xt7h9w090g3p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7h9w090g3p/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1914-06-01 minutes 2004ua061 English Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, June 1, 1914 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, June 1, 1914 1914 1914-06-01 2020 true xt7h9w090g3p section xt7h9w090g3p «m-mwomw—m—m.m.mmn 1 / w ‘3 J > .1 1" W" 1'; E, ._._. m“. r "4 (‘ T- \$ , , V . a "' . 4‘ C .L . 7 ‘ ‘ v 2‘ Lu A In1“3:::t7 met . f . AL 7 w ‘ \ La ‘ne faculby a: tflfi : dun “ppqp 1‘ L? c ‘ V ‘ [,1; 3 J. l “ u b r C ‘31:: '7“ Ti O y . . ‘ Y" ‘1?) ‘ V A p w A > 4,”, ‘ C J. p :12 (“‘17) ,1? £3 1" . Y xJT‘dCG 11 Idifi LU Carolin H’fl m m a F" N O of’ CG Ta hr??- "-2 ( 8. nklin r\ r, 7‘; .n . . » H Ljr an a: A,3. 1n moae"n Lunxuaqes. ,6“ J 9 ‘1‘ g j" w '7 .J. “3r ¥ V n ‘ h ffersvn Jones FOISO‘ re ward P, Reamer Thomas Woodson , . . V,\ r01 0; A.?. in 135. ? rland Wrigh bath Baker Matthews a. v w 71. r. A ,4. r v1 h ‘vmlmwofifimmvn.~nmmflvvm~ AC .1. i l Denham (xx Clarence Eilder ,, 1 am 3 .n. d; .3 Ad, ma .b. L u‘J CH7 "' T' 'L 1'} (B 1“ n 1 .. u 4 ll Brue lulkner )ll" 13 h r" " 13 L3 »/ 9 5‘ 'E U 3Y‘+ ;- r_ Rube Alb 1rd 1 I. 7119 S U. 'f.’ I] 1 ‘ D . 4a JO 1. .1 ‘r\ «wwwnyg-nn—mm.mmnm~ 7" 1’,\ C, . ___ __ .' - 1 __ ' :Ol’l_‘ l .ovnt Town“ 7* , . ““1 ' .-..;.,. tr") vn *3; Aqua WB‘FJ Berkl Ew' ‘. cw; t i Mr. b3 Qflitt%3 €ror ihu 1.: '\ ‘\ L. -},_L~y .mum I“ 9.} HT) ’5 MAC T? t by P30”. " .. ' x \ ,‘ 1- - . bare] S nan; 1‘,L were 0_ ,_., :. r I: J u I" 541‘;le d _1t“\l L’l . “ ~ - ~ .A v ‘ ‘ A, ""r\ - Pru*. Aw\ers4 tfieu moved that ueOLg~ 9. be recom- L‘ " ~ ’1 'v; ‘1 9/ a " “u ‘3 I -- " u to ans? n ' of ‘I‘USJGLAL iu' OI mmnulur‘ of 1 ‘- a .\~ ‘4. w v-.. n , vb lSu, wnan h1- Jarej s wwecantn“ an” avceoted us a cmnxicute for the 'egree o? (—a - impression that he had almost :1: col 9. He further th't he had ex rezufxs sun that 4.: -.,l "aw,” m-Wafixmmp~~MWI-rv~ .1 .. ¢ LL +4 3. . a '1 (‘4’: 4, Q C .1 1‘ AD 1 :r1 1“ ‘ ‘4 u me vote. 1 3 1 if L: Vin 0 he r11 Qrwoou~ N 'E‘ Q S _. S . G a x . .1. , Pr; .1 19 1911' T} JIM Jiti, b » _L .-. ’u 11 O C 'IAA mlmwh’lw—m-MW w . 105'“ ”a: For To 29 Laffls 33ft: 121 935393 of Bachelor 9f Laws Art. Brysg Geagbv sun Chr13m3n Willi .L-i.la Chanb33~ Guy L . 3 chxinhvu Allan Wyazlt Gullinr Lewlia Guy; Taylmt Nathan Hausa El ner D-;nflun Hays W3.3.13c% DJnCdd HEMthDn ~fiwn 1J Town ;3 Hui“ 1111 Charles \V.l+er Hcskica Guy H3? nulqt G333; 3 Jon3ss William Henry 30333 Glaybolqw Xaiiguhau J0hn30n TM 3‘ " Q1113, : ’ Hivukl‘"), J?» ng r1311 $53,133th a ~i13 Willa? i Park» Rosana C. Preston William J. Sanferd, Jr-n Baeil Duke Sartin Henry L. Spencer Duran Keel Tackett Frank Her ford Tomizias Ch31?;35 Chestar Wilson W3Ld C. Yeager of the Graduate Schaglb the Masters degra a. or Mackenzia, Dean llowing mamas for a" \ 1. 'x‘ A'uoLH 19341.4 5. .; “1gb “-01 a 4-: “m Kiziah Portav Schultz Dolly Taylor Batiaila Inis Gillis William Henry NcAdams James Spence“ McHargue The 3m1s Foreman Ott Benjamin Dunbar Wilson ivim- £3.13 “991313 '- C) i 31331.8... 9., Leonida$M3‘tcalf Allisan Walter Andrew Harm Orville Haber Taylor Daniel Voires Terrell Master 3i Mechanical Engineerigg Arthur Board Haswell Arza Lytle Wilhoite 132 vWWWmm-Mm ‘ ' ‘ Fr .- , 4. , ,. vgv Md3w3} 45 u.” c_mafl=.m, ?ur Manta? .f ; ” ddmlph Ba:liiz HQNQRflE PE 133...; 1M U m January chhvan Th5 mafia? ware apprefiad by the Facuafya C: stian mgating adjaurnad r34 Lg.) ’9