xt7hdr2p8m72 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7hdr2p8m72/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1998-02-11 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers English Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, February 11, 1998 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 11, 1998 1998 1998-02-11 2020 true xt7hdr2p8m72 section xt7hdr2p8m72 E N ESTABLISHED 1894 KeNTIiCKY KBI‘IIB V Riiiii iIgi/m rumor/‘02:. [rig/v 4 i. MWAM ~71/11/10 [iii/lei! iii/la /.t/_\‘ tniir [Hm Is'iiiitt‘i/le. fell/1.. {mug/it l/Htl is .\'/Il't‘ to please the t‘l‘lfll‘tl. See l)!2‘t‘l'.\‘li!ll.\', page 4. UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY. LEXINGTON. KENTUCKY WIRE“ 'Iltiiiitleratuivili putt/Me tin/11y. lug/t (if-HI. Rilill mini/Hung tonight, 10:." of ill. Felon/17y II, I 998 o (flute up 7 I)i:'er\'iuu.\ 4 Z "(TIA/W‘Tlffltl\ 6 .bpiil‘lt 2 (,"iimtx'ui‘il 6 I'ii'x‘puiiii 5 INDEPENDENT SINCE 1971 BII‘GII: BBIIIQ a IIIISIIIBSS kept UK OIIGII By Judith Hensley Sill”? I'I 'I‘Ifi'r Standard operating procedure. Most ofthe time it keeps things running smoothly. Then there are days that refuse to go smoothly. The University of Kentucky experienced a couple ofthose days last week. joe Birch, vice president for L'niversity Relations, said L'niver— .sity officials usually know by () am. what action will be taken in the event of a snowstorm. That is, when everything works properly. Birch said University police department monitors the National \Veather Service radio and keeps their chief informed as to the weather and road conditions. “They‘re otit driving all night long, they know what the road conditions are." Birch said. The police chief reports to Birch, who then starts contacting the various local media services to inform the public. “The major thing is to inform everybody —~ students, faculty and .. , . staff. \\e have many ways ol informing the public," he said. After he has contacted the tnedia, he starts calling people and dent Melanie ( Irul. This procedure usually works. litit, when dealing with Kentucky weather. nothing is predictable. The weather service was calling for a small amount ofsnow. Birch was otit of town. The city road crews were not otii salting the streets. The roads were still most- ly clear by the (i am. decision time. “I can‘t remember a titne when this has ever happened." Birch said. The weather report did not change until later iii the morning. “They thought that they could (Iru/ was not notified on \\ ednesday about the actions beitig taken. She became conceited that klll\t’l’sll\ policy was not being followed She voiced her conceins about protw col in .i \loiidrt meeting with liircli. "I think first and foremost, the sttident representative should be tontactcd." (Ii‘ti/ said. “.\dmmis~ tration is there to make that call. that's their job. llut they want to keep in touch with the popu- lace." liirch said the l'ni\ersity is with tltose who are otit in the work place. \\ e don‘t provide make tip snow days like the local school sy stein." he said. ".\s far as L I\ is conterned. if commerce is functioning roads. buses. busi- nesses and malls tlteii l R is going to be open." llc said .is they received the report calling for I: inches of snow. the decision to cancel classes was made. Then on Thursday. the major roads were clear enough to hold class- L‘S. \tNln .l\ ",\loi'e titan half of the student and some people can't. “l‘ach person has to make a decision on what they ll.l\ e to do. \Ve're itot encouraging anyone to do anytliiitg that is unsafe." he said. “but they lime to make their choices like they were out in the work force.“ (Iru/ said her main concern was that proper procedure was being followed. “_Ioe is trtily a good adminis< trator. he is very concerned about keeping me involved and informed. Had he been in town. l would have been called," slte organizations that are on a notifi— Student Presi— cation list, (Iovernment including Association it wasn't realistic." keep the L'niversity open." (firm said. “Then by It) am. they knew more like a \L‘l]()l ll, "( )ur age group is comparable business than a population li\es within walking distance ol the campus." liirch said. “Some people can make it said. “The decision they lime to make is \ery difficult. It is .l busi— ness.“ PHOTOS BY MATT BARTON [\l'l7ltil \‘Iilfi NO MORE TWEETV Over (1 dozen III/Irkltirtb‘ lay dead in [be .i‘iinL'j/br days on rumpus. causing a i‘tin/z due to their decomposing rurrai‘xey. Campus not only victim oi weather ‘ By Matt Ellison Staff II 'ri'm' In light of the recent winter storm that paralyzed much of Kentucky. it appears that the UK campus has gone to the birds. Literally. As snow continues to melt away, many dead birds are showing up on campus side- walks. The rising meltwaters are also helping to rot the car- casses, causing an unpleasant odor for many who have to pass by areas. One area especially hard hit by this situation is the sidewalk between Pence and Kastle halls. Half a dozen dead birds have been spotted on the sidewalk or in snowbanks. Several tree limbs also broke under the weight of the snow, and melting snow is now causing water and mud to pile up on several side- walks. “It's a little disgusting to walk through this," said Christina \Valts, an unde- clared freshman. \Valts had already passed through this area several times and noticed the birds were still there each time. “At least get rid of birds,” she said. Some students questioned whether the birds had been poi— soned, since the UK Physical Plant Division has done so before when the bird popula- tion near campus buildings becatne too numerous. Renate Yonke, a geography sopho- more, felt that if the birds had been poisoned, then they cer- tainly should have been cleaned tip by now. . “I can understand why they might want to kill them, btit at least clean them up," she said. But Elza Abney, a employ- cc of the UK PPD I’est Con— trol Division, denied that any sort of poisoning had taken place. the “\Ve're not doing any kind of poisoning or anything like that," lie said. He said the grotinds crew had been trying to get birds away frotn campus buildings. btit without the use of poisons or anything harmful to the birds. \Vendy lIein. a graduate stu- dent in ecology, explained that there are set eral reasons for the apparent increase iit dead birds. She explained that they eatt be traced to the cold weather and 17 inches ofsnow. “Because of the snow, find- ing a lot of their food supply cotild be a problem." she said. “In general, the cold and lack of food could ptit a lot of stress on them." In addition to the dead birds. several downed tree limbs remain between Kastle and l’ence halls. llein said that cottld also be a reason for the increase in dead birds. “\Vhen you get that much snow, it cottld destroy their nests or habitats,“ she added. Cross-dressing study by prot being aired By Karla Dooley Contributing u 'ri'ier UK theater professor Geraldine Mas- chio takes the study of cross-dressing seriously. And it’s taken her places, too. Maschio‘s research into the lives of tw0 Irish brothers who impersonated women on the vaudeville stage was featured on a PBS documentary that aired last month. The producers of “The Irish in Amer— ica: The Long Journey Home” decided to interview Maschio after they read an article she had published about the broth— ers in the ]ournal of Popular Culture. “The producers found that the article provided them with an understanding of how the Irish assimilated" into American society. Maschio said. They “saw in the lives of those two perfortners what hap- pened to the Irish generally." Maschio‘s article, “Ethnic Humor and the Demise of the Russell Brothers," tells the story ofjohn antljatiies Russell, the sons oflrish immigrants. Dtiring the late ”3005, many Irish women worked in domestic service. Maschio said. The Russells capitalized on this by dressing as women and per- formin a slapstick vaudeville routine entitlef‘drish Servant Girls." “For immigrants in the audience." Maschio wrote, “the Russells demon— strated the often brutal circumstances of the immigrant existence.” q ,..‘ i...-. uMb—O - A But by the time the 20th Century dawned, the Irish had moved into higher positions in society, and women be an workin as teachers and nurses. .\Iasctliiti said. 'I he Rttssells' failure to change their act to fit the times resulted in their ultimate fall frotn stardom. Maschio's study of the Russells is part of her ongoing work on a book that will deal with gender and cross-dressing in American theater. She said her research is based on the belief that art has an itnportant relationship with culture. “Stereotypes in gender get played out in the arts, and as artists we can work against it," she said. “For exam le, what does Robin \Villiams as Mrs. I oubtfire say about the older woman in society?" I 5 Thomas Lennon. who produced the documentary, said Maschio‘s theory of Irish people adaptin to ctilttire and the theater were key tot e film. “\\'lien doing r. portrait of the Irish golden age in New York, theater figured very prominently," Lennon said. “For the lives oflAl Sniith,]intm_v \Valker and some of the legendary figures, theater and politics were not as separate as you might think." So last year, the Lennon Documen- tary (irottp flew Maschio to New York to film an interview at the Apollo The- atre in Harlem. “It‘s the thrill of getting your research otit there." Maschio said. “I was the first See PBS (in 3 FDIII‘IBGII awarded research lunding By Andrew Brown (.Vi/iti'i/viiiliig ll 'i'm'r The L'ndergraduate Research and (Ire~ ativity (irants this semester were awarded to H Lils' tindergraduates studying a wide range oftopics and studies. livery semester. undergraduate sttidents are encouraged to apply for research grants in .i field they want to pursue. The area of research does not have to be in their field of study at the Liniversity or concern their major. “I was very excited to get the grant. because now I’ll get paid to do what I like to do," said Bradford .lordan. a chemistry senior. who will study the connection between antioxidants and ;\l/heimer‘s Dis- ease. Those who received grants this year w ere ‘lordan; biology. chemistry and clas— sics senior .v\dam Breier; biology senior _lill Blankenship; biology senior Laura I’easter; plant and senior I’llie l‘ridell: geology freshman lirian (iarland; civil engineering senior Margaret llop- kins; theater sophomore Tamera I‘llar; geology junior _lill Krukow'ski; theater senior Bo last; horticulture science senior (latherine ,laubert; psychology senior Michael Thompson; biology senior_laime (irace and biology iunior (Iasandra lIet~ /cl. Students who have at least a H) grade— poiitt average are encouraged to apply. but the (il’:\ requirement is not necessary. Students receive between 5-H; and 5‘00 for their research. This money usually covers the cost of supplies or tools or needed transportation for the given pro— let‘t. The money for the grants comes froiti the budget of David “Van. vice chancel- lor for Research and Academic Affairs. In addition to the grants handed otit during the fall and spring semesters. students can continue their research in the sum» iner. Students who qualify can receive tip to $2500 for research in the summer. The extra money allows students to work with- out carrying another job. Other topics for proposed research include the sttidy ofa 4ft) million—year—old piece of sea bottoiti found in a Danville quarry and how iiitich space is between soil microorganisms on a hill slope. (iarland, originally from I‘ineville. Ky., is studying the sea bottom with help frotn his sponsor, professor I’rank littensohn. “There are over 100 samples of an ancient class of edrioasperoid,” which belongs to the larger group echinoderin in the rock sample that now sits in the geology department. Garland said. He said he hopes to present his findings to a geolo ical groti ) in Charleston, \\'.V., and possihi‘y get published. In their Alzheimer’s study. Jordan and Breier are takin samples from rat brains treated with Alzheimer‘s chemicals. Using various measuring techniques. the two hope to find oxidation occurring in the brain samples, an indication that Alzheimer‘s is present. SHIIS .V #. -.....~.. Sec mum on 3 .~ «in! ‘ 1 < in. i ; W-.--—..,___ 2 ll rill/wilt”. I-l'l'l'rri/n II. I‘I‘M‘. Ari/link) lsuiiil WMMMmymm 705mm. 310/ W tee, State 105 ' Stonewall SW 6mm 4mm. Z7; @503 (606) 223-33?! stow“ Join the Club! RESCHEDULED FOR: Thursday, February 12th 7:00 - 8:00 i.iii. Topic: Pharmacy Internship Requirements Speaker: Dr.]ohn Piecoro._lr., Pre-Pharmacy Advisor Room 220 College of Pharmacy Everyone Welcome! . No Membership Recurred! 9 hammer. FELLOWSHIPS Otis A. Singletary and W.L. Matthews, Jr. UK Seniors who expect to enroll in one of the University of K entucky’s graduate or professional programs for 1998-99 are eligible to apply for the Otis A. Singletary and W.L. Matthews, Jr. Fellowships. Application forms and a statement of criteria for eligibility are available in the Graduate School, 365 Patterson Office Tower. Stipend: $10,000 Application Deadline: March 4,1998 Interested in being a college ambassador? The College of Communications and Information Studies is accepting applications for two positions in the Dean’s Office. You must be an uppendivision student in the College and have a minimum GPA of 3.0. Application deadline is March 27,1998; forms are available in 105 Grehan Journalism Building. .M. K... 11.4v..‘m‘r ,..-. "rid-duh Asm.t.-a¢wlw.;ndb am «somewhat 5...: .. .7 . ll tourne line at lltiA Freshman a peers at right time 07' Cats By Dave Gorman Sit/ll” yl'llr‘l‘ \Vhere have yoti been all sea- son? She has beeii thrown from position to position in her few minutes on the court. 1"reshiiian Kenya Young launched her game to a head— turniiig level as she grabbed 13 rebounds and scored eight points in the (Lats' win over South Car» olina last Sunday. \s the \Vildcats (l l—lZ overall. 4-.— Southeastern Conference) have four more games to go in the season. they look for the missing pieces of their never-ending puz— /le. '1 he (:ats play .I IIItlSlAWlII against \o. 24 (ieorgia (1+8) tonight in Athens. (Iotild Young's spark off the bench be one of the necessary pieces? "\Ve need her to cotitiiitie to be force on the glass. She has really stepped in well." head coach Bernadette Mattox said. Maybe a dotible—dotible on the horizon for Young? “Most definitely I will," she said. “\Ve have to stay intense especially in these last games towards the end of the season." Another well-needed piece to the puzzle. Mattox said. is more scoring front sophomore point guard Natalie Martinez. Martinez may only average four points per gartie. but she leads the team in assists with 78. “\\'e need her to get otir offense going. \Ve just want more threes and penetration from Natalie,".\1attox said. “(loaeh told me to shoot more, especially when other teams pres- sure otir wings," Martinez said. “\Ve definitely need more scorers iii double figures." The (leorgia Bulldogs have its own share of youth and talent combined. 'I‘win sisters Kelly and (loco Miller lead the Bulldogs this season with 18.2 and 17.6 points per game. respectively. and in almost every statistical category. The 5-10 guards are accompa- nied by an impressive inside game according to junior guard “’ait. Advertise in the Kernel. Call 257-2 We _ :66 Wed. 8 p.m.watch the UK game and have some pizza Thurs. 6 p.m. dinner at Victorian Square Delta Zeta Wants You! Rush Events All Week / s. v For information contact Kelly Watkins 323-7614 it 5 563 l b. Limestone 381-0464 2 3 50 \\'oodhill 335 —()-'l>64 #990; té/Oax‘ 2:00-7:00 and 9:00-Close $1 SHOTS DAILY SUNDAY HAPPY HOUR ALL DAY 1/2 lb. hamburgers $2.99 2.5¢ Wings Mon. Daily Lunch Specials Ladies night Friday 50c \vctl drinks ORDER YOUR SUPERBOWL WINGS NOW! Tennis Bookkeeper Archery 13am Helper Soccer Kitchen Chef Karate Riflery Biking Camp Store Rock Climbing Asst. (look Nature Study Horseback Riding Ropes Course Summer Camp Job Fair For all UK Students Ihursday,Febniaty12, 1998 9 am. - Student Center Room 206 & 245 General Counselor [Xisitions for people who like working with youth. Grail field experience for [K students with related rriajors. harming thruigh camp lardersliip. Memorable summer experiences that last a lifetime. provided by STEPS 4 p.m. Theatre Swimming Dramatics Water Skiing Dance Canoe Creative Kayak Movement Arts & Crafts woodworking Music Gymnastics . “.m- JAMES CRISP At‘l'lli 1 .ml BLOWING BY A BAMECOCK L'Kfi‘rshnmii Lil/rm .1 Iran/rites iii/i1 the (jury til/cc their mm! .\'( l. l tourney hopes to Georgia tonight. “They have a good inside and outside game." “an said. u’l‘heir inside game is not as dominating as our inside game." Freshitian Natasha Ross is back into the lineup .is of'l tiesday. She has been sick with the flu for two weeks and missed three games. 'l‘he newcomer said she is very excited to back into the swing of things. especially in the midst of a possible three