Volume 70, Number 4 - April, 1999 I I as: S
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KHSJA St t C to U. t 700 '
There may be hope for the deplet- “ . .
‘ ed workforce of journalists in Iw‘w. exerted “KS“? thdg many _ '
’ Kentucky — at least a few years hUddmg young JilurnahStS 3“ } «I ’
‘ down the road. together. It was heartwarming . '51 ‘4
g ‘ Several KPHFQCky newspaper 10m and gave us hope that maybe i
“mom‘s phrt‘C‘Pated ‘“ the 1999 some of these folks in the future .
i Kentucky High School Journalism will be in news a )r 'obs ,, / -
i Association (KHSJA) State P m J " y . 1
2 Convention March 31 in Louisville. *W—r- ' f
They left the event inspired about the Max Heath 5" ‘ ’
state of scholastic journalism in Executive Editor, LCNI . 5‘
i for the future. structured much like KPA’s. And just I
i _ The .(‘Vfi’ht drew over 700‘student like at KPA conventions. the awards ‘ .
.lhumahSts and 'ddVlSCFS from 39 presentation added an element of k '
SChOOIS~ _ . excitement. Thanks to a contribution . V 49- . j . fl 5 W i _
i . “I was impressed Wlthihfi’ GhthU' from The Courier-Journal, KHSJA . ' "’ , “,3; «£9.57? ' " , ' j
siasm and interest 0f the kldS and the was able to present plaques similar to , ~/" _ .
ii fact some of them were so focused on KPA’s to the students winning first . ,’ /
i Wth they wanted t0 k110W and what place in the various categories and to . i-
3 they want t() do," said Max Heath, the schools for (}eneral Excellence. Above: Jo-Ann Albers ‘- !
executive Editor 0f Landmark “Just look at the faces of the kids and 30b Adams critiqued ‘ ‘ /’ .
Community Newspapers Inc, and a at the awards ceremony, and you'll SChOO' newspapers and " I ; /—\\ " /
panelist fora “Careers in Journalism" know this is one of” Kl’A's best pro— met with students during . ' r . _‘=
session at the convention. “I was jects." said KPA President Tom the 1999 KHSJA State .
T (’XCltt'd to 590 that lnany budding (Vitudlll “The Students \‘Vt‘l'e SO (‘XClt' convention MarCh 31 in f V 4 ,
l young journalists all together. It was 9d. This is the first time some (,f'thpm Louisville. Right: Chris .' .
E; heartwarming and gave us hope that have ever gotten a school honor. I'm Poynter, South Central ’
5 maybe some of these folks in the really proud of KI’A for its support of Kentucky Bureau Chief f
; future will be in newspapei‘johs." student newspapers." for The Courier-Journal, ;
i The students came from across ('audil]. assistant managing edi- taught a session at the ‘fi . 4
the state. to learn about topics like tor at the Lexington Herald-Leader. convention on the basics
newswriting. photography. desktop has been involved with the high of newswriting. -
publishing and ethics — and for school association since it was formed
4 many, to receive some well-earned in 1997 and serves on the KHSJA ‘
recognition. This year‘s convention Advisorymiunci], -
featured an awards presentation See CONVENTION, page 12
‘ . . ' s“. ~ ‘
New members brin g diverse 01 I lIIlltt€€ t0 iifiiliii‘éfi 4 /
. '4 e wwrsrezxafi’h .. f,
. oAprii22: KPA Circulation Semina' ;
back rounds Ideas to board I‘CVIEW COHtCStS Hondayinn North, Lexington s i
’ 0May6-7'KPASprthdSemha' 4'51
. What 'ould be don , to make ' I i II 5122“
By LISA CARNAHAN 47-year-old Ivory has worked for improvemtent‘ to conning“ spon- llyattllagallcy, T’-
. . a - . . .1;
KPA News Bureau Director eight newspapers across the coun- sored by the Kentucky pH,” 'J‘MW-‘iaifimm E . 3
A When H}; Kenttlicky {)ress try'Th th , 9t h B l' Association‘.’ Holiday Inn, Bardstown i
ssociation entuc y ress en eres t ep en ow ing. Alot‘.’ :3; ,
Service Board of I)lT€Ct0TS meets, 27, (‘dltOl‘ Of The J‘deSOl] Times. A little‘.’ .M‘b‘rgom'z'l-ezimmm TE
there’s five new faces around the where he started his newspaper Or maybe nothing at all‘.’ a tt, xng :4
i table. And. the new faces bring a career. _ ‘ ‘ ‘ [f you fall into the category of w I W.» .
diVPY‘S“ set 0f backgrounds and Taylor Hay es IS ( I“) ”t people who see substantial need for »»’e;3 1:5: ‘
opinions to th“ board. Kentucky New Era inc..‘and pub- Changes. or even if_\'ou see the need oP9.2: P009... PapersintheNews
, 3.. ~, , _ lisher of the HopkinsVIlle dailv - . . . , - .. - . .. "3?
Then s Bennie Ivory. execu _ . 4 , g im only let ininoi altuations. \u s
- - , - .~ , paper which has been in his family , , .. . . . . . 'P9.8: Leuntoiooktorthe .5
tive editor and Vice presidi nt of nud to ht in from you...and soon. a at:
news for The Courier-Journal. The See BOARD. page 7 See CONTESTS page 12 I g ““3:
_ . . . . . ..
"_.,.‘. b >‘ ‘ "" " "" "" 7” " “" ' ‘ ' ' .. aw . .. .. . ,, -- . - . 9" ‘..! €6.31. glue“. :2 5".L'J. Pa\.o'§‘.'.u'..r. .. at... ./. - '. ..
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