xt7hdr2p629c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7hdr2p629c/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 19201020 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1920-10-oct20-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1920-10-oct20-ec. 1920 2011 true xt7hdr2p629c section xt7hdr2p629c 

     Minutes of the Zxecutive Committee of the Board of Trustees,
University of "entucky, for the regular monthly meeting, Wednesday,
Ootobor 20, 1920.

      The Executive Comnmibtee of the Board of Trustees, University
   _, _L4 _ xye- rs:t in regular monthly *session in the Presidnet 's
office nt the University od Wednesday, October 20, 1920, at the
hour of l1:00 o'clock, noon.   The following members were present:
Richard C. Stoll, Robert G. Gordon, and Ra.iney T. Wells.  President
'rank L. MoVey end 1Wellington  Patrick, Secretary of the Committee,
were present.

     The minutes of the meeting of the Executive Committee for July
'I, 1920, were read and adopted.

      (1) Report of 'he Business Agent.   The report of the Business
Agenit was received and filed.

     (2) George Peabod Note.    The Business Agent reported to the
0o0mittee that the University's note for :i35,875 on account of the
Peabody Fund vwas due.  ' n mo: ion, duly made and seconded, the Busi-
ness Agent Was authorized to renew the note and pay the interest.

     (3)  Business Agent's Bond.   The Business Agent reported to
the Committee that the annual premium on his bond amounting to $37.50
for the current year head been paid by him personally. The Business
Agent was ordered to draw- chock for the amount to cover expense.

     (4) Rent of Van Mleter Farm.  A communication was read from
Dean Thomas ?.' Cooper indicating that the University's lease on the
Van Me-ter farm will expire on January 1, 1921, and that the owner
offers to release the farm for a five year period at an increased
rental.   On motion, duly seconded, the Dean of the College of Agri-
oulture wras authori.zed to re-lease the Van Meter farm at the lowest
price and for the shortest paried obtainable.    The purchase of land
was discussed and it was the opinion of the Committee that it was
not a satisfactory time to buy land.

     (5) Coils in EnaineerinL-Buildin.    Authority was granted the
Superinteadent of Buildings and Grounds to spend $582 for replacing
heating coi2.s in Mechanical Engineering Building.

     (6) Jim Turner, Fireman.   It was requested that the Presidant
secure information regarding condition of Jim Turner and to have
him examined by a University physician before passing upon the
further continuation of his salary.



     N7) Ex-service Men Send Committee.    . Committee of ex-service
men appeared before the CcmMittec in connection with the legal points
arising out of the law providing for free tuition and other privileges
for ex-service men.   A satisfactory conference was held.  The mem-
bers of the Executive Cormittee assured the committeu that they were
ready to do everything possible to give the men all the privileges pos-
sible, but that there appeared to be some doubt as to the meaning of
the law, and suggested a friendly suit for the settlement of the matter.

     (8) Caaenter.s S-Fz.    The matter of a shop to take place of the
one given over "o the College of Engiaeering was brought to the atten-
tion of the Committee.   Action was deferred until the next meeting.

    1() Report of Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds.    The fol-
lowing report of -he Suoerintendent of Buildings and Grounds was pre-
sented and ordered inoorporated in the minutes:

                                   October S, 19'10

To The Honorable Doa~r Cop Trustees
     of the tJnivu sitj of Kentucky:

     Complyiug with the request of the Board, I am submitting this
report on the cosr of the changes and repairs suggested by the inspec-
tion oommittee.

     Pattersoi iHall.  Zutranoe doors on north side have been repaired
as far as possi-ble.    itItchen steps have been repaired.  Kitchen
porch pillars have been pointed up.   Five rooms in the basement of
the south wing have been plastered and floored and are about ready for
use as piano practio.e rooms as per estiim.a ,e of. May 27.  Authorization
for thhis stork was given thru Doctor MoVey's office onl July 19.  Plrch
ceiling has bee: repaired and porch roof (tin) has been painted.   Ves-
tibule and parlors have been repapered.

     lIterior window sills have not been painted.  'there are 144 sills.
These could be 'scraped, given a coat of shellac and varnish to match the
rest of the woodwork for $150.   Pciinting, oolor to match present wood-
work would cost $60.   Sills are so badly oxr.acked that painting would
be the most satisfactory as well as cheapest-.

     There are a great many of the bottom sash rails that are badly
decayed, 33 have been repaired.   Provision should be made to allow for
new bottm. rails.   This wsork could be done to best advantage during
the winter.   The uos` would be about $150.

     Education Buildin g.  Down spouting has been repaired.  Bracket
lamps have been removed.   Attic has been cleaned out.   Front steps
have been pointed up.   Switch in basement has been repaired.



     To scrape and shellac and varnish window sills will cost $112.
To paint them will cost $44.80.   All woodwork in the building is
shellac and varnish finish.

     Alumni Hall ar.d Gymnasium.  Downspouting has been repaired.
Old vent pipe has been removed.

     The 'eaks in the Armory roof come where the flashing from the
main part of the gymnasium runs up under the slate on the armory.
this has been patched, but will gave trouble from time to time until
a new flashing is put ins   The cost of a new flashing would be 4200.
Cost of cleaning a-id varnishing all interior woodwork would be $240.
Pointing up of briuk t7or- would cost $10.

     White Fell.    New e metal belt cornices at second ard third floors
would require 7p5  fees of cornioe at 60 cents per foot, ;450.   The
main cornice Can bD repaired at a cost of about $30).   In addition to
this it is nec'essa.y .o renew quite a bit of the roof sheeting and re-
new the old oomposatioa roof in places.   The cost would be 4230.

   . Administration  I    .    All entrance doors have been renewe&.
Basement hall has been painted, iron steps will be oast at the Univer-
sity foundry for step   pair-.   This will be done within the next two
weeks.   Rubbish has been removed.

     Old Chemistrv Building.   Indirect ventilators have been stopped.
Galvanized root over basement entrance can be changed to a comparatively
flat i4 of and wire netting placed on either si.e and vines planted to
hide it.   The oost would not exceed $'35.  Rubbish has been removed
from hall and baserment. rooms.  A new fixture has been installed in the
basement toilet room.   The present toilet room is, ho-wever, inadequate,
has not outside veatilation and light and. is n-t properly vented.

     The cost of painting walls and woodwork on the first and second
floors is as follows:

     Paint, 56 gallons at $3.25..                               $182.00
     Size, 45 gallons at $2.60 .........................       117.00
     Labor....          ..                   ..... ....,.... 216.0 0
                                        Total.                   515.00

     If the basement is finished off and painted it would add $250.

     Estimate for finishing off rooms on south side of basement is as



     Concrete floor in hall, 480 sq. ft. at .30 .... $144.00
     Concrete floor in roams, 1050 so. flt. at 30 ..      315.00
     .Wiater proofing walls, stripping and plastering
        166 sa. yds. at $2.00   .     ........................ 332.00
     Plaster patching in hall                             48.00
     Ceiling plas;;er patching ........................    40.00
     Repairing window sills.                               85.00
     Viring and lighting fixtures ..9......               10.00
                           Total.          .i           ,054.00

     The plumbing for the laboratory tables in this building is in
bad shape.   It can, by constant patching, last thru this year.    At
least $$1,500 will have to be spent on this work next sumner if it is
continued as a chemistry building.   All the floors are very poor.
Vwindow frames are badly decayed and thoro repairing of the whole
building is imperati-.-.,  The wiring is dangerous and should be put
in conduit.   The enti+_, bui'.ding could be put in good shape for
$6,ooo.   This allows for the installation of a good toilet room.
If toilet rooms for both men and women are installed the cost would
be $6,800.

     Neville Hall.   Roof over dispensary requires entire reslating.
The estimate is $150.   Loose brick on roof have been removed.

     Science Building.   Rooms for Department of Journalism have been
finished off in the basement.   Estimate for general interior varnish-
ing and redecorating is $960.

     Heating Plant.   Boiler settings have had all necessary repairs
made.   Grates for one boiler are now being cast at the University
foundry.   Grates for other boiler have been bought from the Lexing-.
ton Engine and Boiler Works.

     LibrarV.   No work done in this building.    New- stacks ordered,
have not been reoeived.

     Mechanical Hall.   Estimate for exterior painting is $980.   New
window sills, joints, etc., required, will cost $250.    Roof over
foundry has been renewed, all other roofs patched and some metal work
repaired.   The cost was $1,368.55.    $1,000 was budgeted for this
work.   Addition work costing $60o should be done.    No work has been
done that wea s not absolutely necessary.

     G3ining Building.  Estimate for interior painting $540.    Ga's
heaters have been removed.   Attic door has had a lock put on it.
Floorin g of attic for a storeroom will cost $220.   Departmental ma-
terial stored in various parts of building has not been cleared out.



    Miinina Llaboratory.  Sewer connection will cost 4140.  Larger'
lamps heave been placed in a11 outlets.  Reflectors shoula be pro-
vided.    Estimated cost $60.   The general clearing up has been done
with the exception of the old piece of mine cribbing.

     Civril Entineering 3uildin .
     Exterior -painting estimate .      ........................ $431.00
     Interior painting estimate .zi.....................   216.oo
     Closing of doors in testing laboratory ....   .........  18.00
     Ceiling in south testing laboratory ....    ............ 115.00
                                  Total.      ................. 780.00

     All rubbish and used material has been removed.

     New Chemistrv Building.   Istinate on window trin refinishing
$86.00.   Plumbing to laboratory in basement is in bad shape and should
be renewved.   stL-_te.....................    a  .e           . 730.00

     Agricultural 13ii:liing.
        Roof repairing ovei' south entrance, estimated .... $ 8.00
        Leaded glass reenforoing ............................. 10.00
        Window sill filling and varnishing, 152 windows.       15200
                                       Total ..... 170.00

     Exneriment Station.   Boiler work done.

     In seOtary.
        Painting exterior and interior and resetting glass in
          putty ...                                    ..... $240.00

     Residence, '718 Rose Street.  No estimates reouired.

     Gas Engine Laboratorv.   Definite plan would have to be decided
on before estimate is made.

     Stock Zudg    Pavilion. Doors have been painted.    Bids are now
oalled for construction of sewer.   Toilet fixtures are ordered.
Total estimated cost $1,400.00.   Work being done at Dean Cooper's

     Brick Residence occupied by Mr. Martin;
        Painting estimate ............................. -       140.00
        Re-shingling, downspout and gutter repairs               18,00
                                         Total.....            158.00

     Brick Barn.   No repairs needed.

Abattoir.   Repairs suggested made.



     Serum Laboratory.   Window in foundation has been filled.   Smoke
pipe has not been renewed.

     Residence. 11 Rose Street.   No work has been done.

     Residence, '703 Rose Street.  No work done.

     Maxwell Plaoe.   Fa-' 5.ng on bay window has been painted.  Gutter
work for pergola has bteen ordered done. ......................... $30.00

     Grounds.   There has not been a planting plan made for the Uni-
versity Campus.   Until one is made I believe the best policy is. to
do a little foundation planting around each building, planting vines
to cover the older building and small shrubbery where it will not cut
off light to the basement rooms.

     The campus itself is very rough.   In many places so rough that
a lawn mower na-nnob be Fused.  This can be improved by filling low
spots after each cutting.   I believe that a power lawn mower should
be purchased and that one man give his entire time to cutting grass.
This with the help of the horse and horse mower on the rougher gtrund
would make it possible to keep the campus in good condition.

     A number of ol33 d ees have been removed and a man is now cutting
out dead and broken branches in all trees.   Old material in the rear
of Small Animal House is now being moved.

     Roads.   Bock asphalt would give us a most satisfactory system
of roads except at points where there is little travel.   where it is
not constantly traveled it deteriorates rapidly.   These places will
be indicated on a plan being prepared by the Civil Lngineering tDepart-

     The Barrett Company had a truck here October 16 with 900 gallons
of Tarvia.   They were on the way to Richmond and could not make the
trip loaded so gave us the Tarvia.   This amount will surface about
500 lineal feet of the roadway running southwest from the New Chemistry
Building.   One car of pea gravel costing $140 will have to be bought
if we use the Tarvia.   The Barrett Company will furnish enough "cold
patch" to repair holes.   The cost of applying will not exceed $60o
I believe it is advisable to use this on the road mentioned and to put
down rock asphalt on our more traveled roads.    This will not, in any
way, interfere with the contemplated regarding and storm sewer system.

     Storm Sewer Svstem.   Survey and plans are not far enough along
yet for estimate or consideration.    rield work is now under way.



                         Farm Buildijnjs.

     Seed Buildinj.  Suggested repairs have been made.

     Fertilizer House.  No repairs needed.

     Tool Barn.  Repairs being made.   Painting estimate $147.

     Guinea PiZ Houses.  Not in use.   Farm teams will move them.
No expense.

     Hog Barn.   Feeding floors as suggested would cost 30 cents per
square foot.  Including the pens there are 4,560 square feet.   Total
cost $1,368.00.

     Beef Cattle Barn.  No reuairs.

     Dairy Barn.
       New roof entire building ........................ .$1,470.00
       General repairs .............  ....................  800.00
       Painting........................................    802,65

    I do not think that the present barn is worth the expenditures.
It would be possible to utilize the present milking room floor,
stanchions, etc., by building a new barn of brick or tile over the
present floor.  The main part of the building could stand for some
years with a new roof and later be replaced by brick or tile con-

    Old Tobacco Barn.   No repairs.

    New Tobacco Barn.   No repairs.

    Carpenter Shop.   Painting $45.00.

    Feed Grinding -building.  General repairs and painting $165.00.

    Mule Byrn.   No repairs.

    Youngl Stock Ba:n.  Repairs and new sills $840.00.

    Seed House and Garge.    Painting $6o.oo.

    Cooper Residence.  No repairs.

Painting $85.00.




     Good Hlouse.  No re airs.

     Fruit Sortinc Rooms   General repairs and painting $180.00.

     Sheep Barn.   No repairs.

     Mlain Poultry ?uilding
        New Chimney .$ 35.00
        Cleaning of cesspool ............................    20.00
        Outside toilet frost proof connected with
          cesspool..............................         .   85.00

     Brooder souse.
        Painting ..................... ...............       72.oo

     Repairs and cleraning up of rubbish around and in farm buildings
will be taken care of by the men employed at the farm.    Some of it
has been done.

     The total estimated cost for carrying out the suggestions of
the Board are:
     For University bui  Rings ... $14,741.00
     For farm buildings               .      .      .        7,822.00
                                        Total ........      22,5 3.00

                                    A. 0. 7rhipple

                                    Superintendent of Buildings
                                       and Grounds.

     (ic) Res.irjations.  President MoVey reported to the Committee
the following resignations, which on motion duly seconded, were
accepted :

     Resignation of Miss Georgia Beck, clerk in the department of
entomology and botany, Experiment Station, effective September 25, 1920.

     C. B. Nuckolls, colored county agent, Carroll County, effective
August 31, 1920.

     C. U. Jett, agent in farm management, effective September 25, 1920.

     B. I. Bartlett, superintendent of the poultry farm, effective
November 1, 1920.   Re resigns to engage in commercial poultry enter-



     J. C. Grimes, instructor in animal husbandry, effective Sep-
tember 18, 1920.   He resigns to accept the henad of the department
of animal husbandry in the Alabama Polytechnic Institute.

     Oscar Rice, field agent in club work in Pike and Ploys Counties,
ef fective August 31, 1920.

     John Furst Adams, assistant county agent, Mason County, ef-      -
fective September 15, 1920.

     (11) Appointments and Transfers.   President MoVey presented
to the Cornnittee for confirmation the following appointments, which
on motion, duly seconded, were approved by the Committee:

     Appointment of Miss Lelah Gault to the Fleisohrnann scholar-
ship at a salary of $100 a month to continue indefinitely under
the provisions of the scholarship.

     Appointment of Miss Anne Gormley as clerk in the Business
Office, on a half time basis, at a salary of $450 a month, effective
October 1, 1920, with the provisions that Miss Mary C. Gormley,
who has been for sometime a clerk in the Business Office, may con-
tinue on half pay.       arrangement is made to enable the two
girls to register as students in the University.

     Transfer of Miss Bettie Roser, clerk in the creamery license
Section to the department of farm economics, markets section, ef-
fective October 1, 1920, and her salary is increased from $65 to
$75 a month, to be paid from extension funds.

     Appointment of H. G. Sellards as student assistant in baoter-
iology at a salary of $250 a year.

     Appointment of Miss Elizabeth Park as stenographer in the De-
partment of University Extension, effective September 27, 1920, at
a salary of $75 a month.

     Appointment of Mr. C. L. Short as student assistant in physical
education at a salary of $20 a month, effective September 20, 1920.

     Appointment of Mr. George Gregory as student assistant in
Botlnby at a salary of $30Q for the year.

     Appointment of Mr. J. H. Atkinson as student assistant in
Bacteriology at a salary of $200 for the year.

     Appointment of Mr. Lafayette Herring as student assistant in
Geology at a salary of $20 a month.


I  10.

     Appointment of Miss 'thel McoDowell as libra.ry assistant at a
salary of $90 a month, on a ten months' basis, effective November
1, i920.

     Transfer of  Miss Vivian Moffett, stenographer in the Steno-
graphic Bureau, to the Department of Hygiene and Public Health, at
a salary of $1,100 a year, effective September 24, 1920.

     Appointment of MIr. A. J. McFadden as working foreman of the
poultry farm, at a salary of $100 a month, effective November 1,
1920, to succeed Mr. Bartlett, resigned.

     Appointment of Mr. C. B. Williams as assistant professor of
agricultural economics, department of farm economics, at a salary
of 42,40U a year, effective November 1, 1920.

     (12) Increases in Salary.   Increase in salary of Mr. Eugene
Jackson, vegetable histologist, from $1,680 to .$1,900 a year, ef-
.fective November 1, 1920.

     Increase in salary of Miss Mabel F. Pollitt from $1,300 to
$1,450, effective November 1, 1920.

     Increase in salary of MIr. 1M. 0. Hughes, special agent, ex-
tension division, from $3,600 to $4,000 a year, effective October
1, 1920.

     Increase in salary of Charles A. MRahan, state leader of county
agents from $3, 600 to $34,000 a year, effective October 1, 1920..

     (13) Inorease in Telephone Rates.   President McVey presented
to the Coirmittee a communication from the Business Agent calling
attention to the fact that the Fayette rome Telephone Company has
increased telephone rates on business telephones $1.25 a month,
and on extension telephones for.business, twenty-five cents a month.
The President stated that this would increase the cost of telephones
to the University to the extent of about $500 a year.

     (14) Annual Audit.   President McVey reported to the Connittee
that the firm of 'Marwick, Mitchell, Peat and Company had completed
the'annual audit of the University's books.

    .There being no further business, the Committee adjourned.

                                   Respectfully submitted,

                                        Wellington. Patrick

Secretary of the Board


Missing report(s)