xt7hhm52jq8k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7hhm52jq8k/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1972-04-18 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 18, 1972 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 18, 1972 1972 1972-04-18 2020 true xt7hhm52jq8k section xt7hhm52jq8k C
Black students request action
SG h S( B d . . . t . -
Hy .KARENV' BEt‘lx'yi'lTll ”SCB be stripped of its recognition as a (‘arl Fedde. present president of the pletelv." ppdde said. ()f the six black
keiiiel Staff Writer student organization on grounds of SCB, said that although he is not clear on students who applied Feddegaidfive were
1" WSPOHSG ‘0 a request from several violation ofthe Student Code. Section 4.22. what the charges are. he will leave the contacted and the gum gourd not the
slack students. the Student Affairs which prohibits any campus organization matter up to Dean Hall to settle. reached. Mn“, or three showed up for
'Epartment of Student Government .lS from discriminating against any person “The only thing I can say is I don't think interviews. and one was reappointed.“
clarging the Student Center Board With due to race.“ Susan investigated the matter com- V ‘
race discrimination. Ms. Susan “We have considered the possibility of
Tomasky, Director of Student Affairs. pushing fordirectelectionof the SCB since B b ? I
alleged that six black students who applied the beginning of this year,“ Tomasky said. ayo u 0 u n O
for positions on the Board were not in- “However this confirms without reser- t ' ' '
terviewed and hence denied SCB ap- vation the necessity of such change." Singletary denies Interest
pomtments. ' Dean Hall. who received the letter this - k. LSU od
Members of the Executive Board and morningstatedin his reply that he cannot In ta "1g PreS' ency '
“(thalriiersonjs :f various SCl3 committees take action. on general complaints. “I The Lexington Leader reported several members of LSU‘s '
y are se ecteSC;3 rough itpterViews With the need specific information in regard to yesterday afternoon that UK faculty were urging Singletary's
pres/mus "“3“ ers and several ”‘0? '"d'V'dua'S who applied for the President (his A. Singletary is appointment. ‘
stu est representatives who are not SCB 'pOSItlonS anda statement from them." He being considered for the Don Akchin a writer for the ‘
inem ers. added the general complaint could initiate presidency of his alma mater. 181' *t‘ d) t " ) .. ’d \l d y
In her letter to the SCB, Tomasky a more specific complaint that could be Louisiana State University “ ’ 5 u en paper.sai ‘ on a}
requested “both an explanation for such acted upon. i1 SU) he wrote the article the Leader ‘ '
action. and a reopening of the ap- Might be reopened Singletarv. who the Leader quoted. and that 't appeared m
pomtments ‘0 provide black students With lfthe SCB is foundto have discriminated reported as relaying a “no the 1““ paper almost a month
adequate lnPUt lntO designing campus against students on the basis of their race. comment“ message through his ago.
activnies. ' . . they could be required to reopen the staff. said last night he was “not According to Akchin. the ar~
‘5'“ forlm't‘Stlgation selection process. In regard to requiring a candidate for any posuion at “ck. was the product of m.
‘ln a letter to Jack Hall, Dean of elections, Hall said he cannot require any this time.“ tcrviews of several facultv
Studentst.T0maSky asked that thecharges student organization to rewrite its con- The Leader cited an unnamed members in which each was
be. investigated, and ‘If the SCB is found stitution, whether that organization is the and undated “Louisiana asked who thev thought would be
V gudty or race discrimination, that the SCB or Student Government. newspaper" “'hldl reported that nominated for LSt’Is presidency.
- . if The chlucky
. ' x . _ i‘ \ .5 -' VOL. LXlll NO. 126 LEXINGTON. KENTUCKY Tuesday. April 18. 1972
it 3;: q; ' “s . = ’
.J f K '
$9v$§11€~ i ‘h \ ~ V *K S .
iii-“g." fl. 2‘“ '. fl ' .y _
z ~ ‘ ca ates -
~ G ndid s ea 9 *
- ._ ; ba oting begins today
)5" *‘ 1' «(o
. M ’ , “ ’ In the last night of formal campaigning. the enforced. he continued.
' ' s ' « five Student Government iSGi residential llamer was asked whv her Senate meetin
c. . P . g
5.. .~ candidates answered (uestions on Greeks. records "wcre oor'". She is student senator ,
y _ . _ l P
a ‘ . - v _ minority affairs and other issues of student Irom law
in ‘ . .. _’ - concern at four residence halls. 'l‘hc t'niversity Senate does not allow more ,
i I i “W r“ ‘6 About 363““1d01115 ilt Donovan Hall directed than three absences. and she said she missed '
, . - 2; questions maninly to Kent Maury. his running two l'nivcrsity' Senate meetings because “I
’5?- mate Jeff (iumcr. Scott \Vciidelsdort. and his couldn‘t get 0“ from work on those days." ‘
_¥f ‘ ' g running mate MS" Brenda llanier. , Asked what present St; programs he would
BJ. Bollase. left and Cecilee MCBIIII work at “h"? “5"”! about “'5 plans tor‘ldey eloping abolish if elected. Maury said he would rather
WBKY to gather and edit information for the UK a black‘hst .foi Mfr-campus hoUsing (iumci “concentrate on the positives." He said be p
radio‘s news broadcasts. (Kernel photo by Dave ”“31 :31fl.ll‘l(;ll\i(jl>l‘t.‘\. (1N5 If :().§t.l.“-11(.‘l:‘r, :0 “"“M kwP ”l“ H““‘"“” St’l‘VlW “Dd Legal
Herman.) 5‘ " d ‘ ‘ “l ‘ '5‘ 0 apartmt ” 5 ‘“ ‘“ d ) 9 ” Sciw ice ( )tficcs. and make the drug clinic a 24-
trcshmcn.‘ _'l‘here are rotten places to live houraday' operation
because chmgton housing regulations arent “ l l l 1 i’ d l _ l t
' w . ' cut c st or was ques ione on us pa -
NOt JUSt anther pretty V0.06 iorm point calling for intensive training for
9 o corridor advisers in dormitories. ‘
Women man WBK Y s airwaves v m-
intciisiyc training for a week before each
lty (‘YN'I‘IIIA \\'.\1"I‘S station editing news. broad (iarza. a senior journalism N'hfml Wilt» but ”V” ”‘9 ”(\ should ht“.
Kernel Staff Writer casting. producing and writing. major. is responsible for knowledgeable of at least basic information
“There are times when you These women are actively preparing the national and in. on campus issues and dcgiec tequncments.
make so many mistakes on the involved in producing and tcrnational chs. sports news. 1"“ ”“55 “ml h“_ “““M “K" ‘” hi“?
' air during a news cast that you broadcasting the daily' news and weather. (Ear/a believes. iratcrnity and sorority members on the
wipe WW 9g“ 0” the “00" and DI‘ORNHTL "It Happened Today," “i'prcrienccis the most concrete c\cclltIH‘ collm'll "
sneak back to the dorm." said They also produce three foundation you can have.” John Paul l’irolli called tor “an
1‘ J, “01135“ concerning her programs that originate in t‘ccilchcBaiii. l’am Hldfield. MH'UHH' cmnmittcc to advise me of the
broadcasting job with WBKY. the \VBKV studios and are carried by illltl Pi" “Ml" 'Wll‘ PN‘PW‘" ”‘0 W ”WM “'0 H
[K radio station. about so Kentucky gigiiiong minute segment of “It Happened Itusscll l’cllc. presidential candidate l)a\ id
liollasc is a freshman at UK in l‘i-oi id” (‘\l)(||'i(ln('(l 'l‘oday'” involving Kentucky news Smith’s running mate. said. "(ircek society
charge of 20 minutes of the news liollasc tccls her work with the and each broadcast one day a should be independent of any l'niversity'
program concerning weather, radio station has provided “the “WK Hurtful ” .
national. international. and opportunity to experience a lot of ‘\|“i'.\5~‘“"“‘“||"t-Z "0“ ”WW should I)" ”I‘d-I‘V'M'd ("“N‘K
sports news Monday through different things. .'\ll(i it opened Mk'b-‘IIH HMS élHd bl'thldtkhh &I l"'i”'““"”"v”“m "” ”‘0 Ml l""~‘”'"”' S "”h'”m~
Friday. She stresses that doors.” Bollasc received an offer 13 ”WNW PW‘t-U'W“ “”“Ht‘d Maury “I'd
broadcasting is “not as from \\ ”KY after receiving "l'Idiication. l' SA " which ”ml“ NH“ ll" “”1”” “VIP ”W handicapped
illamorous a job as it seems." superior l‘tltlllt-is on broadcast icaturcs educational news and is l'\ building iiiorc \\;I|K\\«'l.\\ Ml" l’.‘ lemtl
liollasc is one of nine t'K announcing in state competition carried by :m Kentucky stations i"""”"”("” “”1”“ Willi" on t“*“'-’”""-‘ for
women students that work on a iii high school and \\'(‘l\‘\' Ill (‘iuciniiati Mcltain "1”“! ‘1'”th
part tlllit‘ basis at the radio (in Saturday and Sunday June (‘Ontimfl’d 0“ P33? ”« (“‘l- l (‘ontiniicd on Page 5. (‘ol. 1
' .

 S 2—THE KENTUCKY KERNEL. Tuesday, April 18. 1972 .. . - SC
V. . 0 *— IV [ W / w‘
Italls . ® Wigwam - -L'- NEW!
m GROOMS xce r|n " g. W6 .g- SKELL‘EZSSI. discrin
WITHOUT .. ', ““96 “We‘re
Va? GREASE ms ExmA-smmsm PAIN nwmn fi x 9'4: _ SW5 Whale“
4 [ W l' 5 7 01- 5'25 5553333" mm." 3.00:... have 3
'9, IS 60 5'25 _ REG 1 ‘9 25:52:33: “ 5"“’”""“ WW" 7 LEMON people
V' ONLY ' ' s53 Shumnm . :..:, SHAMPOO suggest
» ‘ / I 19 NOW ONLY 1 09 \ E $ :44 ® $3120
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4 * S, 635...... .. 0.. 300.535,...“ * “3‘” 33"“ Soothing . . . pIeasunt tasting because
4 4 * 0.x. commex~ W ' ‘ ""‘"“‘1* 301- Lemon-Mint Flavor about i
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- 1 4— 50¢. W... ,y. 0...... x --
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» t _ April 121972 it . ., . C e ..:.:.... \ 9 ( ) ' 0 were b
- 4 . . 1* * * _‘—'_:*;*J 4334:“... ., :2 ,. 0'93t *4 \ 8‘ 4. ., -
I. ; B A@ , ”m .. INSTANT x . ‘ THROAT Lozeuces pemng
- ‘1‘“ ” .__; Hog/”5&3“: \/ ”3.33 3mm 333::
V '1 '> . ,. ASP'RIN W . ‘ -3 Fast umpanry relic! of minor sou throat pm.
arms «mix mm’w'wgg “““" ”K- thzg'gg
, . ® ,. ,, mam. A 6’ u FOR A MORE LKD Ch
. . y I V Regular/ . .......,.....,.3......;.;.;.;.;:;:.~:;.:.,..;;;.;._.V.;V:;;;55;3:53;; CUNFIDENT ‘
. Head!p 7 . not [‘81
. . Wm Get a shave that feels Ir 4' -
' I G i - "N" u... . . . T0 k
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. , , UARD 4 u... ban. mono..." meme OF 5’s ’ A mum's; .. k cm -323
7 ' j . 80 man ‘3 ANYIPERSPIHANT 0° 5'25 “71““0/5 f lief-m. t [mrlc 'mesz ‘4 $12,32sz Eggpen .
‘ a. , w \ f - WM ..ar ,' _ W .~.- ‘0‘ . 7w, , “MW” . ize no 6]
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‘ , . ‘. 98C W/ YIWR/ only 25C [only 69C only 98c Edger sale:

 . . V '
nut: KENTUCKY KERNEL, Tuesday, April 18, ism—3 .’ . . '
SC charges SC Board ~ . , .
0 o o o O '1 , '
with race discrimination _ -. .
(‘ontinued from page] Rogers added, “There is no ' 1, I. _
"‘Never in the past have we way on the applications to show if ' , AV . 3 .
discriminated," Fedde said. you're black or white." ’
“We’re here to program In response to a question ‘I » ' " .'
whatever the students want. We concerning the dissatisfaction of 7, , " I
have always tried to bring in black students with this year’s 'e. "I
people they (black students) concerts \and speakers, Rogers ‘,
suggest." Fedde added that “we said, “Each speaker we have is 1,. 1 . ‘ - :'
want to do the best and we want not relevant to every group on ‘ . ,. e _'
people who are going to work. campus. I doubt if you could , WN I: 1' 5 f.
This one boy I knew really contract a speaker who would TRUCK On DO
wanted to become involved satisfy every person on campus. 0. - l, . ._ ,. .
because he kept talking to me This year we have had Dick 1° 1"“ “Ts“Their P
about it, asking me questions, Gregory and Florynce Kennedy. / They're Blowmg * .' .V :” 1' '_
and although he didn‘t show up It would not be a balanced forum Brains Out! 1. " . ' " ; -_':._ rig»
for his appointment, he’ll be on series if you got individuals to ’g i I" "
some committee next year.” speak each time with the same BUBBLE GUM BlOW'NG CONTES ‘ ‘ j " '
Fedde estimated that between basic ideologies.” _ Apr“ 2“. '. .
60 and 70 white students applied, .Jerry Stevens, Assnstant ‘0 the ' . »
“one colored girl and the rest Vice PreSIdent tor Student At- 3 P.M. _ , .
were boys" The SCB had 13 {airs for Minority Student Af- Free 61115 For A” Entries ’ - g 1.!
openings for committee chair- fairs, Séld "Except for k Bubbie Gum ‘1': , ‘_
persons and nine executive board Gregory this year 5 SCB has 110‘ A” the 30200 0 | Exit/’71 . _ .3 , '.
positions. managed to speak to any m- You Can CheW- _ W , ', .-, _
theSCBandcurrenthomecoming """"' ' ' ' ' ' ’ ’ ' ' ‘ " ' \§ “-,_,’.- // I ,_. ,_ ..
LKD chairman, said the Board is Insurance $0.08 .‘\\\ ""3, ' 7 j"; 5 j- i
not required [0 respond to Precootract training in. insurance 51!: ' \ $3 / / . _ 27-9,? ‘. 3“
Tomasky's letter and that they $3233:rszt°sf°iztz.ats.‘:.m.'3;‘:;:2:.... e ./ _ :_ ,
are waiting to see what action, if preferred.Calltorinterviewbetween 3:30am. ‘< K ' .4 .1 f ,5 ’1 .
any, Hall will take. and 12.30am. Call 213.2143 . 7 / , :1
”If the information I have is . I I
correct, then I see no reason to ' ' , '. -‘
reopen selections. Several whites ovsssans Joos FOR STUDENTS V. - a ; ' ’
did not show up for their in- 2,?2;f":&_ex,:°°;&?x":$ .’ .\
terviews. Had these individuals occtpanas,s7ootosa,ooo monthly. " :
not been contacted, however, I . $32,333:??? $332, - I ’~ "3."
would be in favor of reopening Jobs OverseasIDept- BLP-O-Box - . ' ' ‘ ‘ » ' ' ,-
I selections," Rogers said. 15°71's°"°i°°°'CA'""5 . - I j _ -_
‘ Be Sure and Vote.
——-———-————________—__ . - n : ' .l ‘ j
o o ' ' x f_ 4
Margaret I. 11mg library 10:00 a.m. - 10:00 P-m- .. ,. :
‘ . I O I. .' I
v Student Center 3-30 a.m. 4.00 pm. , ,t.
o O . o 5- ,,
Blazer Cafeteria 4-00 p.m. 7-00 p.m.
4'00 m - - ‘ ‘3“
Complex Cafeteria ' P“ ' 7'00 p.m.
- 4°00 m .. -
Donovan Cafeteria ° I” ° 7'00 p.m. . -,;_
. . . . I . 5,... 5-". " "‘3
Agriculture Building ”-00 N“- 2-00 P-m-
Medical Center 10.00 a.m. 2.00 p.m. ,’ ‘ f_ _
. . . - . "
I law Budding 10.00 a.m. 2.00 p.m. ' ‘. 7
. . Q . - O h _(t 2;. "l I
Chemistry-Physics Building 10-00 a.m. 3-00 p.m.
Commerce Budding 10.00 a.m. 3.00 p.m. _ I, .‘
o o . o ' . .‘ f‘ f."
O'ckoy "a" lo.” .oMo 3.” Pom. 3 ; ~- g 1_
0m 10:” name ' 3:” Pom. . I l'
Classroom Bm ng , g ..
o I ’00 a m ' 3:00 .111. ~'
Erickson Hall 0. . . p _ g »_ g __
t. ' ‘ . ‘

O O O .
Phase II: dedication, innovation, progress 8
Another SG election. Another the Code, the day care center, the It is for these reasons that we nggfiffiiifif {11:15 P:;::l%?d.;lfi
set of candidates each trying to commitment to life-style dorms urge UK students to turn out in laiave as its hallmarks innovation '
convince a largely apathetic and much more would normally large numbers and re-elect Scott d di ation and rogress ’ 2‘
student body that they can best be enough in itself to warrant an Wendelsdorf president and e c p ' f6“
- serve the needs of 19,000 students. endorsement for re-election. pr
Another set of platforms. But this year’s Wendelsdorf- ' ty
' ' ‘ For the most part the election is Hamer platform moves forward , . V“ a CO
- like previous ones. Some can- in several important new areas; . ar
,. - y ' didates issue bland generalities notably community service and . I st
" about increasing student in- student economic power. ; at
. , , t‘luence but offer no means to The platform would broaden the , 1 th
I i ' ‘ implement them. Others promise University community and for the ‘ .V “r ‘ ' ‘ .t. i I of
i * “revolution" and make promises first time put students out in the j , .g::=;;;.._:;j::; ff iii-.1. m . l :1
i . - ~ they cannot even in moments of Lexington community dealing in j ' ‘-' c,
-' . " . wildest fantasy hepe to keep. Still with people and organizations _ , __ - G
‘ . , other promise trivial things like that have direct relevance to UK ’ ”j: I ,... _‘ k
' . . . keeping the sidewalks free of ice. students. 5%. % .,. - t t
.v Only one slate promises The platform also moves into ._ fit q j. _. ‘ . 1 . a 5 g __
‘ . . realistic goals. the means to the relatively new area of student in l”; H5, {toga ' E ‘"
' implement those goals and has services. The proposed Student in ‘il ' ;
' ' the proven expertise and COH- Services corporation would for ” i p; .2: i ' _ i:
-- . fidence of the student body to the first time organize the vast ' -- t 5‘35: t j E A w
i‘ ' . ', i “ make those promises good. That economic potential of UK .. l k‘ i ' :
V is the slate of Scott Wendelsdorf students. "xix ‘* t; g ‘t ' l b
. . and Brenda Hamer. In other areas like the dorms, 5%.. _ :5 5 '5 " ’ , . i
. ' , It would not have been enough academic affairs and women’s fie ‘ ' . ‘
' = . ‘ f“ Wendelsdorf Just to run on rights. Wendelsdorf and Hamer * 45h: -
.. what he has already done. show that they have the expertise ”NA. ‘ ' - gt
. _ i 9 ' although his record is exemplary. and programs to effect significant . why .» tg - f :t]
.' , t ’ improvement in student lives. '_ ‘5! i .. i ‘
_ ' Briefly this year has been one of But more than just good _ ,l H a _ S
g ‘ ’ significant student gains in power programs Wendelsdorf and - g t - . 3%!" ._. . l
i i ' - ' and influence due primarily to Hamer bring a proven dedication '“ " .’ j, L/f , r_
' - the hard work of Wendelsdorf and to the job. They have both ' _ .. " t
-' E , his cabinet. The student trustee demonstrated a willingness to \ift » -. . v
i ’ I vote, the KSA lobbying effort, the spend the long, hard hours - ‘tm ~- 7
. . , . successofthestudent members of necessary to deal with our Scott Wendelsdorf and Brenda Hamer :
. , the UniverSity Senate, the BGS, problems. - I.
’. ‘courageously right’ 1". H I "I
. ;1 , George McGovern: 2 3 "0‘ :
i . 'I ' 5 0n the real lssues Established ma LEXINGTON. KENTUCKV
. i . 7 , The success 0f Senator George massive economic reform the presidential preference poll on A" “mfg; 3;fi§;7;'3fi';j';§jkbv “We“
' . "I - ' McGovern’s bid for the and redistribution of wealth. the Student Government ballot V
4 l A ' ‘ Presidency Wi“ perhaps be the In addition, McGovern has the today and tomorrow. More im- fiJEXJfl:?flI§El§§Z‘S&
. ' ‘ major yardstick used to measure personal characteristics rarely portantly, you can participate in JerJrithGfiL'.sE1l:$iLT: 235m
'. -: . V the ablllty 0f .youn-g vqters to found in American politics LOday. your local Democratic Party Tim BalIaggégfizgnt’:;:‘kgzoéhGigr‘ze Gibson.
. ' ' ., ' Channel ille'lr ldeallsm Into ef' “His pOSltlon on many things tells caucus on April 29 and help send Assistagt ManaasincrfdiEtsr's I
'5 ‘ . ‘ fective POhtlcal action. me that he is an honest man. AndI McGovern delegates from Mgi‘cake‘lhloihrfzri:AflséditdrorI
. Justifiably SO. NO other can_ Will take an honest man for Kentucky to the National COH- Dale’x‘anhfiilgsbr::;:séa;:£:::;gitor
‘ didate has so consistently stood President,” wrote one journalist. vention.
, . , beside the young in challenging Another, New York Post We... a.
' .5 i . .. ' the structures and assumptions of columnist Pete Hamill, wrote, “1 People like you have made z333,12;jsgpggg';g"miggggjges°'
. . . ' . our time and serving as the don’t think George McGovern McGovern a serious contender. 6""eggfigggg‘figy'uckv
._ '- . ' conscience of our nation. knows how to tell lies.” NOW you have a chance to make '8, . t h ”h a,
' ' ‘ itortasrepresen l no onionso 99 lOfS,
-_ . . f - No candidate since Abraham - With George McGovern in the hlm PreSident. nottheumv‘brsny
. . , Lincoln has stood alone on so White House, you could trust the ‘ ‘ ‘ '
3 g f , ' many issues 35 George McGovern President of the United States. KERNEL FORUM .
_ ‘ . has in his political career. Yet What a change that would . l
today we realize that he has re resent followjn an ad- h d ' J
, '- ' almost always been right— mffiistration marregd by the t 3 Tea erS wrlte j
, j - ‘ - “courageously right on the hard revelations of the Anderson ~ _ l . l
4‘ I, _ ~ ‘ . - issues of our time,” in the words papers, its surveillance of the bupports . friltry-(IIINH’T which recognizes the existance on campus
, r . i _ 1 or one hismrian' private lives 0f Citizens» the ITT I wish to express my support for the ofmany diverse groups and is willing i0 t
,5 ,. _ '1. , ' AS early as 1963 McGovern scandal and its tendency to Maury-Gumer ticket. the ticket which has Sisgdnflilotiertrllrfisee tggoiitpsf thfiougthMthelr { .
' ' . ‘ opposed our involvement in operate in secrecy. called . for‘ equal student rights and Jeff Gumer. n. oe or en, aury .
‘ , . Vietnam. Today he Still stands Consider how different this 51.:1-P::]{\\E”hlm-()n campus. the ticket Keith Brubaker l
_ , , _ . . w it will not ignore the dorms. the t
_ . _ . . alone In promismg to cut back the country would be if George greeks. the off-campus students living in Journalism Junior l
‘ , .. _ military bUdBEt by 30 billion McGovern were elected Slu'“."°'.‘dm°"s‘ 0“" . . i
, ‘ , d°“a"st ‘" a.dV°ca“"8 genuine tax President. Think of the difference “51.33.2122; “Jill? Zofrfiil’y‘lasilé‘d‘ié‘l 323.“; mfiiftm $3;
' A ' . reform‘ In endorsmg . the in lost 01‘ shattered lives alone. student rights for greeks.or which not only more than 50 words Inmlauth. The
_ . , proposals of the CongreSSional calls for rights for those who live in writermust sipthelottamddvedusi-
, . _. ‘ Black Caucus and in calling for You can vote for McGovern in. collectives. but a Student Government Button. “'0“de numbel. l

 THE KENTUCKY KEHNEL. Tuesday. April 18. 1972—5 ' - V i
M K I d ' h S F ' 7 ' ' ' '
ore erne rea ers on t e 1 election . , ~
. . questioned. They are worthy of the sup- For 7 ) i .- ' that she did not wish to be the presidential . .I y '. — . “
e Supports WP" (I'd-“(10d port of every student on this campus. We . W t "(h (Whirl candidate. Clearly. if Brenda had wanted “ . - "
ll wholeheartedly give them our 'en- The issues m the current race .101" to bepresident.she had ample-opportunity ._ l ‘. -‘
The Wendelsdorf—Westerfield Ad- dorsement and we ask all students to Join student government preSident and Vice to run as a preSidential candidate. ’_. ' '1"
n, ministration has shown us what Student with us in voting for extremely competent preSident have been clouded by numerous Secondly. there is not reason to believe - 'j ' _ '
Government can be—an efficient. ef- Studenttlovernment ticket: Scott Wen» charges and counter-charges. One 9f that Scott Wendelsdort would agree to . - " ‘ 5",
t'ective structure which protects and delsdorf tor PreSIdent and Brenda llamer these.the charge that 500" Wendelsdorf '5 reSign. As early as last semester. Scott \ j, 1. ' r. ' .
promotes the rights of the students. This lor Vice-PreSIdent. running for the purpose 0f nHOWIng Brenda was openly discussing the posSibility that ‘ ‘;. ,j . ._ '_‘
type of extraordinary leadership must Hamer to become preSident is simply he might run fora second term. Although ,‘ ‘r _
. continue. Put Elam notI trite. f' bcott may graduate from law school. this , 1‘, i . ' . ~ _-
. Scott Wendelsdorf and Brenda Hamer Journalism Senior _ n t 9 ”St place, MS‘ Hamer' does not WOUId. .1“ no way prevent him from . . ‘_
are the only candidates who have con- nebhvGi-avson want to be the student government remaining ‘f' student. He as ”Peel“! ', "
. stantly demonstrated a deep concern PoliticalSci(.h(.(..s:()ph. preSident. AS one Who was once running indicated his intentions 0f ’obtaining a _' -,
3 about and commitment to the welfare of Pam Flam for student government preSident with master degree in-political sCience. . ' I: '. ' . >.
1 the students at this University. Wen- PoliticalSciencefi'enior Brenda 3% d running matesl have ample In short. Scott is running .for preSident N.- .r
. delsdorf and Hamer are two outstanding K Diane‘Vaser eVldence indicating that {ms 18 the case. becausé he wants to be preSident. Brenda ' . " _ ~. . ~ f . .
’ individuals who have combined to form an Journalism so ham-"q Several times during my conversations is running f()r‘\'lC€~preSld€nt because she ._ f :. .1 “1.1;"
" administrative team whose ability, sin- ' km?" lfeckw'th With Brendaxthe lde? that she should be wants to be vice-preSident. " . , ' . ‘ 7 '
cerity. and commitment cannot be PoliticalS‘eionu-s 'l - the preSidential candidate was discussed. ”0“elll.mpson _ i E“
- ‘ ‘9""" In each case. Brenda repeatedly stated .\&8 Senator 2- _ . .
' "1 i z - '. _ ‘ ' , 3
Sb hopefuls V. w , _ . .
talk at forum Doesnt General Electric ~
Continued from page I g l .1 é ‘
5 The candidates disagreed on i .‘ " i ’ _‘
~ realize the days of enormous , ,,
' concerned with academics than ; .‘ . .' _ ‘ \ . .
. with academies. D l ; . - ~ Z jT .
> “There has to be a balance l '1 *2 "
corporate profits are OVCI'. l
as well as academic concerns." i V . 2 ,, .'
' " Maury said, ’ , ‘ ' I :3 '
3 ”2:2,?thlgggmwsgdgigzrf There was a time: fifty or siyty But if society prot’its andthe busi- i I _. ’ c ,
. government should b: involved 3} years ago, when a major corporation ness does not, the business will fold in i .- _ .-_ '
‘ studentservices.bui also in other In America might expect profits of the short run. It will have no operat— j, J
areas of student concern... twenty or even twenty-five cents on mg funds. , ( ~- - . _ .. , _
pimm. concerned mainly with the sales dollar. H o w m u ch - ~. “Ww- 1 , . '
student services. advocated Those days are over. But not profit is enough to a-.-----. .. " ,~
I University insurance for dorm everybody realizes it. keep a business “II’A'IIII , 7
residents' r0 ert . a ermanent , . . O )EI‘atili "? HOW ' . _ ~ ‘
‘ coffee hoiisep my the) Student What “ ould you call enmmous? niucli is tdb much? nun-"n"... ‘_ ' f ‘_ ',' '
(‘enter grill. and the stop of In 1970, Fortune’s Top 500 indus- It's hard to say. m..u.u""fl| "
- wasted funds in the cafeteria. trial corporations realizedan average However. the “ ‘ , . _ ‘
Smith said “the other can- _ - profit of about 4 cents on companies mak- ‘“' "I... n...li * ’ ' '
didates are not concerned with qt, the dollar. illg‘ only marginal fl,m,"‘------l : ~- ; '. .
long-range retorms. Just short- “I GeneralElectricfared profit are not the"! ” m. m. u .- not i. ., i " - . _
”mg‘iywloml‘ . ”0)" \ slightly better than companiesprovid- ’ " ' .5
MILICREHSTEA .hguaxgteéllzz average. ‘Last year. ing new employment. creating new ,‘ r, .
sumo Civil rights as / “U oui-profits amount- products or adding to man sscientific . 1,
(_lscwhomulps about mm, ‘ ed to about 0 cents and technical knowledge. ‘
Students mm, their say." on the dollar. Marginal companies are not the 7 .
' .‘: up We are occasion- ones making the important social con- . q p
/" / ’ allyattacked.along tributioiis today. l‘hH'zlfill‘llplt’l't‘zlsml. . ; ‘ '. .'
/ ‘ ,/ ,\ With busmess in ”my can t afford to. , _' :f ,
_ . ” 0/ /,, //,///’ general. as being No responsible company wants a '1'»
. : ,-‘: W” ”‘ "M “tooprofit-oriented." return to the days of the robber bar- . . .1
~ g People argue that if social progress ons. No responsible company wants l .‘ ” - "j -.
_z t y is to be made. business must make it. “enormous" protits. But no company i ,. -‘
i ‘ And that profits stand in the way of can survive without the profit system. ‘ W . ' f
. i ,‘ . social progress. , . . , i ' j‘
' Wewouldarguequitetheopposite. “ hyare‘m"""""‘gth'~"“d? ' 3 L 1,._ , 'j, 5’
' ’ . . . . General Electric is a big, techno- . . ‘ .' . .' .
:I‘he busmess 0f busmess '8 Mt ”St logical company, with the capabilities i ~ ,~ 2'
BACCHAE busmess. to do a great deal of problem solving . y'- .y a _L f "
_, __ The purpose of a busi- in this country. '- ' - g ,. - _,
;.. ,i; 3.1 . . . . _ .‘ . . ‘ .. .- ~_.
-.,-—; m -. ::: ness, as we seeit, isto pro- I ”We think profits liavezi dii-cci . . . ,
Diwmflycumismcms duce and distribute i. «\ effect on our ability to solve .-'- ,
Guam. m"... 9.0, m. necessary goods and serv- / 1‘7... .3 problems. But we realize the is- 1. - . I . y .
minim: mom. icestotheprofitofsociety - ' 'i . '1 “’ sue of profits is one with two ! ‘_ 5
i533”: ;§?;:j:j“°i°°"'“' ...and the businessitself. /' //':: ; /. sides. By telling you our side, i ‘ .
3mm“mummiaiyiamimo A business must re- /‘ i.‘ we hope we‘ve moved you to I xii}
‘. flect society’s needs. Eco- i 3:527 "" . think about your side. Perhaps ; . ‘ ‘ ,s '. "
TlRHflWIKkg mffld, nomic, political. legal 5 ‘ \ 7’4””? even write iiszibout it. i ‘ ,
The Kentucky Kernel. 113 Journalism i and moral, as “'9“ 213 I ~“. film," -: \VO'ti like it) iit’iil' \Vilitt ‘Vtiil [i . l ‘ E I.“ .. . ~
3:23:33;3337533335.:iimtixii'giii'; soc1al. Itmust change as flag/5' I/[Zfl have to say. Please write to ‘ ~. , ~ - g '
duringiheschoolyearexcept during holdnys SOCiety Changes and. t0 4 \ / I Gt’ilel'iii i‘iit‘k‘il'lc. I)(‘]lt. 9H1 . 4;:
::;;::Tes2i;:ds' '“d ”i" "m" "'° some extent, influence I 570 Lexington AVt‘lltle. New ,' ' _.‘ I ‘
Second c1”- those changes. York. NY. 10021. g :, .. 1;
postage paid at new. Kentucky. . . . a . 3 ; .
US Published by The Kernel Press, Inc.. 113 a .‘ j y _ p ._ ~ . . ~
[0 Journalism Building. University oi Ken- 5 . L. ~ s :
if lucky. Lexington: Ky. .40506. ' ‘ I . E ‘ . . ' ,1 I
Begun as The ( adet Ill 1894 and published / t r \‘fl . . ‘
Ty continuously as The Kentucky Kernel smu- // \ i ‘ //// 2 m ’35}; . 1 . . a ‘
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. ’ Editor. Editorial Editor...257-l766 , . p ‘ I
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 5—11-13 KENTUCKY KERNEL. Tuesday. April 18. 1972 - 2. V - . . 1 _ - THE KENTUCKY KERNEL, Tuesday, April 18, 1972—7 . .
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Photos and story by Greg llarflllfllln if :1; 1‘1; .{
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V T“: (EDITOR‘S NOTE: Kernel Assistant h” of war for years. usually visiting “Von. as:signetho TTTThrTTCkaingrTSSEESeftfilTT llLlelelre: roar: Vand relieve a detachment 3952:2132?uesthVlViViVngsutVeVaeshtethVhers theirale speakingina snake-oil voice as hthol