Minutes of the Quarterly Meeting of the Board of Trustees, University of Kentucky, December 13, 1932. The regular quarterly meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky was held at President McVey's residence De- cember 13, 1932. The following members were present: Judge R. 0, Stoll, E, B. Webb, Louis Hillenmeyer, Eugene Flowers, Comnission- er of Agriculture, James Rash; also President F. L. McVey and Sec- retary D. H. Peak, It was decided to proceed with the usual order of business, 1, Approval of Minutes, The approval of minutes was passed until next meeting. 2, President's Report. The report of President Fe L. HcVey was received and ordered to be recorded in the minutes. Board Membership The Board of Trustees has been faced with the uncer- tainty of a quorur to carry on the business of the Univer- sity for more than a year, At the first of the year there was a complete change in the ex-officio members, These members are busy men with many engagements arising out of their official connections, which make it difficult for them to attend meetings. One place in the Board of Agri- culture group bas been filled by one member who attended on- ly once during his six years' appointment, The death of one member in the general state group Ift a Vacancy which was filled by appointment, but the appointee could not qual- ify because his party affiliation did not correspond to the legal requirements for filling the place of the deceased member, At the present time there are two vacancies in the Board of Agriculture group now occupied by Senator Froman and Mr. Finch, whose terms exples. In the general class there are two terms, one an unexpired term and the other expiring this year. In the third group, that of the alumni, the term of Mr, Webb expires, Out of fifteen memberships on the Board there are now five vacancies or unexpired terms, I have talked with the Governor about the matter and left with him a statement covering all the points brought out in my report to the Board today.