xt7hdr2p8j7z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7hdr2p8j7z/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1980-04-02 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 02, 1980 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 02, 1980 1980 1980-04-02 2020 true xt7hdr2p8j7z section xt7hdr2p8j7z 9
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Ifl' kb'b't tffl I'
n ation, taxes ta e I9 I e DU 0 acu ty $3 aries
By VICKI POOLE S30.i42 in i979-80. (Actual salaries increase in the amount of taxes paid, associate and assistant professors. teaching SUCh ‘15 hOthOId and ”'3‘?le a “W" PC“:cm Whit)
‘ Staff Writer differ since not all professors receive After deducting withholding and The associate professor‘s average automobile repairs. increase last year whenintlation was at
the same salary increases.) estimated sales taxes. the report states i969-l970 salary of 5'16?“ amounts Greenway “150 noted the conflict '3 percent.
Despite annuaisaiaryincreases. UK However. the average I969-70 thata I969-70 salary would amountto to $26.99] in l979-80 after the CPI between two-salary households arid Smith said most proiessurg do not
professors are stepping if not run- salary ofSl7,o99 adjusted by the Con- $l4.297 itt “spending money.“ This adjustment. However. the average professional demands.I He said when enter the academic world expecting to
ning backward in terms of take- sumer Price index (CPI) amounts to does not include "hidden taxes“ such I979-80 salary of average University b0lh husband and wife are working. make a lot of money
home pay, according to a committee about 535.593 in I979280. This indi- as real estate. gasoline and personal percent increases is 524.296. amount- ”)er “WIS! share hOUSChOId TIC§P0n5'- "“3 a ”3964)” You make. P6091c
I. report ofthe U K chapter ofthe Ameri- cates a salary deficiency ofSS.45i due property taxes. ing to a loss of $2.695 because ofrising bilItICS.1|mltlngthC amount of time the do expect to be comfortable, though.“
can Association of University to inflation for the academic year When this salary is adjusted by the prices. PFQlICSSOr has“) Spend 0" research and he said.
Professors. [979-30 alone.accordingtothereport. (‘Pi and estimated taxes are added, When both taxes and inflation are writing. . Some rciieffor university professors
“The UK professor not only did not The Consumer Price index is an the report conciudesthat . . itwould combined. the report estimatesthatan ASSlStant professors. who Imay in Kentucky is proposed in (iov. John
improve financially in his UK saiaryin inflation index which indicates how have taken a gross salary of about associate professor needed to receivea reach the tenured associate professor Y. Brown‘s budget. offered tothe (ier—
real terms in thesetpast) l0years'. but much it would cost to buy a certain $43.000to have providedthe realtake- gross salary of $33,000 in l979-80 to status 3"" Six years 0‘ teaching. 315" 5“" Aficmbl." March 6- ”‘9 budget
actually lost substantial purchasing amount of consumer goods now as home pay in l979-80 that a gross have equalled the real take-home pay iaceaIsalIarycrunch.accordingtothe calls for average cost-of living
. power.”conciudes the reportprepared compared to i967, The (‘PI estimate salary of $|7.699 provided in 1969- of the i969-70 gross salary. The reports figures.I I increases of 7I5percent in l980-ttland
by Committee 2 (Economic Welfare) for 1980 is 238.9, meaning consumers 70,“ accumulated deficienCy since 1969 in lhe report estimates ithouid take a nine percent In i9ttl-82 for most uni-
and presented at the March 6 AAUP would pay $238.90 for the same “()n this basis." the report con- this case amounts to 538.404 in l979- gross salary of 327.000 tn |9I79-80 to versity and faculty members, Brown‘s
meeting. amount of goods costing $l00 in l9o7. tinues. “the accumulated deficiency 80 dollars. according to the report, equal the PUrChaSing power of 3 i969- budget was scheduled to be revicwcd
The report analyzed salaries of full. The report shows the accumulated over these i0 years amounts to about Associate professor of EnglishJohn .70 average gross salary ofSl lt285. tak- by the legislature last night during a
associate and assistant UK professors deficiency over the past l0 years. in 860.000 in i979-80 dollars.“ (The (ireenway. who has taught at UK since mg into account taxes and inflation. flurry of activity ending the regular 2
over the past i0 academic years. terms of CPI-adjusted salaries. report adds together each of the past I969. said. “lfyou‘re class conscious.i lhIt‘ actual assistant professor‘s salary session. I
2 According to the salary report. ifa amounts to 523.000 in l979-80 dollars. IO year’s differences between the (‘Pl think it would probably be very frus- adjusted for average percent increases Revised figures released by the Car-
professor makingtheaveragc saiaryof inflation. however. has not beenthe and tax adjusted salary and the trating.“ Greenway said that profes- IS estimated by theIreport as $21~h792 t“ administration Pl” this year‘s
S|7.669 in i969-7O received annual lone culprit of salaries. increasing adjusted salary for average UK per- sors are increasingly |osingthe“lvor_v . “T he disposable income l have now annual inflation rate at 13.7 percent.
average salary percentage increases, salaries push professors into a higher centage increases.) Tower image" since they must becap- is very low." assistant history proies- AndtheAAUPreport notesthatthe
his salary WOUId amount to about level tax bracket. resulting in an Similar conditions exist for UK able of performing other work besides SOF Daniel Smith said. noting he Continued on page 5
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vot. l.xXll..\‘o. L35 l‘nivenity of Kentucky N g ', I» «IN “‘3‘ .
wednmh-‘i ‘9'" 2‘ '9” an independent student newspaper L l'uin'wn' “mud” ”t \I _ i T: 33‘ it Y 2“ T
I m — _IIIII III_ ‘I .I .; It‘mk I .92 . . . III
II in." .ItI .. NI IfI I
arter eagan rawcoser to nom/na Ion .. . .
I .225- k ' $13” t t. I .tII. -_. I: s 5;.-
wn‘h pr/mary WIflS' Brown qun‘s campaign - ' 2222 ~ » : =2
a“ ' "a - .. .~
I v. I \ INIIINIII‘I ”M. . ii”; 2_I .
after WInn/ng first delegate In Wisconsm . N .. _____ ._
By WALTER R. MEARS m . '; V . i .
MILWAUKEE President Carter rl ar . 2 I . II.N- . :
' defeated Sen. Edward Kennedy in Wiscon- ' p m y I II < r .. N j‘. . ”‘2'. I
. sin‘s‘ presidential primary election last night. ‘ 2 r ‘3 I II II
1 won Kansas in a landslide and squelched his 0 I . -.I s92; , t ‘g ' t N
I challenger's week-old comeback. 8 so”; = *N 9 ' ‘- ‘ -‘\
. Ronald Reagan won a 3-to—l Republican . I.
runaway in Kansas. He led a close contest in . . '2 . I N ‘
~ I Wisconsin over former UN. Ambassador 532' j,“ . VN ii '~--. 3‘ 23:2":5135i‘f2fii 2
. George Bush and Rep. John B. Andersonof ‘ .--" it. " ._-.' “i ' . ' ”
lllinois. Kansas 2: ’,I.__..IJ , \s ’2 , “é "Vs N I I , , .
, An Associated Press-NBC News poll of 2_ 3x: " t .5 ' ' x . " '2 '
voters said Reagan led in Wisconsin and the . I I :I
' television networks forecast his victorythere. tQ' NNNN i .s IIIIIIIII .-
' California Gov. Edmund Brown Jr.. strug- 5' ”5; 'I Net II .‘I j . " ' I .
i - gling for survival in Wisconsin. was a fara- m . I' . -.-.~I_I2II 3N ' -
waythird there and he said he isdropping his News poll in Wisconsin said the trend had vative Democrats. I W I'tIii..si2‘-:‘:i“3- -~ I . -- - * 'I .
2 campaign for the nomination. turned Carter‘s way among Democratic While Carter and Kennedy competed for . . ' II .. 22 - ~ “_ ' “ _
' “it is obvious that the voters have spoken voters who made their decisions at the last position and delegates. Brown needed 20 per- ' . .”i””ii§li?6‘52 t .. '
” ‘ and have given their verdict on my i980 cam— minute. cent of the vote to avoid losing federal cam- i i . - " - ‘ .. ‘ I‘ .III III 3i... '
paign and that meansthat this will hetheiast it appeared that Carter had gained votes paign subsidies. and he wasn‘t getting it. N H " ” L i I _ . . ~/ .
contest in which i participate in l980." with his election day report of possible pm- The Wisconsin vote stood this way. with 34 By ”M” “n HOOK Kernel 8""
Brown said last night. gress toward freedom for the 53 American percent of the precincts counted: It, ' the ba
‘ Kennedy‘s campaign manager. Stephen hostages held in Tehran. Democrats 8 In 9 2
' Smith. conceded the two primaries to Carter. On the Republican side. Anderson gained Carter l58.508 or 55 percent. for 47 presi» . . .
2 then forecast. “i think we will have a strong the normally independent and Democratic dcntial nominating votes. " Five-year-old Demetrius Shaundellwas on his steps 0‘ The ( hurch 0‘ Chm! on PH" Street.
2 win." in the April 22 Pennsylvania primary. voters he sought to bouy his showing in the Kennedy 90.i29 or 3i percent. for 27 way home from Maxwell Elementry School opened “’3? ofIsunflower 59°95 "“1 muInched
Kennedy had fashioned a comeback a open Wisconsin primary but Reagan delegates. yesterday when he decided to take advantage Ollt- Demetriusisthe 50" 0‘ Lindl and (-9072?
. week ago in the Northeast. but the AP-N BC gained crossover support. too. from conser— (Tontinued on page 5 of the spring weather. So he sat down on the Shaundeil 0" Lextngton.
For the most part, they got to work. in an expedition to B‘lt vow Nib/y ”WWI”,
Manhattan one Wall Street businessman described as like 'I
: the British amphibious evacuation of Dunkirk in World ‘ '
. campus War ll. SG d I .
lhe work stoppage by 35.000 transit workers was com- oes It agaln as senators vote to
. . . . . . . . , ounded hvasimuitaneous strike bv6.200em loveesofthe
THE l'MVERSIT‘ 0" KENTL(K‘ selected AL" Il).ong Island Rail Road. which serves heavily pgpulated sub
I . American guard Kyle Macy aint s “Athlete of the Year. urhs of 2] million people. I
As such. he Will be competing with athletes from nine “The unthinkable has happened and now we have try to I '
other Southeastern ( (inference schools for the league title. figure out how to live with the unthinkable. and we will.« Inc u e on 893'“ O agaln seat
The wmner Will be announced June 6 at a banquet in declared Mayor Edward Koch. I
\ state “’0'“ a 2 2 _ . .. . . ..
ySTEVEN W. LOWTHER present for the young process and Consequently.the offtcral number
THE STATE HOl'SE 0t Represenmnes yesterday h :IEGOIIIATORS FIIORDTHF.goverlpmcnItIIand inIierriilas 5‘8” Wm" (iriffen castIthe sole voteIagainst pas- of senators at the meeting was 34.
approved stiffer penalties for the possessmn and sale of B: (1?: tf:::§;;"f;; lothinleialgth :5; fisigdssyb: AI bill giving Lexington Technical sage ofIthIe bill. Afterthe btilpassed.a|l ailIoIWIIrtg Lhehbili t: sztZSbby one voteIi
marijuana and sent the measure to the governor. bolt; sides said they were “Idling“, m the stand-off 80 institute a seat on Student Govern- bUt GriffinIlet 9Ut a Chest. _ P 'I“ It CY; °”I e concbern:
I The House agreed with a Senate amendment that months. Itncccssaw instead ofgiving in. ment passed at last night‘s specral Clark said his opposmon was not With Iol owrrtIgt e ru es set up yt e
increased theIamount of marijuana that could bepossessed The leader ofthe guerrillasinsidetheemhassy wasqumcd meeting by a 23-] vote. 80 has now against havrng an LTl representative constitution. Clark said. The ques-
before the stiffer penalties went into effect. then passed the ma newSpapcnmcmew as sawng his “mesa“ prepared to voted on the measure at four consecu- in so, but focused on the possrble tion will come up whether the Irepre-
amended VCrStOn of House Bill Ni 53-6. stay put for as long as tram“; student militants have OCCU- liVC meetings. unconstitutionaljty of how the b1“ was sentatIivIe that IS elected Will be
. pied the us. Embassy in iehran. Yesterday marked the The bill still hasa chance oflosingif passed.“Letmesaythatl’m allforLTl qualified according '0 the
natlon i50th day since the iehran embassy was seized Nov. 4. The it goes before SG‘s judicial board having a representative. ljust don‘t see CORSIIIUNOD- , I
I . . Columbia stalemate was in its 35th day. because of questions raised by some the urgency in passing the bill totakea ”it ShOUld have been done In logical
THE MIDWEST MAIY be the first region ofthe nationto A cabinet spokesman said he forsaw no immediate solu- senators at the meeting about the chance on it being unconstitutional. order," he said. “i think the LTl repre-
f;fif;°t:}::;°£;%u:::g (8.21?“ “comm! ‘03 ““d) by iii)" "’I‘I'CSSIIIheIIEZCQEEIlHS ChaInzednlgé" dcmtrlxio hoists; legality of the process by which the bill “The resolution l presented in there sentativesIshould tIie elected Withdther
Between I950 and I970. the average annual growth me foi’niiothil: hm“; of Emitting IottngengIIa demand was passed. . I would give them represehtation fheshmenfiin the fa] election instea o
dropped from |.5 percent to .3 percent. hitting an all-time that 28 alleged political prisoners he released. The pl" gives LT] one voting through the proper: Channels. Clark ‘ [REST h th b'll assed toni ht
low. the private research and consulting firm said member '" SO It does "0‘ allow ‘2“ said. What I dont “I.“ 's that they Iong e I p . f . ‘
Rand demographer Peter Morrison said the decline Wm students to vote for anyone in today’s Purscd a senator during the voting :hm 55“” aCh_a“°F‘ha“‘°°"'d a'l-
stemmed “both from people across the nation having fewer election but their own representative. when they found out they didn't have The "Q“ meeting '5 Monday and 1}.
childrenIandImore people leavingthe Midwest region than YESTERDAYS SITNSHINE WILL fade away this They will have no say in who gets enough votes to pass the bill." could fall due to l3Ck 0f attendance.
movmg "“0 '12" afternoon. turning to showers early in the day. Tcmpera- elected vice president. president or The bill needed two-thirds of the Said VIDCCN Yeh. former graduate
tures will rangein the upper 605. Tonight will be cooler with senator at~large. The only person run- V'OtCS 0f the members who WC"? PFCS' school senator who '5 a candidate for
THE LARGEST RAPlDtranstt striketn the nation's hlS~ higlu expected in the mid 40:. Tomorrow will also be wet. ning for the LT] seat is Lisa Dacci ent. or 23 votes. When it was disco- that posrtion In the CUTE!“ elections.
tory shut down all bus and subway lines in New York City with showers and thundershowers moving across the state The main opposition to the bill vered during the voting that one ofthc “it could also be appealed to the
yesterday. but the city‘s 7.5 million people madethe“unthtn. during the morning hours. Highs tomorrow will be near 70 came from engineering Senator Mitch members should have been purged due judicial board under the unconstitu-
k'ble work'b'c dtflrm Griffin and Bob Clark. business and to absence from meetings. his vote was tionalgroundsthat it was passed.”saic
economics senator. Clark was not not counted. Yeh.
. t t
arc-I- AA—u :- l- I. All- - -

KENTUCKY Debbie McDaniel . '
Mum III (nu-r Mark Green Kim Aubrey Tho-m Chris John Chy Guy Lander:
.Iay Fond! lob Cochran: Enlerlammeril Edi/or Spam w 0, [)lfet’lt)’ of Photography
Car) Willis 4mm ia/e [ft/Hun Pull Mann l
llunurtlnk NIH" C hid) McGee s. T. Robinson Brian Rickard David Maynard
Juli Rudd Mill/0'" Ants/an! Sports Editor ”'0'“ Manager ' .
Steve Massey Lisa Douard Copy Editor: EmerIainmem Ediiur
editagials & comments ('ampuv Fill/or Idlimri'al Elli/0’ .
.l .
. President and Vice presrdent S e n at O r S
St” rg 90 n a n d B roc k' I la n AGRICULTURE tative of the college during Northern ARTS & SCIENCES
_ . . , _ _ Kentucky Agricultural Week. I willdo
3! VINCENT YE" “hm: 1h“ hhdge‘ ‘0 5“ hh“ effectively thVWKQQ Promhhhh 0‘ the oppor- Doug Thomas . The opportunity for my best in promoting the college. Rob Taylor S. I am seeking the office
money is appropriated. Alter appro- tumty to get your correct address and Agriculture students to voice their of Arts & Sciences senator mainly
. The main emphasis ofthe Sturgeon- priations are approved by the Senate, phone numberinthe book by stopping opinions is there. it lies in student L becasue I feel that the students have
Brockman administration will be the we will responsibly spend the money. in the SG office and notifying the government and has beenlittle used by A LIED HEALTH certain entitled rights and benefitsthat
rebuilding of the entire organization. We will implement cost controlsand secretary. This will increasethe useful- our college inthe past. Therefore. lam N . the University fulfills inadequately.
DUCIOIhWnC-leafmm 0f0lhcc» PW' h‘h'hh‘” Although our duty" h to he” 0f the h°°k5 when they arrive 'h seckingthe office ofsenatorto actually 0 candidate Visitation. ball game ticket distribu-
' vious Student Governments have implement the actions of the Student October. represent and support the ideas ofthe tion and parking permits arejustafew . -
_ worked i'orshorhmhgoalp and 90h” Senate. as trustees for the studentsw'e . 4)l~ollow through on the new park- students ofthe College of Agriculture. ARCHITECTURE of which I will make my best effort as
qiiently have lost sight of continuity. llllll develop and present thefollowing ing policy proposed this year. and senator to change as they currently
This has hurt [he SlUdChl body lhd‘ihl‘ ‘dehs m {he Senate: . aPPF°VCd by ,the V'CC President h" David Listerman ~ I‘m interested in Dave Proffitt ~ To see and work fora stand. which is in poor shape.
ings with the University administra- I) Actively represent liK students Busmess Affairs. Both theVVincentive being Agriculture senator because of way students in my college and the
L tion. because the administrators half "h lhr“ lh‘eh: campus. local and plan and Amnesty Week are sche- my interest inthestudents. l‘ve proven University can get the most benefits Chris Sh.“ ‘ lam presently serving
1 more time [0 COHSldCT long~run goals. “a“: . _ . dill-Cd to begin This fan Essentially me myself through executive membership from the University and surrounding The last months ofasenator's term that
We see examples of this each spring in _ ill ( “Chill." research ‘he funding POhCl'VallOWS Yoh ‘0 pay one-halfpricc in AGR. as a member of the Hort- community, while furthering their Icntered into due to the resignation of \
over-ambitious platforms. and then at of some of l K‘s colleges. For exam- for articket the first week‘after receipt. Club.and through work asarepresen- education. Continued on p.“ 3
.- the end of each term we see a rush to ple. a significant portion of UK stu- The firstweekthis policyisineffect.all
complete priorities However, little dents‘ detrimentally affected by a outstanding tickets may be paid for ”98‘.th
work is done on issues that might take shortage of faculty and closed classes one-half price. ‘
several years [0 complete. in the Marketing department. 5) We will monitor and encourage I
. . ‘ Although building for the future is bl Lobby the Urban County the progress of an addition to the Sea- 6 uc '0 a n C 92
not as sensational as completing big Council to improve lighting. and ion Center. We recognize this as a
projects. such as Standardized increase police protection in the cam- basrc concern of many students. For . . . . . . .
Teacher Evaluations. we are firmlv pus vicinity. A particular interest will the interim we will offer programs like By RICHARD W. DIZNEY accomplishment Whhlh the system differs from the traditional organiza-
. committed to the recruitment iyl’inich- be police patrols in the area north of indoor jogging in the winter. without capaCIty ‘0 deliver; be “realts- ho“ 0f 50 V1" that ll fits the organiza-
' . ested individuals into SG. especially campus enclosed by Woodland. Euc— 6) Promote a spirit of campus com- Feduchio Sanchez is notapolitician “C"ahd offer substantially nothing.or tional solutions ‘0 the problems rather ;
. I underclassmen. l'his groundwork lid. Maxwell and Rose. This area has munity. We strongly support and by any means. In fact. he is not a real propose a system hf problem-solving than waiting for the problem. and.
' includes the implementation ofsimple been a safety problem and needs to be encourage the diversification of the person. Rather. he is the personifica- that keeps the systehatics 0f 56 'h a consequently. the solution. to fit the
; . and practical record-keeping practt— monitored. student body. We will tenaciously tion ofan ideal relief to those victim- subordinate role. For this. the Fedu- agenda and technique 0f the \
I V 7 Gel and full briefings of our cl Participate in. and research for defend any student whose rights have i106 by bureaucm'n self-infamion. Ch'o SanchczV Movement 9'99““ Wham-‘0" .
‘ successors. meetings of the Student Advisory been infringed upon. or threatened. Although there isareal person assum- that 80 form indepmdent registered .The thCh'O Sanchez Movement
The mmi imporiamMining-50150 Committee to the Kentucky Council On the positive svde. a good way to ing the candidacy of the Feduchio student organizations to deal With “.11“ begin wnh four ofthese organiza- I
. .. are the people in it. In orderto maxim- on Higher Education. We want to support a spirit of good will. as well as Sanchez Movement. ex—Arts and chronic student problems and then tions. The Food SerVices Student \
‘ _ ize this resource. we will activelv make our voice. as students. clear starting a counter-movement on Sciences senator. Richard W. Dizney. stay 0‘" oftheir way. These organiza- Advisory Committee “’1“ operate on a
' . recruit gludents with career 0} before any tuition increase. apathy. is by throwing an all-campus Feduchio‘s name appears on the bal- “OhSI Whhld "0‘ be answerable ‘0 the Shhhar baSisV as the Health SCTVlCCS
" education-oriented .pecialiiieg to 2) Improve and expand current SG party. WKQQis willing to assist inthis lot. To vote for Richaid W. Dizney. or Presrdent or the Senate. lhe” degree of Student Advisory Committee. A SW'
'. _ . . . . assist in a relatiye area. Where it is services. and develop new services. endeavor. and other student organiza- any candidate by name. is simply to reliance uponthe present SG structure dent Administrative Evaluation hhafd ‘
‘. appropriate and desired. we will 355m a) Increase legal-aid hours to tions can be included as sponsors. favor one image or package of mom would be the” PFCFOISa‘WCS; and they w'h study the efftcrency and sensrtivny
students in (legighlng an Independent advocate Tenant Rights in a more 7) The name StudentGovernment is ises over another. in as much as one would “we,“ ‘hdw'dhal Single-issue to student needs hf hhh floor and .
, . Studv' contract. and find a faculty active role. Establish a file on land- a misnomer. SG governs no student. ought not vote for image or personal- lobbies. Th'S would solve what the Adrmnstration hhhd'hg personnel.
‘ 53,0”ng 5(3 can be a learning C‘Pe- lords and their properties. Createa ref- But SG is a service and representative ity and the Feduchio Sanchez Move- Feduchio Sanchez Movement beltevtes thh’dI‘h! a standing subcommittetho '
' I . . rience. and we feel that in some special erral service listing community service association of students. We will merit conveys stronger means than the to be the {him b13839“ problems 'hF‘d‘ mtervrcw all present and PWSPCCllVc I
' ' . and regulated situations an opportun— and consumer protection agencies. as change the name to UK Student Asso- promises ofan individualto enforceits Of 50' hr“ these organizations UKPD personnel. The Alternative
. ‘ ity for academic credit exi5[5_ e.g. stu- well as a frequently updated list of ciation. This is symbolic ofthe change platform. no one should vote for would not be forced to confront a 5"“ Speakers Bureau Wlh serve those Slh‘
' dent prod ucers. directors and available housing. of attitude we plan to cultivate. Richard but everyone should vote for dent bureaucracy ’V“ or, m the case Of dents who feel underrepresented 9" I
. engineers for WlIEXJl‘V‘g “I'K Stu- b) Revive the book exchange. SG The aforementioned ideas exem- Feduchio Sanchez. Stated generally, certain ad'h‘h‘Strh"°h5~ astudent Phl‘ misrepresented by an inherent blas ‘h I
. dents Present . I may receive aca- will act as an intermediary the first plify the total re-ev'aluation that is then. a vote for Feduchio Sanchez isa ““331 machine “ 'h order to deal wrth public speaking Phl'C'es 0" campus
' " demic credit for their work. three weeks of each semester. The needed. We have many other ideas. vote of no confidence in traditional the 36“"th bureaucracy. Secondly. due to the inequitous distribution 0f
. HoweyerI [his is only a minor seller determines the price. The book and we are interested in yours also. We Student Government politics. these organizations would neither be resources that favorsacertain political ‘ .
V i , ’ ' method of attracting and retaining or money will be returned the fourth would be happy to personallydiscuss The overall aim of the Feduchio forced norgiventheexcusetohedgeor perspective. The Petition. Referen— ’ .
' capable individuals. The primary week. these at any time. Flexibility is our Sanchez Movement is to make SG bargain 0“ their particular issues [0 dum. and OP‘h‘Oh Research Group
. method will be our administrative 3) Organize a campus communica- keynote. After all. we draw our come as close to dissolving itself with- k“? 300d relations Whh the adminis- wrll assrst students seekintho amass a ' .
V sly-lg Briefly described. our working tions network. Included will be fre- strengthfromtheexperience.imagina- out forfeiting student representation. tration as future reference for other concensus ‘h support hf issues they
' . .. relationship with our associates willbe quent promotions through WKQQ. tion. dedication and diversity of our SG hasconfused its authorization with concerns “somewhere down the hhc'" deem ImVponamt to students or the
I .' a“hands-off" policy. ()nccastudent‘s erEX-TV. and KWW/ PFCSS state- membership. authority, authority with power. and Th'rdhh these organizations WOUId community. ,
. . , interest and those of $0 are matched. ments and ads; also.topical brochures, If we can translate these and other its right to try to solve problems with depend on genuine student ‘hVOlVC' The FedhCh‘O Sanchez Movement .
. . V V we will hm interfere as long as reaso~ and direct mailouts will be used for viable ideas into accomplished fact, success. Basically. SG can only deal ment for legitimacy. and success alsoplans threeextraprograms. One '5
. , V nahlf progress is made. we don‘t output while opinion surveys will be and leave a better organization for our with sources of administrative power ‘hmad ofa systemVof incestuous self~ a regular T hopefully monthly T .
. , . demand perfection. which would he used for input. The network will also sucessors. we will consider ourterm a that deal with no one else W that isthe perpetuation and. I“ turn. the broad executive forum open ‘0 all students
. ' .' unrealistic. we simplyexpect an honest include 8 Speakers Bureau. Phone success. limit of its power and to that task it mass 0f S‘Udems WOUId be made PUb' 0" 'Ssues relating ‘0 their needs. F°T
. ' effort. bookswillhavcastudentservices page must be directed.Therefore.aStudent licly aware of the efforts of these example. “Off Campus Housing: Is
- . V . ()ur proper role is that of student also. This statement was submitted by Brad Government presidential candidate organizations simply by their names Quality or Quantity Worse?“is sucha i I
. .- ”We“ m S(i We will carefully scru- An example of future promoting is Sturgeon and Britt Brockman. can do one of three things: promise instead of an amorphous title like topic. Another is a stronger effort at V
- ' . “Student Government." grassroots lobbying on political issues . ‘
' .- PreSIdent Stated generally. then. a vote for related to the students. such as the
. ‘ Feduchio Sanchez is also a vote ofno draft _ which the Feduchio Sanchez
‘ . .i confidence in traditional SG‘s system. Movement is IIO percent. dyed-in-the- f .
‘ h as wellas its politics. It is, additionally. Wool. blood-in~the-veins. dead-set ‘
' - a move to rethink the present scattered against. (The Movement‘s presidential
I i , By ('HLCK MALKl'S will investigatethe problem and takca recent years. sible to “upset“ Sturgeon and Brock- system of student organizations on candidate. Richard Dizney is a
.- ‘ I course of action although we can‘t There were a few candidates who man. We aren‘t going to win this campus. Presently. student organiu- member of Lexington Committee
- Siudcni Government doesn‘t need make any promises. were running for office last year who election with money — we don‘t have tions fit into two categories: those. Against Registration and the Draft.) ’
. ' io change in.» name. only in. imageV Ken and [are not politicians. We are felt that they could run without buying the dollars they do to throw around social in nature. which are unaffected This differs from 80‘s present lobby-
‘ . - This is the reason Ken Berry and l not seekingthc offices of presidentand the campaign and who didn‘t have campus. lfthe students at UK want to by particular problems that 50 might ing effort in that itinvolvcs more pub-
’. ' , are seeking [he Officeholpresidentand vice president to include them on our future political motives on their mind. see a change. we believe that we offer address (one might well argue that $0 licity. more people. more
'. . i . _' vice pmideni as “mom candidaieg resumes. We have many more ideas. Ken Berry and I were two of these an alternative. is actually one of these); and those independence. less discretion, less .
. . SG should be able i0 represent the but more importantly. we will listcnto candidates. It‘s hard to forget last year’s cam- organizations. like house councils. hobnobbing. and the streets. Finally. .
‘ . students and express their viewpoints. you. We thought that it was possible to paign which was ‘Iowlighted"by Stur- that deal with particular problems but the Feduchio Sanchez Movement will
. . To remain respectful and also be effec- As I mentioned before. I have served run for office without spending ourlife geon and the Focus scandal. tend to limit themselves. deliberately form a Ministry of Associate Execu- h.
V - , , live. we must operate as a government on the Campus Recreation Intramural savings. We were wrong. We would like to represent the stu— or not deliberately. to those affected tives to operate the Executive Fund ~
‘V -. not an association. as proposed ny- Council. I have also been involved Ken spent only $4. I spent only $l0. dents at UK with “new blood” in the by the problems and. therefore. limit and adopt the platform as constitu- .
. :i ' Vi " another candidate for the office of With 50 in the past as press secretary. We were outspent by Mark Metcalf offices of SO president and vice presi~ their scope accordingly. Beyond these. tional law, thus making the platform
‘ '. V‘ 7 , ' president Ken and I think we offer you as stu- and Sid Neal. who some have said dent. We believe that the 50 budget there are scattered apathetic groups. independently valid of the capacities
. A." . . we need to bring the .iudemgai this dents an alternative to the type of SO spent much more than the $300 cam~ should be spent herewith emphasis on The Feduchio Sanchez Movement and occasional failings of one person.
, '. ‘ :I' I camp“. together and this can be done which has existed in the past year. paign limit. student activities. will organize around three concepts: This system is more than a move for
. ‘ .' . " . ‘ through a variety of activities. we 80 may not appeal to you. The Ken Berry and ldidn‘t plan to seek It's very possible that youdon‘tcare Bread and Butter. Us. and Frontiers. “change" in Student Government.
. . , . ' need to develop communication chan— issues may bore you. lfthat‘s the case. the offices of president and vice presi- about the SG and this election. Your Bread and Butter organizations evala- This isa challenge ofconfidence inthe
. _' II . I ncls so that we will bcableto represent read Ken Berry‘s platform. Ken‘s plat- dent this year. However. since Brad vote could change that. because Ken ate basic conditions of students. such present system and its politics. It is a
. .' .' . ‘ '. . the giudemg on this campu. fill the form is interesting and although hum- “The Focus“Sturgeon and his running and lare planninga lot of changes so as housing. food. safety, and medical small-scale revolution.aform ofstruc-
, x .I ‘- same time. we need to gain the rehpcci orous. he isjusttryingto generate your mate.