xt7h9w090h5d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7h9w090h5d/data/mets.xml Kentucky. Department of Education. Kentucky Kentucky. Department of Education. 1958-10 bulletins English Frankford, Ky. : Dept. of Education This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Educational Bulletin (Frankfort, Ky.) Education -- Kentucky Educational Bulletin (Frankfort, Ky.), "Kentucky Public School Directory 1958-59", vol. XXVI, no. 10, October 1958 text volumes: illustrations 23-28 cm. call numbers 17-ED83 2 and L152 .B35. Educational Bulletin (Frankfort, Ky.), "Kentucky Public School Directory 1958-59", vol. XXVI, no. 10, October 1958 1958 1958-10 2022 true xt7h9w090h5d section xt7h9w090h5d Commonwealth of Kentucky 0 EDUCATIONAL BULLETIN a Inn—EM!!! KENTUCKY PUBLIC SCHOOL DIRECTORY 195 8 - 59 ~—_—“:\q-—.A ,x—‘sz—T .A—F-'—A__—I—-——~—" A4 A Published by \ DEPARTMENT cur EDUCATION ROBERT E. MARTIN . Superintendent of Public Instruction #:«1 A AW— { WNW ISSUED MONTHLY Entergd as second-class matter March 21, 1933, at the post office at rankfort, Kentucky, under the Act of August 24, 1912. P0 STMASTER: SEND NOTICES OF CHANGES OF ADDRESS ON FORM 3579 VOL. XXVI OCTOBER, 1958 No. 10 Th the dc “Cmnm Them 111 Ky. Sta T1]: be navy Kenfnc' 01‘ stam vary, ( G0] ((31: (Seetim THE SEAL OF KENTUCKY The seal of the Commonwealth of Kentucky shall have upon it the device, two friends embracing each other, with the words “Commonwealth of Kentucky” over their heads and around about them the words, “United \Ne Stand, Divided We Fall”. (Section 4536, Ky. Statutes, 1893) STATE BIRD Kentucky Cardinal. (Section 4618n Ky. Statutes, 1926) STATE FLAG The official State Flag of the Commonwealth of Kentucky shall be navy silk or bunting, with the Seal of the Commonwealth of Kentucky encircled by a wreath of goldenrod, embroidered, printed or Stamped on the center thereof. The dimensions of the flag may vary. (Section 4618n Ky. Statutes, 1918) STATE FLOWER Goldenrod. (Section 46180 Ky. Statutes, 1926) STATE SONG S “My Old Kentucky Home”, written by Stephen Collins Foster. ( ““1011 4618p Ky. Statutes, 1928) HON. HON. HON. HON. HON. HON. HON. HON. HON. HON. HON. HON. HON. HON. HON. HON. HON. HON. HON. ELECTED STATE OFFICIALS ALBERT BENJAMIN CHANDLER, Governor of Kentucky HARRY LEE VVATERFIELD, Lieutenant Governor THELMA L. STOVALL, Secretary of State MARY LOUISE FOUST, Auditor of Public Accounts HENRY H. CARTER, State Treasurer JO M. FERGUSON, Attorney General ROBERT R. MARTIN, Superintendent of Public Instruction BEN BUTLER, Commissioner of Agriculture DORIS OWENS, Clerk of Court of Appeals SENATORS JOHN SHERMAN COOPER, Somerset THRUSTON B. MORTON, Louisville CONCRESSMEN NOBLE J. GREGORY, First District, Mayfield WILLIAM H. NATCHER, Second District, Bowling Green FRANK W. BURKE, Third District, Louisville FRANK CHELF, Fourth District, Lebanon BRENT SPENCE, Fifth District, Fort Thomas JOHN WATTS, Sixth District, Nicholasville CARL D. PERKINS, Seventh District, Hindman EUGENE SILER, Eighth District, VVilliamsburg KENTUCKY STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION ROBERT R. MARTIN, Superintendent of Public Instruction, Chairman MRS. FRANCELE H. ARMSTRONG, Henderson GUY BILLINGTON, Murray WILLIAM C. EMBRY, 2564. Woodburn Avenue, Louisville HENRY E. POGUE, JR., 82 Henry Court, Fort Thomas J. V. VITTITOW, Owensboro MRS. JOHN H. WALLS, 1631 West Jefferson, Louisville RALPH FONTAINE, Shepherdsville TED C. GILBERT, Secretary 940 MARTIN , GILBERT WTLDER. SMITH, ] DIVISIO] GAR] GREI DIVISIOI‘ SWA] RALI DRY] H00] ALSI TYLE COL] BAT] DIVISIO] ATK] THU] MASI DIVISIO] POW WEA DIVISIOI VICE DIVISIO] BEVI DURI B O T'. LEW: MO 0 COL] ARNI LIGC DIVISIO ELS‘ TAY WAI TAY ucky ction 'ION Ehairman STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION SUPERINTENDENT MARTIN, ROBERT R., Superintendent of Public Instruction GILBERT, TED C., Assistant Superintendent of Public Instruction WILDER. 0. B., Executive Assistant SMITH, ROY G., Coordinator of Defense Education DIVISION OF DEPARTMENTAL FINANCE AND SERVICES GARRISON, EARL E., Director GREENE, ROBERT 12... Assistant Director BUREAU OF ADNHNISTRATION AND FINANCE ROSCHI, WALTER W., Head DIVISION OF FINANCE SWAIN, MARSHALL, Director RALL, C. E., Assistant Director DRYDEN, RAY N., Accounting Supervisor, Mt. Olivet HOOKS, N. T., Accounting Supervisor, Hopkinsville ALSIP, JOSEPH M., Accounting Supervisor, Lexington TYLER, LEE, Accounting Supervisor, Beattyville COLVIN, JAMES W., Accounting Supervisor, Lexington BATES, CLARENCE, Accounting Supervisor, Monticello DIVISION OF BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS ATKINS, EUGENE, Assistant Director THURMAN, PAUL W., Engineer MASON, GEORGE W., Engineer DIVISION OF RECORDS AND REPORTS POWELL, J. C., Director WEAVER, I. JAY, Administrative Assistant DIVISION OF PUPIL TRANSPORTATION VICKERS, JOHN L., Director DIVISION OF SCHOOL LUNCH BEVINS, C. W., Director DURHAM, JAMES 13., Assistant Director BOTTS, ANNIE MARY, Supervisor LEWIS, JANE, Supervisor MOORES, LAURA, Supervisor COLLIER, ANNA M.. Supervisor ARNETT, GEORGIA M., Supervisor LIGON, BERNICE ELEANOR, Supervisor DIVISION OF FREE TEXTBOOKS TRH’LETT, ISHMAEL, Director DIVISION OF PROPERTY UTILIZATION WILLIAMS, J. B., Director IIIVIHAOMPSON’ T. 0., Assistant Director SMIggONfiLD, N. C., Surplus Property Supervisor FOLEY] W gKSON, Surplus Property Supervisor GREENVVELEDROW’ Surplus Property Supervisor BODKIN , DONALD R., Surplus Property Supel'ViSOI‘ , SARA H., Admmistrative Assistant BUREAU OF INSTRUCTION BALE, DON C., Head INSTRUCTIONAL SERVICES fifi?’ DONALD E., Director WALTON CNIIICAUDE, Assistant Director TAYLOR . SAMSSé Supervxsor Secondary Education : . uperwsor Secondary Education DIVISION OF 941 ANDERSON. D. C., Supervisor Elementary Education GENTRY, RICHARD LEE, Supervisor Health, Physical Education and Safety CHAPMAN, MRS. VIRGINIA RUTH, Supervisor Attendance and Pupil Personnel BAILEY, NELLA, Supervisor Libraries ADAMS, EARL, Supervisor Elementary Education MCQUEEN, WILLIAM, Supervisor Music Education SHINDELBOWER, D. N., Supervisor Art Education WHALIN, E. B., Administrative Assistant DIVISION OF TEACHER EDUCATION AND CERTIFICATION COMBS, LOUISE, Director SIMANDLE, SIDNEY RAY, Assistant Director SANDERS, WILLIAM C., Supervisor of Certification MARSHALL, MARY, Supervisor of Certification BARNARD, ETHEL M., Consultant, In-Service Teacher Education BROWN, JAMES, Consultant, In-Service Teacher Education RUSSELL, ADDLY EUGENE, Consultant, In-Service Teacher Education O’DONNELL, LOUISE, Administrative Assistant JOHNSON, VIVIAN, Transcript Analyst DIVISION OF EDUCATION FOR HANDICAPPED CHILDREN EDWARDS, STELLA A., Director PERRY, DORIS A., Supervisor .CLOPPER, DONALD LEE, Supervisor HAYCRAFT, SARAH L., Supervisor BUREAU OF VOCATIONAL EDUCATION PATTON, JAMES L., Head ESHAM, C. F., Coordinator, Rural Development Program DIVISION OF AGRICULTURAL EDUCATION HILTON, E. P., Director BOTTO, M. M., Assistant Director KELLEY, ROBERT L., Supervisor, Munfordville BAY'LESS, DUARD E., Supervisor, Morehead CHERRY, WILLIAM, Supervisor, Hopkinsville THRELKELD, J. ERNEST, Supervisor, Simpsonville MADDOX, JAMES, State Supervisor, Hardinsburg MONTGOMERY, W. C., State Supervisor NEEL, CHARLES 0., JR., State Supervisor BINGI-IAM, WILLIAM R., Supervisor, Paris DIVISION OF TRADE AND INDUSTRIAL EDUCATION MARTIN, FRED, Director BEAM, MARY JULIA, Supervisor, Practical Nurse Training ROBINSON, ORIN, Supervisor, Industrial Arts MATTINGLY, JOHN D., Supervisor, Distributive Education SLOANE, ROBERT W., State Coordinator DIVISION OF HOME ECONOMICS EDUCATION WILLIAMSON, MARY LOIS, Director VAUGHAN, MARY BELL, Assistant Director COLLINS, MAURINE, Supervisor BLACK, JANE, State Supervisor MELTON, JANE, State Supervisor ‘POR'I‘ER, FANNIE, State Supervisor SMITH, DOROTI-IA, Supervisor DIVISION OF EDUCATION FOR VETERANS SALLING, ROBERT W., Director . e11 MCGOWN, JAMES R., Supervisor, c/o Western Trade School, Bowlmg Gr: NEIKIRK, LYLE M., Supervisor, c/o Somerset Vocational School, .SOmerse PATTERSON, KERN P., Supervisor, 449 So. Second Street, Louisvxlle BUREAU OF GUIDANCE SERVICES PHIPPS, CURTIS, Head DIVISION OF GUIDANCE SERVICES PHIPPS, CURTIS, Director CAMPBELL, KEARNEY, Assistant Director 942 DIVISIOP REEI BALI TAY‘I ALLE FLEC LEO} H0 W TAYl B AS} L‘AW EUR] C OX F0 RI MEEZ BRO‘ PAT’. SPAI WILE COX TRA' WHI‘ YOU MUL HEA HOL WIL] EEC: KNI( DIVISIO CRA V00 GISE LIN”. THC DIVISIO JON RIC] COI\' WH] STR CLA RAD LYF STO BEE BR] Anglin, Baker, Blakem Brawne Burke, Campbe Campr l and Safety Pupil Personnel {1 ication ram wling Green Somerset Iille i Anglin, Martha BUREAU OF REHABILITATION SERVICES COFFMAN, BEN 15"., Head DIVISION OF REHABILITATION SERVICES REED, JOHN 5., Director BALDREE, W. HICKMAN, Vocational Rehabilitation Coordinator TAYLOR, WENDELL, Senior Administrative Assistant ALLEN, LINDSEY E., Rehabilitation Services Supervisor FLEGE, R. FRED, Rehabilitation Services Supervisor LEONARD, THOMAS P., Medical Consultant HOWARD, MOODY, C., Counselor, Ashland TAYLOR, ESTHER K., Counselor, Ashland BASKETT, BESSIE R., Counselor, Bowling Green LAWRENCE, ROBERT E,, Counselor, Covington BURKHART, JOHN M., Counselor, Harlan COX, WILLIAM J., Counselor, Harlan FORMAN, RUTH B., Counselor, Lexington MEENACH, LEON, Counselor, Lexington BROWN, HAYWARD, Counselor, Louisville PATTON, DOROTHY, Counselor, Louisville SPANYER, J. CARROLL, Counselor, Louisville WILSON, WILLIAM E., Counselor, Louisville COX, CHARLES E., Manager, Kentucky Industries for the Blind, Louisville TRAYLOR, ROBERT E., Counselor, Madisonville WHITE, IRVIN K., Counselor, Owensboro YOUNG, WILL, Counselor, Paducah MULLINS, BASIL T., Counselor, Paintsville HEATH, FLENOR M., Counselor, Somerset HOLMES, CECILE, Counselor, Louisville WILLIAMS, RANDALL P., Counselor, Lexington BECKHART, DONALD L., Counselor, Louisville KNIGHT, THOMAS P., Counselor, Covington DIVISION OF SERVICES FOR THE BLIND CRANMER, T. V., Director VOOR, JOHN B., Placement Counselor, Louisville GISSONI, FRED L., Placement Counselor, Lexington LTH‘ITON, ENGENIA, Supervisor Business Enterprises Program, Louisville HOMASSON, GLENN P., Vending Stand Counselor DIVISION OF DISABILITY DETERMINATIONS JONES, HOWARD P., Director 13321:; gflglFTON A., Disability Determiner WHITE igHOMAS-L' JR, Disability Counselor STROHMEILE E., Disability Counselor CLAY JO ER, DAVID L., Disability Counselor RAMSEY H11: B., Medical Consultant LYKINS ’JOHDIIIIES T. Medical Consultant STOTT AR , Disability Counselor BERRI’E RCHIE, Disability Counselor BRIDG , ALPH H., Disability Counselor ES, WILLIAM, Disability Counselor CLERICAL ASSISTANTS (State Office) Baker, Virgilen GOinS' Eloise Parker, Elsie Blakeman sueec Gorman, Polly Parker, George Ella Brawner, ram, am Graybeal, Barbara Parker, Pettit BUer, Joan Grimes, Doris Parrish, Mary C. cameell, Mar Grubbs, Elizabeth Peden, Lorena CamDbell w~11y Hartman, Aurora B. Penn, Theresa ’ I ena Hahn, Arlene Reading, Mae 943 Catlett, Ellis Mae Caudill, Helen Cecconi, Jo Wanda Church, Helen Clark, Judy Clarke, Marie Clasby, Alice Clifton, Frances Conway, Irene Corbin, Wanda Crawford, Cora Crosswhite, Bobby DeMoss, Clara Dempsey, Patsy Dennis, Shirley Estill, Carolyn Feagans, Louise Figg, Leoma Gaines, Linda L. Hawkins, Vena Henry, Edna Hodgkins, Mildred Hoehner, Arvilla Hollins, Mary Lou Johnson, Florence Jones, Emily Jones, Jessie Kagin, Elizabeth Lauthner, Letty Lippert, Wanda McDaniel, Ruth Maddox, Alma Mason, Ruth Mefford, Dorothy Monefeldt, Linda Norman, Dorothy O’Donoghue, Ceil Rice, Katherine Rodgers. Elois Rodgers. Nancy Shaw, Marie Slucher, Alma Jean Sims, Myrtle Smither, Ann M. Strassner. Josephine Stucker, Emma H. Thomas, Tacie Thompson, Dorothy Thompson, Nancy Tillett, Shirley Tomlinson, Rose Wade, Elandor Walpert, Sandra Walters, Grace Wilson, Gladys MISCELLANEOUS Baxter, Junious. Storekeeper, Madisonville Baxter, Barry, Storekeeper, Madisonville Ballinger, Westley. Laborer Bradshaw, Lucian, Messenger Braswell, James, Guard Carr, Eugene, Storekeeper Cauble, William, Storekeeper Clark, Hillis, Storekeeper Craig, Robert, Truck Driver Dickerson, Norman, Laborer Dodd, Harry, Storekeeper Giles, Fred T., Storekeeper Hall, William, Storekeeper Haydon, Allen, Truck Driver Hall, Gilbert, Light Equipment Operator Hibbs, Morris, Storekeeper Hill, Charles F., Storekeeper Howard, Edward B., Truck Driver Hulker, Roy, Dup. Equipment Operator Johnstone, Ben, Storekeeper McDaniel, William, Storekeeper McDonald, Charles E., Storekeeper Redmon, Donald, Garage Attendant Rodgers, Hershell, Storekeeper Rodgers, Paul, Storekeeper Shaw, Hardin, Clerk Shuttleworth, Harold, Storekeeper Shy, Henry, Dup. Equipment Operator Smith, Douglas, Guard Thompson, Carlos, Storekeeper Tincher, Kash, Storekeeper Warfield, Clarence, Automotive Mechanic MEMBERS OF THE STATE TEXTBOOK COMMISSION MERS. HAZEL R. MEARS, Horse Cave, Chairman JAMES L. COBB, Newport, Vice-Chairman ROBERT R. MARTIN, Secretary MRS. MAZIE BOCLAIR, Frankfort MRS. CLEO CLICK, Heidrick J .DORLAND COATES, Richmond MITCHELL DAVIS, Glasgow JOE C. HOWARD, Louisville MRS. GEORGIA B. WEAR, Murray 944 TEACH W. S. M] MRS. EI JOHN F] SEDLEY HON. R( HON. JO HON. HI JAMES ] VERA B' WILLIAl N. 0. K1 Jean As; Lucy Bla Frances 4 Polly Ca: Bill T. C Anna M; Nancy C Wilma G VIRGl'NI J, M. DC BEULAH VERNE J LYNDLE GERAL]: KEN MRS. RA MRS. D! GENERA Lerine Elois lancy rie .lma Jean tle Ann M. Josephine mma H. ‘acie . Dorothy . Nancy lrley , Rose ador andra race adys TEACHERS’ RETIREMENT SYSTEM OF THE STATE OF KENTUCKY FRANKFORT BOARD OF TRUSTEES W. S. MILBURN, Chairman, Louisville MRS. EDNA E. L‘INDLE, Vice-Chairman, Henderson JOHN FRED WILLIAMS, Ashland SEDLEY STEWART, Beattyville HON. ROBERT R. MARTIN, Superintendent of Public Instruction, Frankfort HON‘ JO M. FERGUSON. Attorney General, Frankfort HON. HENRY H. CARTER, State Treasurer, Frankfort PERSONNEL JAMES L. SUBLETT, Executive Secretary VERA BECKHAM, Assistant Secretary WILLIAM RAY HOLT, Accountant N. O. KIMBLER, Consultant Wilma L. Shryock Edna H. Stevens Martha C. Sudduth Jean Aspley Joyce Hutcherson Lucy Blakemore Edna Inman Frances Carpenter Susan Leathers Folly Casey Alean McDonald Doris W. Ward B111 T. Childers Helen N. Meade Dorothy L. Wood Anna Mae Connelly Amanda Owens Frances Wright Nancy G. Cosby Jean L. Pulliam Wilma Gaines KENTUCKY EDUCATION ASSOCIATION VIRGINIA MURRELL, President J. M. DODSON, Executive Secretary BEULAH FONTAINE, Consultant for Professional Services VERNE P. HORNE, Director of Public Relations LYNDLE BARNES, Consultant for Field Services GERALD JAGGERS, Director of Publications KENTUCKY BRANCH NATIONAL CONGRESS 0F PARENTS AND TEACHERS Sig: RAYMOND BOLTON, President 1 -DALLAS BRIGHTWELL, Executive Secretary COURT OF APPEALS HON. HON_ ;%1:1;§' MOREMANv FDUr’Eh District ___________________________________________________________ Chief JuStice HON PORT M. STEWART, First District Tudge HON. MOR ER SIMS. Second District Judge HON: AMOEIS MONTGOMERY, Third District ____________________________________________________________________ Judge HON. JAMEsH' EBLEN. Fifth District Tudge HON. ROBERTN' MILLIKEN, Sixth District Judge HON, WATSON EIRD, Seventh District ”Judge HON. R0 LAY """ Commissioner BERT K. CU‘LLEN . . HON. 0550 W ST Commisswner HON. BEVERLy WANLEY Commissioner MISS DORIS OWEfng-ILL Commissérireilel: STATE LAW LIBRARY GENERAL FIELD HARRIS .. 945 'State Law Librarian DIVISION OF LIBRARY EXTENSION MISS MARGARET WILLIS Direr‘im‘ THE KENTUCKY HISTORICAL SOCIETY CHARLES F. HINDS 9ecretary-Treasurer UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY Lexington FRANK G. DICKEY, President BOARD OF TRUSTEES HON. ALBERT BENJAMIN CHANDLER, Governor of Kentucky, Chairman HON. ROBERT R. MARTIN, Superintendent of Public Instruction HON. BEN BUTLER, Commissioner of Agriculture DR. RALPH ANGELUCCI, Lexington DR. PAUL B. HALL, Paintsville MRS. PAUL G. BLAZER, Ashland WOOD HANNAH, SR., Prospect LOUIS COX, Frankfort ROBERT P. HOBSON, Louisville W. F. FOSTER, Mayfield ROBERT C. STILTZ, Lexington HARPER GATTON, Madisonville J _ STEPHEN WATKINS, Lexington EASTERN KENTUCKY STATE COLLEGE Richmond W. F. O’DONNELL, President Board of Regents HON- ROBERT R. MARTIN, Chairman ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Superintendent of Public InStrUCtion DR. E. E. BEGLEY ,._.Hazard EARLE B. COMBS, SR. ._Richmond H. D. FITZPATRICK, JR. Prestonsbufg ROBERT HENSLEY JUDGE T. B. MCGREGOR HON. FLEM D. SAMPSON ........................................................................ MOREHEAD STATE COLLEGE Morehead ADRON DORAN, President Board of Regents . HON. ROBERT R. MARTIN, Chairman ________________________ Superintendent of Public “twig; DR. W. H. CARTMELL Mays“ ALEX CHAMBERLAIN CHARLES GILLEY B. F. REED MRS. E. E. SHANNON BRUCE WALTERS MURRAY STATE COLLEGE Murray RALPH H. WOODS, President Board of Regents . tructifln HON. ROBERT R. MARTIN, Chairman .. Superintendent of Public InsPaduC ah JOHN B. BLACKBURN ........ " Murray GLENN DORA-N ‘ LOUIS c. LITCHFIELD .................. h; Grove ALTON B. MITCHELL ..................... . Henderson W. G. SCHOEPFLIN .. "Fulton R. H. WHITE """ 946 HON. R SAM El DOUG-L H. BEM DR. W. HUGH ROBER HON. C RAY I DEWE' J .E. l MONS NELS( MRS. .......................... Director ...Secretary-Treasurer [airman aintsviile Prospect iouisville axington ‘., Lexington f Public Instruction Barbourville 3 Public Instruction ................. Maysville ...Ash1and Winchester . "Drift Public Instruction Paduc i WESTERN KENTUCKY STATE COLLEGE Bowling Green KELLY THOMPSON, President Board of Regents HON. ROBERT R. MARTIN, Chairman .............. SAM F7EIJ E DOUGLAS KEEN H. BEMIS LAWRENCE . DR. W. R. MCCORMACK HUGH POLAND ROBERT SPRAGENS _...Superintendent of Public Instruction Louisville Scottsviile T nuisville Bowling Green Guthrie Lebanon KENTUCKY STATE COLLEGE Frankfort R. B. ATWOOD, President Board of Regents HON. ROBERT R. MARTIN, Chairman ________________________ Superintendent of Public Instruction RAY BINFORD Versailles DEWEY DANIEL _ T—Ta7ard J .E. HANKINS Louisville MONSIGNOR JOSEPH A. O’DWYER 1i‘rankfort NELSON O’NEAL ____________ Lexington MRS. CRAIG SCHMIDT .. Shelbyville MAYO STATE VOCATIONAL SCHOOL Paintsville GEORGE L. RAMEY, Director NORTHERN KENTUCKY STATE VOCATIONAL SCHOOL Covington STEVE MA'RCUM, Director LINCOLN INSTITUTE Lincoln Ridge WHITNEY M. YOUNG, President WEST KENTUCKY VOCATIONAL SCHOOL Paducah HOWITT C. MATHIS, Director KENTUCKY SCHOOL FOR, THE BLIND Louisville L. P. HOWSER, Superintendent KENTUCKY SCHOOL FOR THE DEAF Danville MADISON J. LEE, Superintendent 947 COUNCIL ON PUBLIC HIGHER EDUCATION / COLLI , . Voting Members ‘ DR. ROBERT R. MARTIN, Chairman, Superintendent of Public Instruction, Frankfort i . . PRESIDENT W. F. O’DONNELL, Eastern Kentucky State College, Richmond ‘ ' PRESIDENT R. B. ATWOOD, Kentucky State College, Frankfort I 1 , PRESIDENT ADRON DORAN, Morehead State College, Morehead i L PRESIDENT RALPH H. WOODS, Murray State College, Murray ‘ i Institutit . PRESIDENT KELLY THOMPSON, Western Kentucky State College, Bowling Green i i ' PRESIDENT FRANK G. DICKEY, University of Kentucky, Lexington .— ‘g ; : MRS. FRANCELE H. ARMSTRONG, Member State Board of Education, Henderson \ 59‘1“" c l ‘ MRS. JOHN H. WALLS, Member State Board of Education, 1531 w. Jefferson, Louisville , “bury, MR. H. D. FITZPATRICK, JR., Member Board of Regents, Eastern Kentucky state Bellam“ j i College, Prestonsburg gem: C 5 j MONSIGNOR JOSEPH A. O‘DWYER, Member Board of Regents, Kentucky State College. 33:20:? 1, I Frankfort ,l' , E DR. W. H. CA'RTMELL, Member Board of Regents, Morehead State College, Maysville genttre ‘ Ti ‘. MR. LOUIS C. LITCHFIELD, Member Board of Regents, Murray State College, Marion Gas emt i ‘ MR. H. BEMIS LAWRENCE, Member Board of Regents, Western Kentucky State College. K3131: l‘ i. E, Louisville ‘ Kentuck 1 _ 1‘ DR. RALPH H. ANGELUCCI, Member Board of Trustees, University of Kentuck)’: Morehea ‘ :2 Lexington . . , Murray 2 5' MR. HARPER GATTON, Member Board of Trustees, University of Kentucky, MadlsonVllle Naz ti 1 : DR. LYMAN V. GINGER, College of Education, University of Kentucky, Lexington Pike‘s; V ,' MR. ROBERT -C. STILTZ, Member Board of Trustees, University of Kentucky, Lexington Trailsylj , 1 . Non—Voting Members— Union ( ‘. ' ‘ : DR. JAMES M. BOSWELL, Cumberland College, Williamsburg WV”? i l ; DR. ROMIE JUDD, Georgetown College, Georgetown UniverSl ‘ . REVEREND JOHN REIFSNYDER, Villa Madonna College, Covington Ufsuhne l ‘ MR. DON c. BALE, Secretary ““3 M‘ ' l Western i ' Junior ( 3 Bethel ADVISORY COMMITTEE TO THE COUNCIL Campbe] ‘ DR. W. J. MOORE, Chairman MISS LOUISE COMBS, Secretary Caney J Cumberl ‘ ; Lees Ju i i Lindsey i ‘ j: Loretto 1% g Midway 1‘ Nazaretl i‘. Paducah “ l ‘ St. Cath ,1 i Sue Ber i *Piket i a £01 i‘. four 1 ”In p1 ; u “*Accrl Offer 948 ction, Frankfort tmond owling Green 1, Henderson fferson, Louisville 1 Kentucky State cky State College, bllege, Maysville College, Marion cky State College, ity of Kentucky. 1cky, Madisonville :tucky. Lexington itucky, Lexington ‘OMBS, Secretary COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES IN KENTUCKY AND THEIR ACCREDITATION (All hold membership in the Kentucky Association of Colleges, Secondary and Elementary Schools) Teacher Educa— Southern Asso- National tion Program ciation of Council for Institutions Approved by Colleges and Accreditation State Department Secondary of Teacher of Education Schools Education Senior Colleges Asbury College ......... Bellarmine College i Berea College ........... Bowling Green College of Commerce Brescia College ..... Centre College ..... Eastern Kentucky State College Georgetown College .......... Kentucky State College .. Kentucky Wesleyan College . Morehead State College Murray State College Nazareth College . Pikeville College . Transylvania College Union College .................. University of Kentucky University of Louisville Ursuline College .......... Villa Madonna College A- Western Kentucky State College ................ Junior Colleges Bethel College ..... Campbellsville College Caney Junior College ....... Cumberland College .. Lees Junior College .. Lindsey Wilson College Loretto Junior College ..... Midway Junior College Nazareth Junior College . Paducah Junior College ........ St. Catharine Junior College Sue Bennett College ................ \ a > . . A Plkevrlle lS accredited by Southern Association as a junior college—has expanded to a four year college and has been approved by the State Board of Education as a four year college. *3 mi: DrooesS 0f being aCCI‘Edited by Southern Association. ofcfcredited as f1 junior COllege- IS in process of developing into a senior college, ering the third year of college Work in 1958-1959. N X N X N NMNXNfiNNXNNKfiNN N xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx N >¢ x**# xxxx NXNMNNNNNXNX NNNNN _ NAZARETH SENIOR COLLEGE, Sister Margaret Gertrude, President ......... COLLEGE PRESIDENTS AND COLLEGE LOCATIONS ASBURY COLLEGE, Z. T. Johnson, President .................................................................. Wilmore BELLARMINE COLLEGE, Reverend Alfred F. I-Iorrigan, President _ BEREA COLLEGE, Francis S. Hutchins, President ..................................... BETHEL COLLEGE, W. Edwin Richardson, President ............................................ Hopkinsville BOWLING GREEN COLLEGE OF COMMERCE, J. Murray Hill, President.,..Bowling Green BRESCIA COLLEGE, Mother Ambrose Martin, President ........................................ Owenshoro CAMPBELLSVILLE COLLEGE, John M. Carter, President .............................. Campbellsville CANEY JUNIOR COLLEGE, Mrs. Alice S. G. Lloyd, President . .Pippa Passes CENTRE COLLEGE, Thomas Spragens, President ............................. Danville CUMBERLAND COLLEGE, J. M. Boswell, President ............................................ Williamsburg EASTERN KENTUCKY STATE COLLEGE, W. F. O’Donnell, President .. Richmond GEORGETOWN COLLEGE, H. Leo Eddleman, President ......................... 8018610“ KENTUCKY STATE COLLEGE, R. B. Atwood, President .......................................... Frankfort KENTUCKY WESLEYAN COLLEGE, Oscar W. Lever, President . LEES JUNIOR COLLEGE, J. Phil Smith, Acting President ......... LINDSEY WILSON COLLEGE, John B. Horton, President ................................. LORETTO JUNIOR COLLEGE, Mother Mary Luke, President MIDWAY JUNIOR COLLEGE, Lewis A. Piper, President ....... MOREHEAD STATE COLLEGE, Adron Doran, President ................................... MURRAY STATE COLLEGE, Ralph H. Woods, President ..................... NAZARETH JUNIOR COLLEGE, Sister Margaret Gertrude, President Owensburo PADUCAH JUNIOR COLLEGE, R. G. Matheson, President . PIKEVILLE COLLEGE, A. A. Page, President .. ST- CATHA‘RINE JUNIOR COLLEGE, Sister Jean Marie, President ................ St. Catharine SUE BENNETT COLLEGE, Earl Hays, President .............. ~-L°“d°“ TRANSYLVANIA COLLEGE, Irvine Lunger, President . -‘ UNION COLLEGE, Conway Boatman, President ............................................... BarbO‘Wflle UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY, Frank G. Dickey, President ,,,,,,, "Lexington UNIVERSITY OF LOUISVILLE, Philip G Davidson, President . ~L0uisvme URSULINE COLLEGE, Mother M. Columba, President ................................ VILLA MADONNA COLLEGE, Reverend John F. Murphy, President .. WESTERN KENTUCKY STATE COLLEGE, Kelly Thompson, President.-. .Covinzton Bowling Green 950 County 2 Adair Allen Andersox Ballard Barren Bath Bell Boone Bourbon Boyd Boyle Bracken Breathitt Breckinr Bullitt Butler Caldwell Galloway Campbel Carlisle Carroll Carter Casey Christiar. Clark Clay Clinton Crittendr Cumberl, Daviess Edmonso Elliott Estill Fayette Fleming Floyd Franklin Fulton Gallatin Garrard Grant Graves Graysou Green Greenup Hancock Hardin Harlan Harrison Hart Henderso Henry Hickman H0Dkins Jackson Jefferson J essamin: 0 son Kenton Knott Knox LaRue Laurel LaWrence Lee Leslie )NS ........................ Wilmore ................... Louisville ............................. B erea ................ Hopkinsville ,ent....Bowling Green ................... Owensboro Richmond .Georgetonn ..Frankiort .................. Owensboro .....Jackson it Nennx ........................ Midway .Morehend ............. St. Catharine .London ”_,BarbouIVille ............... Lexington ..... .Louisville Louisville t ........ Covington t ........ Bowling Green County District Adair Allen Anderson Ballard Barren Bath Bell Boone Bourbon Boyd Boyle Bracken Breathitt Breckinridge Bullitt Butler Caldwell Calloway Campbell Carlisle Carroll Carter Casey Christian Clark Clay Clinton Crittenden Cumberland Daviess Edmonson Elliott Estill Fayette Fleming Floyd Franklin Fulton Gallatin Garrard Grant Graves Grayson Green Greenup Hancock Hardin Harlan Harrison Hart Henderson Henry Hickman HoDkins Jackson J effersOn JeSszimine Ohnson Kenton Knott ox LaRue Laurel awrence Lee Leslie Superintendent John Dunbar Nobel Allen Mrs. Emma B. Ward W. F. McGary Lee Robertson (Acting) Glenmore Hogge W. M. Slusher H. N. Ockerman Robert L. Goodpaster Arnold F. Guess H. A. Cocanougher W. L. Knuckles, Jr. Mrs. Marie R. Turner 0. J. Allen W. 0. Anderson W. Paul Hampton Clifton Clift Buron Jeffery Charles E. McCormick Miss Lovey Raburn R. B. Cartmell Heman H. McGuire Harold Murphy T. W. Stewart William G. Conkwright Mrs. Mallie Bledsoe Robert Polston Louis Litchfield Waymon Huddleston F. T. Burns Howard P. Lindsey Curt Davis Douglass Miller James B. Kincheloe Frank D. Scott Virgil 0. Turner Charles W. Hart Bearl Darnell William Harris J. W. Marsee Marion Gardner Hoyt R. Jones Oran P. Lawler Mrs. Lucile Guthrie Roscoe Stephens C. F. Shafer G. C. Burkhead James A. Cawood . L. Case Andrew Bird C. B. West John W. Long Dentis McDaniel COmpton C. Crowe Paul K. Teague Richard Van Hoose Roland Roberts W~ A. Stapleton James A. Caywood Beckham Combs Jesse B. Lay Ova O. Haney Curtis McDaniel William A. Cheek Sedley Stewart Earl E. Keen LIST OF COUNTY SUPERINTENDENTS Address Phone No. Columbia FU-4-3421 Scottsville 229 Lawrenceburg TE-9‘-3‘114'L Wickliffe ED-5-3541 Glasgow Olive 1.—3787 Owingsville ORA—4791 Pineville ED-7'—3320 Burlington 182 Paris 887 Catlettsburg 240 Danville 302 Brooksville RE-5-530‘1 Jackson Normandy 6-5275 Hardinsburg SK—6-5161l Shepherdsville LI-3-227l Morgantown LA-6-2631 Princeton 6601 Murray 245 Alexandria MY-7-808‘1 Bardwell 1‘37 Carrollton 634‘ Grayson GR-4‘-40l‘1 Liberty 3811 Hopkinsville TU—6-2553 Winchester 183 Manchester 3521‘ Albany 2‘0W Marion YO-5-3‘525 Burkesville 1 . Owensboro MU-3-3161 Brownsville LY—7-3880 Sandy Hook Redwood 8-6515 Irvine 357 J400‘ Lafayette Dr., 7—2015 lLexington Flemingsburg 5851. Prestonsburg 2354’ & 2355 Frankfort CA-7-4588 Hickman 2426 Warsaw JO-7—4191 Lancaster 1.06‘ Williamstown 4-3323 ’ Mayfield 6‘99 & 2747 Leitchfield 6‘9 Greensburg 1.56 Greenup Grover 3-2131 Hawesville Walnut 7-6137 Elizabethtown [10-5-9053 Harlan 2620 Cynthiana 670 Munfordville J A-4’-3631 Henderson VA-6‘—9578’ New Castle 3871 Clinton 24'515 Madisonville Taylor 1,-49'14 McKee 7-3311 I618 W. Jefferson St.JU-4-8151 lLouisville 2, K . Nicholasville 276i Paintsville 96 Independence Fleetwood 7-441l1 Hindman 29 Barbourville 130 Hodgenville Elmwood-B-3638 London VO—4-51-14 Louisa ME-8‘-43‘58 Beattyville N-4'-81‘11 Hyden 463 County District Letcher Lewis Lincoln Livingston Logan Lyon Madison Magoffin Marion Marshall Martin Mason McCracken McCreary McLean Meade Menifee Mercer Metcalfe Monroe Montgomery Morgan Muhlenberg Nelson Nicholas Ohio Oldham Owen Owsley Pendleton Perry Pike Powell Pulaski Robertson Rockcastle Rowan Russell Scott Shelby Simpson Spencer Taylor Todd Trigg Trimble Union Warren Washington Wayne Woodford Superintendent William B. Hall Thomas W. Rowland J oda Milbern H. B. Alderdice R. B. Piper E. F. Glenn H. D. House C. M. Owens Hugh C. Spalding Holland Rose Sheldon Clark Hubert Hume Leon T. Smith C. D. Harmon C. V. Watson James R. Allen Miss George Alice Motley A. T. Hensley Thomas R. Butler Darrell Carter E. G. Jones Walton Jones Sherman Gish James B. Graham Raymond J. Wesley Stanley Byers Alton Ross Howard C. Smith Pleas Turner A. B. Arnold Dennis Wooton C. H. Farley Rodney T. Clark Charles J. Hall Mrs. Hazel R. Dryden Mrs. Neureul Miracle Clifford R. Cassady Othello Gaskin Burgess Parks George Giles Clayton Hood Barkley Walker W. B. Owen Henry C. Malone Roy McDonald C. A. Hollowell Carlos Oakley C. T. Clemons J. F. McWhorter lra Bell Wilbur H. Collins Charles M. Lawson Arnold C. Rose J . W. Dennis 952 Address Whitesburg Vanceburg Stanford Smithland Russellville Eddyville Richmond Salyersville Lebanon Benton Inez Maysville Paducah Whitley City Calhoun Brandenburg Frenchburg Harrodsburg Edmonton I‘ompkinsville Mt. Sterling West Liberty Central City Bardstown Carlisle Hartford LaGrange Owenton Booneville Falmouth Hazard Pikeville Stanton Somerset Mt. Olivet Mt. Vernon Morehead Jamestown Georgetown Shelbyville Franklin Taylorsville Campbellsville Elkton Cadiz Bedford Morganfield Bowling Green Springfield Monticello Dixon Williamsburg Campton Versailles LIST OF COUNTY SUPERINTENDENTS—Continued Phone No. 2321 SW-6-2751 2231. WA-8-4411 PA-6-2265 3101 360 BR-3-3975 GA-2-5865 13 4180 GE—2-3l7l HU—7-5456 314 SH-3-3205 309 FI-S-3958 1‘54‘ CY-8-3563 BR-9 -5570 8934 3-2751 Oldfield 4-3355 222 GE-7-6267 2361 205 Tilden 4-1891 ‘1 97 411—03 642 88‘ J U-6-5442 GR-7-2948 578 00-5-2436 LA-2-8166 3554 185‘ Victor 2-7055 3786 FI—8-2451 ‘ ME-9-2081 221 :10. 8-3055 307 Indepet Anchor Ashlanc August: Barbou: Bardsto Beechw Bellevu Benton Berea Bowling Burgin Campbi Carlisle Carrollt Catletts Cavern: Central Cloverp Corbin \J Covingt Cynthia Danvilli Dawson Dayton Earling' East BE El