xt7hmg7ftt9n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7hmg7ftt9n/data/mets.xml North Carolina Historical Records Survey of North Carolina 1940 Prepared by the North Carolina Historical Records Survey, Division of Professional and Service Projects, Work Projects Administration; Other contributors include: United States Work Projects Administration Division of Professional and Service Projects, North Carolina Historical Commission; 13 leaves, 28 cm; Typescript (photocopy); Included bibliographical references and index; UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries; Call number FW 4.14:N 81c/ser.9/no.1 books English Raleigh, North Carolina: The North Carolina Historical Records Project This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. North Carolina Works Progress Administration Publications Inventory of the State Archives of North Carolina, Miscellaneous Agencies, Series IX, Number 1 North Carolina Historical Commission text Inventory of the State Archives of North Carolina, Miscellaneous Agencies, Series IX, Number 1 North Carolina Historical Commission 1940 1940 2015 true xt7hmg7ftt9n section xt7hmg7ftt9n l   ` *· g M ‘» · ’ g. I 1 ·
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Q * v ¥YWUx - v E Inventory of the State
.i w i . { Archives of Forth Cerolina
  ‘   series ix
@ j Q Hisoelleneous Agencies I v
i = S ` :
! E Q No. 1 ;
· Y . . 7 . _ . . . (
; E f North Carolina distcrical Commission}
3 Ai   -—·—·-·-···-· · v
; ¢ i
~ { E North Caroline Historical
· @ Records Survey Project
. ’ v Division of Professional
? [ and
1 i I Service Projects
¥ Y y Work Projects Administration _
i _ Raleigh, H. C. `
} g September 1940
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¥ Pxwzpagrcd by
Z The Z?0r‘th Carolina Z§i.si0ri.cen1cRecords Svrvay Project
V » Division cf P1·0:`0ssi.0na;] and S'?I`VQLC€ Projects
' — Work Projczcis Ad1¤5r2,j.st»m.Li¤11
5 ?;a].cj.;?1, T’r;—r“cE1 Carolina
The ETO1`4&?l Carolina EE1i.st0ric:$;l Tfcccrrkg S1: rvc jg Prcjcciz
Scp+cm'?;»cr 104C

F, V
§ 5
Q ;
2 WPA Historical Rooords Survey Program ?
? 2
E i
i Sargent B. Child, National Diroctor i
g Milton W. Blanton, Regional Suporvisor {
  Colbort F. Crutohfiold, State Supervisor
j ,
i .
  Division of Professional and Sorvioo Pro'oots
. J
i d
2 2
1 .
  Floronoo Kerr, Assistant Commissionor
i Blomoho H. Ralston, Chiof Rogional Suporvisor
.   E. Campboll, Stato Director
‘ V
J F. C. Harrington, Corrmissionor; ‘ Q
loolm J lillor, P gioiol D1 ot r _
Lia . .   Lo.» ` 1 ... · ' ro o ’
C. C. McGinnis, Stato Administrator ~
Sponsorod by tho North Carolina Historical Commission li
‘ V M. C. S. Noblo, Craimuui {
C. C. Critt<:=nd<>n, Socrotary  

{ F O R E U O R D
i The Inventory of the State Archives of Forth Carolina is one of a
i number of—EiElio;rd§Eies¤oP"FlstoriEEjTYuIteri€ls_§F駧F€H`throughout the
, United States by workers on the Historical Records Survey of the Work
` Projects Administration. Each ststc department, institution, or other
agency will be represented by c separate section of the inventory; the
I section for functionally related agencies will be grouped in series.
The Historical Records Survey Program wes undertaken in the winter
l of 1955-36 for the purpose of providing useful employment to needy uu-
employod historians, lawyers, teachers, and research and clerical workers.
In carrying out this objective, the project was organized to compile
inventories of historical nwterials, particularly the uupublishsd govern-
ment documents and records which are tssic in the edzumistrution of local
P government, and which provide invulusFle dots for students of political,
l economic, and social history. The archival guide herewith prcsoutei is
i intended to meet the requirements of day-to—icy administration by the
‘ officials of thc State, and also the moods of lawyers, ,,=r busiress non and
other citizens who require facts from the pullic records for the proper
conduct of their affairs. The volume is so desigted that it osu te used
by the historian in his research in unprinted sources in the sore way he
uses the library card catalog for printed sources.
The inventories produced by the Zistorlcel Records Survey Program
attempt to do more than merely jive s list of rccords——thcy attempt to
sketch in the historical background umd to desrritc precisely and in
. detail the organization and functions ot the oyawcios whose records they
list. The inventories for the ;utir¤ country will, when coiqlotcd,
constitute an encyclopedia of stctc and lccul jox·rnm¢nt es will as s
bibliography of state and local archives. `
The successful conclusion of the work ·.'· of the Eistoricsl Hocords
g Survey Program, even in s simgls agency, would not to possible·without the
= support of public officials, historical ond legal specialists, and nuugr
i other groups in the community. Their co—operstiom is gratefully
, ThG Survey Program was organized ty Luther I. Evers who served us
§ Director until his appointment os Director of the Legislative Reference
2 Service of the Library of Congress. He was succeeded on {srch l, lQ%C,
s by Sargent B. Child, who had served as Field Supervisor since the
C inargurstion of the Survey. The Survey Program oporutes os s notion-
widc series of locally sponsored projects in the Divisior of Profcssionsl
{ and Service Projects, of which Kiss Florence Kerr, Assistant Commission r,
; is in charge.
l Commissioner

l The Historical Records Survey was orsstcd in tho winter of 1955-36
l as s nstion~wido 70rks Progress Administration projcct for tho "discovory,
? preservation and listing of basic materials for roscaroh in tho history of
J the United Ststss."i Under tho direction of DI. Luther F; Evans, the
i Survcy undertook an extensive program for thc inventory of stats and local
° arch vos, sarly American imprints, church archivcs, and collections of manu-
5 scripts. Pursuant to tho provisions of thc Emorgsncy Rolief Act psssod C
Q Juno EC, 1939, the cxistsrco of tho Survey as o singlo nation-wido project
ri sponsored by UPA itsclf was torminotsd August Sl, l9Z9; and tho work of
é thc Survey was continued within tho individual Ststcs by locally sponsored
C; projects operating within tho national TPA Historical Records Survey Program
Z which continued under tho direction of Dr. Evans until his rcsignstion and
Q tho subsequent appointment of Ssrgont E. Child on {srch l, 1940.
‘ The forth Carolina projoct o? thc notional Historical Records Survey
~ was established Fcbrusry l, l93G, with Dr. C. C. Crittenden, Secretary of
  tho Torth Carolina Historical Cows ssiom, as director. Until Eovsmbcr 195G
{ ·ths Survcy operated ss an sstonowovs unit 0* the Psdcral Writers' Project
¥ directed in North Carolina by Eéwin Bjorkmsn. Dr. Crittondcn resigned as
  Stats Director Juzis SO, lQ5’f, ard wzcs succccdcrl by Don Lacy, who had pro-- '
  _ vjgugly gcrvod ss_Assistsnt State Eiroctor. Mr. Lacy rosigroo April 2, 1940,
to accept thc position of Assistont to the Diroctor of Historical Rccords
; Survey Projects in Tsshin;ton, ono was sucocodod by Colbert F. Crutchfield
j as Stats Supervisor. Tho rork of tho Torth Csrolins unit of tho Iistoricsl
C Records Survey has boon continued by tho Korth Carolina Historical Records
l Survwf Project cstsblishcd Soptcmber l, lQ30, sui sponsored by tho North
1 Csrolirs Fistoricsl Commission.
~ Y Tho prosomt inventory of tho records of the Historical Commission is
s section of tho Inventory of thc Stats Archivos of North Csrolins being
* propsrod by tho ltgth CEYoliEs"iistori ct, Tho in-
E vsntory was prspsrod undcr thc supcrvision of T?. Branson Ikrlcy, Assist-
Q ant Project Supervisor in chsrgo of public archives. Ficld work was done
f by Yr. Iowsrd Buck, Yr. Wgltor 3. Joyner, lb. Qoorgo B. lhmtcsd, and Irs.
Q Lstitia ”, Tobbins. Tho inventory was road for the sponsor Fy Dr. C· C.
§ Crittcwdon of thc Iorth Carolina Historical Commission, was oditsd by
Q Ihbol S. Brodie of tho Library of Congress Tstionol Technical Projcct of
lg thi fistoricol locords Survey Projrom. Tho Survey is indobtod to thc
Q immbors of tho staff of the Yistoricol Conmission for thsir goncrous co-
 ; operation in tho work.
l ‘
“ €EzL*7Q S¤i’IQ§fIS»JP
E Soptcmbcr 1GéO
l. `Yorks Progress Administration, Opcrutin; Prccoiurc Io. W#2, lcvisoi
5 July 2, 1957,

 a  I
(  ·
@ l. Structural Organization and Evolution
g The State Literary and Historical Association of North Carolina at
l its annual meeting on January 25, l905, adopted a resolution requesting _
t” the legislature to pass an act creating an historical com ission for the
a purpose of having the historical sources of the State collected, edited,
f» and published. In the same year the legislature created a commissionl of
*l five members, appointed by the Governor, to serve for a term of 2 years,
i without salary, mileage, or per diem,2
g~ A
lg The rather loose organization created by the organic act soon proved
{T, inadequate; therefore, the General Assembly of l907 amended the act of
2 1905. The members of the re—creatcd Com ission were appointed by the
,t Governor for terms of 2, 4, and 6 years and their successors were appcintei
1 {E by the Governor to serve for terms of 6 years or until their successors
'j should have been appointed and should have qualified. The members receive
Y no salary or per diem but are allowed actual expenses incurred in attending
to their official duties, provided, however, that such expenses may not be
allowed for mgre than four meetings annually or for more than 4 days at
each meeting.
; The Historical Commission is empowered to employ a secretary who acts
s as custodian of its holdings and performs any other duties imposed on him
c by the Commission.
The Historical Commission new has a staff of nine members consisting
jg of a secretary, a chief library assistant, a collector for the Hall of
Eg History, a senior library assistant, a rmnuscript repairer, a stenographer—
tl clerk, a manuscript-typist, a researcher for the highway marker program,
g _·__  and a janitor-messenger.
H A legislative act of 1915 required that the Historical Commission
gY appoint a properly qualified person to be known as legislative reference
;> librarian for the purpose of collecting, tabulating, annotating, and
”p digesting information for the use of members and committees of the General
if Assembly and other officials of the State and of the various counties andp
Q cities.4 By an act of 1955 the legislative reference librarian was transé
g ferred to the Attorney General*s department,5
° l. Public Laws of North Carolina, 5. Ibid., 1955, c. 21, s. l.
f l905r`cT`T€7T—sT—l;_lE$?iKFE§F l$Yl959 the legislative
, cited as Public Laws. reference librarian was
r 2. Ibid., s.wE§-_*"-*- transferred to the Depart-
9 s. THE`., mov, C. 714, S. 1; ment or the sC¤ma.1·y¤r
I Q. lildl, 1915, C, QQQ, S_ I, . State, Ibid., 1959, c. 516,

 A -2- ~
i (Pgwers and Dukics) (First entry, p. 5)
5; 2. Powers and Duties
_Q The Commission, as reorganized by the act of 1GO7, is empowered to
ig adopt a scal for use in oificial business; to adopt rules and regulations
g for its own government not inconsistent with thc other provisions of tha
P act; to fix a rcus¤naH1© price for its pub1icaticns and to devote the
revenue arising from swch sales for its own benefit; and to control the
? expenditure of such funds &s ma; _»·· bc appropriated for its maintcnancc.6 ‘
Q The &ubi©s of the Commission are as follows: "to have c0110;t0d
{ from fha files of 01d newspapers, court records, church records, private
` a collections and elsewhere historical data pertaining to the history of
Q Iorth Carolina and the territory included thcrein from the earliest times;
U, to have such mah©ri&1 properly edited, published by the State Printers as
§, ether state printing, and distributed under the direction af the Com-
’ yl wjssiou; to care for the proper marking and preservation of battlefields,
g houses, and Othcr places celebrated in hhs history of the State; to diffuse
JA hycwlcdgc relative to the history 0f the State; to encouragr the study of
,2 forth Carolina history in the schools cf the State, and to stimulate and
21 ene©ur&ge hisioricml lrvcsbijakicn and research among the people of the
Q State; to make a biennial r0¢0?i O? 15s receipts &nd disbursements, its
i work and needs, to the Governor to be by him transmitted to the General
Q Asscmb1y."7 The Ccmmission musf wrovidc at lcast one copy of each of its
j publications to any public school library or public library in forth
Q Carolina, to each state officer, and to each rwmbar of the General As-
_ sembly making application through its c0nstitu+cd auth0ritics.8
l Public officials, including stake, county, and iown officers who have
Q charge of public i0cum€ntS, were authorized and ermcwered by the 1907 act
f to turn over tc the Historical Conudssicn for prcscrvaticn "any Official
.5 bccks, records, documents, criginul papers, ncwspupwr files, printed books
` AQ or portraits not in current use in his ©?5i0c." Then the public documents
f` are placed in custody of +h@ Coruission, copies made thcrcfrow and certi-
, fied under the seal of the Commission have the sarw Force and effect as
j if they had been nada by the official originally in charge, and the Com-
Y mission may charge for such copies the sama fees as may he c011©cted by
’[ ` 1mw by the official formerlg in charge.
Q5 In 1935, at the instigation 0f the Historical Commission, the
;Q1 1@gis1atur© passed an act providing for punishment of persons guilty 0f
Y C. Under the Budget Act of 1925, c. 89.
this power, cf course, was ` 7. I1id., 1907, 0. 714, s. 2.
removed. Fublic Laws, 1925, E. TTTE., s. 5.

 , _ 3 _ _
Q (Powers and Duties) (First entry, p, 5)
  destroying publie I'GCOI`dS.9 This act defines the term "public records"
E as "all written or printed books, papers, letters, documents, and maps made
E and received in pursuance of law by the public officers of the State and
i its counties, municipalities, and other subdivisions of government in the
F transaction of business."lO It provides that no public official may
j destroy, sell, loan, or otherwise dispose of any public record without the r
{ consent of the Historical Com issiongll that the custodian of any public l
 ~-rdd records must, at the expiration of his term of office, deliver to his
`QQ successor, or, if there be none, to the Historical Com ission all records
qt, kept or received by him in his official business and that any person who
Y‘ refuses or neglects to do so for a space of 10 days after request is made
r; in writing by any citizen of the State to deliver such records shall be
QJ guilty of a misdemoanorglz that the Historical Commission shall have the _
ij right to examine the condition of public records and to give advice and
Ni assistance to public officials in thessolution of their problems of pre—
Q? serving, filing, and making available the public records in their custody,l$
gi In 1939 the General Assembly amended the act of 1907 to provide that
fji “any State archives, records, books, documents, original reports, news—
idf paper files, printed books or manuscripts, of importance or value, may,
`E upon the advice and recom endation of the North Carolina Historical Com»
_ } mission, be authorized by the Council of State of North Carolina to be
Q destroyed or otherwise disposed of" and to provide that the governing body
§ of any county, city, town, or other governmental agency that may have such
i records in its possession may, upon the advice and recommendation of the
i Commission, destroy or otherwise dispose of such rocords.l4
_ i Among the other holdings of the Historical Commission are the corre-
iv? spondence and papers of the various governors; papers relative to the
ly, legislature; records of the Secretary of State, the Auditor, the Treasurer,
,§ and a number of counties; and collections of letters and papers of
ti individuals.
E Besides its work in the preservation, custody, and care of public
_ Q records the Commission serves in general as a clearing house for historical
LY interests and activities in North Carolina, From time to time it publishes
Q _dA‘ · 9. Public Laws, 1907, c. 714 s, 5. Code of 1885, s. 82,(Codc
QF This is’E5E the first law passed EE?lTfvil Procedure, s. le5;
i, by North Carolina concerning the tees of l888:§§,”€. 159,
1% preservation of public records. s. 4);~Code pf 188}, s. 111
* See, for example, Laws of 1758, (Code of Cixi; Procedure,
· c. 7 (State Records, XXIII, 127); sT_Z§€7:
lii Laws O`Fi7Zo`f‘&’?s“(ib;a,, p, 10. Elle piling, 1935, c. 265,
df lE97}—lbEE~Ef 1754 (EEw—Eern s. lT—
y sess1¤H)‘,”c§"1j’°s§E,', ze, 45; 11. gpg., s. 5.
l (ibid., XXV, 281, 285); Revised 12. ibid., S. 4•
,_ Statdtes of 1857, c. 98, s. IO 13. Ibid., S. 8.
 _: `(i`5%?§_‘f_ l‘e‘1ij"E‘. san, S, 1); 14. ;i‘__Bi§,, mss, c. zce,

 \ _ 4 —
j (Housing, Care, and Accessibility (First entry, p, 5)
` of Records)
W collections of documents relative to the history of North Carolina,
, historical pamphlets for use in the public schools, and other pamphlets.
2 Since the beginning of 1924 it has published The North Carolina Historical
Q Review, a quarterly journal. Ever since its EE ibn-
` Q h5§"%Erked closely with the State Literary and Historical Association, and
2 its secretary is usually elected as secretary of the Association. lt en- —
Q courages the use of its archives and historical manuscripts by students and
g historians and gives assistance and encouragement to county historians who
ip, i-"’ have published articles on local history in newspapers and pamphlets. By
Tr; means of radio programs and addresses to groups interested in historical
E; matters it attempts to stimulate interest in the history of North Carolina.
" _; The Commission maintains an historical museum, the Hall of History,
gi which contains objects relative to every period of North Carolina history.
ég It has been instrumental in erecting throughout the State markers for
f; historical sites and employs an assistant for such research. A committee
2, of leading historians of the colleges and institutions of the State aids
p 5%; the Commission in selecting the sites and in writing the inscriptions for
" I f markers. The Commission has co—operated with the Work Projects Administrae
§ tion and other federal aid projects such as the Historical Records Survey,
” § the Survey of Federal Archives, the Writers¥ Project, and the Art Projects
Q A`Work Projects Administration project was instrumental in the restoration
§ of Fort Raleigh on Roanoke Island, title to which was held by the Historical
3 Commission from 1954 to 1940. A National Youth Administration project has
§ worked on the indexing of the marriage bonds in the archives of the Com-
‘“ { mission. The Historical Records Survey; sponsored by the Commission, has
yd? prepared complete lists of the North Carolina county records, and these
}§Q lists have been published by the Com ission in a three-volume series. The
‘ _ T* Survey is also compiling a list of early American imprints held in North
Q. Carolina libraries, an inventory of the records of the State agencies and
- 3 of the churches, and guides to manuscript collections and vital statistics
F C, frcm.cemeteries to supplement the vital statistics records kept by the
·° State Board of Health since 1915.
Ai? . 5. Housing, Care, and Accessibility of Records
El ____ All current records of the North Carolina Historical Com ission are
VO housed in rooms 100, 101, 102, 104, 108, 110, and 11% of the New State
, Office Building. The non»current records are housed in one section of
~ gn Y00m.E of the archives space and in room G, the janitor*s roonu in the
`* basement. The New State Office Building, erected in 1958-59, is of steel,
_ stone, brick, and concrete construction and is considered to be 100%
“, fifcprcof. All offices have terrazo floors, They are large, well—lightod,
g and welleventilated,
t Conditions of storage and facilities for use of the records are
qi Sxceptionally good, Current records are kept in wood and steel file
` cabinets in the administrative offices; non-current records are kept with
ii the archives of the State, of which the Historical Commission is official
A custodian. A large and well equipped search roonu containing a small
i?  C0}.lGCti0n of reference works, is provided for users of tht? I‘CCOI‘dS•
I;  ·

   .. 5 ...
{ (Min teS; Correspondence) (1.2)
    ’ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I O I I I I I I Q |  
gi ibid. . . . . .............. ibidem (the same reference)
I, } S g I Q I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 0 • l Q |  
      I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I • • A | • •    
  """' ••••••••••••••••••¤••••••••CU.I°].°€1Tb .
O Exact titles on volumes or containersare written in all capitals
without brackets,
‘ 2 Descriptive titles, written in all capitals and enclosed in
. brackets, have been assigned to records which have no exact titles on
){ volumes or containers,
gg; Explanatory titles, written with initial capitals and enclosed in
A`, brackets, have been added to exact titles which are misleading or are not
EQ sufficiently descriptive of record content.
· ifi lf units of the records have distinguishing numbers, letters, or
" gi other labeling, such labeling is indicated in brackets following the state-
gm rmmt of quantity in the title line,
i§ Dimensions of volumes or record containers are given in inches.
été Number of papers contained, as shown in title lines, is approximate
y Q total number covered by the entry,
Q E Unless otherwise indicated the condition of a record is assumed to
‘ ? Q be good or excellent.
§· Minutes
it 1. MINUTE BOOK N[erth] C[aro1ina] HISTORICAL COMMISSION, Nov, 20,
, j 1905--. 1 vol.
Q Kinutes of meetings, showing date and place of meeting and record of
yi business transacted, Arranged chronologically by date of entry. No index.
it Handwritten and typed, 500 pp. 12 x 15 x 4. Room 110.
tg Correspondence
pj 2, HISTORICAL COMMISSION [Correspondence], 1905--, 27,200 papers
Qi in 155 file boxes and 19,200 papers in 50 file drawers (dated),
O Title varies: Historical Commission Correspondence, 1907-14,
p 1916-19, 56 file boxes; Miscellaneous Historical Conmdssion, 1907,
r` 1909-15, 4 file boxes; Historical Correspondence, 1909-10, 8 file
s' boxes; Commission Correspondence, 1912, 1 file box; North Caro-
lina Historical Com ission Correspondence, 1919-26, 65 file boxes.
` General correspondence concerning all activities of the North Carolina
Historical Commission. Also contains Historical Commission [Receipts,
E Expense Accounts, and Budget Estimates], 1920-22, entry 25. Arranged

 { (Accessions; Card Cata1ogs}_ (5_8)
. ohronologically by year, thereunder by subject headings, and thereunder
I chronologically by date of writing; contained records arranged chrono-
Q logically by date of entry. No index.‘ Typed, handwritten, and mimeo—
L graphed, 155 file boxes, 5 x 10Q x 15, Archives room E; 6 file drawers,
Q 15 x 15 x 24, room 6; 5 file drawers, 15 x 15 x 24, room 110; 15 file
é drawers, 15 x 15 x 24, room 108; 1 file drawer, 15 x 15 x 24, room 104;
1 5 file drawers, 15 X 15 x 24, room 105.
~; Accessions
i 5. ACCESSION COLLECTION INDEX, 1921--. 2 vols. (1 vol. dated, 1
Q vol. undated) and 1,500 cards in 2 file drawers. Record
r changed from.vo1ume to card form 1955. Title varies:
if Accessians and Dispositions, 1921-55, 2 vols,
tj List of accessions, indicating method of acquisition, date recorded, if
QQ still in file, name and kind of paper or book, dates covered, and other in-
QQ fomnation relative to the origin and disposition of the accessions.
Qi Entries in vols, arranged chronologically by date of receipt of collections;
`'`T I card file arranged alphabetically by name of collection. No index. Typed.
at Vols., 200 pp, 10 x 12 x 2; file drawers, 5 x 7 x 19, Room 102.
 Q  ’ 1 rei. (dated),
Qri Secrctary'S record of daily activities, showing receipts of literature and
VQ; records, from.whom received, and price if purchased. Arranged chrono-
A * logically by date of entry; No index, Eandwritten. 600 pp. 15 x 12 x 5,
jg Archives room E.
S Card Catalogs;
2; 5. APPLICATIONS FOR PARDOIS, n, d. 1,100 cards in 2 file drawers
j  (1, ID.