyear existence at
t K. ASII) has sponsored a T-shirt
logo. ('hristmas card design com-
petition for interior design majors
and an art suppliers exhibit which
was held March 4.

it ayne liraun. a junior ASH). said
that the organizatitin helps him to
see more about the professional
lifestyle of interior design. He also
said l but he felt the group'has “ more
to offer than other clubs.“ tiraun

added. "I think it‘s of real value. We
do some partying in ASH). but it‘s
not all party."

.to \‘iolette. also a junior said that
she has met some interesting people
through ASlti. She added. “I really
enjoy it." Violette has been a
member for two years. “I look
forward to being in it another two

Another aide A SH) provides for its
members is a "job bank.“ This bank
stores a list of companies and art
designers seeking graduates. ASll)
frequently invites professionals to
visit andtalk with students about the
transition from college life to
professional life.



lir. ’Ilromas Foster of the (‘ollege of Pharmacy
has been elected as the new chairman of the
Kentucky Drug Formulary Council. The council
develops a list of “therapeutically equivalent“
drugs by generic and brand names.


As a strike deadline approached. Appalachian
Regional Hospitals. Inc. and the United
Steelworkers agreed yesterday to resume their
contract talks. ARH President David Heydinger
said he was hopeful that an agreement can be
hammered out and ratified by the union mem-

bership before the old pact expires at midnight


Fifteen workers at an Ohio Itiver serage treat-
ment plant in Louisville were treated at a hospital
yesterdayafter fumes from
trexachloroeyclopentadine leaked into the facility.
according to the federal Environmental Protection
Agency. Hagan Thompson, spokesman for the EPA
in Atlanta. said the sewage treatment plant was
evacuated when it was found that “fumes from the
chemical...bubbled up from- waste water in the
plant.“ The chemical is “said to have about the
toxicity of chlorine gas." Thompson said.


Secretary of State (‘yrus It. Vance said yesterday
that the ladr of a Russian response to American
propmals for a comprehensive nuclear arms treaty

might mean the Soviets are seriously interested.
\‘ance said the treaty proposals he made Monday
had not come up once in five hours of talks with
Foreign Minister Andrei (lromyko.

President t‘arter. who calls past U .S. arms sales
policy too unrestricted and dangerous, has ap
proved more than $2 billion worth of military
comtr‘uction contracts, logistical support and
NATO arms sales. White House Deputy Press
Secretary Rex (iranum said yesterday. Granum
said t'arter is awaiting completion of an in-
temgency review of arms-sale policy. '


.luarr Lilian-s. the deputy director of Santa (‘ruz's
airport . sa id yesterday the pilot of the Dutch jumbo
jet that collided with a Pan American jumbo
causing 575 deaths "did not receive clearance from

the control tower to take off." A Dutch airline of-
ticial challenged the statement. Meanwhile. a US.
Air Force t‘-130 carrying 58 of the 71 survivors of
Sunda y‘s disaster took off from the airport over the
wreckage of the two jumbo jets. Most of the sur-
vivors were to be flown to the US. Army Burn
(“enter in San Antonio. Tex.. US. officials said.

out like a lion

'l'oday will he cloudy and mild showers and
thundershowers are likely today. high in the low
70's. The showers will end early tonight and turn
cooler with a low' in the upper 40's. Tomorrow will
he clca ring and mild. The high tomorrow will be in
the low to mid tio‘s.

(‘urnpiled from Associated Press
and Wilma! Weather Bureau dispatches








Editorials do not represent the opinions of the University


6|an Edwards

Fitch! Editor
M tum Ills son

Lemon and comments should be addressed to the Editorial
spaced and st'ned will name. address and telephone umber


Aorist-fl Managing ladl‘nrs Cup, lifltm Win Editor

Mlhe Mouser Sum-line Durhmn I'hll Rutledge
lick Gabriel s [Itch ’Iowuey
St-Ne ":rlllager (Net WW
M-lu- Strange Stewart [lawman
his new spa“ an" ‘ iurttsiu "an... r
\.iru'v Italy m»: 9m. Mex Kola

odlur. uu- ut. Jeanette- Iutldu. no: nut in typed. trbte
. Letter: run-ct ueeed II. words and eon-em In nurtetod to 1!.


Full reclamation
gains on the Hill

After five years of debate in Congress, an
effective piece of national strip mine legislation
has been passed by the House Interior subcom-

Rep. Morris Udall. (D-A riz.) says he is
confident that legislation will meet no further
opposition from the full committee.

Coal operators and government officials from
Kentucky had launched an intense campaign
against two key aspects of the new bill. But Gov.
Julian Carroll and others failed’ to gain
concessions on strict regulations requiring that
land be returned to the approximate original

The main thrust of the legislation is aimed at
steep-slope mining operations which are com-
mon in the mountains of Eastern Kentucky
where extensive environmental damage has

Under the provisions of the legislation, strip
mine operators will be prohibited from leaving
exposed high-walls, large gashes visible on the
sides of the mountains. Carroll and Kentucky
operators had lobbied for more liberal highwall

In addition. opeators would be required to
provide planning information for reclamation
efforts before state regulatory bodies could
approve their permits.

But one of the most important provisions of the
law applies to broad-form deeds, which have
until now allowed mine operators to use almost
any form of removal technique they desired.
Broad-form deeds have been most severely
abused in this state with drastic ecological

effects on the land in Eastern Kentucky.

Under the new legislation, these deeds would
be virtually eliminated and operators would be
required to provide written consent from surface
owners and proof that their deeds mandate
removal by strip methods.

The legislation also provides for more strin-
gent state inspections which would be supervised
by the federal government. Since the operators
could not be released from bond before meeting
environmental provisions, the act would insure
adequate reclamation of the land.

This will mean an important step forward in
Kentucky, where reclamation efforts have been
negligent at best.

For those lands already mined but not
reclaimed, a fund will be set through a 35 cents
per ton tax on coal. Up to 50 per cent of the
money would then be distributed to the states for
reclamation efforts.

President Carter is expected to support the
legislation. Previously, two unwarranted vetoes
by President Ford have been the only obstacles
to passage of similar legislation in 1974 and 1975.
More than 50 per cent of US. coal is strip mined,
much of it in the nation’s top mining state—Ken-
tucky. And since President Carter is committed
to increased coal production, with Kentucky
playing a key role, federal mining regulation and
enforcement is essential.

Congressional leaders say they hope to have
the legislation ready before the summer. If they

make the deadline, we could see the beginning of ~

the end for senseless strip mining practices in




Taxrng rnequrty

As we approach another Tax Day
(April 15), there are a couple of bills
pending in the House of Represen-
tatives which will be of interest to
many students and faculty of the
University of Kentucky.

Some 54 million Americans are hit
with an income tax penalty of up to
20 per cent because they are simple,
or because they are married with
both partners working. The Com-
mittee of Single Taxpayers has been
working for several years to eli-
minate this inequity. To accomplish
this goal, Rep. Ed Koch has again
introduced HR 850 in the House
Ways and Means Committee.

Also pending in Ways and Means
is HR 84, introduced by Rep. Herb
Harris, which would make a begin-



ning toward income tax equality for
renters, similar to what has for so
long been available to homeowners.

Anyone interested in more in—
formation about these bills is urged
to send a long. self-addressed
stamped envelope to me at the
address below, mentioning that this
letter was read in the Kentucky
Kernel. Thank you.

Lee Spencer
Box 4330
Arlington, Virginia 22204

Thanks, but...

Thank you very much for your
excellent story concerning Summer
College which appeared on Wednes-,
day, March 23. Two questions have

Angry at the box that traps self-respect


|'\.\()l' \I la “”1th
\r-\\ \ork 'l'imes \ews Sen ice

st)\!l:l:.\lc'l‘. \..l.—| wish that I
would get out of the box I am in. ltut
it seems so impsossiblc. I can't find
anyopcning liillspile upeach day. I
work. and the bills become higher
while nry wages are low,


I figure if l go to college. I might
be able to nrake more money to
support fry family and give a better
life to nay kids. So i apply and get
aeteptcd and l see a n opening in the
box and I think that I can get out.

liut can t" Sure, there's the grant.



and i should be grateful to the state
for giving me a chance, But l don't
feel so very grateful. I feel

.\fter working all day. l don't feel
like studying. ltesides. my mind is so
cluttered with worries about
hospital. gas. electric. insurance,

cat. doctor and all other kinds of

oills that I can't even think straight.

l-ach (try l get ruore uptight and
nervous, I feel like lashing out at
cverybtxly amt my wife usually gets
it. I felt like getting stoned, but it
doesn't doany good, It only helps for
a little while and then everything is
the same again. So nurch struggling
and I can‘t even make ends meet.





Drawlnls M Plcha










I think of all the other padres de
lamina (“lathe-rs. heads of
households") that a re going through
the same thing. Many of them will
lose their manly dignity, their pride.
aml their self-respect. 'l‘hey‘ll make
their wives lie to get welfare, food
stamps and Medicaid so that they
can make ends meet.

Then they will no longer be
nachos. They will be unwanted,
without family or friends. and who
dare not. from shame. look into the
faces of those from whom they beg
in the streets.

i think and I feel crushed and
hopeless. I fear that I will not he
ableto break out of the box in time to

save my dignity. pride and self-
respect as a man. and that I will not
be able to pass these on to my sons
once I have been robbed of them.

I think and I am angry. Angry at
those whomade the box that I am in.
Angry at those who put me in the
box. And. above all. angry at those
w ho can free me for the price of my


l‘asquale lti leo, who is 27 years old.
\‘til‘ks for the New Jersey stale
urn-repay ment office-in l’ainfield. He
started night school in January at
Rutgers University. .\ew ltruu-
wick. where Ilt' wrote this essay.
amt plans to teach in l'uerto ltico.

been raised which I think should be

First, Summer College is an
experiment and whether it is contin-
ued in Summer 1978 in its present or
some changed form will depend on
our evaluation of it.

Second, it is not exclusively de-
voted to English, History and Math-
matics. While the focus is certainly
on beginning courses offered by
these three departments, partici-
pating students will be free to choose
their classes from the entire range
of summer school offerings.

In fact, people working with these
students will actively advise them
into courses offered by other depart-
ments in cases where it is appro-

Raymond H. Cox
A&S Associate Dean

Grvrng rt up

[would like to thank all my friends
and associates for their encourage-
ment and support, but I am not a
candidate for SC President. I think
I‘ll give up politics for Lent and
devote the rest of the semester to a
Haggin D-2 “Floor of ‘74“ reunion.
(Personal invitations will be de—

Non-Politically Yours,
Alex Christine

Letters policy

The Kernel recognizes an
obligation to provide a forum for
opposing viewpoints. Submissions
are accepted in the form of letters to
the editor and comments.

Letters and comments. on vir-
tually any subject. must be typed
and signed


Fritz and Grits pushing election reform amid giggles



from Washington

Old Roger Sherman had the right idea didn‘t he.
there at the Constitutional convention: the common
people. “should have as little to do as may beabout the
government. They want information, and are con-
stantlyliable to be misled."

So they set up the Electoral College in Philadelphia
in 1787 to safeguard America from the common
people. We honor our Founding Fathers; lean,
sharp-nosed Sherman was a Founding Father; he
must have been right. We have been celebrating
bicentennial forebears—men like John Jay who
(hclared, “the people who own the country ought to

What are Vice President Mondale and President
Carter and Senator Birch Bayh doing now, proposing
to abolish the sacred College? Mondale had the
audacity to quote his boss as saying. “The history of
our Republic from the earliest days has been the
removal of arbitrary and unjustified barriers to
dtizen participation in elections.“

Ha! Tell that to FF Sherman, FF Jay, et al. The vote
was too precious to pass around, they thought 190
years ago.

President Carter picked Mondale as his agent in

transmitting the sweeping proposals for election
reform to Congress. and the relationship between the

two men deserves to be explored. It is an important
fact in the city. The cordiality between Carter and
Mondale is one of the nicest things in Washington.

The vice presidency is among the toughest jobs on
earth. Who can be a successful spare tire? What did
William A. Wheeler think of Rutherford B. Hayes?
What did Garret A. Hobart do for William McKinley?
But Fritz Mondale (formerly one of the best men in the
Senate) seems to be having influence on the
inexperienced Carter Administration and boy, how
they need it.

The two enjoy each other. At the glamorous
Gridiron Club Dinner here the other night, with the
distinguished audience in rented white ties and tails,
and the Marine Band smashing out patriotic marches,
the two put on, straight-faced, what turned out the best
skits of the show. Mr Mondale explained that he was
really the big shot of the administration and argued
that this could be adduced from available evidence.

He was surprised that the unobservant press had no'
caught on to it. After the Inaugural, he asked, which of
them rode down from the Capitol in a limousine, and
Which walked? As the audience laughed he continued:
Which of them carried his own luggage?

Mr. Mondale cited other examples: he was the one
who traveled to Paris, London and Rome, wasn’t he,
while the President went to humdrum places like
Pittsburgh, Springfield and Charleston, W.Va.

Yes, explained M ondale. with mock gravity, he went
to London and stayed with the Queen at Buckingham
Palace while the President was staying with a beer
dstributor at Clinton, Mass.

It was funny enough, but more important was the
evidence that the Carter Administration can laugh at
itself. This is very welcome news in this born-again,
you-all atmosphere. Mr. Mondale went on to explain,

straight—faced, that the Ford administration was
sometimes criticised for devoting its breakfasts to
foreign policy; the Carter Administration has
arranged things better, he said: it has a new foreign
policy for every breakfast.

Mr. Mondale paused at this point to say that he had
just received a note; a note—ah—that told him that he
mist turn in his limousine at 11:00...Does that include
thesuit, too, Mr. President? he asked artlessly.

Yes, it was funny. The Carter speech was good, too.
And now we come back to affairs to state and the
White House message last week about election rform
which Mr. Ca er told Congress “the Vice President
andlhavedev loped.“

The extent of the Mondale participation we don’t
know, but between the two of them they have come
through with an important, substantial legislative
recommendation: nothing less than to bring the US.
into line with every other developed democracy on
earth by putting the onus of voting registration on the
government, not the citizen. Also, by Constitutional
amendment, they propose to abolish the Electoral

The percentage of Americans who vote is “a
disgrace and scandal, with shockingly low voter
participation,“ Mr. Mondale told the press last week.
[as than six out of 10 voted last year, the worst rate in
theworld except for Botswana, Chad and Yemen.

Why is it? The facts are on record. It wasn‘t always
this way. In the latter half of the 19th century voter
turnout in US. presidential elections ranged from 70
to I!) per cent. But then the second-generation
immigrants and the blacks wanted to vote. There was
big city corruption. Stern restrictions on voter
restrictions on voter registration were imposed:
ostensibly ”reforms" but often with the idea of good

old Roger Sherman that the masses were dangerous
and should be restrained.

Since 1900 we haven‘t seen a 70 per cent turnout
again. In 1972 only 55.4 per cent voted; last November
it was down to a shocking 53.3 per cent.

Meanwhile up in Mondale’s Minnesota they insti-
tuted registration so simple that a citizen can go to the
polling place and show his identification and vote then
and there. Minnesota had a 72 per cent turnout in the
last election, highest in the nation, and not a single
charge of fraud was filed. Three or four other states
have similar records.

Why not do it for the nation, asks Carter-Mondale?
And why not have the Federal government drop its
passive role in registraton? Other democratic

governments defray the cost. Canadian registration
officials make a door-to-door canvas and prepare ad
hoc voting lists at a cost of about 70 cents a voter; it
costs about $15 million and around 75 per cent vote.

How about abolishing the Electoral College with its
winner-take-all provision in the states? In 1967 the
American Bar Association commission called it
“archaic, undemocratic, complex, ambiguous, in-
direct and dangerous." The ABA. Chamber of
Commerce, AFL-CIO, UAW, League of Women
Voters, an extraordinary coalition—supported the
direct vote plan, like Carter‘s.

The House passed a proposed Constitutional
Amerdment, 339 to 70, in 1969. Then it stalled in a
Senate fillibuster. Surely now its time has come.


'lltll from llashington is -syndieated hy The New
Ila-public. a national magazhe ahnnt politics and the
arts. The column is written weekly hy 78 year-old-
ltichard lee Strout. who also is Washington
cm'reqnnuh-nt for The t'hrlstlan Science Monitor.



in c












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nd H. Cox
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ly Yours.


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New development chief

seeks private donations

Kernel liepoorter

’I‘crry Mobley was named
director (I development for
UK March 8, where he will be
in charge of all private
donation and fund-raising

A native of iiarrodsburg,
Mobley attended UK from
I9til-65 on a basketball
scholarship. He was employe
relations manager at IBM‘s
federal systems division in
Washington, I).(‘.. and was
then marketing represen-
tative in the corporation‘s
office products division. in
Lexington before coming to

“Terry is an outstanding
young man who is well known
and well liked throughout
Kentucky. He also is an
alumnus with a deep concern
for the university and we are
pleased that he will
spearhead our efforts to in-
crease the level of private
support for UK." said Dr.
Iiay Hornback. vice president
for university relations.

Mobley described his new
position as threefold: he will
work to sell the university to
prospective donors, to em-
phasize the needs that private
support can help them meet,
and to help administer the
gifts that come in.

Last year the Office of

Development raised almost
three million dollars. Mobley
said that must of the money
raised was earmarked by the
donor for a specific depart
ment. Mobley‘s office
recommends where the
undesignated money should
be spent to UK President ()tis
Singletary, who makes the

Mobley said he prefers to
receive it ndesigna ted m oney,
allowing flexibility in
allocations. “As often as
possible we use the money

directly for student
assistance such as possible."

Although UK alumni give
well ($727,000 last year),
Mobley pointed out that non-
alumni account for almost
three times the amount
alumni donate.

'I‘hat discrepancy is at-
tributed lo corporate
donations. According to
Mobley, UK receives a few
monetary gifts. Paintings
have been received, one
person gave horses, and even
a motel was once donated.“

Oberst to head

AAUP conference

Dr. Paul Oberst. UK Law
professor, will head the state
conference of the American
Association of University
meessorstAAUP) meeting
in Louisville, April 1-2. A
large delegation of UK
professors will participate in
the weekend session.

The annual meeting of the
Kentucky AAUP will be
hosted in Louisville by the
Jefferson Community College
and the University of
Louisville chapters of the

“The Future of Higher

Council offers jobs in

Jobs in Europe are
available for hundreds of U .8.
students this summer
through the Work in Europe
program sponsored by the
(‘or'mcil on International
Educatonal Exchange

For the past eight years.
the popular program has
offered direct experience of
living and working in another
country. The program helps
reduce the cost of travel and
clears the red tape students
face in seeking jobs overseas.

Participants must find
their own jobs but will have
the help of cooperating
student travel organizations
in each country. In France
and Ireland they may work
during the summer; in (treat
liritain they may work at any
time of the year for tip to six

Jobs are usually un-
skilled-7 in factories.
departmentstores and hotels.
Salaries are low, but students
generally earn enough to

Educaation in Kentucky“ is
the topic of discussion for a
panel that includes Harry
Snyder. Executive Director
of the Council of Independent
Kentucky Colleges and
Universities, and Richard
Wilson, education writer for
the Louisville (‘ourier-

William J. McGlothlin,
Professor Emeritus of Higher
Education of the University
of Louisville, will speak on
“Ethics and the Professions.
Activities include a banquet
Friday night and a luncheon
on Saturday.


cover experses.

To qualify for (‘IEE‘s
program. students nrust be be
i830 years old and must
prove student status. To work
in France, they must also be
able to speak and understand

For information and app-
plication forms. contact

t‘IEE. llt'pt. I’Ri. 777 United-

Nations Plaza, New York,
N.Y., 10017; or 236 North
Santa Cruz. No. 314, Los
(Iatos. (‘a.. $5030.



The Kentucky Komel, Ill Journalism luiiding, University at Kantucliy, Lexington, Kentucky. ‘03“, is maiiodtiva limos
week” during the year cxcoot holidays and exam periods, and twice weakly during tho summer sossion. Third class
posh” paid at Lexington, Kentucky, loll I. Sunscrinion ratcs arc moilad u not nor, orona cud per year nm-motlod.

Published In tho Kornol brass, Inc. and touidod in im. the Kornot hogan os Tho Cadot in in". The paper has boon
published continuously as tho Kontucky Kornoi since ms.

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