xt7hhm52k296 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7hhm52k296/data/mets.xml  France  1800-06-06 This bulletin is part of a collection of newspapers and journals published during the French Revolution, collated by unknown person, representing both sides of the revolution. Call Number Rare Books: AP20 .R235 bulletins Rare Books: AP20 .R235 French Paris : De l'imprimerie de Meymat, rue des Moineaux, n°. 423  This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws French Revolution publications France. Assemblée nationale législative (1791-1792) France -- History -- Revolution, 1789-1799 Le Publiciste, Septidi 17 Prairial, an VIII, [6 June 1800] text Le Publiciste, Septidi 17 Prairial, an VIII, [6 June 1800] 1800 1800-06-06 2023 true xt7hhm52k296 section xt7hhm52k296  
















HWJQWIm-n—vmxmxiafizfrgmz E ..,..,.,_.fi-’;.;:::i:'"'4:42‘ ‘HWT‘PWW‘W’Tuiu Y :1?”
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Dc GIIIIlzbozI/‘g , [a 2’5 mai {6 pl'a-I'rizu',

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qu' '15 (EV-)ECHE. jam I' (so IECIJWI; néamnnms 1E5 1:25pm.:



mmcrc (II-IIEqucs II'I'I'f (‘3 :1 cc FL; s‘e Lf.‘ '3". :III madu lam.
ItEliIEur: E“‘!‘EEE!l-".H(E 507; aria or IIVPITE, H erM: 2 EP Linz- .‘ :III:

Ee DaIIEIEIP. mafgrré {22 E911 (Ea 1c: I. Ian]: 8: s E‘: l'h’ilu III; .IiE
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E’;I..:I.I:IIE(>'.;;IPI' 8-: EI l‘rlmé-IS‘W EI: Danube.

Le '7/5 , amp-61m IEL‘ jaw) 1P5 Francm's fi'I'PnL 12M wimp.”
pres. (.I.‘ iii/IEIJE. IIIII Ck IE. IEIIE I IiIn (it ucux liPIIPs .EI Ecgt (E ’LIEm)
2'13 E'urmIl rI'IImI'ss-I s 1““?! zIS...I2'. (EC pent-'3 L“: 5433.:
med-Is , I. '65! rwun .pcim‘c Cu
)I. '.Ii' , 8: c1 .311an (5 ms h'cnprIs paintinr‘s sm‘ U.’.L'E(’l‘l‘(‘1u 1399"" ,
9mm. Si“ cnmmm & n01 vm~cu Lo combat (1 (Std (PEA-VEE‘, I3:
[:5 Mangai a sow E, IH'VI‘PHUI) h Icpcussw lPs troupes palniiucr.

[me paItiC (Eu (toms dc .CEVIIECIEC Impr‘riaErI qu‘ Lbsm‘vnit
Iles Fraucms surI Ia W’ertach, seat replié doIiI'icIIc 1c Loci: ,
(.u coté de Landsberg. 5‘

, le 27 mm' (7 I'Jraz'm'al).


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. I‘mchIIi made non-veau Emir-r nu


» lyjlligsbourg

IE 39 confirms: qua 1c géuéral'en chef EIEOI'eaII a éla'bl l? mu
({IIm'tIcr—gencrai 51 Mmdo'lhahu. L'm'mc'c Sour; 595 m. Ew- 3‘;
[wave .mamlicnmt cu graxxdclpa m’e Eur I’LEjex r,‘ 605 corps.









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110111101: Czazaf i 111.12111111133;1111111111101.


(715111131195 Jnvzm 1:91
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1i1 111911121 111 3111111111211, 11011511131111.0111 (1c 1011!; (1111151;1‘.

, We {4711119193, [8 52') mai (10 pi‘m‘riul}.

11 051 3111.15, 1111‘ 10 dcrnim' 113111101001 (10 C11x11aven , 1m

1112:11111‘13 (10 1151110 111111131111, 10111 3111211) , 11.1151

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(12 c1: (11111111113 111113 0113150 (11» 130310, (125‘
511311" (10 5. 1111., (11191111011 (11-01115 tmis 1 cures 31 1a 114.1110 (‘10
1101111 1111111101112, 2511' C. 111’1111‘111’31‘111,
shim-11' 1111 pray—p011 (111 gouwmmnent111-50.

ii" , \’:,‘ ‘17 ‘ I. Y .1‘ 1‘. .
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(‘1111 11’:1‘.': 1t encore 1111


111111 50111113 110111 111110 11031.11 211:0 L1


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" 11' cine 11:5 cnrtunchvs 1'1 11111111111.
I) (111 51111113111 91 11111111”; 11111111511





1111011. couum: 1:120 01105:: 1151:: 11151:, (1:10 111 11.115311). it
St (1131011511 pour 1‘é111b.11‘ 11


:1'1'9'9111 cozic1u 1111 11.1151 01101. 1
1.121“. 5111' fc confluent.

Ccux (11-21 (>111 011113.10 1(3 caractm‘c 1111511115 out rrmarqté I
i1 y a 101:g~101115, (11.10 1.1 10110 (11121: 111115 0011111111110 cilcz cc
{30111119 (1110 (111115 (1111:1111 1111110 pays cozmu. C(‘lte n1,111:1(11c c-st
Vx'nise11111111111em1:111; 111 2111M: (1111110 0011111110 disposition 31 1a
11351111110710 (111' (at 112392 géaém'e en 111151919110, 8:110" (11111131111
£11171 (IU11Cul‘13‘5 (19 01111513 1110121105 &: physiques, (1110 cc 11’031
pas 10 11011 (10 1001101011011 L113 1731:1013 [111111105 annoncent
{111({1291111110111 (1115 notes (1(3 (15111011111. P311111 les 11:11 5 (10 {0110
1'1-2111111‘111111111113, (111 pvut C1111 1(15 rép'rnscs 11111311111105 (111 cor—
(1:11111101' interrogé dr-riiic-rgmcut 5111' 5115 11521111011: avec (1:111)le


11111110111. L: F111Lsu1vm11 011931 1111 (‘xcnvp’c 111115 (11113101111110.
U11 110111 1‘ (1e 1’111‘)pi[a1 do Saint—Gimme, 1'101111111515111-101110,
fut 1651391116; , (1.1113 1:1 111111 (111 9.4 , par 195- (:1'15 (113 5:1 femme:

J'm’ luc' 'monfils' .’ 0/1. . (21011 6.11131“ Gil/hill .’ Le 1111111 50 lave,
' 1:01:11 1111 11211211311 (10 son eni‘nnt, (i111 11’avoiLq11c ouze 111019,
3 1-;- 110111'0 1111151110 (11111-5 51311 sungi S11 ”13111111111159 more ,
(111115 11110 accirs (1e (10111011011, 1’511'011 égorgé ix 1911511119111
311.111.1111 (11:11-13 161.13 61011 {119511110 5151331110 (111 (701115. 11 11.0'1é
1900111111 quc 00112 1111111110 avoil som'eni (10:111é 11115 1110111105

1.10 coroner éLanL veun constuicr 10 (115211, 11:



(.1 nixezialion.
jliiy‘ a pronoucé 11116 (1(1c1al‘1121011 (.10 dumence.

i] yum-it (1110 1a faineusc exp-(18.111011 sccrclte (1&11511111119110
11‘s 111:; (111 ui—dcvant (:011116 (1715111015 Ct (1111: (101111.115 (1:.11v011t
€111: 011111365 d’arhorcr 19 1331111011 Nam: (:11 1.11'11I51rm1t (3:1
112311110, se réduit 1'1 1'01‘01‘1301’ 1211c- 1113111'1‘1'011011 m1 Corsc.

111111511 K111111011, 1’111'1 (105 1.31115 1101161. 111111119113 (10 11021111‘03;
DQ110111 011111111121

1‘, 111113 111:11‘1“11a1111 (11? \‘111 (‘11 1;:‘05, (311511110
111101653“: (111113 11-1 001111110100 (10 111 1;1e1'1'e7 11 611111; parvmm,


par 3:111 ind-(131110 13x" 511 g1‘1u1dn 15110110111113 , 31 1111 115301 1111? 101'-
111110 11111 511 11101119 11 111135 (1»: 330,060 11v. 5101111“, 111111155
(111115 1(25'1‘011ds 1111111163 , SC (10111, ‘11 11 11.13110 1a 11111111110 13111111:
51 (105 011111115101120113(11317117111111.151111 1111511100110 11151113161011.
11111101110115, 111311 011 ’avem' 111111113 (11: 1111.
F1 EP U B 111 Q U E 111314 ‘1"11111'11‘1171121

De [1701716 , c 30 mai (10111171111121).
Dans 111 canféi‘encc (1110 10 ("1111111110 (11: Franco a (1110 :1 To
111 (:01111111:s:011 cxév‘uiivc Sc 1111; 111(‘1111H‘CS (1115 (10111 conscil ,
11 11 11211 1013 0112111111103 31111;: 1111‘s. (:(111‘1‘1-1‘1105 011311110 (‘11 110113
vvrbrflnz (1.1115 1101;! 11111311111. :iii‘rrn (-1191 5111’ 105 coisscils, r1111
171)!:91§.1.C111 31 1111 p115 1011101137111011111012

<1 14811111113116 11111111111111.011111111‘0 (11- .13 1'111)111i111111(‘ 111111911150
€11 111111141161, (10011110 (11101111115 11110 (4111110110 011 (1(1111115111'1110113
111311111195 (11.1111 {11115 11111119 1.111130111111013 170111 (1601(1111‘ (10 1:1
libcrlé (111 (1:115.513121111151512(10111111113111.'1‘0111cc (11:1 pent 111111191
5111‘ (105 (11111111111113 1111111111115, (1011 ess1-:‘Li<‘1101110111 84 (111011131-
vu111ex11 5:11:101‘ 111 00115111110 (111 gvuvcrnemcut 11111191115 ; (11112
(11: (:01 1‘111"1i)(,1(11.:c0111(21:1iiéccssii 111511511911531115 (11‘ 11111111101111',
' 11111 11117-1 ([31? co. $011,111[1‘111111111111001111611011111(1(11’11L1V11110,
1119111.“, (113111. gnmre,





‘5 1 ,
(10111 11:5 1111111161113 1
& (1113110 115511111 (10 .
1.13 111110112153 2111511136112 (10 111 cause (30111111111163 : (11 00113019101103 ,


50:11, (1011191101110111 1C 11
1:1 (goopémiiun (1011-1111(11'1'011111110 (10 [0111.15

1ep1‘r3111101' 00115111110 11 11.51121111qiae 111111911150 5111115111111 1105--
11051111021191.1111 cc ‘1‘” 1:1 8.111150 restc sans orage po1itiii11e,
13911113111 101.110 11 (1111120 (1-- 111 ca111pngnc 1101110110.

1: Lt; premier 0.1115331 , 111 1.111113 (11?: (1111(11‘0111081119’110115 11111135


‘ 1
105 1110121110113 1111111111115, (11‘511‘01‘011 ({11’31111011 (10 so (111511011'
105 10114151113119 1111 110111110 110111511 {11(1, par un (30110011. (11? 110-
21 Cm‘iluérirla paix.

garcusvs pour 11) '1? 105 (1c 1’111‘110110 , (‘x pi‘opres 21 0111131111


101110 3: Jc sugr‘ssc , (1111215110111 1013 137111119 .

011110103 p11: 1111'1‘05 11111011165 110521111011 $1113 011101111, ([11e11-s
001150115, 11110111111 11‘s (711'(:1'>11s!..11m:cs 111‘1130111vs, 111-155(1‘11111 (1(3-

Lermjiiation (10 5’11'0111‘1101‘ '115;(".1'1‘1 111 1111 (19 1.1 0111111110116 011

1 1 1 :3 > _

C(‘SSPE‘DHL 105 11101115 (111 11111): split :111 gouvernmnun‘i11‘n11c1us
l L‘ a

(2 11’61111 pain! 1:1(1111‘01‘11111 1'1 (30 (1111 SC passe (111115

1.1111111311111111 (.1

10 :0111 111:5 consci s 11

‘11'5 L18 171-11‘12v1111en.


Sign}, annum.

D3115 11:16 (105 (iflrnicres 551'1‘111‘CS (1.11 g1‘am1—(tm‘sz‘i1, 1111
11191111110 :1 111119. 111 111:;11011 (1(3'1)1)1'nc-1‘ 1135 513111111113 (15'; 001150-115
£1 11111: par 5'1111111111, 8< (1011011111101‘ sop: (:2111111151-10115 (111.1-
gz'ms (1c 11*:11'1111101' aux (11112111111105: 1111111115 (11-. 111 10131511111011,
£4 (10111 {1015' 10 5111110111 spéciaies1110rit (10 préseuicr, (111113
10 [1111s court, (111111 131158111112, 105 projms (1111111: 11011W‘116


Nos 1111111511‘:s aumieut 1.11011 1111 cependant bi} rappcucr 1a
1111111113 199011 (111’115 (110117111 (1(3jix reguc.

11!. 1110101111101, secrélaire do 1’1111111115511110 ang'aise .-'1 (Tons—
{antinjpln , a été expédié do cette V1111) 31 511‘ 0111119)! 8:111111,
1101.1 131110111101 ((110 notre gimvornement a refusé (1e rahficr
>10 113111011711 21 signé coujoinlcmeut avec 1e grand—visir.

Urie motion :1 (Sié 11111:: 3: adoptéc , 10 8, i1 111 (3111111113113
(105 (:111'21111111'193, pour auéoriser 111 ville (1.1715111111011113 i1 élire
11:1 représnntant 1‘1 111 p111ce de 111. Dundas, (1111 a accepté
(191111110111an (36119 (111 10111 privé (111 sccau e11 Ecosse. ,

1'1 den: (11: 111011111, 'a 135 (19 1.13 11.115, un 11011111115 M. 13121;—

(:01151111111011 , (1’1111 Humveau 5351111110 (1011213111305 8: (111111 (201126
(‘1\11. (11110 111011011 a 08 (10110561? 1313111 (11101111105 jours 5111' 18
bureau. ‘

Lbs 1011.105 (19. Lucerne {"0111 1115 131115 grands élngcs (1011
conduits (111 géa1<5r111 114101160X, 11021113111, 3011 séiour (111115 001113
0011111111110 2 11 15’}! est (11:1111151‘03511110 L’x’ 111 co:
tous (291111 (11.11 (mt 811 j’avanlago (1e 111110 511 00111101125111106 ,
118111111111 10 court ospacc (11: toms (111’11'3’31 051 arrélé. In? 9.5,
1135 gé1iéra11x (3112111111 , Lederc, 13011111111, szoype 8< Large
50711 arrivés 1T1 anornc. Chabort & anoype 50111; [101115 111
(11131110. jour au 3011' pour ac rendrc 5111‘ 1e Umbard.

. -W. .. x____..-—.~__._,..

(10101019010111 (11111510 grand—130115011, & (1:11 1111 Ont {111111 (11111- _

ll p1‘é1‘('-1‘1‘1‘:11L 11161110, (13115 10 0115 (11.1 1’110001‘11 51 11001‘ssaile'

151(1é1'atinu de ‘

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5‘11 ,

5‘ 1:1
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5111‘ 16

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11111115515 DE RESERVE.
[1'151'1'01‘1'11 51'.) l'm‘mw'c.


‘ 1.) 11151111511, 5111 5}.

Vurz‘c‘d. .c

1.’.‘ ‘rzm‘ -g. .1511) 031105.31 51tI'21.L~ 11110151530. 5"115) .'1 ('.:11\.'.I.555).
If.) 51‘ II 11‘ 1, 1111011115" (1.0 1151115 avim‘s‘. 141115550. 5105 115150.111}; 5111‘
1‘ i1 (him-.955) 1351115‘



1:2 1’55, ."1 1151155" 51110 11I111s \‘51111105‘5 15‘ 113 .
110115 1‘15111521‘ :1 Asli, & 1111(1‘153011151‘ 15: 5:5).‘1‘15 51c 110111355 51111

11 :1 1:11! filer d5: '1'111‘111 t5)I.1'.'.I .111152r1‘5‘.




1'1. 51113111117111 515‘


51151101111119 5111‘ 1.1.111 0 51151110 5111 1’11. 11351—113 5151( 1013590..
P6115. 511.1 5:015:11‘5—13 ,19 5 :0m'. 1.111111 0.0.15V5)1‘.'S5)11115)111
51111-3 8031a, 1)a555.1t (7011?? H“. 5 .0 , 5011:512‘11115'1.‘50.I.111‘5:, 8:

111611011 1)!)51-11011 101011;; 515‘ 111 1‘11‘5: 511‘.)115‘. 51‘ : Tram.

I. (I. 131.‘111‘.1I.‘1‘ cm 311 0.1 :1‘151'.5" 55‘. 11:111115 :1 #0110011.

51111151152 do 1‘0 {55111-125515} 5:2 V011‘(,11L"11V'1'L;5151L‘.
11‘15‘1115‘11. .

Toutbs 15‘s 5111151315 51521’:1I.‘m."e sont 5:11 grands 11.:1‘6'1’157,



'121jC/113 (503

8c 1)51355‘1‘5)11l (1911::1111 1:1 5151.).
Le 3611-5131 anu‘s :1 pnsséo , 00,110 11111.
'& SC 1)5)1‘1,5‘,, par (1550011111103: '1’1‘1115)

[.525 an“

1.1 Dorm‘llaliea,
1'1I‘.‘1‘15‘11:4. maicnt 5.5" )1‘. . (1'1"‘5: 1)::111115‘, 51:11‘5’501115‘3
105 \‘111525 5111:1110. ,1.) prise 5112 125100.11 1.52 5 .51101151511011!
5111’5‘110 10151‘ soroit $1 1111zrste.
051 315011 CI..1111)15‘.

L05 11.111113113 (’0 31111111111 cnlcndoient 551110511‘51'11111 1e canon
(15) 110.13 :n‘ant—posios.

O11 assure 51:19 13
511110111‘51'11111 2'1 T111111.


La 5301: s '5‘1‘51.111011 11.111111 0-. 1x


5111nrtier—gé11é1‘al dc Mflas 05'. encore


Ire ifsrl'u'cr, gméral (311 5:?) f, an 111‘. “EHIL'UF 50123111.
.1‘- u 5111:1111531‘7115211511‘51 :1 Vent-11,15: 10 13131151111, an S.
.11521‘011 consul, 1 :11 1’110.‘I 11152111‘ do 1‘51. ‘1‘012551‘0 compm, 511.19
1011 1151‘ 15111. ..I.1x 01‘511‘05 du 5.35::15I1":11 Lec111,."1 1351110516
1’5)1“Cd1 5152 51‘, 1):)r15‘1‘s 111‘ ".111 .1 , Sc (10 51111113152

va‘. “1031.), a 1‘0 I1cn1‘11 1‘5." 10111101111 51.3c5112 1.110 :1 0111111110
5‘5It a1‘a11!.—1)os!.52 &‘ 1:111'512p1150m‘115‘1“..'\111.‘5.‘.I '3 ‘. :‘1‘CI:I), 01’s
V :1 tmnvé 1:115Iq‘15m (’15: 1151111111 1".)1‘10 515 ()33 11011111105,
1):11-11111101)5151'.15111.1152111011‘II1‘"101155‘ & 510.515.5112 avm: 5111 0111100.
Lc 1511555111 L‘chI, :11‘.1"es :11'5111‘ 1:115 905 511$‘n.511:'5)1‘5 , :11':11't
11:1tt1e 1:1 Charge , C5 111311: I15". U116 1‘5".,1 .1t1‘e, 15$
1‘01rra155‘1101115‘115 0111 5115' 1'0“5I 5"‘ 5‘1’5‘;11:5‘I111 0111.111151.
[.5‘12521152“: .1. a . I.‘.l '5 '1: 121‘Is 1101113 0111510153,
1).-‘1:115I111.5:52 519 0511: an I1VI‘5‘ $15 3111);?)‘151011115‘1110115., 11.35121
b' 0:155" 5111 15: c115111.I)5.
15115: 515111551111 ’

15:. 1215310515


' ”1012‘10


OCC [1—


filflHC‘C‘ 5:





5.121.911115 [121221

1):.1.;11.I‘ 111115 51-13 90111





1052;1115 515: 01011.: .
L5: (’1101118 111‘1gadcpcyri, 1'1 1:1 13:15: 1153 grc‘nm . a
memo 1111 5185 1)1‘011115‘1‘s 3111-: 15111111 I5211 e11 '11'01 (1050:1—


511‘011 1.IIC.1I , 13111110151, Cn1‘111n11107
1011:1511, 52 5051': 11111111C1111er5‘m5‘11t . '



.9 .' .5 (1.1.5, [a ((1 praz'lz'm’.

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Couiuu'cz- 12'.

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121'11, 1 11 '))1(111. A. 9111;. (11,- 111.)..1111I11rr 111. Ch: 0;, 1116
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1" 1111. 19 , 11.1 :51 #1711119, geJuxe (1e 1311119, 11.". 9.5 tézchc'z,
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