xt7hmg7fv494 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7hmg7fv494/data/mets.xml New Mexico Historical Records Survey United States. Work Projects Administration. Division of Professional and Service Projects National Archives (U.S.) Survey of Federal Archives (U.S.) New Mexico New Mexico Historical Records Survey United States. Work Projects Administration. Division of Professional and Service Projects National Archives (U.S.) Survey of Federal Archives (U.S.) 1940 34 l. 28 cm. UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Library Program libraries and the Federal Information Preservation Network. Call Number FW 4.14:F 317/ser.12/no.30 books English Albuquerque, N.M. This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. New Mexico Works Progress Administration Publications United States. Veterans Administration--Archives--Catalogs New Mexico--History--Sources--Catalogs Archives--New Mexico--Catalogs Pensions, Military--New Mexico Inventory of Federal Archives in the States. Series XII. Veterans Administration. No. 30. New Mexico, 1940 text Inventory of Federal Archives in the States. Series XII. Veterans Administration. No. 30. New Mexico, 1940 1940 1940 2020 true xt7hmg7fv494 section xt7hmg7fv494 INVENTORY OF FEDERAL ARCHIVES IN THE STATES SERIES XII VETERANS ADMINISTRATION NEW MEXICO No. 30 m: .2 III PUELICAI’IGW t' . A A A7 ‘ III I VIZ; H 1:3 I ‘1' f [\E II I UGI‘Z": I LIBRARIES SPONSOR UNIVERSITY OF NEW MEXICO . THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES CO-OPERATING SPONSOR THE NEW MEXICO HISTORICAL RECORDS SURVEY DO NOT DISCARD PRESERVATION INVENTORY OF FEDERAL ARCHIVES IN THE STATES Prepared by The Federal Archives Unit of the New Mexico Historical Records Survey Division of Professional and Service Projects Work Projects Administration University of New Mexico Sponsor The National Archives Cooperating Sponsor SERIES XII. VETERANS' ADI‘JTINISTRATION NO. 50. NEW MEXICO Albuquerque, New Mexico The New Mexico Historical Records Survey October 1940 ii The Historical Records Survey Program Philip M. Hamer, Assistant Director in charge of the Inventory of Federal'Archives Robert H. Slover, Regional Director Herbert O. Brayer, State Supervisor Research and Records Section Harvey E. Becknell, Director Robert H. Slover, Regional Supervisor Herman Daugherty, Chief, Research and Records, (New Mexico) Division of Professional and Service Projects Florence Kerr, Assistant Commissioner Vary H. Isham, Chief Regional Supervisor Isabel L. Eckles, State Director WORKS PROJECTS ADMINISTRATION F. C. Harrington, Commissioner R. L. Nicholson, Regional Director James J. Connelly, State Administrator iii PREFACE The Inventory of Federal Archives in the States is one of the products of the Survey of Federal Archives, which operated as a Nation—wide project of the work Progress Administration from January 1, 1956 to June 30, 1957, and has been continued since that date as a unit of the historical Records Survey, which also operated as a Hation~wide project of the works Progress Administration until September 1, 1959 when it was reorganized as a group of state projects of the work Projects Administration. The plan for the organization of the Inventory is as follows: Series I consists of reports on tie administration of the Survey, acknowledgments, and,genera1 discussions of the location, condition, and content of Federal Archives in the states. Succeeding series contain the detailed information secured by workers of the Survey, in inventory form, a separate series number bcine assigned to each of the executive deparnnents (except the Department of State) and other major units of the Federal Goveniment. Within each series No. l is a general introduction to the field organization and records of the governmental agency concerned; the succeeding numbers eon- tain the inventory proper, separate numbers being assigned to each state in alphabetical order. Thus, in each series, the inventory for Alabama is No. 2, that for Arizona No. 5, that for Arkansas No. h, etc. For a comr plete list of publications issued by the New Mexico Historical Records Survey, see page 5h. For each local office information regarding each series, or unit of related records, is presented in the following order: title, inclusive dates (”to date" indicating an open file at the time the information was secured), general description of informational content, description of the system of filing or indexing (if any), a statement of frequency and purpose of use, form of the record itself (bound volumes, sheets in folders, etc.), linear footage, description of the containers, physical condition of the records (not stated if satisfactory), location by room number or other identifying information, and finally, the number of the Form 588A on which this information was originally recorded by'a Survey worker and from which it was abstracted for the Inventory. This form is on file in the National Archives. In New Mexico the work of the original Survey was under the direction of Professor Lansing B. Bloom, Regional Director, with Major J. H. Toulouse 'as Assistant from its inception until the first of June 1937. At that time New Mexico was added to the territory under the supervision of Mr. Clifford M. Sublette, Director of the Survey of Federal Archives in Colorado and.Wyoming. Upon the tennination of the Federal Project on June 30, 1957, Mr. Sublettc, who became State Director of the Historical Records Survey in Colorado, remained in charge of the preparation of the Inventory of Federal Archives for New Mexico. A unit of the Historical Records Survey in New Mexico has Jeen engaged in field work on Federal Archives under the supervision of Dean George P. Hammond, Director, and his recent successor Herbert O. Brayer, State Supervisor. This Inventory of the Veterans Administration was prepared in the Preface state headquarters of the Historical ReCords Survey, at Albuquerque, under the direction of the State Supervisor. Editing was under the supervision of John %. Hover. Typing and stenciling was completed under the direction of Zenaida Clguin. This inventory was edited oefore publication by liss Elizabeth Edwards of the Washington office. All inquiries concerning the New Eewico Federal flrchives Inventories should be directed to Herbert G. Brayer, State Supervisor, Historical Records Survey, Pox 90, University of er Ferioo, Albuquerque, New Mexico. Herbert O. ?rayer State Supervisor New Yexico Historical Records Survey Albuquerque, UGW'Fexico October l9hO CONTENTS ALBUQUERQUE Veterans Administration Combined Facility...................... Adjudication Division........... ........................... Chief Attorney, Office of the..........v..g...p............. Finance Division..............9.9........................... Vanager, Office of the...................................... Contact Unit.............................n............... General Files............................................ Personnel Unit.....................c..................... Hedical Division.............................o.............. Chief Medical Officer.................................... Clinical Unit............................................ Dental Unit...........................q........o......... General Fedical and Surgical Ward........................ Occupational Therapy and Recreation Unit................. Out—Patient Unit......................................... Pharmacy................................................. Physio—therapy Unit.................:.......9...‘........ Receiving ward........................................... Tuberculosis ward........................................ X—Ray Laboratory......................................... Supply Division............................................. Transportation Unit...................................... Utility Division............................................ FORT BAYARD Veterans Administration Facility.........................n..... Finance Division............................................ Manager, Office of the.o.................................... Personnel Unit........................................... Medical Division............................................ Clinical Director, Office of the......................... Clinical Lacoratory........o............................. Clinical Records in storage.............................. Consultation Room Records................................ Dental Unit........................o..................... ward Nurses, Offices of the.............................. X—Ray UnitOOQIDOIIOOOQIIo-ooonloomout...¢ot|ou|octoo.onla Record Room.........................a....................... Supply Division............................................. Hcmwawm:mflt“.n.u.n.n.n.u.n.n.u.n.u.u.” Transportation Unit...........................n.......... Utility Division............................................ INDEXIOOIOOOOOIOOIDIOOCOQOOOICOCO-ICIIOOIIOIOIOCOnBOIIIOOIIOOIIIUI PIIBLICATION‘S.lonoohoclo'InooocoI...coco-chovo-OoII-oaoooo'coOIno-o Page «deoxoxoxoxoufiknknxn£TLT£T£T\N\N\Ntwin H H H 10 12 15 15 15 16 16 17 18 19 19 2O 21 21 35 2h 26 3h THE VETERANS ' ADM NI 8 TRATI ON mmunmmgg VETERANS' ADMINISTRATION COMBINED FACILITY A subdistrict office of the Veterans' Bureau was established in Albuquerque in 1921 or 1922. It became a regional office in 192h. On August 22, 1952 a newly built hospital of The Veterans' Administra— tion was opened and the regional office was combined with it. The Combined Facility is ideally located on the mesa at the base of the Sandia Hountains, five miles southeast of Albuquerque, New Mexico. Its records and files are in excellent order; no archival material is sent to washington, but from time to time authority is received from_Washington to destroy certain old and obsolete copies of case records, compensation claims, etc. Apparently there are no records at the Facility dated before 1952. Inactive records of the former regional office have been sent to the Veterans' Administration Supply Depot at Perry Point, Maryland. Stored there are forty linear feet of duplicate papers and rehabili- tation folders from the date of the filing of the first claim in Albuquerque to January 7, 1952; also sixteen linear feet of memorandum copies of vouchers, dated July l92h.to June 1950. For further in- formation about these records, see Series XII, The Veterans' Adminis— tration, No. 19, Maryland. ' Adjudication Division l. ADJUDICATION SERVICE FILES, 1952 to date. Service letters, administrative orders, correspondence with veterans, records of minors of veterans - both deceased and living; minors attending school and progress made; miscellaneous correspondence and data pertaining to adjudication matters. Filed chronologically. (Daily, official.) 8% x 11 folders, 5 ft., in 5 steel filing drawers. R. 155. (bio) Office of the Chief Attorney 2. ACTIVE INCOMPETENT CASES, 1952 to date. Correspondence relative to hunnmetent veterans, disposition of their estates, nane and authority of guardian; bond, surety, dependants, court rulings; financial reports of guardians. Filed by names of veterans. (Daily, official.) 8% x 11 folders, 5h ft., in 17 wooden filing drawers. R. Ina. (hoe) 5. CLOSED CASES, 1952 to date. Correspondence and miscellaneous data relative to cases of deceased incompetents, whose dependents are of age or have acquired estates by court order or the inheritance laws of New Mexico. Filed by names 0f veterans. (Rarely, official.) 8% x 11 folders, h ft., in h steel filing drawers. R. lhB. (hOL) h. MISCELLANEOUS CORRESPONDENCE, July 1959 to date. Central Office correspondence, service letters, circular letters, letters and telegrams Albuquerque Facility pertaining to deceased incompetents. Filed by subjects. (Daily, ofifigial.) 8% x 11 folders, 2 ft., in 1 steel filing drawer. R. 1&8. ( 05 Finance Division 5‘ VOUCFERS: 1932 to date. ‘TrflVel vouchers, miscellaneous purchases, miscellaneous expenses. Filed by subject. (Daily, official.) 8% x 11 folders, 10 ft., in 5 steel filing drawers. R. 155. (AGE) 6. MISCELLANEOUS RECORDS, 1932 to date. Correspondence, Comptroller General's decisions, Veterans Administration regulations, budget and accounting work sheets, contracts. Filed by subject. (Daily, official.) 8% x 11 folders, 22 ft., in 11 steel filing drawers. R. 155. (h09) 7. MISCELLANEOUS RECORDS, 1932 to date. Card record of miscellaneous fiscal transactions; salary record cards; current compensation and pension claims; special requests for meals and lodgings; receipts of collections made. Filed by subject. (Daily, official.) 5 x 8 cards, hh ft., in card cabinet and card table. R. 153. (AE7) Office of the Manager 8. CORRESPONDENCE AHD MISCELLANEOUS RECORDS, July 1958 to date. General correspondence, reports and miscellaneous records under the following subjects: Form Cl and 02, personnel reports; cancelled reports on personnel; resigned and discontinued personnel; annual physical examinations; veneral inspection reports; consolidated reports; occupational therapy reports and audit reports; patients' yearly reports; efficiency ratings; Civil Service Commission ratings; report of hourly wage paid; black list; increases in salary; U. S. Civil Service Commission forms; schedule of hours of duty; personnel correspondence; personal correspondence of manager; trays served to nurses and attendants; raw food costs; concessionaries; absentee reports and forms; Form PCB h, personnel reports; applications for positions; personal funds of patients; clinical clerk's memorandum reports; memorandums from division chiefs; special orders; station orders; memorandums from manager to division chiefs; general diet menus; field service receipts; schedule of collections; maintenance record reports; chief medical officer's memorandums; station memorandums; instructions to hospital attendants; sanitary.inspection; memorandums from chief guard; Veterans Administration service letters; comptroller's decisions; instruction letters; memorandum receipts; supplies; con— fidential efficiency reports; impoundment reports; correspondence re- garding investigations; gold report; dental clinic; memorandums from utility chief; Goddard Shackelford reports; list of cases taken up by service officers; Central Office supervisor reports; and letters on economy. Filed by subjects. (Daily, official.) 8% x ll folders, 10 ft., in 6 steel filing drawers. R. 167. (A21) Albuquerque Facility Contact Unit 9. MISCELLANEOUS, 1952 to date. A file of applications for claims; enrollment in Veterans CCC Camps; and bureau issues. Filed by subject. (Daily, official.) 8% x 11 folders, h ft., in 2 steel filing drawers. R. 162. (A20) General Files 10. MASTER INDEX, 1952 to date. 2 x h cards eonstituting a general index. Filed alphabetically by patients' names, case numbers and subjects. (Daily, official.) 570 ft. in steel filing cabinets. R. 25. (he) 11. LOCAL CLAIFB AFD HOSPITALIZATION, 1952 to date. Register of veterans confined to this hospital who have not been confined in another hospital. Gives case history, correspondence regarding admittance and release, perSOnal and physical history, diagnosis reports. 2 x A master card index, 570 ft. (Daily, official.) 8% x 11 folders, 252 ft., in 25 wooden transfer boxes. R. 25. (591) 12. COMPENSATION CLAIMS, 1952 to date. Copies of claims of veterans served by this hospital. Gives personal history, physical condition, type of illness or disability, clinical and Xkray reports, and corres- pondence pertaining to same. 2 x A master card index, 570 ft. (Daily, official.) 8% x 11 folders, 928 ft., in 116 steel and 28 wooden filing drawers. R. 25. (592) 15. "WILLIAM BEAUMONT" RECORDS, 1952 to date. Case histories of patients transferred to this hospital from.the William Beaumont Hospital, El Paso, Texas. Case histories, dia noses, type of disability, etc. 2 x A master card index, 370 ft. (Daily, official.) 8% x 12 folders, 12 ft., in 6 steel filing drawers. R. 25. (395) Personnel Unit 1h. LEAVE RECORDS, 1952 to date. A card record showing amount of annual and sick leave taken by all employees. Filed alphabetically. (Occasionally, official.) 5 x 8 cards, 5 ft., in 5 drawars of wood card cabinet. R. 167. (582) 15. PERSONNEL RECORDS, 1952 to date. Applications for positions and promotions; personal descriptions and histories; general personnel correspondence. Filed alphabetically by names of employees. (Daily, official.) 8% x 11 folders, 12 ft., in 6 steel filing cabinets. R. 167. (A22) 16. PERSONNEL, (QUARTERS, SUBSISTENCE AND LAUNDRY,) 1952 to date. Card record of payments of employees for board, room and laundry; amounts due (if any) from eac} employee. Filed by names of employees. (Periodically, official.) 5 x 8 cards, 2 ft. 10 in., in 2 drawer card cabinet. R. 167. (A26) Albuquerque Facility 17. SERVICE RECORD CARDS, 1932 to date. Card record containing information.