xt7hhm52g92d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7hhm52g92d/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 18870131 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1887-01-may31. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1887-01-may31. 1887 2011 true xt7hhm52g92d section xt7hhm52g92d MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES,Mlay 31, 1887 - page 63 The Board of Trustees of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Kentucky met in Judge Kinkead's office, in regular session, May 31 at 3 P. M. 1887. Present W. B. Kinkead, Chairman L. J. Bradford, Secretary R. J. Spurr R. A. Spurr J. D. Clardy Philip Bird W. A. Nicholas D. C. Buell J. M. Unthank The Reading of the Minutes of the last meeting was ordered. No corrections being made they were adopted. The Minutes of the Executive Committee containing record of the proceedings from the adjournment of the Board of Trustees in June 1886 to date of present meeting was read. Discussions having arisen on certain actions taken, t1S satisfaction of the proceedings of the Executive Committee was postponed till a subsequent session of the Board. The Reading of the Report of Gen'l. Buell Chairman of the Board of Visitors was called for. On condition of the reading thereof, it was referred to a committee consisting of Dr. Clardy, Maj. Unthank and Capt. Nicholas. The Report of the President of the College with accompanying reports of the Director of the Station, and of the Heads of Departments was then read. The Report with accompanying Documents was referred to a committee consist- ing of General Buell, Dr. Clardy, Dr. Spurr and Philip Bird. MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, May 31, 1887 - page 64 The President of the College read a communication adherred to him by Professors Shackleford, Neville, Helveti, and White praying for an increase of salary, The President asked leave to be heard upon the request of the petitions at a subsequent session, which was granted. The letter con- taining the request was referred to the Committee on the Reports of officers of the College. Professor McClintock representing the Chatauqua University Assembly presented an application to the Board for the services of Prof. Potter in the conduct of a Normal School Institute during the meeting of the assembly in Lexington. Consider- ation of the application was postponed until tomorrow. The Board then adjourned to meet in the Presidents room in the College at 9-30 A. M. June 1, 1887. Board of Trustees met in the College June 1, 1887. Present W. B. Kinkead, Chairman L. J. Bradford Seely. D. C. Buell R. J. Spurr R. A. Spurr J. D. Clardy Philip Bird J. M. Unthank W. D. Nicholas The application of Prof. McClintock was called from the unfinished business of yesterday and rejected. Missing report(s)