xt7hmg7ftz7p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7hmg7ftz7p/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1977-02-10 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 10, 1977 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 10, 1977 1977 1977-02-10 2020 true xt7hmg7ftz7p section xt7hmg7ftz7p Vol. LXVIII. Number 105

Thursday. February 10, 1977


an independent student newspaper}

'Cooperative principle’

UK ’team’ helps NCAA

This is the third article in a four-part
series examining the one-year
period that the University was
subjected to an NCAA investigation.
This article by Editorial Editor
Walter Hixson is based on in-
terviews with NCAA and University

Jim Delaney might be something
of a model NCAA investigator. At 30,
Delaney has a law degree and
athletic experience from playing
basketball under Dean Smith at
North Carolina.

Delaney was the NCAA’s chief
investigator for UK’s case. In
following the “cooperative prin-
ciple” with the NCAA, UK’s trio of
investigators—law professor Robert
Lawmn, legal Counsel John Darsie
and Assistant Dean of Students T.
Lynn Williamson—got to know
Delaney well.

In fact, they all became good
friends. In off~investigating hours
during the summer of 1976, Delaney

could be found playing tennis with
Darsie or racquetball with Lawson.
And UK investigators invited
Delaney home for dinner on a few

Delaney made his first known
visits to the UK campus in
February, 1976. He made return
trips throughout the spring and
summer. When Delaney began in-
vestigating, Singletary requested
the NCAA to allow a UK
representative to accompany
Delaney on interviews with students
and athletic staff. The NCAA

Darsie usually went with Delaney.
In the meantime, Lawson traveled
elsewhere for
Williamson dug
Association records.

It was a mutual investigation that
finally produced enough evidence
for Delaney to take back to NCAA
headquarters. On June 8, after
NCAA committees examined
Delaney‘s report, the University

into Athletic

interviews and _

received a list of allegations. They
began with a general description of
an alleged offense and then
requested the University’s response.

Fa‘ example, one might read: 0n
(date), an unidentified alumnus or
coach gave a student-athlete a tee
shirt. a hamburger and fries, and
tickets to Keeneland.

The NCAA inquiry would then
request the University‘s response:
Is this substantially correct? Also,
supply the following information:
Who was the alumnus or coach?
How much did he pay for these
items? Where did the money come
from? How many other athletic
department officials knew about it?
And so on.

At this point. Darsie, Lawson and
Williamson had no time to spare.
The NCAA set a mid-August
deadline and the three investigators
immediately began to check the
allegations. They flew long
distances for one-hour interviews
and Lawson twice drove long

distances for meetings that never

The process for finding the in-
formation was basic; Darsie,
Lawson and Williamson would
simply interview coaches, student-
athletes, alumni, parents, high
school coaches and other witnesses
involved in the allegations.

But the magnitude of the job was

The three UK investigators
collected evidence by transcribing
tapes from personal interviews,
taking signed statements and taping
telephone conversations. When
personal interviews weren’t
necessary, the three conducted
phone interviews, sometimes jointly
over a speaker phone.

In situations where persons
refused to be interviewed, UK in-
formed the NCAA and Delaney
“persuaded“ the sources to talk.
The investigators collected literally
pounds of information, but the mid-
August deadline loomed too soon.




FEB 101977

University of Kentucky

University ofKentuclty
Lexington, Kentucky



UK's team . . . the president and his men

The University would have to
request an extension.

Singletary was angry at first when
his investigators said they needed
more time. The president, who has
always been devoted to UK
athletics, wanted an end to the
process that now occupied a great
deal of his time.

He had agonized over the

possibility that severe penalties
would be imposed, and he had given
a lot of thought to the appeal process
and the chances of success through
the courts if necessary.

It was Darsie's job to reasssure
the president. The two went over a
checklist of allegations Singletary
had compiled meticulously. The

Continued on page 3

Construction begins on Pralltown low-rent housing

Kernel Reporter

Construction has begun on 46
federally rent‘subsidized apart-
ments in Pralltown, which will be
available to low-income families
late this fall, according to Dennis
Carrigan, urban county housing

Thirty-six of the units are planned
one block west of the UK Commerce

Has spring sprung?

Building, off Prall Street between
Winnie and Congress Streets. The
other 10 will be built on a tract north
of Prall Street, between Limestone
and the Southern Railway line.
The Urban County Council ac-
cepted the proposal from Southcreek
Co. in March, 1976 for the million-
dollar project, with the design
following guidelines set by the US.
Department of Housing and Urban
Development (HUD), and the Urban

County Division of Housing Ser-

Sou thcreek purchased the two
tracts for $22,487 after approval by
the council at its Dec. 2 session, and
construction began soon after.

“The developers have one year to
complete cmstruction under the
contract. and despite the bad
weather, we expect completion by
late fall of this year,“ Carrigan said.

There will be eight one-bedroom,


—$teve Schiller

Maybe spring isn't here yet. but these students playing basketball on the courts on Euclid Avenue
are taking advantage of our brief weather relief.

19 twobedroom, 16 three-bedroom
and two four-bedroom apartments.
All will be unfurnished except for
stoves and refrigerators, according
to Dec Riggs of Central States
Management, which will manage
the complex after construction is

Riggs also said the two-story brick
buildings will be all-electric, with
central airconditioning and heating

Rent will be $208 for a one-
bedroom, $213 for a twobedroom.
$270 for a three-bedroom, and $327
for a four-bedroom apartment,
Riggs said. Utilities will be paid by
the residents.

The rent subsidy is provided
through the Housing and Com-
munity Development Act, under
HUD jurisdiction, passed by
Congress in 1974.

Section VIII of the act provides for
the rental subsidies and for
providing the developer with lower
interest rates to encourage con-
struction. .

To qualify for Section VIII funds, a
family’s income must be 80 per cent
or less of the median family income
for the Lexington area ($11,900).

Also, two “income limit" groups
are established for each size family.

In the “very low income" group,
families pay 15 per cent of their

incomes for rent, while “low in-
come“ families pay 25 per cent of
their incomes for rent, with HUD
paying the remainder of the rent.

HUD is committed to paying the
subsidy for 40 years in the Pralltown

Riggs added that the management
company will advertise for ap-
plicants about 60 days before con-
struction is completed. She pointed
out that the company intends to
screen applicants carefully.

Although there are no “family
size" or“income groups" quotas
that have to be filled, Riggs said
HUD guidelines limit the number

Continued on page 3

Zoning proposal would outlaw
sex, nudity in downtown area

Copy Editor

Take it off, take if all off—but
leave it on in downtown Lexington.

The Civic Center may have
already qualified Lexington for big-
city status, but if local officials have
their way, they won‘t enlarge these
qualifications by allowing vice and
corruption to invade downtown.

A proposed zoning change, af-
fecting most of downtown, would
prohibit all live entertainment in-
corporating nudity or simulated sex

The proposal is now awaiting
approval by the Lexington Flaming
Commission. A city ordinance,
allowing the commission to consider
the change, was approved by the
Urban County Council (UCC) in

May. If the planning commission
decides to approve the change, UCC
will have to vote final approval
before the change is implemented.

Frank Thompson. commission
director of planning services, said,
"There has been some objection to
the proposed change. Many
Lexington businessmen and Mayor
Foster Pettit feel the area we're
considering rezoning is too large and
some people feel you can‘t legislate

The commission held a public
hearing on the proposed change Jan.
27 and postponed action pending
further discussion. “We're hoping to
have something ready for the
council by Feb. 24," Thompson said.

Although Thompson said the main
purpose of the change is to prohibit
strippers and the like, it would also

keep any additional car dealerships
or newspapers from locating their
business in the area. Firms now
located downtown would be allowed
to continue operation under a “non-
conforming use" clause in the
zoning ordinance.

The proposed change would also
prohibit manufacturing, agriculture
sales, warehouses, drive-in
restaurants and truck terminals. In
addition, billboards and projecting
signs would have to be torn down in
the area within two years if the
change is approved.

Thompson said the ordinance is
fairly specific about the term nudity
and doesn‘t prohibit go—go dancers
wearing clothes. Stripping
establishments outside the proposed
zone change would not be affected
by the zoning ordinance.





Robert MacDonald, the state‘s chief labor
market analyst, said yesterday his staff began
monitoring the Kentucky employment situation on
a daily basis last week because of the energy crisis
and that the jobless rate peaked last Wednesday at
about 70,000. Currently there are about 45,000 to
46,000 persons out of work, he said.


Showers each night. clean shirts every day and
lush green lawns may become luxurious memories
for more than a million northern Califorians who
awoke yesterday to strict water rationing orders.
Directors of the East Bay Municipal Utility
District, which serves 1.1 million persons in

Oakland. imposed the new restrictions because a
twoycar drought has severely reduced reservoir

Lloyd McBride held the lead yesterday in the
United Steelworkers election, but the outcome
hinged on results from large locals where Edward
Sadlowski expects to do well. An unofficial survey
by the Associated Press gave McBride 215,868 to
Sadlowski‘s 135,579, with 3,103 of the union's 5,000
locals reporting.

Anthony 6. “Tony“ Klritsls appeared to calm
down yesterday as authorities considered granting
him immunity from prosecution for abducting
Richard 0. Hall, an lndianapolis mortgage
company executive. police said. “Of course, if it is
necessary to save a life and prew ..; anyone from
being injured, we will do it," said Prosecutor
James A. Kelley.


Spain reestablished diplomatic relations with
the Soviet Union yesterday, ending a nearly 40-year
ril't that began wihen Francisco Franco‘s rightists
Won the Spanish civil war

Queen .\Iia. the beautiful young third wife of King
Hussein. was killcd yesterday when the helicopter
carrying her on a mercy mission in southern Jor-
dan crashed during a rainstorm. Hussein told his
subjects, "God has chosen my beloved Alia to be by
llis side and she is not coming back.

Black students in the Soweto ghetto of
Johannesburg built bonfires of schoolbooks and
sang “We shall overcome" in demonstrations
yesterday against taking final examinations put ofl
since last year. Student militants, members of th

Soweto Students Representative Council, oppose
the exams because of arrested student leaders,
reformes in black education and other demands
made during last year‘s unrest have not been met.
The Council wants universal education for blacks
and whites.

The melting pot

Partly cloudy and warm today and tomorrow
with achance of rain Friday. The high today will be
in the upper 40‘s to lower 50‘s. The low tonight will
be in the low to mid 30‘s. The high Friday will
remain in the 50‘s.

Compiled from Associated Press
and National Weather Bureau reports







Editorials do not represent the opinions of the University

GM alum

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editorials 8: comments . 1mm...

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Huey Duly Jon Ken. Alo- m

editor. I». m. Jew-ah- “.1501 nut be met. utte-
.l.otun cunt «course I“ all eon-oat- sre MM tot.



The Kernel was deeply saddened recently to
learn of the death of a former staffer who con-
tributed a great deal to the University com-


Diane Naser, 24, was killed instantly during a
December automobile collision near her

Brandenburg, Ky. home.

Naser was well-known on campus for her in-
volvement in Student Government (SG) and

academic affairs.

She ran an unsuccessful campaign for the SG
presidency in April, 1973, losing by 190 votes to
Jim Flegle. Out of the field of six candidates,
Naser was the most experienced in SG affairs,
having been closely allied with the outgoing
administration of Scott Wendelsdorf.

Naser accumulated a long list of credits in the
academic arena—University senator, student
senator. Arts and Sciences (A&S) student ad-
visory committee chairwoman and voting
member on the A&S Faculty Council.
token student
representative, Naser was a key figure in the

Much more than just a

exciting, early-70’s movement

student power at UK. She worked for passage of
the Student Code and the Bachelor of General
Studies degree program and was corporation
vice president for Student Services, Inc., SG‘s
attempt at a student-run bookstore.

As an SG lobbyist during the 1972 state General

giving the student Board of Trustees member a
vote, the last piece of student-interest legislation
passed to date in Frankfort.

A journalism and political science major,

Mike Wines.

the 1973 SC

for increased

Assembly, Naser helped to push through the bill

Naser did some writing for the Kernel before
getting involved in a feud with 1971-73 editor,

Although the Kernel praised Naser’s vast
experience in an editorial written on the eve of

elections, it also said: “Her

militantly intransigient stands on campus
issues—women’s concerns, to name one—
indicate she lacks the patience to withstand the
pressures of the job."

Diane certame was known for vocalizing her
stands on women and student issues, but at the
same time she was criticized by some radicals
for her occasional willingness to compromise.

During her last year at UK (1974-75), Naser
retreated from her political activities to con-
centrate on graduation. During that time she
came back to the Kernel to do some reporting on
A&S reorganization hearings and the University
Senate. She also lent expertise to organizers of a
journalism student advisory committee.

Aside from Diane’s contributions in the
political sphere, friends can testify to the per-
sonal enrichment her humor and empathy
provided. She was a rare individual in an im-
portant era at UK.

- Nancy Daly

More on ways to control
drivers, walkers, bikers


While reading John Taylor‘s
commmentary on Thursday about
row to stop red-light runners in
l ”gton. I realized he had a good

. . give a waming (flip ’em the
ti. = 3 and if this doesn‘t work. move



toward more drastic measures (hit
3'321' Mr. Taylor‘s only problem
was that he didn‘t take his plan far

The second biggest problem that
arises while driving. especially
around campus. is pedestrian
traffic. It seems that every time you
get into }. our car an illegal
jaywalker will step in front of you.

Th is action may seem harmless to
the walker. but it is very annoying to
the driver in the car behind. I submit
we [iii the Taylor Plan into effect.

When someone walks out in front
of you. first give a waming-—toot the
horn and shoot them the bird. If this
doesn‘t help clear up the problem we


must take more drastic measures~
hit 'em.

When drivers start taking this
respmsibility to help with traffic
problems with pedestrian traffic will
soon leam where and when to walk.

Another big problem around
campus is parking. Many times we
drive into a “controlled“ lot only to
find it full of non-stickered cars.
Again, we should use the Taylor

First give warning (A non-
destructive but effective warning
would be to let the air out of one
tire). Although this might cause a
slight inconvenience to the driver of
illegally parked car. it really
wouldn’t cause any harm.

After flattening one tire leave a
note something to the effect of “This
is a warning, if caught using this lot
again, all four tires will be cut." If
the driver has any intelligence at all,
the message should get through.

If this doesn‘t help eliminate the
problem then we must take more
drastic measures: slash the tires.
This same idea should be used for
dirvers who insist on using up to
three spaces to park their precious

When establishment

Last Saturday the Courier-Journal
ran an interesting item about a
subject that seems to agitate fewer
and fewer people these days.

The item concerned some
statements made by the director of



the National Institute on Drug
Abuse. Robert L. DuPont, and the
subject was marijuana.




DuPont said that growing
marijuam for personal use should
no larger be labeled a crime.

Pointing out that the private use of
marijuana has been decriminalized
in some states, DuPont added point-
blank that “personal cultivation can
be considered the functional
equivalent of private use."

To my way of thinking, when
anyone with the fine old name of
DuPont expresses favoritism to the
idea of marijuana
decriminalization. it shows that the
so-called "establishment" view of
the drug has changed considerably
in the past few years.

DuPont's not the only one

Dqut and his institute are not
the only ones to have come out on
this side of the pot issue. Dr. Peter
G. Bourne. President Carter‘s
Special (‘ounsel on Drug Abuse
Matters. favors federal
decriminalization. The AMA, the

cars. People will soon learn how and
where they should park.

So far the Taylor Plan has only
been suggested for use by drivers.
This is not to say that nondrivers
don‘t have their rights too,
especially concerning bicylists.

The next time a bike runs up your
.back. put the Taylor Plan into effect.
First flip them the bird. If this
doesn't help, then take more drastic
measures. In remembrance of that
fine President. Teddy Roosevelt-
carry a big stick and use it.

Above are only three examples of
how the Taylor Plan could be used.
There are other circumstances
calling for the plan such as people
breaking into a ticket line in front of

Just remember, you must give a
fair waming but if it is to no avail,
get drastic. If we work together with
the Taylor Plan we can eliminate
many different types of problems
and make life more enjoyable for


This comment was submitted by
Rich Macemon. an Engineering


‘ \é- . i‘
- ‘i‘-\:':


-' .Tliomas Mast in Harper's Weekly, luv. 7. 1174

’Fresh’ GOP can rebuild


The Republican Party is now in
the doldrums. lt controls only about
one-third of the seats in Congress,
and one (parter of the gover-

It is clear that something must be
done to help the Grand Old Party: a
new evolution, not a rebirth, is

Right-wingers in the Republican
Party say Ford's defeat “proves"


commentary .


the party must be purified. They
argue that with a “true con-
servative“ arch as Reagan at the
head of the ticket last year would
have given the voters a more
distinctive choice. Nothing is more

The first thing all Republicans
should do is to reject the old out-
dated Reagan-Goldwater
philosophy. Only a small handful of
extreme conservatives control the
party. yet this small handful in-
timiihtes all in the party.

A large majority of Americans
could be classified as “moderate
conservatives," slightly right of
center. Extreme conservatism, such
as the Reagan-Goldwater brand,
does not have a large following.

It would be foolish to “purify" the
GOP as conservatives insist;
diverse elements within the party
can give it a broad appeal.
Republican candidates must be
moderate enough to be able to
capture the ever-increasing
registered lndependent's vote.

The image of the Republican
Party must be a positive one. In the
1976 convention platform, they
claimed to offer “alternatives” to

the Democratic platform.

Yet, these “alternatives” are
nothing more than “we are opposed
to" or “we are against." It is clear
some social programs are needed
for this country.

The Republicans could offer their
version of fiscally responsible
programs—not just saying that they
are opposed to Democratic plans.

The GOP must appeal to younger
voters. age 18 to 30, a most volatile
group. Programs must be con-
structed to help middle to lower

. class petple find jobs.

This would create a large

following for the Republicans, since

neither of the two major political
partits can find solutions to help
younger people educated with only a
high school diploma.

There is a conservative strain of
philosophy in this country that
Republicans could tap. Higher
prices a nd fewer national resources
are making people guard their
money more cautiously.

People have seen that the liberal
ideas of the 1960's, which resulted in
massive government spending, no
longer work.

Governor Hugh Carey of New
York, proclaimed as a liberal upon
his election in 1974, now preaches
austerity measures. Carey, a
Democrat, advocates balanced
budgets for the state, and limited
spending only within reasonable

Spending must be within means,
but essential social services should
not be sacrificed.

The Republican Party can make a
rebound in the future only if it
realizes its past mistakes and starts
to correct them.

The Democrats now have a
ma ja‘ity in the Congress and control

the White House. Naturally,
Republicans will soon make small
election gains. but it must follow up
on them.

The Republicans started their
change in selecting Senator Baker of
Tennessee as Senate Minority
Leader. An articulate and national
spokesman was chosen over a
legislative technician who would
have added no distinction to the

No longer do ethnic and religious
groups vote in monolithic blocs for
either party. The only groupto vote
as a bloc ”is the ’blacks for
Democratic ' candidates." The
Republican Party must show it can
sympathize and help the black
people and other minorities.

For future Presidential prospects,
Republicans should look beyond
Ford. Goldwater. Reagan, and
Connally. These men have served
their party well. but it is time to look
at the newer faces.

Nine freshmen Republican
Senators were elected in 1976. as
well as a number of new governors.
Most of these men are moderate.
and could give their party a new

The GOP now has a unique and
new opportunity. It has many fresh
faces. It is now free from the men
and theories who dominated it for
the past twenty years.

The era of Nixon and Watergate
are over. The Republicans can have
a new start-if they can reap benefits
from this new start remains to be
seen. The strong two party system
can endure only if both parties work
hard at it.



This comment was submitted by
Douglas Hoffman. a Political
Science freshman.

comes out for pot, times are changing

Army. and various organizations
composed of psychiatrists, lawyers
or other professionals have echoed
these decriminalization sentiments
during the past couple of years.

Even some police officiab have
said that marijuana use isn‘t harm-
ful, and their view is that the time
and money spent on catching and
prosecuting offenders would be
better used if expended in other
areas of crime that do more harm to
our society.

The fact remains. however, that
pot IS still illegal almost
everywhere; if you get caught with
even a little marijuana, you are
subject to criminal prosecution in 42

Some might argue that of-
f icialdom has begun to look the other
way on the enforcement of
marijuana laws because of the
recentenlightenment on the subject,

but this simply isn‘t true. Thousands
of peqile are still arrested, sent to
jail and made subject to stiff fines
for more possession.

latest reports are more accurate

There used to be good reason to
doubt official reports on marijuana.
Anyone who knows anything about
pot and has seen the l937 U. S.
government “educational" film.
”Reefer Madness.“ knows that.

However, the latest drug reports
contain much more accuracy.
During the past year or so, several
assessments of the effects of not only
pot but also amphetamines,
valiums. barbituates and LSD have
been made public. None of the
reports even resemble the pitiful
scaretreatise that “Reefer Madness
was. -

They are well—documented and

more importantly, objective. They
prove beyond a reasonable doubt
that the above-mentioned drugs.
with the exception of grass and LSD.
can cause extreme physiological
harm. (LSD does not alter your
chromosomal structure. contrary to
the old song and dance. The
“scientist" who originated that
theory has been decisively
disproved by other scientists.)
They also show that criminal
penalties for pot are useless.

How long will it take?

Despite this new-found overall
legitimacy of drug reports, there are
many marijuana users who will
have gone to jail and paid stiff fines
before the needed legislation is
passed and all this during a time
when even established figures are
saying that this is a useless


The proponent of decriminaliza-
tion (or legalization) of marijuana is
put in the curious position of sup
porting a social change that isn't
considered a “hard“ issuc~and this
means a loss of legitimacy on the
legislative front.

Regardless, the changes will
inevitably come. .and government
and leaders in this society have a
respmsibility to see that they do
before many more people are
penalized for wanting to get a good
buzz on.

I think it‘s up toJimmy Carter and
the Democratic Congress tolead the


Dick Downcy, irfhis second year as a
Kernel columnist. is fast approach-
ing graduation from the l'K law
school. "is column appears every



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Volunteers offer tax help

for bewildered students

KernelStatf Writer

Ste sits alone in the room
waiting to solve other
people’s problems. She’s the
Dear Abby of the income tax
form that has us all baffled
and confused this time of

Kathy Reed, tax assistance
committee chairperson of the
UK Clupter of Beta Alpha
Psi, a national accounting
fraternity, is offering her
advising services free of
charge to tax-confused
students. She is providing this
service until the April 15
deadline every Monday and
Wednesday from ll am. to 1
pm, and Tuesday from 6
pm. to 8 pm. in room 116 of
the Student Center.

Despite the government’s
attempts to simplify the
forms, Reed said she thought
they were more difficult to

Denying any “secrets” to
the mandatory filing, Reed
suggested students “just
follow the instructions, there
are no short-cuts.

”There are also no tax
breaks for students,” Reed
said. “A person must makea

lotd money and havealist of
itemized deductions like
medical expmses and in.
terest on mortgages or loans
paid to get any benefits.”

Since few students earn any
great amount of money
dur'mg a year most will be
filing federal form lose-A, a
short version that takes
approximately five minutes
to complete, Reed said. Non-
residents must file three
forms: a federal one, a
special Kentucky form and
one from their ow state.
Even students financially
dependent on their parents
can file an individual return,
Reed said.

Many foreign students who
have never filed a return
before seek help, Reed said.
Others who stop by may have
only one particular question.

A trusty piece of equip-
ment, a pocket calculator,
lays at Reed’s fingertips
because “sometimes students
have basic questions with
math, especially when they
end up with below-zero
amounts and worry that
they’ve done something

Although seeming well-

prepared with several
reference materials on hand,
Reed said she doesn’t claim
to have all the answers and
sometimes either must
research questions or refer
students elsewhere.

“We accept no liability or
respmsibility for our ser-
vice," said chapter president
Julie Gumper. “lt's strictly
on an advisory basis.”

Beta Alpha Psi is a non-
profit service organization
geared toward helping the
college community, Gumper
said “We compete nationally
for points which are allotted
for various categories. At the
end of the year those with the
most accumulated points
receive recognition or
meritorious awards.”

The tax counseling is of-
fered every spring semester
to help students and provide
experience for initiates into
the fraternity, Reed said.
After taking an accounting
course in income taxation,
the new members help when
it becomes busy, “usually
after spring break when those
who don‘t think about filing
now realize how close the
deadline really is,” she said.

UK 'team’ helps NCAA

Continued from page I
chartlisted allegations and 10
points detailing the stage of
the UK investigation—to
what degree charges had
been substantiated or

Singletary eventually
accepted the need for a delay
in the proceeding he wanted
so badly to complete. But he
warned stiffly there would be
no more extensions.

Lawson, Darsie and
Williamson began to collect
information at a feverish
pace. 'Ihree legal secretaries
were summoned to work long,
hard hours to bring to order a
mountain of evidence.

By Sept 1, most interviews
were completed and the
University had to prepare its
official response to the NCAA
charges. Lawson, the
evidence expert, did most of
the writing.

Singletary and Athletic
Director Cliff Hagan
carefully read the 1,000-page
respmse to allegations. Head
coaches Fran Curei and Joe
B. Hall were aware of its
contents as were some of

Singletary’s top ad-

On Sept. 28, Williamson and
Darsie loaded 20 copies of the
UK respmse on a dolly and
trucked it out of the Patterson
Office Tower and into the

mail, postmarked Shawnee
Mission, Kan.


Tommorrow‘s article travels
to Kansas (‘ity where the
NCAA investigation con-

Construction begins

Continued from page 1

of occupants from two people
in a onebedroom to eight
people in a four~bedroom

“This means one person

could not rent a two-bedroom
and then have a large family

move in with them, because it
would violate their lease."
Riggs said. »

She said that no priorities
for accepting applicants have
been established, but that
there probably will be some
as the applications are ad-

Kyian refund due

Those of you who are
wondering what will happen
to the money you paid for
subscriptions to the now-
defunct Kentuckian
Magazine will be happy to

learn that $3 of your money
will be refunded.

Student Publications Ad—
viser Nancy Green said

yesterday that arrangements

are being made to refund the
money before the end of the
semester, but final
procedures for distribution of
the refund must be made w