xt7hhm52jm6r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7hhm52jm6r/data/mets.xml Richmond, Virginia Historical Records Survey of Virginia 1940 Prepared by the Historical Survey of Virginia, Division of Professional and Service Projects, Work Projects Administration; Other contributors include: Virginia Baptist Historical Society, Compiled under the supervision of Elizabeth Coalter; iv, 386 pages, 28 cm; UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries; Call number FW 4.14:V 819c/3/suppl.1 books English Richmond, Virginia: Historical Records Survey of Virginia This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Virginia Works Progress Administration Publications Index to Obituary Notices in The Religious Herald Richmond, Virginia, 1828-1938 text Index to Obituary Notices in The Religious Herald Richmond, Virginia, 1828-1938 1940 1940 2015 true xt7hhm52jm6r section xt7hhm52jm6r > UN|VERSIT‘; 6F KENTU;ZKY XE JHWIHIIII IHIIIIVIIHIHIH i l - Y I ` ·_ - V , {3 IIIMEE LH¤b'*lLlL4l¤ A I . I ~ I ‘ INVENTORY OF CHURCH ARCHIVES A OF VIRGINIA Prepared by The Historical Records Hurvey of Virginia Division of Professional and Service Projects - Work Projects Administration · Sponsored by The Virginia Conservation Commission GUIDE TO THE MANUSCRIPT COLLECTIONS OF THE < VIRGINIA BAPTIST HISTORICAL SOCIETY, SUPPLEMENT NO. l F »;.` INDEX TO OBITUARY NOTICEL IN THE RELIGIOUS HERALD _Q' RICHMOND, VIRGINIA, l828-1958 M Richmond, Virginia The Historical Records Survey of Virginia December l94O \ 1 I The Historical Records Survey Projects Y Sargent B. Child, Director Milton W. Blanton, Regional Supervisor Kathleen Bruce, State Supervisor Division of Professional and Service Projects Florence Kerr, Assistant Commissioner Blanche M. Ralston, Chief Regional Supervisor Ella G. Agnew, State Director WORK PROJECTS ADMINISTRATION { Howard O. Hunter, Acting Commissioner F. H. Dryden, Regional Director _ Russell S. Hummel, State Administrator PEEFACL In January 1956, the Historical Records Survey, a nation—wide project of the Works Progress Administration, now the Work Projects Administration, was organized nationally. Dr. Luther H. Evans was appointed National Director of the Survey. In March 1956, the Survey began to function in Virginia as part of the Federal Writers' Project, of which Dr. H. J. Eckenrode was Ltate Director, and Dr. Lester J. Cappon of the University of Virginia part—time Technical Assistant. In November 1956, when the Historical Records burvcy be- came independent of the Federal Writers' Project, Dr. Cappon was appointed part- time State Director. At the same time Miss Elizabeth B. Parker, a former supervisor of the Survey, was appointed Assistant State Director. When Dr. Cappon resigned in June 1957, Miss Parker succeeded him as State Director. On September 5, 1959,the Historical Records Survey of Virginia became a State- wide non»Federal project with Miss Parker as state Supervisor. Likewise in January 1956 the Survey of Federal Archives, a nationwide project of the Works Progress Administration, now the Work Projects Administra- tion, was organized under the national directorship of Dr. Phillip M. Hamer, · an official of the National Archives, Washington, D. C. In Februnry 1956 work was started in Virginia with Mr. T. C. Durham as Regional Director. In Septem- ber 1956, Dr. Kathleen Bruce was appointed Regional Director to succeed Mr. Durham. On August l, 1957, the survey of Federal Archives of Virginia became a State—wide non—Federal project, with Dr. Bruce as State Director. On January 1, 1940, the two projects, the Survey of Federal Archives and the Historical Records Survey of Virginia, were consolidated by the Work H Projects Administration to constitute e new Historical Records Survey project. ` Dr. Bruce was appointed State Supervisor and Miss Parker, Assistant State ‘ Supervisor. Miss Parker resigned from the Historical Records Survey on April 29, 1940. By authority of the Presidential Letter, E—25€, October 18, 1940, the Historical Records Survey is authorized to "conduct a survey and prepare for duplication inventories of all official records of the counties and of the Federal Government (except the Post Office) within the State; conduct a survey and prepare for duplication inventories of the records of the churches of all denominations within the State; and copy the imprints of all materials, print- ed before 1877 within the present boundaries of the United States, which are ip in the custody of all public, semi—pub1ic, and notable private libraries with- I in the State." The ultimate objective is to make contributions of public I value. In conformity with the authorization, the Historical Records Survey of Virginia has in progress for publication inventories of the archives of -Virginia counties and churches, and of ull Federal ugencies within the State except the Post Office. It also has under way a survey of American imprints prior to 1877. Under the direction of the Federal Government, thc inventories are deposited with the appropriate agency. THE INDEX TO OBITUARY NOTlCEb IN Int HELILIOUL HERALD, RICHMOND, V VIRGINIA, l828—l958, originated as Supplement No. l to a volume planned by Miss c Parker on the manuscripts and the printed materials of the Virginia Baptist I Historical Society. An index such as this is not commonly undertaken by the Historical Records Survey projects. But the Religious Herald is e notable Baptist journal, and has performed, since it was first issued on January ll, 1828, a public service by publishing notices of deaths and marriages. To understand the full value of this public service, it should be noted that the c official register of births, deaths, and marriages, required in every Virginia i ~ ii Preface perish during the colonial period, disappeared along with the State church which did not long survive the colony. No legal record of births and deaths was again required in Virginie until en ect of thc Virginia Assembly passed in 1855, effective January l, 1854, ordered the commissioners of revenue to re- I port on births and deaths to the clerk of each county court, and to the clerk » -of each corporation court in the Commonwealth. The Code of 1860 continued in substance the provisions of the Act of l855. The maintenance of legal records was seriously affected by the War for Southern Independence. County archives in the path of the Confederate and Union armies suffered heavy losses. The registration of births and deaths was egsin required by the Code of 1875. ` Under the Code of 1887, eech commissioner of revenue was instructed to make an ennuel registration of the births and deaths in his district. But on Merch 4, l898, the General Assembly repealed the sections of the Code of 1887, which dealt with the registration of births end deaths, with e view, perhaps, to im- proving procedure. An ect of 1912, effective Merch l2, l9l2, made each justice of the peace e registrar responsible to the State Board of Health. As registrar, e justice's duty was to maintain a record of births end deaths for thet portion of his megisteriel district assigned him by the state Registrar. If there happened to be no justice in the area, or if e justice , refused to ect, the Stste Registrar appointed some other suitable person to perform the duty. THE INDEX TO OBITUARY NOTICES IN THE RELIGIOUS HEPALD ... contains around l9,000 references. The greet majority of them are to 5olk who were either members of or connected with the Baptist churches in Virginia. As is the case with thousands of other Virginisns who died between 1827 end 1854, , end l897 end l9l2, no public record exists of the deaths of these persons. A And even though recorded in the archives of their churches, the individual re- cords are difficult to reach. Moreover, not only county records but church records suffered in the upheaval of 1861-65. The contribution of the index, therefore, is to make available the weelth of information that lies buried in the four almost complete files of the Religious Herald, in the custody of the Virginia Baptist Historical Society at Richmond. When Miss Elizabeth Coelter, joined the staff of the Historical Records Survey in April 1959, as supervisor of the survey of Church Archives, the field work on the INDEX TO OBITUARY NOTICES ... had been started. The work hss been checked, edited, end compiled in 1940 under Miss Coelter's I supervision. A few departures have been made from the original procedure \ first established for this index. For instance, page numbers have been delet- ed. This has been done inasmuch es all issues of the Religious Herald do not have numbered pages, end confusion resulted when it wes attempted to number them consecutively. In some years the issues were paged consecutively through the year; in other years each issue was paged individually. Most of the notices appear in the obituary column which is usually on the third, or fourth pegs of the issue. A few notices were printed as news items; others are reso- lutions of churches on the death of en individual. The symbol * is used to denote e nemo which has been found spelled differently in the seme notice. For example, "SNEED, Jemes A., s. of C. P. and Helen Winn SNEAD, Aug. ls, l937." The some symbol is used also when there seems to be s typographical error in one or more entries es in "ABRAHAM, W. Y. (Mrs.), d. of Rev. A. Brondus, Mey - BO, l895 ... ABRAHAMS, W. Y. (Rev.), Nov. L9, l905;" or when e name is spelled in en unusual manner es "WOOD, Emily E., d. of John end Cessendrie Wood, Aug. 16, l855." The place of death hes been eliminsted since it is not elwnys clear where the individual died. · ( iii Preface A companion volume, GUIDE TO THE MANUSCRIPT COLLECTIONS OF THE VIRGINIA BAPTIST HISTORICAL SOCIETY, SUPPLEMENT NO. 2, INDEX TO MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE RELIGIOUS HERALD, RICHMOND, VIRGINIA, 1828-1958, is in progress. This volume was also planned by Miss Parker. _,..-·- · ]<{u¢,#s l ¢-c.vx gnswa, Kathleen Bruce State Supervisor Historical Records Survey of Virginia Richmond, Virginia December 17, 1940 ABBREVIATIONS Capt. ......... . ........... . ........................ Captain Col. .. ......................................... .... Colonel d. of .... ............................. . ............ daughter of Gen. ... ....................... . ................. ... General gr. d. ............ . ....... . ....................... , granddaughter gr. s. ............................................. grandson Lt. ................................................ Lieutenant ' m. ......... . ....................................... married Maj. .. ............................................ . Major s. of .............................................. son of Sgt. ................... _ ............................ Sergeant w. of .. ...................................... . ..... wife of iv ABBITT Mary, w. of Dr. Charles L. ,Ju1ian H. (Dr.), Feb. 14, 1907 Abraham, Sept. 1, 1837 `Mary Ann, w. of George Abbitt, Mordecai, Jr., s. of Morde- Nov. 26, 1857 cai and Polly Abraham, R. w., Sept. 23, 1937 Nov. 13, 1856 Sally A. (Mrs.), July 21, 1892 Rosa Hilliard (Mrs.), June Sarah F., w. of Dr. W. H. 24, 1926 Abbitt, June 3, 1897 W. Y. (Mrs.), d. of Rev. William B. (Dr.), Apr. 15, John A. Broadus, May 30, . 1858 1885* William Chatham, Mar. 23, 1916 Wickliffe Harrison, s. of William H. (Dr.), Dec. 5, 1907 W. Y. and Annie H. Abraham, ABBOT Oct, 2, 1884* Isaac Houghton, Dec. 27, 1877* William F., Dec. 29, 1842 Louisa F. T., w. of J. H. ABRAHAMS Abbot, Sept. 30, 1875 Grace Love, w. of St. George A ABBOTT T. Abrahams, Oct. 28, 1937* Daniel Lord, s. of Isaac H. Mary F., w. of Jesse A. Abbott, Aug. 9, 1860* Abrahams, June 28, 1888 Fannie Jane, w. of Daniel L. Polly, w. of Mordecai Abra- Abbott, Sept. 13, 1860 hams, Dec. 19, 1839 James A., Aug. 4, 1938 W. Y. (Rev.), Nov. 19, 1903* John, May 10, 1860 ABRAMS Lucy (Mrs.), May 1, 1851 Grace, w. of Rev. St. George ABELL T. Abrams, Apr. 15, 1937 J. Ralls, s. of Rev. John S. Mamie, July 29, 1920 _ Abell, Dec. 16, 1886* AQKER Susan D., w. of J. Rawls Abell, Mary J. (Mrs.), Sept. 27, Aug. 20, 1903* 1934 Willie McLeod, s. of A. P. ACKISS Abell, Dec. 29, 1864 Caleb L., Feb. 21, 1884 ABERNATHY AGREE John Clayton, s. of John J. A1ex.G., Jan. 3, 1884 and Marietta Abernathy, Edward F., Jan. 5, 1905 May 28, 1885* Edward S., Aug. 23, 1883 Liles E., Apr. 6, 1843 Lucy Ellen, d. of Edward S. Thomas John, s. of J. Clayton and Mary Susan Acres, and Imogen A. Abernathy, Oct. 16, 1845 May 31, 1894 Roland R. (Rev.), Nov. 21, ABERNETHY 1918 John J., May 15, 1873* Thomas (Mrs.), June 12, 1845 ABRAHAM ‘ ADAIR Elizabeth D., w. of Mordecai ‘ Hugh T., Dec. 4, 1930 Abraham, Dec. 4, 1851 Jane A., w. of James Adair, A. 1., Apr. 27, 1882 Apr- 9. 1863 Jesse A., Mar. 17, 1887 ADAM John w_, Jan. 1, 1830 Richard, Mar. 16, 1893 * Possible inaccuracy in name, or spelling, but given as printed 1 -2- OBITUARY NOTICES IN THE RELIGIOUS HERALD WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION ‘ Richard (Mrs.), Dec. 12, 1901; Oct. 8, 1885 Mar. 20, 1902 Mary, w. of Elder George F. ADAMS Adams, Mar. 21, 1834 Alex., Sept. 5, 1834* Mary A., w. of Capt. A. B. Alice, d. of Joseph and Adams, May 22, 1884 Catharine E. Adams, July 18, Mary Ann, w. of Jilliam C. 1907 Adams, Aug. 6, 1857 Amanda J., w. of R. E. Adams, Mary Eliza, d. of Johnson Mar. ll, 1920 and Laura Aa Adams, July Andrew Broadus, Apr. 21, 1892* 14, 1853 Ann, w. of Thomas Adams, Jan. Mary Leitch, d. of John S. 11, 1839 Adams, Feb. 27, 1862 Apphia (Mrs.), June 25, 1830 Priscilla L., Aug. 24, Charles S. (Elder), Feb. 28, 1871 1850 R. K., Apr. 22, 1869 Cornelius Boardman, Sept. 20, Richard, Mar. ll, 1858 1860 Richard E., Mar. 21, 1901 Edward, May 10. 1855 Robbie L., s. of R. S. Elizabeth, w. of James Adams, Adams, Nov. 23, 1882 . Jan. 14, 1841 Robert Stribling, Feb. 18, Elizabeth, w. of Gustavus 1904 Adams, d. of William Pattie, S. J., Oct. 22, 1896 Oct. 21, 1841 S. L. (Mrs.), Mar. 20, 1924 Elizabeth (Mrs.), Aug. 13, Sallie Wade (Mrs.), Jan. 1885 31, 1935 George, Apr. 24, 1856 Sarah L. B., w. of Rev. , George F. (Rev.), Apr. 26, George F. Adams, Jan. 23, 1877 1851 Harriet, w. of Elder Charles Susan A., w. of N. W. Adams, Adams, July 14, 1870 i d. of Capt. Y. Wilson, J. M. (Mrs.), June 14, 1923 _ Mar. 13, 1862 J. W., June 8, 1905 Tabitha, Feb. 15, 1828 James M., Apr. 12, 1900 Turner, July 12, 1855 John Abram, Mar. 25, 1920 W. H., July 3, 1913 John David, Mar. 23, 1854 William, Nov. 20, 1873 John G., Dec. 2, 1852 William C., s, of Capt. F. A John A., June 16, 1887 M. Adams, Mar. 6, 1845 Joseph, Sept. 4, 1884 William F., s. of John:G. Julia C., w. of dobert S. and Lucy Adams, Mar. 6, Adams, sept. 11, 1862 1845 Littleton F., s. of George ADCOGK Adams, Feb. 23, 1854 Frances, w. of Capt, william Louisa Marshall, d. of John Adcock, d. of Mrs. Keziah G. and Lucy Adams, Aug. 3, , Frayser, Apr. 24, 1835‘ 1848 William (Capt.), Mar. 27, Luny O., w. of J. G. Adams, 1835 Nov. 10, 1881* ADDISON Luther A., s. of Richard Adams, Carmen Holloman (Mrs.), July 9, 1857 Jan. 20, 1927 Marthl P., w. of Richard Adams, ADEY * Possible inaccuracy in name, or spelling, but given as printed -3- . OBITUAAY NOTICES IN THE RELIGIOUS HERALD WITH DATES 0F PUBLICATION Charles (Rev.), Jan. 20, 1927 T. Mosely, July 6, 1876 Charles {Mrs.), Oct. 17, 1929 Truman, Dec. 15, 1932 ADKERSON _ AGLIONBY Mae, Dec. 25, 1924 Fanny, w. of Charles Ag- ADKINS lionby, d. of Col. James Alice L. (Mrs.), Mar. 3, 1927 Wood Walker, Oct. 9, A Amanda S. (Mrs.), June 30, 1902 1887 William Beall, Oct. 27, 1870 Andrew J., July 24, 1856 AGNEM Blanche Hill, d. of Daniel and James L., July 30, 1863 Alice Adkins, Oct. 19, 1923 P. C., w. of Dr. James A. Daniel, Mar. 14, 1878 Agnew, Jan. 2, 1873 Daniel D., Nov. 29, 1928 AIKIN John D., Nov. 24, 1887 Ann (Mrs.), Feb. 7, 1850 Lena May, Aug. 17, 1933 AINSLIE Mary (Mrs.), Sept. 19, 1861 Deborah, w. of Elder Peter - Mary (Mrs.), May 24, 1888 Ainslie, Feb. 17, 1832 Sidney Everett, s. of Daniel AIREY and Alice Adkins, Mar. 2, George W. (Dr.), Nov. 23, 1876 1876 ADKISSON AKLES Mamie McDonald (Mrs.), Jan. Louisa J., Oct. 8, 1857 21, 1892 ALDERSON Mary Sydnor (Mrs.), Jan. 21, Allen Lindsay, s. of Elder 1892 L. A. Alderson, Oct. 2, Minnie Brown, Aug. 17, 1933 1851 AGEE Eliza Floyd, w. of Rev. Adelaide, w. of R. B. Agee, Lewis A. Alderson, Mar. 4, Mar. 18, 1882 1909 Ann E., w. of John R. Agee, Floyd Powell, s. of Elder Feb. 7, 1895 L. A. Alderson, Oct. 8, Ann V., d. of John R. and Ann 1857 Eliza Agee, Mar. 5, 1863 George (Col.), Apr. 20, Eliza Van-Lew, d. of John R. 1871 and Ann E. Agee, Sept. 27, Jennett C., w. of Col. George 1883 Alderson, July 31, 1835 Lelia Winfrey, w. of R. B. John, Jr. (Rev.), Mar. 27, Agee, Feb. 12, 1931 Apr. 10, 1873 Lucy F., d. of John R. and Ann John Marcus, Nov. 19, 1863 Eliza Agee, Mar. 5, 1863 Joseph, Aug. 14, 1845 Mary M., w. of Samuel Agee, Judith (Mrs.), Aug. 30, 1839 Nov. 4, 1847 L. A. (Rev.), June 9, Aug. Peter I., s. of John R. and 25, 1881 Ann Eliza Agee, Mar. 5, 1863 Martha Dorothy, d. of George Sallie, w. of J. Bushrod Agee, N. Alderson, Jan. 4, 1839 Apr. 26, 1900 Martha Graham, w. of John Sallie L., d. of John R. and D. Alderson, Apr. 16, 1891 Ann Eliza Agee, Mar. 5, 1863 Mary, w. of Col. Joseph Alder- Sue Putney, w. of Luther R. son, Apr. 30, 1857 Agee, Apr. 17, 1913 Rufus D., Aug. 4, 1859 -4- , OBITUARY NOTICES IN THE RELIGIOUS HERALD WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION Sabina Isabella, d. of Col. ALLCOTT George Alderson, Jan. 16, Norton Henry, s. of Philo. 1840 and M. B. Allcott, Dec. 4, Atosizsa is·79* E. A. (Mrs.), Oct. 9, 1913 ALLDREDGE John, Nov. 9, 1848 Barbara Taliaferro, w. of Sarah A., July 19, 1855 Dr. Eugene P. Alldredge, ALDRIDGE — Mar. 5, 1936 Mary E., Apr. 13, 1876 ALLEGRE* Virginia, Mar. 16, 1933 Anna, w. of William Allegre, ALEXANDER June 2, 1859 Bessie Lenard, d. of Thomas ALLEGREFE B. and Eliza A. Alexander, A. E., Aug. 21, 1924 I Feb. 22, 1872* William. Apr. 12, 1833 Brenda Blake, d. of W. W. ALLEN and E. W. Alexander, Mar. Ada 0., d. of Charles W. 31, 1892 and Catura Allen, Apr. Edmonia (Mrs.), Jan. 15, 1880 12, 1877 Emma Hughes (Mrs.), Apr. 12, Addie Diggs, w. of Roland 1923 D. Allen, Oct. 24, 1901 John H., Feb. 18, Apr. 8, Alice (Mrs.), Feb. 27, 1913 _ 1909 Anne Price, w. of Capt. Martha (Mrs.), Sept. 5, 1850 Littleberry W. Allen, Mary, d. of Col. Robert Alex- Mar. 1, 1833 - ander, Mar. 13, 1856 Damaris A., w. of James Mary E. (Mrs.), Mar. 31, 1887 Allen, Dec. 13, 1849 Mary R., w. of Col, Robert David, Dec. 6, 1860 Alexander, Dec. 9, 1880 Effie Bevil (Mrs.), Oct. 26, Purcell Jackson, s. of William 1922 W. and Edith N. Alexander, Eliza, w. of Simeon Allen, May 18, 1893 June 21, 1883 Rebecca Ann Wills, w. of James Eliza K., d. o£ George E. Alexander, Apr. 1, 1880 and Sarah A. Allen, Dec. Susan S. C. (Mrs.), Aug. 19, 1831 ll, 1879 Thomas B., May 12, 1870 Elizabeth (Mrs.), July 7, Thomas J., s. of Thomas B. and 1853 Eliza A. Alexander, Feb. 22, Elizabeth (Mrs.), July 16, 1872 1863 William C., Oct. 17, 1850 Elizabeth, w. of John Allen, William H. K., s. of Thomas Mar. 18, 1875 B. and Eliza A. Alexander, Elizabeth T., d. of Mrs. Feb. 22, 1872 Judith Allen, Nov. 12, . Awogao 1840* Henry (Rev.), Jan. 28, Feb. 2, Ellen C., d. of Mitchell F. 187l and Nancy Allen, July 28, V ALLAN 1881 Frances K., w. of John Allen, Eudora Ann Jane, d. of Mar. 6, 1829 James M. Allen, Jan. 27, Lena, d. of James M. M. and 1853 Lavenia Allan, Mar. 2, 1865 Frances, w. of Benjamin Allen, * Possible inaccuracy in name, or spelling, but given as printed -5- OBITUARY NOTICES IN THE RELIGIOUS HERALD WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION July 2, 1850 Thomas Martin, s. of Elder Frences Rebecca, d. of Jena- L. W. and Ann M. Allen, than Allen, Nov. ll, 1852 Sept. 15, 1849 George H. (Mrs.), Aug. 51, Virginia W., d. of Gran- 1848 ville Allen, May 19, George J., June 2, June 50, 1855 1927 W. I., Apr. 20, 1922 George N., s. of William I. Walter Kendall (Rev.), Jan. and Margaret Dix Allen, 7, 1926 June 15, 1901 Walter P., Oct. 25, 1851 H., Feb. 25, 1857 William, s. of H. Allen, James M. (Capt.), Mar. 15, Jan. 4, 1859 1860 William, May 25, 1845 Joel (Rev.), Jan. 1, 1885 William, Dec. 25, 1862 John Washington, s. of Robert William, June 27, 1872 and Eliza W. Allen, Dec. 25, ALLENSWORTH 1862 Mildred Oena, d. of William Judith D. (Mrs.), Aug. 1, B. Allensworth, Apr. 5, 1844 1884* L. B., Feb. 16, 1955 ALLEY L. W. (Rev.), Jan. 11, 18, Lottie Christine, w. of 1872 Carroll O. Alley, Apr. 18, L. W., Jr., s. of L. W. and 1912 Ann M. Allen, Dec. 51, 1857 ALLGOOD Lucy J., w. of Rev. L. W. Peterson, May 7, 1874 Allen, d. of James Long, Tabitha J. C., w. of Peter- Apr. 20, 1905 son Allgood, Feb. 27, 1840 Maria L. (Mrs.), Dec. 18, ALLISON 1856 Anna Carroll, d. of R. T. Mary (Mrs.), Aug. 21, 1856 and L. J. Allison, Sept. Mary (Mrs.), Apr. 19, 1894 12, 1895 Mary B., w. of William Austin Edward R., Jan. 10, 1878 ( Allen, Sept. 26, 1828 J. W. (Mrs.), d. of James Mary E. (Mrs.), Jan. 25, Thomas, July 15, 1876 1844 L. M., w. of Luther Allison, Mary E., July 8, 1858 Mar. 5, 1898 Mary Jane, Nov. 9, 1854 Laura J., w. of Robert T. Nancy, Apr. 17, 1890 Allison, Aug. 27, 1874 Nannie Thomas, w. of Rev. Mary Alice, w. of 0. B. _ William E. Allen, Aug. 21, Allison, Oct. 14, 1909 1875 William Williamson, Feb. 17, . Richard (Rev.), Nov. 5, 1868 1927 Robert Boyd, S. of C. E. and ALLMOND* Panthea B. Allen, Jan. 19, Jane Allen, w. of A. D. All- 1860 mond, Feb. 18, 1892 Robert G., July 16, 1865 ALLPORT Robert S., Oct. 20, 1870 Mildred P., w. of John All- Sarah S., July 9, 1857 port, Sept. 27, 1888 Selden W., s. of J. M. and Mollie Shuman (Mrs.), Mar. Mary R. Allen, Aug. 11, 1859 21, 1907 * Possible inaccuracy in name, or spelling, but given as printed -6- OBITUARY NOTICES IN THE RELIGIOUS HERALD WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION James Preston, June 13, 1872 William, Mar. 17, 1853 ALMCND* Anoar _ anne, Jan. 7, 1892 D_n Aug. 8, 1858 18r18a_M•¤ May 20> 1892 Edward V., s. of Thomas and vlrglnla., Wa of ThOm3.S Isabella Amory, Apr' Almond, d. of Rev. Andrew 1864 Br¤¤dd¤S» M&F· 24» 1870 Elizabeth Ann, W, er Elder William Ambrose, Apr. 16, 1914 Eq 8_ Amory, NOV_ 9, 1843 ALSOP_ _ Martha, w. of E. S. Amory, ` Elijah L., S. of DI`. William Apr_ 25, 1850 S- e¤d Levinie 11¤¤p» Aus- Mollie 1., e. of 8. 8. and 3O= 1800 Maria Amory, July 28, 1859 JO1’lY1E7•, S. of DI`. `N1.1.1.j.3ID S. ANCELL 115°P» Feb- Br 1883 Bettie 8., W. er cept. J. J. Martha E., w. of 5. S. Alsop, Anc6ll’ F9b__ 16- 1888 _ d. of Benjamin and Elizabeth Edward J_’ B, of W1111dm H_ n].1¤ BLlI`I1€i`b`1}, OC-to 2, and ALVIe A 29, 1858 Bernard LGB, S. of ri. H. and ANDERSON - B- 1¤ 11V1S» NOV- 2» 1803 Adelaide G., e. er or. M. A. J. W. (Elder). J&¤· 28. 1858 and Ella K. Anderson, Kate G-. d· Of ¤· A· and K- G- neg. 11, 1859 11Y19>_J&¤· 11· 1900 Ann (nre.), Dee. 26, 1850 Nettie William, d. of William Ann Eliza (MTS'), W. Of Dr_ J. and Mary E. slvis, Feb. J. M. Anderson, July 30, 24, 1887 1830 R. O. (Mrs.), Mar. 12, 1931 Ann 3,, W, of Dr, George L. AMBROSE r Anderson, June 25, 1846 John Thomas, s. of norenzo _ Anna Mason, d, of Lieut» and Malvina Ambrose, Oct. 29, Jdmds A_ and Sallie A, 1840 Anderson, Oct. 4, 1860 sarah (Mrs.), Jan. 15, 1925 Archibald (Dr.), July 25, 1867 AME6 ‘ Benjamin (Mrs.), Jan. 23, 1851 Ann, w. of John Amos, Fob· 16. Benjamin, Jan. 1, 1863 1805 ce111e, J. er W. G. end Jene AMMENI L. Anderson, May 5, 1859 Clinton Varner, 8. of Michael Camillus 8_, DSC, 3, 1844 §· end H€¤r1¢1§& 8- 1mm6¤· onr1et1ee Belle, 8. er Jeter ¤€P1• 18s 1802 Dandridge and M, D. Andere Virginia, d. of Michael T. Sdn, Aug_ 26, 1886 and H@¤F1611¤ R• Amman: Churchwell, Jr., s. of Church- 4 _ Y 800- 2O: 1800 well and Rebecca Anderson, AM ON8 Dec. 2, 1858 Peter Te¤m¤¤ B-. 8- ¤f gellad E. G., May 26, 1887 Amm¤¤S» Aug- 10. 1848 Edmund n,, Jr., Aug. 4, 1864 R. A1len, Nov. 29, 1923 Eliza A., w. of M. M. Anders AMONETT son, Mar. 12, 1868 Frances (Mrs.), Aug. 6, 1863 Eliza I, (Mrs.), $ept. 8, 1842 ` Nancy J. (Mrs.), Jan. 22, 1874 Elizabeth A., W. of Capt. AMONETIE William Anderson, July 16, * Possible inaccuracy in name, or spelling, but given as printed -7- OBITUARY NOTICES IN THE RELIGIOUS HERALD WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION 1857 Lucy Calvert (Mrs.), d. of Elizabeth D., w. of John G. Thomas D. Toy, Aug. 23, Anderson, Sept. 2, 1836 1883 Ella, w. of Dr. Thomas B. Lucy Winston, June 18, 1896 Anderson, Oct. 29, 1868 M. M., m. first Eliza Ann Ella, July 20, 1893 Rudd, second, Marian Thomp- Elsie Hendricks (Mrs.), Jan. son, Oct. 18, 1894 8, 1925 Mamie N., Feb. 8, 1923 Emily H., w. of Edmund M. Maria, May 1, 1851 Anderson, Apr. 5, 1883 Maria D., w. of Genett Ander- Ersa, s. of John A. and Ida son, Dec. 25, 1879* E. Anderson, July 23, 1874 Martha (Mrs.), Nov. 20, 1829 Eudora J., d. of John T. and Martin 8., Mar. 6, 1890 Frances A. Anderson, Dec. Mary (Mrs.), Apr. 13, 1832 16, 1836 Mary (Mrs.), Oct. 23, 1884 Euodia L., child of Thomas W. Mary Budd, d. of Mrs. John Anderson, June 17, 1847* Anderson, Nov. 2, 1916* Frances Ann. W- of John T- Mary siizabetn, (1. or David Anderson, Nov. 19,*1868 J., Jr, and 5ay&h Anne Genet, Apr. 18, 1834 Anderson, June 8, 1905 Genet (Lieut.), Jan. 29, 1863 Mary Ella, d. of Reuben and George, Oct. 12, 1848 Nancy Boatright, Sept. 25, Hallie A., d. of Dr. L. B. and 1924 ` E. T. Anderson, Apr. 2, 1896 Mary Judson, w. of L. G. An- Harriet, w. of Dr. Thomas B. derson, d. of J. G. and Anderson, July 3, 1845 C. A. Miller, Mar. 30, 1882 Harriet Anne, w. of M. D. An- Mary Louisa, w. of Michael derson, d. of Dr. Thomas B. Anderson, July 21, 1932 Anderson, Dec. 23, 1897 Mary Tiller (Mrs.), Feb. 18, Jane L., w. of E. O. Anderson, Mar. 17, 1932 Dec. 31, 1885 Mathew G., Nov. 11, 1880 Jesse, May 28, 1868 Matthew P. (Dr.), May 29, 1845 John, Sr., Jan. 4, 1866 Nannie B., w. of Milliam L. John Henry, s. of William H. Anderson, June 7, 1866 and Sarah Keesee Anderson, Nelson, Jan. 20, 1876 Aug. 5, 1897 Patsy C., w. of Arch Ander- John McL., July 15, 1880 son, d. of Capt. John Win- John S. (Capt.), Jan. 29, 1863 ston, Apr. 2, 1857 John T., Jan. 1, 1863 Patsy Tanner, Feb. 4, 1915 John T., Dec. 29, 1864 Pattie B., Mar. 16, 1911 Joseph Schoolfield, s. of M. M. Rebecca A., w. of William Anderson, May 4, 1871 Anderson, Feb. 23, 1865 Kate Crane, Dec. 5, 1867 R. S., Sept. 12, 1889 Lillian Martin, d. of Jeter Ruby, d. of Joel and Sallie Dandridge and M. D. Anderson, Anderson, Mar. 31, 1892 Aug. ll, 1887 Samuel L., Feb. 21, 1867 Linnaeus B. (Rev.), June 18, Sarah (Mrs.), Mar. 28, 1861 1903 Sarah A., May 7, 1863 ' Louisa, w. of Capt. Michael Sarah E., mother of Overton Anderson, Mar. 12, 1868 P. Anderson, Feb. 15, 1833 * Possible inaccuracy in name, or spelling, but given as printed -8- OBITUABY NOTICES IN THE RELIGIOUS HERALD WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION Sarah Mildred, w. of N. A. May 1, 1873 A¤d6r6¤¤. Oct- 6. 1921 Robert, June s, 1843 Sidney- 5- 0f DF- L- B- Sarah, w. of Lewis Andrews, Anderson, Dec. 8, 1898 Sgpt, 5, 1344 Susan (Mrs.), June 23, 1842 ANGELL T. B., July 20, 1899 Edith McLean (Mrs.), May 15, T. Marion, Oct. 31, 1895 1924 Th6¤d¤r6 6.. Mar- 13. 1913 ‘ Lionee, W. of Taylor Angell, Thomas, Sept. 24, 1846 App, 23, 1863 Th¤m¤¤ B- (Dr-). 69pt· 28. 1871 Robert H., Nov. 16, 1933 Th¤ma¤ G·. Ju¤6 24. 1852 Susan sive (nre.), July 29, Thomas D., July 13, 1899 1937 W. P-. Apr- 8. 1897 Thomas T., Jan. 14, 1932 N. S. (Mrs.), Nov. 30, 1922 ANGLQ · Welter O-. J8¤• 19. 1865 Lavinia Esther, w. of Caleb Wentworth, Mar. 22, 1923 Angle, May 16, 1918 William (MPS.), Jam. 26, 1860 Raymond Parker, 5, of G, W. ‘Ni11iam A., Feb. 19, 1863 Ang1e, Apr, 26, 1906~ william G., Dec. 6, 1860 ANNAN William Granville. Jan- 5. 1865 Nellie G., W. of william s. William Pitt, Apr. 29, 1897 Annan, d, Of Dy, william Wilmoth S- (Mrs-). S6pt· 16. M. meet, Dee. 24, 1885 1937 ANSELL . . - ANDERTON Hattie Loise, d. of William Annie J. (Mrs.), June 16, 1892 and Fannie Ansell, Mar._7,W c. H. (Mee.), d. er James G. 1889* N ° Trice, Feb. 8, 1923 ANBLEY ANDREW* Mary, w. of F. J. Ansley, John F. (Rev.), Jan. 8, 1830 Jan. 4, 1906 ANDREWS ANTHONY » Andrew, Dec. 2, 1831 Birdie, d. of P. and Alice ~ Ann (Mrs.), June 9, 1842 Anthony, Apr. 28, 1887 ( Ann Ellen (Mrs.), Mar. 5, 1865 Charles Lewis (Rev.), Nov. E. C. (Rev.), Dec. 16, 1937 16, 1922 Ella M., Aug. 21, 1879 John C., s. of Cornelius L. Emma S., w. of John Andrews, Anthony, Jan. 22, 1863 Dec. 6, 1866 Mary A. (Mrs.), May 18, 1871 J. E., Mar. 10, 1938 Sarah L., d. of Cornelius L. James, Nov. 5, 1868 Anthony, Jan. 22, 1863 " James B., Sept. 26, 1895 William B., July 7, 1870 Lewis, July 22, 1858 APLING Lilian Broaddus, w. of M. W. Elizabeth, d. of Austin M. W Andrews, d. of James M. Apling, May 3, 1833 Broaddus, Sept. 16, 1915 APPERSON Mary S., w. of L. B. Andrews, Ann E., w. of James M. Ap- _ Nov. 12, 1896 person, Dec. 25, 1890 Maud, d. of L. B. and Mary S. Bessie Tinsley, w. of John Andrews, Nov. 12, 1896 M. Apperson, Mar. 18, 1920 Maud Elton, d. of Lewis H. Braxton (Mrs.), May 21, 1925 e and Alice B. Andrews, Charlie Willis, s. of Richard * Possible inaccuracy in name, or spelling, but given as printed -9- OBITUARY NOTICES IN THE RELIGIOUS HERALD WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION · W. and Rachel A. Apperson, ARMENTROUT Sept. 6, 1860 Walter E., s. of H. 5. Armen- Charlotte, d. of Richard W. trout, Aug. 2, 1923 and Rachel Apperson, Aug. ARMES 1 30, 1860 Tommie R., Jan. 2, 1919 D. (Maj.), Sept. ll, 1879 ARMISTEAD E- C• (MPS-). May 25. IB93 Lula E., d. of~wi11iam Av Eveline. Sept- 16. l909 Armistead, Oct. ll, 1888 Martha Frances Glasscock, w. Mary Jane.(Mrs.), Jen. 28, _ of Nilliam C. Apperson, Oct. 1831 . ` .`.. l 18, 1906 Moss William, Oct. 17, 187$ Sallie Manly, Oct. 9, 1879 ARMITAGE William T., May 17, 1860 Thomas (Rev.), Jan. 30, 18$6 APPLEBERRY* ARMSTRONG Benjamin A., s. of Capt. Albert G., Oct. 6, 1859 William Appleberry, Nov. 19, Ann (Mrs.), Jan. 25, 1872 1846 Annie Bell, adopted d. of George F., s. of Capt. William Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong, - and Judith Appleberry, Apr. June 8, 1871 9, 1863 David Thompson, June 7, Judith, w. of`Nilliam Apple- 1894 berry, May 17, 1855 Emma A., d. of Price O. T. Sallie N., w. of D. J. Apple- and Sarah F. Armstrong, berry, Aug. 3, 1871 July 8, 1858 William J., s. of William Frances (Mrs.), d. of Rev. Appleberry, Dec. 15, 1859 Thomas Courtney, July 7, APPLEBURY* 1859 Absalom W., s. of William J. G. (Rev.), Feb. 26, 1891 Applebury, May 3, 1855 James Curtis, s. of N. Cowan William, July 15, 1858 and Ease E. Armstrong, Nov. APPLER 20, 1879* Mary A., w. of Jacob E. Appler, John Edward (Mrs.), Feb. 22, Mar. 4, 1852 1934 APPLETON Mary Susan, Oct. 24, 1901 George D· (Mrs-). July 25. sarah F., w. of Price 0. T. 1889 Armstrong, July 8, 1858 ARCHER Virginia T., w. of J. E. Anna E. (Mrs.), July 28, 1887 Armstrong, Oct. 14, 1880 Mary Jane, Apr. 10, 1835 ARNEST Nannie Irving, July 30, 1874 Gertrude T., w. of Thomas [ Robert P. (Dr.), Aug. 21, 1829 M. Arneet, d. of Gen. ' William, May 12, 1864 A R. L. T. Beale, May 7, · ARDIS 1914 Hattie L., w. of Col. C. H. ARNOLD Ardis, Jan. 31, 1889 Lucy Jane, d. of Col. Wil- ARENDALL liam A. Arnold, Mar. 23, Lee, s. of Jake Arendall, 1854 Jan. 15, 1925 Mary (Mrs.), Feb. 18, 1847 ARGABRITE Mary Susan, d. of Col. wil- G. N. (Rev.), Apr. 16, 1931 liam A. Arnold, Mar. 8, * Possible inaccuracy in name, or spelling, but given as printed -10- OBITUARY NOTICES IN THE RELIGIOUS HERALD WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION f 1855 Bettie A., d. of John R. Oland, s. of R. B. and Lucy Aston, Sept. 20, 1855 ` G. Arnold, Oct. 15, 1891 William, Sept. 17, 1863 Sarah A., w. of James Arnold, ATHEY Jan. 14, 1847 Emma, w. of Rev. Samuel ARNOTT Athey, Feb. 14, 1924 William (Rev.), July 1, 1875 Genevieve, d. of Rev. ARRINGTON Samuel Athey, Feb. 2, A. J., May 27, 1858 1899 James R., Sept. 4, 1913 Samuel M. (Rev.), Nov. 23, ARTHUR Dec. 28, 1922 · Adeline, w. of Lewis Arthur, ATKINS Aug. 4, 1887 ‘ A. C., w. of Rev. Samuel Austin J. (Rev.), Sept. 29, J. Atkins, May 1, 1902 1932; Feb. 2, 1933 Ann Waller, w. of Tom At- James S., Apr. 29, 1847 ·kins, Apr. 10, 1919 Mattie F. (Mrs.), mother of Anthonette, d. of Frank A. Rev. Howard L. Arthur, Atkins, July 8, 1897 July 21, 1938 _ Archie Gibbs, Jr., Nov. 20, _ N. B. (Mrs.), Oct. 3, 1861 1924 ' QASH Banie W., d. of Andrew J. Lucy Marion, Sept. 4, 1924 Atkins, Aug. 20, 1891 Rebecca, w. of Caleb Ash, Elizabeth Archer (Mrs.), Jan. 27, 1832 June 19, 1924 ASHBROOK Eoline, d. of Hiram H. At- Edna, w. of Thomas Ashbrook, kins, July 17, 1902 , Mar. 28, 1844 Frances C. (Mrs.), Mar. 22, ASHBURN 1894 Allan A., Feb. 17, 1927 J. O., Sept. 8, 1910 Henry, Sept. 11, 1913 Joseph, Dec. 11, 1862 I Joseph P., July 31, 1879 Lucian M., Aug. 30, 1928 Judith, w. of Peter Ashburn, Mary A. (Mrs.), May 7, 1891 Feb. 16, 1922 Mary M., w. of