xt7h9w090d20 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7h9w090d20/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2000-10-05 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 05, 2000 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 05, 2000 2000 2000-10-05 2020 true xt7h9w090d20 section xt7h9w090d20 LEFT OF CENTER

Seeial life

“I have

There are many things
you never want to
hear from someone
you are interested in.
Here are some others
that probably would
not make your day.

Guys could say -

“I dress up as a woman
and perform for

“Well. my other
girlfriend just got
pregnant, so I was
thinking that we may
have to call it quits
for at least 9 months
or so."

"I came out of the
closet last night.
Sorry. But can we
still be friends?"


"0n weekends, I'm a

“My boss thought it
would be a good idea
if I tried the hair
application to my
bald spot with super
glue. He didn't tell
me not to smoke
afterwards. I looked
like a blowtorch. Do
you mind my

"Wanna see my pink
satin sheets?"

“My mom hates you."

"You may wanna get a
penicillin shot or

“Just because the judge
ordered me to be
castrated. doesn't
mean we can't still

Girls could say (I have
experience with
some of these) -

"You're a really good

"You’re too hairy."

"My favorite movie was
Disturbing Behavior."
(Quite possibly the
worst movie ever

“It would be so weird.
You are like my
brother - we are
such good friends."

"I only date frat guys."
(Not a cut on
fraternities, just a
line I have actually

"Thanks. but no thanks
for the offer. What is
your friend's name

-Ron Norton

Fall Break is tomorrow.
Don’t go to class. Be
safe. Get a DD. Root
on the Cats. Don’t
drink too much. Take
a blanket. Wear
boots. Don't shoot
vodka. Crime doesn't
pay and only you can I
prevent forest fires. ‘
Have a great

5.5 7.9

More clouds than sun
tomorrow. But thankfully
there is no rain.

liar/UTE“ m

.331... ‘i ‘fiiiti
VOL. 38106 ISSUE 3831

is“) a.“ t ips’.’
Call: 257-1915 or write:
'v V

Octor s, 2000


the odds



back in the
\ saddle 9

Galbraith talks to UK students

Addressing the issues: Politician told students about his
major platform issues and why he deserves their vote

By anln Swnnn

No big government. stop the privatiza-
tion of prisons and reduce the taxes.
Those were some issues that Gate-
wood Galbraith tackled and gave his views
about Wednesday evening at a campaign
speech sponsored by the Student Govern-
ment Association and the UK Economics
Galbraith is the Reform Party candi
date for Kentucky‘s sixth district congres-
sional race and a UK Law School graduate.

College Democrats getting
supotpr, workin


Stepping up: Members use political
know-how to help with campaign

By Ben Adkins

College democrats at UK have a place on campus
and a way to aid their party in the elections A the UK

College Democrats organization.

Since 2000 is a presidential election year, the
group has been especially busy supporting Democrat-
ic Presidential Candidate Al Gore, as well as Scotty

Speaking to a group of around fifty
students and people from the campus com-
munity. Galbraith. a staunch supporter of
the legalization of marijuana and hemp.
touched on the issue of students losing fed‘
eral aid for drug convictions.

“(1) don‘t want students to lose federal»
ly~aided money for minor drug offenses to
attend college." said Galbraith.

Galbraith was a two-time inibernatori-
a] candidate in Kentucky.

From his previous encounters in run-
ning for political office and the results

N we

congressional race.

port the group has received.


from those campaigns, the congressional
candidate said he feels he has a chance for
success this election.

“The sixth district race in Kentucky is
the only one (congressional race) in the na-
tion that a third party candidate that has
an equal chance to be elected," Galbraith

The Reform Party candidate (‘Ollilll
ued on to say if his opponents. Baesler or
Fletcher, are elected in November. neither
of their votes in the House of Representar
tives will be representative of the public.

Rather, they will represent those who
made large corporate campaign contribu»
tions. Galbraith said.

"Those commercials of theirs. are not
made by them or their campaign. but by





daughter of vice
presidential condi-



III, roncts to Al
Goro's responses
wfllo watching the
Mntos on toth-
sion Toesdny night
with tho Donoaots
at tho StnIont
Contor. In“.
Carroll. no invest-
ment banker of
Robertson Stephens
Bankers Istons to



Ashley Larmour. a political science freshman.
said the organization has attended events such as a
fish fry for Baesler. She also noted the incredible sup

“We've gotten really good support from local
politicians like House Member Kathy Stein and
Jonathan Miller, the state treasurer," she said.

Baesler. the democratic candidate in the sixth district

The College Democrats also hold voter registra-
tion drives to try and get students involved.

Keisha Carter. a history and political science se
nior, is organizing the drives, and said this week alone
they have been held on Monday and Wednesday, and
there are two more drives tentatively planned for


their contribution supporters.” he said.
"So wheii its time to \ote on a bill. ll w ill
not be their vote."

Galbraith. a criminal defensi- attorney
in Lexington. also discussed the state of
law enforcement and the role it plays to

“We live in a lMllll't‘ state." he \fllll “I
can leave this building right now driw
and run into a roadblock or ask to urinate
Ill 21 cup. without any reason "

ln addition to doing away with a po-
lice state. Galbraith supports the i‘iltllllL‘ of
racial profiling

"Asa criminal defensi- attorney. I see
minorities get rapt-d and saxageil l>_\ law
enforcement all the time." he said


Election 2000 1

UK students give their opinions on Tuesday
night's presidential debates.

How do you think Bush and Gore did in the

I don’t care about
both of their



I started pulling my
hair out. I’m voting

for Nader.


Sounds like Bush
was more interested

in consumers.


Gore did a really
good job. I don’t

think Bush is ready.




LCC instructor goes all out



Unlike most adults in Frosted Flakes
commercials. Rebecca Mc(‘ane doesn’t
have a problem admitting she loves tigers.

Only Mc(‘ane doesn't have a fetish for
the cartoon. She feels for a real kitty with a
big problem.

McCane. a biological sciences instruc~
for at Lexington (‘ommunity College. is in-
terested in South (‘hina tigers and other
exotic cats that are in danger of extinction.

She will be leaving for London. Eng-
land Saturday where she will visit the (‘hi-
nese Embassy to discuss conservation

“They are open to hearing how to con-
serve the tigers because they are a cultural
symbol." Mc(‘ane said.

While at the embassy. she will attend
the ceremonial launch for the “Save (Thi-
na's Tigers" charity. a group very close to

her heart.

"We are the only organization work-
ing to fund cat conservation projects in
China." McCane said.

She will also visit exotic cat conserva»
tion facilities and conservation zoos. in-
cluding the Edinburgh Zoo in Scotland
whose emphasis is to release the cats back
in the wild after breeding.

McCane became involved with the
charity through the Internet. She was on
several exotic cat email lists and met
David Witts of Sheffield. England. He met
Li Quan. a native of Beijing. (Thina. and
founder of S(‘T charity. Witts told Mc(‘ane
about the charity and she became involved
in the early stages of the organization.

The organization is being used to help
the declining tiger population in (‘hina
The group promotes the protection of nat-
ural habitat called “in nature" preserva-

According to the S(‘T charity web site.

The Student Newspaper at the Ur ivorsity of Kentucky,

there are between 10-30 South China tigers
left in the wild. This is due to the large
amount of poaching and the small number
of tigers the poachers are going after.

McCane feels this is a great opportuni-
ty for her. She said she is very excited to
share experiences from the trip with her

"I will be able teach them what l
leam.“ McCane said.


For more information on the Save China's
Tigers charity, visit httW/msavechinas-

Lexington ,


mm | Irwin Sim

Lcc Instructor lonoecn Ictnnonllvlslttno




z | tantrum. OCTOBER 5, zoqg_|_ VIEW KIWI,”


ALLlfliilElilSlflAI HIS.

The Low-down


aims to restore billions of dollars in budget cuts
Congress made in 1997 when it balanced the fed-
eral budget.

Survey tracks child. parent conduct









NEW {ORtKl' Wildespreaidbngrental miscon- Continued from page]
- ' ce tioiis 21 cu ( iscip ine ant e avior may re-
Opponents seek to 0““ MIIOSOVIC suIl)t in a growing number of overly aggressive. ‘ _
KOLUBARA MINE. Yugoslavia in a star» NEW NEWSIES: easily fruStrawd children. according to experts _ ’lhe candidate would also
llllil’c', [3005i l‘Ul‘SlUlelllll NlllllSt‘VlC‘S {005. police In the t'mm WhU surveyed "1011) than L000 parents \Vllh llkl‘ ll) Sl‘t‘ lax “10110)? W'lth’
sent to take control of a striking coal mine abaii- of D“ Ahroyd youngsters 6 and under. The nationwide survey drawn from dealing With for-
doiied their posts 'l‘uesday after running up and Jane found that 51 ppm-pm 0f the panims condone eign altairs and focus more on
against huge and fearless crowds. ’I‘he turnout Curtln spanking as a regular form ()f punishment for domestic problems a
.L'aye opposition t‘orces‘ hope that the Yugoslav "S t Id young (‘hudl’pn despite rpsmrch indicating (.012 l teel we need to use our It
president's regime was mortally wounded. The Niahtullav" poral punishment can be harmful. pifyy.50v(.,1 tax money to strengthen our. '
Will “11‘" “l. “WINS “'35 Ulllll't‘k‘t’tlt‘llIt‘d ill 2! l0!" '1 ve percent of the parents said even a t5»tiionth-old healthcare (”PM“) instead ol \ brl
iner communist nation with no history of major (premiering child can be gpoilmr a bplipfthp survey coordina- sending [WWW UWI‘ 1” DISK 11 Galbraith
worker uprisings It caught eyen top oppositioti Od' 7) will h" tors said is incurrecL dictator out ot a country. he .
tigures oil guard. The}: rushed to join more than ture ' coed d“ 51““ . 01" 50,000newspapers Wlth ”‘9 3V l
“W,“ “m“,wirs at on. Kolubara mim. cUmpipx 33h: Wdeetend ‘1 ill” the ltiw wetfikitolgo l‘ltllt "“"‘l“‘f€“;‘ s mattorntt and a bus 3;;
; :s" “on ' st' ~ o 'ts'g ' i "or. 39 953 - , . ti Zection )ay.t e la irai touro tie . couii v congres-
md 1 I“ (H I \m” H“ ‘ H L 11h) “ mo” \ Jimmy Fallon DOW Cllll'lbs 78' "anaq qams 55 campaign is planning to hand sional district. t k
and head writer NEW YORK Just before the ‘1 p.m. EDT a t
' - ' Tina Fe . close, the Dow Jones industrial average was it ) .
Gore' BUSH hlt campa'qn tl'all "There': chem- 78.43 to 10.798.17al‘tcr being up iiiorethan llet‘lllE- dist
liUS'l‘U-V :\l (lltt‘t‘. t'lellllillwllIl‘s’ 111 011“). Istry," exec lier 'l‘uesday. Decliners outnumbered adyancers den
ill’ltt‘ill't‘tl ill 41 l‘:lll_\‘ of about low itt‘ttltlt‘ 1'1 lllt’ producer Lorne on the New York Stock Exchange 159471.197. The can
A ’1 ent- Warren courthouse squat“)? 11ml jllgflt‘filt‘ll lll'lffi'i- Michaels says Nasdaq composite index was up 55.6.") at 3511.18. According to lieano the. 01m
pp‘ 1‘ dential ii\.il (teoi ge \\. hush was too iiegatite of his choice to group is also involved mother

1y alter during 'l‘uesday‘s debate. (lore also rejected replace outqo- activities for the campaign. lool
watChing ”my? “(l-”SHUHH ”1‘31 h“ “In“ “-‘W "fuzzy ing anchor Colin Padres pass on Gwynn's $6M option . such as signing up campaign t‘” p
Gore and math to describe the lexas governors tax plan. 3‘ \N‘ l)11~‘(‘() ’l‘l ‘ 9 l)’ H) 1" 1w ’1‘ ,~ Continued from paqel volunteers and issue advocacy. serr
BUSh for Emil” mmu'mmtl‘u 51}le \Ptl‘flsnkinry I‘llxt‘lmslsimiltx d'iv informed 'l‘ony (ltl‘tvnnl‘ll 11.12:: lli‘:*(\']:\:t=i‘eut(l: which includes advertising one tion

. o(;i\. saying ioi‘es ic-‘o' 21 cc ‘o'e . x. . . - t . H V, A. "2} , y.

90 min- \\'tillltl llt‘ 'l'the biggest gilt-eminent spt‘l1(lt‘l‘\\'t"\‘t‘ dining his $6 million etititm anti buying out the "““y‘c‘fl‘fil-‘l‘lll‘l ”“1113“ . . 33:.3‘nq‘1‘vgf’11,]:‘53::fiigi.‘31012:}; Mai
utes. peo- seen in tiet-zities,” lliish. also campaigning in Cpntl‘actfet'sz’milllmt“_.\'t‘\'lt‘ 511ppt)i'lt‘t‘s‘.tlli-
ittilled "parts" nt' the t‘li't‘llttli. the :tht‘llt'V said. adding details nf the
riding \vntild he made ptihlte 'I‘httrsdav. It'the presidential vnte or
even parts «it it nittst he repeated. it means {\Iilns‘evie retains pnw
er Innuei

".\t tti'st this i tav seem like a i-niteesstnn ltv Slnltndan Milnsevie.
ltlll I'nt :t‘il‘liltl this is :t hit; trap." lx'nsttiniea said

'I'he :tnnntineement \‘tilS tssned alter a swift turn nt‘events at. the
sti'tkehntind Iiithiltai'a mine It liegztn \\ ttlt rtnt pnliee svvnnptnt: dnmi
nn the t'ltllllttttllltl lhtt the\ new t'et'eed tn hack nit \vhen 10.000
tntv itspenple s\\tll'lllt’il in the t'nntple\ tn "deteitd” the strikers.

'I‘lte enitirnntai inn .tt Ix'nlnhara. (tili‘ nt'ihe t'nttntijv's Itlzllttl‘ mines
\‘xilll T.tlll1t\\ttl‘lv’i\. \tzts tiitpi‘eeedented iii \‘ttunslavia. It drainatieal
l\ llllislt‘d't'tl the . tiillllllllllt‘ltl nt' iItnse seeking in inpple Milnsevie's

'I‘he t‘itlll'l attitnttttt'eiitettt ivts ittade en the eve ni‘ a planned
mass rally in I-teldrade that the (tptttts‘llittti hnped would i'nree \Iiltise—
\ It in t’ttt‘ti't'tlé tier-at. and nppnstitnn leaders s:i\t' the ritIint,v as a des
perate :itt>»:tipt :., tittdei'ettt their eatnpatqrt.

\Itittset It It'l\l‘:tt\\lt‘lltlt‘\ lx’nstnniea tinished tirst in a tivet'andr
date tieltf in \rht it lint \\ tthntzt .t inmnrttv needed lit avnid a rititnll‘
Siaiidzn 'l'he nttpnsitter. has t‘e‘ti‘t‘twtl a rtittntl

"ilt- s'sa t?;.tt he wattitn' ptish titi‘ntteh tht seennd rnttttd auatnst
the Il‘:_l?--"'?‘\. n: the :tenple " nppnsittnn eatttpatcit illllItHL‘t‘l‘ Zni‘an
[hintint' inin t'epnrters

ttppnst'tnn nt'tiriai tint'art S‘v tiattm It said he ltt'llt'\'t‘,\ the nppn

‘ ' ' tn take pat" in 't i‘t‘i‘llil nt‘the tii'st rntind

’i-tl " it‘ll

The «unit an t Ill t'l‘iit'l'l'dltl sesstnn \\'t-dttesdat tn hear ('ttlll
tilttlt‘ils ht, tin " :natntatninu .\Iilnse\ie's

'wsatts in ttstn: a snphtstieated

sillttl‘: :t't‘

it“, sittent. ' he said

ttppnszttnn iders s'nti t‘tet had nltianted a eepv nt‘the prnurant
and \vnttld itse it tn tilnsttate hen the wit» \\.'I_s rtuued tn t'a\nr .\liln
st-‘vit’s t'.lll(lltlj!!“._

In 1itl'x.t.'1\"‘ «it I‘htn'sd'i‘x 's rain. tippns‘ittnn leaders tsstted an
"ithimattntn tnr \Itlnse\ It" in l‘t‘\l!ll In it pin. tSt ant. lilt'l‘i 'I‘httrs
Belgrade deittnitstratinit.
"’I‘I‘ts tlaitw til eitcnlt the \thnle nt Ilelurade.”

Itattt'. zit; wppnstttnn tdet

(lit_\ the i1“:‘.-‘ set tltt tit:

said Vladan



celebrate strike victory


Opposition supporters display posters showing Yugoslav President Slobo-
dan Milosevic resembling Adolf Hitler with "I'm finished" written at the
bottom, in Yugoslavia Tuesday. The embattled government of Milosevic
threatened to crack down on the opposition, calling them subversive ele-
ments waging warfare against the country.

Interracial marriage ban on appeal

Thinking twice: Alabama is the last state with a clause in
its constitution that forbids blacks and whites to marry

\\ hn v\'l‘ttlt‘ the itallnt measure
i‘nIIs suggest the ineasnre \\Ill \t‘l

, . ,...: E; I‘.
Admit-tiey \:i it l.ati.
N W'I'tl.

I.:ts' :ttnnth. :1

pt lst '(l

pea“ :tt‘; i

l;ll'*\ ,\l.ttt.:t'.t: s

l)“lllt‘l\ :s x?

its: sin

lll'il ‘M‘w': -.

l, l tt/r-tl

W” ’l‘nt- I’enii'ks.
' ' t,“ t,‘

| \l..

p l\‘_ hit“ '.t.tth sitltstanttai nppnsiitnn ll“
ti and n‘» perrent tit lavnr and ht pert-wit: nit
I'he rest \vere tiitdeetded nr nnt plan
liii‘. t» \nir (‘apital Stii‘xev Research tntind
iii :tt-rreitt in tavnr and 2th pereent nppnsed.
Repnhliean Attnrnev (it‘tii‘t‘al Ilill I’rvnr
ll'll‘l\\ the repeal. lanthasttn: the in'trrtaue
hat: 'I\ 'n‘iisnlete. ttnentnrt eahle and intent

xvhn married l.‘ ttinttths
nan. said a stranger nitt e l‘tnIlei‘ed. hltiitule
' at them. htit thei ill-
itn\\ well their marriage is at eepted.


t\nd the I’eitieks dn \vni'i‘t
\‘vlitt it'll ttttllsit‘t's lltt‘}. titttittst' llit‘ ’ilttt‘titl

ziltnttt thnse

’ll J'Ltt pei't'eitl ttl'tlte penttle still until in

hart tnterraeial marriage. vntt lime in \\ttii


lleL'ts'it't‘ pnll


stit‘prised at

tlt‘l', \\'ll.ll else dn the) train?” s'iltl .\iisnn

interratiai marriaaes are nit the
'1H.-\l.‘tlt.’tiii.’t ’I‘en \ears aunt there '\\t‘l’t‘
tlttit stit'h iitarrtaues. l.i ltt'l‘t't‘lll nt‘ the tnial
that vear Ilv lltfth‘. the latest \ear fI\'.'Ill€Il)lI_‘.
thejx nttinhert-d1.3M.ni'itfipet‘eeitt.

'I‘Ite snle vneal defenders nt the stains
ittin enme i‘rnnt the 3nd Alabama niemlters nt‘
the Sntithet‘n I’at'tt. \\ltlt‘li reveres the (lid
(‘nnt‘ederat-t and wants the Sntith tn secede
auatn. Naiinitvvide membership is ptit at

I’ai Reaves. a tli vearnld retired airline
pilni iii \Itiiti'nrd and Alahama‘s Sntithei'n
I’ai't_\ t’hairman. said repeal is "tiitnet‘essart
and i'tdit'iilntts.”

Kitty O’Shea’s

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New York's Hottest College Band
Friday - Bloo
53 day - DJ on the Deck

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Wild Turkey Representative on hand giving out
FREE stuff!

"Best drink specials in town!" must be 2i to enter

5 A;
90$ US/C’






Still Smoking?
Kick the Habit!
University Health Service can help!

Five reasons to quit this semester:
Tn get healthy
Tn nnt smell like a bar hct'nt'c ynu get there
Tn lnnlx hcltct‘
'l‘n reduce yntir chances of health prnhlcnts
Tn be able tn hnncstly tcll ynur parents you don‘t smnkc


Fni‘ an appntntiiient tn hecnmc sitinke-l‘t‘cc. call
I'itimrsity tStudcnt) Health Service at
liIl/t ‘//it it'ii'.int'.irkv.et/u/u/s/ieu/I/i







