xt7hhm52h20w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7hhm52h20w/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 19840330 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, March 30, 1984, no. 427 text The Green Bean, March 30, 1984, no. 427 1984 2014 true xt7hhm52h20w section xt7hhm52h20w A . I-; _··_ QJ A.
3-30-8A A , ‘ No. A27
. Apr. 2 International Cbildren's Book Day A
· Apr. 3 Fire Alarm Check .
A- A-7 Third National Conference of ACRL A
' Apr. 5 ‘ University of Tennessee Knoxville Library Day I A
‘ Apr. 8-l!+ National Library Week _, A I 0
T Apr. 10-12 National Online Meeting `_ ‘
A Apr. 12 & 13 Spring Meeting of the Academic Library Section of KLA . i
A Apr; 13 & 14 Library Preservation: 1mplementing1'Programs
Apr. 13 Transitions and the Disabled Student A
l Apr. 116 From Our Past: Toward 2000 A A
A Apr. 21+ · . Newberry Awards Discussion Group I
A Apr. 26-28 U Library Associati.on's Book Sale (Date Change) A `· A
May 3-4 Management of the Online Catalog H *
I A May 9 How to Raise Funds for Library Automation A A A a
A A May 10-11 Bl: A Multi-faceted Discipline m · l I — - 3
A l May ll-12 “ Unit Cost Analysisfor Special Libraries ‘ A
- A May 20-23 , ASIS Mid-Year `A
l I Next "Green Bean" issue: Friday-, April 13, A
, Deadline for inclusion: April 10, 10 arm, A _
, I Emergency items can be submitted to the editor by ·
1 phone after the deadline (7-1631), A A
_ A?
l The following letter was sent to Toni Powell in the Agricultural Library. A
· Dear Ms. Powell: A C · V V _A ·
On behalf of the University of Kentucky Chapter of Sigma Xi, I am pleased .
to inform you that you have been chosen to receive an award for_ your out- — A
standing support to researchers at the University of Kentucky, The award
‘ and a certificate of recognition will be presented during initiation
banquet April Q, 6:30 IRM. in the small `ballroom the Studentflenter. A ·
We hope you will be our guest at the banquet . Congratulations and thank
you from all of us for your help. ‘ .
Sincerely, . . . . A `
Joseph Kuc, President “ . » ‘ I ‘ A
University of Kentucky Chapter
` Sigma Xi ‘ . _ . A A · .
e The United Way » A A
At the recent annual awards meeting for the Mrited Way of the Bluegrass, the W I
University of Kentucky was honored with a very plaque in tribute to .
the many years of generosity on the part of the staff and sudents. .
. — The award came in a year when the overall increase for the University nes lU%.l n
- As charts of this year's campaign, I was particularly pleased that the Library W
had a spectacular increase of 267., over last year's giving .. Your generosity
` was coupled with the best support a United Way Chair could. {eve from a work A
» unit. I will always be indebted to the a.dmini..stra.·t:trrn and staff of the Library
for the unselfish support I received during the campaign. ‘ _
Thanks to my many friends and United Way supporters, l I I
. `John Bryant I -‘ - l ·
Phone Number Changes A A
The phone number for the Business and Economics Information Center is now _
7-81+07, Vivian MacQuown‘s phone number is now 7-3353. . ‘ -
Book Sale Dates Changed _ _
The Library Associates" annual Book Sale been moved back one week. To
coincide with the Foreign languages Conferencema source of many Book
customers——the Book Sale will be held on April 26, 27, and 28, with the ZEIlT'?££l
day of the sale held at the Good Barn.
- Volunteers from the Library Staff are still needed, as well. as a supply of
grocery sacks to bag the books .. Anyone wishing to volunteer can call Paula
Pope at 7··-IA66; deposit the grocery sacks with her in Special Collections.
(Paula Pope) ‘ ‘ _
» l
( ISO News
ISO will have a table at the Book Sale Thursday and Friday, April 26 & 27, _
(PAPERBACKS ONLY). Take all donations to Jessie Adams in the Bindery.
Volunteers will be needed to staff the ISO Table during the sale. Contact
Norma Jean Gibson (Reference Dept., 7-l63l) if you can help. The hours will
A be 9-4, Thursday and Friday.
The LSO Aerobics Class will meet A:30-5:30 in the Staff Lounge of King North
on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. If you have questions or would like to
join, call Karen Jefferson (7-8393).
Reminder: Please call or mail the names of ISO Departmental Representatives to
Norma Jean Gibson, Reference Dept. (7—l63l) . Names should be in by
April 6, (Norma Jean Gibson)
Bess Clotfelter Working on CASSI Project A
Bess Clotfelter, who has been no stranger to the library since her retirenent
last July, is presently involved in a project in the Cataloging Department: ‘
checking University of Kentucky monographic holdings for the next ed.ition of
the Chemical Abstracts Service Source Index (CASSI), an important tool for
bibliographic verification in the sciences. We are grateful to Bess for this
volunteer work, which adds to an already busy schedule as a Donovan Scholar
and tutor. (Brad Grissom)
Videotape on Use of ISBN Available
A l2 minute instructional videotape on ISBN, the International Standard
Numbering system, is available from the various designated national agencies
for ISBN distribution. Sponsored by the International ISBN Agency in Berlin,
the videotape was shot on location at the British Library, the `Libraqr of
Congress, and bookstores and book wholesalers in london, New York, and The
I Copies may be ordered for l/ 2 inch VHS ($20) or 3/A inch U-~matic ($30) from
the ISBN agency for the U.S. and Canada, R.R. Bowker Company, 205 i»2nd
Street, New York, NY l00l7. Phone: 2l2—9l6—l800. (liibrarjy Hot_lin<;, 13
( (March 5, 1984),3) `
I Gallery Series
The following programs wi.ll be held at noon in the King North Gallery.
Friday, April 6 "Activities of the International Sudent Office"
Programs such as the Host Family Program will be
presented and discussed by Jane Stephenson and
· I other staff members from the International Student
Friday, April 13 "Music for Solo Clarinet and Winds"
A recital of music performed by Ron Monsen, clarinet,
and members of the U. K. Wind Ensemble, directed by
W. Harry Clarke.
Bernstei.n,Allen. 1984 Tax Guide for Colle e Teachers (and Other Colle e
Personnel). Washington, D.C.: AcadErT¤.g'c information Service, 1983.
For filing 1983 Tax Returns. (Ready Reference/HJ/i+652/.A8/T230/1984)
Cronin, Blaise, ed. The Market' of Libr and Information Services.
(Aslib Reader Series, vol. London: Aslib, 1981. ZZ767Z{.£7.M35/1981)
Fox, Christopher John. Information and Misinformation: An Invest' ation of
the Notions of Information, Misinformation, Informin , and `Mis§formin .
(Contributions in Librarianship and Information Science, no. Z5) . Westport,
CN: Greenwood, 1983. (Z/665/.F76/1983)
Krummes, Daniel and Michael Kleiber. "Recent Transportation Literature for ,
Planning and Engineering Librarians: A Selection Based Upon the Acquisitions g
of the Institute of Transportation Studies Library, UC-Berkeley (March 1984) ."
Vance Bibliogpaphies—-Public Administration Series, Bib. #Pl397) . i
(Ref. Z 716 /. P O Pl3977l98ZS "
Iancaster, F. Wilfrid, ed. Library Automation as a Source of lwxagement
Information. Urbana—Champaign: University of Illinois, 1982.
163/#19/1982) E
Lee, Sul H. Reference Service: A Perspective. Ann Arbor; Pierian, 1983.
(Z/71l/ .RZZ»67 19835 I
Mount, Ellis. Special Libraries and Information Centers: An Introducto
Text. New York: Specia Li raries Association, 1983. ZZ? 5757..U/&5/ 1983)
Patrick, Ruth J., et al. A Studi of Libr Cooperatives, Networks, and v_
Demonstration Projects. wen, CN; Linnet Books, 1979. ZZ77917.P338) g
Ptmcell, Gary R. and Gail Ann Schlachter. Reference Sources in Libr and
Information Services: A Guide to the Literature. Santa Barbara: , Q
ABC-Clio Information Services, 1984. {Ref./Ref./Z/666/.P96/1983)
The following training programs are available to UK non-·faculty employees.
Programs are held in room 15 (basement) of Memorial Hall. To eiroll contact {
Rosemary Veach (7-1851),
Payroll Procedures April 3 p·
9 a.m. — noon »
Conducted by Scott Wood, Payroll Department, this workshop shows how to fill I
out PARs to activate, terminate, or continue departmental payroll, maintain
time sheets, etc.
Q i
3 a i
Ifliiefviéwing and Selecting New Employees April ll, l2, I3
8 a,.m. — noon _
What is legal or illegal to ask in an employment interview? You need to know
because you are liable. How can you work best with Campus Employment during ‘
the interviewing] selection ti1me? How can you reall tell which of the applicants
would be the best for your department? This workshop answers these questions,
but you must attend all three sessions. We guarantee you'll be an effective V
interviewer and be more cEident EE you conduct your next employment interview.
Purchasing Procedures April l0
l0 a.m. — noon
Conducted by Tom Fields, the Director of Purchasing, this workshop shows how to
use DAVs, requisitions, purchase orders, and receiving reports to make departmental
purchases within University guidelines.
Orientation Update April l3 or April 30
Ep 1:00 — 4:00 p.m.
This workshop offers an update to University personnel policies, insurance) and `
benefit plans, organizational structure, and mission.
Accounting Procedures April l7
l0 a.m. — noon .
Taylor House of the Controller's Division shows how to use (and read) ledger
sheets and fill out account information forms, budget revision requests, cash ~
transmittals, and IDIV forms.
Unless otherwise noted, see Rob Aken for details and application forms. _
National Online Meeting April l0—·l2
Online Review will present the National Online Meeting in New York City at
the Sheraton Centre Hotel. Registration for the full three day conference
is $210.
Transitions and the Disabled Student April I3 I
The fifth annual Conference on Kentmcky Higher Education and the Disabled,
Student will be held at the University of Kentucky Student Center Ballroom.
Although there is no charge for the conference,participants are asked to ,
pre—register. ,_
From Our Past: Toward 2000 April l6
Eastern Illinois University, in celebration of National Library Week,
present this symposium in the Bismarck Hotel in Charleston, IL. The focus
will be on "Perspectives as Netmork Administrators." p
Registration is $40 for non-Illinois residents (lunch and coffee breaks included).
4, .
gl l? ? .
Newberry Awards Discussion Group April 24
Anne McConnell will lead this discussion in the UK Student Center Addition,
room 228, from 4—6:38kp.m. Registration cutoff is April 17. Contact Sharon
Miller, Director of fice for Continuing Education, University of Kentucky
for details. , ¤‘
.§ ="
9 bbnagenent of the Catalog May 3-4
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